#3. Uthando
tubidy-africa · 3 months
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axailslink · 2 years
hey darling
Could you please write us a Shuri x reader my idea would be
There was a big festival in Wakanda everyone was there and when I say everyone then everyone shuri and the reader know each other since childhood but i mean she is the princess she probably doesn't remember the reader anymore but leser still has a crush on her The reader and his friends dance on stage in beautiful costumes When the reader takes a break backstage, Shuri suddenly comes and wants to talk to her (maybe for a date <3)
And love your storys <3
Festival Feels
Shuri Udaku x FEM reader
Part 1
Part 2
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Summary: You and Shuri are childhood friends who drifted apart with Shuri's new found responsibilities but she hasn't seen you since you both were kids now you both are grown...feelings are revealed dates are planned
The festival of stories is its name it's a festival in which you celebrate your protectors the black panther, the Dora Milaje and the tribes. Out of respect everyone comes each year. Although it seems like an obligation it's really all just good fun, food and laughs which is why you always decided to help every year. This year you have a bigger role though you're one of the performance dancers so you're currently struggling to get into your tights. It would maybe help if you weren't also trying to stare at Shuri the princess of your lovely nation but to you she's "Shuri the smart ass" the beautiful and bold Shuri who's also quite the smartass. Eventually you get into your tights and put the rest of your outfit on thankfully just in time because you're yanked up "ah foo!? What's wrong with you?" You snatch your arm from one of your dance mates "It's time we can't mess up this year Shuri came" you nod and get up following her leaving your shoes behind because you didn't need them for the performance.
Your performance is amazing your body moves with ease and you don't forget to smile as you dance and watch the crowd you notice Shuri catches your attention a few times just looking as beautiful as ever. Every time you glance at her she's watching you with intent but she's smiling and yelling while hyping you and the other dancers up. You have to be imagining this but you're sure she's watching you more than any other dancer which is true. Her eyes don't leave you throughout the whole dance. If you are being honest this makes you nervous her stare is so intense. It's making you warm in too many places if you do say so yourself.
When you're finally finished dancing you might as well run off stage to go take your seat back stage you couldn't stand to be on stage anymore. Her stare was demanding and wanting it was kind of attractive. The way she can pull you to her with only a look that's power and you've always respected power. You put your head down just breathe for a moment your heart is racing and your face is warm. Are you blushing? People of color don't blush do they? You're thoughts are interrupted when you feel a hand on your shoulder it's one of the other performers "uthando (love) are you alright?" You nod quickly it's not all too believable because of your current state you're bent over your desk breathing hard and you're so warm she can possibly see the heat radiating off of you. "Oh I'm fine" she nods and smiles "you did amazing we're going to go see the Dora Milaje you coming?" You shake your head no "I think I'll stay here I'm a bit all over the place currently" she sighs and rubs your shoulder before leaving. Leaving you with your racing thoughts what if the whole time she was looking at a dancer next to me? No she was definitely looking at me... Why though? Maybe she recognizes me and remembers me. That's sounds stupid if I recognized someone I wouldn't be eyeing them down as if I want them for dinner. Oh oh shit maybe she was eyeing you down for that exact reason. Your thoughts are once again interrupted when you feel a strong hand on your shoulder assuming it's the performer again you mumble "I said I was fine" but the voice completely catches you off guard it's soft like satin so easy to listen to "well I know you're fine" you turn your head so fast whiplash catches you you don't catch whiplash. "Princess" you sign your arms into a cross and she does the same "we're old friends you don't have to do that or call me princess." You nod as you realize that she's so much taller than you while she's standing so you awkwardly and slowly stand because if you were to stay down there her stare would eat you alive. She has such an intimidating stare but good Lord it's not doing it's job it's only making you hot.
Although her stare is deadly she's smiling warmly at you "you were amazing. You really showed how well...the Dora Milaje...uhm" she keeps pausing that's always a dead give away has been since she was a child she's nervous. You of course use this to your advantage "you're nervous do I make you nervous?" She smiles and chuckles a bit "is it that obvious?" You nod "you forget pri- Shuri we used to be close friends I know all your tells and how your mother caught you kissing your first girlfriend at a family function." She shushes you and laughs "you promised you'd take that to the grave!" Her laugh is like music to your ears you haven't heard it in so long but you could listen to it all day.
Her laughing ceases but the smile only widens "I didn't come back here to talk about old memories" and the nerves return to her and to you. You're gently tapping your bare for against the cool grass "then what did you come back here to talk about?" She smiles as she sees a smile slowly peaks into your face it's hard to notice but it's definitely there "we're adults now and mother wouldn't have anything to say as long as it's not at a family function." You laugh missing the point of her words until you slowly rethink them "are you asking me out Shuri Udaku of Wakanda?" She shrugs "if you're saying yes I am" you turn around and place your hand over your heart just to take a breather to calm yourself down. When you turn back around you don't hesitate as you grab her jaw and bring her down to your height to kiss her firmly but softly her hands roam as her body pushes you into the makeup table. "Shuri we shouldn't get too carried away" she smiles and kisses your neck "we won't."
"I think you already have get off my make up table girl yintoni engalunganga kuni nonke (what is wrong with you all) Bast's sake" you gently hop down and shake your head. "Sorry mother" Shuri's response makes you smile but queen mother looks at you both and shakes her head "go find a room if people see this it will be all they can talk about how indecent the princess is with her lovers" you turn your head "lovers?" She shakes her head no "no absolutely not mother is trying to be funny not lovers plural lover singular." You roll your eyes and look her up and down "right."
You two slowly walk past queen mother Shuri is nervous while you can't stop laughing "you're mother has been a cock block since we were teens" she finally laughs letting her nerves settle "well we're adults she can lecture us about indecency later" she kisses you and you smile into the kiss not caring who sees. "We should enjoy the festival first." You nod but you don't move away. "You're a heartbreaker you know that?" She cocks her head "when have I ever broken your heart?" You look at the ring she gave you when you were still but girls you never took it off even though now it only fits on your pinkie finger. "When you fake married me and left you should have married me for real" she laughs and kisses your cheek "give me a year tops trust I'll be looking for the right ring." Her hands intertwine with yours and you smile to yourself I hope the right ring is the one her mother owns.
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mansheb · 1 year
Babes Wodumo Opens up on Life as a Widow as 'Uthando Lodumo' Returns For Season 3
New Post has been published on https://www.celebgossip.co.za/celeb-gossip-news/40264-babes-wodumo-opens-up-on-life-as-a-widow-as-uthando-lodumo-returns-for-season-3.html
Babes Wodumo Opens up on Life as a Widow as 'Uthando Lodumo' Returns For Season 3
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Babes Wodumo, the renowned musician, recently opened up about her journey of grieving for her late husband, Mampintsha, and shared her excitement about the return of the reality show, Uthando Lodumo. The show provides an intimate look into the couple's lives, from their lobola negotiations to their extravagant wedding and the anticipation of their first […] Read more on Babes Wodumo Opens up on Life as a Widow as 'Uthando Lodumo' Returns For Season 3
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theficplug · 4 years
Next Lifetime l Erik Killmonger l
previous chapters : Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 part 4
erik killmonger x black reader
part 5 (18+)
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“I love you more than you’ll ever know, but because I love you. You know that we can’t stay like this. They’ll find you before nightfall.” you say Erik as he places kisses to your shoulder and wraps his arms around you tighter.
“2 days ago Shuri and Okoye saw you and they’re not just gonna let that go. Iridia and Tika are going to take you with them. Iridia’s dad has a few connections. They can hide you there until I can put an end to this. We both know there won’t be a 3rd chance, Daka, you know that.” you warn and run his fingers up and down your side to try and soothe you. 
“I don’t know if I can do that again. I’ve been without you long enough as it is.. But if that’s what it take. I’mma do it.” he says quietly like the words sit as heavy in his mouth like they do on his heart. 
“Well .. Hey. .. You know , you never really told me what you wanted for Christmas. It’ll technically be a few days afterwards but we make our own rules. I remember saying something about wanting to just go away for a bit. Me and you. After this is all over we can just go. Anywhere you wanna go. Maybe somewhere with snow and mountains and a view that just takes your breath away. Maybe Sweden? We’ll drink hot chocolate with extra marshmallows and bust our ass while trying to ski. We can find new art pieces and i’m not sure of how good the food is there but it’s worth a try. We can do it all. Our whole lives ahead of us.” you say, trying to fill the deafening sound of anxiety that hung in the air.
 “Sweden? I’ve never been there but my dad used to talk about going there when he was younger. My mama would say that she wants us to go visit the island though. She would always talk about beautiful growing up in Kapolei (hawaii) was. I don’t know why I thought you would say somewhere warm. But going somewhere cold gives me a chance to hold you closer. Kiss all over your lil frozen face. We can even put on all them lil cheesy Christmas songs you like. I bet Sweden aint never heard nobody drunk as hell off of hard apple cider singing Santa Clause Is A Black Man at the top of their lungs. But I don’t know about skiing bae. I’d like to keep my ankle bones intact.” N’Jadaka says laughing. 
You put your hand over your eyes before laughing until the point of tears at the fact that of all things he remembers that too. It was one Christmas Eve when he was off duty and back home. Things were different. You knew that things were different between the two of you. 
Your center was freshly opened and you had enough trauma shared between your story, the girls at your center, and Erik to need the relief of several drinks. You were holding onto Erik and singing All I Want For Christmas and soon as Santa Clause Is A Black Man came on you giggled and shook your head. Leave it up to your cousin Aaliyah. You were singing at the top of your lungs along with everyone else before holding a mistletoe over E’s head and leaning in . Before his lips could connect with yours you were heaving all of your lil elf shoes. That holiday part was...interesting.
The way that some of the girls who had accepted the invitation to the holiday party laughed when you walked in. You were branded as the cool auntie from then on. 
“I can’t believe you remember that. And the way I was still trying to be down to try anal that night and you just said to me “if you don’t drink this water and take your tired self to sleep”....You know I love you more than anything, right?” you reassure him while rolling onto his lap and swaying your hips down onto him.
“I do. Do you know that I love you more than anything. I mean I basically moved heaven and hell to come home to you.” he says to you before trailing his hands up from giving your cheeks a squeeze to your sides to take off your shirt.
You two hadn’t bothered with putting on much clothes after coming home and taking a warm bath to soothe your nerves. So there was nothing more than a blanket separating the two of you . 
“Don’t look at me like that.” you whisper to him . 
“What you mean?” N’Jadaka asks dipping his hands in between your legs rubbing at you softly and you lean down to capture his lips with yours. 
“Looking at me like this is the last you’re going to get to do this. I don’t like that…. This is only the beginning my love. So… give me something to hold me over until you come back. Or better yet, fuck me like you mean it.” you whisper against his lips 
“Why don’t you just come with me? We could go and start over.” he suggests
“Daka. You know that we can’t just leave. Things are different now. We have family. I have my girls. I don’t want to live on the run.” your words float in between moans as he begins to scissor his fingers in and out of you and softly massage you with the other while you lean back on your elbows.
“I promise. You’re gonna be alright this time. We’re gonna be just fine. You trust me?” 
He nods his head yes before rolling you over onto your stomach and moving your hips up at an angle so that he can dip into you slowly and then all at once. 
In the wee hours of the next morning you were standing in the kitchen with Iridia, N’Jadaka, and Tika. 
“We still don't really know the hows or the whys. But we don’t need to. You’re our girl and you know that we’d go to hell and back for you if you needed it. And Er- N’Jadaka we know that you may not remember a lot about us now but we got you too.” Tika explains and Iridia nods along while listening to her.
It all still didn’t make sense to all four of you but for some reason life decided to give him a second chance and you wanted to make sure that it was a good one. 
He had already told his parents that he would be back in a few days to a week and that he had finally been accepted that job abroad in Wales. 
Iri and Tika gave you some time to take alone as they watched you both from the door. 
N’Jadaka stood there eyeing you for a second seemingly unsure of the right words to say or what exactly to do. 
“See you later , alligator.” you say to him and watch his face break into the sunshine-y smile that was usually hidden under worry lines and pout on his lips in the past. 
He didn’t get all of his memory or what happened to him, yet but he remembered you and for now that was enough. 
“In a while crocodile.” he says before pulling you into his arms and in for a kiss. 
“Alright , alright. Lover boy , the sooner , the better.” Tika reminds you both and you nod before smoothing out his hoodie and sending him on his way before you changed your mind and left with them.
You paced around your home for days  trying to keep yourself busy. You cleaned. You went over plans to expand the housing projects. You even tried doing yoga and meditation to help soothe yourself. 
