#3/4 are also pretty purple drow boys
thespacelizard · 1 year
if i had a penny for every white haired, pointy eared, transmasc OC with Problems™ i made, i would now have four pennies and a faint inkling that i do, perhaps, have a type
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quasieli · 3 years
top six: fictional characters that give you gender envy, flowers, little things that make you happy and d&d moments :D
Ooh lotsa questions!
Gender Envy:
1) Bow from She-Ra (2018). Something about buff athletic dude who wears crop tops and is soft as hell is very Gender to me.
2) Vax from Critical Role. Pretty boy, kinda goth rogue? That’s sexy as hell and I wish that was me. 
3) In a wildly different idea of gender envy, I’ve been thinking about it lately and @quantum-lesbian’s character in the Frostmaiden game I’m in with them, Ambrose, is Big Gender. Beautiful non-binary drow with a starry and kinda witchy aesthetic that dresses super grandly and ostentatiously no matter the occasion? Yes please.
4) Pete from The Unsleeping City, specifically season two. I adore season one Pete but season two Pete that works in a queer bookshop and has a teapot arcane focus, is artsy and is unapologetically a trans man who doesn’t give a shit about gender roles? Sign me the fuck up.  
5) Beau from Critical Role. Buff GNC lesbian mixed with academia, but like academia from the prospective of a grad student with ADHD trying to learn everything about their special interests? A+, I love her and I’m jealous. 
6) I’m gonna cheat a lil bit for this last one. I know the prompt is fictional characters, but Julia Lepetit and Jacob Andrews in their Hitman streams? Simultaneously both of them were Gender for me. Jacob esp felt like that for me, which is weird cause dresses can make me dysphoric, but I am also slightly envious of the Dude in a Dress type of gender presentation. 
Can you tell that I’m a confused trans masc enby
Gonna put it under the cut from here cause oof, there’s still a lot more.
1) Big slut for Sunflowers, always have been, always will be.
2) Fun fact, my dad’s family used to own a flower shop (in like the 70s, so I never got to see it :(), and one of their big things was hydrangeas. My dad has always loved them and now I love the snowballs too!  
3) A recent favorite, the Baker’s Globe Mallow. It’s a type of flower that only grows from the soils of forests that have been affected by wildfires. It’s a simple little flower but I love the idea of something beautiful rising from the ashes after tragedy. A little dramatic, but I’m queer, ofc I’m dramatic.
4) Roses are another important flower to my family (Rose was a family name for a couple generations), and ya know, they’re a classic. 
5) There’s this beautiful magnolia tree in front of my house that blooms with the most beautiful white and pink flowers every spring, and it’s one of my favorite things to see every year. 
6) There’s so many different types of Lillies and they’re all very pretty, but the Purple Stargazer is prob my favorite.
Little Things That Make Me Happy:
1) My cat, Maddie. She may be a cranky girl at times, but she is also very sweet and will always be my baby (even though she is 12). 
2) Not a little thing really, but my best friend. Just getting a sweet/silly text from her or the two of us chilling in a room, sitting in a comfortable silence because we just like being together, nothing better. 
3) Baking, esp if I’m doing it for others. I’m not much of a sweets person myself, a little treat every once in a while type person, but I love baking. It’s a very relaxing process for me, even when it can sometimes get stressful, but seeing people enjoying something I made, especially something that brought me great joy to make, is simply the best. 
4) In the same sorta vein, crafting and other art, but that’s a bit more personal. I love making things for others, but art, particularly drawing, is something I do more for me. It’s such a great feeling when you can get into a really good art mood and just sink yourself into a project. I love it.
5) My plush toys. Yes, I am a 23 year old, no I will not stop loving my plushies. I just got a few new friends, which I made a post about recently, and they such good cuddle buddies. However, there is one king amongst them all. I have this old, beat up christmas puppy beanie baby, on his tag named Jingle Pup, but I just call him Jingle. I had one version of him since I was like 6, but he currently lives on a shelf cause he is very beaten up and fragile, but his “brother”, who I got when I was 8, is still in kinda good shape and is currently chilling on my chest as I type this lol.
6) Again, not a little thing, but it’s important to mention; D&D. The game itself is such a joy, but truly the best part of it is the people. I love creating stories and memories with people through this weird little game. Truly one of my favorite things to do.
D&D Moments:
These are all gonna be personal moments, rather than anything from actual play shows/podcasts. RC is Reforged Campaign, where I play Saube, and FM is Frostmaiden, where I play Sparks.
