#24/7 monitoring fr
garbashedump · 8 months
So, so many ideas... yet no time to draw them T-T
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foxaftershocks · 5 months
HEAR ME OUT!! Lars with a reader, who was a ghost but somehow got their life back. Because of that, reader is pretty much forced to be in the lab 24/7 (much to their disdain) with Lars running tests on them. Enemies to lovers 🫶
(Also, you're like the best author ever on here.)
Clearly I really liked this prompt because I wrote a lot for it. Like, seriously, this is so long. I hope you like it as much as I do.
“You’re doing it wrong.”
Lars growled under his breath, pushing his glasses back onto the bridge of his nose. Sitting on the able, feet kicking backwards and forwards, you were grinning at him with such smugness it made his blood boil. He knew how to do his job without the input of a woman who knew nothing about parapsychology. You weren’t a scientist. You were just some girl who happened to come back to life. Nothing special.
“Still wrong,” you sung.
His fingers tightened around your arm, holding you still. He tightened the band around your bicep, pressing the electrodes against your chest with more force than was necessary. You muttered something just outside of his hearing, most likely a curse word. Your swearing was not something he was unfamiliar with. It had been resounding through the lab for weeks now.
“Just sit still,” he ordered, returning to his equipment.
You wiggled right up until the point he turned the machine on, probably trying to make a point. If you were, he missed it through disinterest. He watched the output on the machine, your heartbeat strong and steady. No blips, nothing to suggest you’d once been a ghost.
“Anything?” you asked.
He pressed his lips together. You could never just sit in silence, continually talking in his ear, playing with his stuff. Your presence was was unending. You had been made to live in the lab while they worked out how you’d come back, and as someone who basically lived in the lab himself, you had seemed to designate him as your favourite form of entertainment. You needled him. He knew it. And yet he kept letting you get under his skin.
“Not if you keep talking,” he said.
He got up, moving closer to readjust a few of the monitors. Returning back to the readout, there was a spike in your heart rate before it calmed down again. Interesting. Glancing up, you were glaring at him, seemingly not feeling the exertion you were showing.
“Feeling alright?” he asked.
“Aw, you do care,” you said, sarcasm dripping from every word.
“Just answer the question,” he said.
“I feel fine,” you replied.
He watched you for another moment. Your head tipped up, looking to the ceiling as your feet continued to kick. You did seem fine. He had to trust you on that.
He hated not having answers.
You floated away on soft footsteps when he released you from his tests. You didn’t even bother saying goodbye and he knew it’s because he’d be seeing you later. You never seemed able to stop yourself from interrupting his day.
Looking back over the readouts the only thing that jumped out at him was the elevation in heart rate for a few minutes. Nothing else suggested anything had happened. He stared at it, trying to piece together what was going on. And yet it still wasn’t outside the bounds of normal mortal hearts.
Nothing indicated how you’d come back from being a ghost. Every test bringing up nothing. If he was a religious man, he would have said it was God playing a cosmic practical joke on him, sending him the one person who drove him crazy.
“If you never find anything am I forced to stay here until I become a ghost again?” you asked, appearing out of nowhere, whispering in his ear.
Perhaps you’d brought some things back with you when you’d become corporeal again. Silent as the wind, able to sneak up on him, your laughter echoing long after you were gone. It was eery and yet nothing indicated you were anything but a healthy human.
“You’ll stay here as long as necessary,” he replied, refusing to give you more.
“At what point does this become kidnapping?” you mused, hauling yourself up onto the bench in front of him.
Your feet kicked again, your toes brushing against his thigh. He froze, the feeling lingering before you did it again. He caught you, fingers circling your ankle. Your eyes found his, lips curling up into a slight smile. He stared back, caught in a bubble of time where everything stopped. Breath held and body frozen, the warmth of your soft skin against his making his head spin.
“Don’t tempt me to tie you up,” he murmured.
“Pretty kinky, Pinfield,” you said, voice soft and if he didn’t know any better, he’d think you were sharing a joke with him, “who knew you had it in you.”
“I’m full of surprises.”
Your eyes lit up and he had to fight against the impulse to find out every single way he could make it happen again. There was something about it, the way it felt like a constant battle of wits with you. It was intoxicating.
He shoved your foot away, coming back to himself. You drew back from where you’d been leaning closer to him and he turned away, ignoring you as he tried to get on with work. From his peripheral vision he saw you slide back to the ground, a huffed laugh coming from you as you slipped away.
He lost track of you again, hours going by until the sun had gone down. A bed had been set up in what had once been a junk room for you to sleep in, the veneer of privacy all the lab could offer you. For months you’d been living there, under observation, in case something changed. There was no explanation for how you’d come back from your stint as a ghost. Nothing paranormal going on anymore.
You were a mystery he was determined to solve.
A bowl of noodles was slid in front of him. Looking up, he found you taking a seat across from him, your own bowl steaming in front of you. He looked down into it, his glasses steaming up with the condensation. He huffed, taking them off to wipe them clean. The expression on your face when he put them on again wasn’t one he’d seen before.
“What’s this?” he asked, nudging the bowl you’d placed in front of him.
“Ramen,” you replied, “only the instant stuff from the kitchen but it’s better than nothing.”
He sniffed, pursing his lips at you.
“It’s not poisoned,” you said.
Your chopsticks dipped into your own bowl, pulling noodles into your mouth. He watched you for a moment, before sighing, the rumble of his stomach enough to urge him on. If it was poisoned they’d find his body in the morning and be hunting you down.
“Is there a reason you stay so late every night?” you asked, “I know you’re not doing it to keep me company.”
“I have a lot of work to do,” he replied, surprised you’d asked.
“You sleep here sometimes,” you said, an offhand observation as you shovelled more noodles in your mouth.
“You always sleep here,” he replied.
“Not by choice,” you muttered, chopsticks stabbing down.
“Do you really hate it here so much?” he asked.
“Pinfield, you’ve made me a prisoner. I can’t leave without supervision. I can’t go home. You haven’t even let me contact my friends and family. You try being happy under those circumstances,” you said, levelling a glare at him.
“But you got a second chance,” he said, not hiding his frustration, “you came back. No one else has ever gotten that.”
“That you know of,” you said, almost in a sing song voice.
He paused for a moment. It’s true, someone else could have returned from ghosthood without being documented. It took long enough for people to even accept the existence of the paranormal. Documented cases were a mixed bag of those with scientific merit and those without.
“Can I expect to see you at breakfast?” you asked, “I have strawberry poptarts.”
“You’re mad if you think those are better than the brown sugar cinnamon ones,” he said.
“I have to assume this wrong opinion is because you’re not from here,” you said, sounding deadly serious.
“I’ve done the research. I have the data. I’m sorry if that makes you uncomfortable but the science speaks for itself,” he said, adjusting his glasses.
“Well, you can keep your pseudoscience and your bad taste to yourself. You’re not invited to breakfast anymore,” you said, sniffing.
The spike of irritation cut through the playful atmosphere. That word, pseudoscience, it was the exact thing to raise his hackles. He would never engage in such stupidity. To be reduced to such a word had his blood boiling.
But then he looked up and saw the way you were smiling into your ramen, eyes darting up to him, the twinkle obvious. The irritation melted away upon the realisation that you were poking fun at him. That you were joking. That you were purposefully trying to get under his skin. And you knew him well enough to do it with ease. He’d fallen right into your trap.
A spark of electricity ran through his veins at the realisation.
“Don’t work too hard, nerd,” you said, hopping off your stool, taking the empty bowl away from in front of him.
He watched you walk away, many things going on in his head. Mostly, surprise that it had been pleasant having dinner with you. That spark of playfulness made him want to follow you and that didn’t sit right with him.
Accepting that, he decided to head home, the night over for him. There was no chance he was going to be able to finish his work. Not when he knew you could be lurking in the shadows around him.
The next morning he found you sitting in front of the possessor’s enclosure, seeming to play with it from behind the plexiglass. One of those cursed poptarts was dangling from one hand, half eaten as your focus was completely on the ghost in front of you. He let himself watch you, knowing he wasn’t being watched in return. Your smile was bright, your laugh genuine, eyes sparkling as you played. It struck him that you’d never looked at him that way.
“Please tell me you’re not trying to convert the possessor to your inferior flavour of poptarts,” he said.
You looked up, the smile slipping from your face. With a grace he knew he would never had, you rose from your crossed legged position, looking at him with a scowl. Approaching, he found his eyes resting on the bit of icing clinging to the corner of your lips. Without much thought, he reached up, thumb brushing it free. You blinked, mouth falling open. He cursed inwardly, not sure what to make of his own actions.
“More tests today,” he said, hoping to sweep what he’d done under the rug.
“Yay, I cannot wait,” you said, the sarcasm back in your tone.
“Follow me,” he ordered.
You trailed behind him, finishing off your breakfast. He was trying to ignore it, the sound of you, the feeling of your skin burning the pad of his thumb, the unsettled feeling in his stomach. He didn’t even need to ask you as you hopped up onto the gurney that had been set up after one too many accidents in the lab. Having a routine with you felt intimate, like your lives were intwining too much and he wanted to force you out.
“Blood works today,” he said, already reaching for a needle.
“I’m going to be a ghost again from all the blood you take,” you muttered.
When he turned back to you, your hands were crossed over the front of your body, holding the hem of your jumper. It was like watching in slow motion as you lifted it over your head, exposing the tight tank top you had on underneath. His eyes were lingering on your body, longer than he knew was appropriate, and yet not able to stop.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer,” you said, dumping the crumpled up jumper to one side.
He didn’t have an answer. The entire day was not going the way he expected and he felt off kilter, almost dizzy with his own reaction to you. Ignoring it, he stepped up to you, taking one arm. He was close enough to hear your snort, the brush of your breath against his skin sending a shiver down his spine.
