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gmartinezmolina · 2 years ago
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#ARG @eldiario #2Mar | 🇪🇺 La Unión Europea aprobó un tratamiento para el vitiligo: ¿de qué trata? La Agencia Europea de Medicamentos (EMA, por sus siglas en inglés) aprobó la crema Opzelura, de la farmacéutica Incyte, como posible tratamiento al vitiligo, una enfermedad que provoca la pérdida del color en la piel. La EMA aseguró a través de un comunicado que este medicamento podría tener efectividad en las personas adultas y adolescentes mayores de 12 años de edad que tienen vitíligo no segmentado. “La opinión positiva nos sitúa un paso más cerca de tener disponible ruxolitinib en crema, el primer tratamiento para repigmentación del vitiligo no segmentario, para pacientes y sanitarios de la UE”, informó en el texto. La opinión positiva de la EMA se debe a dos ensayos realizados en los cuales se probó la crema en más de 600 pacientes mayores de 12 años. “Al no existir ninguna opción de tratamiento aprobada a nivel central en la Unión Europea, esta opinión positiva marca un hito importante para la comunidad de pacientes afectados por esta enfermedad”, agregó el organismo. Para la distribución del medicamento dentro de los países europeos también es necesario la aprobación de la Comisión Europea, el organismo que otorga los permisos y las autorizaciones necesarias para la comercialización de un producto. 👉 ¿Qué es el vitiligo? El vitiligo ocurre cuando las células que producen melanina mueren o dejan de funcionar. Aunque la enfermedad no representa un riesgo para la salud, afecta el color del cabello y la piel, los cuales son determinados por la melanina. De acuerdo con la organización médica privada sin fines de lucro Mayo Clinic, los síntomas propios del vitiligo son: 🔹 Pérdida del color de la piel que suele manifestarse en las manos, el rostro y la parte genital 🔹 Coloración blanca o gris temprana del cabello, cejas y pestañas 🔹 Pérdida del color en los tejidos internos de la boca y la nariz En la mayoría de los casos, la pérdida del color avanza y con el tiempo afecta gran parte de la piel. Ocasionalmente, la piel puede recuperar su color. ✍️: @yanuaurec Lee el artículo completo en el link de nuestra biografía 📲 https://www.instagram.com/p/CpTDbDovW4J/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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juanjoseojedadiaz · 2 years ago
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Hoy con @LeocenisOficial en la grabación de la entrevista del @noticierovv por al aire este jueves #2mar a las 7am por @venevision #1mar #Caracas #Venezuela (en Venevisión) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpQErpuOj2x/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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francepittoresque · 1 year ago
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2 mars 1848 : loi des 10 heures fixant la durée de la journée de travail légale ➽ http://bit.ly/Loi-Travail-10Heures En 1841, les ateliers ouvraient à 5 heures du matin, pour fermer le soir à 8 ou 9 heures, et l’adulte travaillait 15 heures avec une heure et demie de pause pour les repas
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almanach2023 · 2 years ago
Aujourd'hui, jeudi 2 mars, nous fêtons Saint Charles le Bon.
SAINT DU JOUR . Charles, du germanique karl, "fort", "viril" . Prénoms dérivés : Carlos, Charly, Charlotte, Lili, Carl, Carletto, Lotty. . Enfants, les Charles sont appliqués et persévérants. Adultes, ce sont des ambitieux graves, persuadés que la vie est à prendre au sérieux et perpétuellement occupés à agrandir leur domaine privé et professionnel. Fidèles au clan familial, ils le sont également en amour. Et ils en réclament beaucoup. . Saint Charles le Bon (+1127). Fils de Saint Canut du Danemark, il combat dans la seconde croisade et, à son retour, il succède à Robert II comme comte de Flandres. Il défend les pauvres contre les exploiteurs, ce qui lui vaut le surnom de « bon ». Il est tué à l'église S. Donatien à Bruges par des conspirateurs riches auxquels il s'est opposé. Nous fêtons également les : Charles le Bon - Carl - Karl - Jaouen - Joévin - Chad - Jaoua - Jaoven - Joéva - Joévin - Joévina - Jouan - Jova - Jovien - Jovin - Mélarie - Nonn - Nonnette - Parménas - Yaouen Toutes les infos sur les Saints du jour https://tinyurl.com/wkzm328 FETE DU JOUR Quels sont les fêtes à souhaiter aujourd'hui ? [ Bonne fête ] . Charles Péguy, homme de lettres français (5 septembre 1914) . Alexandre Fabre, acteur français. (Charles Fremont dans Plus Belle la Vie) . Charles Darwin, biologiste britannique (19 avril 1882) . Robin Thicke, né Robert Charles Thicke, auteur, compositeur et