gmartinezmolina · 2 years
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#ARG @eldiario #2Mar | 🇪🇺 La Unión Europea aprobó un tratamiento para el vitiligo: ¿de qué trata? La Agencia Europea de Medicamentos (EMA, por sus siglas en inglés) aprobó la crema Opzelura, de la farmacéutica Incyte, como posible tratamiento al vitiligo, una enfermedad que provoca la pérdida del color en la piel. La EMA aseguró a través de un comunicado que este medicamento podría tener efectividad en las personas adultas y adolescentes mayores de 12 años de edad que tienen vitíligo no segmentado. “La opinión positiva nos sitúa un paso más cerca de tener disponible ruxolitinib en crema, el primer tratamiento para repigmentación del vitiligo no segmentario, para pacientes y sanitarios de la UE”, informó en el texto. La opinión positiva de la EMA se debe a dos ensayos realizados en los cuales se probó la crema en más de 600 pacientes mayores de 12 años. “Al no existir ninguna opción de tratamiento aprobada a nivel central en la Unión Europea, esta opinión positiva marca un hito importante para la comunidad de pacientes afectados por esta enfermedad”, agregó el organismo. Para la distribución del medicamento dentro de los países europeos también es necesario la aprobación de la Comisión Europea, el organismo que otorga los permisos y las autorizaciones necesarias para la comercialización de un producto. 👉 ¿Qué es el vitiligo? El vitiligo ocurre cuando las células que producen melanina mueren o dejan de funcionar. Aunque la enfermedad no representa un riesgo para la salud, afecta el color del cabello y la piel, los cuales son determinados por la melanina. De acuerdo con la organización médica privada sin fines de lucro Mayo Clinic, los síntomas propios del vitiligo son: 🔹 Pérdida del color de la piel que suele manifestarse en las manos, el rostro y la parte genital 🔹 Coloración blanca o gris temprana del cabello, cejas y pestañas 🔹 Pérdida del color en los tejidos internos de la boca y la nariz En la mayoría de los casos, la pérdida del color avanza y con el tiempo afecta gran parte de la piel. Ocasionalmente, la piel puede recuperar su color. ✍️: @yanuaurec Lee el artículo completo en el link de nuestra biografía 📲 https://www.instagram.com/p/CpTDbDovW4J/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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juanjoseojedadiaz · 2 years
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Hoy con @LeocenisOficial en la grabación de la entrevista del @noticierovv por al aire este jueves #2mar a las 7am por @venevision #1mar #Caracas #Venezuela (en Venevisión) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpQErpuOj2x/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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francepittoresque · 7 months
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2 mars 1848 : loi des 10 heures fixant la durée de la journée de travail légale ➽ http://bit.ly/Loi-Travail-10Heures En 1841, les ateliers ouvraient à 5 heures du matin, pour fermer le soir à 8 ou 9 heures, et l’adulte travaillait 15 heures avec une heure et demie de pause pour les repas
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almanach2023 · 2 years
Aujourd'hui, jeudi 2 mars, nous fêtons Saint Charles le Bon.
SAINT DU JOUR . Charles, du germanique karl, "fort", "viril" . Prénoms dérivés : Carlos, Charly, Charlotte, Lili, Carl, Carletto, Lotty. . Enfants, les Charles sont appliqués et persévérants. Adultes, ce sont des ambitieux graves, persuadés que la vie est à prendre au sérieux et perpétuellement occupés à agrandir leur domaine privé et professionnel. Fidèles au clan familial, ils le sont également en amour. Et ils en réclament beaucoup. . Saint Charles le Bon (+1127). Fils de Saint Canut du Danemark, il combat dans la seconde croisade et, à son retour, il succède à Robert II comme comte de Flandres. Il défend les pauvres contre les exploiteurs, ce qui lui vaut le surnom de « bon ». Il est tué à l'église S. Donatien à Bruges par des conspirateurs riches auxquels il s'est opposé. Nous fêtons également les : Charles le Bon - Carl - Karl - Jaouen - Joévin - Chad - Jaoua - Jaoven - Joéva - Joévin - Joévina - Jouan - Jova - Jovien - Jovin - Mélarie - Nonn - Nonnette - Parménas - Yaouen Toutes les infos sur les Saints du jour https://tinyurl.com/wkzm328 FETE DU JOUR Quels sont les fêtes à souhaiter aujourd'hui ? [ Bonne fête ] . Charles Péguy, homme de lettres français (5 septembre 1914) . Alexandre Fabre, acteur français. (Charles Fremont dans Plus Belle la Vie) . Charles Darwin, biologiste britannique (19 avril 1882) . Robin Thicke, né Robert Charles Thicke, auteur, compositeur et producteur RNB . Charles Baudelaire, écrivain (31 août 1867) . Charlie Chaplin (Charles Chaplin), né Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin, Jr., acteur, réalisateur, producteur, scénariste, écrivain et compositeur britannique (25 décembre 1977) . Charles Pasqua, homme politique français . Charles Berling, acteur . Charles Trenet, chanteur français (19 février 2001) . Charles Aznavour, auteur-compositeur-interprète et acteur . Charles Bukowski est un auteur américain d'origine allemande de romans et de poésie (9 mars 1994) . Charles Boyer, acteur . Ray Charles, chanteur . Le Corbusier (Charles-Édouard Jeanneret), architecte et urbaniste (27 août 1965) . Charles Bronson, acteur . Prince Charles, prince de Galles (Charles Philip Arthur George), membre de la famille royale britannique, fils aîné de la reine Élisabeth II du Royaume-Uni et du prince Philip, duc d'Édimbourg. . Charles de Gaulle, militaire et homme politique français. . Jean-Charles de Castelbajac, couturier . Charles Pathé, pionnier de l'industrie du cinéma . Charles Goodyear, inventeur Ils nous ont quittés un 2 mars : 2 mars 2006 : Philippe Muray, écrivain français (10 juin 1945) 2 mars 1991 : Serge Gainsbourg (Lucien Ginsburg), auteur-compositeur-interprète français (2 avril 1928) 2 mars 1982 : Philip K. Dick, écrivain américain de science-fiction (16 décembre 1928) Ils sont nés le 2 mars : 2 mars 1981 : Bryce Dallas Howard, actrice et comédienne américaine 2 mars 1977 : Chris Martin, chanteur et pianiste britannique 2 mars 1971 : Stefano Accorsi, né Stefano Lelio Beniamino Accorsi, acteur italien 2 mars 1968 : Daniel Craig, acteur britannique 2 mars 1962 : Jon Bon Jovi, compositeur et acteur américain 2 mars 1949 : Isabelle Mir, skieuse alpine française 2 mars 1949 : Alain Chamfort, chanteur Toutes les naissances du jour https://tinyurl.com/msmk5e22 CITATION DU JOUR Citation du jour : Une calomnie dans les journaux c'est de l'herbe dans un pré. Cela pousse tout seul. Les journaux sont d'un beau vert. Victor Hugo. Citation du jour : Vis ta vie et garde tes questions. La vraie liberté, c'est d'accorder à l'autre l'envol de ses désirs et le charme de taire ce qu'il en fait. Frédérique Deghelt Toutes les citations du jour https://tinyurl.com/payaj4pz Nous sommes le 61ème jour de l'année il reste 304 jours avant le 31 décembre. Semaine 09. Beau jeudi à tous. Source : https://www.almanach-jour.com/almanach/index.php
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astrologydayz · 11 months
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Lust conjunct Pluto = Lust is turned on by Pluto's power/how dark they seem & by how much dept they seem 2 carry ("bad boy/bad girl image"). Pluto can go through/have went through crazy experiences/transformations, that Lust is sexually attracted 2! Especially bc of the way Pluto goes about these experiences/transformations. How they "handle/handled em". Lust can get obsessed with Pluto&the sexual intimacy they bring, (bdsm) is 100% an option here. Dom&Sub, but a little more on the "darker"side. Lust likes it 90% of the time, a conjunction can go both ways!🖤
Lust square Pluto = Lust can feel at conflict here - Pluto can be 2 rough on Lust person, or with the things they want2 do 2 Lust person. Lust can keep quiet about this tho, and suddenly blow up, when they've had "enough". Lust can say yes 2things, because of Pluto's persuasion abilities. IF Lust's Pluto is afflicted by inner planets in their own chart = It can be the complete opposite! Like, Lust is REALLY turned on by the things that the Pluto person does 2 them! Especially the aggressiveness from Pluto, &Pluto taking "control" over them𓀏.
