#2FA Web Security
myotp-app · 25 days
Why Web Security Matters: Why 2FA SMS OTP API Is Vital for Protection
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In today’s digital world, web security has become more critical than ever as cyber threats or attacks are increasing day by day. Safeguarding sensitive information is a top priority for businesses and individuals alike. One of the most effective ways to enhance online security is by implementing 2FA (Two-Factor Authentication), particularly through SMS OTP API. Integrating SMS OTP API into your web and mobile applications is essential for your web and mobile app protection.
Why Web Security Important and How It Is Compromise
Robust Web security is the foundation of any online platform, protecting user data, financial transactions, and personal information from unauthorized access. However, there are many reasons for web security breaches. Read the mention below:
1. Weak Passwords: Many users rely on simple, easily guessable passwords, making it easier for hackers to gain unauthorized access to accounts. Don't give a chance to hackers; always use strong passwords and change them on an after-some day.
2. Phishing Attacks: Cyberattackers frequently use phishing emails or websites to trick users into revealing their passwords and other sensitive information. Be aware of fraud Emails and messages.
3. Outdated Software: Using outdated or unpatched software can expose vulnerabilities that hackers can exploit to breach web security.
4. Insufficient Security Measures: Relying solely on passwords without additional layers of security leaves systems vulnerable to attacks.
5. Human Error: Mistakes like sending sensitive information over unsecured networks or clicking on malicious links can also lead to security breaches.
Why 2FA SMS OTP API Is Essential for Online Security
2FA SMS OTP API plays a vital role in strengthening web security by addressing these common vulnerabilities. Here’s how it works:
1. User Authentication: After entering a password, users receive a one-time password (OTP) via SMS, which they must enter to complete the login process. This ensures that even if a password is compromised, unauthorized access is prevented without the OTP.
2. 2FA Authentication: Implementing 2FA Authentication through SMS OTP for web and mobile applications significantly reduces the risk of unauthorized access. It adds an extra layer of security, requiring both something the user knows (password) and something they have (OTP).
3. Ease of Use: SMS OTP services are user-friendly and do not require additional hardware or software. Users receive the OTP directly on their mobile devices, making it a convenient and efficient way to secure online transactions and logins.
4. Versatility: Whether securing a web or mobile app, MyOTP.APP offers a flexible solution that integrates seamlessly into existing systems. This makes it a versatile choice for businesses of all sizes. Check out the SMS OTP Service plan today!
Protecting Your Users and Business
Adopting 2FA SMS OTP API for your businesses can protect your users from potential threats and enhance the overall security of their platforms. This not only builds trust with customers but also helps comply with regulatory requirements for data protection.
Protecting Your Users and Business
Adopting 2FA SMS OTP API for your businesses can protect your users from potential threats and enhance the overall security of their platforms. This not only builds trust with customers but also helps comply with regulatory requirements for data protection.
In conclusion, as web security becomes increasingly vital, integrating 2FA with SMS OTP API is crucial in protecting your digital assets. Whether for web or mobile applications, SMS OTP services provide an effective, easy-to-use solution that significantly enhances security, ensuring your users’ data remains safe from unauthorized access. Visit us today and explore our services with ready-to-use code in any language. MyOtp.App is a trustworthy SMS OTP Service provider visit us today.
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m20exchange · 2 years
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orbitwebtech · 24 days
Boosting WordPress security is crucial for protecting your website from potential threats. Start by regularly updating your WordPress core, themes, and plugins to ensure you’re using the latest security patches. Outdated software is a common target for hackers, making updates a vital first step in safeguarding your site.
Another essential step is to implement strong passwords and two-factor authentication (2FA) for all user accounts. Weak passwords are easy to crack, while 2FA adds an extra layer of security by requiring a second form of verification. These measures can significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized access to your WordPress site.
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takocreep · 5 months
wow I just love being locked out of every remotely old account I own on anything forever because of forced 2fa due to the fact my old phone number is defunct or my old emails are deleted or ALSO inaccessible due to the same reasons, what a great move by tech and a great price to pay for ensuring we can accomodate every single tech-illiterate idiot in the ever expanding web of Mandatory Online Accounts to do Anything Ever without them compromising their own security.
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magz · 1 year
Proton pass: "a password manager that uses end-to-end encryption to store your login credentials more securely. [...] Proton Pass is a bit different from some password managers. It encrypts not only the password field but also things like the username, web address, and even the data contained in the notes section. Proton Pass also uses a robust implementation of the 'bcrypt' password hashing function alongside a strengthened implementation of Secure Remote Password (SRP) for authentication. It also supports two-factor authentication (2FA) and 2FA autofill, similar to its competitors such as Bitwarden and 1Password."
Proton has been trying develop n improve privacy and security, as well as expand what they provide (recently: proton drive, proton pass)
Proton Pass have free, and optional paid version.
Now publicly available for different browsers, ios, and android. Proton Pass open source.
As of posting this (July 1, 2023), there a lifetime 80% discount for proton pass paid version also.
Check information n try out app before decide purchase, though.
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addwebsolution · 1 year
Top 10 Key Points to Ensure Security for Your Laravel Application
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In Laravel web application development, security is one of the essential paramount. As the digital landscape continues to expand, the Importance of security in web applications, particularly those built on the Laravel framework, has reached an all-time high. In this era of interconnectedness, where information flows seamlessly across the virtual realm, the potential threats and vulnerabilities have also escalated.
The landscape of online threats has grown more sophisticated, encompassing various malicious activities ranging from data breaches to identity theft. This evolving threat landscape calls for a steadfast commitment to proactive security measures. Waiting for a security breach before addressing vulnerabilities is a risk no modern developer can afford to take.
The significance of bolstering security in Laravel web application development. While Laravel provides a robust and versatile platform for creating dynamic web applications, it's essential to recognize that even the most advanced framework is not immune to potential security breaches. As your Laravel application evolves, it becomes a showcase of your technological prowess and a potential target for cyber threats.
The Importance of proactive security measures should be highlighted further. Developers and businesses must adopt a security-first mindset when crafting their digital creations, which means staying informed about the latest security trends, continuously updating and patching the application, and adhering to best practices for safeguarding sensitive user data.
We'll delve into 10 critical checkpoints that can significantly enhance the security of your Laravel web application. These checkpoints encompass a comprehensive approach to securing various aspects of your application, from authentication and authorization to protecting against common web vulnerabilities. By diligently implementing these checkpoints, you'll be taking a substantial stride towards fortifying your Laravel web application against the ever-persistent threats lurking in the digital domain.
10 Key Checkpoints to Focus On
Here's your comprehensive Laravel Security Checklist to ensure a robust and safeguarded web application.
1. Secure Authentication and Authorization
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In the intricate world of Laravel web application development, security is an indispensable pillar for creating a trustworthy and resilient digital presence. One of the cornerstone elements in this security fortress is the implementation of secure authentication and authorization mechanisms. Let's delve into how these critical aspects are pivotal in fortifying your Laravel application against potential threats.
Secure Authentication: Building the First Line of Defense
Authentication is verifying the identity of users attempting to access your application. It forms the cornerstone of security by ensuring that only authorized individuals can interact with sensitive data and functionalities. In the realm of Laravel, this process is made significantly more manageable through the framework's built-in authentication features.
Implementing secure authentication involves
Strong Password Policies: Enforce complex passwords, combining uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. Laravel provides password validation rules to help you accomplish this.
Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Enhance security by requiring users to provide an additional authentication factor beyond their password. Laravel offers seamless integration with 2FA for an added layer of protection.
Account Lockouts: Implement mechanisms that lock accounts after a specified number of unsuccessful login attempts, preventing brute-force attacks by temporarily halting further login attempts.
Authorization: Ensuring Granular Access Control
Authorization, however, deals with controlling what authenticated users can do within the application. It's about granting permissions and access rights based on roles and responsibilities, ensuring that sensitive actions are restricted to those who need them.
Key steps in implementing effective authorization include
Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): Define roles such as "admin," "user," or "manager," and associate them with specific permissions. Laravel's RBAC system lets you assign roles and permissions effortlessly.
Middleware Authorization: Leverage Laravel's middleware to restrict access to routes or controllers based on user roles or custom conditions. This is a powerful way to ensure that only authorized users can perform specific actions.
Resource Controllers: Utilize resource controllers to create a consistent and structured approach to handling CRUD operations. These controllers can be easily configured to enforce authorization rules for specific actions.
Dynamic Authorization Policies: Laravel's policy system lets you define authorization logic in a structured manner. It's beneficial for complex access control requirements and allows for fine-grained control over what users can do.
