#2D and 3D game development company in India
aayanindia · 6 months
2d and 3d Game Development Company in India
India's game dev scene thrives in both 2D and 3D realms, with a growing community, diverse talent, and a rising presence in the global gaming industry
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tech002 · 7 days
AR/VR companies in India
In this article, we will delve into the world of augmented and virtual reality technology in India, highlighting the leading companies making waves in this rapidly evolving industry.
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nilojit · 1 year
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hezuart · 1 year
Why did you switch from animation to reviews? Also, do you still plan on doing CGI like you mentioned multiple times?
oH BOY..... you may need to sit down for this one
So it all started back in 2012. I was around 14 years old and just saw Rise of the Guardians and Wreck it Ralph. The stories, the characters, the world-building, the animation... now I never really went to movie theaters as a kid, but as a teen I started going and I instantly fell in love.
I went to community college for a few years and made some amazing friends. Loved some of my teachers and we participated in fun events like the 24-hour challenge and Campus Movie Fest. I had gotten in the top picks for Campus Movie Fest at some point and was supposed to go to the Cannes Film Festival in France to showcase my short film, but then the pandemic hit and it got canceled indefinitely.
So get this, for community college, I got a certification in 3D Animation and Video Game development. It's basically an AA degree but without general ed. (Why do you need general ed to get a degree in something? Math and PE have nothing to do with Animation. College is ridiculous. People have to pay you more simply because you were forced to spend more money in college. Wild.) Out of the 20 classes I had taken to get this certification, only 3 of those courses were hands-on 3D animation. And only one of those courses was hands-on video game development and I dropped out of that class because it was PC only and I only had a Mac at the time. I applied to the class without realizing it was accommodating only to PCs. So even my certification is barely reaching the basics for the title of it, but I did take another online course or two for 3D animation which I have a different certification for.
Now even with my 3D animation, I was never taught the physics engine. I was never taught hair or cloth simulation, but I do have modeling, rigging, animating, and texturing experience. For gaming, I have very little experience. I've only modeled things and found my way around Unity, but otherwise, I suck at coding. I hate coding with a passion. Making a video game without coding isn't really possible.
Now, when the pandemic hit, a lot of things were shutting down. I had no idea where I wanted to go next. People kept asking me where I was going for my higher education, but I kept getting warned not to waste money on college if you're trying to become an artist, especially at University. It's a money pit, and competition is so high, you're not guaranteed a job, you're just gonna be in debt. Even colleges like Cal Arts, who charge over $1K per class, I've been told are a "Pay to get in" kind of place. Where the money is used to nab professionals from their work to teach students or talk about their company or programs, and through that, you get a bigger chance to get your foot in the door because you know someone. I've unfortunately been told that's the more realistic way to get into animation: networking. If you're a shy introvert who doesn't know any famous people, you need to be extremely talented and unique to stand out to get the chance of being noticed. I don't really want to suck up to people nor do I want to waste thousands of dollars and 5 more years on college that I may not even need (let alone be able to afford) especially if there are online classes that may be even more valuable.
Now after I got out of college and started applying a few places, I discovered a LOT of unfortunate information.
Most animation these days is done overseas. South Korea, India, Japan, and Canada are the big ones.
Invader Zim, Steven Universe, Miraculous Ladybug, The Simpsons, OK KO, Star vs the Forces of Evil, Kipo and the Age of the Wonder Beasts, Adventure Time, Twelve Forever, and the Powerpuff Girls Reboot were animated in South Korea. The Ghost and Molly Mcgee is animated in Canada.
(The first four seasons of the Simpsons were animated in America until it switched to South Korea and India.)
2D traditional animation is no longer viable. Puppetry is the industry standard because it's the cheapest. Luckily, Toon Boom Harmony has allowed us to push the boundaries of 2D puppetry. Puppetry these days, if done well, can look really great, like Tangled the Series, but if you don't have Toon Boom Harmony, you're probably not gonna be hired.
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Not even all 3D is made in the USA. If it's Disney, Dreamworks, or Pixar, then it's usually USA. But streaming service movies, like Sea Beast, Kid Cosmic, The Willoughbys, and Klaus, while they claim to be a "Netflix Original" that "Netflix Animation" animated, that's a lie. Klaus was animated by Yowza! Animation in Canada. The Willoughbys: Bron Animation, Canada. Kid Cosmic: Mercury Filmworks, Canada. Sea Beast: Sony Pictures Image Works, Canada. (X)
Go Go Cory Carson is written and storyboarded in America, but the animation is shipped out to be done in France. Sonic Boom is also French Animated.
Even Sony Pictures? Open Season, Surf's Up, Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, SMurfs, Hotel Transylvania, Over the Moon, The Angry Birds Movie, Sea Beast? Sony Pictures Imageworks is based in Canada. They're doing all the animation for them. It's not animated in America, it's merely funded by them.
I should also clarify: I only want to participate in stylized animated media. I don't want to do CGI for hyper-realistic films, which eliminates most of the animation jobs out there these days. It's just not my thing. The insane amount of details and uncanny valley are just so unappealing, I can't do it.
The closest animation studios are still far away. Most companies are located in LA. I'm over 7+ hours away from there. LA also has a high poverty rate, terrible air quality, is overcrowded, and is just generally not a good place to live, especially if you're low middle class. You're not gonna survive there.