2 days later, the knock at your door came as no surprise. You were sitting at the small dining table slowly sipping on the cup of coffee to soothe your nerves. 
You look through the peephole to see Okoye, Shuri, 2 of the Dora Milaje, and T’Challa standing shoulder to shoulder while whispering amongst themselves. 
“The King himself. Tea or coffee?” you ask as you open the door and they storm in after Okoye.
“Where is he?” Okoye asks as two of the women shoves you back and out of the way with their spears slightly and you set your eyes from them to T’Challa with a raise of an eyebrow.
You accessed the situation and realized that it wouldn’t be wise for you to lose your composure now. 
While smoothing out your hair, you turn your attention to T’Challa. “This is still my home and I would ask that you’d hold the same level of respect that I would have for yours.” you warn and sit down at the kitchen table again , sipping slowly on your coffee. 
They rip through the home, checking every room for any sign of Erik, leaving nothing in their paths unchecked. 
You slide the other cup towards T’Challa and he sits at the table with you before asking Shuri and Okoye to relax.
He takes a look at the cerulean coffee mug and then back at you while tapping his fingers on the table. 
“If I were going to kill you T’Challa, I would’ve done it already. You fell asleep in my arms for months. I could’ve done it then.  Or have you forgotten me already? Seems like you have been keeping tabs on me. You found me in two days.” you start the uneasy conversation off slowly.
You and T’Challa dated for some time when you met while working on a similar project in the area. E hadn’t told you everything at that point about Wakanda and what happened so you had virtually no idea who T’Challa was. Your relationship with Erik was on the rocks when he left for the army and he was already seeing someone else so you thought that it’d be alright to move forward with yours as well. 
After dating for a few months, you and T’Challa both decided that with your conflicting schedules and different life paths that it wouldn’t work out between the two of you and you both decided to end things on good terms. Looking back on it you thought the problem was distance and where you both stood in life, but now you’d say the world is a lot smaller than you thought. You never connected the dots until it was too late. Your heart still belonged to N’Jadaka but T’Challa still had a soft spot for you. He also knew more about you in that short time than a lot of people did. 
He chuckles softly and accepts the cup of coffee. He sips the warm drink slowly while eyeing you. The silent conversation spoke loudly as his eyes never left yours. 
“How’ve you been?” you ask him cautiously trying to see where the conversation is going to go.
“Uthando (love), I thought that you would’ve outgrown him by now. You know that he’s a prisoner of Wakanda and is a threat to society. Where is he, hmm?” T’Challa questions in that calming tone that he has always had. The honey-tongued, brown eyed devil could talk a starving bear into not attacking. 
“I love him, T. I couldn’t have ever outgrown him. I have loved him since we were children and I know he’s not a perfect man. He’s made some horrible choices. Ones that he could never take back. I can’t explain what happened. I don’t even have the words for it to try and explain it to myself. All I can say is that he’s home with me now and we’re trying to build something. He’s not trying to harm anyone.” you plead before leaning up and grabbing his hands in yours gently.
“That’s bullshit. He sure as hell wanted to harm the last time we met.” Shuri retorts from her position by the window. 
Okoye tenses up and steps forward while quickly looking from T’Challa to you and back to him. 
He nods at her before giving her a small smile and a quiet “it’s alright”. She reluctantly huffs and stands back with her arms crossed. 
“And would you have executed your father for the blood he has on his hands. Because his body count is sitting at 2. One for N’Jobu, his brother and one for N’Jadaka , his nephew. Your father was a murderer. His hands were not clean. ” your voice wavers as you try to get her to see things from your perspective.
Shuri let’s out a  loud scoff and then a defeated sigh as she stands near the kitchen window and tries to wrap her head around the words leaving your mouth.
“I didn’t mean to upset you. . . I apologize. I’m saying we can sit here and talk about good and bad. The innocent and the evil all night. But at the end of the day we all exist in the grey. We can all just hope that we leave this world better than we found it. T’Challa, Shuri, you can set it right. You can give him the life that he was robbed of. Could you imagine being a confused little boy trying to comfort your father as he took his last breaths? You were allowed to look at your father as a hero, a leader, and you were comforted by hot chocolate at night when you couldn’t sleep and the dreams of one day becoming The Great Black Panther. He had nothing.Wakanda failed him once. I’m asking that you please don’t fail him again. ” you explain while looking him in the eyes. 
“He had you… I know you and I know your heart. But I also know Killmonger-” he says before you cut him off.
“YOUR COUSIN. COUSIN. FAMILY. YOUR OWN BLOOD.” you raise your voice as you sit the baby pink mug down and back away from the table.
You take a moment to gather yourself as you turn away from the 3 Wakandans. 
“My father did what he had to do.” T’Challa says setting her gaze on you and then back to Okoye whose jaw is clenched so tightly you thought that she’d burst a vein. 
“And now so will you. Your father was a coward and his policies were bullshit. But you have the power to do something about it. Shuri, what would you do if it were T’Challa in those shoes. N’Jadaka isn’t perfect. I know that he has done some shameful things. But if you were in his shoes. What would you have done? Wakanda failed him and all I’m asking is for you to set it right. Let us live our lives in peace. You’ll never have to hear a single thing from us again. For fucks sake T. You know that I did what I had to do. When we first met. How did really  meet me? Frantic in a diner … After I had just emptied the clip into a father on behalf of a girl that showed up at my center’s doorstep looking like a piece of her soul had been stolen from her that night. We do not exist in the black or white. A lot of us are floating in the grey. I’m not asking you to play God and absolve him of his “sins”. I’m asking you to find some humanity.” You garner and wipe at the tears falling freely on your cheeks  and look to all 3 of the faces staring back at you. 
Okoye and the other 2 Doras look at you wide eyed before turning their heads to wipe a lone tear from their own eyes. 
You drop your arms as T’Challa steps closer and asks for permission to hug you. He embraces you for a moment before grabbing your hands and kissing them gently. 
“I will have to confirm this with the council. He reports back to Wakanda every 3 times a year to show the progress he has made. We want to know that he’s doing something with this … second life. . . And I will be expecting an invite to the wedding from you. You have my word." He promises and you nod before hugging him back fully and squeezing him gently. 
"But you ca-" Shuri says and T'Challa turns to her and shakes his head. 
He lets go of you to walk over and comfort Shuri .
"We can't carry the sins of our father. This has to end with us." He reasons and she nods. 
Okoye steps in and walks over to you to get her last message across. "If he does not abide by the promises and plans that you have made… Then, you know that I will not hesitate." She warns as she stands with you eye to eye. 
You bare your teeth and square your shoulders as you narrow your gaze. "For him, well, you know neither will I. You have a good day Miss Okoye." You end the conversation and turn to walk towards the door and usher them out. 
You lean up to kiss T'Challa's cheek before whispering to him to not be a stranger this time. You even offer to have him and Nakia over for dinner whenever the tension doesn't run so high. 
You quickly make it inside of your apartment and drop your shoulders before letting out a small sob. It was a wash of relief and a fleet of happy tears. N'Jadaka was finally able to start over and start over with you.  
"Holy shit-"
(tag list :  @doublesidedscoobysnacks @chaneajoyyy @mirandkimy​ @doitforthevine67 @dasia21 @depressionandfandomsinc @sinfully-dope @ambitionwood @heybriheyyy @wholelotta-melanin @theesotericqueen @mbakuwife @spookys-girl @teardropzih @bigchoose @ceo-of-baby @sweetpeachjones @lost-ssoull @love17us @beautifullmelodyxx​ @ghostfacekill-monger​ @shyblackgurl​ )
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sarahboseman · 6 years
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
@syreanne @royallyprincesslilly @captiansaveasmut  @sisterwifeudaku @wakandanmoonchild @tchallaswife @kumkaniudaku @airis-paris14 @ashanti-notthesinger @zforzathura @90sinspiredgirl @wakandanblogger @wakandawinning @heyauntieeee @simplyyamberr @brownsugarcocoabutterwildflowers @skysynclair19 @angieswonderfulworld @ljstraightnochaser @mermaidchansons @qweentbh @zxddy-panther @stressedgyal @bubbleboss17 @ovohanna24 @autumn242 @starsshines-blog @wakandankings @blue-ishx @yaachtynoboat711 @texasbama @maverickabull @leahnicole1219 @fireboltrose7559 @savagemickey03 @jecourt @deliciousstreetkidcroissant @inlovewith3@marvelheaux @delreyfenty @mixedmelanin @theunsweetenedtruth @fineapplepuff @crazycags @lildashofmelanin @cetouna @blackbypurpose @builtalongthewayside @chaneajoyyy @steampunkprincess147  @lildashofmelanin @cetouna @blackbypurpose @builtalongthewayside @maynardqueen101 @theesotericqueen @scrumptiouslytenaciouscrusade @misswakanda2018 @peppermintvanillaa @pilot-jones04 @blublubleu @mosaicpieces 
I'm sorry for taking so long !!! I was collecting some ideas! I hope you like it, and if it’s so reblog it and remember that the taglist is open, let me know if you want to be tagged. LOVE U 💕💕💕
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"Everything will be fine, I promise you Mnandi"
These are the last words T'Challa told you a few hours ago after you said "Yes", but you don’t feel very quiet, you're not sure everything will be all right, you can feel it … These feelings starting from the mouth of your stomach. These sensations are never pleasant, they don’t lead to anything good.
And this is also why you work alongside the King, for your extreme sensibility. He’s always trusted these your feelings, even his Father, and unfortunately they’ve never been wrong. Sometimes King T'Chaka, just for joking, called Ngomenzi (Witch) ... Even your grandmother did it and sometimes it was worrying.
You said “Yes” to the King, you said “Yes” to his request "Marry me, be my wife". 
You agreed to be his wife, but you two never even dating, no official courting, no hot date, no experience, no kisses before a few weeks ago, no love making until yesterday night ... nothing ... but you said “Yes". 
You look at yourself in the mirror of the luxurious bathroom in his bedroom, you'd come in often, but you never entered his bathroom.  You're a bit tired, you didn’t sleep much, you can notice it from the dark circles under your big brown eyes, your face without a veil of makeup, loose and tangled hair, your aching legs, muscles and joints that seem to creak. 
Making love with someone has never been so ... tiring, exhausting … even if the term is not properly correct, it’s not what you would use. Its etymology implies meanings like heavy, hard to bear, uncomfortable, annoying, challenging ... but making love with T'Challa was not one of these adjectives. It was tiring in its narrower meaning "that requires a physical effort", but at the same time it contained adjectives related to its opposite "satisfying, beautiful, passionate, exciting, natural, spontaneous" and you could go on for hours with your list to describe the night just spent with him.
You look at the light signs on your hips, the signs of kisses on your neck, on your shoulders and on your breasts and smile shyly at your reflection.
The beautiful meaningful ring that T'Challa gave you is on your finger, but not the right one, it's too wide "I'll have it fixed by Shuri tomorrow morning, but keep it here for now" It's his Father's ring, the one he always wears, the one he never takes off. "T'Challa, I can’t accept it, please, it’s too important for you” 
You told him last night when he slipped it off his finger and gently approached putting it in yours.
His expression was sweet, adoring. He had almost completely stripped you, you had remained almost naked before him and helpless before his gestures.
"I want you to take it, after all it will always be with me, because you will be by my side” ….
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"Y/N ..."
His sleepy, hoarse voice distracts you from your memories and thoughts, you look away from your reflection to look in the direction of his voice calling you.
"I knew you were so beautiful even without clothes ... I'm a lucky King. U fe zekile (you’re perfect) "
He tells you while he’s watching you walk, still naked, the space between the bathroom and his king size bed. You resting your head on his shoulder, in the hollow of his neck, as you slide your hand through the thin hairs of his chest … It's your new favorite hobby, you adore doing it. You snuggle up against his body, under the sheets while he hugs you and you inhale his scent ... He smells of musk, smells of fruit, smells of all those things you adore, smells of men, smells of sex, smells of you. His unmistakable scent you’ve always recognized even among people, even if you don’t have the acute senses of the Black Panther. But you've always had T'Challa under your skin, you've had him in a long time and these little things have never escaped you.
“What is worrying you Y/N, tell me, I feel you're nervous, you didn’t sleep at all”
He asks you holding you even stronger against him. You feel his strong arm slipping right at the end of your back doing some pressure, while the other hand slides along your back up to your shoulders until it gets to your neck and plays with your hair right under the nape.
His head slipped into the crook of your neck, you can hear him breathing and giving you light kisses by sliding his plump lips against your delicate skin.