In a world where digital threats are evolving rapidly, securing your Laravel application's authentication and authorization processes is paramount. By implementing robust authentication mechanisms and enforcing precise authorization rules, you're safeguarding sensitive data and building a foundation of trust with your users. Remember, security isn't just a one-time task; it's an ongoing commitment that requires vigilance and adaptability in the face of ever-changing cyber threats.
2. Keep Laravel and Dependencies Updated 
In the dynamic realm of Laravel web application development, staying ahead in the security game is an ongoing endeavor. One of the fundamental practices that forms the bedrock of a secure digital presence is the consistent updating of your Laravel framework and its associated dependencies. Let's explore why this practice is essential and how it contributes to the overall security of your application.
The Power of Regular Updates
Technology, much like the world around us, is in a constant state of evolution. This evolution is driven not only by innovation but also by identifying and rectifying vulnerabilities and weaknesses. In the context of Laravel development, regular updates to both the core framework and its dependencies play a pivotal role in ensuring the security and stability of your application.
Why Updates Matter
Security Patches: Vulnerabilities can emerge at any software lifecycle stage. Developers and the open-source community work diligently to identify and address these vulnerabilities. Regular updates ensure that your Laravel application is fortified with the latest security patches, minimizing the risk of exploitation.
Compatibility: As Laravel evolves, updates often improve compatibility with newer PHP versions, web servers, and databases. Staying updated ensures your application remains in sync with the broader web development ecosystem.
Performance and Features: Updates not only fix issues; they also introduce performance enhancements and new features. Embracing these updates can lead to a more efficient application that delivers a better user experience.
Dependencies: Handle with Care
Laravel development heavily relies on various external packages and libraries. While these dependencies contribute to the efficiency and functionality of your application, they can also introduce vulnerabilities if not managed appropriately.
Best Practices for Dependency Management:
Regular Audits: Periodically review the dependencies your Laravel development company utilizes. Check for any vulnerabilities reported in these packages and prioritize updating them accordingly.
Automated Tools: Leverage automated tools that can scan your project's dependencies for known security issues. This can help you identify potential risks and take corrective action swiftly.
Version Pinning: Specify the exact versions of dependencies your application uses. This prevents unexpected updates that might introduce breaking changes or vulnerabilities.
In the rapidly evolving web application security landscape, treating updates as a proactive security measure is paramount. By ensuring your Laravel framework and dependencies are up to date, you're demonstrating a commitment to maintaining a robust digital fortress for your application. This safeguards sensitive user data and positions your Laravel development company as a conscientious custodian of digital security. Remember, in technology, staying current isn't just an option—it's necessary for a secure and successful future.
3. Validate User Input
The ever-evolving landscape of Laravel development, the adage "Garbage In, Garbage Out" holds immense relevance. One of the pivotal checkpoints in ensuring the robustness of your Laravel application's security is the validation of user input. Let's dive into why validating user input is crucial and how it is a formidable shield against potential vulnerabilities.
The Essence of User Input Validation
User input is the gateway through which your Laravel application interacts with its users. Whether it's a login form, a search bar, or a comment section, user input is integral to the functionality of your application. However, it can also become an entry point for malicious activities if left unchecked.
Why Validate User Input:
Mitigating Injection Attacks: Attackers can exploit unvalidated user input to inject malicious code into your application. This includes infamous threats like SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS). Proper validation drastically reduces the risk of such attacks.
Data Integrity: Validating user input ensures that the data flowing into your application is consistent and matches the expected format. This helps maintain data integrity and prevents errors caused by unexpected information. 
Enhancing User Experience: You can guide users to input data in the correct format by providing real-time validation feedback. This not only prevents submission errors but also enhances the overall user experience.
Implementing Effective Input Validation in Laravel
Utilize Laravel's Validation Rules: Laravel offers a robust validation system that includes a wide array of predefined rules. These rules cover everything from required fields and email formats to custom validation logic.
Sanitize and Filter Input: Consider sanitizing and filtering user input alongside validation. Sanitization removes potentially harmful characters, while filtering ensures that information adheres to specific formats.
Client-Side Validation: While server-side validation is paramount, supplement it with client-side validation using JavaScript. This provides instant feedback to users and reduces unnecessary server requests.
Best Practices for User Input Validation
Never Trust User Input: Treat all incoming user input as potentially malicious until proven otherwise. Validate and sanitize input even if it seems harmless.
Whitelist Validation: Define an allowlist of allowed characters and formats for each input field. Reject input that doesn't conform to these predefined patterns.
Regular Updates: Like any other security practice, stay updated with Laravel's latest validation features and best practices. This ensures you're using the most effective tools available.
In the intricate realm of Laravel development, user input validation isn't just a technical practice; it's a shield that guards your application against many threats. By diligently validating user input, you're bolstering your application's security and reinforcing trust with your users. In the dynamic world of web development, where innovation meets vulnerability, validation is your steadfast ally in pursuing a secure and seamless user experience.
4. Protect Against SQL Injection
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Shielding your digital fortress through meticulous Laravel development services involves a critical step: Protect against SQL injection. This threat arises when user inputs lack proper sanitation, potentially enabling malicious actors to manipulate SQL queries and gain unauthorized database access.
SQL injection attacks can lead to data exposure, alteration, or deletion. Laravel's defences are robust. Its query binding technique parameterizes user inputs, preventing malicious SQL execution. The Eloquent ORM further enhances security by abstracting SQL interactions and automatically escaping values.
Adhering to best practices is paramount. Prioritize parameterized queries over direct concatenation, sanitize inputs, and conduct regular code audits to ensure secure methods. By fortifying your Laravel application against SQL injection, you're erecting a robust barrier against a damaging vulnerability while providing your Laravel development services maintain the utmost integrity and user trust.
5. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Prevention 
In securing your digital haven with proficient Laravel development practices, countering Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) emerges as a pivotal measure. XSS occurs when malicious code infiltrates a website through unfiltered user inputs, potentially compromising user data and integrity.
The gravity of XSS lies in its ability to expose sensitive information or perform malicious actions under the user's identity. Laravel offers potent tools to thwart such threats:
Blade Templating: Laravel's Blade templating engine automatically escapes variables, preventing unintended script execution.
XSS Middleware: Laravel provides built-in middleware for encoding user inputs, adding an extra layer of protection.
Content Security Policy (CSP): Implementing CSP headers in your Laravel application restricts the sources from which content can be loaded, reducing the risk of XSS attacks.
Adhering to these precautions is essential. Validate and sanitize inputs, embrace Laravel's security features, and implement a robust CSP. By guarding against XSS vulnerabilities, you ensure your Laravel development maintains a resilient and trustworthy digital presence.
6. Implement HTTPS and SSL 
In web application development, particularly in Laravel, bolstering security is paramount. A crucial step in this pursuit is the implementation of HTTPS and SSL protocols. These measures are essential to safeguard sensitive data transmitted between users and your application.
HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) encrypts the data between users' browsers and your application's server, thwarting potential eavesdropping and tampering. SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificates are the foundation of this encryption, ensuring that communication remains confidential.
Advantages of HTTPS and SSL:
Data Encryption: HTTPS encrypts data during transit, preventing unauthorized access to sensitive information.
Trust and SEO: SSL certificates enhance user trust, as indicated by the padlock symbol in browsers. Search engines also favor HTTPS websites, improving SEO rankings.
Authentication: SSL certificates verify your application's authenticity, shielding users from potential phishing sites.
Implementing HTTPS and SSL involves obtaining a valid SSL certificate and configuring your Laravel application for secure connections. By adopting these measures, you're securing your web application development, fostering trust among users, and ensuring compliance with modern security standards.
7. Secure Session Management 
In web application development, security isn't just a feature—it's a necessity. A crucial aspect of building a robust and trustworthy application is ensuring secure session management. Sessions are pivotal in maintaining user interactions and data, making their protection paramount. 
Laravel offers robust mechanisms to fortify session management: 
Session Encryption: Laravel automatically encrypts session data, preventing unauthorized access and ensuring confidentiality.
CSRF Protection: Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks can compromise sessions. Laravel's built-in CSRF protection safeguards against such threats.
Expire and Regenerate: Set session expiration times and periodically regenerate session IDs to minimize the window of vulnerability.
By implementing secure session management practices in your web application development, you create a shield against unauthorized access and data breaches. This preserves user trust and solidifies your commitment to crafting applications that prioritize security and integrity. 