Pixar is located in Emeryville, a few minutes north of San Fransisco city. Emeryville is the most crime-ridden city in that area. They tell you not to walk home alone at night. You're more likely to get robbed there than anywhere else according to the population ratio there. There are a lot of gangs that hide up there, and there's a lot of poverty there, even outside of San Fransisco. It's basically a trash pit. Not an ideal place to live, and commuting through 3-hour SF city traffic is also not gonna work. (X)
I have also been informed some people who work at Pixar are petty that the interns use their facility. Pixar has a heated pool, soccer field, gymnasium, and a few other nice things on their property. I was informed there was a person or two who got mad that an intern was using their basketball court.... when the intern was on break. As though they weren't part of Pixar, as though they had no right to touch the property. Apparently, they also used to make the interns push around little tea carts to serve refreshments as a way to "talk to the fellow animators" to probably get them interacting, but hearing that the interns were basically chored with butler duty to bother the animators hard at work seems like such a forced thing. That makes me uncomfortable. Of course, the person who told me these stories has been working with Pixar for over a decade or two now, so things could be very different as the years went on. Pixar itself on the inside of the animator building is gorgeous. They all decorate their office spaces in crazy ways, it looks like a movie set. But they have a bar and "whiskey club". They're apparently allowed to drink at work and have often had parties that got a little out of hand. There's also an old chain smoker room where the founders used to play poker and spy on people outside of their room with hidden cameras; I've even been inside. I don't think they use it anymore, though I'm not totally sure. Some of this info was fascinating, but the drinking made me uncomfortable. I kinda want to work with sober people here.
The sex ratio in the animation industry is also interesting and unfavorable. 70% of the animation and art school ratio is women, but only 34% of the actual animation workforce is women. 34% female to 66% male. More women study animation than men, but more men get hired and hold positions than women. Animation, ironically, has always been a male-dominated workplace. This unfortunately contributes to the "you have to know someone" or "be rich" to get-in situation. Men know a lot more men and not as many women. So the 30 to 40-year-old guys hire the other guys they know rather than a young poor girl with a passion. This makes it even more difficult for me to get in. (X)
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20th Century, Netflix Animation, Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, Bento Box, Vanguard Animation, Universal Studios, Titmouse, 6 Point Harness, ShadowMachine- all LA / South California.
There are a few places I could apply to, but what they do, I just don't care for. Niantic(Pokemon Go), Lucasfilm(Effects), Whiteboard Animation(Marketing), Sharpeyeanimation (Marketing), EA games (Mass Effect, Battlefield, Dragon Age 2, all those hyper-realistic war, sports, or fantasy games.)
So whether it's outside of the USA or within the USA, I need to move. I don't have the money for that yet.
Just find a company that does remote work, right? It should be easy, especially in pandemic times! Wrong. Most animation companies don't permit remote work. It's probably a security issue. But I've done research on this. The only big animation company I've found (so far) that allows remote work (or is HIRING for remote work) is Mainframe Studios in Canada. They have a 3D animation job list, and I guess they focus on animating Barbie movies(???). (X) But that's about it. And even if you're a remote worker, there's a high likely hood you still need a Visa to be allowed to work for a company belonging to another country. So that's a whole other legal process to deal with.
Disney is becoming a huge corporate monopoly over American animation. They bought Blue Sky only to kill them off. (Disney also just recently laid off 7,000 people due to their stock price drop and failed movies they released the past year with deliberately bad marketing for political reasons. (X) Disney also bought Pixar and is pushing for sequels because weird or bad, sequels and terrible live actions make them a LOT of money. Did you know Disney's terrible Lion King CGI remake is amongst the top 10 highest-grossing movies ever made? It's criminal. (X)
Because Disney is such a big name in the USA, there's a huge association of animation = children's media, which is not true. Animation at the Oscars also has its own category, when it's not a genre, is a medium. Disney often wins at the Oscars too because no one sees the other animations. Granted, Disney has an insane marketing budget in comparison, but it's clear no one cares to seek out animation outside of heavy CGI live-action these days. No small-time studios, no limited releases, no anime. The fact that Disney also now OWNS the Oscars is SUS as hell. (The fact that Disney-owned ABC threatened the Oscars, forcing them to cut 8 categories or else there wouldn't be a show that year is wild. There isn't even an oscar for stuntmen. What the fuck, Hollywood?) (X)
Dreamworks nearly went bankrupt and sold itself to Comcast back in 2013. Comcast also owns Illumination. Dreamworks has been focusing on making bad tv show adaptions of their IPs. So yes people, Jack would sooner meet the Minions than meet Elsa. Disney is the biggest corporate monopoly, but it's definitely not the only one. The animation industry in America is snuffing out its competition by buying it out for itself. It's insane the kind of power they have.
Competition is HIGH. Because of this, the only ways to get in? If you're rich or you know someone. Pixar gets over 3,000 intern applications every summer. Less than 100 are seen by actual hiring managers. The most interns Pixar has ever taken in a single year were 12. The least they ever took in a single year was two. A 12 to 3,000 ratio is not favorable. That's a 3% chance to get into a big-shot animation company.
And again, because remote work isn't permissible to new hires, you need to live in the area to commute to the campuses. This is one of the reasons why LA is so crowded.
If you get into an animation company purely remote and maybe even for a different country? You are the luckiest person alive.
Programs are expensive. The animation industry is very strict on what programs they use. The industry standard for 2D puppetry is Toon Boom Harmony; the industry standard for 3D animation is Maya, and the industry standard for video game development isn't as clear but Unity is one of them.
Some of these programs are free, as long as you are a student. If you are attending college or a certain online program, you can use your school-issued email through them to apply to get the program for free for about a year. Otherwise, if you're using it to make your own animations solo?
Autodesk Maya: $225 a month or $1,785 a year (X)
and guess what? Maya removed its free render service. Arnold is now built in by default, however, if you want to BATCH render (Meaning render a full scene or several slides) it will slap it's ugly watermark over it.
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Fun fact, this very rendered watermark can be seen accidentally in a single frame for the Kingdom Hearts Frozen cutscene
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Well, you need to batch render if you're trying to animate so let's see what Arnold costs- $50 monthly to $380 annually.... are you kidding me?! The rendering PLUG-IN BUNDLED TO MAYA COSTS MORE TO USE THAN THE OWN PROGRAM?! (X)
Now, there are other rendering plug-ins you can probably use with Maya. But they all have their ups and downs and their own costs as well. (X) Pixar's Renderman is $595 per license. I can't seem to get info on Octane. V-ray solo is $39 monthly while premium is around $60 monthly.