producteur RNB . Charles Baudelaire, écrivain (31 août 1867) . Charlie Chaplin (Charles Chaplin), né Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin, Jr., acteur, réalisateur, producteur, scénariste, écrivain et compositeur britannique (25 décembre 1977) . Charles Pasqua, homme politique français . Charles Berling, acteur . Charles Trenet, chanteur français (19 février 2001) . Charles Aznavour, auteur-compositeur-interprète et acteur . Charles Bukowski est un auteur américain d'origine allemande de romans et de poésie (9 mars 1994) . Charles Boyer, acteur . Ray Charles, chanteur . Le Corbusier (Charles-Édouard Jeanneret), architecte et urbaniste (27 août 1965) . Charles Bronson, acteur . Prince Charles, prince de Galles (Charles Philip Arthur George), membre de la famille royale britannique, fils aîné de la reine Élisabeth II du Royaume-Uni et du prince Philip, duc d'Édimbourg. . Charles de Gaulle, militaire et homme politique français. . Jean-Charles de Castelbajac, couturier . Charles Pathé, pionnier de l'industrie du cinéma . Charles Goodyear, inventeur Ils nous ont quittés un 2 mars : 2 mars 2006 : Philippe Muray, écrivain français (10 juin 1945) 2 mars 1991 : Serge Gainsbourg (Lucien Ginsburg), auteur-compositeur-interprète français (2 avril 1928) 2 mars 1982 : Philip K. Dick, écrivain américain de science-fiction (16 décembre 1928) Ils sont nés le 2 mars : 2 mars 1981 : Bryce Dallas Howard, actrice et comédienne américaine 2 mars 1977 : Chris Martin, chanteur et pianiste britannique 2 mars 1971 : Stefano Accorsi, né Stefano Lelio Beniamino Accorsi, acteur italien 2 mars 1968 : Daniel Craig, acteur britannique 2 mars 1962 : Jon Bon Jovi, compositeur et acteur américain 2 mars 1949 : Isabelle Mir, skieuse alpine française 2 mars 1949 : Alain Chamfort, chanteur Toutes les naissances du jour https://tinyurl.com/msmk5e22 CITATION DU JOUR Citation du jour : Une calomnie dans les journaux c'est de l'herbe dans un pré. Cela pousse tout seul. Les journaux sont d'un beau vert. Victor Hugo. Citation du jour : Vis ta vie et garde tes questions. La vraie liberté, c'est d'accorder à l'autre l'envol de ses désirs et le charme de taire ce qu'il en fait. Frédérique Deghelt Toutes les citations du jour https://tinyurl.com/payaj4pz Nous sommes le 61ème jour de l'année il reste 304 jours avant le 31 décembre. Semaine 09. Beau jeudi à tous. Source : https://www.almanach-jour.com/almanach/index.php
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astrologydayz · 1 year ago
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Lust conjunct Pluto = Lust is turned on by Pluto's power/how dark they seem & by how much dept they seem 2 carry ("bad boy/bad girl image"). Pluto can go through/have went through crazy experiences/transformations, that Lust is sexually attracted 2! Especially bc of the way Pluto goes about these experiences/transformations. How they "handle/handled em". Lust can get obsessed with Pluto&the sexual intimacy they bring, (bdsm) is 100% an option here. Dom&Sub, but a little more on the "darker"side. Lust likes it 90% of the time, a conjunction can go both ways!🖤
Lust square Pluto = Lust can feel at conflict here - Pluto can be 2 rough on Lust person, or with the things they want2 do 2 Lust person. Lust can keep quiet about this tho, and suddenly blow up, when they've had "enough". Lust can say yes 2things, because of Pluto's persuasion abilities. IF Lust's Pluto is afflicted by inner planets in their own chart = It can be the complete opposite! Like, Lust is REALLY turned on by the things that the Pluto person does 2 them! Especially the aggressiveness from Pluto, &Pluto taking "control" over them𓀏.
Lust opposite Pluto = Lust is turned on by how different the Pluto person shows their "dark sides". Pluto wanting 2 show who's boss, & Lust wanting 2 overpower Pluto - they both fight for who's in charge&the lust person fucking loves that shit. Lust can tell Pluto "NO😌" here, & Pluto finds that hella sexy. Especially bc he's used to getting getting what he wants - how & when he wants it. Pluto won't let Lust have their desires fulfilled, until they do as they're "told" - games = a big thing here. Lust asteroid - 4386
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Mars conjunct Pholus asteroid - 5145) will cause the Pholus person 2 blow up Mars persons sexual desires/attraction towards Pholus. Pholus can be the hottest thing alive 2Mars person. They 9/10 times haven't felt an attraction towards anyone, that deep before. Could also be 2 intense with the conjunction sometimes - Mars person feeling crazy 4 feeling like that - "wanting/thinking about Pholus 2 much sexually. Mars person can, or can not control themselves depending on how their Mars is aspected in their own chart👀.