Lust opposite Pluto = Lust is turned on by how different the Pluto person shows their "dark sides". Pluto wanting 2 show who's boss, & Lust wanting 2 overpower Pluto - they both fight for who's in charge&the lust person fucking loves that shit. Lust can tell Pluto "NO😌" here, & Pluto finds that hella sexy. Especially bc he's used to getting getting what he wants - how & when he wants it. Pluto won't let Lust have their desires fulfilled, until they do as they're "told" - games = a big thing here. Lust asteroid - 4386
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Mars conjunct Pholus asteroid - 5145) will cause the Pholus person 2 blow up Mars persons sexual desires/attraction towards Pholus. Pholus can be the hottest thing alive 2Mars person. They 9/10 times haven't felt an attraction towards anyone, that deep before. Could also be 2 intense with the conjunction sometimes - Mars person feeling crazy 4 feeling like that - "wanting/thinking about Pholus 2 much sexually. Mars person can, or can not control themselves depending on how their Mars is aspected in their own chart👀.
🫦🤨 Mars conjunct Fast asteroid - 27719) causes the asteroid person 2 be sexually attracted 2 Mars person, fast. Asteroid person wants 2 start a sexual relationship with Mars person. Mars could be aware/or not aware at all, about the sexual attraction that the asteroid person has4them, it depends on the asteroid persons natal chart - how forward/direct they are in their approach🚒🚜.
🏊 Eros - 433) conjunct/trine Mercury = Eros is crazyyyy attracted 2 the Mercury persons voice/hands - fingers/arms & mind. Eros can get off just by how Mercury person touches them/how they talk/sound/moans like/how they use their mouth/just by hearing what the Mercury person thinks about🗣🧏. Mercury knows how 2 turn Eros on by using their erotic language&Good hand/finger - or mouth work.
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Mercury conjunct ☌/trine Δ asteroid "Cumming" - 14348) shows us that all the Mercury person needs2do2make the asteroid person cum is by dirty talk/them "whispering all the nasty thoughts they have about the asteroid person" - "sweet nothings in their ear2"👄👄. Hand/finger & mouth work is perfect for the Mercury person 2 make the asteroid person cum. It can even show us that the Mercury person "voice controls" when the asteroid person is allowed2cum🍆🍑💦.
Asteroid "Close" - 54902) conjunct ☌/trine Δ Mars can show that the asteroid person started 2 feel a close bond 2Mars the moment they started a sexual relationship❤️.
Mars conjunct ☌ Born asteroid - 13954) can literally show that the "Born person" didn't have any kind of sex life, ever/or for years) before they met Mars! - Mars "helps/guides" the asteroid person - when it comes2 sex, self pleasure, sexual stamina, sexual desires etc. The Born person usually experiences a "rebirth” moment, after starting a sexual relationship with Mars. A man's dick/lust asteroid - 17458) - 4386 conjunct ☌ a woman's BML causes the man2 be very sexually attracted2/turned on by the woman bc she defies him/she's the one in control - won't let him take charge🫦👅👋🧏😩🥰. She could even reject him at 1st, & he would be even MORE determined2hit💀. She won't make it “EASY"🤣.
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Mars conjunct Mars will cause a demanding sexual attraction that none of them can go against🤤🤤. They have the same sexual drive, same desires, same sexual movements, & they know how 2 please one another👅👅. U don't feel a sense of "awkwardness", cuz u do the same things - Look at Mars sign (Scorpio - U both get off on how much the connection involves (depth, "dark sexual attraction", "sneaky"/secret moves, and not "in your face energy". Example - like not going all in when u meet/met in front of everyone, but more secretive & thought out. Look at house/s/sign/s 2c how this conjunction plays out. Someone's Black Moon Lilith conjunct your ASC means that u find the Lilith person VERY SEXUALLY attractive& tempting!! bc of something taboo, age difference, different cultures/skin color). Lilith turns u on with how they just don't give zero fucks, & with "how sexy"/out there/in yo face" they r. (in your eyes, at least). Can also cause complete disgust - Bml), if u haven't dealt w your "shadow self" yet😤.
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Venus conjunct Pluto causes the Pluto person 2 push Venus persons sexual boundaries, all the time. (doesn't have 2 be bad). Pluto knows that no one can satisfy Venus, like they can, and have no trouble withholding sex if Venus won't listen. Venus doesn't complain tho, they love 2 be dominated/kept in "check"⛓. "Can't stop thinking about the other person", "Subconscious need to be/feel close" sexually. Venus square Pluto = Pluto is obsessed because they CAN'T control Venus🤌. Venus will give other people attention (sexual attention, or platonic) 2 make Pluto more aroused, and jealous. Pluto can't catch Venus but they're still both madly attracted 2 each other!! Pluto puts a label on Venus (she/he belongs 2 me), but Venus ain't having it. They fight all day, but makes love all night❤️‍🔥💋. REPEAT. Venus opposite Pluto makes the Pluto person way more "advanced" when it comes 2 mind games, and how they can gain the things they want from Venus. (Sexual intensions, or Pluto just wanting 2 "play games"). They'll both feel very attracted 2 each other at first but Pluto can get bored after a while, and Venus won't feel the same kind of attraction from Pluto, so they'll seek it from somebody else, (sexual or platonic attention)🫰🫰.