Now there IS Blender, an alternative to Maya. It is free and I have it. That is ideal to work in for people like me. I tried it a while back, but I hated the interface windows. It was hard to work on it when you can't close them properly. It's possible they've fixed this in an update, but I haven't touched the program in over three years so I wouldn't know. It's different from Maya a little, so it has ups and downs in comparison too. But Blender is a savior to 3D artists everywhere.
Toon Boom Harmony isn't as bad but still high: Lowest price is $27 monthly / $220 annual and the highest is $124 monthly / $1,100 annual (X)
Unity has a basic version that is free, but Unity Plus is $399 yearly while Unity Pro is $2,040 (X)
So some programs are clearly more viable than others. But imagine you're trying to model, texture, rig, animate, simulate, and render a short film all by yourself in Maya. That's gonna take you over a year or two, and you'll have several thousand dollars out of your pocket by the time your free trial ends. And might I say, for an industry-standard program, Maya sucks. It's almost unusable without those plug-ins for not only rendering but also for the models to even be able to SELECT their BONE rigs.
Do you want to practice on your own when school is out of session? Fuck you! Fuck subscription services! Welcome to capitalist hell, baby!
Again, using Blender is more viable, but you're still going to be basically doing everything yourself. That's gonna take years. Do you have the patience for that? Do I?
Because of the pandemic, movies aren't even hitting theaters anymore. They're going straight to streaming services. Streaming services of which, gain sole rights to and can take media off their platforms at any time without warning. Thanks, Discovery+ ! Does everyone remember the HBO Max Animation & DC purge? It could happen to other streaming services too. Piracy will save the future of animation at this point. (X)
And again, Streaming services like Netflix will purchase films and claim they made them by slapping their logo over it; but no, they either bought the distribution rights or produced them through funding and maybe storyboarding. Often times from a Canadian film studio. (Link again X)
Even stop motion companies like LAIKA are losing money and may have to shut down or be bought out in the future, especially considering how much work and money they put into their films vs. how much money they actually make. (X)
All of this? Naturally made me fall into a depression. My god, the layers of hopelessness. My animation and modeling is pretty average too. I'm decent. I can maybe make a good shot. But I can't blow people away like James Baxter can. I mean, I shouldn't compare myself to people. If I worked really hard, maybe I could get into a good company. But again, I have to move! A part of me gave up. I don't really do 3D animation anymore, though part of me misses it.
I still 2D animate. I'm trying to make a short film and though my college friends who were working on it with me have given up, I have done my best to keep going. Even if it has been produced at a snail's pace for the past three years, I still intend to finish this animation. It's gonna be beautiful when it comes out, and it will be a wonderful portfolio piece regardless.
So with nothing else to do and no other kind of job experience really under my belt(plus my family is prone to covid so getting a job in the pandemic was just kind of out of the question) I decided to go to youtube. I heard some people can make a little money on there, but the truth is I had actually wanted to become a youtuber for a few years prior. I've always looked up to animators and reviewers on youtube, I've loved the stories they tell and their incredibly detailed analysis essays on movies, tv series, books, etc. I wanted to be one of them. I wasn't sure exactly what I'd do, so I just followed the Youtube Partnership program set up which took a few months, and then jumped in! I found I only had the time to upload once every month or two. I had a ton of audio issues and I'm not outputting at the proper 1920 x 1080 quality that I should be doing either. It's a huge learning process that I still haven't perfected, but I'm taking notes to try and get better.
Even though Youtube is fun, I only make $300 a month, and that isn't even consistent. With patreon, I make maybe another $80 or $100 on top of that, so overall $400 a month average. That's really nice and pretty cool! But it's not enough to survive.
Now I work part-time at a coffee shop. My mental health is a lot better and I love my coworkers. I make roughly $400 a week in comparison to the $400 a month. It's still not enough to live off of (the cheapest rent around is over $1,000 a month, not ) and it's still a temporary job in the long run. I intend to work here for maybe another two years to save up money.
But what do I do now?
Am I welcome in animation spaces anymore?
As a critic of popular media, it could be likely that they could fire me or deny my application because of my critique of their past films or tv series. They could see my youtube persona and assume I'm a raging untrustworthy nitpick instead of a passionate, kind person.
Vivziepop's Spindlehorse company? What Viv was doing was a dream. I was so inspired by her. She made her own company, made a super successful pilot, and was even creating more jobs for traditional, high-quality animation. However, for Hazbin Hotel, she required more funding, which is why she sold it off to A24, who now has corporate say in the show. A24 is known for letting creators be more lenient, but otherwise, Viv won't have full control over it anymore unless she managed to get them to sign something over to her; but with the rumors of her being kicked off season 1? I don't know anymore.
Her own company Spindlehorse; they rely on youtube revenue and/or merch sales to fund Helluva Boss. That's a tricky business practice, but it's kept them afloat so far.
However, Spindlehorse is hiring a lot of people as of late. This could be a bad sign; that people might be leaving the company due to potential mistreatment or unhappiness. With the way the show is going, I don't really want to be part of that company regardless, but maybe before season 2 of Helluva Boss, I would have considered applying. Had I made any critique videos prior, there's no way they'd accept me. "Aren't you that one YouTuber that said my writing is bad for season 2 episode 2?" And you expect me to hire you?" Like yeah, that application process would go down well. Not. By critiquing artists' work, some of them are very sensitive. I'd be kicked out for a lot of things, when really, we artists should be critiquing each other all the time, trying to improve. That's how the writer's room always is, ahaha... hours of fighting goes down in those meetings. It's intense, but fun.
But yeah, it's such a shame. Even small companies need to sell out to corporate to survive. Either that or be HEAVILY crowd-funded, which again, can be a slippery slope.
I see a ton of small projects on Twitter looking to hire people, or looking to become a big studio to release a pilot or game. I've joined a few of them, but most are unpaid because of COURSE they are, and then these projects?? Just don't go anywhere. Because it's unpaid. Because we can't afford to work on a project for free. IRL comes first. Some of these projects seem so great but they don't go anywhere, and it's hard to have faith in start-up studios anymore. (Game creators might have a chance, but tv series or films? Good luck, folks.)
