#2nd only to roy and riza
kaleenjoyer · 1 year
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just pretend i didnt entirely avoid drawing Edward’s automail hand
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limetameta · 10 months
been thinking abt my fmab hunger games au all day and its so convoluted lmao
So there's three timelines we gotta explain right away
First timeline:
Riza Hawkeye won a la guns (in this au u get weapons and can use alchemy) thus became the victor for her district (like the equivalent of district 12 but i cant be bothered to have 24 ppl in a cast therefore we splitting this as arakawa intended- east district)
Second timeline:
Edward Elric was reaped. Al could not volunteer because he knew that if the capitol (aka central) ppl find out about his body theyd not only punish him but theyd probably also kill ed for comitting the taboo
It's WINRY who volunteers for some random girl because she is eds mechanic!! And he can't survive out there without her!! She is doing this for you Ed!
Riza is their haymitch. Roy Mustang, exists in this au but I'm torn between two routes for him
He's like a Gale character for Riza but the reason why he didn't volunteer to be alongside Riza for her HG was because he was too old by that point. Riza was like 18 when she got reaped.
Roy Mustang is a capitol boy who is the main schmoozing bitch that gets riza all her sponsors because that woman has 0 rizz. Effie but a man whore.
Ed and Winry win much alike Katniss and Peeta do in the first HG. I don't care for this. My fic would start with the 2nd quarter quell when all of the previous winners gotta fight.
Third timeline:
Winry gets chosen for the 75th HG. Riza steps up for her. They know she won't be this lucky again how she was last time.
Ed is the only East District male tribute.
Reason why riza stepped up is because these hunger games are going to be a bloodbath.
Olivier and Alex Armstrong will he competing. And they're careerists. (See this is where it gets kinda weird how to plan because if I have Central be capitol then that means we can't have Armstrong in this but which district would I put them in if I can't have this- lmao Olivier and Miles as North District tributes maybe - Miles may have volunteered for Alex because Alex came out of his HG completely traumatised (much alike in ishval))
Comanche and Izumi from the south district (also careerists or just built like that lmao)
And that just leaves us with the West District
This random boy gets reaped but oh! Oh! Don't worry - because there's someone who REALLY wants back in that arena! The one and only Crimson Lotus (that man would RELISH in all of the fanfare and the centre of attention he'd play the game very well and would always be like: no fair, why are we doing this w kids we should invent a new hg for us :/ (lmaooo a sponsor sent him a ph stone during his initial hg could u believe that and then he went ham thatd be so funny honestly)
Anyway Sheska is the female tribute because plot reasons.
Ishval is its own district let's say and we get Scar (volunteered for his brother in his first games and now is the only male tribute from the Victors)
I guess an OC there aren't a lot of female characters to choose from.
Anyway I love my pandemonium *kicks legs* it'd be so fucked up especially because I have ideas how to nerf the alchemists to make them more equal with the regulars when they're running for that cornucopia.
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fma03anniversary · 11 months
For the second time in 3 months, for Fullmetal Alchemist's popularity brings it back as the cover feature on Newtype Magazine for March 2004 with 10 full pages of info. Let's look inside!
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Looking ahead at the upcoming story elements, we get our first look at the Laboratory 5 story line with four pages.
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We have a two page spread covering the ladies of the show, then another two page spread featuring interviews with Romi Park, Rie Kugimiya, Tōru Ōkawa, and Keiji Fujiwara. The last two pages are dedicated to the secondary characters we've been introduced to over the last few weeks, plus a bit of information on the new OP/ED everyone's been enjoying!
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Monthly rankings!
FMA lands at #2 most popular show going into March after sitting in #1 entering February (Flame vs Fullmetal did great things for the popularity!).
Ed occupies #2 most popular male character (down from #1 in Feb), Roy holds steady at #5. Riza sits at #3 most popular female character (down from #2), and Winry is at #5 (down from #3). FMA DVD 1 ranks #3 best selling anime DVD behind Gundam Seed Vol 10 and Nausica Valley of the Wind's first DVD release (previously VHS only).
And still crushing it 3 months later, Melissa comes in as the 2nd best selling anime single, just behind the new Astroboy theme song.
Finally, the Furoku purchase bonus this month is an FMA sticker book, with 10 pages of stickers from the illustrations featured in Newtype the prior few months!
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For the April preview, Gundam returns to the cover, but don't worry there's going to be a whole lot more FMA too!
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skyfallslayer · 5 months
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Part 2 || Part 3
So... what if the MCU meet FMAB? This started with me comparing Yelena and Bucky to Riza and Roy and then this happen (It was also an excuse to play around with different hairstyles for them. lol).
Took me about an hour to write out the whole lore, and I'm sure I'll add more to it with each fanart. Might make a fic about it if anyone's interested 👀.
Major Peter (Stark) Parker - Aliases: “Hero of the People”, Tom (Codename), Underoos, Shorty || August 10th, 1899 (Leo) || Major - The “Iron-Spider Alchemist”
Morgan (Stark) Parker - Aliases: “Armored Alchemist”, Maguna, Armored Girl || May 29th, 1900 (Gemini)
In this AU, Peter and Morgan are full blood siblings born a year apart. Their mother dies a few days after giving birth to her daughter, and out of fear for the safety of his children from a certain “someone”, their father, Tony Stark, leaves his kids with a family friend: Maybelle Parker.
Besides looking like they could be kin, They’re given their “mother’s” last name for extra protection.
May, honoring Tony’s wishes, also never tells the children about him and what he is, and his plans for leaving; For all they know is May’s late husband, Ben, is their real father. 
The kids grow up believing May was their real mother, but sadly, an outbreak of a fatal disease takes her from them. They eventually train in alchemy and attempt the ultimate taboo, human transmutation.
The attempt fails, and Peter loses his left leg, and Morgan loses her entire body. In a split second decision, Peter seals his sister’s soul to an old suit of armor and loses his right arm in the process. 
Peter is eventually scouted out by a member of the military and is offered a way to hunt down information to regain their bodies back without any repercussions. 
Colonel James “Bucky” Barnes - Unit Commander || Aliases: “Hero of Sokovia”, Sebastian (Codename), King, Winter Soldier || March 10th, 1885 (Pisces) || Corporal (Pre-War), Major (During Inhuman War), Lieutenant Colonel (Pre-Canon), Present: Colonel - “Cryo-Flame Alchemist”
Bucky earned the nickname: “Hero of Sokovia” for wiping out most of the inhumans, which are the people who reside in that city. It’s a name that he detested, even more than the other nickname he got: “The Winter Soldier”.
His left arm was severely burned during the war, resulting in blotty patches/scars. 
He was originally known as the “Flame” before being rebranded to “Cryo-Flame” after learning a second alchemy type, which he turned towards after his injury (hence the ice theme nickname).
When the war ended, he was filled with guilt and disgusted how the country was run, and vowed to make sure to protect his loved ones and become Fürher.
Bucky is Roy in this AU because of the lot of similarities in their personalities. They’re both loyal, headstrong, and protective, but they’re a bit of a tease and very flirtatious. 
1st Lieutenant Yelena Belova - Adjutant || Aliases: “The Widow’s Eye”, Florence (Codename), Queen || June 22nd, 1889 (Cancer) || Warrant Officer (During Inhuman War) 
Earns the nickname: “The Widow’s Eye” for being the top sniper in the academy. 
Had a rough childhood, starting with her mother dying early on, and has her father’s alchemy research tattooed on her back. The only person who knows of this was her father’s apprentice, and soon-to-be boss, Bucky.
With guilt eating away, and grateful that Bucky was loyal to keeping it a secret, she decides to assign under him after the war is over, and swears to protect him for as long as she’s alive (or swears to shoot him if he goes out of line).
Despite her “stoic” exterior, she’s just like her MCU counterpart, still sarcastic and has ‘deadpan’ humor. 
Instead of Black Hayate, her MCU dog, Fanny, takes his place. 
2nd Lieutenant Sam Wilson - Officer-In-Charge & Medical Specialist || “The Falcon”, Anthony (Codename), Knight 
Takes place of the lovable himbo: Jean Havoc. They share a lot of similar personality traits and humor.
Earns the Nickname: “Falcon” for sharp-shooting skills.
Completely feel bad that he’ll get paralyzed in this AU too. 
2nd Lieutenant Peter Quill - Investigation Specialist || Chris (Codename), Rook 
Totally did not just made him Breda because they both have strawberry blonde hair 
^But honestly, I was mostly inspired to make him Breda when I rewatched the scene of Team Mustang reunited, and Breda was totally pumped with the idea of overthrowing the government. I’m 100% percent sure that’ll be something Quill would say. 
Quill’s still upbeat and sarcastic like his MCU counterpart, but just like the master thief he is, is intelligent and strategic. 
Master Sergeant Scott Lang - Mechanics & Communication Specialist || Paul (Codename), Scotty, Pawn 
Still has a daughter in this AU.