🫦🤨 Mars conjunct Fast asteroid - 27719) causes the asteroid person 2 be sexually attracted 2 Mars person, fast. Asteroid person wants 2 start a sexual relationship with Mars person. Mars could be aware/or not aware at all, about the sexual attraction that the asteroid person has4them, it depends on the asteroid persons natal chart - how forward/direct they are in their approach🚒🚜.
🏊 Eros - 433) conjunct/trine Mercury = Eros is crazyyyy attracted 2 the Mercury persons voice/hands - fingers/arms & mind. Eros can get off just by how Mercury person touches them/how they talk/sound/moans like/how they use their mouth/just by hearing what the Mercury person thinks about🗣🧏. Mercury knows how 2 turn Eros on by using their erotic language&Good hand/finger - or mouth work.
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Mercury conjunct ☌/trine Δ asteroid "Cumming" - 14348) shows us that all the Mercury person needs2do2make the asteroid person cum is by dirty talk/them "whispering all the nasty thoughts they have about the asteroid person" - "sweet nothings in their ear2"👄👄. Hand/finger & mouth work is perfect for the Mercury person 2 make the asteroid person cum. It can even show us that the Mercury person "voice controls" when the asteroid person is allowed2cum🍆🍑💦.
Asteroid "Close" - 54902) conjunct ☌/trine Δ Mars can show that the asteroid person started 2 feel a close bond 2Mars the moment they started a sexual relationship❤️.
Mars conjunct ☌ Born asteroid - 13954) can literally show that the "Born person" didn't have any kind of sex life, ever/or for years) before they met Mars! - Mars "helps/guides" the asteroid person - when it comes2 sex, self pleasure, sexual stamina, sexual desires etc. The Born person usually experiences a "rebirth” moment, after starting a sexual relationship with Mars. A man's dick/lust asteroid - 17458) - 4386 conjunct ☌ a woman's BML causes the man2 be very sexually attracted2/turned on by the woman bc she defies him/she's the one in control - won't let him take charge🫦👅👋🧏😩🥰. She could even reject him at 1st, & he would be even MORE determined2hit💀. She won't make it “EASY"🤣.
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Mars conjunct Mars will cause a demanding sexual attraction that none of them can go against🤤🤤. They have the same sexual drive, same desires, same sexual movements, & they know how 2 please one another👅👅. U don't feel a sense of "awkwardness", cuz u do the same things - Look at Mars sign (Scorpio - U both get off on how much the connection involves (depth, "dark sexual attraction", "sneaky"/secret moves, and not "in your face energy". Example - like not going all in when u meet/met in front of everyone, but more secretive & thought out. Look at house/s/sign/s 2c how this conjunction plays out. Someone's Black Moon Lilith conjunct your ASC means that u find the Lilith person VERY SEXUALLY attractive& tempting!! bc of something taboo, age difference, different cultures/skin color). Lilith turns u on with how they just don't give zero fucks, & with "how sexy"/out there/in yo face" they r. (in your eyes, at least). Can also cause complete disgust - Bml), if u haven't dealt w your "shadow self" yet😤.
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Venus conjunct Pluto causes the Pluto person 2 push Venus persons sexual boundaries, all the time. (doesn't have 2 be bad). Pluto knows that no one can satisfy Venus, like they can, and have no trouble withholding sex if Venus won't listen. Venus doesn't complain tho, they love 2 be dominated/kept in "check"⛓. "Can't stop thinking about the other person", "Subconscious need to be/feel close" sexually. Venus square Pluto = Pluto is obsessed because they CAN'T control Venus🤌. Venus will give other people attention (sexual attention, or platonic) 2 make Pluto more aroused, and jealous. Pluto can't catch Venus but they're still both madly attracted 2 each other!! Pluto puts a label on Venus (she/he belongs 2 me), but Venus ain't having it. They fight all day, but makes love all night❤️‍🔥💋. REPEAT. Venus opposite Pluto makes the Pluto person way more "advanced" when it comes 2 mind games, and how they can gain the things they want from Venus. (Sexual intensions, or Pluto just wanting 2 "play games"). They'll both feel very attracted 2 each other at first but Pluto can get bored after a while, and Venus won't feel the same kind of attraction from Pluto, so they'll seek it from somebody else, (sexual or platonic attention)🫰🫰.
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Asteroid "Lysistrata" - 897) can show how the asteroid person is using the other person for their own sexual pleasures. Can also show manipulation through sex/"romance" 🙆‍♀️🤌🤌. IT CAN ALSO SHOW WITHHOLDING SEX.