With a soft fingertip, he traced over the veins inside your elbow. The breath seemed to stutter in your chest and he looked up at you, from under eyelashes, head still bowed over your arm. Your lips had parted again, something inexplicable on your face. He wanted to dig down into the expression, to take it apart until he understood every part of it. The look in your eyes was making him want to drag you closer.
“Don’t look,” he murmured, plucking the needle up from where it waited.
Your eyes closed, face turning away from him. He let his gaze linger for a moment longer before he got to work. Just another sample to be analysed later. He pushed whatever moment had passed the between of you to the back of his mind, not wanting to think on it.
“All done,” he said, pressing a cotton bud to the point of extraction.
Your finger brushed his as you took over applying pressure to the inside of your elbow. He took a moment before he stepped away, checking your colour. You looked up, catching him in the act, lips quirking up in a questioning smile.
“Go eat something,” he said, “not one of those awful poptarts.”
“Make me,” you said.
The impulse to carry you away and force you to eat something good was intense. He could picture it, the way he would sling you over his shoulder and march away with you. It was very caveman, so different from how he usually was. It broke the moment, leaving him unsure of what to say as he stepped back. Something flashed over your face, too quick for him to understand as you slithered to the floor.
“Enjoy staring at my blood you psycho,” you said as a parting shot.
“I’m not-“ he called after you before giving up. It wasn’t worth it.
He took some time to go analyse the new blood sample, searching for any paranormal signifiers. It seemed normal, like anyone else’s blood would. Dead end after dead end was making him want to bash his head against the wall. He wanted answers and he wanted them now.
He kept telling himself it was to get you out of his lab. Even if that little voice in the back of his head was saying something else.
The next time he saw you, you were curled up in one of the old armchairs that Lucky had dragged in one day in order to make the place more comfortable. You had a book open in your lap, hair falling forward. He paused, watching when your finger reached up, tucking some of the hair behind your ear. He could imagine it, the path his finger would take as he did the same thing, your soft skin against his fingertip.
“You’re actually quite smart,” you said and he realised his presence hadn’t gone as unnoticed as he thought.
“I know I am,” he replied.
Stepping closer, he noticed the book in your lap was a collection of essays, one of which he knew was his. Written a few years ago, before he’d had the funding he did now, his research was splayed out in your lap, your gaze tracing over it. The intimate feeling was a shock to him, the way it felt as if you were caressing his brain. You were reading his words. Words written years ago before he knew someone like you could exist. He felt his chest puff when you looked at him.
“Your writing could be clearer. You make it all so complicated,” you said.
He deflated, the pride he’d felt leaking from him. Once again, it left a flickering flame of resentment in its wake, and he wanted to lash out again. His mouth opened but you beat him to the punch.
“But your ideas are sound and you clearly know your stuff. I suppose I’m lucky I have your mind working on whatever mystery is going on with me.”
He sauntered closer, that same pride reigniting. You watched him approach, a half smile on your face as if you knew the exact reaction you were causing in him. He felt smug, knowing he was taking up space in your brain. You’d spent your time reading his research paper. You’d taken time out of your day to let his words seep into your brain.
“Very lucky,” he said, coming to a stop in front of you.
His words might have been flirty if it was anyone but you.
“But then I suppose you’re lucky getting to spend so much time with me,” you said.
Your bare foot reached out, your toes brushing against his shin. He lent forward, hands coming to rest on the back of the chair, right above your head. Towering over you, you looked so small to him, like something he could protect. But he kept you trapped there, looking down into your face.
“Lucky to have such a pain in my arse?” he asked, keeping his tone light.
“Well, you need something to get the stick out of it,” you replied. Only there was no bite to it.
“Been thinking about my arse a lot, have you?” he asked.
“You should be so lucky,” you laughed.
He lent closer, watching the moment you realised how close he was. He found himself feeling out of control around you, like his inhibitions had fled him. He couldn’t help it. Whenever it came to you lately, he lost himself to giving in to all his impulses.
One of which was screaming loudly at him.
The laughter died on your lips and he didn’t miss it when your eyes dipped down to his. He was close enough to feel your warmth, towering over you, leaning into your space. Your fingers clenched around the book in your lap, foot brushing his leg again. Just that touch, small as it was, sent electricity rocketing through his body. He wanted more of it. He wanted more of you.
Oh no.
He wanted you.
He had never denied you were beautiful, that you were bright, that you were charismatic. But he had denied ever liking you. Only now, so close to you, watching the way you reacted to him, it became blindly obvious to him that he’d been lying to himself.
“Can I help you with something, Pinfield?” you asked, voice soft, barely above a murmur.
He thought that if he kissed you now you would kiss him back. Almost certain of it. Pretty sure you would. But that small amount of doubt niggled at him. You could be so prickly with him and you’d told him you hated being there. He was part of the lab. What if you actually didn’t like him?
“Cat got your tongue?” Your half smile had softened, just enough to make him question it all again, “I don’t think you’ve ever been so silent with me.”
He lent back, straightening up, leaving you blinking up at him, confusion marring your features. Turning on his heels, he stalked away from you, the confusion and the tangle of confused emotions making him need to retreat as fast as possible. The ache was new, wanting to go back and finish what he’d started. He couldn’t. Not if you were going to laugh in his face and tell him he was deluded. No one like you could ever possibly want him.
So he did the cowardly thing. He avoided you.
Days went by, hiding away in shadowy corners, doing all the work he’d been putting off to study you. The things no one wanted to do. Filing, cleaning, sorting, anything to keep you from finding him. Only he’d misjudged it. He’d forgotten you’d been living there long enough to find every single secret hiding spot.
After a few days, you found him in a secluded corner, far from everyone else working in the lab. He didn’t know how many other people knew about that spot, retreating to it whenever he needed time alone. Sitting on the floor, knees bent towards his chest, head in his hands, fingers clenched in his hair, he didn’t notice your approach. Or rather, the left over ghostly powers you had kept you silent as you came upon him.
“Have you given up on me?” His head jerked up at your voice, “the fire get too hot for you?”
“What?” he asked. You couldn’t know. There was no way you could know.
“Usually you’re poking and prodding me every day trying to figure out why ghosthood has forsaken me. Have you finally accepted there’s nothing to find and I can be released back into the wild?”
You walked towards him, and his mouth went dry with how your hips swayed. You stood over him, hands on your hips, staring down at him with an oddly fierce look on your face.
“I know it’s not because you’re doing anything more important. Clearly. Look at you. You’re sitting here in the dark doing nothing,” he said.
“Maybe that’s more important than studying you,” he replied, leaning his head back against the wall as he gazed up at you.
“Either you’re working on this mystery or you’re not. If you’re done can you let me know so I can clear out of here. I’d like to have a real place to live again,” you said.
“It’ll get done,” he replied.
“Really? Because you’ve been M.I.A. for days now. My entire life is put on paused because you can’t be bothered doing your job,” you continued on, as if you didn’t care about his answer.
“It’ll get done,” he said, firmer, standing as if that would get the point across.
“Sure it will, after you’ve spent the right amount of time hiding from the big scary scientific questions. What’s got you so rattled huh? I didn’t take you for the kind of man who would go running scared the minute things got difficult,” you said.
“Shut up,” he said.
“Or what?” you demanded, “the longer you drag your feet on this the longer I’m forced to live like a fugitive on the run hiding out from the law. Or maybe you hate me enough to want to keep me under lock and key.”
“You don’t know anything,” he ground out from between gritted teeth.
“Clearly because apparently I’m so abhorrent you have to avoid me. I thought we were alright. Fuck me, I guess. I can’t keep up with you. There is something seriously wrong with you, dude,” you said.
“Shut up,” he said again, taking a step forward until he was in your personal space.
He could feel all of the emotions simmering under the surface. You were staring at him, anger flashing in your eyes and you looked fierce. It made his blood sing, going toe to toe with you. He didn’t have the ability to deal with this today, not when he’d been fighting against his need to grab you and kiss you and drag you into the first private place he could find and show you exactly what you did to him.
“Not until you explain why you’re leaving me high and dry,” you said, both hands coming up to shove at his chest.
He caught you around the wrists, holding you like a pair of manacles. His thumb brushed over the bare skin of your inner wrist, over your pulse point. You stared at him, mouth falling open and he couldn’t figure out if it was through confusion or indignation. Tugging you closer, you were so close, your body heat brushing against him and he realised what a mistake that had been. But once again, impulse took over his brain when you were near.
“What are you doing?” you all but whispered.
“Shutting you up.”
He swooped down, kissing you, his fingers tightening around your wrists. He felt you gasp more than he heard it, but it was enough for his tongue to slip into your mouth. You were frozen for just a moment and he was certain you were about to knee him in the gonads. Then, you melted, pressing closer, kissing him back until you took his breath away.
The fire and the passion you’d brought about in him seemed to have found a match. You tugged out of his hold, arms twining around his neck as his hands slid around your body, pressing you into him. The small noise you made only stoked the fire further. His hands cupped your arse and your teeth sunk into his lower lip. He was surprised at the rush that gave him, the spike of pain followed by the soothing of your tongue running over it.
He spun, pushing you against the wall he’d so recently been leaning against. You arched towards him. His hands landed either side of your body, keeping you trapped there, caging you in. You kissed him deeper, longer, and all he could do was groan and sink into it.
You were everywhere, in every single one of his senses, consuming him. All he could do was press closer, groaning when your fingers slid into his hair, tugging on it, playing with it, mussing it. It was so much better than he could have imagined.
“Fuck love,” he mumbled, his lips trailing down your neck, “who knew shutting you up could be so enjoyable in so many ways?”