"Well, you didn’t give me much choice Panther …" you reply to your lover biting softly the skin of his shoulder and then nipping the skin under his jaw causing him a moan.
"Mmmmm I know ... but I don’t think you complained about it Inkonti (Kitten)”
You look up at the sound of that nickname he had never used before, certainly too intimate to use in front of others. Instead you’re used to joking about his role, having a lot of fun embarrassing him, especially when he messes up during some missions with new gear made by his sister. Not in front of strangers of course, but in front of his sister and some Dora Milaje is fun. And he’s at the game.
"No, actually I'm not complaining at all, it was beautiful, very rewarding”
You bite his bottom lip, sliding your hand on his chest, squeezing, his skin his warm and despite all his strength it seems so delicate that you can hear his heartbeat speeds up at your touch. 
He likes these intimate contacts, he loves you like this, he always wanted to have you like this, as his woman, as his Queen. Keeping you closer to him looking into your eyes feeling your hands on his body. 
"And you haven’t tried anything yet. Now you're mine ... "
“I’m not yet actually Wam Kumkani (my king)"
"Officially not, but you’re mine with your heart. I’m yours with my heart … with my heart, body and soul”
You melt at those sweetly whispered words, you clasp to his warm and perfect body, passing your arms behind his back, rubbing against his dark, warm skin, twisting your legs to his, feel his muscles contract trying to tie you up. 
Your knee is wedged between his strong thighs and your feet twisted. His hand runs up and down the upper part of your leg that you rub against his, his hand tightens the grip to rest your thigh on his side to feel you again in that intimate way.
The sun has not yet risen on the City, everything is quiet outside, only the chirping of nocturnal birds can be perceived by the large semi-open window. You can perfectly hear his whisper.
"I want you once again before starting this hellish day" the King sighs in your ear causing a moan to reverberate of his voice.
"Do you want me too?" He asks you in the same way
You let your hand slips down his back and in free fall over his ass, you can feel him moving and pushing towards you
"Of course I want you"
He traps your lips in his and kisses you gently, but before the kiss intensifies you take advantage of his low guard to switch the position, finding yourself on top of him.
“Bad move Mnandi … It’s not fair”
"Everything is worth in love and war"
“Mka (Fuck) … you feel so good"
With your hands resting on his chest to not lose your balance, you rotate your pelvis against his to create friction, you don’t need to turn him on, because you feel all his erect manhood already rubbing against you. With your hand you reach your middles, where your private parts meet and you start to tease, by sliding your hand up and down along his entire length, moistening it resting it against your wet pussy.
"I like that Y/N”
"I like that too"
"Do you want to ride me, don’t you?” he asks you in a confident tone
"Mmm mmm"
"This is a part of you I’ve always thought about. I like it, I like to know you take the initiative"
"Shhhh be quiet now, let me work"
"You just told the King to shut up, you know?"
"No, I just told my husband to shut up"
“Mka, Sithandwa Sam ... show me how you love and work your husband then”
With your hand you guide him inside you, slowly, by tapping his tip on your clit before sliding it completely inside of you.
At that intimate connection, you both groan with pleasure, he clasps your hips while beating his head against the pillow, closing his eyes and opening his mouth in ecstasy, and you press your hands on his chest as you slowly sit completely on him, slowly, feeling inch after inch, felling him disappear inside you.
“Uthando, you're so damn tight"
"And you're so damn big”
“You fit me so well, you're made for me, senziwe ngomnye nomnye (we’re made for each other)”
You stay still for a few seconds, you're still sore from the night just passed, you need to settle down a little bit before moving and take your rhythm.
"Are you okay Y/N?" 
"Sure, give me me just ... a few seconds"
He feels your small movements, he feels your walls contract against him
“You know this could be enough for me to come undone … it feels sooo…”
You start moving slowly with sinuous movements and get it in and out of you
"I was kidding, this is much better …. Awwww don’t stop, keep going riding me like this”
You didn't think to be so uninhibited, after all it's the first time you make love together, it's the first intimacy you have, but It's like you've always been his, as if he knew every part of you, as if he knew where to put his hands, how to touch you, how to push, what angle to take. What to tell you, how to talk to you, how to turn you on, how to get you to come.
He's powerful, he's strong, but at the same time sweet and sensitive to what you feel. He was in charge all night, he was the one who pulled the reins of the game, he pleasured you, worried about you, after all he's a leader of his own Country and leaders are hardly subjected to private life.
But right now he's giving you all the control, he's under your guide, helpless, you could do anything with him.
You keep moving bouncing on him, you remove your hands from his chest to be able to swing better and caress your body, squeezing your own breast, tilting your head behind letting you go to lust. His hands are everywhere, mainly on your hips to follow your movements, you feel his pelvis coming towards you and his knees are now bent to allow him greater fidelity in his movements.
You arch your back putting your hands on his knees while continuing to move, from that angle he sees everything and you can see his gaze fixed on the point where you’re connected and you feel that he’s close to his orgasm, just as you are.
"You're close Y/N I can feel it, come if you need it, I'm right behind you"
He gets up to look at you by leaning on his elbows, extends a hand on your breasts and slowly goes down to massage your clit with two fingers, you’re out of your mind, you’re moaning and calling his name in all the languages ​​you know.
"Yes, yes …Bast… I’m coming too sweetheart, can I come inside of you?"
"Yes… come inside of me, kuhlala apho (stay there)”
At your approval you feel him vibrating and coming undone spilling all of him inside you, he moans calling your name, then he lifts his back completely to hold you and kiss you. 
You’re sweat and warm. 
He relaxes his legs holding you, hugging you as he whispers sweet words in Xhosa into your ear.
You let yourself be lulled by his breaths enjoying the last few hours of sleep, before having to leave his room secretely, at least until the moment T'Challa decides how and when to drop the bomb.
"You can find me in my office, as usual ... be careful, don’t be too impulsive, ndiyacela T’Challa (please)”
“Don’t worry Uthando, I'm the King after all, remember?” He nods, smiling and kissing you for the last time as you leave his room greeting with a “Mholo” (good morning) the two Dora Milaje guarding his room, they greet you back with a very pleased smile.
It's still very early, the sun has just risen and in the corridors of the Palace there’s still no one, everything is silent, and you're happy because you wouldn’t know what explanation to use, still wearing the same dress of the party and with that messing look.
It's almost 5 PM, you've hardly left your office for almost the whole day, you've been immersed in your paperwork and you've been carrying on with your work for almost a week. You wanted to keep yourself busy and avoid all of them, but despite this, you didn’t hesitate to check your emails, your Kimoyo beads, your PDA several times to see if T'Challa were looking for you. 
He too has disappeared almost the whole day, and this doesn’t calm you at all, your sixth sense anxiety keeps on growing until someone knock at your door breaking the silence in which you had taken refuge all day.
Three strong knock at the door.
3 knocks that make you jump.
"Yes, come in, it’s open"
"Miss Y/L/N The King and all the Council want to see it in the Throne Room"
I'm sorry for taking so long !!! I was collecting some ideas! I hope you like it, and if it’s so reblog it and remember that the taglist is open, let me know if you want to be tagged. LOVE U 💕💕💕
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saviourfinn · 7 years
Black Panther rec list
The people asked and the people shall receive! Here is an extensive rec list of fics centering the black characters of Black Panther, and free of incest, p*dophilia and antiblackness. (I tried to make sure that all the fics and authors listed aren’t offensive, but if i accidentally recced an offensive fic or a fic written by a terrible person, please let me know so that i can fix it).
The fics are sorted by main pairings, and the last category is for fics centering around familial relationships and character study. The list includes around 40 works, so I put most of it under a “read more” to not clutter your dash. Thank you to those who helped me make this list! I hope everyone enjoys it.
The King and M’Baku by tehtarik : M’Baku/T’Challa, rated T, 4889 words, complete. [M’Baku fishes T’challa out of the river.]
moonstone by jesspava : M’Baku/T’Challa, Nakia/Okoye, 3221 words, complete. [Shuri is intent on proving that T’Challa and M’Baku are together.]
i fight you, i fight myself by rivieraviews : M’Baku/T’Challa, rated G, 1845 words, complete. [M’Baku thinks about his father, and about his role as the leader of the Jabari.]
cat and mouse by tennou : M’Baku/T’Challa, rated M, 3024 words, complete. [M’Baku tries to take a self-care day despite T’Challa’s unannounced visit.]
Heartmates by Lazarth : M’Baku/T’Challa, Nakia & T’Challa, rated T, 3 chapters released so far. [T’Challa and M’Baku are soulmates.]
Fire on the Mountain by atama : M’Baku/T’Challa, rated T, 1 chapter out of 12 released so far. [M’Baku and T’Challa have known each other since their teenage years.]
Erik Killmonger/Sam Wilson
in oakland, by hupsoonheng : Erik Killmonger/Sam Wilson, rated T, 11312 words, complete. [Sam and Erik meet when they’re teenagers dealing with the difficulties of life.]
Black Butterfly by TheLadyKing : Erik Killmonger/Sam Wilson, rated M, 3 chapters released so far. [Sam meets Erik after his break-up with Riley.]
Lost & Found by MoonIsNeverAlone : Erik Killmonger/Sam Wilson, rated T, 4 chapters released so far. [Erik is given a second chance.]
Erik Killmonger/W’Kabi
Tearing at the Seams by dreamkiller : Erik Killmonger/W’Kabi, rated G, 1726 words, complete. [Erik is intrigued by W’Kabi.]
Erik Killmonger/M’Baku
this life (all I know) by jjjat3am : Erik Killmonger/M’Baku, rated T, 6006 words, complete. [After surviving his fight with T’Challa, Erik is taken in by the Jabari.]
Crushed by reyisobel : Nakia/T’Challa, rated G, 1590 words, complete. [A young T’challa tries to woo Nakia, to the amusement of a librarian.]
Nakia/T’Challa Tumblr Prompts by MadMoostard : Nakia/T’Challa, rated G, 3 chapters released so far.
What is burned down in fear and anger by YourPalYourBuddy : Nakia/T’Challa, T’Challa & Shuri, rated G, 1234 words, complete. [T’Challa hopes the Heart-shaped Herbs will regrow.]
show me that i’ll never fly alone by YourPalYourBuddy : Nakia/T’Challa, rated T, a series of 2 works so far. [Nakia and T’Challa after the events of the movie.]
Wakanda Sun by DangersUntoldHardshipsUnnumbered : Nakia/Okoye, rated M, 1006 words, complete. [Nakia wakes up in Okoye’s bed.]
Peanut Soup and Fufu by DangersUntoldHardshipsUnnumbered : Nakia/Okoye, rated T, 1028 words, complete. [Okoye is a very good cook.]
Sun Drunk by ifwallscouldspeak : Okoye/Valkyrie, rated T, 1 chapter released so far. [Wakanda debates opening their borders to a few Asgardian refugees.]
hold together by riskbreakered : Okoye/M’Baku, rated G, 1008 words, complete. [Okoye ponders over the recent events.]
seasons by PunkHazard : Okoye & W’Kabi, rated T, 500 words, complete. [Okoye thinks while W’Kabi is assisting a rhinoceros in labor.]
gold by blackholenipples : MJ/Shuri, 1385 words, complete. [Soulmates have matching colourful scars. Shuri is tired of waiting.]
Take a Break by RandomAuthor : MJ/Shuri, rated T, 338 words, complete. [MJ wants her girlfriend to take a break.]
Shuri/Riri Williams
Anomalous by miilky : Shuri/Riri Williams, rated G, 1328 words, complete. [Shuri teaches at the Wakanda Information and Science Outreach Program in Oakland.]
Family Feels
More Than Necessity by lirin : Shuri & T’Challa, rated G, 2622 words, complete. [Shuri finds 5 good reasons to invent something.]
Vibranium Heart by lirin : Shuri & T’Chaka, rated G, 3512 words, complete. [Across six birthdays, Shuri learns many things, including that her father loves her very much.]
5 Times T’Challa Didn’t Listen to Shuri by Quillium : Shuri & T’Challa, rated G, 2 chapters out of 6 released so far.
Recompensation by miilky : T’Challa, Shuri, rated G, 2828 words, complete. [T’Challa visits Erik’s daughter.]
uthando lukabawo by miilky : Erik Killmonger & Luna Lafayette, rated G, 9126 words, complete. [Erik and his daughter throughout the years.]
umoya by poalimal : Erik Killmonger & T’Challa, Nakia/T’Challa, rated G, 4137 words, complete. [They put him in the water, they try to send him home - but the spirit of N'Jadaka will not leave them.]
buried alive by twoif : T’Challa & M’Baku, T’Challa & Shuri, rated G, 3655 words, complete. [T’Challa carries Erik once more.]