At that point, should I just make my own company? I don't have the money or knowledge for such a thing! It's insanely expensive to start a business and get licensing. So much paperwork, so much everything! And the USA Government is so behind in understanding technology. If you want to create a remote business and/or copyright something, you're still required to put an advertisement in a local newspaper about it, even if your business isn't selling to locals. 💀 The number of fees and ridiculous legal hoops you need to jump through... it's a ridiculous waste of time and money. But you need to do it. The question is, am I willing to do it? Am I willing to tackle such an insane thing by myself?
I want to keep my internet persona and IRL persona separate, but can I? I value having a private, quieter life away from the screen. I worry about getting doxxed one day because of the nature of the internet. I worry about people finding my IRL resumes or profiles for work I want to do outside of youtube for security's sake. My art style is unique and very recognizable. I don't have a lot of private art that is worthy of being in a portfolio. But for absolute safety, I'd need to password-protect my websites or portfolios so the public doesn't have free access to them; only companies I'm applying to. But at that point, does password-protecting my resume and portfolio make it less likely I'd be hired due to the inconvenience? Due to the private, hard-to-find nature of my work? Being a YouTuber with great story skills and art skills with a fanbase could be a big plus to getting hired somewhere, but it could also be a horrible disadvantage that would get me fired. It's a double-edged sword that I cannot work around and I don't know what to do.
I've considered the video game industry, but even that isn't ideal. A lot of the indie ones I adore aren't made in the USA. Gris and Monster Camp were made in Spain. Ori and the Blind Forest: Austria. Hollow Knight: Australia. Little Nightmares and Raft: Sweden. LIMBO & INSIDE: Denmark. Outlast, Don't Starve, Spirit Farer, Bendy and the Ink Machine: Canada.
SuperGiant Games did Hades, Transistor and Bastion and is located in SF, but they're not hiring. Janimation, a multi-media company located in Texas isn't hiring. Frederator in New York isn't hiring.
I don't want to work for a studio that does nothing but first-person shooters or sports games. If I want to get into the gaming industry, I probably need to crowdfund and make a company to make a game myself.
If I make my own game, which I've wanted to do for a long time now and still want to... I can't code. I guess I could try to hire someone that could? But a game to the extent I want... I'd need to start small. I'd need to practice. It's several years of work. Will it even be worth it? I don't think I can do it alone. I'd need crowdfunding and workers; which again, here comes the "make my own studio" issue...
Do I even want to animate anymore? I prefer traditional animation in comparison to puppetry. I prefer 2D animation to 3D animation simply because it is more accessible. But even then, I'm finding myself drawn more and more to writing, storyboarding, and character design. If I were a 3D animator, this is mostly what I'd be working with all day: Naked models in an empty room. I'd do none of the physics simulation or texturing or lighting.
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Animating naked & bald people all day... I don't know... 3D Animation kind of lost its appeal. You only work on such a small portion of a film, you almost never have the bigger picture. You won't see the final result until the film is done. As an animator, you're almost kept in the dark. Maybe that's how they want it anyway, since leaks are a huge issue they keep quiet under strict NDA.
But yeah, anyway... I'm an artistic digital generalist. I can do almost anything. 3D animation, storyboarding, writing, photo editing, illustration, rendering, modeling and so much more. It's hard to choose what you really want to be in this industry. I feel like Barry Benson dfklgjdflkjg
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I don't know what I'm gonna do anymore. There's gotta be a solution to this but I just can't figure it out. I don't want to give up my youtube channel so I can be an animator. I don't want to give up a safer, quiet countryside house to be able to survive financially. Am I even willing or able to move countries? Is my career more important than friends and family?
I think I'm thinking too much about everything. I should start small. Move less than an hour away first and move in with roommates to get a feel for independence instead of jumping into it immediately. Get a job at a small time company, maybe not for what I want at first, but it'll get me some experience and maybe I'll learn some things along the way to understand where I can go next. Take it slow and don't panic too much over trying to be a young big shot. Take things one day at a time? That's my current goal, I suppose.
So you know... to answer your question... why did I switch to youtube for a current career? Because of a classic existential & career crisis in my 20s. Will I ever go back to 3D animation? Maybe. Maybe one day.
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brillmindztech · 2 years
The Ultimate Guide to Coding Languages for Game Development and How to Get Started: Brill Mindz Technology
The mobile game development sector is booming and is only going to get bigger in the years to come. As such, there has never been a better time to get into game development. But where do you start?
There are a multitude of coding languages used in game development, and it can be tough to know which ones to learn. However, there are some that are more essential than others. In this blog post, we will guide you through some of the most important coding languages for game development and explain how to get started in this rewarding field
In this article, we will be discussing the basics of a coding language specifically designed for game development. This language is called UnityScript and it is used in the Unity game engine. We will be discussing the features of this language and how it can be used to create games.
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What programming languages should you learn for game development?
There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best programming language for game development depends on the type of game you want to develop. If you're interested in developing 2D games, you might want to learn a language like C# or UnityScript. For 3D games, you might want to learn C++. And if you're interested in developing mobile games, you might want to learn a language like Java or Swift.
Of course, these are just a few of the many programming languages that you could learn for game development. The most important thing is to choose a language that you're interested in and that you think will be helpful for the type of game you want to create.
What are the best resources for learning coding languages for game development?
There are many different coding languages used in game development, and the best resources for learning them can vary depending on the language. However, there are some general resources that can be useful for learning any coding language used in game development.
One great resource for learning coding languages is the book " Game Coding Complete " by Mike McShaffry. This book covers all the major languages used in game development and provides a great overview of how to code games.
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Another great resource is the website Codecademy. Codecademy offers interactive exercises for learning a variety of coding languages, including those used in game development.
Finally, many game development companies offer free tutorials on their websites. These can be a great way to learn the specific coding languages used by that company.
How do you get started making your own video games?
Making your own video games can be a fun and rewarding experience, but it can also be a bit daunting if you're not sure where to start. Luckily, there are a few simple steps you can follow to get started on your game-making journey.