Both these characters are very kind and have good morals, and both can be rather stubborn if driven to a certain point. 
They’re also both great tacticians and engineers. They’re definitely the definition of “Work Smarter, Not Harder”.
Warrant Officer Stephan Strange - Information Specialist || Benedict (Codename), Bishop 
These two characters are very similar as well, and I chose Strange to be Falman in this AU because they both have a photographic memory. 
But just like his MCU counterpart, Strange still keeps his pride and ego, although it’s minimal here. 
He is still compassionate and can grow vulnerable to the people who are closest to him.
If you made it this far, then congrats? 😅 Hopefully, it wasn't too boring or overwhelming.
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felixcloud6288 · 1 year
Fullmetal Alchemist Chapter 25
The only thing I really care about is the chess game so I'm going to get everything else out of the way quickly.
We now know what happened to Izumi when she opened the gate and why she's always coughing up blood.
Despite everything, Ed and Al are still just children who really miss their mom.
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This is the first chapter where we get the names and ranks of Mustang's subordinates in a non-bonus chapter. We already got Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye and 2nd Lieutenant Havok, but now we know Havok's first name is Jean, and the others are Master Sergeant Kain Fuery, 2nd Lieutenant Haymans Breda, and Warrant Officer Vato Falman.
We also get some idea of their skills. Breda is a great tactician, Falman has an encyclopedic knowledge, Fuery is good with communications technology, Jean is a hard worker, and Hawkeye is an excellent sharpshooter.
This is the angriest Al has ever been.
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Now onto that chess game and there is so much to talk about.
There are several inconsistencies. Just to start, the General has three rooks, but one was captured. After counting pieces, that captured rook was probably supposed to be a pawn.
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From my best guess, this is the state of the board at the start of the scene.
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The reason I assume the General's knight is at d7 is because it is one move away from its starting point of b8. It could have been at the other starting point g8, but that would imply the General moved the knight, castled with the rook at h8, moved his king to g7, and then moved his knight back to g8. Kd7 to f6 requires far fewer pointless steps.
Aside from the Rook at d4, all these positions could be pulled off within 1 or 2 moves for each piece. Roy and the General both castled with the rooks on the right.
Several of Roy's pieces are are inconsistent in a later panel which can't be explained by the number of moves made, meaning the author made some mistakes or Roy has been secretly moving pieces when the General wasn't paying attention.
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The moves made up to this point were Black Knight to f6, an unknown move by Roy (I'm assuming knight to e5), black pawn to c5, white bishop to h6 capturing a pawn, black king to h6 capturing the bishop. Roy has a rook at e6 and a knight at e5 which would take 3 moves from my assumed layout. So I think this is what the board should have been at the start:
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The only odd thing is explaining what happened to the white pawn on the a column. My guess is Roy decided to advance it heavily until it reached a5. Meanwhile the General would have moved a pawn from e7 to e6, then his knight from g7 to e7, then c6, then captured the pawn at a5. Roy would then follow by moving his rook from a1 to a5, capturing the knight and then moving it to e5 and then e6, capturing a pawn and forcing the General to castle to escape check. The General could capture the rook with the pawn at f7, but he'd rather keep it there as a safety buffer.
Here's the state of the board when Roy declared Checkmate:
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If you notice, Roy doesn't actually have the General in checkmate. However, the General has lost at this point because regardless of what he does, Roy is guaranteed to win next turn. And every single way Roy can win revolves around his queen.
The General could move his king to g7, h7, or h5; or capture the knight by moving his rook to f7.
If the general captures the knight, Roy will move his queen to g6. The only thing the general can do is capture the queen by moving his king to g6, which means the bishop will capture it next turn.
If the general moves his king to g7 or h7, Roy will move his queen to g6 and every position for the king can be captured by the knight, bishop, or queen.
If the general moves to h5, Roy will move his queen to h3 and every position is covered by the queen or knight.
One final note for all the Royai shippers: The general said he wants Roy to marry his granddaughter. As revealed in one of the databooks, his granddaughter is Riza Hawkeye.
The chess screenshots were generated at lichess.org.
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pharahsgf · 3 years
fma:b!!! for the ask game
thank youuu
favourite character: alphonse ♡ perfect man. love how he inarguably gets the short stick in terms of demanded payment for human transmutation but is still this kind gentle happy person who loves cats and looks up to his brother and helps everyone around him. also stylised al = free serotonin
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2nd favourite character: ling yao lol i love his vibe and personality and i immediately found him so funny and cool when he appeared. him willingly accepting possession by greed to find the secret of immortality hurled my wig to the rafters upon first watch i was in LOVE
least favourite character: kimblee. idk what it is about this man i just found him unbearable lol
character i'm most like: i'd love to say alphonse because he's a cat lover + jewish passing but realistically i'm probably most like sheska
favourite pairing: there's no relationships i'm super into or anything but i thought ed x winry was very cute and well done, i liked ed's confession a lot & how sweet he can be towards winry. al x mei is good 2 they weren't super developed but my girl had high standards & saw them met
least favourite pairing: royai is the only age appropriate ship i actively dislike, like obviously they're close but the idea that they ever would or should let themselves indulge in romance after everything they've done... grimace emoji
favourite moment: lust's death scene... episode... probably a bit longer than a moment but the entire operation was so cool to me like this is the part that made me appreciate roy mustang's baby faced war criminal ass. it was just too cool. also the moment where riza reads envy like a fucking magazine and drops the 'do me another favour and die' oneliner. i think about that one a lot
rating out of ten: 9!! it has issues esp in its portrayal of ishval & some arcs were less interesting than others, but it's a really solid story with engaging characters and twists that shook me to my core
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farginen · 3 years
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𝐚 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐮𝐦 𝐨𝐟 𝐡𝐜𝐬 & 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬, 𝐫𝐢𝐳𝐚’𝐬 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 + 𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐯𝐚𝐥 :
•   in 1906 when her father dies riza is still 16, this is because her birthday is later in the year (october) and her father death’s seems to have taken place in very early spring, based on the weather and clothes riza and roy are seen wearing at berthold’s funeral (warm enough for light clothes, not in season enough for trees and plants to bloom). visual reference.
•   in 1907 she joins military school while still being 17, this is only allowed because she’s set to turn 18 that same year and due to the shortage of soldiers.
•   in military training they’re required to take some academic classes, one of these is a compulsory foreign language course. there riza learns xingese up to a level equal to hsk3.
•   in 1908 she’s deployed to ishval, though originally meant as on-site training required for graduation she’s instead sent to the front lines of the battle even though she had not yet graduated military school.
•   she didn’t become a soldier with the explicit intention of being a sniper. because of a combination of factors such as her prior familiarity with handling guns since living in the countryside, being good with land navigation, being a size smaller than the average soldier and her steady temperament amongst others, she (unfortunately) became a prolific sniper and gained her war hero status.
•  through her notoriety as a sniper she became kn) as “the hawk’s eye”, likely due to people mishearing / misunderstanding her surname, or purposefully word-playing on it. it’s likely the author based such pseudonym on the likeness of real life wwii snipers roza shanina, who was described as ‘the unseen terror of prussia”, and lyudmila pavlichenko, who was known as “lady death”. i’m like 99% sure both are inspirations for riza’s character as a whole. i’ve been reading and researching on them and their insights do certainly inspire my portrayal.
•  in 1909 the war ends and riza joins the military permanently. because of her role in the war she’s granted a 2nd lieutenant rank to begin with. this is when roy appoints her as his adjutant.    
•  sometime between 1910 and 1913 she’s promoted to 1st lieutenant, and in 1914 she’s transferred from eastern command to central command as seen in the beginning of the story.
•  by 1917, in the epilogue, she’s been promoted to captain.
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hawkeyedflame · 3 years
#2: "Don't look down", with your favorite Roy/Riza? :3
#2: "Don't look down" with Royai Rating: K | Words: 1,340 AO3
It's not like it was weird.
Formal events call for dancing, and as Roy skimmed his eyes across the floor he saw mingling of ranks at every level; to his right, Hughes swept Lieutenant Ross in a wide circle that flared the skirts of her dress, the two of them laughing as Armstrong spun Gracia with surprising deftness, boasting a gracefulness that belied his size. On his other side, General Grumman pulled a young woman Roy recognized as 2nd Lieutenant Rebecca Catalina in his wake, the former appearing rather devious while the Lieutenant herself seemed aggrieved.
"Ask her to dance, Mustang," Grumman whispered slyly in Roy's ear as he waltzed by. He leant away before Roy could react, but on his next pass he paused, hovering at Roy's shoulder. "It's not a good look for our prodigious lady-killer, now is it Colonel Mustang, to be at a gala unaccompanied? Even I've got the young Lieutenant here." Roy scowled and Grumman laughed heartily. Catalina caught his eye and raised a brow, smirking slightly. And then they were gone, whisked away into the sea of dancing soldiers.
