ya-killin-me-smalls · 4 months
hi ! I dont know if any of these sound interesting ? but im tossing them over to you !!
- deimos and hank adopting some sort of nevadian critter to which doc HEAVILY disapproves (and reluctantly ends up letting stay because. deimos and hank puppydog eyes)
-sanford teaching deimos how to fish :] maybe results in deimos just outright jumping into the water and scaring all the fish away 😭
- doc getting a little handsy with hank during one of the times he's repairing him after a mission
- hear me out . hear me out . doc and tricky forced accomplices when a mission gets tight, doc finds him less insufferable than he thinks and they're just. casual friends that talk abt medical stuff now
- sanford and deimos helping each other with their chronic pains after the events of purgatory
- poker night. go wild /silly
anon I need you to know how long I've been thinking about the critter idea. finally got it done and it was so much fun to write. below the cut
Hank doesn't like Deimos, plain and simple. The kid is loud, annoying, and unruly, and Hank doesn't know how he manages to keep getting roped into babysitting. He glances up from the deconstructed rifle on the ground before him and watches off in the distance as Deimos stalks towards a flock of birds, crouched down low and moving with the slow precision of an apex predator.
It's laughable, the idea that Deimos could be anything but his nature. Doc insists that he'll grow out of it, that he'll learn some impulse control eventually and be able to integrate with the rest of humanity.
Deimos lunges forward. Hank can't see through the dust that kicks up but he knows the kid got one. He always does. Hank focuses back on his gun, scraping weeks' worth of carbon buildup off the bolt carrier with a metal pick.
Doc is out of his mind. He thinks he can take on the Agency while raising a 10-year-old that runs around killing small animals for sport at every opportunity. And Maker forbid Hank suggests he get his priorities straight. The Agency should come first. Nevada should come first. His little bastard clone should be an afterthought in the grand scheme of things, but Doc won't hear it.
Footsteps approach rapidly, Hank mentally bracing himself for what would be the fifth idiotic conversation of the morning.
"Hey! Hey, Hank!" Deimos calls, skidding to a halt a few feet away. His hands and chin are covered in blood, staining the collar of his t-shirt. "You got a sec?"
Hank stares at him for a moment, unmoving. "No," he deadpans, setting the bolt carrier down anyway.
"Aw c'mon! I just need like, 2 minutes and that's it, I promise!" Deimos whines, rocking on his heels, practically buzzing with energy. "It's- I got something cool to show you but you gotta get up."
He's not getting out of this without a long argument that'll last longer than just humoring him. Hank sighs, shoulders sagging as he stares at the porch roof above him, counting down from 10. Annoying. "Make it quick," he says as he stands, letting Deimos grab his wrist with his bloody little hand and drag him out into the hot desert sun.
"D'you know what all these are from?" Deimos asks as he leads Hank to the pileup of old cars outside their makeshift base.
"Doc trying to park, probably," Hank replies, getting a laugh out of Deimos.
"You're funny. Okay, you gotta stand riiiiiight here!" Deimos pushes Hank in front of the broken rear window of one of the cars.
He peers inside, seeing nothing of interest. "Why are we doing this?"
"Ssshshshsshhush, it's a surprise!" Deimos says with a grin, looking far too pleased with himself.
"You'll see, just... wait here. This'll only take me a sec." Deimos scampers off behind the scrap pile before Hank can argue further.
This is bullshit. He's Hank J. Fucking Wimbleton. He should be out decimating his enemies, not playing ass-backwards hide-and-seek with Doc's brat.
He could drive Deimos out to the middle of nowhere and leave him there. He'd probably like it. No loud noises, plenty of wildlife to terrorize, and more importantly he'd be far, far away from Hank.
Doc would kill him.
The silence is broken by the sound of claws scraping against metal somewhere within the pile.
If Deimos hands him a dead rat again, he'll kill him and then himself.
The sound gets louder, closer, the struggle within causing the scrap pile to rock just a bit. He hears Deimos snarl, followed by an angry shriek that couldn't possibly have come from the kid.
For fuck's sake. Hank leans down and looks into the car, unable to make out anything amongst the dark shadows inside. He startles when something hits the other end of the car with a loud bang and movement just barely catches his eye before something small, black, and hairy collides with his chest. He holds onto the... whatever it is, and not two seconds later Deimos springs from the vehicle and nearly knocks Hank over.