The first step is to come up with an idea for your game. Start by thinking about the kind of game you want to make. Do you want to make a first-person shooter? A puzzle game? An RPG? Once you have an idea of the type of game you want to make, you can start brainstorming ideas for your specific game. What will the game be about? What are the main characters? What are the basic mechanics?
Once you have a solid idea for your game, you can start putting together a team to help you bring your vision to life. If you are looking for Mobile Game development companies in india, then Brill Mindz Technology is the right choice for you. We have experienced over 11 years in the same industry. contact us today to know more.
In conclusion, coding languages for game development can be broadly divided into three categories: scripting, programming, and markup. Scripting languages are used to create the behavior of game objects, programming languages are used to control the game engine, and markup languages are used to create the game's visual elements. While there are many different coding languages to choose from, the most important thing for beginners is to pick one and get started. For more information, get in touch with us at, [email protected]
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Leading Game Development Company In India
Welcome to our Company, a leading game development studio based in India. We specialize in creating immersive gaming experiences across multiple platforms, including mobile, PC, and console. Our skilled team handles every aspect of game development, from concept to launch, with a focus on innovation and high-quality gameplay. With expertise in 3D and 2D art, as well as AR and VR experiences, we bring captivating worlds and characters to life. We prioritize our clients' vision and needs, ensuring tailored solutions and successful games that resonate globally. Contact us today to discuss your project and let’s create something extraordinary together!
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maacsatara · 14 days
PixelPros: Nurturing the Next Generation of Game Designers in Pune
Pune, India's thriving IT hub, is rapidly becoming a hotbed for game development, attracting aspiring game designers from across the country. This growth has also seen the rise of established institutions like MAAC Academy, known for their contributions to the animation and design industry. Amidst this burgeoning industry, PixelPros has emerged as a leading game design institute, renowned for its innovative curriculum, industry-expert faculty, and state-of-the-art facilities. This article delves into what makes PixelPros the top choice for budding game designers in Pune.
A Comprehensive Curriculum for the Modern Game Designer
PixelPros understands that game design is an ever-evolving field, demanding a blend of artistic vision, technical skills, and an understanding of player psychology. Their comprehensive curriculum addresses these facets, covering:
Game Design Fundamentals: Students embark on a journey exploring the core principles of game design, learning about game mechanics, narrative structures, level design, and the art of creating engaging player experiences.
Game Art and Animation: PixelPros emphasizes the visual aspects of game development, training students in 2D and 3D art creation, character design, animation, and the use of industry-standard software.
Game Programming: Students delve into the technical side of game development, learning programming languages like C++, C#, and scripting languages used in game engines like Unity and Unreal Engine.
Game Production and Project Management: PixelPros equips students with the knowledge and tools needed to manage game development projects efficiently, including project planning, resource allocation, and team management.
Emerging Technologies: The institute stays abreast of the latest trends in the gaming industry, incorporating emerging technologies like virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and blockchain into its curriculum.
Industry-Expert Faculty: Learning from the Best
PixelPros boasts a team of experienced faculty members who are not just academics but also seasoned professionals in the game development industry. Their expertise spans various genres and platforms, ensuring students receive insights and guidance from those who have honed their craft in the real world.
State-of-the-Art Facilities: A Playground for Creativity
The institute's modern campus is a testament to its commitment to providing a conducive learning environment. PixelPros houses well-equipped classrooms, cutting-edge computer labs with high-performance systems, and dedicated spaces for game testing and development.
Industry Collaborations and Internship Opportunities
PixelPros understands the importance of industry exposure for aspiring game designers. The institute has established strong ties with leading game development companies in Pune and beyond. These collaborations open doors for internships and job placements, providing students with invaluable real-world experience and networking opportunities.
Student Success Stories: A Testament to Excellence
PixelPros takes pride in its alumni who have gone on to achieve remarkable success in the gaming industry. Graduates of the institute have worked on acclaimed game titles, founded their own game development studios, and even won prestigious awards for their contributions to the field.
A Thriving Community of Gamers and Designers
Beyond the classroom, PixelPros fosters a vibrant community of gamers and designers. The institute organizes regular workshops, seminars, and game jams, where students can collaborate, showcase their projects, and learn from each other. This sense of community extends beyond graduation, with alumni continuing to engage with the institute and support its initiatives.
Why Choose PixelPros?
PixelPros stands out as the premier game design institute in Pune for several compelling reasons:
Holistic Curriculum: The institute's comprehensive curriculum addresses all facets of game development, from design and art to programming and project management.
Expert Faculty: Students learn from industry veterans who bring real-world experience and insights into the classroom.
Modern Facilities: The institute's state-of-the-art campus provides a conducive environment for learning and creativity.
Industry Connections: PixelPros has established strong ties with leading game development companies, opening doors for internships and job placements.
Thriving Community: The institute fosters a vibrant community of gamers and designers, providing ample opportunities for collaboration and networking.
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design-college · 26 days
Trends And Innovations In Animation And VFX
Innovations in technology have been on the rise due to various advanced tools. All sectors are witnessing rapid developments in algorithmic tech. Be it healthcare, software, or finance, new tech like AI is working wonders. There is growth happening at an unprecedented pace. 
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The entertainment industry is also not behind. And it is one of the few industries that has realised the full potential of technology. VFX and animation artists are coming across new tools everyday that promise to ease their job. They are also being trained by B.Sc in Animation and VFX courses in India to work hand-in-hand and get the best visual output. 
Cutting-Edge Technologies Revolutionizing Animation and VFX
The revolutions in the dynamic world of animation are listed below. The scope of the industry includes creation of out-of-the-world videos, GIFs, graphics, website animations, and UI/UX. Animation increases the viewership and engagement of the videos. Hence, use of technology is in vogue these days. 
Faster Rendering- Animators have said a goodbye to 24 frames per second rendering times. They can create more detailed frames with better flow. The quality of fluid graphics has gone up with new innovations. 
