#2gether matching lockscreens
dramalocks · 2 years
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☇✈ 2gether the serie; simples ♡❞
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☇ 13/13
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zonedits · 4 years
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─ 2gether 𝙡𝙤𝙘𝙠𝙨𝙘𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙣𝙨 💭
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weilongfu · 4 years
Wei watches 2gether the Series Ep 6
Okay before I get into the episode, I’m just glad GMMTV is finally dropping Eng subs day 1. ANYWAY WHO’S READY TO GET HURT WAITING FOR THESE TWO IDIOTS TO KISS KISS FALL IN LOVE.
We start back up with Tine’s declaration to pursue Pear. Cue Sarawat’s indignant yelling and the kiss. I didn’t notice Sarawat’s drunk blush last week so it’s nice to see this week. Sarawat tries to go for another kiss but falls asleep drunk and Tine starts shaking him to wake him up and ask what he just did. Typical. For both of them. Sarawat, however, desires to stay asleep and tells Tine to let go of his hand.
The next morning Tine’s friends come to see if he’s okay and Sarawat is gone! Fong asks why Tine hasn’t taken a shower yet, looks like it’s a school day! Tine lets them in while he gets ready and Phuk notices Tine has a new wallet sitting on his desk. Tine realizes it’s not his and snatches it away, saying it’s his brother’s. However, as he checks the ID, he sees that it’s Sarawat’s!
Ohm then points out that Tine’s “brother” must have also forgotten his phone! Tine tries to snatch that back too, but Ohm looks at the lockscreen and points out how odd it is that Tine’s “brother” has set Tine’s photo as his lockscreen. Tine says it’s normal because they’re brothers, but Ohm points out it’s not normal because it’s a picture of Tine and Sarawat! (The plot thickens but we all know what’s going on here.)
Tine struggles to come up with another excuse, but Fong says not to bother since he knows Sarawat slept there last night. Apparently Sarawat left a note. “I didn’t want to wake you. I am off for music practice.” Phuk asks if they moved in together already and Tine calls him crazy. Tine tells them that Sarawat came to record the video for Music Club and it was late by the time they finished, so Tine had let him “crash.” 
Fong then asks if Tine has had a chance to ask Sarawat how he feels about him and Tine remembers what happened between them last night. Tine lies and says that Sarawat says he’s just messing with Green. Tine then makes excuses and tries to take his shower quickly. 
In Music Club, Air points out how distracted Tine seems today. Tine apologizes as Sarawat walks in. Air says they can stop there, but Tine should practice at home. Tine finally realizes Sarawat is staring at him and gives him back his wallet and phone. Sarawat thanks him and Tine runs away. Sarawat follows though and asks why he’s mad. Tine asks why shouldn’t he be mad. Sarawat thinks about it and apologizes and says he was in a rush to leave. Tine says he isn’t mad about this morning but what happened last night. Sarawat wonders aloud what happened and Tine asks if he doesn’t remember. Sarawat admits he was drunk and he knows they recorded the video and he can’t remember what happened after. Tine says to forget it and tries to leave.
Sarawat pulls him back and asks him to cheer for him during his match on Saturday. Tine says he won’t because university cheerleaders aren’t assigned to it. Sarawat says it’s not about Uni cheerleaders (he actually says screw Uni cheerleaders), he just wants Tine to cheer for him. (TINE. TINE HE’S BEING SO OBVIOUS.) Tine says he’ll think about it and says he has to help Phuk with his food page and runs away. 
At the Faculty of Architecture, a guy named Chat is asking for people to register for an intensive course with him as the tutor. A bunch of girls scream in approval and move to sign up. However, the girls are interested in Mil. Speak of the devil, Mil shows up and Chat asks him to tutor the girls. Mil says he doesn’t have time to be the tutor since he has to practice his music. Phukong then shows up and asks if Mil can just tutor one student, him. The scene cuts to the time Phukong and Mil spent together during the open house.
Mil reminds Phukong that Architecture isn’t easy and Phukong fires back that it’s why he needs a great tutor like Mil. Mil says he doesn’t need a troll student like Phukong though and leaves. The girls try to chase after Mil, but Chat herds them back to the sign up sheet while Phukong watches Mil leave.
Back with the four dumbasses, Phuk introduces his page, “Gross But Cheap So We Gotta Eat.” (Excuse me, but as a foodie myself, you have to have standards Phuk. Just because it’s cheap doesn’t mean it’s worth the intestinal distress.) Today they’re at a hot pot restaurant which is cheap but tastes horrible. Fong asks why Phuk had to be so loud in announcing how horrible the food tastes because they might get kicked out. 
