#3 dog band stavros
gribnayamt · 3 months
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Is the fandom alive?
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tuliolovesuhhhh · 2 months
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(i have nothing else to post) what if 3 dog band was called 3 freak band and they always got freaky
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trishabeakens · 3 months
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Okay so I came across a really cute Cartoon Network pilot that never got picked up and I adore the characters sm.
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butters-the-simp · 3 months
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Yeah uh
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yuniko · 2 years
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This is basically them, right?
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blu-owo · 2 years
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toraleistripe · 4 years
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Stavros appreciation post
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blobitech · 4 years
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Been watching a lot of failed animated pilots and got myself a new f/o 😳
this has been sitting in my drafts for how long now?? This drawing IS a bit old?? A few weeks old but idc I’m a self shipper and I have a new boyfrien 🥺💕💖💓💓💗💕💗💓💓💕💖💗
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the-arts-wizard · 2 years
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The final of the 3 dog band drawings, Loubie! So out of all of them, Stavros is number one favorite, and Sly and Loubie are a tie. Loubie just gives me Parappa vibes and I love that game so much. So here he is with his number one sweets, cupcakes.
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movieexpert1978 · 7 years
For the headcanons meme: Franz Oberhauser :) Have fun !
1.     Alwayshated dogs. He grew up with big hunting dogs in his family home in themountains. They didn’t seem to follow his commands when he went hunting withhis father and much to his added aggravation they always seemed to listen toJames too.
2.     He didn’tlike cats either, but got one at first to get closer to any women that hemanaged to take home when he wasn’t traveling. His first cat was a simple blackcat that the women just adored so he kept it around for a bit. When he kepttraveling so much he had to put the cat up for adoption again. He got a lovelywhite Persian cat because it was the only one up for adoption as it hadn’t beensold because of anxiety issues. He took the cat to the Specter base in thedesert and the cat quickly settled down and became his knew companion. Her nameis Sapphire because of her always and he always makes sure to have a lintroller handy.
3.     Franzalways favored his mother more than his father even before James came along.His survivor skill never were on par with his father’s approval so he alwaystried harder and harder to please his father. When James came along he kept hisanger hidden very well, but his mother always noticed so she tried to comforthim from time to time while his father was occupied with James. It hurt him toleave his mother behind, but once he got his influence in the criminalunderworld he made sure to send her money to make sure that she was taken careof for the rest of her days. He saw her one more time before she passed and hadher buried in a personal garden he made for her because she missed not beingable to grow flowers in the cold mountains.
4.     Ernstnever went to college as his focus was more trying to build his organization. Hisfamily never expected him to go to college as his father wanted him to takecare of the family if something ever happened to them as well as the fact thatthey could never afford it. He didn’t get involved in the criminal world untilhe was sixteen when he was out hunting with his father and he saw illegalsmugglers climbing the mountains. He would sneak out to monitor their movementsand it only took three months for him to make the bold move of getting incloser to see what he could find. The operation was an illegal mining operationas they had found a wealthy gold vein. It was then that he understood thatwhoever had the most money had the most power. He caused a small avalanche tocover the entrance and stop the operation to get the leader’s attention. He wasso impressed with this young teenager’s actions that he nicknamed him thespecter as Ernst had come and taken action like a ghost in the night.
5.     WhileBlofeld was his mother’s maiden name, Stavro is the middle name his motherchose for him as it was the name of grandfather, whom Ernst never met. He neverknew his grandparents on either side very well as they would only come up forholidays. He didn’t immediately take the name Ernst for a long time as he justchanged his last name. He wouldn’t change his first name until he was in hisearly thirties when he fell in love for the only time in his life. Her name wasSophie and she was also involved in criminal activities. At first therelationship was simply boss and agent they eventually started to open up toeach other as she was his most trusted agent. She often teased him and calledhim Ernst as the word meant serious and he was often too serious according toher. They were careful to hide their love from others as they cautiouslybrought up the idea of marriage. Franz had even bought a gold wedding band forher when one of her missions went wrong. She called him to say goodbye andeventually bled out from multiple bullet wounds from a traitor. His wrath wasswift and clear and after she was buried he changed his name forever to beknown as Ernst Stavro Blofeld.  
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trishabeakens · 3 months
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I got reallyyyy into the 3 Dog Band pilot and made an oc for it.
Her name is Destiny and she's an antagonist pretty much. She's an egotistical popstar (who sabotages other artists/bands that she deems a threat to her spotlight) that has an on and off situationship with Stavros that started before she was famous. Which ends up turning into a rivalry.
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yuniko · 2 years
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trishabeakens · 3 months
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Art dump of my 3 Dog Band OC Destiny.
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blobitech · 4 years
Heck yeah I'll gush about f/os with you, who are yours? I like kaneda, yamagata and kai from akira, they're my bois.
Oooo valid!!! They love u!!💕💕 I’m currently fixtated on Stavros from 3 Dog Band Rn :,,) I love himb..,,, 🥺👉👈
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