1) RC - Meeting Mahety, Saube’s girlfriend. We met her way back in session 12 and we are now up to like session 73. Saube saw her and was immediately big heart eyes at her but also felt a bit awkward and shy. So, being a game a dice, I decided to roll. 10 or higher, Saube would talk to her, 9 or lower, she’d stay put. I rolled a 17, 17 is now a lucky number for me. I love Mahety and I’d die for her. 
2) FM - This was an insane fight that should not have been so crazy, but in a fairly early session, my group went up against an angry druid and her awakened animals. So much batshit stuff happened in that fight, and we unfortunately lost our bread loving bard (RIP Agneyis), but one of my favorite combat turns happened in this fight. Our artificer, Omaren, has a robe of useful items and one of the patches on it creates a large pit. Thinking quickly, Omaren tore off the patch, slid it under one of the dire wolves we were fighting and created a looney tunes style pit under it, allowing us to take it out easily via pot shots. Such a clutch move and such a funny visual, especially because the dire wolf kept failing the checks to get out of the pit.  
3) RC - Saube’s Zebrith (I will never remember how this actually spelled RIP). So, for context, Saube ended up with a death curse (long story) that mechanically meant they had disadvantage on any death saving throws. Scary as hell, need to get that fixed! So, Saube and their party had to be smuggled into another country to talk with some religious leaders of a goddess known as The First, the goddess of death. They were told that Saube would have to go through the aforementioned ritual, which included her soul leaving her body for a short period of time. During this ritual, her friends had to call back to her, to say things that would bring her back to her body and I still cry thinking about that game. That ritual was not only important for Saube bodily, but spiritually as well. After that ritual, Saube officially became a cleric of The First! 
4) A real sappy one, RC - Saube meeting all of her friends. Anyone who follows along with the rantings on my blog probably knows how important this game is to me. I met this random group of strangers on tumblr and formed a D&D party with them and now, a year and a half later, I honestly think it’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I know that sounds silly and dramatic but not only has this game brought me so much joy and comfort, but I also gained a group of really amazing friends who have been nothing but amazing since day one. As much as Saube knows she can depend on SICL, I know I can depend on my group of weirdos lol. We both love our friends very much and even though we’ve all been through some crazy shit, we wouldn’t change it for the world.    
5) RC - Just playing Saube in general. I really didn’t intend for it to be this way, but Saube is very much a reflection of myself. She is the first long term character I have ever played and so much of me is in her. I try not to treat D&D like therapy, because that’s unfair to my DM and fellow party members, but playing Saube has allowed me to work through some of my own problems, especially social anxiety, in a lot safer of an environment. It isn’t so much that I’m asking this game to help me fix my life, but playing out these scenarios that, in the real world, would make me anxious or make me freak out, I can stop, take a moment to breathe and work out these issues in a way that makes sense to me. Playing her has led me to understanding myself a bit better, as well, and that’s truly such a wonderfully unexpected gift from this whole experience. 
6) Lastly, a silly one: RC - Getting a crit 6. The last session of this game got real interesting. Saube’s party ended up in the ethereal plane and magic got real fucky there. So, any time any of us tried to cast a spell, we’d roll a d20, not look at the result, and then try to guess what number rolled. The closer to the number, the better the result. A few times, a few people managed to get within like 3 or 4 of their roll, but oh the power I felt when I rolled a 6 (on Saube’s die!) and guessed it correctly! So, not only did the spell (Bless) work, but it worked super well. So instead of getting +1d4 to attack rolls and saving throws, Saube and two other party members got +2d4 to attacks, saving throws and skill checks. So powerful I broke the rules of D&D lmao. 
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dndbabes · 6 years
Into The Pit
Corkpop does the recap
Kuori tries to talk to the elemental guarding the room w all the weapons and armour in it before casting dominate monster. It’s just there to guard the room. It’s just there to guard the armoury.
The Dominate monster works, and Kuori asks it to bring him “the most valuable thing in the room” and it starts slowly sifting through junk piles. The other members and Kuori, realizing that this will take the full hour of the spell, decide to look themselves instead.
Corkpop finds a bow made of bone, with markings on it that seem draconic. The bow goes to Ash, because he’s our boi.
We end up in the mess hall next. We fidn the kitchen, get both regular rations and temporary rations, and head on into living quarters. We find a lockbox, Ash picks it.
There’s 91 gold, 6 shards of obsidian, 1 greater healing potion and 1 potion of waterbreathing inside it. This room is, apparently, the other side of the arrow slit. Y’know, the one we DIDN’T dig through.