8. Protect Against Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) 
Safeguarding web applications is a top priority in Laravel development. To fortify your digital haven, countering Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) threats is crucial. CSRF attacks manipulate authenticated users into executing malicious actions unknowingly. Laravel provides a robust defense:
CSRF Tokens: Laravel automatically generates unique tokens for each user session, validating the authenticity of requests.
Middleware Protection: Laravel's built-in CSRF middleware verifies tokens, preventing unauthorized requests from being executed.
By integrating these measures, you fortify your Laravel application against CSRF vulnerabilities. This secures user interactions and demonstrates your commitment to proactive security practices in modern web development.
9. Harden Configuration and File Permissions 
In the landscape of Laravel security, enhancing configuration settings and file permissions is a critical stride. Securing sensitive files, such as configuration files, shields against unauthorized access and potential breaches. Laravel's framework offers key tactics:
Restricted Access: Limit access to sensitive configuration files by setting appropriate permissions. This prevents unauthorized users from tampering with vital settings.
Environment Configuration: Store sensitive data in environment files and never expose them in version control. Laravel's .env file shields sensitive variables from prying eyes.
By meticulously configuring permissions and safeguarding critical files, you erect a solid barrier against potential threats. This reflects an unwavering commitment to fortifying your Laravel application and upholding security standards in modern web development.
10. Use Content Security Policy (CSP) 
Bolstering security in Laravel involves advanced tactics, including a Content Security Policy (CSP). CSP guards against cross-site scripting (XSS) and data injection attacks. It achieves this by specifying approved content sources, mitigating the risk of malicious script execution. Laravel's integration of CSP fortifies your defense:
Malicious Content Mitigation: CSP curtails the potential impact of XSS attacks by regulating the domains from which content can be loaded.
Policy Customization: Laravel empowers you to tailor CSP rules to suit your application's specific requirements, balancing security and functionality.
By embracing CSP, you establish a robust security framework that exemplifies Laravel's commitment to secure, modern web development practices.
Top Laravel Security Packages for Developers
In the realm of Laravel development, ensuring robust security is paramount. Several key packages aid developers in fortifying their applications. Here are three notable options:
Laravel-ACL: Access Control Lists (ACL) are fundamental to controlling user permissions. This package simplifies ACL implementation, offering granular control over user access to different parts of your application.
Laravel Security: As the name suggests, this package enhances overall security. It provides features like XSS protection, safe redirects, and content filtering, contributing to a fortified application.
Laravel Security Component: This package takes security up a notch by integrating robust security components. It includes encryption, hashing, validation, and more tools, streamlining your security efforts.
For a Laravel development agency, these packages are invaluable assets. By incorporating them into your development process, you expedite security implementation and establish a strong foundation for crafting secure, reliable applications that clients can trust.
In the intricate realm of Laravel security, these checkpoints act as sentinels, fortifying your application's defenses. Secure authentication, vigilant updates, meticulous validation, and shielded configurations create a robust bastion. Protection against threats like SQL injection, XSS, and CSRF forms an unbreachable wall. Implementation of HTTPS, secure session handling, and CSP reinforce your fortifications. Familiarity with essential security packages like Laravel-ACL, Laravel Security, and Security Component adds the final layer. As a Laravel developer, embracing these measures ensures your applications are secured, and your expertise is unwavering in the face of evolving threats.
Source: Top 10 Key Points to Ensure Security for Your Laravel Application
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snowie-evie · 2 years
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So I've been away from Genshin for a while. Wish I could say it's by choice but the truth is...
My account got hacked and sold.
Long story. TLDR, I regret not paying attention to account security and learned my lesson the hard way. Genshin's recovery process was...extremely exhausting. Trust me when I say it's a stress-inducing nightmare, all of which could have been avoided if only I were more careful. Hackers have ways of gaining access to our accounts, and staying safe takes more than just avoiding the obvious "free primos" scams and not giving away your login info.
*For updated info about account security and what to do if you get hacked, visit the GenshinHacked subreddit.
*A good read on how to secure your account: Reddit Thread
Some advice:
Never ever save passwords on internet browsers. Configure settings to auto delete cookies after closing tabs or use incognito mode. There are malwares that steal passwords from cookies and that's how your email/genshin gets hacked.
Be wary of sites/links offering free software downloads/primos/genshin private servers. If something is too good to be true it probably is.
Set long passwords with a random combination of upper & lower case/special characters/numbers/letters.
Example: 42fjn&Oq!5v9mvTX3p*fcUxWd-7
Check your password strength here:
If you link any 3rd party to Genshin (twitter, facebook etc.), ensure they all have 2fa enabled. The linked email for each 3rd party account should also be different.
Create a brand new email with 2fa enabled and only use it for your Hoyoverse login. Do not use it for anything else to lower chances of it being compromised in a data breach. This email is probably the most important thing to safeguard. It is pretty much GAME OVER if this email gets hacked as the hacker can easily use it to unlink your email and change your Hoyoverse password.
Check if your email was found in a data breach: https://haveibeenpwned.com/
Don't get involved in account trading. Buying and selling accounts is against Hoyoverse's ToS. This is not going to stop people from doing so but just be aware that there are many hacked and stolen accounts on the market. There's always a chance of the original owner recovering it, causing the buyer to get "scammed" by the hacker/seller.
If ever you get hacked, do not trust anyone other than Hoyoverse's support team to retrieve your account. You might get messages asking you to DM "someone" on instagram/twitter for help (see below pic). Do not respond to these lowlife scammers and block them immediately! Also do not attempt to contact the hacker/buyer as they may trash your stuff out of spite.
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NOTE: The following is a retelling of my experience a few months back. Some info about the recovery process may be outdated.
My Story
It is easy to blame the hacker and Hoyoverse for my predicament but I admit that ultimately it was my fault for getting hacked. And no, I did not fall for any "free primos!!111" or "genshin giveawayyy@#!&" scam, and I have never shared my login credentials with others.
The hacker gained access to my Hoyoverse and the email linked to it. With those alone the hacker was able to unlink my email, change the password and delete all login devices/phone number. How did the hacker get my login details? Well...
My first mistake was saving passwords on my web browser. I was using 2 browsers back then. Firefox was configured to delete cookies after closing and it's what I use on the regular. I set up another browser (Opera) for quick access to my unimportant socials and various sites by storing passwords in the browser and NOT deleting cookies. So really in hindsight, my biggest mistake was being a lazy dumbass. I'm sure that a cookie stealing malware was what got me coz my obscure twitter was spamming crypto tweets and the only place I ever use it on was the Opera browser. I also had my Genshin login saved for redeeming codes (arghhh). Probably had the email linked to Genshin saved on it too since it was the only compromised email.
My second dumb mistake was downloading software from a dodgy site. I think it was when I was looking for a pdf editor and downloaded malware instead. I remember it being a rar file, and extracting it triggered the malware alert of my antivirus. I deleted the file immediately but guess it was too late. This was likely how the cookie-stealing malware found its way onto my PC. Should have known better, really.
My third mistake was ignoring signs of a security breach. The first warning sign was the antivirus alert. The next was the twitter spam. These things happened a day or two before my Hoyoverse actually got hacked. There was time for me to stop it but I failed to do so. What I should have done immediately when there was suspicious activity: scan for malware, change every password and NEVER save passwords on browsers EVER AGAIN!
My fourth mistake was setting a bunch of weak passwords for Genshin and emails. Easy to remember, but a risky move since it'll only take an hour for a computer to crack them!
Secure & Recover
After discovering I got hacked, I did everything to secure my PC again like running several anti-virus scans, uninstalling Opera for good, activating 2fa wherever possible and changing every single password to complex ones. Thankfully it seems like nothing else was hacked.
Then I submitted the HoYoverse Pass form (aka "Hacked Form") to recover my account. This is the form you'll need to fill to "prove" you are the true owner of said account. On it are a list of questions like username, email, linked third party, first login method, first and most played devices, registration date, first purchase method and receipts. There's also the option to recover Genshin, Honkai or Tears of Themis but luckily you'll only need to submit the form for one game to get all the others back. Recovering through Honkai or Themis is supposedly faster as the player base is smaller but unfortunately I did not note down the UID of my Themis account so that option was...not an option for me (sighhh).
The CS team forewarned it'll take up to 20 business days for a reply (it was the norm to wait 30-40 days in total). It literally takes a whole month for the recovery process with no guarantee you'll get it back at the end of the long wait.
Meanwhile I kept a close watch on my account through an alt and on Hoyolabs. The hacker deleted my friend list and changed my in-game nick to a number. A few days later it was again changed, this time to a Jp name. It looked like my account got sold.