Roy looked to the ceiling, said a quick prayer for grace, and craned his neck for his own men. There was 2nd Lieutenant Havoc, abandoning his customary cigarette for a chewed-up toothpick as he leaned in close to a pretty blonde, talking animatedly. And over there 2nd Lieutenant Breda sat with an elbow on the table and drink in hand, engrossed in some sort of banter with an officer Roy didn't recognize.
Finally, his eyes found Lieutenant Hawkeye, and far from the first time tonight, his breath caught at the sight of her. She leant casually against one of the tables, her long black dress slit just so at the thigh. The neckline plunged but one hand clung tightly to the cardigan draped about her shoulders, and Roy knew from the tension in her fingers that the back of the dress must be low-cut as well. Her golden hair spilled across her back and shoulders, soft curls bouncing as she talked. She seemed very interested in her conversation, but Roy was loath to stand around waiting for the general to mock him further, so he took a deep breath and crossed the room.
She saw him coming from the corner of her eye and turned her head towards him a fraction, but continued speaking. As he drew closer she sipped from her wine glass before placing it on the table behind her, and pushed herself off from her resting spot to greet him properly.
"Sir," she said, not saluting but maintaining her clipped professional tone of voice. Beside her, Roy was surprised to see she had been speaking to Fullmetal.
"Hawkeye," he greeted with a nod. "Fullmetal, I didn't see you there."
"Just stopping in Colonel," Edward replied warily, apparently too out of his element to rise to Roy's taunt. "Al said I should come for awhile but this sort of thing really isn't my gig."
"Well in that case, I hope you don't mind if I steal my subordinate for a dance?" Roy saw the lieutenant's head snap in his direction, but he kept his eyes trained on Edward's. The boy appraised him, his arched brows slowly flattening as a small smirk crossed his face.
"Sure, Colonel, you can have her." The words were laced with smugness, and Fullmetal raised his gloved automail hand dismissively as he turned away. "Try not to crush her toes. I'll see you around, Lieutenant." He walked off, leaving Roy's indignant retort to wither before it could leave his mouth. He watched as Edward disappeared into the crowd. You can have her.
Finally, Roy turned to his adjutant. She contemplated him silently, head tilted to meet his eyes, her expression carefully impassive. One hand still twisted in the fabric of her cardigan, while the other had come to grip her elbow, betraying her nerves as they shared a long gaze.
Roy broke the silence. "I know it's been a long time since we shared a dance, Lieutenant, but please don't tell me you've forgotten the steps."
"I'm afraid so, sir," she chuckled lightly, but tension rose in her shoulders at the admission.
"That's okay, I'll just show you again," Roy replied smoothly, offering his hand. She took it without hesitation, but her steps faltered as she followed him onto the dancefloor.
Roy turned towards her, guiding her hand to his shoulder before sliding his own down to settle at her waist. His other hand found hers and he twined their fingers, pulling her closer but maintaining a chaste distance. He took a step and she mirrored him hesitantly, her eyes darting to the floor.
"Don't look down," Roy commanded. "Keep your eyes on me." Her head came up sharply and he met her stare somewhat breathlessly. But she obeyed, and they soon fell into a comfortable cadence, her body slipping a little closer with every step until they brushed with impropriety. Still, Roy held her gaze, glancing away only to steer them from other couples. Neither of them noticed that they had caught the attention of half the room.
She was close, so close and Roy could smell her rose-scented soap and the undertone of gunpowder that never washed away, he could see every long eyelash, feel the heat from her chest where it pressed against his. He studied her face intently and she closed her eyes, allowing him to guide her through their dance, a soft smile touching the corners of her lips. He could kiss her. He could--
Too quickly the music shifted to something livelier, and Riza opened her eyes, dropping her hand from where it had come to curl around the back of his neck. She splayed it across his chest, pushing lightly until Roy took a step back. Boldly, he lifted their twined hands and kissed hers lightly before letting go.
"Thank you for the dance, Roy," she murmured in a low voice, words meant only for him. She bit her lip lightly, staring at her hand on his chest.
"My pleasure, Lieutenant," he whispered back, watching wistfully as the curtain of professionalism fell back across her features at his warning. They broke apart when Rebecca Catalina stepped between them, her brown ringlets filling Roy's vision.
Rebecca grabbed her fellow lieutenant by the wrist. "Sorry Colonel, but this next dance is mine!" she chirped, turning to give Roy a wicked smirk. Before he could reply, she had dragged Hawkeye away and grabbed her by the face, pressing their foreheads together and speaking quickly.
Bewildered, Roy turned to find a seat and a drink, nearly leaping out of his skin when Hughes' voice cracked his left ear. "That was not very subtle, Roy," he chided without heat.
"God, don't sneak up on me like that," Roy yelped, rubbing his ear indignantly.
"When are you going to marry her?" Hughes pressed.
Roy rolled his eyes and walked away, knowing his friend was following without looking back. "You know that's not how things work around here," he said.
"It could be. Your state alchemist pay is enough that there's no need for her to work. She doesn't have to be your subordinate you know." Hughes was talking a little too loudly for comfort.
Roy stopped, closing his eyes in a prayer for patience. "It's not about money," he growled.
"Well, what is it then?" His best friend was quickly beginning to grate on already-raw emotions, and Roy gritted his teeth in irritation.
"Mind your own business, Hughes," he said, more forcefully than he intended. Hughes stared him down with narrowed green eyes for a long moment before smirking.
"For now," he agreed easily. "But just be careful, Roy. You two looked hopelessly in love out there."
Roy stared across the room, catching a glimpse of his lieutenant still trapped in her best friend's arms. She met his eye for a moment and his chest ached. With a sigh, he rubbed the back of his neck.
"I know."
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silvery-dreams-art · 4 years
Thank you @meridianheroine​ for tagging me! I’m not so used to make this type of things on tumblr, but this seems funny!😄
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous
Uhm... I have too many WIP and sketches that I want to color 😂 Also, there is another problem: most of the titles of the files are in italian 😂 Maybe I can translate them into english? However, most of them have as title keywords to remind me what that is
(PS: I covered files that were sketches that I don’t want to color or photos used as a reference)
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1st row: draft fairy cdc challenge
2nd row: drafts illustration witch | castle | ChoCho-San Kitagawa Utamaro style
3rd row:  draw this in your style Shurei | exercises landscape | exercises backgrounds
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1st row: chubby seal | live 1 C | Louis pastry chef color | Louis pastry chef sketch
2nd row: test Roy and Riza new style | tracing mermaid apple | Roy and Riza animal crossing
3rd row: royai kiss
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1st row: sketches new style | Shouto Todoroki color | sketch Adrien and Marinette color | sketch random angel wip
2nd row: sketch child chocolate | sketch child with puppy | sketch chibi royai 2020 | sketch Ed skater | sketch fairy with dandelion | sketch Klei shui
3rd row: sketch lady dog with nightgown | sketch piglet | sketch nature nymph | sketch Princess Serenity | sketch Roy and baby royai
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1st row: sketch Roy | sketch royai nicht together color | sketch Spyro and Sparx | sketch crystal witch | sketch Super Sailor Mercury | sketch bird reading on the armchair
2nd row: various sketch 3 | witch DTIYS color | tanabata matsuri
3rd row: bird reader | fox onna bugeisha color | vixen priestess | wip tanabata matsuri
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⬆ These other two are more “themed” because they were in 2 different folders: in the first one there are all the files to do a set of stickers for Telegram and Whatsapp (and some will be also designs on t-shirt and other stuff); in second various wip about some illustration with the fairy tale of Cinderella for my portfolio!
Now, I'm tagging @borkthemork @ymir-me @jeanhaavoc @megthemighty @fdevitart to do the same, obviously only if you want!
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3dnygma · 4 years
tagged by: @stvlti - thank you Eugenia!
rules: answer the questions and tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better
top 3 ships:
Nygmobblepot - Edward Nygma and Oswald Cobblepot from Gotham. I don’t recall ever adoring a ship as much as these two, so they’re def my #1 ship. There’s just something about that “us against the rest of the world” vibe from many villain/villain ships that can be extremely compelling. Also given the both dark and goofy nature of Gotham, there’s just a lot that you can do with these characters. I also quite enjoy Riddlebird (aka Penguin/Riddler outside of Gotham), although I do know less about their dynamic in other Batman adaptations/universes.
Mantis and Nebula from GOTG/the MCU. Mhm honestly I’m not as much into these two as I used to be but thinking about them makes my seratonin levels RISE! There’s so much they could learn from eachother and I think their dynamic in general would make for some hilarious, domestic situations.
Riza Hawkeye/Roy Mustang from Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood (haven’t seen 2003 FMA yet, or read the manga). Probably my favourite straight ship hahha. I quite enjoy both of them as individual characters and, as a result, how their personalities work together. Especially the trust that these two have is admirable! I also quite enjoy the role that their relationship fulfills in FMAB. It’s not a slow-burn but instead pre-established with a long-running history. They don’t exude those vibes of a young romantic couple but instead have a very solid and stable relationship. They don’t display pda but you can tell by each of their interactions how fond they are for eachother.....I just think they’re neat :)
(To be honest there are quite a few ships I enjoy to the same extent as Mantis/Nebula and Riza/Roy.....I like them but Nygmobblepot is still by far my fave ship. With pretty much all of my other ships, I just tend to read fanfic abt them occasionally and would probably not create original content for them myself.