Asteroid "Hard" - 28077) can show how you get your partner hard/wet💦💦, or how they make your life hard, literally🤣🤣🫠.
Asteroid "Paine" - 5188) can also be used in synastry regarding sex😵‍💫😮‍💨. The asteroid person is the one who experiences the pain, while the other one inflicts it onto them🩸⛓📸🔞.
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THANKS4READING LOVE!! I appreciate u, always💖
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kytwice · 19 days ago
"Imma talk to the lady 2mar baby" works every time 🤣
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rraayy · 2 years ago
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2MAR, R.s❤️🦅
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ahopkins1965 · 2 months ago
Birth Chart and report interpretation
Your birth chart is a map of the heavens at the moment you were born, and it can reveal deep insights into your personality, strengths, and challenges. Explore the basics of astrology and learn how to interpret your birth chart and report with the help of our expert guide.
Ω – Natal Chart Results
Here are some details regarding your birth date.
Anthony Joseph Hopkins
Born 24 June 1965, 19h30m GMT-04:00
84°11' West, 39°45' North
( Dayton , Dist. Montgomery County - Ohio , United States )
House System: Placidus
Zodiac: Western - Tropical
Click image to zoom...
Short Introduction
Solar sign in Cancer
Planets position done_all
Planet/PointRadix Long.Transit Long.Sun - Q03°12' f
H-718°53' l
H-1Moon - W06°17' s
H-512°56' a
H-4Mercury - E18°07' f
H-809°00' l ℞
H-1Venus - R22°45' f
H-803°42' x
H-2Mars - T27°59' h
H-906°04' g ℞
H-8Jupiter - Y14°35' d
H-715°54' d ℞
H-7Saturn - U17°12' c
H-313°13' c
H-3Uranus - I11°18' h
H-924°18' s ℞
H-6Neptune - O17°31' k ℞
H-1127°07' c
H-4Pluto - P13°55' h
H-900°27' x
House positions done_all
HouseRadix Long.Nomenclature112°41' lAscendant216°26' z-325°13' x-401°19' aImum Coeli500°03' s-622°51' s-712°41' dDescendant816°26' f-925°13' g-1001°19' jMedium Coeli1100°03' k-1222°51' k-
Natal Aspects done_all
Sun r MC ( 1.8° )Sun r Mars ( 5.2° )Sun t Moon ( 3° )Moon e Pluto ( 7.6° )Moon e Uranus ( 5° )Mercury t Pluto ( 4.2° )Mercury e Neptune ( 0.5° )Mercury e Saturn ( 0.9° )Mercury q Venus ( 4.6° )Venus e Neptune ( 5.2° )Venus e Saturn ( 5.5° )Venus t Mars ( 5.2° )Mars q MC ( 3.3° )Jupiter w Asc. ( 1.8° )Jupiter r Pluto ( 0.6° )Jupiter o Neptune ( 2.9° )Jupiter r Uranus ( 3.2° )Jupiter r Saturn ( 2.6° )Saturn r Asc. ( 4.5° )Saturn w Pluto ( 3.2° )Saturn e Neptune ( 0.3° )Saturn w Uranus ( 5.9° )Uranus r Asc. ( 1.3° )Uranus q Pluto ( 2.6° )Neptune t Pluto ( 3.6° )Pluto r Asc. ( 1.2° )
Classical Dignities done_all
Moon: Exaltation
Mercury: Terms
Mercury: Face
Venus: Terms
Mars: Terms
Jupiter: Detriment
Moon: mutual reception in Rulership with Venus
Venus: mutual reception in Rulership with Moon
Venus: mutual reception in Triplicity with Mars
Mars: mutual reception in Triplicity with Venus
Scores with m.r. dig. (ess. dig. Ptolemy):
Sun: -5 p
Moon: 9
Mercury: 3
Venus: 10
Mars: 5
Jupiter: -10 p
Saturn: -5 p
Fire: • 0%
Earth: Moon Mars Uranus Pluto • 40%
Air: Jupiter • 10%
Water: Sun Mercury Venus Saturn Neptune • 50%
Cardinal: Sun Mercury Venus • 30%
Fixed: Moon Neptune • 20%
Mutable: Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Pluto • 50%
Calculate Another Chart
As a Sagittarius rising, you possess a boundless enthusiasm for life that is hard to miss. Your optimism and good humor are contagious, and people are drawn to your open-minded and generous nature. You have a strong sense of justice and always strive to be truthful and just in all your dealings. Neatness, orderliness, and precision are important to you, and you have a versatile mind that allows you to adapt to any situation. However, you must be aware of your impulsive nature. Your fiery spirit can sometimes lead you to make harsh and abrupt decisions, and your breach of etiquette may cause misunderstandings. You can be intolerant of others who do not share your views, and this can create unnecessary conflict.