Whale Watching: The "Buyer"
Based on my observations, I could guess that the buyer was some Japanese dude who likes Kazuha (a lot), not a fan of Tartag (keeps switching out his bow and giving it to others smh), makes questionable choices for abyss, might be a whale or at least a dolphin (character count increased, some new constellations, pulled on the weapon banner yikes), logs in almost everyday and plays the events. I did wonder if I should be relieved about my account being in the hands of an active player who somewhat knows what he's doing as opposed to a bored troll who trashes accounts. But the most frustrating thing about it all was noticing the gradual increase of my chasm exploration % on Hoyolabs and being unable to do anything about it.
The 2.8 Update: A Depressing Livestream
Days passed (really slowly) with no reply. The buyer was still active on my account when the 2.8 livestream dropped. After losing access, I intentionally avoided genshin-related news to cope with the situation but tbh I really missed the game. So I ended up watching the stream. It announced the return of the summer islands, the new Diluc skin (the one consistent thing i asked for in every survey no kidding T_T), and even had a Sumeru teaser at the end. It was supposed to be exciting but I felt nothing but despair. I was looking forward to Sumeru and dendro but I wasn't sure if I will ever get the chance to experience it.
Day 30: The Response
On the 30th day, I received a response from CS.
The recovery attempt was unsuccessful. The information I gave was "incomplete" and "inconsistent". They wouldn't say what was incorrect and I was left guessing.
I thought I had lots of proof and knew everything about my account but somehow still fell short. Felt a mixture of disbelief and sadness. All that time spent waiting, and it was for nothing.
The 2nd Attempt: Persistence & Patience
It was really hard dealing with the rejection after a month-long wait. I even considered moving on to Tower of Fantasy but in the end I decided to keep trying. I wasn't ready to give up on something I was invested in for almost 2 years. I refused to let the hacker/buyer win. On the subreddit I read stories of players who only got their accounts back after one year of continuous rejections. I was ready for that. I was prepared for the worst.
For the 2nd attempt I was a lot calmer and spent some time organizing my info and reviewing the first form to figure out what went wrong. I changed the registration date to my first login date instead. The form lets you use the first login date if you can't remember the registration date so this time I went with the login date which I was confident of. Then I changed the first login device and UID first started platform to my other device. I was in a tricky situation as I wasn't sure if I first logged in with mobile or PC. I had issues with both at the start and was trying them out at the same time (lag and update issues). For most players the registration device would be the same as the login device/UID first started platform but I think it was different for me. So anyway in the second form I wrote down the device I used that successfully played the first cutscene with the unknown god. It was not the same device I used to register for Genshin. I then explained my situation and why I was unsure about the first device in the additional info section.
Those three were the only answers I changed. Then I added every five star pull dates in the additional info (before i only listed the characters, no dates given). Also I used a different email from my first attempt to submit the form. This time the email was the one I used for purchases (this email address was visible on my paypal receipts).
After submitting the form I sent an additional email to support_os with a link to my google drive. Tbh this was prob unnecessary and I don't know for sure if it helped at all but at the time I was eager to provide as much proof as I could. The google drive had excel spreadsheets of the following:
Chronological list of all my five stars and their exact pull dates (including standard banner five star pulls)
Full purchase history in chronological order where I listed the transaction ids/purchase methods/file name of the receipt screenshot on my google drive for reference
Devices I used to play Genshin (again i explained about my first login device "issue" and also listed my latest most played devices and the date I started using them).
I added another folder for screenshots that had every receipt and some early in-game screenshots with my UID visible (including screenshots of my first 20 pulls on beginner banner...the hacker/buyer will never know of this since wish history only shows records from the past 6 months).
Basically I only included things I was sure of and everything was presented in a clear and organized format. Dates were written as YYYY/MM/DD, same as how it is in-game and I clearly stated my country and timezone in big bold font (emphasizing this since I could tell the hacker/buyer was located in another country). Lucky for me (and i'm so glad for this!) I kept records of every banner pull date to keep track of my primos and also had every receipt in a separate email that was not linked to Genshin. Although I had tons of screenshots and video evidence, I didn't include much as they are generally not considered as "good evidence". I can see why since media can easily be stolen off the internet so I only attached the unique event participation ones.
The Waiting Game 2.0
Playing the waiting game 2.0 was a lot tougher than the first. Already 30 plus days have passed since I last logged in, I have missed the Xiao and Itto events, possibly will miss the summer events as well and who knew how much of MY resources the buyer had already spent/squandered or how far he had progressed for the story quests. It didn't help that I was also missing out on the Themis events (my fav Marius' bday and the anniversary sighh). I was constantly checking my Hoyolabs profile, watching the buyer completing events, max refining weapons I do not want refined, switching out Childe's artifacts/weapons (once again Childe was messed with LMAO). It got to a point where the anxiety level was just too much and I had to stop the whale-watching. Instead it became routine every morning, afternoon and evening to check my email and try the "forget password" method (entering the new email I gave to see if it got linked by the CS team). Everyday I got used to the same feeling of disappointment that followed.
In short, the wait was tormenting.
Day 34 of 2nd Form: End in Sight?
It was day 34. Noon time I checked my email and tried the forgot password method. Still nothing as usual. Later that day just as I ended work, I checked my phone and straightaway I noticed the notification for an email from support_os. I jumped to open it and got this:
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Nearly two months. It was finally over.
I got my account back!
State of My Account
I was able to login before the summer events ended although the buyer had already completed the story. But just listening to the familiar soundtrack of the islands brought back good memories of the first time I explored the map and I didn't know how much I missed Genshin until that moment.
Thankfully nothing of importance was trashed. Some artifacts were moved around but none of the good ones were destroyed. I found myself with welkin, battle pass, new characters I had no intention of pulling, some constellations including lost 50/50s, two 5-star weapons (1 was a dupe sighh) and some max refined 4-stars (pain). All Archon and character story quests were done and that probably upset me the most since I had plans to record the cutscenes to make videos. Other than that I was surprised to learn the buyer spent some time in my teapot adding random furniture and collecting realm currency (a lot of realm currency, um thanks?). And of course Kazuha was chilling there. I was prob right about maple boy being his fav.
The buyer was some kind of whale who spent quite a lot in 2 months, more than I ever did in a year. Having all this "bonuses" after getting hacked sounds like a win but the buyer might request a refund anytime so I'm feeling really uneasy about having all this "extra" stuff. There's nothing I can do now except to wait it out and hope my primos don't turn negative.
All this time I did not make any contact with the buyer so I will never find out how or why he bought my account. I will also never know if he knew the account he bought was a stolen one. Still, I don't feel sorry for the dude at all, not after what I had gone through for the past two months.
Lesson Learnt
If you are still reading this, don't be like me, please safeguard your account from hackers. Genshin's popularity makes it an attractive target for scumbag hackers and account traders. It is easy to blame Hoyoverse for the lack of security and loopholes but as players we should also do what we can to ensure our info doesn't get stolen that easily. Most importantly, do not download from unreliable sites and do not save passwords in your browsers. Always delete cookies or use incognito browsing mode. And always set a strong password!
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Behold. My old password vs current one.
The End
And that is it for my sob story with a happy(?) ending. Ever since I got my account back I have been spending most of my time exploring Sumeru (soundtrack is gold!). Still some catching up to do as I have missed tons of story stuff (gonna have to watch all of it on youtube sighhh).
It sure is good to be back ( ͒˃̩̩⌂˂̩̩ ͒).
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mariacallous · 1 year
Ransomware gangs have long sought pain points where their extortion demands have the greatest leverage. Now an investigation from NBC News has made clear what that merciless business model looks like when it targets kids: One ransomware group's giant leak of sensitive files from the Minneapolis school system exposes thousands of children at their most vulnerable, complete with behavioral and psychological reports on individual students and highly sensitive documentation of cases where they've allegedly been abused by teachers and staff.
We'll get to that. But first, WIRED contributor Kim Zetter broke the news this week that the Russian hackers who carried out the notorious SolarWinds espionage operation were detected in the US Department of Justice's network six months earlier than previously reported—but the DOJ didn't realize the full scale of the hacking campaign that would later be revealed. 
Meanwhile, WIRED reporter Lily Hay Newman was at the RSA cybersecurity conference in San Francisco, where she brought us stories of how security researchers disrupted the operators of the Gootloader malware who sold access to victims' networks to ransomware groups and other cybercriminals, and how Google Cloud partnered with Intel to hunt for and fix serious security vulnerabilities that underlie critical cloud servers. She also captured a warning in a talk from NSA cybersecurity director Rob Joyce, who told the cybersecurity industry to "buckle up" and prepare for big changes to come from AI tools like ChatGPT, which will no doubt be wielded by both attackers and defenders alike.