Also I tend to multiship most of my favourite characters? Scorpia from She-ra, Matsuda from Death Note (Sayu not as much), and Edward Nygma...Seems like I ship my faves with a bunch of people or nobody else at all.)
last movie: 
Crazy Rich Asians! They added it on Netflix a while ago so one of my friends and I decided to watch it via Netflix Party (which is a Chrome extension I can heavily recommend if you have Netflix and miss Rabb.it like I do). In my country we’re actually allowed to meet up with people again but sadly she’s abroad rn, so we’ve been watching quite a few movies via Netflix Party. Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, The Breakfast Club, and now Crazy Rich Asians.
Anyways, I loved the movie! I was actually pleasantly surprised by the emotional beats and character growth this movie had because back when it was released, I only really perceived it as a great comedy. It’s still pretty funny, but I definetely enjoyed the family and class conflict it was depicting. Also Singapore looks so amazing wtf!!
I sadly started too many books at the same time and haven’t finished any of them yet lol. I tend to read small portions at a time these days and hardly ever finish books in one setting.
A friend gifted me Shadows of the Dark Crystal by J.M. Lee - it’s set in the Dark Crystal universe (taking place parallel to the Netflix prequel show). Said friend remembered me casually mentioning how much I love said prequel show and so she got it for me as a Secret Santa gift. It’s prob one of the most considerate gifts I’ve gotten in a while! The story is very conscise (honestly you really could compare it to a great fanfic) and it definitely made me more interested in the fantasy genre as a whole. I’m reading one or two chapters every now and then but I’m waiting to finish it until I’ve got the second entry of the book series.
Another book I started was The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Have neither seen the movie or read the book yet but it’s on our English BA’s reading list. Finished about the first quarter I believe? But I haven’t continued it ever since. However, it’s definitely been a good read thus far! Downloaded it on our tablet because it’s under Creative Commons and thus free!
The third text I’ve started reading (abt a week ago) is As You Like It by William Shakespeare. Never actually read a Shakespeare play in English thus far so I felt like it was about time (my previous literature courses at Uni: Am I a joke to you?). Can’t really say much about it yet because I’m still at the 2nd Act but I’m glad to have bought the bilingual version (English original on the left page, German translation on the right page) because Shakespearean English is still very new to me. 
what food are you craving right now?
Got some sushi and wakame salad at the grocery store today and I’m excited to try it for dinner ! 
tagging: sorry I know this is against the rules but if you see this and feel like doing it you can just say that I tagged you :)
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jeminy3 · 5 years
Hughes/Hawkeye Swap/Apprentice Hughes AU Outline
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notes and general outline for my ideas for a FMA AU that swaps Riza and Hughes' roles in the story. includes lesbian Riza and self-indulgent Roy/Hughes shipping, but you can imagine it's platonic if you want.
Original Art Post Here
Read on AO3 Here
Read on Google Docs Here
AU in which Hughes and Hawkeye switch roles. Hughes is Roy's First Lieutenant and bodyguard with the secrets of Flame Alchemy tattooed on his back, Riza is Roy's best friend and informant within Central's investigation team.
- Berthold Hawkeye refuses to teach Riza Alchemy, being old-fashioned and wishing to protect his daughter from that lifestyle. Instead he opens up an apprenticeship to any teen boys willing to learn. He receives one in the form of a young Roy Mustang.
But things become complicated when a 2nd boy by the name of Maes Hughes also arrives to accept the apprenticeship. Neither him or Roy want to back down, so Berthold wearily agrees to teach them both on the condition that only one of them will receive advanced studies if they earn his trust and approval. Roy and Maes agree.
What follows is 2-3 years of Roy and Maes competing as rival apprentices as they live with the Hawkeyes in their estate, slowly growing from bitter rivals to close friends (with tenuous romantic/sexual feelings for each other later on).
Roy is petty and competitive, eager to prove himself against Maes as the better Alchemist and earn his Master's respect, hopefully enough to learn the secrets of his infamous Flame Alchemy research. Maes only wished to learn basic Alchemy at first, but he's driven to try harder as he butts heads with Roy, taking great pleasure in knocking the ambitious boy down a few pegs and seeing him frustrated.
Meanwhile, a young Riza watches them from afar, then eventually befriends the two, admitting from her observations of them that they actually seem to like each other's company. Roy and Maes vehemently disagree with this, too proud to admit otherwise.
This becomes obvious as the adolescents' sexuality comes into bloom (Roy and Riza being gay, and Maes being bisexual), with Riza being the first one who becomes comfortable in who she is and what she likes, and keeps trying to encourage the boys do the same. But their pride and stubbornness keeps getting in the way of admitting their attraction to each other.
+ Eventually a harrowing event or two brings them closer, like the Academy OVA
Things change as Roy's ambition shifts, and he shows interest in joining the military and helping his country with its constant wars. Riza shares similar interests, but this draws Berthold's ire. He pushes them away in favor of Maes, who he deems his most trustworthy apprentice now.
Maes shares similar sentiments with his friends, but he's better about hiding them from his Master. After hearing about Berthold's Flame Alchemy from Roy and Riza, his inquisitive nature made him curious to learn the secrets, so he's been staying on Berthold's good side to earn his trust. He aims to share the secrets with his friends once he gets them.
Once Berthold makes it clear he favors Maes, Roy makes clear his desire to join the Academy and parts ways with his Master. He begrudgingly bids farewell to his friends before he leaves. (He's almost 18, several months older than Maes, and nearly 4 years older than Riza.)
Roy promises to see Riza on the battlefield and fight with her someday. His parting with Maes is more tense, as they've finally settled their differences and become friends, but still haven't resolved their deeper feelings for each other. Maes isn't clear on whether or not he will join Roy at the Academy, despite showing interest earlier. Instead, Roy hesitantly promises to see him again, and Maes promises likewise.
Roy spends several months adjusting to Academy life, then is surprised when the next batch of students has Maes among them. He joined after all, saying he stopped his studies with Master Hawkeye because he no longer wants to become an Alchemist, and has signed up as an average soldier, like Roy. He doesn't go into detail about his decision, but Roy assumes it's because Maes finally stood up for himself and what he really believes in, rebelling against Master Hawkeye.
No longer rivals, and being more mature, Roy and Maes revive their friendship and finally come to terms with their feelings for each other. Maes admits to grappling with heartbreak after Roy left, making him finally realize the true nature of his feelings. Roy admits to missing Maes in a similar way since coming here. Eventually, they confess their love for each other and become an item.
But Roy notices Maes having a strange paranoia over his body that wasn't there before, never undressing in front of anyone and being more private in his bathing rituals. Sleeping together is also off-limits. Roy wonders about this but respects Maes' preferences, trying to be a good boyfriend.
They survive the rest of their Academy training and graduate with flying colors, all the while enjoying an overall happy relationship together. Roy is a strong soldier and natural leader, and Hughes proves to be an accomplished marksman and sniper.
Roy and Maes return to the Hawkeye Estate to visit Riza, like they promised her. She's happy to see them, and even more happy that they finally hooked up. But things are tense under the surface, and Riza admits that her father is on his deathbed. Roy agrees to see him, but Maes suddenly becomes quiet and distant, and refuses to see him. Riza seems to understand, and takes him aside while Roy meets with Berthold.
The dying Berthold gives his parting words to Roy, admitting he would have favored Roy with his secrets had he not agreed to join the military, and it seems he made a mistake in trusting Maes after all, since he followed the same path. But what's done is done. Roy asks about happened to the secrets of his research. Berthold forces a chuckle, remarking that Roy should know about this already.
Roy asks what he means by this. Berthold admits that he gave the secrets to Maes not long before he left for the Academy. But apparently, Maes never told him this.
Regardless, Berthold makes Roy promise to watch over his daughter and keep Maes' secrets safe, only using Flame Alchemy for a good cause. Roy is confused, but agrees to this. He comforts Berthold as he takes his dying breaths.
Afterward, Roy finds Riza and Maes comforting each other in Riza's bedroom, and confronts them over what he's been told. He demands to know what Maes has been hiding from him, feeling hurt. Maes gets upset, and Riza calms them both, telling Roy that it isn't personal, it's been very hard for Maes and she only found out about it after he left for the Academy.
Roy wants to know what "it" is - so, Riza gently encourages Maes to take off his shirt. Hesitantly, with great pains, Maes does this - revealing a series of Alchemy tattoos covering most of his back, containing the secrets to Flame Alchemy.
+ Alternative: Roy walks into the room just as Maes is showing his back to Riza, causing even more shock and confusion.
