#3 will be free mae
Do you know this queer character?
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Mae is Transgender and uses she/her pronouns!
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hurlumerlu · 10 months
Was going to make a 3 will be free "guy who is a femme fatale and lady who is a noir detective" joke but then I realized it's more of a "guy who is a femme fatale and girl who is a femme fatale and guy who is a femme fatale (wide eyed ingenue deluxe edition)" type of situation.
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beanmaster-pika · 9 months
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Please read “the god before me”
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misschanadlerbong · 1 year
Do you think you could do a taylor swift pink aesthetic moodboard?
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morathicain · 1 year
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Ter had never believed he’d be the one to bear the news to Mae. It should have been him who’d died, a fleeting remark Phon would have for Mae during one of his visits. Nothing remarkable, nothing world changing. It had been bound to happen. Instead, it was now him, who sat in front of her, watching her world fall apart as he uttered the words, as the reality of Phon’s death sunk into his own mind again and again. This wasn’t how it was supposed to go and he felt as if he’d sunk into ice cold water, drowning all while he watched his own life go on, like a mistake. There was nothing to say to make this right, to make this better and still he lied, unable to carry the blame in front of her, unable to watch her dispise him, hate him. He had, after all, sworn to protect her if Phon couldn’t, anymore. What a fool Phon had been, to lay such a task onto his shoulders. What a fool Phon had been, to trust Ter with his life. What a fool ...
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Mae should have known it, should have expected it and she had, in some corner of her heart, feared it, each day of her life. And still it felt as if she’d grown too sure in her skin, in their life, trusting Phon’s words to be safe and to have this and that he got this, too much. As Ter told her, she felt distant, empty, exhausted. She should have known but all that was left was the black hole sucking in her life, her happiness. They could have had it all, she told herself but knew it was a lie. This had always been bound to happen and the memory of Phon’s smile was like a slap to her face. ‘I won’t let you vanish’, she promised him, her love, her life, reaching deep into the void of her heart. There was nothing left except a spark of rage, of hate upon the world for tearing them apart.
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There was a whole new universe out there for Phon, almost in reach, and he yearned for it. It was a simple universe, an honest one, a happy one and he could see it every time he looked at Mae, looked into her eyes. It was the universe which was inside of her, the life filling her to the brim, the love he couldn’t contain whenever they were close. Instinctively, he reached out to her, to take her hand, to feel the warmth of her skin, her heart. He’d loved her as long as he could remember and his only goal in life was to love her even more. He’d started this job because he was good at it, because it had been easy to slip into it, because it had given him the chance to earn enough money to support her. “I’d give my life for you”, he whispered, kissing the back of her hand before pulling her into his arms. “Live your life for me”, she demanded with a rough voice, the universe in her eyes drowning him as he kissed her lips with a burning soul.
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@ommited-miscellaneously​ @teresis​
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Finally finishing supernatural and I’m on season 14. I gotta say watching Sam, Dean, and Cas be dads to Jack literally makes me so soft. It makes me feel like I’m being wrapped up in a blanket. They get to say all the things that they wish John would have said to them. Cas gets to keep choosing to be there for Jack like Chuck decided not to be. Ahhhhh.
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iguessitsjustme · 1 year
Genuinely almost cried when Mae walked away after shooting Thana at the end and that is damn impressive
#3 will be free#the fact that thana didn't even know who she was or that she existed#and she was the one to end his reign of terror#when she was the one constantly pushing back against it#sure she did some bad things and he dipped her toe into the world#she had a taste and she said no#she regretted the things she did and constantly pushed ter to be better#she was a lot like shin in that neither one of them wanted to use violence to solve problems#but mae also suffered in ways that shin didn't and could never know#and she knew that it didn't start with phon's death#she knew it didn't start with neo or miw#she knew it started with thana and that it could only end with him#she also saw the goodness in shin and knew that thana would not be replaced with someone like him#because she saw shin choose against violence#which is what she was always advocating#and thana had no idea what he did when he killed ter#he didn't know that mae was phon's girlfriend and that ter was all she had left#both of them protected her by not letting thana know of her existence or her importance or what she knew#and that was his downfall#it wasn't miw shin and neo's love that killed him in the end#it was mae and her broken heart#she's the true survivor of the show and she killed thana and walked away#she solved the problem and then walked away to go live her new life#in all of her grief and all of her sorrow and all of her heartbreak#i hope she can find someone that will love her as she is and who won't get killed#if anyone deserves a quiet and happy life it's mae
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papermint-airplane · 2 years
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Download Evelyn Regan
Download Rikki Wolff-Mae
Download Romi Stewart
Download Sadie Sw0rd
Download Vanessa Alvi
Creator: SimsPlayer2765
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elvesofnoldor · 1 year
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maehemthemisfit · 1 year
literally so creative in everything you think, like passionate because it’s something you like a lot and you just talk and write about it to your heart’s content and i really like that about you,,, I JUST WANNA TALK TO YOU MORE YOU’RE SO KIND AND SWEET AND ENERGETIC TOO LIKE :(
IM DOWN TO CHAT ANYTIME though i may be a bit late depending on timezones and such BUT I'LL GET BACK TO YOU SJHDJS
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clearbun · 1 year
apparently i just entirely lied about waiting to post about this au until i had art finished the floodgates have been opened (these lists are just examples and not indicitive of everyone I've assigned a pokemon to so far LMAO I've done a lot)
state alchemists can have a full team of pokemon with them that they can change at any time, but they must register one pokemon as their official partner when they become a state alchemist (if said partner changes at some point, it would normally be registered during their yearly check in unless something urgent happens). Normally their partner is something that complements or strengthens their main form of alchemy, but there can be exceptions.