“You’re such an asshole,” you laughed, breathless as you tilted your head, offering yourself up to him.
“I think that says more about you than it does about me,” he said, teeth sinking in to your skin for just a moment.
“No one said I ever made the sensible decisions,” you said.
He drew back, looking at you. Bright eyes and kiss stung lips, you were a vision he would never grow tired of seeing. He brought a hand up, cupping your cheek, thumb brushing over your bottom lip. You nipped at the pad of his thumb and he chuckled.
“Then I think you should have dinner with me tonight,” he said, “if you’re determined to not make sensible decisions.”
“I’m not allowed out,” you reminded him.
“You are with supervision. Call me your own personal ankle monitor,” he said, “I won’t take my eyes off you.”
“Sounds like you’ll be getting more out of it than I will. Especially if I wear a sexy little number,” you said.
“And why would you do that?” he asked, raising an eyebrow at you.
“Maybe because I’m so desperate to sleep in a proper bed I’m willing to go home with you,” you replied.
“So you’re going to seduce me?”
“I think I already have.”
You looked down, indicating the lack f space between your bodies. The leg he’d inserted between yours. The hand on your hip, keeping you pressed against the wall. His own swollen lips and flushed cheeks. The chuckle that fell from his lips was soft, and yet joyful.
“I suppose you have,” he agreed.
“So, dinner?” you asked.
“Tonight. No need for a sec little number. I’ll be taking you home even if you’re in your pyjamas,” he said and he liked the way that sentiment seemed to melt you.
“I think you might be a closet romantic, Pinfield,” you said, lips curling up into a small smile.
“I suppose you’ll have to stick with me if you want to find out,” he replied.
Impulse drove him to kiss you again, only this time, he was certain you’d kiss him back. You did not disappoint.
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berriweb · 1 year
I absolutely love your work! Can you do some headcanons of both Miles with a S/O who plays soccer and gets injured + their reactions? TY
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╰┈➤ ❝ soccer troubles ❞
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: ̗̀➛ ft. 1610! miles morales/42! miles morales x gn! reader
: ̗̀➛ synopsis. both miles’ with an s/o who plays soccer and gets injured
: ̗̀➛ a/n. tysm anon <3333 hope you enjoy
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Miles is the type of boyfriend to constant brag about how good is s/o is at sports
So expect to constantly hear him boasting about you or asking for/about any updates during soccer season
10/10 supportive boyfriend, tries to show up to every game and repeatedly apologizes when he can’t make it to one or ends up leaving early because of his Spider-Man duties
Especially if he finds out afterwards that your team won, even more so if you scored and he missed out on seeing that
That being saiddddd, he’ll always text you while he’s gone before/after your games he misses to keep in tabs or will try to catch up after, which eventually lead to the text conversation that almost gave him a heart attack on the spot after he finished turning over a villain to the police and was crawling back into his dorm room through the window
M&M: just made it home, sorry i couldn’t make it to the game, yk how it is (੭ ˊ^ˋ)੭ ♡ how’d you do?
You: we won buttttt
M&M: ¯\_(•᷄‎ n •́)_/¯?
Miles laughed at first, thinking you were playing another joke you’d occasionally pull to get a reaction out of him, when you sent him a picture of a hospital monitor
M&M: haha very funny (¬_¬;)
Miles didn’t find it as funny when you responded with a selfie of you holding up your arm to flex your new cast while sticking out your tongue and winking.
M&M: WHAT?????
After a very frantic phone call that mostly consisted of Miles freaking out and demanding to know what happened, he rushed to immediately change clothes and sneak back out, arriving at the hospital mere minutes after the call to be by your side
So you’d broken your arm after a horribly painful landing when you’d fallen during the game, and Miles felt extremely guilty for not being there when it happened despite your reminder that there’s nothing he would’ve been able to do had he been their watching anyway
Miles would be disappointed that he wouldn’t be able to see you play anymore for what would likely be a very long time during your recovery, but at the same time would be there to console you if you’re upset for the same reason, he’d understand you not wanting to miss out on playing
Until you’re fully healed, expect Miles to constantly be trying to cheer you up or find other ways to spend time that you normally would’ve dedicated to soccer
This means more dates, more hanging out at his/your house when not at school, etc.
At one point he probably tries to get you to play video games with you and specifically gets FIFA thinking you’d enjoy it
It’s pretty hard to play a game with one hand though, so that idea gets shut down pretty quick but it’s the thought that counts
He ends up spending the entire night playing for you while you watch
Carries everything for you because you’re injured, claims it’s the gentlemanly thing to do but he ends up doing the most and using his chivalry 24/7 as an excuse to spend more time with you
But claiming he was helping you carry your things can only excuse him from being late to class for so long
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Miles is so in love that some would assume he’s more dedicated to your own sport than you with how much effort he puts into learning any and everything about it all for you
He wasn’t really into soccer before you, he knew the basics of the game but wasn’t all that interested for no reason in particular, but after you started dating he took time out of his day to learn everything about it
From your team as a whole to what position you play, any team you were playing against, he even memorized the schedule for your games the day you brought it up to him
There’s hardly a single thing that would keep him from going to your games, and if any Prowler business comes up that he 1000% can’t miss, he’ll be sure to make up for whatever soccer event he missed because of it
When I say he’s dedicated I mean he’s DEDICATED, won’t let a single thing stop him from sitting in the bleachers, likely by himself, far enough from the crowd to avoid distractions and watch you the entire game
He’s not as loud as the rest when your team scores and they cheer, but he makes a point of looking extremely proud whenever it’s you who scores
His attentiveness ends up mattering because he ends up being their the day you get injured
There wouldn’t be enough words to describe the dread that filled his stomach as the smile quickly wiped off his face when another player from the team ran straight into you as you switched directions with the ball, one wrong step twisting your leg just far enough to make you immediately collapse and put the entire game on pause
Miles was out of his seat before he could even process what had happened, and before he knew it he was sitting in the hospital waiting room, anxiously shaking his leg while waiting for the staff to let him in to see you
When he was finally able to visit you there was a solid 5 minutes of him constantly asking questions seeing if you needed anything and making sure you were okay while simultaneously cursing out the other team member for putting you in here in an angry thread of Spanglish while pacing back and forth
You had to make him promise he was joking when he ventured into threatening the person, and he did (while crossing his fingers behind his back)
Saying he was upset you wouldn’t be able to play until your now broken leg healed is an understatement, but Miles promises to help you with everything until you get better
And when I say everything I mean everything
His mother raised a gentleman so good luck convincing him to dial it down with the nurse mode because he’s going to be all over you
Walking you to and from every destination, offering a hand at every small step, keeping a protective stance anytime you’re walking near any group of people/crowd to avoid anyone bumping into you, even going as far as to insist he carries anything you try to hold on your own
“You know I broke my leg, not my fingers, right? I can carry one bag by myself.”
“No dice, puedo hacerlo. Give it here.”
“It’s one bag! It’s not even that heavy!”
“Stop playing with me Y/N, give. It. Here.”
“Miles I swear to god-”
You ended up having to fork it over.
Miles might come off as insanely overbearing but you end up getting use to letting him assist you nearly 24/7, at the end of the day you know he’s trying his best (and doing a damn good job at it), he’s only trying so hard to show he cares
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Hello! Merry Christmas! Btw is your requests closed? Well if it is you can just ignore this.
I request Ranpo, Chuuya, Dazai, Juono, Atsushi, Akutagawa with a gn reader who eats 24/7 yet their weight doesn't increases, like at all you cannot see them without food they always are munching on something be it chips, Ranpo's stolen candy, biscuits basically anything they fr be munching on something and they fr hungry 24/7 too.
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Merry Christmas again! And a HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Btw take this Chuuya he fr adorable.
Thank you! Happy Late Christmas and Late Happy New Year!
And awww. This Chuuya is so cute! Thanks:)
And here is your request.
🐾 BSD Cast feel a little bit worried about you not gaining weight and being always hungry. They were afraid, that, you either have diabetes or parasites. But, after medical checkup showed, that you are completely healthy and simply have super metabolism, they calmed down.
🐾 Everyone will cook the best food for you and make sure, that you always have snacks.
🕵🏻 Ranpo and you have some friendly bickering over stolen snacks. After you finish bickering, you two eat snacks together. Fukuzawa makes sure, that all off both of you have enough snacks.
🍷 Chuuya cooks for you. His food is on a fancy side, so, you eat it slowly, to enjoy the taste. Chuuya will even ask Verlaine and Rimbaud for tips on cooking french cuisine.
🪢🦀 Dazai is your partner in eating cup noodles and crab meat. Both of you are Kunikida's nightmare, because of your love for instant noodles. Kunikida is sure, that instant noodles aren't food, if you are hungry, ask him, he will cook for you.
💧 Jounou feels, like he is walking on eggshells. Because, he is afraid, that you will adopt Tetchou's eating habits. So, Jounou monitor, what you eat. He doesn't look into your plate, he simply makes sure, that you don't mix coffee with soy sauce.
🐯 Atsushi is ready to cook for you every second of a day. Even if you wake him up in the middle of the night, he will cook for you without questions. Atsushi, Kyouka and you are often eating chazuke and tofu together.
🧥 Akutagawa learns, how to prepare treats for you to enjoy with tea. He uses Rashomon to cut fruits for you. He and Gin often invites you to have some tea and figs together.
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slickchickchocolatier · 5 months
me to Heethan 😭😭😭
like fr tho i would laugh soooo damm loud if i someone ever told me „you belong to me“
Siiiis let me telllllll you!