Deimos snaps his teeth at the furry bundle in Hank's arms, that wild look in his eyes that simply isn't compatible with society. Hank holds him back by the collar of his shirt, keeping the kid at arm's-length so he can inspect the creature he's holding.
It's such a tiny thing, big green eyes housing pupils that are narrowed into slits as it hisses at Deimos. She's filthy too, Hank unsure if her fur is actually black or if she just has that much dirt caked onto her body.
Deimos attempts to surge forward and Hank allows the cat to climb up onto his shoulder for safety, and then he shoves the boy down without warning. Deimos lands on his ass with a grunt, the impact seemingly enough to snap him out of his frenzy.
"Hey, that was mine!" Deimos complains as he stands, already reaching upward but Hank shoves him right back down.
"No," is all he says before turning and making his way back to the porch, leaving Deimos by the scrap heap. She bats her paws at the lapel of his jacket, and now that he can get a better look at her he's fairly sure she's white underneath all the grime. She'll need a bath later. In Doc's bathroom. Because it's Doc's fault he's out here in the first place.
Hank hears the crunch of gravel underfoot as Deimos approaches, shooting him a glare that has him stopping several feet back. Killing birds and rodents is one thing, cats deserve better. Certain that Deimos isn't going to bug his new friend again, Hank sits down and picks right back up where he'd left off.
Bug. That might work as a name.
He gets back to scraping at his bolt carrier, the cat pawing at the black flecks that come off and attempting to grab the carrier out of his hands. It would be annoying if she wasn't purring so loudly, so instead of pushing her away Hank simply scratches the top of her dirty head.
The sound of Deimos sitting in the gravel gets both their attentions, Hank's heading snapping to watch him but Deimos has kept his distance, observing with quiet curiosity.
Her eyes remind Hank of little green beetles that he's seen during stops out in the middle of the desert, bright and shiny and so colorful.
Gravel again. Deimos has moved closer, sitting at the edge of the porch step and staring at Beetle. Yeah, Beetle is good. The curiosity on his face looks odd, Hank thinks, so used to seeing bloodlust and manic focus. His eyes meet Hank's for a long moment, something unspoken passing between them before the kid stretches forward and prods his little finger at Beetle's paw.
She grabs at his hand playfully with her paws, getting a laugh out of him as her tail thrashes.
"Think Doc'll let you keep her inside?" Deimos asks as he scratches under her chin, not minding one bit when she bites his wrist.
"Maybe," Hank replies, which by now they both know means 'absolutely not but we're not gonna tell him.' Which is bullshit. There's no way a cat could cause even half the problems Deimos does.
"Sweet," Deimos says before flapping in the distance yanks his attention away, the birds having returned to feast on their fallen brother's corpse. "Finally!" he cheers quietly before predictably hurrying off to go harass them.
What are they gonna do with him?
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yanderes-galore · 10 months
Madness combat
Yandere!Platonic! 2BDamned vs Romantic!Yandere! Hank with 2BDamned's child!GN! Darling concept
(2BDad protects his child from Hank)
Oh boy....
General Hank Concept
Platonic 2BDamned Concept
Yandere! Platonic! 2BDamned vs Yandere! Hank
Pairing: Platonic (2B)/Romantic (Hank) - Rivalry
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Isolation, Violence/Murder mention, Jealousy, Stalking, Kidnapping, Forced companionship (2B)/relationship (Hank).
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While 2B "trusts" Hank it can only go so far.
2B loves his kid more than anything else.
It's to the point he manipulates and isolates you for your own protection.
He tries his best to keep Hank away from you but Hank still finds out about you.
Your home is here in this lab where he can essentially control you as your father.
Y'know the whole "Mother Knows Best" song from Tangled?
Your dynamic between you and 2B is very similar... except he has a point when he says everything can kill you.
Despite 2B's efforts to call you away... you still manage to speak with Hank, Deimos, and Sanford.
Deimos and Sanford treat you like a sibling.
Hank's mostly silent... but his view on you is much different than the others.
Considering what 2B does to his kid to keep them as his (see his platonic concept), Hank having you alone is difficult.
2B tolerates Hank around you but no doubt begins to notice Hank's growing... attachment towards you.
2B notices when Hank comes for treatment he often stares at you.
