hosgeldinhuzun · 2 years
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Yollara düşeceğiz seninleee.
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rbf451 · 2 years
vahanryyppaa ig story 25.10.2022
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devonjwerkheiser · 2 years
onomy.co “Should we make an entire adulthood survival guide with @devonwerkharder? 👀”
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phototagebuch · 2 years
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lhistoireduneetoile · 2 years
Je kiffe Corentin. Voilà, c'est dit.
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septentrrional · 2 years
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prosy-days · 2 years
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October 25, 2022 - Day 128
Do you have a plan to vote yet?
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godsnameisjoy · 2 years
Date: 25 October 2022
Duration: 65 minutes at 11:51 PM
The new depth that I was blocked from during the meditation on the 24th, opened up last night. The new depth is further away from the faculty of memory than the depth I have been at.
Out of memory, I can’t tell a thing about last night’s meditation. In fact, in those moments of the session last night when I found my attention in the usual depth of mind, I was aware that I couldn’t recall any part of the previous moments. Memory simply doesn’t support intuition and vice versa.
To think of it, one can’t be intuitive in retrospect. One was being intuitive while a memory was being made. Once registered and stored, the memory couldn’t possibly use the services of one’s intuitive faculty.
The depth I am presently outgrowing is a zone of intuitive restlessness which is accompanied with Peace. I know I am in the restless parts of intuition because the imagery here has unrecognisable content. This becomes very clear when one begins muscling one’s attention out of the deep subconscious and moving into the beyond.
The deep subconscious wants the attention to succumb to sleep so that desires can have a field day with one’s collected short memories. There is colour in the imagery and absolutely no respect for the laws of physics. Intuitive imagery, however restless it may be, has unrecognisable content, it follows the laws of physics, it feels as real as memory, it doesn’t need the attention to sleep and it comes with Peace.
I was blocked to make inroads during the meditation on 24th October. Energies had gathered to move ahead and not be lost due to a block. It’s a lot of energy that keeps us humans running. Even a little loss of Peace energy can cause noticeable spinal vibrations. Thankfully, I didn’t experience noticeable spinal vibrations right until the end of last night’s session. Blessed Energies were allowed to make inroads within the head last night. Wherever it is that them energies went, I know not of. Memory fails them.
May be, life energies will rewire my responses from deep within and I might surprise myself soon after. My memory may not alter but how I respond to familiar situations might be undergoing an irreversible change for the better. So be it.
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xnderground · 2 years
do i live to die or die to live?
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i also cried to video games by lana and heaven by troye so i know any time now i will begin a bleeding ritual. also reading the final chapter of the song of achilles yayyy. :((((( and i cried at a comment on bts’ mic drop about how they wanted to get 160 million streams. babes we’re at one billion now and we’re moving onwards and jin just enlisted in the military and omg they helped me through so fucking much ik many people dislike them solely because of their younger fanbase but when i was 11 i was rotting, destroying my body by starving myself, lowering my grades and so so much trauma, their music really helped me through it. kpop was my personal enemy and saint. and so i will always appreciate them for so positively thoroughly impacting my life
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rbf451 · 2 years
vahanryyppaa ig story 25.10.2022
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nataliesnews · 2 years
: Summons to the station of the victim of the lynching carried out by Jewish terrorists 25.10.2022
And this is even before the scum, Ben Gvir and Smokrich are in power!!!!
 Itai Mak, Adv
Eitay Mack, Advocate
Itai ِمك, lawyer
29 November 28 St., Jerusalem ■ Tel. 02-5877766, Fax 02-5877744 28/9 November 29 St., Jerusalem ■ Tel 02-5877766, Fax 02-5877744 [email protected] Tuesday October 25, 2022 In question: Summons to the station of the victim of the lynching carried out by Jewish terrorist operatives on 10.19.2022 near the Ma'ale Amos settlement 1. My client, Dr. Hagar Gefen (power of attorney), informed me that they called her from the Etzion station and asked for her appointment to the Etzion station on October 26.
2. At first, Dr. Geffen was told that she was needed for questioning, but after she expressed surprise at how a victim made her a suspect, she was told that this was a supplement to her testimony.
3. As a result of the attack and the beating with clubs, Dr. Geffen was moderately injured, and suffered fractures in her hand and ribs, a hole in her lung, and a bruise on her head.