Three-Thirty AM Snack by imbeccacile : Shuri & T’Challa, rated G, 1837 words, complete. [Both Shuri and T’Challa can’t sleep.]
capsize by aqhrodites : Shuri & T’Challa, Shuri & Ramonda, Shuri/Female character, rated G, 1619 words, complete. [Shuri wants to go on a date. Her mom makes it difficult.]
in the cave by MerryReport : a series of 2 works so far, rated G. [T’Chaka brings Erik back to Wakanda where he becomes a ward of the Jabari.]
at the expense of the death of a bachelor by queenofthestarrrs : Nakia & Okoye & T’Challa, Nakia/T’Challa, rated G, 1498 words, complete. [T’Challa buries and mourns Erik.]
vengeance has consumed you by orangeink : Erik Killmonger & T’Challa, rated T, 1069 words, complete. [The last act of the movie through Erik’s point of view.]
Reclamation by silverlined : Erik Killmonger & T’Challa, rated G, 537 words, complete. [After his death, Erik is stuck in his childhood apartment.]
Papaoutai by some_where : Shuri & T’Chaka, Shuri & Ramonda, rated G, 1613 words, complete. [Shuri learns about her father’s death.]
Shuri didn’t mean to save the world by Ellabee15 : rated G, 5 chapters released so far. [One shots about Shuri’s black girl magic.]
Erik’s Harlem Home by TheLadyKing : Erik Killmonger/Reader, a series of 7 works so far, rated from G to E depending on the works. [Reader is Erik’s girlfriend and they have 3 kids together.]
927 notes · View notes
thedjmusic · 2 years
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Defected Fresh House Friday 2022-04-16
DOWNLOAD: https://thedjmusic.com/music/defected_fresh_house_friday_2022_04_160
DATA CREATED: 2022-04-17 TOTAL: 53 GENRE: House, Tech House, Afro House, Jackin House, Deep House, Soulful House, Funky House, Organic House / Downtempo,  Progressive House, Nu Disco / Disco,  Melodic House & Techno
1,"&ME, Rampa, Adam Port, Keinemusik, Starving Yet Full - Paris (Chloé Caillet Remix).mp3"
2,"Tinashe, Channel Tres - HMU for a Good Time.mp3"
3,"Spiller, Sophie Ellis-Bextor, Harvey Sutherland - Groovejet (If This Ain't Love) [feat. Sophie Ellis-Bextor] - Harvey Sutherland Remix.mp3"
4,"Jack Back - Feeling.mp3"
5,"Benny T - Abednico's Song - Extended Mix.mp3"
6,"The Shapeshifters, Joss Stone - Bring On The Rain (feat. Joss Stone) - 7" Version.mp3"
7,"Spencer Parker - Kiss.mp3"
8,"Steve Bug, Mr. V - Back To '95.mp3"
9,"John Summit - La Danza.mp3"
10,"Make A Dance - I Need Somebody.mp3"
11,"Crackazat - Beacon of Light - Maritime Dub.mp3"
12,"Jitwam - Brooklyn Ballers.mp3"
13,"Donae'o, Terri Walker - Good Mood (feat. Terri Walker).mp3"
14,"Diplo, Melé, Busta Rhymes - Right 2 Left (feat. Busta Rhymes).mp3"
15,"Benny T - Voices From The Dark Forest.mp3"
16,"Kiko Navarro, DJ Fudge, Hannah Khemoh - What You Love (feat. Hannah Khemoh).mp3"
17,"Oyobi, Karen Lee Andrews - Make Me Believe In You (feat. Karen Lee Andrews).mp3"
18,"Seth Troxler, Jaden Thompson - Talking Walls - Dub.mp3"
19,"Dirty Channels, Debbie Jacobs - Let Love In - Vocal Mix.mp3"
20,"WhoMadeWho, Black Coffee - Silence & Secrets - Black Coffee Remix.mp3"
21,"Deetron - Come On Back.mp3"
22,"youANDme, Kristina Sheli - Moment.mp3"
23,"Biscits - The Judge.mp3"
24,"DJOKO - Lost In Time.mp3"
25,"OVEOUS, Don Kamares - Legacy.mp3"
26,"Soul Saver - Another Day.mp3"
27,"Eli Escobar - FindAWay2Day.mp3"
28,"Payfone - Day & Night.mp3"
29,"Rocco Rodamaal, Osunlade - Tbt3 (Osunlade Remix).mp3"
30,"Darius Syrossian, George Smeddles - Back In The Dance.mp3"
31,"David Morales, Georgia Cee - UTHANDO - DIRIDIM Mix.mp3"
32,"The Sunburst Band, Dave Lee, Dam Swindle - Garden of Love - Dam Swindle Remix.mp3"
33,"DJ Koze, Sophia Kennedy, &ME - Drone Me Up, Flashy - &ME Remix.mp3"
34,"Jamie 3:26, Jurgen Bouman - Live My Life - Extended Mix.mp3"
35,"Sophie Lloyd, Pauline Taylor - Angels By My Side (feat. Pauline Taylor) - 7" Version.mp3"
36,"Daniel Steinberg - Free Love.mp3"
37,"Kerri Chandler - This and That.mp3"
38,"DJ Tomer, Ricardo, Nomvula SA - To Our Fathers (feat. Nomvula SA).mp3"
39,"Low Steppa, Saison - Dig Deep.mp3"
40,"Cinthie - Organ (DJ-Kicks) (Edit).mp3"
41,"Peggy Gou, Maurice Fulton - I Go - Maurice Fulton Remix.mp3"
42,"Channel Tres - Acid in My Blood.mp3"
43,"Beyond Chicago - Party.mp3"
44,"Felipe Gordon - Superimposition.mp3"
45,"Mark Hawkins - Let's Go.mp3"
46,"&ME, Rampa, Adam Port, Keinemusik, Ali Love, Laolu - Confusion - Laolu Remix.mp3"
47,"Jamie 3:26 - Feelin' It - Extended Mix.mp3"
48,"J. Worra, Taylor Moody - Lose My Mind (feat. Taylor Moody).mp3"
49,"David Morales, Michelle Perera, Philly - Life Is a Song - Philly Mix Instrumental.mp3"
50,"Supershy, Tom Misch - Happy Music.mp3"
51,"Jonas Blue - Siento.mp3"
52,"S.A.M., Sarah Ikumu - Spotlight (feat. Sarah Ikumu).mp3"
53,"Mystic Bill - Body Moves - House Stepper's Mix.mp3"
0 notes
meujwaraworld · 3 years
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Filthy Rich is my new obsession! I am limiting myself to 1 Episode per day. So I end up watching 3-4 episodes of The Bold Type in-between. I wonder why @showmaxonline doesn't have Diepcity, the current season of Uthando nesthembu, Isencane lengane, Umkhokha... I love watching local shows but there is a limited offering. Loadshedding makes it difficult to keep up with all these shows, some of us enjoy the flexibility of downloading episodes to watch during blackouts. Anyway, Filthy Rich is a bit blasphemous but addictive nonetheless. I love it. https://www.instagram.com/p/CV-FB8jqlPt/?utm_medium=tumblr
0 notes
masterblaq · 3 years
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Track list for yesterday’s @kunyerecords Live Stream You can watch the Stream again on YouTube: https://youtu.be/z9-GnRv1G0g #Kunye #Afro @zakesbantwini 1. Zakes Bantwini - Girl in the Mirror ft SKYE WANDA 2. Zakes Bantwini - Amanga ft Nana Atta (Dacapo Remix) 3. De Mthuda - John Wick ft Sir Thrill (Ocean's 4 Remix unauthorised) 5. Karyendasoul - Untitled 6. &Lez - Monkeys 7. OCEAN'S 4 - Amadolo 8. Drega - Amafu ft Nana Atta 9. Busta 929 X Mpura - Msebenzi Wethu (Ocean's 4 Remix unauthorised) 10. Zakes Bantwini X Kasango - OSAMA 11. Karyendasoul X Zakes Bantwini - Mali ft Nana Atta 12. Drega - Gandia 13. Karyendasoul - Waka @thandidraai 1. Cee Alassad & Thandi Draai _ Lomhlaba 2. Thandi Draai & Candy man _ Out of Afrika 3. Blaqrythm _ In The Jungle 4. OxygenBuntu & Tick Tock_ Zulu kaMalandela 5. Vanco & BlackMotion ft Xelimpilo_ Memeza 6. Questo & The Josh ft Sis Porsche _ Survive ( Candyman remix) 7. Enzodasoul & Vintage Deep _ Nakuru 8. Afro Swanky ft Lizwi _KingDom (Silvva Remix) 9. Shimza & Argento Dust _ All Allone 10. Dj Angelo & Da Mike_ Way Out 11. Thandi Draai _Jika (Dj Clock Remix) @darquecity 01. Darque - Zebula 02. Tekniq feat. Suka - Bale 03. Kgzoo - Ipilisi 04. Atmos Blaq - Te Amo 05. Mj Cole - Waking Up (Da Capo’s Touch) 06. Benny T - Vengeance Of The God’s 07. Mushroom Boyz - Ancestral Ceremony 08. Kgzoo - Inshonalanga 09. Kabza De Small, Maphorisa, King Deetoy feat. Mhaw Keys - Maruru 10. Black Coffee feat. Mondli Ngcobo - Ilala (Sun El Bootleg) 11. Darque feat. Zakes Bantwini - Uthando (Live) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSytaE-jEQA/?utm_medium=tumblr
0 notes
thuba-lami · 4 years
The beauty of UTHANDO is that it exists in all forms. It looks like nothing, yet somehow looks like everything. It’s why there is tales of it no matter where you look in history. Oh, you know that love exists. When the smell and the calmness of a rain, soothes and electrifies the spirit all at once. You know there’s something magical There. There is love within you and all around you. You feel it, don’t you?
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I came across this quote a few weeks ago and it spoke to me, "Our own perceptions of other people cloud our view of the relationship," I know you felt that too. A lack of vulnerability in a past relationship can lead you to put up unnecessary or artificial boundaries in your current one. While sex is obviously a fun and important part of a relationship, if you've previously felt used for sex by past partners, sometimes it can get in the way of intimacy in future relationships. But focusing too much on sex to try to keep a partner interested can be an insecure foundation for a relationship. Regardless of whether you're closed off from hurt or fear, it's important to work on this issue. "The more comfortable you become with yourself, the easier it is to share your full self with another.
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Again, vulnerability is a badge of honor, so don't guard your heart too much. Being honest with your partner about some of your hangups can help plant the seed for emotional intimacy, while making you feel more comfortable opening up. If you have an emotionally mature partner though. Don't make the same mistake I almost made, catching feelings before you are sure about the next person's emotional capacity. And please don't overlook the 'age thing', they make look and sound mature but that doesn't mean they are. Even considering a relationship with a woman that's been through what I have and is not shy to talk about it, that is not for the weak and emotionally immature. Another major issue that affects any new relationship I try to form is, people's habits of picking fights, making assumptions, and overstepping boundaries. It's healthier to come forward and ask what you want to ask. It's healthier to admit that someone is not for you then to force situations and waste time. Assumptions and hearsay will get you tossing and turning at midnight while the other person is sleeping right through the night.
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I do believe that love exists, just that finding a person that is compatible is the difficult part. Almost everybody is not a hundred percent honest with who they are and that makes it hard to connect naturally with people. Sex you can get anytime, inticimacy too you can almost get at any time but it's the chemistry that can't be forged. I promise you once you accept yourself with your flaws, you will have no room for fairness in your life. I want you to take a few minutes of your time and listen to this EP by one of my best friend's of over 8 years. I call him "DR LOVE" because of his ability to take you on a love train down YOUR memory lane. With this EP titled ISITIMELA SOTHANDO you will be taken on a journey of love in different forms. From love relationships to friendships and even self love, each song takes you on a different journey. This coming December DD Moll will release ISITIMELA SOTHANDO DELUXE where 3 more tracks will be added to the current track list. Kindly find attached below all the information on where and/or how to get hold of DD Moll and the ISITIMELA SOTHANDO EP download link.
Feel free to give your honest feedback on the comment section below or via e-mail. Whichever your are comfortable with is fine by me.