Tine then gets a text from Sarawat asking where he is since the game is about to start, but Fong asks him to take a taste and describe it. Tine does so and complains, wondering what kind of soup it is since it burns his throat. Phuk says it’s special because they put a Thai herbal liquor in it as part of the special recipe. He tells his friends to prepare to get drunk and Ohm notes guys can’t bring their girlfriends there. Tine asks why, and Ohm says it’s because people speak the truth when they get drunk and you’ll never be able to lie to your girlfriend. (That’s a lie. People just have less inhibitions when drunk. If you’re someone more likely to lie, you might find yourself being truthful because you don’t have a filter. Other people might be more inclined to lie because the filter that tells them to tell the truth is also gone.)
The boys keep eating and drinking the alcoholic soup. Tine seems to be the only one not drinking as seriously as the other boys. Tine asks again if it’s true that drunk people tell the truth and Phuk says that’s not true. Phuk then says there’s something he’s been meaning to tell Tine and it’s that his old phone with a cracked screen wasn’t broken because Tine sat on it, but because Ohm dropped it and blamed it on Tine. (So right after telling Tine drunk people don’t tell the truth, he tells the truth. Good job Phuk.) Ohm tells Phuk to shut up, but Phuk keeps going. Phuk confesses that Fong used Tine’s Facebook to sign up on a porn site. (Geez, why are you still friends with these idiots, Tine?)
Elsewhere, Mil is working behind the counter (of maybe a cafe?) and a woman flirts with him, saying how nice it is that her husband is there to help out and work. Mil says of course he is because his car broke down and he needs money to fix it. The lady then says Mil should have just become a tutor since she heard a lot of girls wanted to be his student. Mil tells the woman (named Jae Tun) that little girls have nothing on a real deal like her. Jae Tun calls him a sweet talker, but she won’t raise his wage. She tells him to do the OT (overtime?) in her room (oh that kind of overtime).
Phukong then comes in and shows Mil his work. Mil asks what it is and Phukong says Chat told him to draw Kon (person), Rod (car, watering), and Ton Mai (tree). Phukong says he’s finished and he wants Mil’s opinion. (Gotta say, they’re nice drawings on the cover of his book. I wonder if he drew them himself.) Mil asks if he gives a comment if Phukong will leave him alone. Phukong says Mil might want to be his tutor after seeing his drawings. Mil gestures for him to reveal them. Phukong opens his book to reveal a stick figure person watering a very small tree sprout. Mil asks Phukong to go be a troll elsewhere.
Phukong then reminds Mil that he’s a customer and Mil can’t shoo him away. (Yes he can. If you’re being a disruptive troll anyway.) Phukong threatens to report this to Jae Tun and Mil stops him and asks what he wants to order. Phukong orders 100 honey toasts. Mil asks if he’s ordering for the whole universe and that he won’t prepare the order. Phukong starts calling for Jae Tun again, and Mil stops him again. Mil asks what he wants for real and Phukong asks him to be his tutor and he’ll stop misbehaving. Mil says fine and gives Phukong the same assignment Chat gave him and says it’s due tomorrow morning. Phukong says there’s no need to wait until tomorrow, he can do it now. Mil stops him though and says he wants 100 drawings altogether! (Turnabout is fair play, Phukong!) Mil also says that if Phukong can’t do it, he might as well get out of his sight. Phukong smiles and gets to work. 
Back with the four idiots, they’re about to move on to another restaurant but Tine says he’s not going and we see that Tine is looking at an IG post by Man which says, “RIP Sarawat’s knee.” and has a picture of Sarawat in black and white  with his knee hurt. 
Tine goes to the football field to see Sarawat and Sarawat comes up and asks if he’s looking for him. Tine asks how he’s standing, wondering if Sarawat broke his leg. Sarawat points out he just scraped his knee from a tackle and asks when he broke his leg. (Man, you sneaky sneaky friend you.) Tine says Man posted on IG that Sarawat’s leg was broken and Sarawat says Man was just being Man (which I guess means overdramatic) and asks if Tine believes him. Sarawat says it’s good Tine is there though and asks him to bandage his knee. Tine asks why he should do it and Sarawat says it’s because he’s out of energy/tired. Tine eventually agrees and Sarawat gives him that, “god I love you,” look. Tine starts to clean the wound and Sarawat asks him to be gentle. Tine continues to work anyway. Sarawat asks why Tine’s hands are shaking so much and Tine says he might be afraid of blood. Sarawat says he must also be because he’s also shaking. Tine looks at him in concern, but Sarawat says he means his heart and then smiles. (HE SMILES! HE SMILED SO MUCH!)