Your natural curiosity and love for learning will drive you to seek out new experiences and explore the world around you. With a bit of self-discipline and patience, you have the potential to achieve great success in all areas of your life. Remember to harness your boundless energy and channel it into positive endeavors, and your Sagittarius rising will take you far.
As a Cancer, you possess a practical and down-to-earth nature, valuing security and stability above all else. Your intuitive and sensitive nature allows you to pick up on subtle cues and emotions, making you a compassionate and empathetic individual. However, your tendency towards self-protection and defensiveness can sometimes lead to insecurity and emotional withdrawal. You have a strong connection to your family and home, and strive to create a safe and nurturing environment for yourself and those around you. Remember to balance your need for security with the importance of taking risks and pursuing your passions. With your caring and nurturing nature, you make a loyal and loving friend, partner, and parent. "The Nurturer"
Moon Taurus
Your moon placement in Taurus indicates that you have a practical approach to life and a deep connection to the physical world. You are likely to have a strong appreciation for the arts and beauty, and you may find comfort in nature or outdoor activities. You tend to be devoted and loyal, and you may have a possessive streak. You seek stability and security in your partnerships and may struggle with change or upheaval. It is important for you to cultivate a sense of flexibility and adaptability to better navigate life's inevitable ups and downs.
Mercury Cancer
With mercury in cancer, you have a strong connection to your emotions and intuition. You are perceptive and empathetic, able to pick up on subtle cues and understand others on a deep level. You are also imaginative and have a strong sense of nostalgia and the past. Your communication style can be subjective and sometimes vague, as you rely heavily on your intuition rather than facts and logic. You may also be sensitive to criticism and easily hurt by others' words. However, you have a natural talent for nurturing and supporting others, and may excel in fields such as counseling or teaching.
Venus Cancer
Venus in Cancer signifies a deep emotional need for affection and a strong attachment to family and home. Individuals with this placement tend to value loyalty and seek affirmation in their relationships. Their expression of love can be maternal and nurturing, and they are often drawn to partners who display similar qualities. This placement can also indicate a love of nostalgia and a preference for platonic expressions of affection.
Mars Virgo
With Mars in Virgo, you possess a helpful and service-oriented nature that values practicality and efficiency. You have a natural talent for organization, and may find fulfillment in careers that involve analysis, problem-solving, or attention to detail. You have a strong desire to save, salvage, and conserve resources, and may be passionate about environmentalism or other causes related to sustainability. Your critical eye can help you excel in areas that require precision and accuracy, but may also lead to a tendency towards pettiness or nitpicking. It's important for you to balance your desire for perfection with a willingness to see the bigger picture and let go of minor imperfections.
Jupiter Gemini
With Jupiter in Gemini, you develop a natural curiosity and enjoy exploring new ideas and concepts. Your communication skills are top-notch, and you thrive in social settings. You may have a talent for networking and connecting people, as well as investigative work. Your insatiable thirst for knowledge may lead you down many different paths, and you may struggle to focus on one thing at a time. However, your adaptability and quick wit make you a valuable asset in any situation.
Saturn Pisces
Saturn in Pisces often indicates a struggle to establish boundaries and find stability in the emotional and intuitive realm. While intuition may not come easily, when it is cultivated, it can become a source of great strength. You may tend to avoid opportunities, fearing the unknown or feeling overwhelmed by options. Recognizing and overcoming this pattern can help you unlock your full potential. By grounding yourself in practicality and developing discipline, you can find greater clarity and achieve your goals.
Uranus Virgo
Uranus' influence on Virgo encourages innovation and progress in these areas. By embracing unconventional approaches, this generation has the potential to make significant positive changes in the world. As an astrologer, I will provide detailed insight into this placement and how it impacts individual personality traits and the collective consciousness.
Neptune Scorpio
With Neptune in Scorpio, your intense and mysterious nature is amplified. You possess a magnetic quality that draws others to you, but also creates an aura of secrecy and intrigue. Power struggles may be a common theme in your life, as you are not afraid to assert yourself and fight for what you believe in. Your intuitive abilities are heightened, allowing you to see through people and situations.
Pluto Virgo
With Pluto in Virgo, the generation seeks to transform and improve things in your life and the world around you.
The placement of the Sun in the 7th House is an indication of how we approach partnerships and committed relationships in our lives. With the Sun in this house, you may have a strong sense of self and be confident in your ability to bring positive energy into your relationships. You may feel a deep desire to connect with others and be willing to put in the effort required to build and maintain strong, healthy relationships. You may also be drawn to partners who are confident, charismatic, and have a strong sense of identity.