(Some spoilers if you haven’t read all the series on my blog; ‘Mermaids Tale’, ‘Double Trouble’, ‘MGR/MRE/HHP’, ‘SE7EN’, and ‘The Otherside’. )
- heethan: if this mofo was real, he would be EXACTLY like how he is drafted in all the chapters. Your everyday life will change dramatically. If you’re working or going to school, he’d tell you to quit and stop so he can take care of you and keep you in a house or apartment or whatever 24/7 under his eye. If he’s going to school or work, he’d have your set up for success with everything you possibly need so you won’t go out, and ofc he’d have a solid locking and security system at the door where he can monitor through his phone to ensure you’re not trying to escape. Not to spoil HHP but man has connections and eyes everywhere….eveb if you did manage to leave, you ain’t going far. Plus he had your identification, your passports, and all of your debit/credit cards locked up. You’re stuck. Yes he’s one of those types but it’s all in the name of love (and obsession) for his y/n. He’s also protective asf so yeah….be ready to live the sheltered life with this man (but also spoiled and him living for your happiness.)
Heelel: oh my god….this devil. Listen, it’s bad enough to have a mortal man like heethan obsessed with you and using everything in his means to keep you, but to have heelel (the devil) to be in love and obsessed with you?…..there is nothing this man does not control. Heaven and earth, don’t matter. You have absolutely no chance…none. You reside in hell and under his watchful eye ALL THE TIME. Ofc he is beautiful, he is a fallen angel and was Gods favorite, he’s not going to appear as a little red man with horns and a tail. Naw. He’s dressed fashionably in those fine suits, wears those finger clawed jewelry cuffs, switched between ash blonde to black hair, and always has that damn smirk on his face with very dark eyes that will glow red when he gets…excited. He prefers you baked so he’ll keep you in subtle chains barely dressed in transparent sashes that don’t cover much and keeps you in that pedestal so he can admire you. Licks his lips, rocks your hips, and squeeze your tits. Treats you like a prisoner but also a queen, a goddess. You are above all things and you deserve everything to be at your disposal. You are his and only his, for eternity.
Heebros: oh man…if you find it hard to get into sharing yourself with two men…this will be a hard one for you to adjust. Imagine two beautiful men, twins, being obsessed and in love with you, shelter you away, and force their love onto you by making you take them…both at the same time. And these two love the thrill of taking you anywhere and anytime. Imagine you three going to a fancy dinner and Heejeong politely tells everyone at the table “please excuse us, y/n has to use the ladies room.” And Heeseung pulls out your chair and says “I’ll aid you in escorting her.” And they drag you out into Themis grand hall and take you into the elegant bathroom where they lock it and spend an hour or two standing with you in the center and one is hitting it (hard I might add) from the back, while the other is holding you steady and rocking your hips from the front. Your dress is falling off and is just a mess from all the juices splattering and coating your legs and pelvis. After they’re done, they don’t bother to continue on with dinner, they just take you and go back home where they can give you a nice sponge bath, lick you dry, and sandwich you in the center of the bed with them spooning you, front and back.
Heeler: lord….i can’t tell what would be more scary, belonging to heelel or this serial killer. He’s rich, has good connections to support his corrupted acts, and is so hirby just by the smell of you, the moment he touches or sees you, game over. And he’s so damn twisted and unhinged. Heelel is too, but he’s the devil and can have some level of composure bc he can contain himself as an immortal but heeler? I don’t know what it could possibly be like to have a serial killer obsessed with you and feeling the need to protect you at all times after rescuing you. At least your lifestyle wouldn’t be so bad, minus the fact that this delusional fella would take you against your will to “train” you do that someday you’ll willingly give yourself to him and learn to love him the way he loves you.
Heedam: I have a soft spot for heedam yall. This man is so classy and fine, his attitude and his charisma. He’s so smooth and bc of his DNA, man has skill and talent that makes him invincible. Used to be a part of the SWAT team, adapts to water, sings a tune and hypnotizes girls, CEO of a corporation and murdered a family member to save you…and he keeps you so close to him. He sings to you all the time, and makes you sing to him. With you both having the bloodline of Poseidon and he having the line of Alexander the Great, you both are a perfect match for each other. And ofc he is going to make you bear him sobs to continue the bloodline. It’s only a matter of time. “Can you hear the ocean baby?”
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defensivelee · 9 months
The idea of modern William being a video game streamer in his free time has wormed itself into my head. He’s simultaneously really boring and great meme fodder. Just this deadpan 40 year old businessman trying and failing to destress after work while teenagers make jokes about how he wheezes like a cartoon character on the rare occasion he laughs.
I like to think he's really bad at certain games and weirdly really good at others?? like to the point it's actually insane... like why is he beating these world record speedruns at 2 am.
and yeah I think sometimes he'd stay up late to stream, leading to him sometimes forgetting he's in front of an audience of thousands of people and having late night breakdowns like "chat....I am in pain 24/7. do you all know what that's like. actually do you guys want to know what scoliosis is like"
I also imagine he'll say some controversial political stuff on stream and proceed to get cancelled for it but he doesn't care like he never even notices the discourse
also it'd be really funny if on occasion he's like "do you guys wanna go bother Hans. let's go bother Hansi" and then he calls Bentinck on discord and Bentinck's like "William I am changing diapers rn" and William's like "don't rub it in"
I feel like Mary is the wife who we all know he's married to but she never actually shows up on stream, like you hear her talking and sometimes saying the most unhinged shit. she sees chat asking "why is she with him girl you could do better" and she just speaks behind the monitor like "chat just wishes they had an attentive malewife." regardless she's weirdly beloved by everyone
I'm thinking Keppel and William have a weird jschlatt and minx dynamic, like Keppel shows up too but only rarely and exclusively on facetime. he calls William and William pauses the game like "hold up I'm getting a call" and he shows the phone to chat, and Keppel always has crazy things to say too like...idk if you've ever seen this clip but yeah something like
Keppel: beautiful tits. and rack. love it. see ya~ *hangs up*
William: *lets the phone fall* anyway
and finally I'm probably paraphrasing here but William is just like that quote by Purpled fr
"chat we have a love-hate relationship...you love me and I hate all of you."
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jtargaryen18 · 4 years
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All Heaven in a Rage
Chapter 32
Story Rating: Explicit, 18+ only Warnings: Non-con,  Kidnapping, Stalking, Explicit Sexual Content, Dubious Consent. References to torture. Please read responsibly. Relationships: Steve Rogers/Reader
On AO3 SnowQueen79/JTargaryen18
A request for a dear friend. This takes place after the Infinity War but before Avengers 4. Steve Rogers has lost most of those he had left to the snap and loneliness is battle he’s losing. What starts out as an honest intention to help a girl who has caught his eye in daily life becomes a dangerous obsession where the lines of what’s real and what’s fantasy are blurred.
I do not consent to have my work hosted on any third party app or site. If you are seeing this fanfiction anywhere but archiveofourown or tumblr, it has been reposted without my permission.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20 | Chapter 21 | Chapter 22 | Chapter 23 |  Chapter 24 | Chapter 25 | Chapter 26 | Chapter 27 | Chapter 28 | Chapter 29 | Chapter 30 | Chapter 31
Steve ran towards the SHIELD SUV when Coulson stepped out and flagged him over. They’d lost men, Hill had been shot in the gut and rushed back to medical, and somehow Rumlow’s men had managed to grab Natasha, Bette, Claire, and Bucky.
Worst of all, Rumlow had his girl. He had her.
Steve was furious, not just with himself but with everyone who’d allowed themselves to be outwitted by the bastard he’d once worked with, respected.
Sam had slid into the back seat watching a monitor and Steve winced at the burns running up his arm. One of the wings on his suit had been blown off so his suit was down. Sliding in next to him, he was anxious to see what everyone was so absorbed with.
It wasn’t until his gaze went to the eight-inch monitor that his heart dropped. There, in some basement was his girl, standing next to a concrete wall. Steve knew a moment of pride even in all that worry. She was on her feet, her shoulders pulled back. Oh, he knew she was afraid, but she wasn’t willing to give Rumlow that.
She’d come so far…
Above her stood Rumlow talking, smiling. Irritating asshole. There were two other people in the frame at the bottom of the screen, on their knees and with their backs to the camera.  It only took him a couple of seconds to realize that they were Natasha and Bucky.
What the hell did they have Bucky restrained in? It looked like a metal jacket.
“Can we trace Bucky by his com?” Steve tried, calling out to the agents surround the SUV.
“It’s not active,” Coulson explained.
Steve shook his head.
“Anything else any of them may have to trace them?” Steve was getting desperate. “How about Bette’s phone? Bucky took it up to the lab to see if we could track Rumlow.”
Coulson’s expression told him that might be a possibility. If Rumlow still had Bette’s phone…
Someone offscreen handed Rumlow a book and Steve knew a moment of fear when he realized what it was.
“Is that…” Sam began.
“Yes, it is,” Steve answered.
The book that had held the triggers HYDRA put in Bucky’s mind.
“But that shit got wiped out, right?” Sam asked, not taking his eyes off the screen. “It won’t work.”
“Can we boost the volume here?” Steve asked, prompting one of the agents to turn in the front scene and he began manipulating a control on the side of the screen.
As they watched, Rumlow practically shoved the book in Nat’s face.
She frowned.
“This won’t work,” she told Rumlow. “All of HYDRA’s programming was removed from him. You can’t control Barnes anymore.”
“That’s where you’re wrong, Romanoff.” Rumlow hit her across the face hard. “Zola was a lot smarter than that. He knew that if we ever lost the Asset, the first thing his rescuers would want to do is get the codes out of his mind. That’s why they set up a failsafe.”
A failsafe?
Steve couldn’t see his oldest friend’s face. He could only watch the fear slowly growing on his girl’s face.
“Meaning?” he heard Bucky ask.