Tine makes an excuse and moves to leave just as the game ends and Pol. Sci. wins. Sarawat motions for everyone to come in and give high fives. Man is also one of the players and notices that Tine is there. He invites Tine to celebrate with them and eggs him into joining especially since Tine’s friends will also be coming. Apparently Phuk has stories to share. (Gee... I wonder what stories he’ll be telling...) Sarawat also looks up at Tine hopefully and Tine ends up agreeing.
The group go to a bar and Tine sits next to Sarawat as they all drink. Everyone keeps cheering and drinking. Man also attempts to tip Tine’s glass so he’ll drink more. Even Sarawat tells Tine to drink up properly. Tine then asks why they’re celebrating so much. He also notes that it’s like they’re trying to get Tine drunk! (Oh... so we’re on this part huh.) Man and Boss share a conspicuous look and Tine looks to Sarawat who suddenly won’t meet his eyes. Tine asks if Sarawat wants them to get him drunk. Boss and Man look guilty and concerned as Sarawat silently shakes his head. Man jumps in to say Sarawat was just playing. (In the novel, Man is already drunk and admits that Sarawat promised them 3000 baht if they got Tine drunk.)
Man then says he’s so jealous that Sarawat has someone cute to play with. Boss brings up the person Man met at the spiritual/meditation seminar. Man says he doesn’t even know the guy’s name. Boss tells him to go to every seminar and look for him. Sarawat says they talk too much, but then cheers for them being lucky to get the table. Tine says he’s doing too much, but ends up taking a sip anyway. Then he realizes his friends ditched him and Sarawat and his friends cheer again anyway. 
His friends come back in time to say they want to cheers because Phuk got a LINE ID from a hot girl. Boss and Man continue to try to get Tine to finish his drink and succeed, only for Tine to pass out. Tine wakes up in his boxers in his room and someone wrapped in his blanket. However, it turns out to be a pillow and Tine relaxes after that. 
Later Tine’s friends ask how his night went and Tine complains about having gotten so drunk he passed out. Tine then asks who got him home and Ohm asks if Tine really hasn’t seen the evidence on his IG yet. Tine then goes to look. and finds a picture of him passed out in his shirt and over shirt, but no pants, only boxers, posted on his IG. 
The scene then cuts to Sarawat trying to find Tine’s room key and digging in his pockets. Tine drunkenly asks what he’s trying to grab. Sarawat tells him to be still and Tine says Sarawat’s digging in his pockets was fun and he wants him to do it again. Sarawat says no. Sarawat then throws Tine onto his bed and helps undress him a bit to make him comfortable. As Tine is passed out, Sarawat takes a picture and posts it on his IG with the comment, “I am reserved <3.” (Okay guys, remember that this is really not okay and you shouldn’t do things like this to drunk people.)
Tine curses Sarawat out and says that between Green and Sarawat, he can’t tell who’s more dangerous anymore. Phuk would say it’s Sarawat because he got into Tine’s room. Fong points out that Green isn’t bothering Tine anymore and that he should tell Sarawat to stop the fake dating. However, Green was in the stall! He knows now!
Later, we cut to Mil coming out of a class and seeing everyone looking at drawings on the walls. Phukong comes out and says it’s all 100 drawings as promised so it’s Mil’s turn to keep his promise. Chat says Phukong has done a good job and that if Mil says no he’s a loser. Mil agrees to be Phukong’s tutor and asks if he’s happy.
Later at night, Green comes up to Tine at his dorm. Green says he knows Tine asked Sarawat to flirt with him as a fake boyfriend. Tine denies it and Green asks why Tine lied to him. Green also says he overheard them in the bathroom and asks why Tine had to be so harsh. (Okay, Green has a point. BUT you were literally not taking his no for an answer either? Like he turned you down how many times and you still stuck to him like glue? Also Green, you’re not innocent either if the spoilers I’ve read are true!)
Tine says he didn’t mean to be so harsh and Green hugs him saying he knows he’s not good enough for Tine, but he asks for one more chance. Sarawat comes in and pulls Green away and asks who said Sarawat was flirting with Tine just to get rid of Green. Sarawat then says he did everything because he actually likes Tine. Green doesn’t believe him and says he knows everything was a plan. Sarawat says it was a plan at first. But then he realized he really likes Tine. Green says he’ll never believe it and Sarawat asks if he wants him to kiss Tine to prove it and moves to do so. Green stops them mid way and says that’s enough and that he believes that Sarawat likes Tine and then runs away. 