0 notes
record-super-chart · 7 years
VA - Afro House Ibiza Chart, Vol. 3 (2018) MP3
Genre: House, Tech House, Deep House Tracks: 25 Format: MP3 Size: 401 MB Tracklist: 01. Jose Del Amor - Hey You Want [00:06:18] 02. Museri - Uthando lwami (Radio Edit) [00:04:26] 03. Tommy Boccuto - Your Baby Live [00:06:47] 04. Bobby Breezy - Shoulder Roller [00:07:24] 05. EuniqueDJ - Africa (Main Mix) [00:06:46] 06. Q Narongwate - Show To [00:05:32] 07. Caprivian - Dance of the Tribes [00:07:35] 08. James Silk - Gettin Hot [00:06:50] 09. Claude-9 Morupisi - I Belong to You [00:08:19] 10. Physi... Читать дальше »
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sarahboseman · 6 years
T’Challa x Reader
Warning: None, I know I promised some smut after the first two chapters, but I needed time ❤❤❤ Hope you like it anyway
Word Count: 1540
Taglist: @greenswishbish @royallyprincesslilly @captiansaveasmut @sisterwifeudaku @wakandanmoonchild @tchallaswife @kumkaniudaku @airis-paris14 @ashanti-notthesinger @brianabreeze @zforzathura @90sinspiredgirl @imgabbyrae @wakandanblogger @wakandawinning @heyauntieeee @brownsugarcocoabutterwildflowers @sarahboseman @skysynclair19 @angieswonderfulworld @ljstraightnochaser @mermaidchansons @qweentbh @zxddy-panther @stressedgyal @ashanti-notthesinger 
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At his words you cant’ help but hold your breath and wince, you don’t do it on purpose, it's an involuntary gesture.
Your hand is resting on his shoulder and you don't even notice that you’re holding the grip, he holds your hand and with small movements of the thumb he caresses your palm. His beautiful and perfect face is still a few inches from you, so close that you can breathe his breath.
"What do you mean with … “I don’t want anyone to disturb us tonight?” you say to him looking at his lips. He smiles and replies "Well ... it could mean many things … telling the truth ... I can’t deny that the thought of making love with you, jumps my head every time I meet your eyes lately "
You can’t deny having the same thought, perhaps, since always ...
You smile shyly, biting your lip and looking down
“Don't be shy, I know you're not. Come with me, let’s go, this stair is getting a little too crowded …"
You don’t understand what he means with "crowded". Because it’s as if around you there was no one, as if you two were inside a big air’s bubble. But as soon as you move your gaze from him, you see, at the bottom of the stairs: Shuri, Okoye and the Queen Mother who look at you with a smirk that seems to say “Finally!!!!!…”
You widen your eyes, feel the embarrassment spreads completely and instinctively you hide your gaze.
"Shit ... and now??!!” You say to him in a low voice to not make you hear.
"Now come with me"
"I'm without shoes"
"Better ... let's go to the garden, I want to show you something" he says, amused, raising his eyebrows, sure that what you'll see you'll like.
You're still in shock enough for just hearing from his lips that he wants to make love to you and then be discovered by his family ...
Hand in hand you follow him down the stairs overpassing the three women who still look at you smiling, and then straight through the long central corridor leading out of the gardens. 
Wonderful palace gardens … you would spend hours looking at them and walking around. But your work unfortunately doesn’t leave you the time. And when you have time, you have to rest.
As soon as you come out, you can smell the thousands flowers inebriating your senses
"Come, this way"
"T'Challa your mother will get very very very angry if she realizes that we’re walking on the grass!! ... please, I already believe being in trouble ..."
"Naah, don’t worry Entle, come on" he once again holds out his hand and pulls you behind him.
Outside the gardens, beyond the palace, a long walk in total darkness almost in the middle of the jungle .... but you're not worried, you're with him.
"T'Challa where are you taking me?… just pray that my dress won’t be ru — ..." You don’t have time to finish talking that what you’ve got in front of you takes your breath away.
In front of a cliff there is nothing but the sky in front of you.
Everything is completely blue and purple, dark blue and deep purple, beautiful shades of mixing colors and billions of bright stars that illuminate as much as needed. They seem to move from how much they shine. 
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You can’t see all this from your room and from the city where you lived before starting your job some time ago.
A sense of nostalgia sets upon you and you feel tears moisten your eyes.
You feel his strong big hands hugging you from behind and his chin resting on your head.
"Some time ago I heard a conversation you were having with my sister. You told her about when you were a child and your father took you secretly at night to look at the stars. You told Shuri you missed so much those stars and here, in the lights of the city, you couldn’t see them so well. Indeed from that area of the Palace you can’t see the sky in this way"
"T'Challa is ... is .... wonderful. Thanks” It's all you can say for the emotion, while a tear drops from your face to the memory of your father and your childhood.
“You’re welcome Uthando"
"Sometimes, at night, when I can’t sleep, I go out and walk ... and a few days ago I arrived here by chance, I looked at all this and I felt alone. Immediately you came to my mind, I missed you, even though you were in your room at the Palace.  I wanted to share it with you. I want to share everything with you"
You sigh at those words, close your eyes, as a sign of resignation. You feel him hold you closer against him and then let go taking your hand.
"Come, sit next to me" he says, you nod drying your tears and smiling.
The grass is fresh and soft and the feeling is very pleasant, you sit next to him crossing your legs, slightly raising you long dress ‘cause too tight to allow that movement. You discover your bare legs and thighs.
“Y/N … remember that I can see very well in the dark ..." he tells you in a low voice, staring at your legs.
"I know, I'm perfectly aware of it ..." you tell him with a bit of boldness avoiding his gaze, looking straight in front of you and above you.
You hear him giggle "I knew you weren’t the shy girl you pretend to be"
"I am shy T'Challa"
"Yes yes ... of course … of course”
"Thanks for bringing me here, it's beautiful, really. Actually I don’t know how you remembered that conversation, but it's the best gift you could give me. Even if it's your birthday and the gift should be for you"
He says nothing, he only stretches his hand on your leg and caresses you. His touch is light, shy, warm, soft. Intimate … because before now he had never touch you beneath your waist.
"T'Challa ..."
"Forgive me ... too risky" he suddenly withdraws his hand
"No, that's not for this, actually your caress was very pleasant ..."
"So what's up dear?"
"What's up????!!! ... the Council T'Challa ... you know that they would never approve of anything like that. The Elders would make your assignment very difficult and I don’t want to be the cause of this. And besides, talking more selfishly, I don’t want to always meet you secretly. It's not what I want for me, for you, for us ... if ever there's an Us "
"Of course there is an us ... you know that I’m not a man who speaks only to achieve goals. When I speak it's because I feel"
"I know, I'm sorry, it's just that this whole situation makes me feel very nervous and I don’t know how to behave"
"I know ... as I know we’’ill have problems with the Council … I’ll have problems with them, not you”
"What do you mean?" You look at him, perplexed.
He lies down on his back looking at the stars above you saying: "I want to live you in the light of the sun, I want to live like a normal man. Do you think it's okay for me to kiss you secretly when everyone leaves, when the rooms are empty, or in some hidden corner of the Palace? Looking at you from a distance, looking for your gaze hoping that no one will see me? "
"No, I don’t think it's easy, I never thought T’Challa, but there are rules to be respected. You are bound by laws older than you and me … Unfortunately”
“I will change the laws if necessary”
You laugh, it's inevitable. An almost hysterical laugh ... nervous “T’Challa … You can’t be serious. I'm not so important”
"Look at me Y/N"
You turn your back to look him in the eye. With his hand he makes you a sign to reach him and with the palm of his hand he taps on his chest making you a sign to lay your head there.
You lie down and lean your head on him. He hugs you tight, caresses your back, you hold him tight too and you lose yourself in that embrace.
You raise your face to meet his, he’s already looking at you, and reach his lips that were already looking for you. You stroke his face, his beard, his chin, resting his hand on his chest.
Without interrupting the kiss you untie the first buttons of his black shirt and put a hand inside to caress his skin. 
You loose all the shirt in order to deepen your caresses. 
You can feel his muscles moving under your touch. His hands on your arm, your waist and your back pull you against him.
Around you the nothingness, the night, the stars and the sounds of nature, you hear in the distance the roar of the water and a very light wind moves the leaves of the trees behind you.
You continue to kiss and touch, remove your lips only to take a breath.
He sighed loudly with his eyes closed, letting out all the air in his lungs.
"Marry me ... be my wife Y/N"
Hope you like it girls, let me know if you want to be tagged in the next ones! 
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Indlela… (3)
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Empilweni Yami uqobo, Ngihlala Ngizimisele ngokunikela uqobo lwami kuNkulunkulu ngokuphelele, ngomzimba nangomqondo. Ngale ndlela, akukho okusoleka kunembeza Wami futhi Ngingakwazi ukuthola ukuthula okuncane. Umuntu ophokophele phambili empilweni kumele aqale anikele ngenhliziyo yakhe kuNkulunkulu ngokugcwele. Lokhu kuwumbandela omiswe ngaphambilini. Ngingathanda ukuthi abafowethu nodadewethu bakhuleke Nami kuNkulunkulu: "O Nkulunkulu! Sengathi uMoya Wakho osezulwini ungehlisela umusa phezu kwabantu emhlabeni ukuze inhliziyo Yami iphendukele Kuwe ngokugcwele, ukuze uMoya Wami unyakaziswe Nguwe, futhi Ngikwazi ukubona ubuhle Bakho enhliziyweni Yami, ukuze labo abasemhlabeni babusiseke ngokubonu ubuhle Bakho. Nkulunkulu! Sengathi uMoya Wakho ungaphinda unyakaze emimoyeni yethu ukuze uthando lwethu lube ngolwengunaphakade futhi lungashintshi nhlobo!" Okwenziwa uNkulunkulu kithi sonke ukuqala ahlole izinhliziyo zethu, futhi uma sidedela izinhliziyo zethu Kuye, yilapho-ke Eqala ukunyakaza emimoyeni yethu. Ubuhle, ukuphakama kanye nobukhulu bukaNkulunkulu bungabonakala ngomoya kuphela. Le indlela kaMoya Oyingcwele kubantu. Ingabe unalolu hlobo lwempilo? Uke wabhekana nempilo kaMoya Oyingcwele? Ingabe umoya wakho uke wanyakaziswa uNkulunkulu? Ingabe uke wawubona umsebenzi kaMoya Oyingcwele ebantwini? Ingabe uyinikele ngokugcwele inhliziyo yakho kuNkulunkulu? Uma unikela ngenhliziyo yakho ngokugcwele kuNkulunkulu, uyakwazi ukubhekana ngqo nempilo kaMoya Oyingcwele, futhi umsebenzi Wakhe ungakwazi ukuqhubeka nokudalulwa kuwe. Ngaleso sikhathi, ungaba umuntu osetshenziswa uMoya Oyingcwele. Ingabe uzimisele ngokuba yilolu hlobo lomuntu? Ngokukhumbula Kwami, ngenkathi nginyakaziwa uMoya Oyingcwele futhi Ngaqala ukunikela ngenhliziyo Yami kuNkulunkulu, Ngawa phambi Kwakhe Ngakhala: "O Nkulunkulu! Nguwe ovule amehlo Ami ukuze ngiqonde insindiso Yakho. Ngizimisele ngokunikela ngenhliziyo Yami Kuwe ngokugcwele, futhi engikucelayo Mina nje ukuthi intando Yakho yenziwe. Engikufisayo nje ukuthi inhliziyo Yami igunyazwe Nguwe ebukhoneni Bakho, nokwenza intando Yakho." Lowo mkhuleko Angisoze ngawukhohlwa; Ngangithinteke kakhulu, futhi ngakhihla isililo phambi kukaNkulunkulu. Lowo kwaba umkhuleko wami wokuqala owaphumelela ebukhoneni bukaNkulunkulu owasindisa, futhi kwaba yilokho okwalangazelelwa Yimi kuqala. Ngangivame ukunyakaziswa uMoya Oyingcwele emuva kwalokho. Ingabe uke wabhekana nesimo esinje? Umoya Oyingcwele usebenze kanjani kuwe? Ngicabanga ukuthi bonke abantu abafuna ukuthanda uNkulunkulu bayabhekana nezimo ezinje, ngamazinga amakhulu kakhulu noma amancane, kodwa abantu bayakhohlwa yizo. Uma umuntu othile ethi akakabhekani nalesi simo, lokho kuwubufakazi bokuthi abakasindiswa futhi basangaphansi kombuso kaSathane. Umsebenzi kaMoya Oyingcwele uqhubeka phakathi kwabo bonke abantu abasendleleni kaMoya Oyingcwele, futhi kuphinde kube yindlela yomuntu okholelwa nofuna uNkulunkulu. Isigaba sokuqala somsebenzi kaMoya Oyingcwele awenza kubantu yilowo wokuhambisa imimoya. Emuva kwalokho, bazoqala ukuthanda uNkulunkulu futhi balandele ukuphila; bonke labo abakule ndlela baphakathi komzila kaMoya Oyingcwele. Akusikho lokhu kuphela okuyimininingwane enhlobonhlobo yemisebenzi kaNkulunkulu ezweni laseChina, kodwa ngokomhlaba obanzi uwonke. Lokhu ukwenza kuso sonke isintu. Uma umuntu engakaze anyakaziswe nakanye, lokhu kuveza ukuthi bangaphandle komzila wensindiso. Ngikhuluma kuNkulunkulu Ngingaphezi enhliziyweni Yami ukuthi Anyakazise bonke abantu, ukuthi wonke umuntu ongaphansi kwelanga anganyakaziswa Nguye futhi ahambe kule ndlela. Mhlawumbe lokhu kuyisicelwana esingelutho engisicela kuNkulunkulu, kodwa Ngikholwa ukuthi Uzokwenza lokhu. Ngethemba ukuthi bonke abafowethu nodadewethu bazokukhulekela lokhu, ukuthi intando kaNkulunkulu ingenziwa, nokuthi umsebenzi Wakhe ungase uphele ngokushesha ukuze uMoya Wakhe osezulwini ukwazi ukuphumula. Lokhu kuyithemba Lami elincane.