2B tries not to show that he's upset when you talk to Hank during treatments.
Hank's soaking in every word and remembering your appearance as 2B silently seethes.
Hank doesn't entirely feel threatened with 2B around you.
The doc is your father... but if Hank feels romantic intentions towards you, he isn't letting 2B get in the way either.
2B just about nearly throws Hank out of his lab when he notices the physical advances.
2B has planned everything out, you were meant to stay in the lab with him... any form of rebellion or wish to go outside would be smothered.
Yet here Hank is... doing the exact thing he feared would happen if you had a social life.
Hank's treating you in a delicate manner, large calloused hands lightly holding your hands and touching your skin.
He feels at ease around you.
He's... he's never felt a thing like love before.
It satiates his constant need for bloodlust.
So he finds himself leaning closer, wanting to purr towards you and hold you close...
Only for 2B to toss Hank out before trying to remove the idea of Hank from your mind.
This is where things would go down hill from here.
Hank's already fallen for you and isn't willing to just leave without you.
Meanwhile 2B now sees Hank as a complete and total threat to you and fears he'll lose you.
I see the rivalry going like this... Hank steals you from the lab and 2B hunts him down.
Like a wild animal, Hank manages to break into the lab you've always called home and takes you away.
The criminal has his strong arms wrapped around you as he carries you away to somewhere more private.
He sees you as his... so he'll keep you.
Plus... isn't it nice to be outside again?
Now you two are finally alone....
While Hank hides you away for himself, 2B is on the verge of a mental break.
He knows Hank took his kid.
The issue is finding him....
When it comes to how obsessive 2B is about his kid... he won't rest until he has you again.
2B will use everything he has to track you and Hank down.
Once he does... he'll straight up kill Hank if Hank doesn't kill him first.
Then afterwards, he'll take you back home and clear the idea of Hank's existence out of your mind... then you can both be happy again.
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gravedigest · 7 months
Vaguely in the realm of HNMT.
2BDad things.
Thunderstorm trope.
Sleep is hard to come by, harder to keep ahold of, hardest to let go. In that hazy state, he doesn’t know what’s pulling him away from the sweet comfort of rest.
“Doooooooc! Doc?!”
That’s panic. He hears panic.
He snaps awake.
Bolting up, heart pounding, scanning the room as he reaches for the gun-
That’s Deimos.
He darts, all traces of sleep having drained from his body as he unlatches the barricades from the door, ripping it open to see-
To see…
Oh, dear.
“What’s wrong?” He has to lower himself to his knees to make it to the same height as the kid, the poor thing’s face drenched in snot an tears, shaking like a leaf.
Thunder crashes, and Deimos nearly jumps out of his own skin, diving to burrow himself into Doc’s coat. Oh. Oh no.
He’s found something his little terror is afraid of.
When the lightning flashes through the cracks of the boarded up window, Doc presses his palms to both of Deimos’ ears, gun clattering to the floor.
It doesn’t help, the kid still jerks and sobs over the sound.
Right. Enhancements.
The wind is howling through the battered building, rain leaking in through the unstable roof, everything shudders as it holds out against the storm. Not the best place for someone’s first thunderstorm.
There’s nowhere to go that’s quieter, no deeper basements to afford safety, but the cubby that constitutes a bathroom doesn’t have windows. He heaves Deimos up and tucks him close, barricading them both in the enclosed space, hunkering down on the edge of the dusty, stained bathtub.
Deimos’ breaths are heaving, his own hand clamped over his ears now, face making a huge, disgusting wet mark that Doc can’t be assed to care about at the moment.
He’ll have quips about it when the storm passes.
For now, he tries to sort out the situation, figure out how to make the crying stop.
He’s been so easy to take care of, like a well trained dog, following Doc around and right on his coattails. The only reason he’d been barricaded in that room was an attempt at some mediocre safety, in case the nearby bandit camp caught wind of their stop. Futile hope that they’d pass up a hard to open box.
Perhaps that was a bad idea.
He can have some bad ideas.
He hasn’t noticed his own anxious rocking, not until Deimos starts to relax a little bit. Right.
“Do you know what’s happening?”
A shake of the head against his shoulder.
“It’s a thunderstorm. When there are a lot of clouds- Like we saw earlier, they…” How does he explain this? “… You know how you made static with your socks?”