Moon House V
The Moon in the 5th House represents pleasure, creativity, self-expression, fun, and children. You have a natural talent for creative expression and may be drawn to fields like art, music, or performance. You have a strong appreciation for pleasure and may enjoy indulging in hobbies or activities that bring you joy. You have a deep emotional connection to children and may be drawn to working with children in some capacity. You are highly attuned to your emotions and may have a natural talent for expressing your feelings through creative outlets.
Mercury House VIII
With Mercury in the 8th House, you have a natural inclination towards investigation and research. You are intrigued by mysteries and enjoy uncovering hidden information. This placement can give you a deep understanding of the power dynamics in relationships, and you may be able to intuitively pick up on unspoken messages. However, be mindful of becoming overly suspicious or paranoid, as this can create unnecessary stress. Embracing your investigative nature and using it to problem-solve can be a valuable asset in times of transformation and crisis.
Venus House VIII
Venus in the 8th House indicates a deep fascination with the mysteries of life and death, beginnings and endings, and transformation. You have a talent for delving into the depths of human emotions and can be quite intuitive in your dealings with others. You may have a tendency to attract intense and passionate relationships, and you may have a gift for healing others through your innate sensitivity. You may have an interest in the financial world, particularly investments or inheritance. You could be attracted to the dark side of life and may have a fascination with taboo subjects.
Mars House IX
With Mars in the 9th House of open-mindedness, philosophy, exchange of culture and ideas, expanded consciousness, and travel, you may have a strong desire to explore new places, ideas, and perspectives. You may be drawn to careers in travel, education, or law, and you may have a natural talent for debate and persuasion.
Jupiter House VII
When placed in the 7th House of partnerships, it can indicate a desire for a relationship that is expansive, supportive, and growth-oriented. You may attract partners who are optimistic, generous, and bring good luck into your life. You may also be inclined to approach relationships in a way that is fair, balanced, and harmonious.
Saturn House III
You may have a serious and disciplined approach towards learning and communication, which can make you a knowledgeable person. However, you may also struggle with expressing yourself, as you tend to be reserved and cautious in your interactions. You may also have a strong sense of responsibility towards your siblings, and you may feel a need to take care of them. With time and effort, you can learn to communicate effectively and develop healthy relationships with your siblings and peers.
Uranus House IX
In the 9th House of open-mindedness and expanded consciousness, Uranus can bring a love for adventure, travel, and exploration. You may have unconventional beliefs and ideas, and be drawn to spiritual practices that are outside of traditional norms. Uranus in the 9th House can also indicate sudden breakthroughs in your understanding of the world and a desire to challenge conventional wisdom.
Neptune House XI
Neptune in the 11th house represents an idealistic and compassionate approach to social connections. You are drawn to groups and communities that share your values and interests, and may seek to create positive change in the world. However, you may also struggle with boundaries and may become disillusioned or disappointed with the behavior of others. It's important to maintain a healthy balance between your individual needs and the needs of the group, and establish clear communication and expectations in your social relationships.
Pluto House IX
Placed in the 9th house of open-mindedness, Pluto can bring a desire for profound transformation through travel, philosophy, and exploration. You may be drawn to cultures and ideas that challenge your worldview and force you to question your beliefs. This placement can bring a deep desire for growth and expansion, but may also bring intense experiences that shake your core beliefs and values.
A sextile is a harmonious aspect that occurs when two planets are 60 degrees apart from each other. When the Sun and Moon form a sextile in a natal chart, it indicates a natural ease in expressing emotions and achieving personal goals. The sextile aspect allows individuals to tap into their intuition and creativity, making it easier for them to manifest their desires and achieve success. However, this aspect can also manifest as a tendency to be complacent or indecisive.
Sun quadrature Mars
When the Sun and Mars are in a square aspect, there can be tension between the individual's ego and their assertiveness. They may struggle with impatience or a quick temper, and can sometimes come across as aggressive or overbearing. However, this aspect can also indicate a drive to succeed despite obstacles, and the ability to persevere through challenges.
Moon Trine Uranus
This aspect signifies a flowing and cooperative interaction between the energies of the Moon and Uranus. Individuals with this aspect may possess a natural ability to integrate their emotional instincts with their innovative and unconventional nature. They may have a keen intuition and a unique perspective on emotional matters. This aspect can bring about opportunities for positive changes, breakthroughs, and creative solutions in emotional and relationship matters. It can also indicate a heightened sensitivity to the collective consciousness and a willingness to embrace change in a balanced and constructive manner. Individuals with this aspect may benefit from leveraging their intuition, innovative thinking, and emotional intelligence to bring about positive changes in their emotional life and relationships.