Ngikholwa ukuthi njengoba uNkulunkulu ekwazi ukuqhuba umsebenzi Wakhe edolobheni lamadimoni, nakanjani Angakwazi ukuqhuba umsebenzi Wakhe emadolobheni angebaleke agcwele amadimoni emhlabeni jikelele. Labo phakathi kwethu benkathi yokugcina impela bazolibona usuku lwenkazimulo kaNkulunkulu. Lokhu kubizwa ngokuthi "ukulandela kuze kube sekupheleni kuzokuholela ensindisweni." Akekho ongathatha indawo kaNkulunkulu kulesi sigaba somsebenzi Wakhe—uNkulunkulu Uqobo kuphela ongakwenza. Lokhu kudalwa ukuthi kwedlulele; kuyisigaba somsebenzi wokunqoba, futhi abantu ngeke bakwazi ukunqoba abanye abantu. Amazwi omlomo kaNkulunkulu kuphela kanye nezinto azenza Yena ngqo ezinganqoba isintu. Emhlabeni uwonke, uNkulunkulu usebenzisa izwe likadrako omkhulu obomvu njengenkundla yokuzwa amanzi ngobhokwe. Emuva kalokhu, Uzoqala lo msebenzi kuyo yonke enye indawo. Lokho kuchaza ukuthi uNkulunkulu Uzokwenza umsebenzi omkhulu kakhulu emhlabeni uwonke, futhi bonke abantu basemhlabeni uwonke bazokwamukeliswa umsebenzi kaNkulunkulu wokunqoba. Abantu bayo yonke inkolo kanye nalo lonke ihlelo kumele bamukele lesi sigaba somsebenzi. Le indlela okumele ilandelwe—akekho umuntu ongayibalekela. Ingabe uzimisele ngokwamukela lokhu uNkulunkulu akuthembe ngakho? Ngihlala ngibona ukuthi ukwamukela into othenjwe ngayo uMoya Oyingcwele kuyinto emangalisayo. Indlela engibona ngayo, lokhu kungukwethenjwa okukhulukazi uNkulunkulu akubeka izandleni zesintu. Ngethemba ukuthi Ngizoba nabafowethu nodadewethu abasebenza kanzima ngokuhambisana Nami futhi bamukele lokhu kuNkulunkulu, ukuze uNkulunkulu akwazi ukudunyiswa emhlabeni uwonke, futhi izimpilo zethu ngeke zibe yize leze. Kumele senzele uNkulunkulu okuthile, noma kumele senze isifungo. Uma umuntu ekholelwa kuNkulunkulu kodwa engenakho akulandelelayo, impilo yakhe iba yize, futhi uma sekufika isikhathi sokuthi afe, ukwazi ukubheka isibhakabhaka esiluhlaza kanye nomhlaba ogcwele izintuli kuphela. Ingabe lokho yimpilo ebalulekile? Uma ungakwazi ukufeza izidingo zikaNkulunkulu ngenkathi usaphila, ngeke kube yinto enhle leyo? Kungani uhlala ufuna inkinga, nokubukelwa phansi? Ngaleyo ndlela ingabe ikhona into oyithola kuNkulunkulu? Futhi ingabe ikhona into etholwa uNkulunkulu kuwe? Esethembisweni engisenze noNkulunkulu, ngivele ngimunike inhliziyo Yami futhi angimukhohlisi ngamazwi Ami. Ngeke ngize ngiyenze into enjalo—engizimisele ngakho ukududuza uNkulunkulu,engimuthanda ngenhliziyo Yami, kuphela, ukuze uMoya Wakhe osezulwini ukwazi ukududuzeka. Inhliziyo kungenzeka ibaluleke kodwa uthando lubaluleke kakhulu. Ngizimisele ngokunikela ngothando olubalulekile olusenhliziyweni Yami kuNkulunkulu ukuze lokho okuthokozelwa Nguye kube yinto enhle kakhulu enginayo, ukuze Agcwaliswe ngothando engimunika lona. Ingabe uzimisele ngokunikela ngothando lwakho lonke kuNkulunkulu ukuze aluthokozele? Ingabe uzimisele ngokwenza lokhu kube umgomo wakho wokuphila? Engikubonayo ngokwalokho engibhekane nakho ukuthi uma nginika uNkulunkulu uthando olukhulu, umuzwa wokuzizwela Ngiphila ngentokozo uyanda, futhi nginamandla angenamkhawulo, ngizimisele ngokunikela ngomzimba nomqondo Wami uwonke, futhi Ngihlale Ngizizwela ukuthi ngeke ngize Ngikwazi ukuthanda uNkulunkulu ngokwanele. Ngakho, ingabe uthando lwakho luwuthando olubudedengu, noma olungephela, noma olungelinganiseke? Uma ufuna ukuthanda uNkulunkulu ngokweqiniso, uyohlala unalo olunye uthando ongaluphindisela Kuye. Uma kunjalo, ngomuphi umuntu futhi ngeyiphi into engakwazi ukuma endleleni yothando lwakho othanda ngalo uNkulunkulu?
UNkulunkulu ubona uthando lwesintu sisonke njengolubalulekile; wandisa nezinye izibusiso Zakhe kulabo abathanda Yena. Lokhu kwenziwa ukuthi uthando lomuntu kunzima kakhulu ukuhlangana nalo, luncane kakhulu, futhi lucishe lungatholakali. Emhlabeni jikelele, uNkulunkulu uke wazama ukufuna ukuthi abantu babuyisele uthando Kuye, kodwa kuyo yonke iminyaka kuze kube yimanje, labo ababuyisele uthando kuNkulunkulu bambalwa—bayidlanzana. Ngokukhumbula Kwami, uPetro wayengomunye, kodwa wayeholwa uJesu ngqo futhi waze wanikela ngothando lwakhe olugcwele kuNkulunkulu ekufeni kwakhe, okwaqeda leyo mpilo yakhe. Ngakho, ngenxa yalezi zimo ezingezinhle uNkulunkulu wanciphisa uhlelo lomsebenzi Wakhe emhlabeni jikelele, ngokusebenzisa izwe likadrako omkhulu obomvu njengesibonelo. Ugxilise wonke amandla Akhe kanye nemizamo Yakhe endaweni eyodwa. Lokhu kuzoba nemiphumela emihle kakhulu futhi kuzobasiza kakhulu ofakazi Bakhe. Ngenxa yale migomo emibili uNkulunkulu Ususe umsebenzi Wakhe emhlabeni uwonke Wawuyisa kulaba bantu abahluphekayo basezweni laseChina futhi Waqala umsebenzi Wakhe wothando, wokunqoba, ukuze kuthi lapho laba bantu sebekwazi ukuthanda Yena, Akwazi ukuqhubeka nesigaba esilandelayo somsebenzi Wakhe. Lokhu kuwuhlelo lukaNkulunkulu. Ngale ndlela izithelo zomsebenzi Wakhe zizoba zinkulu kakhulu. Uhlelo lomsebenzi Wakhe lugxilile futhi luqoqekile. Kusobala ukuthi likhulu kangakanani inani elikhokhwe uNkulunkulu nokuthi mangakanani amandla awasebenzisile ngokwenza umsebenzi Wakhe kithi, ukuthi usuku lwethu selufikile. Lokhu kuyisibusiso sethu. Ngakho, okungahambisani nokuqonda kwabantu ukuthi abantu baseNtshonalanga banomona ngokuthi sazalelwa endaweni enhle kangaka, kodwa thina sisonke sizibona siphansi futhi sithobekile. Akusikho ukusiphakamisa kukaNkulunkulu lokhu? Uzalo lukadrako omkhulu obomvu obeluhlala lunyathelwa luyahlonishwa abaseNtshonalanga—lokhu kuyisibusiso sangempela. Uma Ngicabanga ngalokhu, Ngikhungathwa umusa kaNkulunkulu, kanye nothando kanye nokusondela Kwakhe. Ngalokhu kungabonakala ukuthi okwenziwa uNkulunkulu akuhambisani nhlobo nokuqonda kwabantu, futhi yize bonke laba bantu beqalekisiwe, Akanqandwa izithiyo zomthetho futhi wenze ukuthi umsebenzi Wakhe ugxile kule ngxenye yomhlaba ngenhloso. Yingakho ngijabula, yingakho Ngizizwela Ngithokoze ngendlela engelinganiseke. Njengomuntu obambe iqhaza lobuholi emsebenzini, njengompristi omkhulu phakathi kwama-Israyeli, Ngikwazi ukwenza umsebenzi kaMoya ngqo futhi Ngisebenzela uMoya kaNkulunkulu ngqo; lokhu kuyisibusiso Sami. Ngubani ongaba nesibindi sokucabanga into enjengale? Kodwa namuhla, lokhu kufike kithi singazelele. Intokozo enkulu impela ebiza ukuthi sibungaze. Ngethemba ukuthi uNkulunkulu uzoqhubeka nokusibusisa nokusiphakamisa ukuze labo phakathi kwethu ababishe ebubini bengasetshenziswa uNkulunkulu kakhulu, okuzosisiza ukuze sibuyisele uthando Lwakhe.
Ukubuyisa uthando lukaNkulunkulu kuyindlela esengiyithatha, kodwa Ngizizwela ukuthi lokhu akusiyo intando kaNkulunkulu okumele ngihambe ngayo. Intando kaNkulunkulu Ngami ukuthi Yena Angisebenzise kakhulu—le indlela kaMoya Oyingcwele. Mhlawumbe Nginephutha. Ngicabanga ukuthi le yindlela engiyithathayo selokhu ngathatha isinqumo Sami noNkulunkulu kudala. Ngizimisele ngokuholwa uNkulunkulu ukuze Ngikwazi ukungena endleleni okumele Ngibe kuyo ngokushesha, futhi Nganelise intando kaNkulunkulu ngokushesha. Noma abanye bangacabangani, ngikholwa ukuthi ukwenza intando kaNkulunkulu kubaluleke kakhulu futhi wudaba olubaluleke kakhulu empilweni Yami. Akekho umuntu ongaphuca Mina leli lungelo—lokhu ngumbono Wami ngqo, futhi mhlawumbe kukhona abanye abahluleka ukukuqonda, kodwa Ngikholelwa ukuthi asikho isidingo sokuthi kube nomuntu engimucacisela ngalokhu. Ngizothatha indlela okumele Ngiyilandele—uma sengiyibonile indlela okumele ngiyilandele futhi ngeke ngihlehle. Yingakho ngibuyele kula magama: Ngibeka inhliziyo Yami ekwenzeni intando kaNkulunkulu. Ngilindele ukuthi abafowethu nodadewethu ngeke bangigxeke! Phezu kwakho konke, ngokubona Kwami, abanye abantu bangasho ukuthi bathandani, kodwa ngibona ukuthi ukwenza intando kaNkulunkulu kusemqoka futhi akumele ngizithole ngibhekene nezingqinamba ngalokhu. Ngeke ngilenze iphutha uma ngenza intando Yakhe, futhi ukwenza lokhu ngeke kuhlelwe ngokwezintshisekelo Zami uqobo! Ngikholelwa ukuthi uNkulunkulu ubone ngaphakathi kwenhliziyo Yami! Pho ungakuqonda kanjani lokhu? Ingabe uzimisele ngokunikela ngawe uqobo kuNkulunkulu? Ingabe uzimisele ngokusetshenziswa uNkulunkulu? Ingabe isinqumo sakho ngukwenza intando kaNkulunkulu? Ngethemba ukuthi abafowethu nodadewethu bebonke bakwazi ukuthola usizo oluthile emagameni Ami. Yize umbono Wami ungakholakali, Ngisathi Engingakusho ukuze sisonke sikwazi ukuvulelana izinhliziyo sixoxe ngaphandle kwezithiyo, ukuze uNkulunkulu aqhubeke nokuhlala phakathi kwethu ingunaphakade. Lawa ngamazwi aphuma enhliziyweni Yami. Kulungile! Aphela lapho amazwi asenhliziyweni Yami namuhla. Ngethemba ukuthi abafowethu nodadewethu bazoqhubeka nokusebenza ngokuzikhandla, futhi ngethemba ukuthi uMoya kaNkulunkulu uyohlala usinakekela!