Tine says it was close and asks how Sarawat knew Green was going to come by. Sarawat says Green has been following him since Tine was at uni and he knew something was going to happen. Tine then asks if Sarawat would have finished kissing him if Green didn’t stop him. Sarawat smiles and asks if Tine really thinks Sarawat would kiss him. Sarawat then says he knew Green wouldn’t be able to bear seeing it and says who would kiss Tine. (YOU WOULD. YOU TOTALLY WOULD.)
Later Tine treats his friends to a meal and drinks (product placement here) and Ohm asks why. Tine says it’s just because he hasn’t sat with them all for a while. He then tells them all that he has something to ask them and everyone says it at the same time. Tine asks how they know and Fong says that whenever Tine treats them to a meal, he always needs help and asks what the problem is.
Tine says he has a friend from Music Club and his friend is worried and wondering if there is a guy that likes him. (Person A liking “friend.”) Ohm asks who A is anyway and offers to hack into his FB. Phuk says you should get him drunk. Tine says he must be crazy to ask them and Fong suggest making person A jealous. Fong says jealousy always shows no matter how good a person is at hiding their feelings. (JOKE’S ON YOU. I’LL KEEP ALL THESE FEELINGS IN MY CHEST AND THEN DIE BEFORE I ADMIT THERE’S A PROBLEM.) Tine nods and takes the advice in. 
Meanwhile Man is going to a lot of seminars and admits in some of them that he’s there to look for someone. Boss tells him to keep looking and Man says he’s gone to a whole host of them and he just hasn’t gone to the Dharma camp. However as he talks about it he sees his man! He chases after him and gets stopped because he doesn’t have a pass.
Man tries to lie and says his pass is with his friend and if they let him in, he’ll go get it. The staff tell him to call his friend out and give it to him instead. He tries to dodge them and is unsuccessful and the staff make him wait outside. 
Meanwhile, Tine is in Music Club waiting for Sarawat and stages himself. He sees Sarawat come and then asks Sarawat if he wants to get a meal together. Sarawat looks at him funny and Tine asks if Sarawat already made plans. Sarawat says that Tine just asked him to eat together and that it’s weird (I guess more out of character). Tine tells him not to think about it too much and calls Sarawat his dear friend and asks him to also come out and have a drink. Sarawat ends up agreeing as Tine starts jumping and shaking him.
Sarawat tells Tine that his band is actually playing at a bar (L Co Hol) that night and it’ll be a warm up/practice for opening for Scrubb on Saturday. He tells Tine to meet him there since they’ll be playing Scrubb songs. Tine happily agrees, if a little too enthusiastically and Sarawat wonders what’s wrong with him. 
Back with Man, we see the seminar has let out and he’s looking for his mystery man. Man gets stopped by an older gentleman who found the pen at the last seminar. Man remembers him and the man tells him that the guy showed up today and invited him to another seminar, but he’s not sure he can go. Man asks what the seminar is and the gentleman gives him the brochure. It’s a meditation retreat for 2 nights. The gentleman says it’s perfect for Man and Man thanks him.
At the bar, Tine sits with a girl. The girl asks if all she has to do is pretend to be Tine’s girlfriend when Sarawat walks in and Tine says that’s it. Tine says that if she does a good job (her name is Nancy), he’ll give her extra tips. Nancy agrees and says they should practice. She even tries to pull Tine’s shirt open and Tine says that’s too obvious. Nancy then goes to flirt with another guy as an example of how else she should do it. Tine then points out Sarawat is here and Nancy chooses to fangirl over Sarawat instead of doing all of the above. (I mean, if I was Nancy, I’d fawn over Sarawat too NGL.) Sarawat asks if Tine has been waiting long and Tine says he hasn’t but he’s leaving soon. Sarawat tells him to stay, he’ll pay for Tine’s drinks, he just wants Tine to watch him play first. Tine agrees and Nancy completely abandons him to fawn some more over Sarawat. 
Later the concert starts and the lead of the band tells everyone they have a special song prepared, requested by their guitarist (Sarawat) and that he even wants to sing it himself. The Lead then gives the mic over to Sarawat who steps up. Sarawat says, “This song is for someone so silly who didn’t get to hear it when I played it the first time.” Sarawat is going to play Everything by Scrubb!
Tine sits and watches as Sarawat begins. Tine starts to mouth along to the words. After the song is done, Sarawat steps off the stage and is mobbed by girls. Nancy comes up and says she wants a picture with Sarawat and asks Tine to ask Sarawat for her. Tine tells her to ask herself and Nancy asks why Tine is so upset, as if he’s Sarawat’s boyfriend. Tine then remembers Fong’s advice about making people jealous. (OH. IS IT FINALLY CLICKING FOR YOU NOW?) Tine huffs and gets up, leaving Nancy behind. Sarawat sees Tine leaving and tries to leave the mob to chase after him. 