Mercury conjunction Venus
People with this aspect in their chart are often charming and have a way with words that makes them very likable. They can be very persuasive and have a talent for diplomacy. They are usually good at expressing their feelings and thoughts in a clear and concise manner, which makes them excellent communicators. On the downside, people with this aspect may sometimes struggle with making decisions or expressing their own opinions, as they may prioritize harmony over conflict. They can also be prone to overthinking or analyzing their relationships, which can lead to indecisiveness or anxiety.
Mercury Trine Saturn
When Mercury and Saturn are trine in a natal chart, the individual has a natural ability to organize and structure their thoughts and communication in a way that is efficient and effective. This aspect can bring a disciplined and focused approach to learning and communication, with a talent for breaking complex ideas down into smaller, more manageable pieces. The individual is likely to have a strong work ethic and a methodical approach to problem-solving. This aspect can help the individual to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in their chosen field, and to communicate their ideas with clarity and precision.
Mercury Trine Neptune
The Mercury-Neptune trine aspect brings a harmonious balance between the intellect and the intuition. These individuals have a natural ability to access the spiritual and metaphysical realms, while also maintaining a connection with reality. They are highly creative, imaginative, and intuitive, with a deep understanding of the human psyche. Their communication skills are enhanced by their empathetic and intuitive nature, and they often excel in fields such as counseling, psychology, and the arts.
Venus sextil Mars
When Venus and Mars form a sextile, it suggests a favorable alignment between love and passion. This aspect can manifest as a harmonious balance between emotional connection and physical intimacy in relationships. It may indicate a natural ability to express love and desire in a balanced and respectful manner. This aspect can also signify a harmonious blend of femininity and masculinity, and an appreciation for the beauty of both love and desire in relationships.
Venus Trine Saturn
When Venus and Saturn form a trine, it signifies a favorable alignment between love and responsibility. This aspect can manifest as a natural ease and flow in relationships, where one may effortlessly balance romance and commitment. It may indicate a strong sense of loyalty, stability, and maturity in relationships, as well as a practical and responsible approach towards matters of the heart. This aspect can also indicate a harmonious integration of emotional and practical needs, and the ability to create lasting and fulfilling relationships based on mutual respect and understanding.
Venus Trine Neptune
When Venus and Neptune form a trine, it signifies a favorable alignment between love and spirituality. This aspect can manifest as a natural and harmonious flow between the realms of love and spirituality. It may indicate a deep emotional connection to higher realms of consciousness, a heightened sense of intuition and empathy in relationships, and a strong appreciation for beauty, art, and aesthetics. This aspect can also signify a romantic and idealistic approach to love, and a propensity for transcendent and soulful connections in relationships.
Jupiter quadrature Saturn
When Jupiter and Saturn form a square, it represents tension and conflicts between expansion and restriction. This aspect can manifest as challenges in finding a balance between optimism and pessimism, growth and limitation, freedom and responsibility. It may indicate a need to overcome obstacles and limitations in order to achieve desired outcomes, and to confront any unrealistic expectations or overly cautious attitudes. This aspect may require conscious effort to find a middle ground between expansion and restriction, and to navigate challenges with patience, perseverance, and a realistic approach.
Jupiter quadrature Uranus
When Jupiter and Uranus form a square, it signifies tension and conflicts between the planet of expansion (Jupiter) and the planet of change (Uranus). This aspect can manifest as challenges in finding a balance between the urge for growth and the need for freedom and independence. It may indicate sudden disruptions or unexpected changes that challenge established beliefs or structures. This aspect can bring a sense of restlessness, impulsiveness, or rebellion. It may also require conscious effort to find a middle ground between the desire for expansion and the need for stability, and to navigate conflicts between tradition and innovation.
Saturn opposition Uranus
This aspect signifies a harmonious blending of the energies of structure (Saturn) and innovation (Uranus). It can represent a natural and effortless integration of tradition and unconventional approaches, bringing opportunities for growth and progress. Individuals with this aspect may possess a harmonious and balanced approach to change, finding ways to combine practicality with innovation in a seamless manner. This aspect may bring supportive and constructive energy, enabling individuals to manifest changes and achieve their goals with ease. It may also indicate a natural talent for finding creative solutions to challenges, combining the energies of tradition and innovation in a harmonious way.
Saturn Trine Neptune
This aspect signifies a natural and effortless blending of the energies of structure (Saturn) and spirituality (Neptune). It can represent a harmonious integration of practicality and intuition, bringing opportunities for spiritual and creative expression. Individuals with this aspect may possess a natural talent for finding practical ways to manifest their spiritual and creative ideals, and may have a strong sense of responsibility towards their spiritual and artistic pursuits. This aspect may bring supportive and constructive energy, enabling individuals to manifest their dreams and ideals with ease. It may also indicate a deep sense of spirituality and creativity, and a natural ability to blend practicality with intuition in a harmonious way.