Umthombo: IBandla LikaNkulunkulu USomandla
Ungase Uthande Nalezi: Liyinhloboni yencwadi iBhayibheli?
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Mayelana NoJobe(I)
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Ngemva kokufunda ngendlela uJobe abhekana ngayo nezilingo, abaningi benu bangathanda ukwazi ezinye izinto mayelana noJobe, ikakhulukazi mayelana nemfihlo eyamenza wadunyiswa uNkulunkulu. Ngakho namhlanje, ake sikhulume ngoJobe!
Ekuphileni Kwansuku Zonke KukaJobe Sibona Ukulunga, Ubuqotho, Ukwesaba UNkulunkulu, Kanye Nokugwema Okubi
Uma sizokhuluma ngoJobe, khona-ke kumele sihlaziye izinto uNkulunkulu azisho ngaye: “akekho ofana naye emhlabeni, indoda engasoleki nelungile, owesaba uNkulunkulu, nogwema okubi.”
Ake siqale sifunde ngokulunga nobuqotho bukaJobe.
Kuyini ukuqonda kwenu ngamagama athi “ukulunga” nelithi “ubuqotho”? Ingabe niyakholelwa ukuthi uJobe wayengathukutheli futhi ehloniphekile? Yiqiniso, lokhu kuyoba ukuchaza igama negama lencazelo yelithi “ukulunga” nelithi “ubuqotho.” Into ebalulekile ekuqondeni ukuphila kwangempela kukaJobe—amazwi, izincwadi, nemibono ngeke kusinikeze izimpendulo. Sizoqala ngokubheka ukuphila kukaJobe kwasekhaya, ukuthi wayevame ukuziphatha kanjani. Lokhu kuyositshela ngemiyalo nemigomo yakhe ekuphileni, kanye nobuntu bakhe. Manje, ake sifunde amazwi okugcina kuJobe 1:3: “lo muntu wayengumuntu omkhulu kunabo bonke abantu basempumalanga.” Lokhu la mazwi akushoyo ukuthi igama langempela likaJobe kanye nokuma kwakhe kwakuphakeme kakhulu, nakuba singatshelwa ukuthi wayemkhulu kunabo bonke abantu basempumalanga ngenxa yokuthi wayenempahla eningi, noma ngenxa yokuthi wayelungile futhi eqotho, esaba uNkulunkulu futhi egwema okubi, siyazi ukuthi igama nokuma kukaJobe kwakuyigugu kakhulu. Njengoba kulotshiwe eBhayibhelini, into yokuqala abantu abayazi ngoJobe ukuthi wayelungile, ukuthi wayesaba uNkulunkulu egwema okubi, ukuthi wayenomcebo omkhulu futhi ezakhele igama elihle. Ukuze umuntu ojwayelekile aphile endaweni enjalo nangaphansi kwezimo ezinjalo, izinga lokuphila kukaJobe, nezinto ezihlukahlukene ekuphileni kwakhe ziyoba into abantu abaningi abagxile kuyo; ngakho kumele siqhubeke sifunda imibhalo: “Futhi amadodana akhe ahamba enza amadili ezindlini zawo, ileyo naleyo ngosuku lwayo; ayesethumela futhi abize odadewabo abathathu ukuba bazodla futhi baphuze nabo. Kwathi lapho, izinsuku zamadili sezidlulile, uJobe wathumela futhi wawangcwelisa, futhi wavuka entathakusa, futhi wanikela umnikelo wokushiswa okwakulingana nesibalo sawo onke: ngokuba uJobe wathi, “Kungenzeka ukuthi amadodana ami onile, futhi athuka uNkulunkulu ezinhliziyweni zawo. Wenza njalo uJobe mihla yonke” (Jobe 1:4-5). La mavesi asitshela izinto ezimbili: Okokuqala ukuthi amadodana namadodakazi kaJobe ayeba nedili njalo, edla futhi ephuza; okwesibili ukuthi uJobe wayehlale enikela ngeminikelo yokushiswa ngoba wayekhathazekile ngawo, esaba ukuthi ayona, nokuthi izinhliziyo zabo zithuke uNkulunkulu. Kulokhu kuchazwa izinhlobo ezimbili zokuphila kwabantu. Abokuqala, amadodana namadodakazi kaJobe, ayevame ukuba nedili ngenxa yengcebo yawo, ayephuza iwayini adle izidlo aze asuthe, ejabulela ukuphila okusezingeni eliphezulu okwakulethwa umcebo. Ukuphila kanjalo, kwenza kwangagwemeka ukuthi ayezokona bese ecasula uNkulunkulu—kodwa awazange azingcwelise noma anikele iminikelo yokushiswa ngenxa yalokho. Ngakho uyabona ukuthi uNkulunkulu wayengenayo indawo ezinhliziyweni zawo, ukuthi ayengacabangi ngomusa kaNkulunkulu, futhi engakwesabi ukucasula uNkulunkulu, ingasaphathwa eyokwesaba ukuphika uNkulunkulu ezinhliziyweni zawo. Eqinisweni, asigxilile ezinganeni zikaJobe, kodwa ekutheni uJobe wenzani lapho ebhekene nezinto ezinjalo; lena enye indaba echazwe kuleli vesi, ebandakanya ukuphila kwakhe kwansuku zonke nobuntu bakhe. Lapho iBhayibheli lichaza idili lamadodana namadodakazi kaJobe, alikhulumi ngoJobe; limane lithi amadodana namadodakazi kaJobe ayedla futhi aphuze ndawonye. Ngamanye amazwi, wayengabi namadili, noma adle namadodana namadodakazi akhe. Nakuba wayecebile, wayenempahla kanye nezinceku eziningi, ukuphila kukaJobe kwakungenazo izinto eziningi. Wayengakhangwa ubukhazikhazi bendawo ayephila kuyo, futhi wayengenawo umhobholo ngezinto zenyama noma akhohlwe ukunikela iminikelo yokushiswa ngenxa yomcebo wakhe, ingasaphathwa eyokuthi imenze esabe uNkulunkulu kancane kancane enhliziyweni yakhe. Ngokusobala, uJobe wayengenawo umhobholo nomhawu ekuphileni kwakhe, futhi ngenxa yalokho uNkulunkulu wambusisa. Kunalokho, wayethobekile futhi enesizotha, futhi eqaphe okwenzekayo phambi kukaNkulunkulu, wayevame ukucabanga ngomusa nezibusiso zikaNkulunkulu, futhi ehlale emesaba uNkulunkulu. Ekuphileni kwakhe kwansuku zonke, uJobe wayesheshe avuke ukuze anikele umnikelo wokushiswa wamadodana namadodakazi akhe. Ngamanye amazwi, uJobe akagcinanga ngokwesaba uNkulunkulu, kodwa wayenethemba lokuthi izingane zakhe nazo zazizokwesaba uNkulunkulu zingoni. Ingcebo kaJobe yayingenandawo enhliziyweni yakhe, futhi ayingenanga endaweni kaNkulunkulu; kungakhathaliseki ukuthi ngenxa yakhe noma yabantwana, ayekwenza uJobe kwakuhlale kubandakanya ukwesaba uNkulunkulu nokugwema ukwenza okubi. Ukwesaba uJehova uNkulunkulu akuphelelanga emlonyeni wakhe, kodwa wakubonisa ngezenzo, usuku ngalunye nakukho konke ukuphila kwakhe. Lokhu kuziphatha kwangempela kukaJobe kusibonisa ukuthi wayethembekile, futhi ethanda ubulungiswa nezinto ezinhle. Ukuthi uJobe wayevame ukungcwelisa amadodana namadodakazi akhe kusho ukuthi wayengakwemukeli ukuziphatha kwezingane zakhe; kunalokho, enhliziyweni yakhe wayeyichitha indlela ayeziphatha ngayo. Wayephethe ngokuthi ukuziphatha kwamadodana namadodakazi akhe kwakungamjabulisi uJehova uNkulunkulu, ngakho wayevame ukuwabiza phambi kukaJehova, avume izono zawo. Izenzo zikaJobe zisibonisa olunye uhlangothi lobuntu; ukuthi akakaze ahambe nabantu abonayo nabacasula uNkulunkulu, kodwa wayebagwema. Ngisho noma laba bantu babengamadodana namadodakazi akhe, akazange alaxaze imiyalo yakhe ngenxa yokuthi babeyigazi lakhe, futhi akawavunanga amadodana yakhe ngenxa yalokho ayekucabanga. Kunalokho, wawanxusa ukuba avume ukuze uJehova uNkulunkulu awabekezelele, futhi wawaxwayisa ngokuthi angashiyi uNkulunkulu ngenxa yobugovu bawo. Imiyalo yendlela uJobe aphatha ngayo abanye ayinakuhlukaniswa nemiyalo yokwesaba uNkulunkulu ugweme okubi. Wayekuthanda okwakwemukelwa uNkulunkulu futhi ekwenyanya okwakwenyanywa uNkulunkulu, ebathanda labo abathanda uNkulunkulu ezinhliziyweni zabo, futhi ezonda abenzi bobubi nalabo abonayo kuNkulunkulu. Uthando nenzondo enjalo kwavela ekuphileni kwakhe kwansuku zonke, futhi yibona buqotho bukaJobe obabonakala emehlweni kaNkulunkulu. Ngokwemvelo, lobu ubuntu bukaJobe bamihla yonke okumele sifunde ngabo.
Ukuvezwa Kobuntu BukaJobe Phakathi Nezilingo Zakhe (Ukuqonda Ukulunga KukaJobe, Ubuqotho, Ukwesaba UNkulunkulu, Kanye Nokugwema Okubi Ezilingweni Zakhe)
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Ngenhla sikhulume ngezinto ezihlukahlukene zobuntu bukaJobe ezavela ekuphileni kwakhe ngaphambi kovivinyo. Ngaphandle kokuthandabuza, lezi zinto ezihlukahlukene zisenza siqale sijwayelane futhi siqonde ubuqotho bukaJobe, sesabe uNkulunkulu, sigweme okubi, futhi zisenza siqiniseke. Into eyenza ngithi “siqale” ukuthi abantu abaningi abakabuqondi ubuntu bukaJobe nezinga amlalela ngalo uNkulunkulu futhi emesaba. Okusho ukuthi, ukuqonda kwabantu abaningi ngoJobe akudluleli ngalé kwezinto abantu abazithanda ngaye ezichazwe eBhayibhelini, njengokuthi “iNKOSI iphile, futhi iNKOSI ithathile; malibongwe igama leNKOSI” nethi “simukela okuhle okuvela esandleni sikaNkulunkulu, singekwamukela nokubi na?” Ngakho kunesidingo esikhulu kithi, sokuthi siqonde ubuntu bukaJobe lapho evivinywa uNkulunkulu; ngale ndlela, ubuntu bukaJobe buyobonakala kubo bonke abantu.