Roy is shocked and horrified. Maes forces a calm, nonchalant tone as he relays how he earned Berthold's trust, but only enough to earn his secrets in a way he could never actually use them. Instead he was coerced into being their keeper, sedated and operated on by a tattoo artist Berthold hired. The operation and grueling recovery was a terrible, violating experience, and has ruined Maes' passion for Alchemy entirely, to the point that he hates and avoids it now. As soon as he was able, he quietly slipped away from the Hawkeye Estate, returned home, then left to join Roy at the Academy to become a soldier. He finally breaks down as he apologizes profusely to Roy for never telling him about this, even when they became an item.
The two embrace, with Roy understanding of Maes now and saying he should apologize for getting mad and assuming the worst. He promises to be better to Maes, as long as he doesn't hide things from him anymore. He loves him, and if they're going to survive together, they need to be honest and trusting with each other. Maes tearfully agrees. Riza comforts them both.
Afterwards, Roy uses his soldier's pay to arrange a proper burial for Berthold, and the three mourn at his grave. Roy relays his dreams to help his country from the bottom up, even if he's just a disposable soldier. Maes agrees with him and promises to stay by his side, and offers to give Roy the secrets on his back so he can revive his dream of becoming a State Alchemist. Roy accepts this, especially coming from his boyfriend. Riza is warmed by all this, and promises to support them as well, once she's able to. Roy leaves a business card with her so she can look for him after she graduates from the Academy.
Roy and Maes return to Roy's new apartment in Central, moving in together and working to decode the tattoo. Once they do, Roy develops his method of Flame Alchemy, inventing the ignition gloves. He trains until he feels ready, then applies for his State License, impressing the Fuhrer and others with his flames. He earns the title of The Flame Alchemist. Maes supports him from the sidelines as best he can, still very nervous around Alchemy, especially this kind.
Then, Roy is deployed to Ishval, with Maes following soon afterward. They're separated for a time, but eventually meet again in a tearful reunion. Roy has become a murderer, and their idealistic dreams have shattered.
Eventually they also reunite with Riza, who has become an unofficial squad Captain. She's graduated early, showing a penchant for investigation, strategy, and knife-throwing. The three friends take comfort in each other in this terrible time.
On a good note, Riza reveals she has a girlfriend in Central named Gracia, and she plans to marry her once they go back home. Roy and Maes are happy for her - but also a bit sad, since their careers prevent them from doing the same due to fraternization laws.
Once it's over, Roy changes his dream to ascending the ranks and becoming the next Fuhrer, protecting everyone beneath him with his newfound leadership responsibilities. Maes and Riza pledge to support him to the bitter end.
Before going back home, Maes approaches Roy privately, and asks him to burn his tattoo. He feels equally responsible for the lives Roy's taken with his flames, and has decided the secrets need to be destroyed to prevent the possibility of another Flame Alchemist being created. He has discussed this with Riza beforehand, who agreed. Roy refuses to hurt Maes at first, but after some begging and arguing, he finally relents.
After Ishval, Roy is promoted to Lt. Colonel and transferred to East HQ under General Grumman, Riza's grandfather whom she pulls strings with. Maes is promoted to 2nd Lieutenant and assigned as Roy's personal aide and bodyguard, trusting no one else with the role. Maes will protect his back like Roy did for his, and put a bullet in it if he strays from his path toward Fuhrer. Riza is transferred to Central to join their investigations department, working on the inside to supply Roy with information.
Over the years, Riza marries Gracia, and Roy and Maes attend their wedding as her best men. Months later, a sperm donor is used to help Gracia become pregnant, and they welcome the arrival of their daughter, Elicia.
The rest is mostly the same as canon besides the reversed roles, and Roy and Maes have a somewhat-secret relationship that they struggle to keep balanced and healthy between their professional lives, power imbalances, and promises to each other.
+ Possible: Riza's fast enough to narrowly avoid dying at the hands of Envy, but she does have to go into hiding and/or ends up in a coma. If comatose, she only revives after The Promised Day - the Nationwide Transmutation Circle takes her soul out of her body and Hohenheim's counter-circle returns it, causing a sort of hard-reset on her consciousness and returning her to the waking world. After recovering, she is happily reunited with her friends and family (but is probably worse for wear, due to the bullet wound and whatever resulting injuries or nerve damage it caused).
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miru-p · 5 years
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As I said in my last Family Tree, the last one! In this one you have some OCxCanon ships and their kiddos as well as Royai and their bbies . 
Click for better view or check it in my deviantART with longer description!
Now, about the family, from left to right, and up to down:
Roy Mustang (C.V: Shinichiro Miki / V.A: Travis Willingham) 27th December 1885 | Capricorn | Bisexual | 173cm | Führer
Riza Hawkeye Mustang (C.V: Fumiko Orikasa / V.A: Colleen Clinkenbeard)  14th June 1888 | Gemini | Demisexual | 168cm | First Lady
Nathan Mustang (C.V: Sōma Saitō / V.A: Max Mittelman) Principal 4 traits: Reliable, reserved, cooperative, grumpy 14th October 1917 | Libra | Heterosexual | 174cm | Laws Student The oldest son of Roy and Riza is the kind of quiet and reserved type. He prefers to be by himself but he can be very cooperative and hardworking in team, too. He wants to help his parents in everything they have achieved until then, so although he thinks he isn't suitable for the military, he is studying laws. Nate, like his sister, knows Emily Hughes and her sisters since always due to the friendship of their parents. At age 16, he starts dating Emily.
Lucy Mustang (C.V: Aya Hirano) / V.A: Morgan Garrett) Principal 4 traits: Enthusiastic, unforgiving, cheerful, blunt 2nd May 1919 | Taurus | Bisexual | 167cm | Art History Student Unlike her brother, Lucy is totally a goblin. She's a very extroverted girl who loves to joke about everything in general. Usually, she teases her brother about a lot of things, mostly about his relationship with Emily. Emily is also Lucy's best friend, so sometimes she would tease her as well :giggle: She's very interested in fashion, art, and music. Her middle name is Alaine, but she doesn't like to be called for it.
Brigitte Fellner (C.V: Sakura Tange / V.A: Tia Ballard) Principal 4 traits: Cheerful, impatient, optimistic, lazy 3rd April 1891 | Aries | Heterosexual | 162cm | Attorney Brigitte is Melissa best friend. She knows her since forever, as well as Alex and Arabelle. Unlike Melissa, she's a very cheerful girl who always loves to hang out and have fun. The only time she's serious is during her work, where she looks like a total different person. She met Breda for Meli, since they both workes together from time to time. When they started dating, Brigitte told Melissa that it seemed that she has a weakness for readheads, and Melissa just replied rolling her eyes.
Heymans Breda (CV:Biichi Satō / V.A: Jeremy Inman) 29th January 1887 | Aquarius | Heterosexual | 170cm | Captain
Arthur Breda (C.V: Satoshi Hino/ V.A: Ben Diskin) Principal 4 traits: Considerate, grumpy, sincere, impatient 20th July 1919 | Cancer | Heterosexual | 178cm | Pedagogy Student The oldest son of Brigitte and Breda is a very kind guy with a lot of patience. He's friends with Angy since forever and she loves to tease him since forever too, so Arthur usually refers to her as 'his bully'. He's also friends since childhood with Silvia Havoc (@bearycafe's OC), and the three of them were best friends since then. At first, Silvia's character made him to be a dork just for seeing her grumpy, something that Angy couldn't believe because it was the same she does and was called a bully for it :XD: Finally, Arthur and Silvia could get along better and even started dating briefly after. He also has good relationship with Silvia's siblings and Angy's siblings, loving them as his own sibligns too.
Alicia Breda (C.V: Sumire Morohoshi / V.A: Erica Mendez) Principal 4 traits: Affectionate, talkative, playful, dependent 6th November 1931 | Scorpio | 132cm | Student The little sister of Arthur and his little angel. Alicia is a very good and cheerful kid that Arthur truly adores. Also, Silvia loves her like her own sister and sometimes tries to make Arthur jealous :giggle:
Kain Fuery (C.V: Tetsuya Kakihara / V.A: Kevin M. Connolly) 17th March 1890 | Pisces | Demisexual | 157cm | Lieutenant
Gretchen Fuery (C.V: Megumi Han / V.A: Mikaela Krantz) Principal 4 traits: Curious, impatient, cheerful, secretive 18th November 1889 | Scorpio | Heterosexual | 170cm | Restaurant owner A very kind soul. Just like Evelyn is very known and loved thanks to her florist, Gretchen situation is the same thanks to her restaurant. Almost all people of Central City knows her and enjoys her meals a lot.
Leonard Fuery (C.V: Yūma Uchida/ V.A: Ian Sinclair) Principal 4 traits:  Friendly, pessimistic, educated, impatient 29th October 1918 | Scorpio | Homosexual |188cm | Mathematics Student Leo is close to the Jones kiddos as well as to Jessica and Arthur, although he always has been more individualist.  Leo is a very calm person and kind of hieratic sometimes so he has never had easy making friends outside Angy, Jess, and Arthur. Leo teaches Jansen maths in their free time since maths is the worst enemy of Jansen. With this they got to know each other more and actually got closer.