On that same looming AI issue, we looked at how the deepfakes enabled by tools like ChatGPT, Midjourney, DALL-E, and StableDiffusion will have far-reaching political consequences. We examined a newly introduced US bill that would ban kids under the age of 13 from joining social media. We tried out the new feature in Google's Authenticator App that allows you to back up your two-factor codes to a Google account in case you lose your 2FA device. And we opined—well, ranted—on the ever-growing sprawl of silly names that the cybersecurity industry gives to hacker groups.
But that’s not all. Each week, we round up the news we didn’t report in-depth ourselves. Click on the headlines to read the full stories. And stay safe out there.
Inside a Ransomware Dump of a School’s Student Records
What happens when a school system is targeted by a ransomware group, refuses to pay, and thus gets their stolen data dumped wholesale onto the dark web? Well, it's even worse than it sounds, as NBC's Kevin Collier found this week when he dug through portions of a trove of 200,000 files leaked online after the Minneapolis public school system was hit by hackers earlier this year. 
The leaked files include detailed dossiers linking children by name, birth date, and address to a laundry list of highly private information: their special needs, their psychological profiles and behavioral analyses, their medications, the results of intelligence tests, and which kids' parents have divorced, among many other sensitive secrets. In some cases, the files even note which children have been victims of alleged abuse by school teachers or staff. The hackers also took special pains to publicly promote their toxic dump of children's information, with links posted to social media sites and a video showing off the files and instructing viewers how to download them.
The Minneapolis school system is offering free credit monitoring to parents and children affected by the data dump. But given the radioactive nature of the personal information released by the hackers, identity fraud may be the least of their victims' worries.
Cyber Command Disrupted Iranians Hacking a US Elections Website
In a rare declassified disclosure at a panel at this week's RSA Conference, General William Hartman revealed that US Cyber Command had disrupted an Iranian hacking operation that targeted a local elections website ahead of the 2020 election. According to Hartman, who leads Cyber Command's National Mission Force, the intrusion couldn't have affected actual vote counts or voting machines, but—had Cyber Command's own hackers not kiboshed the operation—might have potentially been used to post false results as part of a disinformation effort. 
Hartman named the Iranian hackers as a group known as Pioneer Kitten, also sometimes referred to as UNC757 or Parisite, but didn't name the specific elections website that they targeted. Hartman added that the hacking operation was found thanks to Cyber Command's Hunt Forward operations, in which it hacks foreign networks to preemptively discover and disrupt adversaries who target the US.
Instagram and Facebook Remain Rife With Child Sex Traffickers
Following a two-year investigation, The Guardian this week published a harrowing exposé on Facebook and Instagram's use as hunting grounds for child predators, many of whom traffic in children as sexual abuse victims for money on the two social media services. Despite the claims of the services' parent company Meta that it's closely monitoring its services for child sexual abuse materials or sexual trafficking, The Guardian found horrific cases of children whose accounts were hijacked by traffickers and used to advertise them for sexual victimization. 
One prosecutor who spoke to The Guardian said that he'd seen child trafficking crimes on social media sites increase by about 30 percent each year from 2019 to 2022. Many of the victims were as young as 11 or 12 years old, and most were Black, Latinx, or LGBTQ+.
Hackers Are Hijacking AT&T Email Accounts to Steal Cryptocurrency
A group of hackers has been taking over AT&T email accounts—the telecom provider runs email domains including att.net, sbcglobal.net, bellsouth.net—to hack their cryptocurrency wallets, TechCrunch reports. 
A tipster tells TechCrunch that the hackers have access to a part of AT&T's internal network that allows them to generate "mail keys" that are used to offer access to an email inbox via email applications like Thunderbird or Outlook. The hackers then use that access to reset the victims' passwords on cryptocurrency wallet services like Gemini and Coinbase, and, according to TechCrunch's source, have already amassed between $10 million and $15 million in stolen crypto, though TechCrunch couldn't verify those numbers.
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wolexsocial · 1 year
How to Protect Your Online Privacy in 5 Easy Steps
In today's digital age, our online privacy is constantly at risk. From cybercriminals to data breaches, our personal information is vulnerable to a multitude of threats. However, there are easy steps you can take to protect your online privacy and keep your personal information safe. In this article, we will discuss five easy steps you can take to protect your online privacy.
Use Strong Passwords
One of the easiest ways to protect your online privacy is to use strong passwords. This means using a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters, and avoiding common words or phrases. Also, it is recommended to use a unique password for each online account. By using strong and unique passwords, you can reduce the risk of your accounts being hacked and your personal information being compromised.
Enable Two-Factor Authentication
Two-factor authentication (2FA) is an extra layer of security that requires you to enter a code or use a biometric identifier (like your fingerprint) in addition to your password. This makes it more difficult for someone to access your accounts, even if they have your password. Many online services offer 2FA, so be sure to enable it for all your accounts.
Be Careful with Personal Information
Be cautious about sharing personal information online. Avoid posting personal details such as your full name, address, phone number, and birth date on social media or other public platforms. When filling out forms or signing up for services online, only provide the necessary information. If you are unsure if a website is legitimate, do some research before providing any personal information.
Use a Virtual Private Network (VPN)
A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a tool that encrypts your internet connection and hides your IP address, making it more difficult for anyone to track your online activities. A VPN can also protect you from cybercriminals who may be trying to steal your personal information. There are many VPN services available, so be sure to choose a reputable provider.
Keep Your Software Up-to-Date
Keeping your software up-to-date is crucial to protecting your online privacy. Software updates often include security patches that fix vulnerabilities that could be exploited by cybercriminals. Make sure to regularly update your operating system, web browsers, and other software to ensure that you have the latest security features and protections.
In conclusion, protecting your online privacy is essential in today's digital age. By following these five easy steps, you can significantly reduce the risk of your personal information being compromised. Use strong passwords, enable two-factor authentication, be careful with personal information, use a VPN, and keep your software up-to-date. By taking these simple steps, you can enjoy the benefits of the internet without sacrificing your privacy and security.
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Twilio API Integration: Powering Communication Solutions with Infinity Webinfo Pvt. Ltd.
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In the rapidly evolving digital world, businesses increasingly rely on real-time communication to engage customers and streamline operations. Infinity Webinfo Pvt. Ltd., a leading IT solutions provider, specializes in integrating innovative technologies that drive efficiency and customer engagement. One of the key solutions we offer is Twilio API Integration, enabling businesses to add scalable, cloud-based communication features to their web and mobile applications.
In this article, we'll explore how Infinity Webinfo Pvt. Ltd. leverages the Twilio API to transform communication processes and why it’s must-have integration for businesses seeking to optimize their customer interactions.
What is Twilio?
Twilio is a cloud-based service that provides APIs for handling various forms of communication, including SMS, voice calls, and video. With Twilio, you can:
Send and receive SMS messages.
Make and receive phone calls.
Use Twilio Video for video calls and conferences.
Verify users with two-factor authentication (2FA).
Twilio's flexible APIs can be integrated with a wide range of applications, making it easy for developers to build custom communication solutions.
Why Use Twilio?
There are many benefits to integrating Twilio's APIs into your application:
Scalability: Twilio's cloud infrastructure can scale with your business, ensuring that your application remains responsive and reliable.
Global Reach: Twilio enables businesses to connect with users globally through various communication channels.
Ease of Integration: Twilio provides easy-to-use APIs, detailed documentation, and SDKs for different programming languages (JavaScript, Python, PHP, Node.js, Ruby, etc.).
Programmable: You can create custom workflows for handling incoming calls, sending notifications, and managing contacts.
Cost-Effective: Twilio offers pay-as-you-go pricing, which means you only pay for what you use.
Core Features of Twilio API Integration
1. SMS and MMS Messaging
With Twilio’s SMS API, businesses can send and receive text messages globally. Whether for promotional campaigns or transactional alerts, Infinity Webinfo Pvt. Ltd. ensures seamless integration for bulk messaging, two-way conversations, and SMS automation.
2. Voice Calls
Twilio’s Voice API enables businesses to make, receive, and control phone calls through applications. From setting up call centers to automating customer support calls, Infinity Webinfo Pvt. Ltd. makes it easy to deploy these solutions.