“… Mhm.”
“It’s sort of like that. The particles in the clouds are moving, and it creates static. When there’s too much static?
“… Shocks.”
“Right. This? This is how we discovered electricity. It’s a lot of electricity exploding, so that’s why it makes that sound-“
On cue, another clap of thunder undoes all the calm, driving Deimos to crush his ears with his hands. Doc can tell he’s trying not to wail- it breaks through as a whimper. Doc keeps rocking.
“I know it must be very hard when you can hear as well as you do,” What can he do?
Christ, he hopes the temperature drop doesn’t cause a tornado.
Not something to think about right now.
The next clap is closer. It must be right above them.
“It’s moving fast, it’ll be over soon, alright?”
He doesn’t get a word out of the kid, just terrified shaking.
What can he do?
For once, his foresight gives him an answer.
He zips his coat up around the extra body, hefting the kid back up to make a strategic run back through to where he’d dropped his bag, grabbing it up and making a hasty retreat. Back in the safety of the bathroom, he changes his seat to be down in the tub, digging through the bag just long enough to pull his tablet-
And the headset.
Hooking it together in the dark is half a challenge, but- Yes, he checks the sound, then unzips his coat.
“Move your hands,” A rough shake of the head. “Just for a second, if it doesn’t work you can punch me.”
The promise of light violence tends to win Deimos over, but not even that gets him to budge. Doc goes for prying the little hands away instead, getting the headset pressed over his ears in the short, upset wrestle that ensues.
Deimos pauses.
… He’s heard music before, hasn’t he?
Doc’s too tired to recall, on the edge of pulling the headset off the moment Deimos shows distaste.
But the kid presses the cans closer to his ears instead, the next roll of thunder disguised in the sounds.
He leans them both back, the lumpy bag works well enough as a pillow, the kid a little furnace on his own. It’s not comfortable whatsoever, Doc’s back is going to be in agony when they have to move in the morning, but this…
Deimos’ shaking calms, reduced to sniffling and kneading his hands as he works out the panic, calming down.
It’ll work.
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cyanenoms · 2 years
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dumfuckdoesart · 2 years
Idk if you wanna do another one from me, but maybe some 2BDad and Deimos? 👉👈
I just woke up so have some sleepy boys,,
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gs-playground · 2 years
Heya! I really wanna know OOC: can you draw your favorite MPN character? Why are they your fav? And as a optional bonus: can you draw them with your least favorite and why too?
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I like Deimos' spunky character and I see Doc as an all-around father figure.
Bonus: The vampire punks and bruisers are my least favorite. Every time I try to pass Fickle Friends, I get smacked up by them over and over.
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handibrain · 3 years
Familial Deimos x 2BDamned/Doc
Title: 2BDad
Warnings: negative spiral, remembrance of negative past
Deimos was in his and Sanford’s conjoined room. Doc had tasked him with being a spy at an AAHW base that Doc needed some info stolen from. Apparently the agents and higher-ups had it printed out then deleted from the system permanently so Doc couldn’t access it anymore.
Doc has given him a suit to try on and Deimos was currently buttoning up the coat of it, the final piece.
“Hehe, pretty snazzy! Wonder what ‘Ford will think, me being all dressed up nicely.” He said to himself, daydreaming of what Sanford would say when he got back from the mission he was on.
He walked over to the full-length mirror, looking at himself. At first he got a rush of feeling good in something nice instead of his usual clothes, but then it all came crashing down as fast as the positive feelings came.
He looked exactly like he did back at the agency, aside from a few new scars. Everything he thought after that made him spiral into a breakdown. How he was treated by his peers, how he treated others, what the agency did to him and because of him.
He felt hot as he cried, he practically clawed himself out of the suit’s jacket in attempts to rid himself of it and to cool himself down.
He missed the knock on the door and Doc walking in. What he didn’t miss was the quick hug enveloping him. He looked to see a concerned Doc.
He tried to speak but he couldn’t even form a sentence, Doc shushed him.
“I shouldn’t have made you do this, Deimos, I'm sorry.” He said, tightening the hug. Thick hot tears poured from Deimos’s eyes as he clung to Doc. Doc comforted him the best he could.
When Deimos calmed down Doc helped Deimos get particularly out of the suit before turning around to let him get dressed in his normal clothes again.