...The earth elemental has been following us for almost an hour. We told him to go back to the room he was guarding, but boy howdy was that almost a bullet.
We go down the hall and find a room with 4 thick stone pillars in it. There’s a golem patrolling this room. We wisely decide to Not with this room right now. The last room we check out is more living quarters. Naivara finds a small pouch with 12 gold in it.
To the pit! We check to see if there bridge is out.... and it is. There is now a 20 ft gap across it. We decide to wait until after Naivara goes werewolf before dealing with the pit.
Tobi has a Fight™ with Kuori and Naivara over putting bodies in the room with her. He doesn’t want to hear his friend monch and cronch. Also she kinda looked outta it last time and he’s concerned that she’ll be even less okay this time.
No one takes a long rest, bc we just did. But we do stuff! Tobi checks out the rod... it’s just an arcane focus. Ash studies the bow [he doesn’t attune to it yet]. Right now, all it does is make him Very Aware of where gems are. Ash, The Gemfinder.
Corkpop synthesizes the scorpion venom, trying to make a copy of it. He manages to! But it’ll take 3 days to be usable. Tobi and Kuori explain werewolves to Ruck.
Naivara goes Big Doggo.
Ash attunes to the bow, called the Bow of Dragon’s Treasure. It’s pretty sweet. It does an extra d6 based on whatever gem is slotted into it. We also itentify every single gem we have. This took a half hour out of game. We had so many. None of them had names. Only value.
Naivara hasn’t broken out yet, but the door does get damaged despite the immovable rod situation. 
Tobi prays.
The door almost breaks down and Corkpop flings a glue bomb at it to try and reinforce it [good birb doin good things.] She gets her claw out, but the glue is enough to keep her from breaking out.
Naivara, now in her elf form, has a point of exhaustion. We FINALLY go to the mysterious pit.
Ruck tells us to watch out for purple crystals. We also leave her in the room bc she’s honestly safer there. We get Tobi’s fancy adamantine armour, which means his AC is 20 now and crits do regular damage. The Dao’s name is Xharvadeen and tells us to contact her if we need more work done. Dunno how, but y’know.
Tobi looks like a real paladin now. 
Naivara is angry @ Tobi and he’s pissy too. ANYWAYS we finally go to the pit for real this time. 
We have to get over a gap. Naivara goes giant toad, and we tie Kuori to her. They both almost die. Snowball jumps and DOES die, however. Poor guy can’t get a break.
Corkpop falls but lands on the stairs. Ash and Tobi both make it across without dying. 
We have a Map of Mapping now! Which means Aidan draws the map for us instead of us running out of space on the paper. We get to a room with a stone sarcophagus in it. Around it, there’s a floating ring of stones.
On the outside of the ring, there are great battles depicted. It’s a dwarf fighting elvish-looking people, only more monstrous [how our DM does drow- they’re vampire elves instead of blackface elves] and fighting hulking great creatures.
On a plaque, in Dwarven, it reads “Hendril the Foebreaker, bow your head and remember valour.”
Tobi doesn’t remember, but Corkpop does. Hendril was a great dwarven hero and he died shortly before the fall of Tir’ar’basil. We bow before Hendrils grave before leaving. As we leave, we all gain 20 temporary hit points.
We end up in a cavern not carved by the dwarves, it lacks the architecture. In the middle, there’s a large mass of rock with purple veins running through it. There are two rifts in the wall with the same glow. 
Kuori tries to take a chunk of the purple rock and then it makes. Apparently, it’s an earth elemental. And it’s a HUGE one. We’re boned. There are also 2 gargoyles in here. I repeat, we are boned.
Kuori is hit by a crit, but he’s ok. Tobi misses but activates Thunderous Smite. Naivara misses. Ash hits a gargoyle! And he does full damage because his bow is all magic now!
We doin damage but this is scary. Thankfully for Tobi, we picked up the armour. Because the elemantal rolls ANOTHER nat20. 
Tobi kills the big elemental by doing a sick move and jumping off Kuori. Kuori kills a gargoyle. Tobi and Naivara tagteam and kill another gargoyle. 
In the next room, there’s a carved out cave passage. We hear whispers and see 6 elvish looking warriors- undead drow. We kill them all relatively easily though.
As the last drow falls, we see a shining and gold apparition of a dwarf. He nods to us, and there’s a sparkle in the rubble nearby. Tobi pulls it out, and it’s a almost pristine hammer. 
That’s where we ended.
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