4. Noting that a police investigator arrived at Shaare Zedek Hospital and obtained a detailed statement from Dr. Gefen in which she testified to everything she knew, and also that she is required to rest completely and take painkillers - she is unable to come to the Etzion station tomorrow. Only after an up-to-date examination of her condition is carried out The medical, will be It can be re-examined. 5. In any case, it is not at all clear why Dr. Geffen is required by you after she has already testified to everything she knows.
In the letter we sent on October 23 to the Nationalist Crime Party, we wrote that in order to try to prevent the closure of the investigation file due to an "unknown criminal" - as has happened in countless cases of nationalist crime due to negligent management of the investigations in Shi District - you must carry out three investigative actions immediately: Collecting the photographic documentation of The IDF from the area of ​​the event; Obtaining a tracking report for Dr. Geffen's cell phone that was stolen by the participants in Lynch; and sending MZP investigators to the scene of the incident where some of the batons were left and possibly also In honor of Etzion station investigations Greetings,
Additional equipment of the participants in the lynch  
Sincerely, Itai Mak, Adv
  איתי מק, עו"ד
Eitay Mack, Advocate
ايتاي ِمك، محام
רח' כ"ט בנובמבר 28/9, ירושלים ■ טל' 02-5877766, פקס 02-5877744 28/9 November 29 St., Jerusalem ■ Tel 02-5877766, Fax 02-5877744 [email protected] יום שלישי 25 באוקטובר 2022
הנדון: זימונה לתחנה של נפגעת הלינץ שבוצע על ידי פעילי טרור יהודי ביום   19.10.2022 ליד ההתנחלות מעלה עמוס
1. מרשתי, ד"ר הגר גפן (מצ"ב ייפוי כוח), עדכנה אותי שהתקשרו אליה מתחנת עציון וביקשו לזמנה לתחנת עציון ביום 26.10.
2. תחילה נאמר לד"ר גפן שהיא דרושה לחקירה, אך לאחר שהיא הביעה פליאה כיצד מקורבן הופכים אותה לחשודה, נאמר לה שמדובר בהשלמה לעדותה.
3. כתוצאה מהתקיפה ומההכאה באמצעות אלות, ד"ר גפן נפצעה באורח בינוני, ונגרמו לה שברים ביד ובצלעות, חור בריאה וחבלה בראש.
4. בשים לב לכך שחוקר משטרה הגיע לבית החולים שערי צדק וגבה מד"ר גפן הודעה מפורטת בה היא העידה על כל הידוע לה, וכן היא נדרשת למנוחה מלאה ולוקחת משככי כאבים – אין באפשרותה להגיע מחר לתחנת עציון. רק לאחר שתתבצע בדיקה עדכנית של מצבה הרפואי, יהיה אפשר לבחון זאת מחדש. 5. מכל מקום, כלל לא ברור מדוע ד"ר גפן נדרשת על ידיכם לאחר שכבר העידה על כל שידוע לה.
במכתב ששלחנו ביום 23.10 למפלג פשיעה לאומנית, כתבנו שכדי לנסות למנוע את סגירת תיק החקירה מעילת "עבריין לא נודע" – כפי שקרה באינספור תיקי פשיעה לאומנית עקב ניהול רשלני של החקירות במחוז ש"י – עליכם לבצע שלוש פעולות חקירה לאלתר: איסוף התיעוד המצולם של צה"ל ממרחב האירוע; השגת דו"ח איכון למכשיר הפלאפון של ד"ר גפן שנגנב על ידי המשתתפים בלינץ; ושליחת חוקרי מז"פ למקום האירוע בו הושארו חלק מהאלות וייתכן גם לכבוד חקירות תחנת עציון שלום רב,
ציוד נוסף של המשתתפים בלינץ.  
בכבוד רב  איתי מק, עו"ד
Tel 0528-375593
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prokkoli · 1 year
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sometimes you just laugh over nothing together
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poyopoyosim · 2 years
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LIPS N22 V1\V2 (With fangs)
- 20 swatches \ both genders \ HQ | sliders compatible
- 25 swatches\ all ages \ both genders \ HQ | sliders compatible
Early Access | Public release: 25.10.2022
available for everyone!
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1-tiger-every-day · 2 years
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petiplacha · 11 months
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25.10.2022 Photographer Bart Kuykens just shared another Picture of Dave Gahan, which he took during the "Imposter" Shows in London besides the Shows in Paris & Berlin. (c) Bart Kuykens / Soulsavers / Dave Gahan
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