Doc felt Deimos hug him from behind. Mumbling something into his back
“What was that? Couldn’t hear you.” Doc chuckled, turning around so he could face Deimos.
“I said I'm sorry, I shouldn’t have felt-“ Deimos began, before being cut off.
“No, no. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have made you do that, I know how you are when you are compared to an agent or are reminded of how you were one. Hell, I even still have issues with knowing I was an agent! I should have made those other two get the documents, not you.” Doc said, giving Deimos another tight hug.
“It’s ok, dad.” Deimos said, returning the hug. Doc hummed in response, resting his head on Deimos’.
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madnessbrainworms · 3 years
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looks like it’s time for a supply run!
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missingvtf · 3 years
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d34d-r0s3 · 2 years
I have some 2B headcanons for y’all:
‣• Doc is actually genuinely nice, he's just extremely stressed when we see him in the flashbacks, Dedmos series, etc most likely
‣• In a good/neutral mood he probably would act fatherly towards Deimos and Sanford (inspired by the 2bdad headcanon <3)
‣• Probably makes breakfast for Dei, San, and Hank every morning that he can, and I don’t mean pouring bowls of cereal, I mean that classic "dad making pancakes in the morning" type of thing
‣• He probably can cook anything he wants, but would never touch a grill in his life.
‣• Doesn’t understand tone tags or anything so Deimos had to teach him, (which wasn’t as difficult as he expected)
‣• SPOILER WARNING.  After the nexus ending with Hank’s betrayal, he would’ve let Dei n’ San come to him for comfort, that’s right, dad hugs.
‣• Would’ve made comfort food like peanut butter cookies and either talked with them if they wanted to, or watched movies ‘til their minds were off of that
‣• Tucks Deimos in at night bc he's child sized /hj
‣• When his hair grows out, he probably ties it up in a "tired mom in a sitcom" bun until he can cut/buzz it off again, so it stays out of his eyes when he's working
‣• I like to think that he's interested in taxidermy and things of that sort, probably has a bit of odd taxidermy stuff or a collection of bones Hank brought home. (based on Jeb referring to his procedures as "Frankenstein experiments")
‣• I can imagine 2B showing Dei the collection while he's just sittin’ there like: :0
I have more I'll just post them at a later time bc I can’t think of how 2 word them rn tiredd
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((AU where Hank, Deimos, and Sanford are all kids that 2BDamned took in--))
(info for the kids under cut)
((Deimos: 1 year old, failed Phobos cloning attempt. Left at Doc’s doorstep about a month after Sanford was found.
Hank: 3 years old, pretty much a feral child and constantly on a child leash. Doc found him looking for food in a dumpster. He bites. A lot.
Sanford: 6 years old, first kid that Doc ever found. Found in the remains of a house crying for his mother. Doc still hasn’t found her.))
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2BDamned wasn’t a good person. He’d come to terms with that fact years ago. Creating monsters and hurting people was his sole purpose in life. He did it knowingly, willingly, and at times, enthusiastically. Beelzebub certainly had a devil put aside for him. There was no coming back from the things he’d done and he knew that. But maybe… Just maybe… If he can do right by this kid, he can save him from the same fate.
rewrote and reuploaded the first chapter of my 2BDad au, and actually left it off in a way where I can add more chapters this time
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rainy-daze1 · 3 years
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take one guess as to what im drawing
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if u guessed this congartulatn
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gravedigest · 9 months
2Bdad au, I think Deimos is sort of SQ’s nepo baby.
But like, to the tune of “Stanley Kubrick shot the moon landing, made NASA take him to the moon”
Deimos gets to be a top agent because Doc’s his boss + Deimos is a top agent because Doc’s his boss.
But still. Nepo baby.
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cyanenoms · 2 years
2BCrystal: [They get up from their chair, holding a rolled up newspaper] Rubmos: "Cyford, you might want to get out of the way"
-She slides out of the way-
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youraveragemii · 3 years
another hc i hold deep and dear to my heart is that 2b worked for the aahw/nexus core as an agent so he knew deimos when he was younger bc . deimos was the director’s younger brother . so when 2b eventually dissented , he wasnt able to see deimos anymore ! you can imagine his surprise when this lost teenage grunt showed up on his doorstep looking beatup and terrified and talking about how he’s being hunted down by the agencies again
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