AI Tools- Ingenious AI tools such as Midjourney and Sora are undoubtedly successful. They hold the hands of people who don’t even know their way around Adobe. 
Virtual Production- Lastly, film production will also revolutionize. Virtual sets with animated LED walls have become the norm. The Mandalorian is a prime example of this technology. Film and TV production courses in India must update their syllabus!
What's Shaping the Industry Today?
A look at the current virtual reality trends in animation will also give you an insight into what’s in vogue these days. Gone are the times when some effects were impossible even with the latest tech. Additionally, we no longer live in the era where consumers accept shabby world-building. There’s much more happening behind the scenes. 
Deepfakes- Deaging has become so common that casting directors no longer hire young actors until absolutely necessary. 
Perfect Realism- Algorithmic landscapes are taking over. More gamers are experiencing real-world imagery in their video games. 
2D Revival- 2D animation techniques are making a comeback. They are being used in combination with 3D techniques. 
VR and AR- More real estate and educational companies want to provide a virtual experience to their prospective clients. 
The rise of these technologies and the ongoing trends always take an interesting turn. When everyone thought that we had achieved the best in animation and VFX, the industry didn’t fail to surprise us. Therefore, aspiring animators who pick B.Sc. in Animation and VFX will have a bright future. 
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dikshu24 · 1 month
Best Animation Institute In Sonipat
Choosing the best animation institute in Sonipat involves considering several factors such as the quality of education, faculty experience, infrastructure, industry connections, placement records, and student reviews. Here are some notable options to consider:
1. National Institute of Fine Arts (NIFA)
Overview: NIFA is known for its comprehensive curriculum in animation and fine arts. They offer a variety of courses ranging from certificate to diploma programs in animation.
Courses Offered:
Diploma in Animation & VFX
Certificate in Graphic Design and Animation
Key Features:
Experienced faculty with industry background
State-of-the-art infrastructure with modern animation tools
Regular workshops and seminars with industry professionals
Strong placement support with connections to leading animation studios
2. Arena Animation
Overview: Arena Animation is a well-known brand in the field of animation education, with centers across India, including Sonipat. They offer a wide range of courses in animation, VFX, and multimedia.
Courses Offered:
Animation Prime
VFX Prime
Graphic Design & Animation
Key Features:
Industry-relevant curriculum designed by professionals
Hands-on training with the latest software and tools
Internships and live projects for practical experience
Robust placement assistance with a network of recruiters
3. MAAC (Maya Academy of Advanced Cinematics)
Overview: MAAC is a premier institute specializing in animation and VFX training. Their programs are designed to provide in-depth knowledge and skills required for a career in animation.
Courses Offered:
AD3DEDGE Plus (Advanced Program in 3D Animation)
VFX Plus (Advanced Program in Visual Effects)
DGWA (Program in Graphics, Web, and 2D Animation)
Key Features:
Curriculum developed in collaboration with industry experts
Advanced facilities including green screens, high-end computers, and animation software
Collaboration with studios for internships and placements
Regular events, workshops, and competitions to enhance learning
4. Picasso Animation College
Overview: Picasso Animation College offers specialized courses in animation and multimedia. They focus on providing high-quality education and practical training.
Courses Offered:
B.Sc. in Animation and Multimedia
Diploma in 3D Animation
Short-term courses in specific animation skills
Key Features:
Emphasis on both traditional and digital animation techniques
Faculty with extensive industry experience
Strong focus on creative and technical skills
Good placement record with top animation and gaming companies
Factors to Consider When Choosing an Animation Institute
Curriculum: Ensure the course content is up-to-date with industry standards and includes both theoretical and practical training.
Faculty: Experienced faculty with industry connections can provide valuable insights and mentorship.
Infrastructure: Look for institutes with modern labs, software, and equipment.
Placement Assistance: Check the institute's track record for placing students in reputable companies.
Student Reviews: Feedback from current and former students can provide a realistic perspective on the quality of education and support.
Selecting the right animation institute is a crucial step in building a successful career in the animation industry. It's advisable to visit the institutes, interact with the faculty, and understand the course details before making a decision.
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deshpandeisha · 1 month
The Growing Field of Animal Ultrasound: A Game Changer in Veterinary Medicine
The global animal ultrasound market size reached USD 286.2 Million in 2020 and is expected to register a revenue CAGR of 8.2% during the forecast period, according to latest analysis by Emergen Research. Increasing number of companion animals and rising demand for pet insurance are some key factors projected to support market revenue growth between 2021 and 2028.
In addition, increasing number of veterinary doctors in developed and developing countries is expected to boost revenue growth of the market going ahead.Increasing number of veterinarians has also resultedin increasingnumberof new treatment facilities, which is expected to boost demand for various treatmentequipment for animals, including animal ultrasound devices.In addition, veterinarians' incomes in developed countries have significantly risen in recent years, and this is strengthening their purchasing power, which is expected to boostadoption of animalultrasound devices in private clinics.