- Mustang has a Rapidash
- Armstrong has a Machamp
- Kimblee has a Silvally
Soldiers who are regularly in combat (fought in Ishval/the ongoing skirmishes, Briggs soldiers) tend to have pokemon who are well suited for battle, while other members of the military often have pokemon better suited as companions
- Hughes has a Bewear
- Riza has an Inteleon
- Grumman has a Conkeldurr
- Sheska has a Floette
(planning to make individual more detailed posts for stuff like the elrics, team xing, team mustang, briggs, the homunculi, etc)
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hurlumerlu · 9 months
The thing about Miw's - idk how to put it - very 2010s brand of girl power is that it is such a front and such an epidermic reaction to being constantly sexualized and having no real recourse against that. Of course she's all "I'm not a bitch I'm THE bitch" and "eyeliner sharp enough to kill a man" and "men will be bewitched and hand over their wallets" ! She can't escape any of this shit so might as well spin things to make it about what she can do with it ! She doesn't want to feel or be perceived as powerless ever again. And on the other side of that feeling is her constant emphasis on sisterhood, either real - with the other girls at the bar - or desperately wished for. That's what she appeals to in order to connect with the hotel manager, even though for this woman Miw is nothing compared to the freedom she's seeking. It's also what allows her to - however briefly - connect with Mae and sincerely apologize for the pain she caused her. Miw, unapologetic as a matter of principle (because Lean In, girl !) recognizes she hurt another woman even though she was only protecting herself and is truly, genuinely empathetic about it. And even though 3 will be free is a love story, Miw "girls rules !" front partially being a response to her hard life isn't a transparent excuse to heal her with the love of a Good Man (that's the entire point of Luang's character). This is why her non-romantic relationship with Shin is so important ! It was never about a Bad Girl going Good for the love of an honest man, it's about a woman constantly having to deal with objectification - and being scolded and/or punished no matter how she does so - finally being seen as a full person, and loved both for her sharp edges and her soft ones.
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rashfcrd · 1 year
ter’s death 😢😭
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jgyapologism · 2 years
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morathicain · 1 year
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Phon’s touch was a familiar one, a safe one, despite still making her heart race, making her wonder sometimes, in secret, how she deserved this man, his support and love as big as an ocean, forever steady and strong.
Mae still remembered the first time he’d taken her hand, even if she’d lost count of their touches after that. As kids he’d seen her getting bullied by some children and he’d jumped between them, already smaller than her back then, fierce and without a fear. And afterwards, after the fight she’d watched with wide eyes and her troubled heart on her sleeve, he’d offered his hand with a smile and a promise. Little had she known back then, where life would lead them, what they’d become to each other. But she’d known already, that he’d get stuck to her soul, no matter where their paths would lead them.
Since then, Phon had taken her hand often. At first innocently, casually but each time a wonder to Mae, a glimmering hope. It became the daily part of her life, something to look forward to, something that changed, slowly, to a different one, a yearning one. Mae didn’t try to set her hopes up but then it came, the day Phon held on, held her hand with a new, with a different purpose, his smile lopsided and his fingers trembling.
And Mae realised: she wasn’t alone in this.
Phon became her partner, her equal, her support and her love, by her side whether she was strong or weak, whether she cried or laughed. His touch was a grounding one, the butterflies in her chest forever rising.
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Ter’s touch was a surprise. A long awaited one. And Mae hadn’t even realised it.
There was something very hesitant to it, unsure if he was allowed and it reminded Mae of herself, back at her beginning with Phon. To not know if one was welcome and to stop, even if only for a second, before reaching out.
She’d only asked for his touch because she’d been so lonely. Because she missed Phon and felt lost in this cruel world, her only companion a man who never smiled. But when he’d lied down next to her, his back touching hers, his heat seeping into the mattress and her skin, she’d felt weirdly at home. A fragile home maybe, a temporary one, but it was the rock in the storm she’d been searching for. And so she reached our further, she reached out further and with a purpose, just to reassure herself, just to settle down.
They were partners but they were not equals and still ... still! Mae watched Ter smile for the first time, after all the scolding she’d done, after all the conditions she’d uttered. And he stayed. He stayed and came back each time, taking whatever she had to say, however honest and brutal she had to be. But she couldn’t stay silent, couldn’t just hope this time. Mae was reaching out and Ter didn’t even flinch anymore, just let her take and take and take ...
Ter’s touch was a surprisingly soft one, his fingers curling around Mae’s hesitant but with a purpose, a question, a promise. And as Mae’s fingers tightened around his, her mind in a fuzzy maze, she felt at peace.
“P’Mae ...”
Her name, softly spoken by wondering lips, felt like honey to her soul and with a shuddering breath, Mae held on, determined to never let go.
There was a new love in Ter’s touch and Mae was eager to lose count once more.
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hecate112 · 2 years
So i completed watching a thai series called 3 will be free. I love it. I love all the characters and their story. Miw is such a wonderful character.I love everything about her. She has my heart.I love how the relationship between 3 of them progressed from the beginning. I love that this series gave us a good poly relationship. I was rooting for 3 of them to get together from the beginning. And oh my god mae is awesome. Such a wonderful character. Like this show has a transgender character as one of the main characters with such a strong plot. I love how they gave a very good representation for transgender people. I love this show. Such a blatantly feminist and unapologetically queer show. ❤️❤️❤️
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