Mathilda Fuery (C.V: Rie Tanaka/ V.A: Andrea Kwan) Principal 4 traits: Responsible, shy, caring, unforgiving 20th August 1921 | Leo | Pansexual | 158cm | Student Mattie is the best friend of Sammy. They knew each other since childhood because their parents are friends, and were inseparable ever since. Mattie is also shy, but not as introverted as Samantha, so even if they understand each other well and would never do anything that would hurt the other, they are different enough to help the other with their insecurities.
Vato Falman (C.V: Kenji Hamada / V.A: Kyle Hebert) 14 January 1879 | Aquarius | Demisexual | 190cm | Captain
Louise Falman (C.V: Maaya Uchida / V.A: Katelyn Gault) Principal 4 traits: Serious, individualist, hardworking, moody 6th November 1884 | Scorpio | Pansexual | 173cm | Gymnast (former), Event organizer Falman has always been very reserved with his private life so the rest didn't met formally her gf when he propounded her to Melissa for making her and Alex' wedding preparations.
Jessica Falman (C.V: Yukana / V.A: Jeannie Tirado) Principal 4 traits: Cheerful, loudmouthed, cooperative, lazy 25th September 1916 | Libra | Bisexual | 170cm | Marketing Student The oldest daughter of the Falmans is a very optimistic girl. Since she's one of the oldest kiddos, she is always supposed to be the mature older sister for everyone but actually she's a little child at heart that just love to have fun. She has a good relationship with Leo; opposites attract each other after all :giggle:
Ernest Falman (C.V: Kenshō Ono / V.A: Laura Stahl) Principal 4 traits: Quiet, stubborn, responsible, envious 4th June 1922 | Gemini | 155cm | Student The little brother of Jess is a serious boy. He usually has to lecture his sister for her carefree behavior. He's good friends with Mattie and the Jones twins.
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hawkeyebabe · 6 years
Petrol Soaked Papers
Rating: T  Pairing: Royai Summary: Forcibly removed from Mustang's side, Riza Hawkeye is reassigned on a mission that could alter the success of the Ishvalan Restoration Efforts. AO3
Chapter One Next Chapter
The decision to cut her hair had been an easy one, almost natural, in fact. It had been in the way that day; sticking to her sweating face, whipping over her eyes in combat, dripping with her very own blood until it crusted like dried batter. And frankly, the heat of the deserts of Ishval had never quite left her flesh. Cutting it short again would be her only control over some semblance of coolness, and at least in the nights, when the dark winds would brush over her bared neck, she’d be given a blessing.
However, now that eight months had passed, she finally began to notice its length again. The overwhelming attention needed by both her general and Ishval forbade her from noticing things so trivial as hair length, but staring at herself in the mirror then, fingers curiously touching the ends of her blonde hair, she realized how long it had become. The tips brushed the lapels of her uniform jacket.
Tensions in Ishval, though high they once were, finally began to stabilize. The testimony of Scar and the refugee roamers he’d befriended, though smoothing, were hardly enough to render Ishval contained or even convinced. They needed more than just promise from she and Brigadier General Mustang, two of the most high-profiled mass murderers of the Ishvalan War of Extermination, before this stabilization could have ever come to fruition.
Reflecting on the months prior was a common routine for her, and she continued to do it as she pulled back her hair and pinned it to her head with the help of a few pins. She actually rather liked the look of her hair down on her shoulders, but by the time the sun was fully risen and sweat was inevitably streaming down her face, she knew the hair would be up anyway.
The return of Ishvalan citizenship, the Trade of Land Equity Act, the right to own businesses and participate in commerce and trade; these were only a few of the bids General Mustang had fought and won for the Ishvalan people. However, the big one, the one that seemed to truly convince these people that they were on their side wholly, had only recently wrapped up three weeks ago. The one which held council of five Amestrian officials, and seven Ishvalan representatives.
Roy Mustang, who held the title of Major and State Alchemist during the Ishvalan War of Extermination, you are irreparably guilty of war crimes and inhumane acts of alchemy which resulted in the insurmountable loss of Ishvalan life.
Riza Hawkeye, who held the title of Cadet Private during the Ishvalan War of Extermination, you are irreparably guilty of war crimes and obeying the orders of evil men capable of a moral compass, resulting in the loss of, as records show, over 350 Ishvalan lives.
With consideration of your contributions to the country of Amestris, and the sacrifices you made to protect it, in addition to testimonies of Ishvalans who have witnessed your efforts towards their land...you are cleared of charges.
With consideration of your contributions to the country of Amestris, and the sacrifices you made to protect it, in addition to testimonies of Ishvalans who have witnessed your efforts towards their land...you are cleared of charges.
The sand-bidden hurricane seemed to have quelled since then. The Ishvalans no longer openly glared at them, or watched them leerily as they walked down the streets. The newly built stone huts hadn’t been slamming their shutters once they heard the unmistakable rustle of boots on gravel. A few have even waved, even smiled, at them. Her hand unconsciously grasped the necklace beneath her black undershirt, feeling the outline of the small sun that hung from it.
After all, Riza surmounted, it was the Ishvalans who chose to spare she and Mustang’s lives in the Ishvalan War Trials when they were under no obligation to.
The air outside smelled of straw, fresh and robust. Howar, the local herdsman, must have harvested it at dawn. This small piece of her day was a favorite, for it was quiet, the air still crisp from the night, and whispers and dottings of pink teased the outline of the distant mountains as the sun debated its waking. She missed her dog, though she knew he would never survive the worst of the heat. Safe with Kain, in the more considerable climate of Central, Hayate was happy.
The walk to the center, as it had been coined, reminded of her the past. When she walked from her apartment to Central each morning; when they had no idea of what was awaiting them.
A pair of boots joined her from her left and fell in sync beside her.
“Good morning, Captain.”
“Sleep well?”
“No. You?”
They gave one another a knowing smile as they came upon their shack of a building. ‘The Center’, as Mustang so lovingly called it, was really no more than a few rooms with an abundance of filing cabinets, papers, and maps nailed up on walls. 2nd Lieutenant Falman snapped to attention as they filed through the door.
“Captain, General,” he offered with a salute. They returned it, and Falman relaxed.
“Sir,” he said to Mustang, who stopped to look at him. “You’ve been sent a letter from Central headquarters.”
“Oh?” asked Mustang curiously as he took the envelope from Falman’s hands.
“Yes. It’s addressed to you and Captain Hawkeye both.”
Riza exchanged a glance with Mustang, who shrugged and sliced open the envelope as he fell into his chair.
The room was messy, Riza thought as she looked around at their workspace. She and Mustang’s desks were perpendicular, and Falman’s was in the corner hardly six feet behind Riza’s. It was a cramped space, and there was little time for organization or cleaning. Maybe, she mused, there would be now that the water had stilled.
She heard Mustang hum from his seat and she turned to look at him, waiting for him to comment on the letter.
“Interesting…” he commented.
“What does it say?”
“We’ve been summoned to attend a council tomorrow, Captain.” He flicked the letter upwards. “1100 hours sharp.”
Taken aback, Riza stared at him. Seeing this, he nodded.
“Why?” she asked somewhat incredulously, though she knew he must have as little clue as she. He just answered with a shrug as his eyes swept over the paper again.
They’d only left Ishval once, and it was to attend their court trials. Granted, although it was recent, leaving again so soon felt odd, even wrong. Ishval was a commitment, not a casual engagement.
“Guess we don’t have much of a choice,” pursed Mustang as he flashed two train tickets that he’d fished from the envelope. Riza eyed them and offered a small sigh.
“I suppose not,” she reasoned, mostly to herself. “If the meeting is at 1100, what time is our train?”
His eyes flicked to the tickets, searched them, and chuckled airly.
Having the sudden urge to groan, Riza distracted herself by taking her own seat and pulled a few files towards herself.
“Then I suppose we have two days of work to finish in one.”
“Actually, this theorizes we may be in town for several days,” he said, his eyes roaming the letter. With an unhumored smile, Riza picked up a large, overflowing file from her desk and pushed it onto his.
“Don’t forget to stretch your wrist once in awhile.”
The smile he returned her was a bitter one.
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ssadropout · 6 years
The Contest
This bit of silliness and OOC-ness is based on the Seinfeld episode “The Contest.” I have no idea why I wrote a fic based on that episode (well, maybe because I love it), but I know that I could never get close to that episode’s perfection. If you haven’t seen it, you are really missing out.
Havoc is caught doing something very private, and the incident prompts a competition among the Mustang Gang plus Rebecca. 