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Asteroid "Lysistrata" - 897) can show how the asteroid person is using the other person for their own sexual pleasures. Can also show manipulation through sex/"romance" 🙆‍♀️🤌🤌. IT CAN ALSO SHOW WITHHOLDING SEX.
Asteroid "Hard" - 28077) can show how you get your partner hard/wet💦💦, or how they make your life hard, literally🤣🤣🫠.
Asteroid "Paine" - 5188) can also be used in synastry regarding sex😵‍💫😮‍💨. The asteroid person is the one who experiences the pain, while the other one inflicts it onto them🩸⛓📸🔞.
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THANKS4READING LOVE!! I appreciate u, always💖
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rraayy · 2 years
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2MAR, R.s❤️🦅
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cairosyndrome · 1 year
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Low quality bs 2mar
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Lighten up your path towards a fruitful week with the Weekly Horoscope 🌟 Boost your love, health, career, and money with some astrological guidance. Click the link for cosmic wisdom.   Link : https://bit.ly/WeeklyHoroscope-15-Feb-2Mar
#weeklyhoroscope #horoscope #astrology #zodiacsigns #Astrologylife #Cosmicwisdom 
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ivangzama · 7 months
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2Mar|🇻🇪 ¡ETIQUETA DEL DÍA! ▶️ #VivaVenezuela ¡Mi Patria Querida! ❤️🇻🇪
@Mippcivzla 🇻🇪 ¡Juntos todo es posible! 🏘️🇻🇪 ¡Si se puede!🏘️
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gmartinezmolina · 2 years
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#RG @eltoquedediana El presidente de la Asociación Nacional de Supermercados, Italo Atencio, aseguró que si bien es cierto que la situación del país es difícil, también hay oportunidades. Así lo señaló durante la asamblea general de afiliados que se realizó este martes 28 de febrero, en la que no solo se dieron a conocer los resultados de la gestión del gremio durante el año 2022, sino también se informó sobre los programas a llevar adelante durante 2023. Destacó en su presentación ante los 152 afiliados que, entre enero de 2021 y enero de 2022, abrieron, remodelaron o cambiaron su negocio 123 tiendas, lo que da una idea del crecimiento del sector. Incluso apuntó que hay empresarios de países como Colombia y Brasil que están interesados en invertir en la apertura de supermercados en Venezuela. “Estamos preparados para cuando eso ocurra”. Con información de Banca y Negocios  #ElToqueDeDiana  #2Mar https://www.instagram.com/p/CpS4hAgub-w/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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I’m boutta see his ass 2mar 🤪
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eaglejtechs2 · 2 years
Watch "Daily Prayer @2Mar" on YouTube
Let's pray a short prayer
#dailyprayer #jesus #jesuschrist #prayer #god #prayerfortoday #prayeroftheday #prayersfortheworld #catholic
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lyrics724 · 2 years
[Chorus] If I get locked up today she’ll be gone by 2mar I ain’t tripping on that cake you can pay me 2mar Girl I ain’t mean to heartbreak im effected by scars So how I felt yesterday could be different 2mar Ima always find a way ill never get lost Ima always ship them you if it pay all the cost Aye! Lifes a punch in the face How many can you take I started out in the cage And ended in a…
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rraayy · 2 years
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tantinoro · 6 years
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Hoy #2Mar se cumplen 207 días desde que @JuanRequesens fue encerrado en una celda por defender los derechos de los venezolanos. Seguimos fuertes porque sabemos que muy pronto estaremos juntos otra vez! #LiberenARequesens https://t.co/OY7EQ3lxqQ #venezuelabamosbien (en Caracas) https://www.instagram.com/tinoroig/p/BuhJ_QYBPMU/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ee1mf2ty0d7l
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ivangzama · 7 months
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2Mar|🇻🇪 ¡ETIQUETA DEL DÍA! ▶️ #VivaVenezuela ¡Mi Patria Querida!🇻🇪
@Mippcivzla 🇻🇪 ¡Juntos todo es posible! 🏘️🇻🇪 ¡Si se puede!🏘️
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