“Meaning that if someone did manage to disrupt the codes, there was a reset sequence,” Rumlow explained. “All I need for you to do is read the reset sequence and the Asset will be back in business.”
“Why are you doing this?” Natasha asked.
“You are doing this because if you don’t,” Rumlow told her, “my guy upstairs is going to shoot Bette in the head. We both know you don’t want that.”
Fresh horror was creeping into his girl’s expression at the threat to her friend.
“And once the Asset is back in business?” Natasha asked.
“That’s the best part,” Rumlow explained, glancing at his girl and then directly at the camera. “Once I have control of the Asset, I’m going to have him choke the life of our little robin here and all while Captain America watches.”
Steve’s jaw locked, fury consuming him. It wasn’t enough to take her from him. No, he wanted to personally hurt her. He wanted to fuck with Bucky, to use him to hurt her. To hurt Steve.
“But I’m going to have a little fun with her first,” Rumlow said, chuckling.
I’m coming for you, you son-of-a-bitch.
“Read it!” Rumlow yelled loudly in Nat’s face, wanting her to read the Russian words printed there.
Nat shook her head, dropping it.
Rumlow punched her again.
“Fucking read the words!” he screamed at her.
When Nat remained silent, Steve watched in fear as his girl moved closer to Rumlow. What was she doing? Did she think she could somehow save Nat?
Bucky must have seen it too.
“Natalia,” he muttered with a deep sigh. “Just… just do it.”
His girl froze. Slid back to her place.
Nat’s expression was guarded but blood streaked from her nose and mouth as her gaze swung to Bucky.
“Do it, Natalia,” Bucky told her in a firmer voice.
Steve was bouncing on the edge of the seat. “I need a location!”
And Nat began reading from that damned book.
“Captain Rogers,” Coulson’s voice from outside the SUV drew his attention. “I think we may be zeroing in on Ms. McGregor’s phone.”
Steve nodded to him, listening as Natasha kept reading words on the page. Bucky had begun shaking not long after she started. Now he was screaming like a wounded animal.
The look on his girl’s face would haunt him for the rest of his life. And it was his fault Rumlow had gotten to her. His fault she was in danger at all.
As soon as the sequence was done, someone off screen began pulling Nat from the room.
“Bucky!” she was shouting. “Bucky? Are you okay?”
No answer. Bucky wasn’t making a sound, wasn’t moving. Steve watched as Rumlow’s men began unlocking the metal contraption they’d bound him in.
Natasha’s screams faded as they pulled her from the room.
“Bucky?” his girl asked gently.
The sound of her scared voice tore at him. Whatever she saw in his best friend’s face, had tears beginning to slide down her face.
It was done then.
Rumlow had found a way to restore Bucky to the Winter Soldier, a mindless killer who would have no mercy. No mercy at all for his girl. All of their efforts to rid his oldest friend of HYDRA’s poison for nothing.
Rumlow grinned at his girl, enjoying her pain.
Sick bastard.
“I’ll bet you Cap is watching right now, cutie,” Rumlow told her. “Any last words?”
Her gaze flew up to the camera, those big beautiful eyes he loved so much filled with fear.
“Steve?” she said in a shaking voice. “This isn’t your fault.”
Steve’s heart shattered in his chest. Yes, it was. Yes, it fucking was…
“Don’t blame yourself for this,” she went on. “Not for me. Not for Bucky either... You know he loves you.”
A single tear slid from Steve’s eye.
“So do I,” she whispered. “I love you. Please believe that.”
His fists clenched as he watched Rumlow chuckle at what could be the last words his girl would ever say to him.
He was going to tear the fucker limb from limb. He wanted…
“We have a location!” Coulson called out.
Steve was out of the SUV like a bullet, Sam behind him.
Coulson pulled up a StarkPad, showed him the map with the trace outlined.
Rumlow had them literally three blocks away.  Steve dashed off. Sam was huffing behind him.
“Of course you’re gonna run…” Sam said, struggling to keep up. “Runnin’ man…”
“Coulson,” Steve called out as he ran. “Tell me everything you see on that camera feed.”
“Sir,” Coulson said warily. “Maybe it would be best…”
“Call it out,” Steve growled.
Yards, houses, cars, flew by as he raced for the destination. He had to get there to save her. He had to get there to save Bucky too. He had to try.
“Coulson,” Steve was losing patience. “What’s happening?”
“Rumlow just gave… Sergeant Barnes his… ah, orders,” Coulson answered woodenly.
Steve saw the building up ahead. A closed down antique store.
“What were the orders?” Steve demanded.
There was a pause as Steve searched for the best way in. When he didn’t think Coulson would answer, he finally heard his voice.
“His orders were… to hold her down so Rumlow could… fuck her… and then, he’s to kill her. Slowly and painfully,” Coulson managed, his voice tight and filled with regret.
“Slowly and painfully,” Steve repeated. “Thank you.”
Steve found a back door that’s latch looked questionable. How about that? It opened without any problem at all.
I’m coming, Rumlow.
“Barnes appears to be back under mind control,” Coulson went on. “She… Captain, perhaps it would be best to focus on your objective.”
“Keep talking,” Steve ordered.
“Sir, the Winter Soldier is approaching her and she’s trying to evade him,” Coulson said apologetically. “And –”
“Don’t call him that!” Steve hissed.
Steve heard voices. Rumlow’s men talking…
“Sir?” Coulson’s voice sounded even timider.
“Keep talking,” Steve told him as he tried to figure out how to get to the lowest level.
Hang on, Sweetheart. I’m coming.
“He just… grabbed her by the throat…”
Steve closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He had to stop this.
He was going to stop Rumlow.
He’d do whatever it took…
In a panic, you tried desperately to claw those metal fingers away from your throat. You couldn’t breathe.
The worst part was Bucky’s blank countenance. There was no emotion in those blue eyes that had held such warmth yesterday. There was no sign of the man who’d shared his lasagna recipe with you. No sign of the man who’d been Steve’s best friend for decades.
Just a cold, calculated killer you’d never be able to get away from. You’d read the articles at the time he resurfaced. The Winter Soldier was the world’s deadliest assassin. The only one who really could stop him was Steve.
Fighting for air, it was slammed out of you when Bucky shoved you hard against the concrete wall. Your skull met it hard, your teeth jarring. The coppery taste of blood filled your mouth as you still struggled, still tried.
When you hit the wall again, Rumlow emerged just behind Bucky’s metal shoulder.
“Easy,” he hissed. “I want her awake for the next part.”
The part where he raped you?
You wouldn’t give in to your worst thoughts. Steve was coming. You believed in him. He wouldn’t be alone. You had to stay alive and give them time.
If nothing else, you were hoping he could get Bucky out of this. Get him away from this evil asshole. He’d already been through so much. Bucky didn’t deserve this at the hands of some Avenger wannabe.
“Get her in the floor,” Rumlow told him with a smile. “Make sure it’s in view of the camera. Even if Cap isn’t still watching, you know someone’s recording this for him. I want it to be the best snuff film ever.”
As Bucky began forcing you down to the floor, you felt like you were going to vomit. You wished you could pass out.
And that gave you an idea. Rumlow wanted you awake, huh?
You took your head banged it against the wall behind you as hard as you could.
“Jesus!” Rumlow hissed, reaching for you.
He just wasn’t fast enough. The second time you threw your head back, you were rewarded with dark oblivion.
Steve had a dilemma. Rumlow had a half dozen of his agents in what looked like a storage room. They were fully armed and guarding Bette and Claire, both awake and looking alert. And terrified. Visually sweeping the room, he spotted another four agents around someone huddled in the floor, held there by handcuffs to an old radiator.
Her face had been beaten brutally, but she still held herself with defiance. She still waited. When her head lifted, her back to him, Steve was almost sure she knew he was there.
“I’ve got ten of Rumlow’s men here with the three hostages. Nat and the two girls,” Steve spoke low into his com. “I have to get through them to get to Bucky and…”
“Might want a bit of a distraction then, huh?”
Steve started at the sound of that familiar voice.
“I’ll call this one, Cap,” Tony explained, “I’m going to blow the front room. That’ll make them scatter.”
“Sam and I are behind you, Cap,” Hawkeye explained, “we’ll play clean up.”
“The girls?” Steve needed to get to his girl, but he knew it would kill her if anything happened to either Bette or Claire.
“They won’t get through me,” Wanda said next.
“Guys, they’ve managed to flip Bucky,” Steve said slowly. “We’ve got to deal with him too. And it’s not going to be easy.”
“Get your girl and deal with Rumlow,” Tony told him.
“Wanda and I will get Nat, get the book, and try to reprogram Barnes,” Hawkeye jumped back in. “If nothing else, we’ll try recognitive calibration. It worked on me.”
That made Steve smile. He got that reference.
“On your signal, Tony,” Steve whispered.
Steve didn’t remember a time he’d been so grateful for his team. His heart swelled with hope. It was a tall order and he didn’t want Bucky hurt. But this time the team had Bucky’s back, and he’d most likely survive everything coming.
His girl wasn’t as durable. He just prayed he wasn’t too late.
The moment Tony shot into the storefront of the abandoned building, Steve was on his feet and flying toward the stairs.
The explosion rocked the entire building, debris and rock falling as Steve headed down the winding stairs to the building’s lower level. The area had once been a work area for woodwork and repairs. Part of the room was sectioned off by a wall and a heavy door, leaving Steve to wonder what the room had been intended for.
Concentrating, he heard the low murmur of Rumlow’s voice as he gave instructions. Steve barely had time to tuck into the shadows when Bucky burst through the door, fully the Winter Soldier now, and barreled up the stairs.