3. Twilio Video and Chat
With remote work and virtual communication on the rise, Twilio’s Video API is an excellent solution for creating real-time video chats, conferences, or webinars. Similarly, Twilio’s Programmable Chat API allows for seamless integration of chat services within your apps.
4. Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
Security is a top priority, and Twilio’s Authy API enables businesses to implement two-factor authentication (2FA) via SMS, voice, or email, ensuring secure access for users.
Twilio Webhooks
Twilio uses webhooks to notify your application about certain events, such as when an SMS is delivered or when a voice call is received. To handle these webhooks, you need to create an endpoint on your server that Twilio can send HTTP requests to.
Twilio API Pricing
Twilio operates on a pay-as-you-go model, meaning you only pay for the services you use. Pricing varies based on the type of service:
SMS: Charges are typically based on the message length and the recipient’s location.
Voice Calls: Pricing depends on the destination and duration of the call.
Video and Other Services: Twilio Video and other services like authentication and fax have their own specific pricing models.
Best Practices for Twilio Integration
Use Environment Variables: Keep sensitive information like Account SID and Auth Token in environment variables to avoid hardcoding them in your code.
Set Up Error Handling: Always implement proper error handling to catch and resolve any issues with API requests.
Rate Limiting: Be mindful of rate limits for sending messages or making calls. Twilio can throttle your requests if they exceed certain thresholds.
Security: Use secure HTTPS endpoints for webhooks and verify that incoming requests are genuinely from Twilio by validating the request signature.
How Infinity Webinfo Pvt. Ltd. Delivers Twilio API Solutions
At Infinity Webinfo Pvt. Ltd., we follow a streamlined process to integrate Twilio APIs into your business systems:
Consultation: Understanding your communication requirements and business goals.
API Integration: Configuring and customizing the Twilio API for your specific needs.
Testing: Conducting thorough tests to ensure seamless communication and error handling.
Deployment: Launching the integration in your production environment.
Support: Offering continuous monitoring, troubleshooting, and scaling solutions.
As businesses increasingly rely on real-time communication to engage their customers, Twilio API Integration is a game-changer. With the help of Infinity Webinfo Pvt. Ltd., businesses can harness the full potential of Twilio's APIs to streamline their communication processes, enhance customer experiences, and stay competitive in the market. From SMS messaging to secure two-factor authentication and video conferencing, our team of experts is here to deliver cutting-edge communication solutions that drive success.
For More Contact INFINITY WEBINFO PVT LTD NOW: - +91 9711090237
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fastorai · 4 days
How to Secure Your E-Commerce Website?
 Our daily lives now would be impossible without e-commerce; purchasing online is so handy for anything, from groceries to clothing. Cyberattacks are quite likely to occur with this convenience, though. Both businesses and customers are at danger since hackers are always coming up with fresh methods to get past on e-commerce website security. Cybercrime is currently 75% more active than it was before the epidemic.
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Importance of E-Commerce Website Security
You don’t wanna wake up and discover someone has hacked your online store. Credit card details and other consumer data have been stolen. News spreads fast, consumers are furious, and your brand's reputation is destroyed. You not only face financial loss but there might also be consequences for not safeguarding customer data. Afraid to trust your website again, your loyal customers start shopping somewhere else. 
Statista reports that around 3205 data breach cases occurred in 2023 which affected over 353 million individuals. The consequences of a single security breach can last for years which justifies how important e-commerce website security is for your business. Securing your website helps to keep your brand's reputation intact, safeguards private client information, and keeps you out of the legal fines for data breaches. How would you do it? Let’s find out.
Use a Secure E-Commerce Platform
Robust security measures found in well-known platforms like WooCommerce, Magento, and Shopify can protect your online business. These platforms update their security measures regularly to fight off new threats. Make sure a platform you choose has integrated security features including SSL certificates, secure hosting, and regular updates. First protection against cyberattacks is a safe e-commerce platform.
Implement SSL certifications
SSL (Secure Socket Layer) certificates are necessary for data encryption sent between your website and its visitors. Cybercriminals cannot access credit card details or personal data thanks to its encryption. You have to get and install an SSL certificate from a reliable certificate authority on your website. Integration with SSL certificates is made simple with most e-commerce systems. Your website URL will change from "http" to "https," signifying a secure connection, once installed. It also increases customer trust and can improve your search engine rankings.
Regular Software Updates
Cybercriminals often take advantage of vulnerabilities in outdated software. Avoiding this may be accomplished by keeping your e-commerce platform, themes, and plugins up to date. Most updates include patches for safety vulnerabilities found since the last release. Automatic updates can make this process easier to handle, but to be sure nothing is overlooked, regular manual checks are still a good idea. Maintaining regular updates is an easy yet powerful approach to improve your e-commerce website security.
Strong Password Policies
Hackers are invited in free hand by weak passwords. Install strong password requirements that call for a mix of digits, special characters, and capital and lowercase letters. Urge people to choose unique passwords and to change them frequently. Complex passwords may be safely stored and handled with the use of a password manager. To offer yet another degree of protection, use two-factor authentication (2FA). The difficulty of illegal access is much increased with 2FA, because it requires users to confirm their identity with a second method, such as SMS message code.
Secure Payment Gateways
Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) compliant payment gateways include Stripe, Square, and PayPal. These gateways provide secure transaction processing which reduces fraud risk. Verify the security and proper connection between your payment gateway and website. Trusted payment gateways not only protect client payment information but also increase their confidence in your website.
Web Application Firewalls (WAF)
Monitoring and filtering HTTP traffic between a web application and the Internet, a Web Application Firewall (WAF) is an essential security tool. It shields against typical vulnerabilities such SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS). Strong protection is provided by WAFs such as AWS WAF, Sucuri, and Cloudflare, which examine incoming traffic and prohibit alleged activities. Implementing a WAF gives your website another degree of protection against different cyber threats.
Regular Security Audits and Vulnerability Testing
By carrying out security audits, risks are proactively managed in advance to be taken advantage of. Qualys and Acunetix are two of the vulnerability scanning tools available. Problems like outdated software, weak passwords, and insecure setups can be found using these programs. Fix vulnerabilities right as you find them. Frequent audits guarantee that your e-commerce website security is robust and up to date.
Backup Your Data
Loss of data may be disastrous for an e-commerce business. A safety net against hardware failure, security breaches, or other data loss incidents is regular backups. Implement a differential, incremental, and complete backup plan. For redundancy in data, keep backups in several places, including offsite and cloud storage. Test your backups frequently to make sure that, when needed, data can be retrieved quickly and effectively.
Educate Your Staff
An IBM Cyber Security Intelligence Index Report states that human mistake accounts for 95% of cyber security breaches. Your employees must be regularly trained on security best practices, including how to identify phishing emails, avoid social engineering techniques, and adhere to security protocols. Develop an extensive security policy outlining the roles and responsibilities of staff members on e-commerce website security. 
In conclusion, for the ongoing process of e-commerce website security, proactive steps and constant attention are necessary. You can safeguard your website from cyberattacks and guarantee your consumers have a secure shopping experience by putting the above mentioned strategies into practice. Prioritize e-commerce website security to safeguard your business and build lasting customer relationships.
Consult cybersecurity professionals for more thorough advice on e-commerce website security, or use other resources to keep up with the latest security developments and practices.
Source- https://www.fastor.ai/blogs/how-to-secure-your-ecommerce-website
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netcode-hub · 5 days
🚀 Master 2FA in .NET 8 Web API 🔐 | Secure User Accounts with Identity & JWT Tokens https://youtu.be/aGrPTI4FRPk
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myotp-app · 8 days
How SMS OTP is Helpful in Online Delivery Service Business
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The online delivery service business is growing exponentially as more consumers opt for the convenience of having products delivered to their doorsteps. However, this growth comes with its own set of challenges, such as misdeliveries, identity fraud, and ensuring that packages are delivered to the right customer. To tackle these challenges, businesses are turning to SMS OTP (One-Time Password) as a secure solution. The SMS OTP is becoming increasingly essential in safeguarding delivery operations, enhancing customer experience, and ensuring reliable verification.
In this article, we will explore how SMS OTP is helpful for the online delivery service business and how you can integrate it into your delivery system using the Best SMS OTP API Platform. We will also discuss its applications in both web and mobile platforms, as well as how it works in tandem with 2FA authentication to provide an extra layer of security.
1. What is SMS OTP, and Why Does it Matter?
An SMS OTP is a unique, temporary password sent to a user’s mobile phone via SMS. It is used to verify a user’s identity during a transaction or delivery process. In the context of online delivery services, SMS OTP can act as a method to ensure that the correct recipient receives the package. Instead of relying solely on delivery personnel, businesses can implement SMS OTP Verification API to streamline the process.