What is a Birth Chart?
A birth chart is a snapshot of the sky at the moment of your birth, and it reflects the positions of the Sun, Moon, planets, and other celestial bodies as seen from Earth. Each planet represents a different dimension of your personality and life experience, and the signs and houses they occupy also contribute to your unique character.
How to Generate a Birth Chart Report?
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Understanding the Birth Chart Report
A birth chart is a snapshot of the sky at the moment of your birth, and it reflects the positions of the Sun, Moon, planets, and other celestial bodies as seen from Earth. Each planet represents a different dimension of your personality and life experience, and the signs and houses they occupy also contribute to your unique character.
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dailyhoroscopethisweek · 11 months ago
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Lighten up your path towards a fruitful week with the Weekly Horoscope 🌟 Boost your love, health, career, and money with some astrological guidance. Click the link for cosmic wisdom.   Link : https://bit.ly/WeeklyHoroscope-15-Feb-2Mar
#weeklyhoroscope #horoscope #astrology #zodiacsigns #Astrologylife #Cosmicwisdom 
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ivangzama · 1 year ago
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2Mar|🇻🇪 ¡ETIQUETA DEL DÍA! ▶️ #VivaVenezuela ¡Mi Patria Querida! ❤️🇻🇪
@Mippcivzla 🇻🇪 ¡Juntos todo es posible! 🏘️🇻🇪 ¡Si se puede!🏘️
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gmartinezmolina · 2 years ago
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#RG @eltoquedediana El presidente de la Asociación Nacional de Supermercados, Italo Atencio, aseguró que si bien es cierto que la situación del país es difícil, también hay oportunidades. Así lo señaló durante la asamblea general de afiliados que se realizó este martes 28 de febrero, en la que no solo se dieron a conocer los resultados de la gestión del gremio durante el año 2022, sino también se informó sobre los programas a llevar adelante durante 2023. Destacó en su presentación ante los 152 afiliados que, entre enero de 2021 y enero de 2022, abrieron, remodelaron o cambiaron su negocio 123 tiendas, lo que da una idea del crecimiento del sector. Incluso apuntó que hay empresarios de países como Colombia y Brasil que están interesados en invertir en la apertura de supermercados en Venezuela. “Estamos preparados para cuando eso ocurra”. Con información de Banca y Negocios  #ElToqueDeDiana  #2Mar https://www.instagram.com/p/CpS4hAgub-w/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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seasonaldepressionmp3 · 2 years ago
I’m boutta see his ass 2mar 🤪
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eaglejtechs2 · 2 years ago
Watch "Daily Prayer @2Mar" on YouTube
Let's pray a short prayer
#dailyprayer #jesus #jesuschrist #prayer #god #prayerfortoday #prayeroftheday #prayersfortheworld #catholic
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tantinoro · 6 years ago
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Hoy #2Mar se cumplen 207 días desde que @JuanRequesens fue encerrado en una celda por defender los derechos de los venezolanos. Seguimos fuertes porque sabemos que muy pronto estaremos juntos otra vez! #LiberenARequesens https://t.co/OY7EQ3lxqQ #venezuelabamosbien (en Caracas) https://www.instagram.com/tinoroig/p/BuhJ_QYBPMU/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ee1mf2ty0d7l
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rraayy · 2 years ago
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estrellaadb · 4 years ago
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#Repost @elnacionalweb with @make_repost ・・・ #ENLaHistoria | Hace 47 años se conmemora la inauguración del Poliedro de Caracas, una obra arquitectónica creada por el diseñador venezolano Walter James Alcock, en compañía de sus colegas Héctor Hermidas y Roberto Andrade. Ubicado al sur de la ciudad de Caracas, Venezuela, en la zona de La Rinconada, adyacente al Hipódromo La Rinconada. Fue inaugurado simbólicamente el 2 de marzo por el Presidente de la República Rafael Caldera, se tenia la idea de que el Poliedro desplazara al Nuevo Circo como el lugar idóneo en Caracas para la celebración de grandes eventos y espectáculos. Posee un aforo máximo de 13.500 personas sentadas con una capacidad tope máxima para albergar hasta 20.000 personas. ¿Lo has visitado? ¡Coméntanos! #2Mar #Poliedro #Caracas #Venezuela #ElNacional https://www.instagram.com/p/CL7je11nP7B-O6-purnSd8m5KMt3_ftv6jfc-s0/?igshid=fl9bwmluzz7e
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