Happily for Havoc, it was Breda who found him. Sadly, it was not the most embarrassing thing that had ever happened to him (but that's another story for another time.) Jean had gone into the men's locker room to shower after his workout. He'd felt tired until he noticed the magazine. The issue of Guns! Guns! (Guns!) was open to a page showing a brunette with long curly hair and a blond with short hair. They were skimpily clad and holding new rifle models. Maybe, if they hadn't looked so much like Catalina and Hawkeye, it wouldn't have happened, but they did sort of resemble the two best friends. And he did have a thing for one of them- the one that he was a little less afraid of.
He figured that he had a few minutes before anyone else showed up, since the others had just begun their workouts when he'd left.
He hadn't taken into consideration the degree of Breda's dislike of exercise (which rivaled his fear of dogs.) Havoc was so close when his cohort walked in, but that was that. Havoc was caught in the act, and Breda regretted that the seen could not be unseen. The red head did not say a word. He really didn't need to. They showered, and as they left the locker, Havoc whined, “You're not going to tell anyone, are you?”
“Hell, yes!” said Breda with an evil grin.
Hawkeye noticed that Havoc wouldn't look her in the eyes. He seemed to be avoiding looking at her at all. He just sort of looked beyond her. She also saw that Breda's attempt at a nonchalant mien was sure to fail. She realized that it was one of those times where she didn't want to know what the problem was, so she just went back to work.
Breda sauntered over to Fuery's desk with a mischievous look in his eyes. He spoke lowly. First Fuery's eyes grew wide, magnified by his thick lenses. Then, his face grew beet red. Then he started giggling nervously, averting his head from Havoc's direction. That was about when the Colonel stepped out of his inner office.
His gaze took everything in: Hawkeye diligently working, Breda talking to Fuery, Fuery trying to control himself, Falman working, and Havoc working... Havoc working when something was going on? The Colonel instantly analyzed the situation. “Master Sergeant Fuery, I need you in my office.”
Breda paled, and Havoc nearly fainted. They knew that Mustang would break Fuery like a marshmallow-roasting twig. He had gone right for the weakest link. Breda mouthed , “Sorry Hav,” across the room.
Mustang preceded poor Kain into the inner office and had him shut the door. He sat at his desk and feigned interest in his paper work, saying nothing. After about five minutes, he said, “Sergeant?”
“Do I really need to ask?”
“Please don't make me tell you, Sir.”
“I'm afraid that I can't grant that request.”
“It's really not my story to tell, Colonel.”
“It is unless you want the rest of the team to stay until 2200.”
“That's not fair, Sir!”
The Colonel just stared at the poor communications officer who finally sighed. “Okay, Sir,”
Mustang called the men into his office. Hawkeye rose, too, but his look sent her silently back to her seat. She really did not want to know.
The Colonel was trying to look serious, but there was definitely a twinkle in his eyes. Havoc looked sick, and Breda was trying not to snicker. Poor Fuery looked abashed, and Falman... well, you know. Mustang, usually not at a loss for words, seemed to be mentally formatting a sentence. Finally:
“What the hell, Havoc? What if it had been anyone not from our team? What were you thinking?”
“He wasn't,” Breda whispered but was silenced by Mustang's I want to burn something look.
“If you had seen the magazine, Sir... Do you want me to go get it?” Havoc ventured.
“You've got to be kidding me!” However, Mustang was curious. “Did you see it, Breda?”
“The models did resemble the Lieutenant and 2nd Lieutenant. However, they didn't have enough clothes on to show whether they were military or not. They didn't exactly hold the rifles like they were professional... shooters.” Breda was looking at Havoc as he was answering Mustang.
The Colonel turned to Havoc and asked, “And which lady did you find more attractive?”
Nearly choking, Jean replied, “I think that brunettes are really hot!” It was the truth, but more importantly, it was the right answer. Mustang seemed to relax a little.
“I can't believe that you could not control yourself!”
“C'mon Colonel! Didn't you ever just have to... take care of business?”
“It's not what you did as much as it's where you did it.”
“I bet you would have done the same thing, Boss!”
Before Roy could reply, Breda cut in. “I think that I have an idea.”
Whoever held out from spanking the monkey the longest would win the pot. Each of the five men would ante up 2,000 cenz. The Contest would begin the next Monday so that the men could prepare for it. Falman would handle the money. Reporting of failure to master ones lapse would be on the honor system.
And that's how the Contest would have proceeded had Havoc not run into the darker model's doppelganger. What ensued was emblematic of why he had problems with the ladies. While he had the presence of mind to not blurt out the incident that had inspired the Contest, he did tell her about the Contest.
“I want in!”Rebecca yelled as she poked him in the chest.
“You're not part of our unit, and, anyway, you're a girl,” explained Havoc.
“What about Riza? She's a girl?”
“Lieutenant Hawkeye is not part of it. She doesn't know about it, unless Mustang told her.”
“I see!” Catalina snapped and stalked off. Right to talk to Hawkeye, of course.
Ten minutes later, the men were called into the Colonel's inner office. Catalina and Hawkeye had clearly double teamed Mustang, who did not appear to be pleased.
“The participation in our Contest is being expanded. The 1st and 2nd lieutenants will be joining us.”
“Wait a minute!” interrupted Breda. “That's not fair! Everyone knows that women don't have the same need for relief as men.”
Havoc added, “Plus, Hawkeye wouldn't...”
“I wouldn't what, Havoc?”
“Um. Nothing.” If she kept looking at him like that, he'd win with ease.
Falman suggested that it would be fairer if the women put in 3,000 cenz each. Everyone agreed, and they piled their hands to seal the deal.
Tuesday 0830
“We have 2000 cenz in the kitty,” monotoned Falman.
“Already? Who... is not a Master Sergeant?” quipped Roy.
“Was there a new Wonder Woman comic book, Fuery?” asked Breda.
“Not me!”
A sigh came from Falman's desk. “I'm the one who's out.”
“You, Falman? How?”
“My lady friend called from South City. She said some things. I said some things. When we hung up, I did a thing.”
“This calls for a moment of silence,” said Breda.
Tuesday 1215
Riza decided to go to the gym for a workout and just heat up some soup to eat at her desk later. She changed into her shorts and tee and trotted to the gym. She was still standing in the doorway when a grunt drew her attention to the Boflex. There, glowing with the sweat of effort, was her commanding officer, clad in shorts and an A-shirt. She stared, mouth open a little. One could easily forget what a desk jockey might be hiding under his uniform. She gazed at his biceps, bulging in an un- Armstrong but alluringly strong way. He was clueless of her presence, lost in the zone. After a few seconds, she backed away silently.
Wednesday 0850
Fuery emptied his pocket onto Falman's desk
“The new Wonder Woman comic came out.”
Wednesday 1030
Everyone watched as Hawkeye rose from her desk chair and placed an envelope tidily onto Falman's desk.
“Et tu, Lieutenant?”
“Hawkeye? I had a side bet on you for the win!” Havoc moaned. “What drove you to... No! How exactly do you... tune up your equipment?”
The look that Hawkeye gave may have been her most intimidating yet.
The colonel abruptly turned and retreated to his office. It wouldn't do for anyone to notice his bobbing Adam's apple or his dilated pupils.
But, Hawkeye had noticed. She may have looked like her mind was 100% on her work, but she was grinning evilly inside. She was sure that her plan for revenge would work.
Wednesday 1830
Only Mustang and Hawkeye remained in the office. They would have been able to leave on time had Mustang not sat at his desk staring much of the day.
“I think that you should just go home, Sir. You are mostly caught up. You can make up the rest tomorrow morning.”
“That's a good idea, Lieutenant. I'll drive you home. Let's go!”
“Is it okay if I stop in the Lady's Room for a minute?”
“Sure. I'll meet you at the door to the parking lot.”
He listened to the soft thud of his boots echo in the empty hall. All he could think about was the lieutenant. He would give anything to know whom she had found so irresistibly seductive. He thought that she was the hottest, smartest, prettiest, everything good-est woman he knew. He knew that she liked him and was pledged to follow him, but she seemed to think of him as a bit of an idiot. He was not the kind of man that she would fall for.
He heard steps, and a moment later, she turned the corner into his sight line. He smiled. As she got closer, he realized that she had let her hair down and put on some lip gloss.
He opened the car door for her, and she put her hand on his arm liked a lady being helped in. He shut the passenger door and got in himself.
They always had had good communication, both silent and not. She told him a cute story about Hayate and her neighbor's cat. He pulled up in front of her building.
“Don't forget that you still have work to make up, tomorrow, Sir.”
“I wo...”
She grabbed his jacket lapels and pulled him into a kiss. Her breath was fresh. The kiss was not too soft. Not too hard. Not nearly long enough. She jumped out of the car, slammed the door, and glided into her building. Had she actually swayed her hips a little? He banged his forehead on the steering wheel.
Thursday 0800
Havoc walked in whistling a jaunty tune and looked around at everyone diligently working. “Is the Boss in?”
“He's in his office,” said Fuery.
Havoc shrugged and plopped into his seat.