Request a Sample Report with Table of Contents and Figures to click Here: https://www.emergenresearch.com/request-sample/866
Competitive Terrain:
The section on the competitive landscape offers valuable and actionable insights related to the business sphere of the Animal Ultrasound market, covering extensive profiling of the key market players. The report offers information about market share, product portfolio, pricing analysis, and strategic alliances such as mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, collaborations, partnerships, product launches and brand promotions, among others. The report also discusses the initiatives taken by the key companies to combat the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The leading market contenders listed in the report are:
IDEXX Laboratories, Inc., Carestream Health, Inc., Fujifilm Holdings Corporation, Esaote SpA, GE Healthcare, Heska Corporation, Diagnostic Imaging Systems, Inc., Clarius Mobile Health Corp., DRAMIÑSKI S.A., and Hallmarq Veterinary Imaging Limited
Click to access the Report Study, Read key highlights of the Report and Look at Projected Trends: https://www.emergenresearch.com/industry-report/animal-ultrasound-market
Emergen Research has segmented the global Animal Ultrasound market on the basis of type, application, end-use, and region:
Segments Covered in this report are:
Animal Type Outlook (Revenue, USD Million; 2018–2028)
Large Animals
Small Companion Animals
Imaging Type Outlook (Revenue, USD Million; 2018–2028)
Doppler Imaging
2D Ultrasound Imaging
3D & 4D Ultrasound Imaging
Scanner Type Outlook (Revenue, USD Million; 2018–2028)
Handheld Ultrasound Scanners
Cart-based Ultrasound Scanners
The various regions analyzed in the report include:
North America (U.S., Canada)
Europe (U.K., Italy, Germany, France, Rest of EU)
Asia Pacific (India, Japan, China, South Korea, Australia, Rest of APAC)
Latin America (Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Rest of Latin America)
Middle East & Africa (Saudi Arabia, U.A.E., South Africa, Rest of MEA)
Key Objectives of the Report:
Analysis and estimation of the Animal Ultrasound Market size and share for the projected period of 2022-2030
Extensive analysis of the key players of the market by SWOT analysis and Porter’s Five Forces analysis to impart a clear understanding of the competitive landscape
Study of current and emerging trends, restraints, drivers, opportunities, challenges, growth prospects, and risks of the global Animal Ultrasound Market
Analysis of the growth prospects for the stakeholders and investors through the study of the promising segments
Strategic recommendations to the established players and new entrants to capitalize on the emerging growth opportunities
Request Customization as per your specific requirement@ https://www.emergenresearch.com/request-for-customization/866
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aayanindia · 8 months
Aayanindia is the best reputed mobile app & game application, web design, web development and digital marketing company in India that provides android & IOS app services in UAE/India.
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Unlock Your Creativity with a B.Sc. Animation: Top Animation Courses in Bangalore
Animation has evolved from mere entertainment to a powerful medium for storytelling, advertising, and education. As the demand for skilled animators continues to rise, choosing the right institution for animation education is crucial. In Bangalore, a city known for its vibrant tech scene, Alliance University provides the best VFX and animation courses in Bangalore for animation enthusiasts. Let's explore how Alliance University's B.Sc. Animation program unlocks creativity and prepares students for success in the dynamic world of animation.
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Alliance University: A Hub for VFX and Animation Courses
Alliance University has earned a reputation as the best VFX course in Bangalore, offering a range of programs that cater to the diverse needs of aspiring animators and visual effects artists. Located in Bangalore, the Silicon Valley of India, Alliance University provides students with access to cutting-edge technology and industry experts, ensuring that they receive a world-class education in animation.
B.Sc. Animation: Unlocking Creativity and Innovation
The B.Sc. Animation course duration and fees at Alliance University is designed to unleash students' creativity and equip them with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in the competitive animation industry. From traditional 2D animation to cutting-edge 3D modeling and visual effects, the program covers a wide range of techniques and technologies, allowing students to explore their interests and develop their unique style.
Key Features of the B.Sc. Animation Program:
1. Comprehensive Curriculum:
   - The B.Sc. Animation program covers all aspects of animation, including character animation, digital modeling, texturing, lighting, rigging, and compositing. Students learn to create captivating animations using industry-standard software such as Autodesk Maya, Adobe After Effects, and Pixar RenderMan.
2. Hands-On Training:
   - Alliance University emphasizes practical learning, with hands-on projects and assignments that allow students to apply their skills in real-world scenarios. From creating short films to designing characters and environments for games, students gain valuable experience that prepares them for careers in animation and visual effects.
3. Industry-Relevant Skills:
   - The curriculum is constantly updated to reflect the latest trends and technologies in the animation industry. Students learn from industry professionals who bring real-world experience and expertise to the classroom, ensuring that they graduate with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in the fast-paced world of animation.
Why Choose Alliance University for Animation Education?
1. Best VFX Institute in India:
   - Alliance University is recognized as one of the best VFX institutes in India, with a track record of producing talented animators and visual effects artists who go on to work on blockbuster films, television shows, and video games.
2. State-of-the-Art Facilities:
   - The university boasts state-of-the-art facilities, including dedicated animation labs, motion capture studios, and sound stages. Students have access to industry-standard equipment and software, allowing them to create high-quality animations and visual effects.
3. Placement Assistance:
   - Alliance University provides placement assistance to help students secure internships and job opportunities in leading animation studios, gaming companies, advertising agencies, and film production houses. Alumni have gone on to work for renowned companies such as Pixar, DreamWorks Animation, and Industrial Light & Magic.
Unlocking your creativity and pursuing a career in animation has never been easier with Alliance University's B.Sc. Animation program. Whether you aspire to be a character animator, visual effects artist, or game developer, Alliance University, the top animation colleges in India provides the education, resources, and support you need to turn your passion for animation into a successful career. Join Alliance University today and embark on a journey of creativity, innovation, and endless possibilities in the world of animation.
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teamofkeys · 2 months
Trusted Custom Game Development Company | Team of Keys
We are a well-known custom mobile game development company in India, catering to almost every mobile game development requirement that exists. We create both 2D and 3D games, making a clear distinction between the two. Visit here at Team of Keys!
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panaromicinoftechs · 3 months
Top 5 Reasons to Use Unity 3D for Game Development
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Unity 3D has become a game-changer (pun intended) in the world of Unity 3D game development, offering a powerful and accessible platform for creators of all levels.  Whether you're a seasoned programmer or a budding indie developer, Unity 3D boasts a number of features that make it an attractive choice. Here are five of the top reasons to consider Unity 3D for your next game development project:
Cross-Platform Compatibility: One of Unity 3D's most compelling features is its ability to deploy games across multiple platforms with ease. Whether you're targeting mobile devices, consoles, PCs, or even emerging platforms like AR and VR, Unity ensures seamless portability. This cross-platform compatibility not only expands your game's reach but also simplifies the development process by eliminating the need to rewrite code for different platforms.