Lapho uJobe ezwa ukuthi impahla yakhe intshontshiwe, nokuthi amadodana namadodakazi akhe ashonile, nokuthi izinceku zakhe zibulewe, wenza ngale ndlela: “Khona-ke uJobe wasukuma, wabe eseklebhula isiphuku sakhe, futhi waphuca ikhanda lakhe, wabe esewela emhlabathini, futhi wakhuleka” (Jobe 1:20). La mazwi asitshela iqiniso elilodwa: Ngemva kokuzwa lezi zindaba, uJobe akethukanga, akazange akhale noma asole izinceku ezazilethe umbiko, ingasaphathwa-ke eyokuhlola isimo ngokuthi aphenye ukuze athole ukuthi kwenzekeni ngempela. Akazange aveze noma ibuphi ubuhlungu noma ukuzisola ngempahla eyayimlahlekele, noma akhale izinyembezi ngenxa yokushonelwa izingane, ngabantu abathandayo. Ngokuphambene nalokho, waklebhula ingubo yakhe, waphuca ikhanda lakhe, wawela emhlabathini, wakhuleka. Izenzo zikaJobe azifani nezomuntu ojwayelekile. Ziyabadida abantu abaningi, zibenza basole uJobe ngokuba nenhliziyo embi. Ngokulahlekelwa yizinto abanazo kungazelelwe, abantu abajwayelekile bayozwa ubuhlungu obukhulu, noma babe lusizi—futhi abanye bangacindezeleka kakhulu. Lokhu kungenxa yokuthi ezinhliziyweni zabo, impahla yabo imelela ukuphila kwabo, ukuphila kwabo kuncike kuyo, iyisizathu sokuthi baqhubeke bephila; ukulahlekelwa impahla yabo kusho ukuthi imizamo yabo ibe yize, ukuthi abasenathemba futhi abasenalo ngisho nekusasa. Lona umbono noma yimuphi umuntu anawo ngempahla yakhe nendlela asondelene ngayo eduze nayo, futhi iyinto ebaluleke kunazo zonke emehlweni abo. Ngakho, abantu abaningi iyabadida indlela uJobe angatatazeli ngayo ngokulahlekelwa[b] impahla yakhe. Namhlanje, sizoqeda konke ukudideka abantu abanakho ngokuchaza okwakwenzeka enhliziyweni kaJobe.
Ingqondo yembula ukuthi ngemva kokuba uNkulunkulu emnike lezo zinto, uJobe kwakufanele ashaywe amahloni ngenxa yokulahlekelwa yilezo zinto, ngoba wahluleka ukuzinakekela izinto ayezinikwe uNkulunkulu. Ngakho, lapho ezwa ukuthi impahla yakhe yebiwe, into yokuqala okwakufanele ayenze kwakufanele aye lapho kwenzeke khona isigameko abale konke okuhambile,[c] bese ebikela uNkulunkulu ukuze athole ezinye izibusiso. Nokho uJobe akakwenzanga lokhu—futhi wayenezizathu zakhe zokwenza kanjalo. Enhliziyweni yakhe, uJobe wayekholelwa ngokuqinile ukuthi konke ayenakho wayekunikwe uNkulunkulu, futhi akakaze akusebenzele. Ngakho akazange azazise lezi zibusiso, waqhubeka ephila ngemiyalo yakhe. Wazazisa izibusiso zikaNkulunkulu, futhi wabonga, kodwa akazange azibheke njengeziyigugu futhi akazange afune ezinye izibusiso. Leyo kwakuyindlela ayebheka ngayo impahla yakhe. Akukho lutho alwenza ukuze athole izibusiso, futhi akazange akhathazeke ngokulahlekelwa izibusiso zikaNkulunkulu; akazange ajabule kakhulu ngezibusiso uNkulunkulu amnika zona, futhi akazange angawunaki umusa uNkulunkulu ambonisa wona ngenxa yezibusiso ayezijabulela mihla yonke. Umbono kaJobe ngempahla yakhe wembula kubantu ubuntu bakhe bangempela: Okokuqala, uJobe wayengesiye umuntu ohahayo, futhi wayengafuni izinto ekuphileni kwakhe. Okwesibili, uJobe akakaze akhathazeke noma esabe ukuthi uNkulunkulu wayezothatha konke ayenakho, okwakuwumbono wakhe ngokulalela uNkulunkulu enhliziyweni yakhe; okusho ukuthi wayengafuni lutho, futhi engakhonondi ngalokho uNkulunkulu ayezokuthatha kuye, futhi wayengabuzi ukuthi kungani, kodwa wayefuna ukulalela amalungiselelo kaNkulunkulu. Okwesithathu, akakaze acabange ukuthi uyisebenzele impahla yakhe, kodwa wacabanga ukuthi uyiphiwe uNkulunkulu. Lolu kwakuwukholo lukaJobe kuNkulunkulu, futhi kubonisa inkolelo ayenayo. Ingabe ubuntu bukaJobe nezinto ayezifuna njalo kwawenza acaca la maphuzu amathathu ngaye? Ubuntu bukaJobe nezinto ayezifuna kwakubalulekile endleleni ayeziphatha ngayo lapho ebhekene nokulahlekelwa impahla. Yizinto uJobe ayezifuna njalo ezamenza waba nesibindi sokuthi, “iNKOSI iphile, futhi iNKOSI ithathile; malibongwe igama leNKOSI,” phakathi nokuvivinywa kwakhe uNkulunkulu. La mazwi awacatshangangwa ngobusuku obubodwa, futhi awamananga nje afika engqondweni kaJobe. Ayeyilokho ayekubonile futhi wadlula kukho ekuphileni kwakhe. Uma eqhathaniswa nabo bonke labo abafuna izibusiso zikaNkulunkulu, abesaba ukuthi uNkulunkulu uzobathathela ini, futhi bakhononde ngakho, ingabe ukulalela kukaJobe akunalo iqiniso? Uma eqhathaniswa nabo bonke abakholelwa ukuthi ukhona uNkulunkulu, kodwa abangakholelwa ukuthi uphethe zonke izinto, ingabe uJobe akanakho yini ukwethemba nobuqotho obukhulu?
kwethi Izwi Livela Lisenyameni
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meujwaraworld · 3 years
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Uthando lodumo lweIndian love😂😂😂 Hheyi uyakhuluma uMampintsha! Babes knows that as long as she keeps quiet and falls in line, she is going to be okay. Speaking of Babes, was she pregnant already when she became engaged? I don't care enough to count. Was this a shotgun wedding? The premarital counseling was a disaster 😢. I hope they will realize that they need proper therapy after watching this show. Ngoba hayi ngeke. Maybe it's me but these 3 episodes were a cringefest for me. The apology was so insincere and flippant, I still can't believe it. The lobola negotiation was no negotiation at all. How do you open your gate, your mouth, welcome people in and then charge imvulamlomo kwi Hortons Lobola Contract? I can't say much about the bride's father handling the negotiations, my dad was also that type. I have an issue with abazalwane wanting to borrow culture when it suits them and just for optics, with no meaning behind it except to extort money. Nokuphapha ke bokungalazi isiko nokungalihloniphi. I kept on thinking about the physical violence in that relationship and whether or not it has stopped. I can't imagine my father or brothers forgiving and giving me or any of my sisters away to a woman beater. Marriage is not a prize for ukubekezela, or is it? https://www.instagram.com/p/CQw_tPap9Jz/?utm_medium=tumblr
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antizah · 7 years
There is a huge difference between what makes a “father” and what makes a real father. A father is a man who simply donates his sperm in the creation of his children and doesn’t bother to help raise them or contribute much to ensure their wellbeing. W hat does being a real and present father mean to you and your family? Let’s face it there is no manual for fatherhood. Not even the advice floating around in books and online advice forums does justice in explaining the real essence of true fatherhood.
There is a family and lifestyle blogger that l follow and he wrote an interesting article that l’ve decided to translate to my native language Ndebele for the ease of understanding by my fellow brothers .
So here we go;
1. Thanda unkosikazi wakho/ he loves his wife unconditionally
Akekho umuntu wesilisa ongakwaziyo ukuthi uma umama wasekhaya ethola uthando endodeni yakhe into yonke ngekhaya ibanhle, wonke umuntu ubaloku jabula sengitsho kwalona ikati. Even from a biblical perspective, the bible emphasizes ukuthi ubaba wasekhaya kumele athande unkosikazi wakhe njengalokho uKrestu ethanda ibandla lakhe. Ungamthanda umama wangekhaya kumele futhi uthembakale lengane lazo zibekwazi lokho. Eqinisweni umakoti wakho ubaluleke kuqala then besekulandela ingane.
2. Ukufaka imuli yakho kuqala / Put your family first before yourself,
A family man and real father makes a lot of choices daily with the best interest of his family above his own. His first choice is to meet his family’s needs. His needs are a second-tier priority to the needs of those he is responsible for. Asitsho ukuba wena uzikhohlwe but cabanga ngemuli yakho kuqala.
3.Ukuba lesikhathi labantwana bakho / Spend time with your kids.
Spending time with your kids may seem trivial to an indifferent father, but a real father knows that quality time with his kids in not a waste of time but valuable investment in their lives that will have the biggest positive impact in their lives as they grow up. Real fathers don’t spend time with their kids out of obligation but out of genuine love for the little person God entrusted to their care. Ngilokuthi ngibuze abanye obaba ukuthi banjani abantwana, uzwe ubhudi ethi kudala wabacina. Children can sense real ‘love’ as much as they can sense an absent father. They will value each time you dedicate to spend time with them. Even if the wife is trying to stop you from seeing the kids by playing a games and trying ukukukhawulisa, dont let that discourage you keep making an effort to spend time with your kids.
4. A real man doesn’t allow the drama from other people’s lives to invade his family and destroy their joy / okubona komakhelwane ngokwako makhelwane.
A family man genuinely cares about others but is “on point” in guarding his own family’s peace from the chaos of those who refuse to grow and mature. As a man when you start to stand up for your family kutsho khona ukuthi usukhulile. No matter how many mistakes or flaws your wife has, ungaqali ukumchothozi phambili kwabanye abantu, umkipha isithunzi. Umbonisa amaphutha ache umphinde umkhuze uma selilonke lodwa. You should never allow friends tell you how to run your family affairs and pin point amaphutha omuzi wakho. Engikutshoyo yikuthi don’t entertain brutal criticism disguised as advice it will tear your marriage and family apart.
5.A real father is ready to be a disciplinary when needed. Whomever the Lord loves, He disciplines. Hebrews 12:6
Just as God does with us. A good father disciplines ingane zakhe ame lonkosikazi. Bakhona ke obaba abathi bona abakhuzi ingane so that they do not look like the bad cop and most cases that is done by fathers who are never there for the kids instead of discipline he spoils the kids or reward bad behaviour and when the mother raise the voice she is a monster or mean mother and yes if you can not do the disciplinary then support her. He wont shrink from loving his children through discipline.
6. He builds up his children with words of affirmation. / Ukhulisa abantwana bake ngemilayo eqinisekileyo leyakhayo.
A family man knows relationship are built only through instruction but through affirmation. Ubaba woqobo uyakha ingane zakhe ngalo lonke ithuba alitholayo, kulapho akhuthaza ingane zakhe ngamazwi, ngesiqiniseko, ngenhlonipho konke lokhu ekungwalisa enhliziweni yengane ngoba children loves to be assured by abazali babo.
He looks for opportunities to build up his kids. (if you could use some ideas on speaking courage, confidence, acceptance, and self-respect into the heart of your child, do it!
7. Doesn’t view time with family as a duty to be fulfilled so he can pursue his own interests afterwards.
isikhathi ulengane zakho ungasiboni njengomsebenzi or favour to your wife or kids but at that time as bonding time with your kids. l can still remember time l spent with my late father, l used to go with him emsebenzini wakhe and that time he took me to his work i remember feeling bored but now when l looked back l wish i can reverse the moments again because those were precious moments that l had with my father and were priceless.I learnt a lot through spending quality with him. He made me realise why he had to word so hard. My father worked so hard to put food and pay school fees for me and why he need to take me to work because of him not having time to spend with me at home.
Many dads dread spending time with their kids but a real father’s interests are integrally intertwined with his children’s and he shares hobbies with his kids and teaches them new things. His heart isn’t constantly roving away from home, yearning to chase personal dreams and interests, if only he could get free of the kids.
8. Expresses to his children that he is proud of them and challenges them to do their best.
Nothing beats the words of a father affirming his son or assuring his daughter’s self esteem and confidence. lt’s through those words that make a child to push hard or more so azojabulisa umzali wakhe ngoba eqinisweni akekho ongathandi ukubongwa sonke we do. I found out that in our African culture parent will say am proud of my kids but question is do you tell them?????
Just about every dad will tell you he’s proud of his kids but will he tell them? He will if he’s a family man because he knows they need to hear he approves of and is proud of them. To be their best, kids need to know how to work. How do you teach young kids to work hard and love it?
9) Listens to what his children are trying to say.
A family man is sensitive to the little person who is having difficulty communicating. He’s patient and encourages his children to express to him what they are feeling.
10) Teaches his children the Truth.
Teaching children who God is and what He requires from us is Dad’s responsibility. (If you could use some help getting started,
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