Thursday 1650
Mustang showed his face in the outer office for the first time that day. He reached into his pocket and counted out 2000 cens that he handed to Falman.
“Just now? In your office?” cackled Breda.
Mustang's glare rivaled Hawkeye's best. “No! Last night at home.”
“What... triggered it, Boss?”
“Just shut up,” mumbled Boss.
Riza's smirk rivaled Roy's best.
Friday 0820
Breda paid his 2000 cenz. He had gone to a topless bar alone, because Havoc had been otherwise engaged.
“Looks like it's just Havoc and Catalina. It doesn't make any sense.”
Havoc smiled and whistled.
Later, Breda passed Catalina in a hall. She looked more mellow than he thought was possible for the excitable woman.
The following Friday 1450
“I can't believe that you and or Catalina are being honest. You've caved, haven't you, Havoc?” Breda was turning a shade of purple. “ I even put that pinup calendar in your desk.”
“I can only speak for myself,” stated Jean. “I have not spanked the monkey since the contest began. Lieutenant Hawkeye, has Catalina said anything to you?”
“She said that she's been good. Then she said 'Really good.' She refused to explain what that meant. She was... preternaturally- for her- calm. Also, she canceled our dinner plans. It's very strange.”
Havoc put his arm around Catalina and kissed her cheek. She slid onto his lap and tipped her wineglass to his lips.
“This contest is the best thing that ever happened to me.” He kissed her mouth. “I think that I fell for you the first time you called me 'jerkhick.' You made up a name just for me.”
Catalina kissed his neck. “Yep. We might never have gotten close if it weren't for this stupid contest, you jerkhick. You're not half as dumb as I thought you were. And your body is twice as hot. And I even like you. How long do you think we should wait until we just ask for the money?”
“I don't know, but I do know that you don't have to wait for...”
“Then don't make me wait.”
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caesurables · 6 years
I remember reading this really long post shambala royai fanfic...i cant remember the author or the name anymore.
i think it started sometime after ed and al left to live in that other world..
then roy got this woman pregers and had to live with her in risembool (coincidentally right next door to winry’s o.o also, pinako’s dead by that time) and he has liek 5 kids?
anyways, time skip there was this 2nd ishvalan war thingy that happened then riza gets promoted to some higher rank (i cant remember lol she moved on anyways) then i cant remember why but she went to risembool to visit winry??
then she meets roy, they get into kind of an argument? then just before she leaves, they fuck. yeah you read that right.
then skip 9 months later, she goes back to investigate a case and lo and behold its about roy’s family!
so apparently she meets roy at winry’s house bc his got blown away...and she asks him for the details n shit and finds out that his kids weren’t actually his and he had an argument with his ‘wife’ before storming out of the house only to return and see it blown to bits...
well after that, she starts asking at the prime suspect (roy mentions the actual father of those kids and yeah he’s still brooding at that point i can never forget thathaha..lthats so 03 roy like)...anyways, the suspect is this blacksmith guy and she finds evidence of stuff in his house after an inspection and was gonna have him arrested n shit but otw back to her hotel (ikr a hotel? in rise,bool? lol but it was just like that so...yeah) so the hotel blew up right before her and she ended up hospitalized n shit
oh did i mention that the 9 month skip actually had a purpose? yeah she had a kid. (roy’s kid to be specific...and she wanted so badly to tell him while asking about the case n shit but..stuff happened and all) anyways, so she ends up in the hospital, roy (again) feels guilty, and he stays with her all day
okay so heres where it ends happy. so apparently gracia was babysitting for riza at the time and went woth her...(why didn’t she get caught up in the blast? well) she was out on a stroll with the baby and heard what happened.
so she goes in riza’s hospital room and sees roy asleep...and being frustrated with whats been going on with the two, she and winry came up with a plan
so just as roy was waking up, he sees gracia and the baby and was about to ask when gracia says its not hers and pointedly looks at riza’s sleeping form then says she’ll just go get some milk and asks roy to look after the kid while she’s away
anyways..thsi n that happens, then he realizes ‘hey this kid is mine’ after doing the math n all and then hears the door open only to see a bottle left by the door and goe to get it
then riza wakes, they talk, yaddiyadda then make up n stuff
time skip (but not really?) they find out the culprit was the dad of the blacksmith who didnt want his son to go away so he killed his mistress n kids by blowing up the house then upon realizing the military was gonna arrest his son as the prime suspect, he decided to blow up the hotel where riza was staying at since she was the one in charge of the case.
so yeah he gets arrested, roy gets together with riza, they marry, and happy ending!
p.s. the actual fic was wayyy better than this poor excuse of a summary btw but it was written years ago on ffnet and probably already deleted *sad love the drama though...
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prettywitchiusaka · 7 years
Royai Scene 38
So this scene came about because of another small idea I wanted to do in this series.
It’s basically about Roy overhearing Riza defend him from Ed when he shows up late for his report, one time. Well, I thought it might be fun to see it the other way around.
Only instead of talking to Edward about it, Riza is instead eavesdropping on a conversation Roy is having with Hughes.
The scene takes place on the day of Elysia’s 2nd birthday. Hughes found out through phoning up Roy that he and his team had some time off coming up and invited them to his daughter’s birthday.
They accept the invitation and head there, having a good time. But for now, Roy has gone off to catch up with Hughes, while Rita has gone to freshen up.
And that’s where our scene begins.
(The scene begins with Riza walking down the hallway, heading back towards the living room to sit down and chat with Gracia.)
Hu: Don’t you think it’s time you settled down?
(Riza is surprised to hear Hughe’s voice in the kitchen, mainly because she thought he was still in the living room.)
M: Why must you always ask me that question?
(Now knowing that Hughes is talking to Roy, Riza decides to stay and listen to their conversation. She knows it’s wrong, but she just can’t help herself; she wants to know what Roy’s answer will be.)
(So she props herself up agains the wall and listens, making sure she can’t be seen by either of them.)
Hu: Because I think it would be good for you. Having a wife would help ground you and keep you sane, you’d probably feel more stable and comfortable in your skin knowing you have a loving woman at your side.
(From where she’s listening, Riza can’t help but agree with him.)
M: The only problem is I don’t really know of any woman I’d ever want to marry.
Hu: What about Hawkeye?
(Now Riza is holding her breath, waiting in anticipation to hear his answer.)
M: Maybe...I don’t know.
Hu: Well, why not? You two already act like your married. And she’s always making sure to push you forward.
M: It’s her job to do that, though.
(Now Riza can’t help but frown. Yes, it’s her job to keep him on the straight and narrow, but it’s definitely not the only reason she does it.)
Hu: Oh, come on, Roy! You just don’t want to admit the real reason she stays with you.
M: What’s that mean?
Hu: She loves you, Roy. She sees you for who you really are and wants to help you achieve your goals.
(The Lieutenant blushes like mad and curses Hughes. She’s not surprised that he knows about her feelings for her Colonel, but she is furious that he would just tell him like that.)
M: I’m not sure why.
(That catches her attention.)
Hu: Why not?
M: (sighs) Because I’m a cowardly bastard, Maes. I’ve done so many questionable things, some of them that can never be justified even if it is for the greater good.
(Riza’s hand starts tensing up, angry that he’s putting himself down like this.)
Hu: And yet she’s stuck by you this whole time. She’s known you for years and knows what you’re like, she also knows everything you’ve been through and has seen you grow as a person. I think it’s safe to say that as far as she’s concerned, you’re a good man.
(A beat goes by, making Riza wonder why he isn’t answering.)
M: She could probably do better than me.
(Now Riza is mad. So much so, she has half a mind to walk in there and give him a piece of her mind.)
Hu: Why do you say that?
M: Because she’s wonderful. (Riza’s eyes widen at that statement.) She’s kind and thoughtful, she’s always there for me, even when I don’t deserve it. Someone like her should be with a kind man who can provide for her.
Hu: Yeah, but that’s not how love works. If that was true, than no one would ever fall in love with anyone.
(Riza hears Roy sigh.)
M: Yeah, I know...I guess I just can’t accept it...
Hu: What, that a woman would actually want for for more than just your looks?
M: That any sane woman would want a man with blood stained hands like mine.
(Once again, Riza can feel her hands tightening up. She’s angry, and yet she feels like crying. Of course, she would understand. Why can’t he see that?)
Hu: But if you were to actually consider making a woman your wife, would you consider her?
M: (chuckles) That’s the thing...I don’t think I’d consider anyone else, but I’d rather not think about that until I get to the top.
Hu: If you say so.
(Hearing that, Riza can’t help but smile at his answer.)
G: Is everything alright, Riza?
(Riza looks up to see Gracia staring at her with concern. She just smiles at her.)
H: Yes, everything’s fine.
G: Good. Why don’t you head back into the living room, we’re just about to cut the cake.
H: Sure.
(And so Riza walks back into the room with a small smile on her face. For now, she is happy with Roy’s answer and is more than content to wait, even though she wishes he’d stop being so hard on himself.)
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