Guilt gnawed at him for letting Bucky go. He just hoped his friends could hold him off long enough to subdue him. Steve knew he couldn’t hope to get her out with Bucky and Rumlow to deal with.
Now it was just him, Rumlow, and his girl.
But he couldn’t hear anything from her.
When he stepped in, he saw Rumlow crouching over her body in the floor. Blood smeared the concrete wall, smeared down to where she lay. A small puddle of blood beneath her head, easy to see when Rumlow hauled her up by the front of her shirt and began patting her face hard to get her to wake.
She was breathing, she was clothed.
It only took a beat for Rumlow to sense him there.
“Well, look who made it.” Rumlow grinned at him, pulling a .45 from a holster at his hip and pointing it at her head. “I had something a little different in mind. I was going to take her. Make a little movie for you.”
Steve glared at his former colleague, taking a step closer.
“I’ll settle for taking her away from you.” Rumlow’s finger tightened on the trigger.
Then his dark eyes darted to something or someone behind Steve. “What the fuck are you doing back down here?”
Without looking back to see who was there, Steve sent his shield flying, taking the .45 out of Rumlow’s hand and away from her. Steve was on him before he could rise from the floor.
Rumlow fought him, his hand-to-hand had improved. Steve still had the size advantage on him, knocking him back with a backhand before Rumlow could use the stun baton he’d just whipped out on him. Avoiding the baton, Steve caught him with several shots to the midsection before kicking him back against the opposite wall hard.
His dark eyes scanned around and landed on whoever was behind Steve. “You just going to stand there?” Rumlow demanded.
Rumlow got up, came at him growling with the baton. Steve caught him with an elbow to the jaw, twisting his arm trying to get the bastard to drop the baton. When he didn’t, he left himself open for Steve to catch him in the face with a brutal left hook.
Rumlow was backed into a corner and he was furious.
Steve jerked when a hand landed on his shoulder.
“Take her up and get her looked at while I deal with this,” Bucky’s voice was calm in his ear. “She’s lost some blood. I’ve got this.”
Steve didn’t take his eyes off Rumlow to look at his best friend. He wanted to. He’d been so terrified that Rumlow had managed to flip a switch that Steve believed to be permanently gone.
“Buck, are you…?”
“Shuri was thorough,” Bucky told them. “And I’m exactly where I want to be. I’m just fine, Pal… Go.”
As much as Steve wanted the pleasure of killing Rumlow himself, Bucky deserved it more. Steve had no idea what horrors Rumlow, as part of the Strike team, had put his best friend through under the direction of Alexander Pierce.
Bucky deserved his vengeance.
Leaving the shield, Steve, kneeled at her side and began to gather her up in his arms. She was a broken doll in his hold, and he tried to fight off the fear of losing her as he rose carefully.
Steve glanced back, struggling to let go of his own hate and anger towards the man Bucky was squaring off against. As he watched, Bucky pulled knives from his suit, twirling them in his fingers in a way that was eerily familiar. It wasn’t until then Steve realized that they’d never really gotten rid of The Winter Soldier. He was still right there. But he was Bucky’s to control now, to manage. In a way, the soldier was just a little more terrifying.
“Go, Stevie,” Bucky muttered as he began to move in.
Steve hauled it up the stairs, carefully as he could with her, finding no resistance. There was pretty much a base camp set up in the front lawn of the shutdown antique store. SHIELD agents had dealt with Rumlow’s men. Bette’s cry of alarm from where medics were working her over got his attention as Coulson and other medical personnel came to him.
They were used to Steve, or whichever Avenger it was, handing off injured civilians when they approached. When Steve glared at the one paramedic, the young man’s eyes widened, and he stepped back.
Coulson took over, flagging Steve over to the station they had set up. “This way, Captain Rogers.”
Gently they situated her on the makeshift bed in the grass. The paramedics examined her but kept one eye on Steve as if they were afraid, he might attack them. And Steve wasn’t feeling completely stable.
Coulson kneeled at his side, holding up his smartphone for Steve. It had a feed from the camera in the basement.
Bucky and Rumlow were both on their feet but they’d beaten the shit out of each other. Steve watched as they continued to fight, Rumlow catching Bucky here and there with that damn baton – Steve remembered from the elevator incident how much those hurt – while his best friend caught Rumlow with his knives. It was the blood loss from many wounds that were taking Rumlow down. From the grainy camera feed, it looked to Steve like Rumlow was weaving on his feet.
One last solid punch and Rumlow hit the ground.
Bucky stood over him, smirking. Twirling those knives with unnerving skill, he tucked them away before reaching into the floor to grab that damned baton. Then with a boot, he kicked and nudged Rumlow over onto stomach roughly.
With the last bit of energy he likely had, Rumlow was struggling to pull himself up, his eyes rounded in fear.
“Don’t you fucking do it,” Rumlow huffed out, struggling to breathe. “Just shoot me in head. Alright? Just do it!”
Bucky laughed and it was a sound Steve had never heard before.
“Oh, no,” Bucky told him. “You’re not getting the easy way out this time… This time, And I'm going to get a little payback.”
Rumlow was trying to scramble away from Bucky on the floor and Bucky let him, playing with him. Finally, when he’d had enough, Bucky looked around until he found the camera and winked.
What was he going to do?
Steve’s stomach dropped when Bucky used his metal arm to tear Rumlow’s uniform pants down to reveal his ass. Wielding the baton in the other hand…
Neither Steve nor Coulson could look. Coulson darkened the screen on his phone to quiet the screams.
He had to fight off the guilt. Just one of the things Bucky had been through in all those years, helpless to those monsters.
“It’s a concussion,” the female paramedic muttered, breaking into his thoughts.
“What?” Steve turned their attention back to them. To her.
When those beautiful eyes opened, Steve sent up every prayer of thanks he could think of. When they focused on him, he smiled.
“Hey, Sweetheart,” he whispered, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “Are you okay?”
“Head hurts,” she whispered.
“You have a concussion,” the paramedic said again. “We’re going to take you in to get a closer look.”
“Another concussion?” she laughed, reaching for Steve’s hand with her own. “Did I bust my ankle again too?”
“Ma’am?” the paramedic asked curiously.
She shook her head while Steve’s heart clenched in his chest. Wait. Was she remembering the letter or…?
“Steve, it was just like you said,” she told him, her gaze capturing his. “I was just going about my day after you left and then everything just… stopped. It was all white light and… it was so bright, Steve. I was scared… I really wanted to go with you but… Here you are. You found me… Just like you promised.”
Steve’s heart pounded in fear now. He just knew she was describing the day they reversed the snap and that timeline ended. But what did that mean?
“Is she okay?” Steve asked the paramedics in a panic.
Both paramedics nodded calmly. “We just need to get her back to medical and run some scans.”
Carefully they were lifting her onto a gurney so they could load her into the ambulance. “Will you be coming with us?” the woman asked.
Steve nodded, still confused.
“I’ll stay and watch Barnes,” Sam came up, holding his newly bandaged arm and looking determined.
Again, Steve nodded and hopped into the back of the ambulance with his girl. He wasn’t about to leave her.
“Where did you go?” she asked. Her voice was so sad.
“Right here,” Steve told her. “I’m not leaving you. Not ever again.”
“Thank you,” she whispered, reaching for his hand again.
Steve held her small, cold hand in his, more than a little worried about the state of her mind. He thought she’d drifted off to sleep when she mumbled something.
Steve leaned in closer. “What was that, Sweetheart?”
“Can I email Spencer again?” she asked. “Once I’m better… Thank you so much for letting me have him over for dinner, Steve. It meant so much to me.”
Tears burned the backs of his eyes as he buried his head in his free hand. He didn’t know if this was temporary or permanent or what. Worry bled on the guilt and shame that had never really gone away and he sat in the back of the ambulance blinking back tears for the rest of the ride back to the compound.
Steve’s head felt heavy as he struggled through the debriefing. Fury was trying to keep it short.
“Hill is going to pull through,” Fury told them at the table, sounding relieved. “Romanoff is in medical, but she’ll be fine.”
Steve was anxious to get back to medical. Bette and Claire sitting with her were the only reasons he’d agreed to briefly leave her side.
“Barnes,” Fury said slowly.
Tony’s hazel eyes met Steve’s, but his expression was supportive.
“He will need to undergo an extensive evaluation just to ensure there’s no HYDRA markers or potential ways he’s been compromised,” Fury explained.
“Do we have to?” Steve said with annoyance. “He’s been through enough.”
“Just to cover our asses,” Fury explained. “I’m sure he’s fine. He was, however, captured with remarkable ease.”
That occurred to Steve after the fact. He should have known Bucky gave himself up just to get close to Rumlow. He didn’t believe for a moment that revenge was his sole reason for surrendering himself. He knew Bucky had also intended to help keep his girl safe.
Bucky had always looked out for him.
“How long?” Steve wanted to know.
“Three days,” Fury told him.
“He won’t be put in a facility,” Tony interceded. “He’ll stay right here. You’ll be able to visit.”
Steve nodded, grateful. “Thanks, Tony.”
“What happened to Rumlow?” Steve asked then.
“We took him in alive,” Fury told them.
Tony was trying not to laugh across the table from him.
“This was after… the baton…” Steve didn’t even know how to put that into words.
What was even worse was what Bucky had said. That his using the stun baton on Rumlow in that matter was payback.
“Yeah,” Fury scrubbed his hand down his face. “It wasn’t hard to take him in after that.”
Sam was smirking too. It was no secret how he felt about Rumlow from when the Triskelion fell.
"It's really not funny," Tony told them. "It's not. But it's... satisfying."
"Yes, it is," Sam replied.
Steve understood how they felt. That was just once. How many times had Rumlow had a go at Bucky?
Somehow, they managed to dismiss the meeting not long after that.