2. How SMS OTP Works in Online Delivery Services
The process of using SMS OTP in online delivery services is straightforward:
- Order Placement: A customer places an order through the website or app.
- Delivery Confirmation: Before the order is dispatched, the business sends an SMS OTP to the customer for confirmation.
- Delivery Verification: At the time of delivery, the customer must provide the OTP to the delivery personnel as proof of receipt.
- Final Delivery: Once the OTP is verified, the delivery is marked as complete.
This simple process ensures that only the rightful customer can accept the package, reducing misdeliveries or fraudulent claims.
3. Benefits of Using SMS OTP in Delivery Services
a) Reducing Fraudulent Activities
With traditional delivery methods, there is always a risk of fraud, especially when there is no solid mechanism to verify the recipient. SMS OTP provides a verification step that ensures the person receiving the package is the same person who placed the order. By using SMS OTP for Mobile Applications or web platforms, delivery services can significantly reduce incidents of fraud.
b) Enhancing Customer Trust and Satisfaction
Customers value transparency and security. By implementing SMS OTP API service, delivery businesses can offer customers real-time updates and verification. This not only enhances the user experience but also builds trust, as customers will know that their delivery will be handed to the right person.
c) Simplifying the Delivery Process
For businesses, managing deliveries can be challenging. The SMS OTP API allows you to automate the delivery verification process, simplifying the workflow for both the delivery personnel and customers. With SMS OTP for Web Applications, you can create a seamless experience by integrating the service into your existing e-commerce platform.
d) Streamlining Returns and Refunds
SMS OTP can also be used to verify returns. If a customer wishes to return a product, they can generate an OTP, which the delivery personnel can verify upon pickup. This creates a secure and efficient return process, reducing the risk of fraudulent returns.
4. How to Implement SMS OTP in Your Delivery Service
To integrate SMS OTP into your delivery business, you’ll need a robust SMS OTP API Service. Here are some steps to implement it:
- Choose the Best SMS OTP API Platform: Select a reliable platform like MyOTP.app that offers scalable and secure SMS OTP services.
- Configure the API: The SMS OTP Verification API can be easily configured into your existing system. The API can be used for both mobile and web applications.
- Customize the Workflow: Depending on your business needs, you can customize the workflow. For instance, you can send OTPs for order confirmations, delivery verifications, or returns.
- Test the Integration: Ensure that the OTP system is working seamlessly by conducting tests. Make sure customers are receiving OTPs promptly and that the system can handle high volumes of requests during peak times.
5. Why Choose MyOTP.app for Your Delivery Service?
MyOTP.app offers a range of features that make it the ideal choice for your online delivery business:
- Scalable API: Whether you’re handling a few orders or thousands, MyOTP.app’s scalable solution ensures seamless performance.
- Global Coverage: MyOTP.app supports SMS OTP services in multiple countries, making it suitable for businesses with international operations.
- Real-Time Reporting: Get real-time updates and analytics on OTP deliveries and usage.
- Reliable Customer Support: MyOTP.app offers 24/7 support, ensuring that any issues with OTP delivery are promptly resolved.
In the online delivery business, ensuring secure and verified deliveries is key to building customer trust. With the integration of SMS OTP API, businesses can reduce fraud, enhance customer satisfaction, and streamline the delivery process. MyOTP.App provides an effective and reliable solution to implement SMS OTP Verification API for both web and mobile platforms, making it a must-have tool for modern delivery services.
Investing in an SMS OTP API today will protect your business and elevate your delivery experience tomorrow!
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russianmarket1 · 6 days
Exploring the Russian Market: A Guide to Dumps, RDP Access, and CVV2 Shops
In the world of online security, the Russian Market is a term that often surfaces in discussions about cybercrime. This underground marketplace is known for dealing in stolen data and hacking tools. In this guest post, we will explore what dumps, RDP access, and CVV2 shops are, and how they relate to the Russian Market. Understanding these elements is crucial for protecting yourself from potential threats.
What is the Russian Market?
The Russian Market refers to a part of the dark web where illegal transactions take place. This marketplace is notorious for trading in stolen data, hacking tools, and other illicit items. The Russianmarket facilitates these transactions by offering a platform where criminals can buy and sell valuable but stolen or unauthorized information. Because it operates in the shadows, the Russian Market poses a significant threat to individuals and businesses alike.
Understanding Dumps
What Are Dumps?
In cybercrime terminology, dumps are collections of stolen credit card information. These include details encoded on the magnetic stripe of a credit card, such as the card number, expiration date, and cardholder’s name. Dumps are highly sought after on the Russianmarket because they can be used to create counterfeit cards or make unauthorized purchases.
How Are Dumps Used?
Criminals obtain dumps through various illegal methods, such as card skimming devices or data breaches. Once acquired, these stolen credit card details are sold on the Russianmarket. Buyers use the dumps to conduct fraudulent transactions or to clone credit cards. It is essential to regularly check your financial statements and report any suspicious activities to prevent potential fraud.
What is RDP Access?
Overview of RDP Access
RDP stands for Remote Desktop Protocol, a legitimate tool that allows users to access their computers remotely. However, when it comes to cybercrime, RDP access refers to unauthorized remote access to a computer or network. Cybercriminals exploit RDP access to control systems from afar, often without the knowledge of the legitimate user.
How RDP Access is Misused
Once criminals gain RDP access, they can manipulate the targeted computer as if they were physically present. This access enables them to steal sensitive information, install malicious software, or perform other illegal activities. On the Russianmarket, RDP access is traded among criminals who use it to deploy ransomware, extract confidential data, or cause other disruptions.
What Are CVV2 Shops?
Understanding CVV2 Shops
CVV2 shops are online marketplaces that specialize in selling stolen credit card information, specifically the CVV2 code. This three-digit code found on the back of a credit card is essential for verifying online transactions. CVV2 shops on the Russianmarket focus on this type of data, making it highly valuable to fraudsters.
How CVV2 Shops Operate
In CVV2 shops, stolen credit card details are categorized and sold based on various factors, such as card type and available balance. Buyers use this information to make unauthorized online transactions or create counterfeit cards. The presence of CVV2 shops on the Russianmarket significantly contributes to financial fraud, affecting individuals and businesses.
How to Protect Yourself
Regular Monitoring
To safeguard against cybercrime, it is crucial to monitor your financial accounts regularly for any unauthorized transactions. If you notice any suspicious activity, report it to your bank immediately. Many financial institutions offer fraud alerts and monitoring services to help detect and prevent unauthorized transactions.
Strong Security Practices
Use strong, unique passwords for all your online accounts and enable two-factor authentication (2FA) whenever possible. 2FA provides an extra layer of security by requiring a second form of verification, making it harder for unauthorized users to gain access.
Keeping Software Updated
Ensure that your operating system and software applications are up-to-date. Cybercriminals often exploit vulnerabilities in outdated software. Regular updates help close these security gaps and protect against potential threats.
The Russian Market is a significant player in the world of cybercrime, dealing in dumps, RDP access, and CVV2 information. By understanding these elements and their implications, you can take proactive steps to protect your personal and financial information. Stay vigilant, adopt strong security measures, and regularly monitor your accounts to defend against potential threats from the Russianmarket and similar sources.
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crypto-marketing · 8 days
Crypto Wallets 101: How to Choose and Use the Right One for You
In the rapidly evolving world of cryptocurrency, securely storing your digital assets is essential. Crypto wallets serve as the gateway to managing your cryptocurrency holdings, allowing you to send, receive, and store your assets safely. This guide provides essential cryptocurrency information to help you navigate the different types of wallets, their features, and how to choose the best one for your needs.
Understanding Crypto Wallets
A crypto wallet is a digital tool that allows you to interact with blockchain networks. It stores your public and private keys, which are necessary for accessing and managing your cryptocurrency. Importantly, wallets don’t store your cryptocurrency itself; instead, they provide the means to access your assets on the blockchain, where they are recorded.
Types of Crypto Wallets
There are several types of crypto wallets, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Understanding these can help you make an informed decision based on your needs.
Hot Wallets Hot wallets are connected to the internet and are typically used for everyday transactions. They include mobile wallets, desktop wallets, and web wallets. While hot wallets are convenient for quick access, they are more vulnerable to hacking and phishing attacks.
Cold Wallets Cold wallets are offline storage options that provide enhanced security for your cryptocurrency. Hardware wallets (like Ledger and Trezor) and paper wallets fall into this category. Cold wallets are ideal for long-term storage of large amounts of cryptocurrency, as they are less susceptible to online risks.