Tine then bumps into Mil and apologizes. Mil addresses Tine by name and says it’s okay. Tine asks how Mil knows his name and Mil says that Tine is a uni cheerleader so of course he knows his name. Tine apologizes again and Mil says he won’t be mad about Tine bumping into him if Tine lets him take a selfie with Tine. Tine ends up agreeing and Mil takes the selfie and thanks him before moving on. Tine tries to leave again, but Sarawat stops him this time. Sarawat asks what’s wrong with Tine and why he took a photo with someone.
Tine says that who he takes pictures with is none of Sarawat’s business and that he didn’t say anything when a bunch of girls surrounded Sarawat, handing him drinks and hugging him. Sarawat points out he accepted no drinks and gave no hugs, so Tine had better think more carefully before saying that. Tine moves to leave anyway and Sarawat asks what his problem is. Tine finally admits he’s jealous and after a stare down, he walks in the other direction. Sarawat watches him go with an evaluating look on his face.
The next morning, Tine wakes up and hears his phone go off. Sarawat asks if Tine still wants to get Scrubb’s autographs and that he’s waiting for Tine. We then see Sarawat waiting outside the Faculty of Architecture. Tine remembers all the things that have lead him to this moment of realizing his feelings for Sarawat, or at least his jealousy. Sarawat continues to wait. (Poor bby, he will always wait, won’t he.) However he gets called inside as everyone is ready and Sarawat can wait no longer.
Later he comes out with his guitar and checks his phone again. Tine finally runs up and asks if he can still get the autographs. Sarawat says no way since his show was, “Over like 10 years ago.) Tine’s face falls and he says he drank too much last night and he can’t remember anything. The only thing he remembers is watching Sarawat play live and waking up in his room. (YOU LIAR. JUST ADMIT YOU LIKE SARAWAT!) Sarawat looks disappointed for a moment and nods his head, as if understanding that it still continues to be difficult to woo this disaster of a beautiful boy.
Sarawat then says the Scrubb concert is still going on and he asks if Tine still wants to go. Tine says there’s no need to ask and heads in. They make it in time for the last song. Tine says the song they’re playing is called Deep. The band calls for everyone to put their hands in the air and Tine gets up on a railing to sit and watch. Sarawat tells Tine to hold on to him so he won’t fall. Tine just rests an arm on Sarawat’s shoulder, but Sarawat puts it around him. (HE’S TRYING SOOOO HARD!!!) Tine asks what Sarawat is doing and Sarawat says he’s afraid Tine will fall. Tine just shakes his head and goes back to enjoying the music. Sarawat sneaks looks at Tine as he enjoys the concert and he smiles. 
The scene cuts back to when Tine was helping Sarawat redecorate his room and he told Sarawat his favorite band was Scrubb. And then his invitation to Tine for the bar the other night and his performance. (This is supposed to be in time to the line from the song Deep about the moments that bring them together.) The montage continues with a few more scenes and then comes back to the concert where everyone is waving their hands. Tine scoffs and waves Sarawat’s hand for him. Sarawat scolds Tine for waving at the wrong rhythm even though he claims to be a fan. Tine tells him it’s the right rhythm. Sarawat pulls his hand away and tells Tine to wave instead. Tine does so and Sarawat says it’s cuter when Tine waves anyway. (SOOOO SMOOOOOTH.)
Tine smiles and the concert continues. The singer then calls for everyone to put both their hands in the air and jump. The crowd does so and Tine just goes back to waving Sarawat’s hand. The concert ends to a large amount of applause. Tine complains about his butt hurting and Sarawat asks if he told Tine to sit on the railing/divider. Sarawat then asks if the crowd is screaming for him or Scrubb. Tine asks who would scream for him. (YOU WILL AT SOME POINT TINE. I KNOW IT.) Tine then thanks Sarawat for being there with him and Sarawat says it was fun. 
Sarawat then asks how did Tine know they would play Deep. Tine says he was there watching their concert on campus last year and he got the same feeling. He also remarks that he misses that time because he was really happy. Sarawat says he knows and Tine asks how he knows. Sarawat then remembers the concert and how a young Tine had been jumping and bumped into him. Tine had bowed quickly in apology before going right back to enjoying the concert. Sarawat’s gaze is immediately interested. Before Sarawat can say how he knows, the episode ends.
The jealousy is real on both ends next week. WHEN WILL THEY LEARN?!
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