#258 yumi tenfuji
Bracket E Round 1
Poll 1
Pandora (@hauntinglavius) vs. Yumi Tenfuji (@abu-se-ken)
257. Pandora (@hauntinglavius)
His real name is a mystery and he got his name from his best friend's (horrible) suggestions. He's probably killed like.... Way too many people (I cannot legally confirm nor deny this accusation). A demon in a maze runner themed game show that should've probably died on the first week but is somehow still alive. Like an underdog but worse. I want to put him in a blender every time I write him and you should too.
258. Yumi Tenfuji (@abu-se-ken)
she's a lesbian robot with no empathy or regard for safety she is my world. also she's a yugioh oc
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Bracket E First Half
Anyway yes - these ocs will enter the competition on Wednesday the 5th at 5pm GMT!!
257. Pandora (@hauntinglavius)
258. Yumi Tenfuji (@abu-se-ken)
259. Pikuseru (@p4rt1cle)
260. Briar Hayden (@birbulous)
261. Eclipse (@pirateflavor)
262. Eleutherios  (@trans-estinien)
263. Zmeya (@eyeball-freak)
264. Tsuru (@adanaac)
265. Cor (@noodlegremlinart)
266. Melon (@solaneceae)
267. Asazara (@asazara)
268. Blake & Kara & Berry & Deryk (@ashtonisvibing)
269. Nougat (@awkwardlyqueer)
270. Aubrey Lovelace (@dandyshorts)
271. Jam (@befuddled-calico-whump)
272. Jupiter Helion & Minerva Moonboat & Atticus Warbler aka the Trouble Trio (@jaxwhacks)
273. Rewrite  (@sentinelminor)
274. Shahar (@illmamnim)
275. Miracle (@caprisun-s-drackem)
276. Locke (@tinysweetnight)
277. Starburst the Rabbit (@scorpiolight-madd)
278. Fate & Deadbeat (@anddrewathing)
279. Cassandra - Cass (@ginger-btch)
280. Carina (@conscharacterscentralised)
281. Archus “Archie” Dandelion (@one-bit-oat)
282. Alexander Woress & Axe (@azure-za-raid)
283. Oberon (@emoaliien)
284. Persephone - Seph for short & Sherry (@iknaenmal)
285. Eva Bornsmith (@misterghostfrog)
286. Spartan P-011 - Rhodes (@oasisofgalaxies)
287. Caleb Hirn & Cassius Netherson & Nemo Relity aka the Bad Idea Trio (@therainbowvaquero)
288. Devan Arkhiem (@winterpinetrees)
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