Custodial Wallets Custodial wallets are managed by third-party services, such as exchanges. While custodial wallets are user-friendly and accessible for beginners, they require you to trust the service provider with your private keys.
Non-Custodial Wallets Non-custodial wallets give you full control over your private keys and funds. This type of wallet is recommended for those who prioritize security and want to take responsibility for their assets.
Choosing the Right Wallet for You
When selecting a crypto wallet, consider the following factors:
Security Security should be your top priority when choosing a crypto wallet. Cold wallets offer the highest level of security, while hot wallets are more convenient but come with higher risks. If you plan to hold significant amounts of cryptocurrency, consider investing in a hardware wallet.
Usability Choose a wallet that is user-friendly and matches your level of expertise. Beginners may prefer a custodial wallet or a simple mobile wallet, while experienced users might opt for a more complex desktop wallet that offers advanced features.
Compatibility Ensure that the wallet you choose supports the cryptocurrencies you plan to hold. Some wallets are designed for specific cryptocurrencies, while others can manage multiple assets.
Backup and Recovery Options Look for wallets that offer robust backup and recovery options. This is vital in case you lose access to your wallet. Most wallets provide a seed phrase that you can use to recover your funds.
Best Practices for Using Crypto Wallets
Once you have chosen a wallet, follow these best practices to ensure the security of your cryptocurrency:
Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) For wallets that support it, enabling 2FA adds an extra layer of security by requiring a second form of verification when logging in.
Keep Your Software Updated Regularly update your wallet software to protect against vulnerabilities and security risks. This applies to both hot and cold wallets.
Use Strong Passwords Create strong, unique passwords for your wallets and accounts. Consider using a password manager to help you manage your passwords securely.
Be Cautious of Phishing Attacks Always verify the authenticity of websites and emails related to your wallet. Phishing attacks are common in the crypto space, and attackers often impersonate legitimate services to steal your credentials.
Store Your Seed Phrase Securely Your seed phrase is the key to recovering your wallet. Store it offline in a secure location, and never share it with anyone.
Cryptocurrency Research and Staying Informed
To make informed decisions about your crypto investments, engage in ongoing cryptocurrency research. Follow reputable sources of cryptocurrency information, such as news websites, forums, and social media channels. Keeping up with trending cryptocurrency projects can help you identify potential investment opportunities and stay ahead of market trends.
Choosing the right crypto wallet is essential for managing your cryptocurrency assets securely. By understanding the different types of wallets and their features, you can select one that aligns with your needs and preferences. Remember to prioritize security, usability, and compatibility when making your choice.
Stay informed, follow best practices, and you’ll be well-equipped to navigate the exciting world of cryptocurrency with confidence!
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markiting432 · 10 days
How to Access My99 Exchange: Login, Cricket ID, and Registration Guide
The My99 Exchange platform has become popular for users seeking a seamless experience in online betting and gaming, particularly in cricket and other sports events. Whether you are new to the platform or an experienced user, understanding how to log in, create a Cricket ID, and register for My99 Exchange is essential for a smooth user experience. This guide will walk you through the key steps and tips for accessing your My99 Exchange account, setting up your Cricket ID, and navigating the registration process.
What is My99 Exchange?
My99 Exchange is an online betting platform that specializes in offering a variety of sports betting options, including cricket, football, tennis, and many more. The platform is known for its intuitive user interface, secure transactions, and live betting options. It provides users with a unique betting experience by allowing them to bet against one another rather than against the house.
As cricket is a widely-followed sport, especially in countries like India, My99 Exchange has garnered a large user base. The platform’s key features include real-time score updates, betting options on live matches, and access to multiple types of bets that keep users engaged throughout sporting events.
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Section 1: My99 Exchange Login
For existing users of the platform, logging in is the first step to accessing the wide range of betting services offered by My99 Exchange. Follow these steps to log in to your account quickly and securely.
Steps to Log In to My99 Exchange
Visit the Official Website: Navigate to the official My99 Exchange website using a secure web browser.
Locate the Login Button: On the homepage, you will find the ‘Login’ option, usually in the top-right corner of the screen.
Enter Your Credentials: Input your registered email address or phone number along with your password.
Complete Captcha (If Required): For added security, you may need to complete a CAPTCHA challenge before gaining access.
Two-Factor Authentication (Optional): Some users may have enabled two-factor authentication (2FA) for extra security. If this is the case, follow the on-screen instructions to complete the 2FA process.
Click ‘Login’: Once you've filled in your credentials and completed any additional security steps, click the "Login" button to access your account.
Troubleshooting Login Issues
If you experience difficulties logging in, there are a few common solutions to resolve these issues:
Forgot Password: If you cannot remember your password, click on the “Forgot Password” link below the login form. Follow the instructions to reset your password via email or phone.
Account Locked: In cases where your account is locked after multiple failed login attempts, contact My99 Exchange's customer service for assistance in unlocking it.
Browser Compatibility: Ensure that your web browser is updated to the latest version for optimal performance on the My99 Exchange website.
Section 2: My99 Exchange Cricket ID
The My99 Exchange Cricket ID is essential for users who want to engage in cricket betting on the platform. This unique identifier allows users to place bets on cricket matches and keep track of their betting history.
How to Get a My99 Exchange Cricket ID
Create an Account: If you haven’t registered yet, creating a My99 Exchange account is the first step (explained in the next section). Once you have an account, you’ll automatically receive a Cricket ID.
Login and Access Your Profile: Log in to your account and navigate to the profile section where your Cricket ID will be displayed.
Use Your Cricket ID for Betting: Once you have your Cricket ID, you can start placing bets on cricket matches by selecting your preferred game and wager.
Benefits of Having a My99 Exchange Cricket ID
Access to Live Betting: With your Cricket ID, you can place live bets during ongoing matches, increasing the excitement.
Personalized Betting Experience: Your Cricket ID tracks your betting preferences, helping you receive personalized recommendations for future bets.
Secure Transactions: The Cricket ID ensures that all your transactions, including deposits and withdrawals, are safely recorded under one account.
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Section 3: My99 Exchange Registration
For new users, registering on My99 Exchange is the gateway to accessing the wide range of sports betting options. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to register on the platform.
Steps to Register on My99 Exchange
Visit the Website: Open a secure web browser and navigate to the My99 Exchange official website.
Click on ‘Register’: Look for the ‘Register’ or ‘Sign Up’ button, typically found in the top-right corner of the homepage.
Fill in the Registration Form: Provide basic details such as:
Full name
Email address
Phone number
Date of birth
Create a unique username and password
Verify Your Contact Details: After submitting the form, My99 Exchange will send a verification code either to your phone or email. Enter this code to verify your account.
Agree to the Terms and Conditions: Make sure to read the platform’s terms and conditions and privacy policy before proceeding. Tick the box to agree, then click ‘Submit’.
Create Your Cricket ID: Once your account is verified, you will automatically receive a Cricket ID, which you can use to bet on cricket and other sports.
Deposit Funds: To start betting, you’ll need to deposit funds into your My99 Exchange account. Navigate to the ‘Deposit’ section, choose your preferred payment method, and transfer the amount you wish to start with.
Start Betting: With your account fully set up and funds deposited, you are now ready to place your first bet on cricket or any other sport.
Registration Tips
Use Accurate Information: Ensure that all the information provided during registration is accurate to avoid issues later on, especially during withdrawals.
Strong Password: Choose a strong, unique password to keep your account secure.
KYC (Know Your Customer): Some regions may require you to complete a KYC process by submitting proof of identity (like a government-issued ID) and proof of address (like a utility bill). This ensures the platform complies with local laws and regulations.
Section 4: Security Features and Safe Betting Practices
My99 Exchange places a high emphasis on security. The platform employs advanced encryption techniques to protect user data and secure financial transactions. As a user, there are several steps you can take to ensure a safe betting experience:
Enable Two-Factor Authentication: This adds an extra layer of security to your account by requiring a second form of verification during login.
Regularly Update Your Password: Changing your password periodically is a good practice to keep your account secure.
Stay Informed of Betting Limits: Understand the betting limits to avoid losing more money than you intend.
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Whether you are new to My99 Exchange or a seasoned bettor, knowing how to log in, obtain your Cricket ID, and register on the platform is crucial for a successful betting experience. This guide should help you navigate the platform with ease and confidence. Remember to bet responsibly and enjoy the thrill of sports betting on one of the most user-friendly platforms available today.
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