Rich Asset Store: Unity boasts an extensive Asset Store that serves as a treasure trove of resources for game developers. From pre-built assets, scripts, plugins, to entire project templates, the Asset Store offers a vast array of tools to expedite development and enhance game quality. This extensive library not only accelerates prototyping but also fosters innovation by empowering developers to focus on creativity rather than reinventing the wheel.
Community & Learning:  You're not alone in the Universe. A massive and supportive community of Unity developers exists online, offering tutorials, forums, and resources to help you overcome challenges and learn new skills. Additionally, Unity itself provides a wealth of learning materials, including official documentation and video tutorials.
2D & 3D Versatility: Don't be fooled by the name - Unity 3D isn't just for 3D games! It also excels at creating beautiful and engaging 2D games. Whether you have a retro pixel art style in mind or a sleek, modern vector aesthetic, Unity 3D can accommodate your vision.
Powerful Visual Editor: Unity's intuitive visual editor provides a robust framework for designing immersive worlds and captivating gameplay experiences. With its drag-and-drop interface, developers can easily prototype scenes, tweak parameters, and fine-tune game mechanics in real-time. The visual editor's WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) approach accelerates iteration cycles, allowing developers to iterate rapidly and refine their vision without cumbersome coding processes.
So, if you're looking to dive into Unity, 3D game development is the way to go. Its versatility, user-friendly features, and strong community support make it a top choice for developers of all levels. And if you're in India and need expert help with Unity 3D, look no further than Panoramic Infotech. As a leading Unity 3D game development company, they have the skills and experience to bring your gaming ideas to Reality. 
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codegente · 3 months
Mobile Game Development in Jaipur: Cuevasoft LLC - A Premier Development Company
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Mobile game development is a rapidly growing industry, and Jaipur, India, is emerging as a hub for innovative game development companies. Among these, Cuevasoft LLC is a leading name in mobile game development, offering exceptional services to clients worldwide.
Cuevasoft LLC is a reputable mobile game development company in Jaipur, known for its expertise in creating engaging and entertaining mobile games. With a team of experienced developers, designers, and project managers, Cuevasoft LLC delivers high-quality mobile games that meet clients' specific requirements and exceed their expectations.
The company's mobile game development services include creating games for various platforms, including Android, iOS, and Windows. They specialize in developing 2D and 3D games, augmented reality (AR) games, and virtual reality (VR) games. Their expertise in game development technologies, such as Unity, Unreal Engine, and Cocos2d-x, ensures that their clients receive top-notch mobile games that are both visually appealing and technically sound.
Cuevasoft LLC's mobile game development services are not limited to creating new games. They also offer game modification and enhancement services, helping clients improve their existing games and add new features to keep their users engaged.
One of the key features of Cuevasoft LLC's mobile game development services is their focus on user experience. They understand that a game's success depends on its ability to engage and retain users, and they design their games accordingly. Their user-centric approach ensures that their games are easy to use, visually appealing, and highly engaging.
Cuevasoft LLC's mobile game development services are also affordable, making them accessible to clients with different budgets. They offer flexible pricing models, including hourly rates, fixed-price contracts, and retainer agreements, ensuring that their clients receive the best value for their money.
In conclusion, Cuevasoft LLC is a premier mobile game development company in Jaipur, India, offering exceptional services to clients worldwide. Their expertise in mobile game development technologies, user-centric approach, and affordable pricing models make them a preferred choice for clients looking for high-quality mobile games.
To learn more about Cuevasoft LLC's mobile game development services, visit their website at www.cuevasoft.com or
contact them at +1(213) 772-0779 or [[email protected]]
Citations: [1] https://cuevasoft.com/
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associative7 · 4 months
Associative: Your Trusted Partner for Building Exceptional Unity Experiences
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Unity is one of the world’s most versatile and widely used real-time development platforms. It’s the engine behind countless popular games, simulations, and interactive experiences across PC, mobile devices, consoles, and VR/AR headsets. To make the most of Unity’s power, you need a development team with proven expertise. That’s where Associative, a leading Unity development company based in Pune, India, excels.
Why Unity?
Here’s why Unity stands out as a compelling development platform:
Cross-Platform Reach: Build once and deploy your creations to a multitude of devices and operating systems.
Extensive Asset Store: Access a vast marketplace of pre-built assets to streamline development and save precious time.
Performance Optimization: Unity offers robust tools and techniques to ensure your experiences run smoothly on various platforms.
Active Community: Benefit from a large and supportive developer community with abundant resources and tutorials.
Associative‘s Unity Advantage
Associative’s team of Unity specialists brings the following strengths to your project:
Deep Unity Knowledge: They possess a thorough understanding of Unity’s core concepts, toolsets, and best practices.
Diverse Skillset: Their Unity developers are adept at programming, 2D/3D art creation, animation, level design, and more.
Client-Focused Approach: Associative prioritizes your needs, working closely with you to realize your project’s vision.
Commitment to Quality: Their emphasis on testing and optimization ensures polished and user-friendly Unity experiences.
Unity Services Offered by Associative
Game Development: Creation of engaging mobile, PC, console, and VR/AR games across a wide range of genres.
Interactive Simulations: Development of realistic training simulations for industries like healthcare, manufacturing, and education.
Architectural Visualization: Bringing architectural designs to life with interactive walkthroughs and high-quality renders using Unity.
AR/VR Applications: Crafting immersive augmented and virtual reality experiences for various purposes.
Prototyping: Rapidly build Unity prototypes to test concepts and gather feedback early in the development cycle.
Why Choose Associative for Unity Development
Pune-Based Team: Their location in Pune provides a unique understanding of the Indian market and your target audience.
Passion for Games and Interactive Content: They are driven by a genuine love for creating compelling Unity experiences.
Complete Game Solutions: Associative handles all aspects of your project, from design to programming, art, and sound.
Project Ownership: You gain full ownership and control of the Unity project developed for you.
Transform Your Vision into Reality with Associative
Whether you’re envisioning a captivating game, a transformative training simulation, or an innovative interactive experience, Associative has the skills and passion to guide your Unity project to success.
Contact them today to discuss your project and discover how their Unity expertise can bring your ideas to life.
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