“Cap,” Fury caught his attention before he could leave the conference room. “How is she?”
“Concussion,” Steve told him. “They think she’ll make a full recovery.”
Fury nodded. “I’ll try to give you a few days off. Take care of her.”
Steve nodded, grateful.
When he got to the room, he was happy to see her sitting up, laughing and talking with Bette and Claire. Steve smiled at her as he walked in, not knowing what to expect honestly. But he had hope since she reconnected with Bette after the Snap and they seemed to be getting on just fine.
Nothing seemed amiss.
Claire rose from her chair as he approached, grinning at him warmly.
“Don’t hurry off,” Steve tried to tell her.
“I need to get stuff together,” Claire told him. “We were told by Director Fury that we’re cleared to go home tomorrow. At least I am. He’s got agents sweeping the apartment but other than that…”
Steve didn’t like that thought. That meant his girl would be right behind her, moving out of his home, their home, and back into that apartment.
“What about you, Bette?” she asked her other friend from the hospital bed.
Bette looked thoughtful. “I was talking to Natasha a little while ago and… we've decided I’m going to move in with her for the time being. The baby will be here in five weeks so…”
Steve nodded his approval while his girl beamed. “I’m so happy for you.”
Bette’s eyes misted. “I don’t know how I’m going to go back in that apartment after… Evan…”
His girl reached for Bette’s hand while Claire came up behind her chair to pull her into her arms.
“Captain Rogers?”
Steve saw Helen Cho in the doorway and he headed out to her, anxious to get the doctor's take on his girl’s well-being.
“She was lucky,” Helen told him. “No skull fractures but the concussion is a good one. So no strenuous activity for a couple of weeks.”
Steve grinned. “That won’t go over well. She has school and two jobs.”
"And you," Helen added. "Once she gets home, take intimacies easy for a week or so, okay?"
"Yes, ma'am."
“Her health comes first,” Helen told him frankly. Handing him a couple of printed papers, she smiled. “Otherwise, she has a few scrapes and bruises. She’ll be fine.”
“Thank you,” Steve told her sincerely. He scanned those pages briefly noticing something circled in red at the bottom of the first page. “What’s this?”
Helen moved in closer to see what he was talking about. “Oh, she’s past due for her contraceptive injection according to her health records. Do you want us to update that while she’s here?”
Steve’s mind spun. He looked at Helen awkwardly.
“Let me talk to her about that first,” Steve wanted it to seem he was confiding in her. “We, ah…”
“Oh.” A smile spread across the doctor’s pretty face. “No problem. If you decide to do it, just let us know then.”
Steve could feel the color rising in his face, but he knew it would only make his story more plausible.
Faced with the fact that she’d be moving back in with Claire, going back to school and two jobs that would take a lot of time away from him, Steve knew he wasn’t playing fair here. But he also wouldn’t take such a gamble if he hadn’t known that she would be happy with him.
That she loved him.
“I’m going to take off,” Claire eased past him out of the room.
Bette was hugging his girl and making her way out too, one hand on her swollen stomach as she walked.
Steve smiled at her as he moved to the side to allow her out of the room. It occurred to him at that moment, as he watched the pregnant girl, that was something he wanted.
Children… with his girl. To see her growing big with his baby. To see his ring on her hand.
Getting a grip on himself, he tucked the medical papers into a pocket inside his jacket and leaned down to press a soft kiss to her lips.
“How are you feeling?” he asked.
“I’m fine,” she told him. “I don’t remember a lot, honestly. The paramedic told me that I’d been awake back at that old store and on the way here but… I don’t remember that.”
Steve took the chair where Claire had been sitting and took her hand in his. He didn’t know whether to be relieved that she was back in this timeline or not…
“Some memory loss is common with concussions, Sweetheart,” he explained. “But they expect you to make a full recovery.”
“So I’m okay?” she asked him, this big beautiful eyes fixed on him.
He nodded, smiled.
“They said I’ll be here a couple more days but then I can go home,” she whispered, her gaze dropping as she said it.
He could be patient. He’d let her move back in with Claire. It would be temporary if he had his way. He’d have to research how long it took for injected contraceptives to wear off. He probably didn’t have a very big window of time and that was if she didn't remember that she needed the update. She stayed so crazy busy that she could be adorably forgetful sometimes. Steve had no plans to change that about her.
But patient didn’t mean he wouldn’t try to be persuasive.
“You know Bucky and I were talking yesterday morning,” Steve said slowly. “He thinks he’s ready to be on his own.”
Worry took over her face. “Is Bucky okay?”
“He’s fine,” Steve explained. “Because the old HYDRA codes were brought into this, they are doing a three-day mental evaluation. Tony’s arranged for him to stay here. He’ll be okay.”
“I was surprised they were able to capture him,” she said, gazing at him thoughtfully.
When Steve didn’t say anything, she went on, “Wait. He allowed himself to be captured, didn’t he?”
Steve cocked a brow at her. His girl was learning their world fast.
He nodded after a moment.
“So Rumlow…”
“He’s in custody,” Steve told her calmly. “Rumlow got what was coming to him.”
His girl shivered at the thought. She didn't need further details. His girl was a lady.
“Bucky’s interested in buying out my half of the house,” Steve went on.
That got her gaze back on him. A crazy blend of interest and fear clouded her eyes.
“Think I’ll start looking for a new place,” Steve explained. “It will still be in Brooklyn. I need to stay close to Bucky. But… I sure would love your help picking a new place, Sweetheart.”
“Okay,” she told him.
And she could agree to that. He was careful not to include her any further. For now.
“I’d be glad to help you, Steve.”
He watched her visibly relax, blowing out an exhale there on the medical bed.
“In the meantime, I’ll help you get back home with Claire when you’re up to it,” he told her. “I’m sure you’re anxious to get back to your routine and school.”
While she nodded, her expression sobered after he said that. Steve was afraid to hope that was disappointment in her tone and demeanor.
“Spencer said you’d called him to explain what happened,” she told him. “Thank you for doing that.”
“Called Sally too,” Steve mentioned. “You’re welcome.”
As a fresh start, Steve decided it would work.
She was everything he wanted. Steve would marry her, have children with her. He’d take care of her.
Because just maybe this time, he just needed to convince her that some of these ideas were hers too.
“Steve you look so sleepy,” she told him. “You should go get some rest.”
And leave her after the hellish couple of days they’d had? No.
Realizing he wasn’t willing to do that, she smiled. His smile. Lowering the bed railing between them, she scooted closer to the other side of the bed, backing herself against the railing on that side.
“There’s room,” she whispered.
Why not?
Pulling off his jacket, Steve toed off his shoes and eased onto the hospital bed next to her. He hadn’t slept last night, and an hour of shuteye would be nice indeed. When his girl seemed confused, Steve stretched out on his back. She grinned as she used him as a pillow, her head resting against her heart and an arm and leg draped over him too.
They were both asleep when Helen Cho walked by the door later and she smiled. She pulled a light blanket from the foot of the bed, draped it over the couple, and pulled the door closed behind her when she left the room.
@kenzieam @princessofdarkwinter @brooklyn-1918 @shippers-heart @what-is-your-plan-today @wandascarlett @la-cey @writing-in-a-cottage @thefandomzoneisdangerous @onetwo3000
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bndz · 3 years
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(normani kordei, twenty-two, cisfemale, she/her) * hey, i’m looking for the office of adrianna king. they’re the intern who’s known around the office as the airhead, if that helps? not to be a gossip, but i’ve heard that they’re humorous but talkative, is that true? i also heard that they’re the one who brought her pet fish to work. anyways, here’s the coffee they ordered.
&  i’m  back  at  it  again  with  another  character  !  it  me  ,  tay  !  i  have  another  child  &  her  name  is  adri  .  she’s  my  bubbly  little  baby  &  i  love  her  chatty  ass  down  !  i  have  some  points  about  her  below  &  i  am  so  excited  that  i  got  to  bring  her  here  .  tw  :  religion  ,  homophobia  ,  toxic  parents  &  mentions  of  physical  violence  .
𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒔  !
NAME   :    adrianna  king  . NICKNAMES  :  adri  . GENDER   :   cisfemale  . PRONOUNS   :   she  /  her  /  hers  . AGE   :   twenty-two  (  22  ) BIRTHDAY   :   23  september  . ZODIAC   :   libra  . HOMETOWN  :  miami  ,  florida  . CURRENT  RESIDENCE  : new york city  , new york  . ETHNICITY   :   african-american  . SEXUAL ORIENTATION   :   bisexual  . OCCUPATION  :   intern  .  (  the  art  department  ,  but  more  so  visual  art  )
𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒈𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅  !
FAMILY   :  born  &  raised  in  the  city  of  miami  ,  adri  grew  up  in  a  household  that  was  highly  religious  .  her  family  was  heavily  involved  in  the  church  with  her  mother  also  being  a  pastor  herself  .  because  of  this  ,  her  parents  were  very  strict  &  super  controlling  .  they  monitored  almost  everything  surrounding  adri  since  she  was  their  only  child  ,  trying  to  prevent  anything  they  deemed  negative  &  wrong  to  consume  their  daughter  .  
this  caused  for  adri  to  at  first  obey  them  because  she  was  a  child  ,  but  as  she  reached  her  teenage  years  she  saw  how  toxic  her  parents  could  actually  be  .  they  were  the  definition  of  religious  hover  parents  &  it  was  slowly  starting  to  cause  adri  to  resent  them  .  they  would  spend  hours  lecturing  her  if  she  wore  something  they  thought  was  inappropriate  .  they  would  call  her  names  &  say  she  was  being  fast  for  her  age  .  they  would  tell  her  she  was  going  to  go  to  hell  if  she  didn’t  listen  to  the  word  of  god  .  
it  all  came  to  blows  when  adri  was  figuring  out  her  sexuality  .  all  her  life  she  was  told  that  liking  the  same  sex  was  wrong  ,  but  she  was  having  feelings  for  the  same  sex  .  at  first  she  felt  internalized  homophobia  ,  but  as  she  started  to  grow  into  her  own  person  &  renounce  the  teachings  that  were  drilling  into  her  head  ,  she  started  to  accept  herself  .  she  knew  that  her  parents  were  going  to  condemn  her  ,  so  she  didn’t  ever  plan  on  coming  out  until  she  moved  out  .  sadly  ,  her  father  did  a  random  check  of  her  phone  &  found  texts  that  she  didn’t  delete  to  a  girl  she  was  dating  at  the  time  .  it  was  literally  a  shit  show  in  the  king  household  .  slaps  &  many  sessions  of  trying  to  pray  the  gay  away  later  ,  adri  had  to  pretend  as  though  she  was  not  bisexual  .  she  had  to  break  up  with  her  girlfriend  &  was  removed  from  public  school  to  be  home  schooled  at  sixteen  .   to  say  she  hated  her  parents  was  an  understatement  .  
as  the  years  went  on  ,  adrianna  was  counting  down  the  days  until  she  could  be  off  to  college  .  during  her  senior  year  she  applied  to  the  furthest  schools  from  miami  .  she  had  to  beg  her  parents  to  let  her  attend  an  out  of  state  college  ,  but  because  her  act  at  home  was  convincing  ,  they  allowed  her  to  stay  with  her  aunt  in  new  york  to  attend  college  .  they  were  still  going  to  be  as  controlling  as  ever  ,  but  it  was  a  step  closer  towards  freedom  .
SCHOOL   :  adrianna  attended  hofstra  university  &  majored  in  art  .  while  she  was  in  grade  school  ,  adrianna  gravitated  towards  painting  because  it  was  the  best  way  for  her  to  get  what  she  was  feeling  out  .  attending  college  was  the  best  thing  for  her  .  although  her  aunt  was  as  strict  &  religious  as  her  parents  ,  she  used  college  as  a  way  to  wild  out  .  she  was  sneaking  out  easier  because  her  aunt  worked  overnight  shifts  as  an  rn  .  she  was  enjoying  the  ounce  of  freedom  that  she  had  even  if  her  family  was  on  her  neck  24  /  7  .  she  had  a  lot  of  pressure  to  graduate  &  get  a  job  ,  so  that  she  could  live  on  her  own  &  she  knew  that  the  arts  wasn’t  the  best  major  to  find  a  joke  as  quickly  as  she  wanted  .  but  graduation  came  quick  &  adri  was  literally  scrambling  .
MASTER’S  :  after  college  ,  adri  was  literally  running  all  over  nyc  trying  to  look  for  a  job  .  it  took  her  months  to  finally  land  a  job  interview  at  master’s  &  she  honestly  thought  she  flopped  .  when  she  got  the  position  as  an  intern  she  was  literally  over  the  moon  .  she  absolutely  loves  working  at  master’s  &  she’s  hoping  she  can  move  up  the  ranks  .  being  that  she’s  new  at  the  position  ,  she’s  trying  her  best  to  fit  in  &  get  things  done  in  a  timely  manner  .  she  does  struggle  a  bit  because  it’s  her  first  big  girl  job  ,  but  she’s  working  on  it  day  by  day  .
𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚  !
BUBBLY   :  you  could  easily  describe  her  as  someone  that  lights  up  the  room  with  her  smile  alone  .  adrianna  is  super  cheerful  &  very  positive  majority  of  the  time  .  she  has  a  hint  of  pep  in  her  voice  that  almost  sounds  like  she  talks  with  a  smile  &  she  usually  does  .  she  just  loves  to  talk  &  interact  with  others  .
FLIRTATIOUS  :  due  to  her  personality  ,  adrianna  is  naturally  friendly  &  flirtatious  .  she  will  flirt  with  ya  boo  &  it  won’t  even  be  intentional.  that’s  just  who  she  is  .  some  may  call  her  a  thottie  because  she  does  live  her  best  hot  girl  life  ,  but  she  truly  does  not  care  .  she  does  what  she  wants  because  she’s  poppin’  !  (  see connections  for  some  mess  surrounding  this  trait  )
TALKATIVE   :  honestly  ,  she  will  never  shut  up.  she  talks  very  fast  &  says  a  lot  &  it  can  also  be  alot  .  she  just  loves  to  talk  y’all  .  she  will  talk  anybody’s  ear  off  who  will  listen  .  she  can’t  help  it  .
DITZY   :   def’  has  her  moments  where  she’s  super  lost  .  it  takes  her  a  few  seconds  to  understand  jokes  sometimes  &  can  def’  lose  her  train  of  thought  as  well  .  she  can  be  a  little  dumb  ,  but  she’s  just  all  over  the  place  .  somebody  help  her  ,  please  ! 
in  general  she’s  like  a  bimbo  ,  but  not  to  the  worst  degree  .  she’s  v  aware  &  just  has  her  moments  .  she  doesn’t  like  when  people  try  to  be  condescending  towards  her  because  of  her  personality  ,  so  she  can  get  a  little  defensive  &  snappy  when  pushed  to  that  degree  .  it  takes  her  a  lot  to  snap  ,  so  i  doubt  she  will  be  popping  off  unless  she  is  truly  offended  .  she’s  also  not  that  confrontational  ,  but  if  she  has  to  defend  herself  ,  she  will  .  (  she  lowkey  can  get  creative  tbh  )  she’s  just  here  to  befriend  people  ,  okay  !
𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒏𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔  !
001  .  enemies  .  i  feel  like  because  she’s  genuinely  nice  it  would  have  to  be  a  huge  reason  for  her  to  dislike  someone  .  so  ,  pick  your  poison  . 002  .  friends  with  benefits  .  we  always  love  these  ,  don’t  we  ?  she’s  with  all  the  shits  ,  okay  .  head  hot  girl  at  your  service  ! 003  .  exes  .  not  to  be  that  garbage  bag  ,  but  i’m  pretty  positive  adrianna  probably  cheated  on  all  of  her  exes  due  to  boredom  .  she  is  someone  that  needs  change  in  her  life  bc  of  how  she  was  treated  at  home  .  if  she  feels  stagnant  ,  she  will  just  pull  some  bs  like  cheating  &  move  on  to  the  next  .  truly  her  biggest  flaw  &  someone  gotta  smite  her  ass  for  this  fr  ! 004  .  besties  .  someone  give  her  a  baddie  bff  pls  ! 005  .  a  work  boo  .  v  self  explanatory  . 006  .  a  muse  .  since  adri  likes  to  paint  ,  this  could  be  someone  that inspires  her  artwork  or  even  let’s  her  paint  them  on  occasion  . again  ,  i  am  terrible  at  thinking  of  connections  ,  so  i’m  down  for  all  the  plots  !
𝒇𝒖𝒏  𝒇𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒔  !
001  .  she  is  type  one  diabetic  . 002  .  is  a  huge  bad  bunny  stan  . 003  .  a  bratz  doll  collector  . 004  .  is  into  art  &  loves  to  paint  . 005  .  her  guilty  pleasure  is  watching  bad  girls  club  . 
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sunshinepixels · 3 years
all of them for adri because i love her (*^ω^*)
I consider it bullying that you asked me for all of them... but I’ll let it slide this time sksksks thank you for asking me fr fr tho  (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) this is late as heck but im the worst with answering asks even if i begged for them fdkhkd
1. Do they laugh at their own jokes?
Yes and the thing is she’s not that funny but thinks she’s hilarious
2. What does their laugh sound like?
I think her laugh is loud and comes from her core
3. What does their voice sound like?
She has a sweet voice that's relatively high.
4. What side of the bed do they sleep on?
All of it. If someone else is on the bed... no they’re not. It’s her bed.
5. Are they a light sleeper?
She wasn’t originally but ever since Avery she is, any sound on the baby monitor makes her jump up
6. Do they have any frequent / recurring dreams?
No but a lot of her nightmares take place in her middle school
7. Do they sleep with their socks on?
She’s not a freak so no kdksdjsdjk
8. Are they a morning or a night person?
9. What do they do to relax?
When she needs to relax she likes spend time with her friends, just talk and indulge in their presence while doing anything. It’s relaxing for her to be around the people she loves. She used to curl up on her grandparents laps to relax and they’d tell her stories from their childhood but uh... not anymore
10. Are they very highly strung?
Not too much, their are certain things she’s sensitive about but most things she’s chill about
11. Are they easy going?
Yup, she is pretty easy going and easy to get along with
12. What are they like when they’re angry?
Impulsive af and very childish not gonna lie. She’ll mostly ignore you because that’s what she learned from emulating her grandmother.
13. How often do they shower?
Every day lol
14. How organized are they?
Not at all, she’s a wreck
15. Do they keep track of their calendar?
She tries... it doesn’t always work
16. Do they have a diary or a journal?
No but she could really benefit from
17. Are they on any medication?
She’s on vyvanse but that’s it
18. Do they suffer from any illnesses?
19. Do they get sick easily?
20. Would it take much to knock them out?
Nope lol
21. Do they have a high pain tolerance?
No, she’s broken enough bones now that she’s grown tough skin
22. What’s the quickest way to upset them?
Implying that she’s not a good christian girl probably
23. What is the thing that makes them most uncomfortable?
Talking about things like sex out loud bc she thinks it’s very taboo
24. How do they act when they’re upset?
It depends. If she’s sad, she’ll cry and seek out the people she loves. If she’s mad she is a little more impulsive with her actions and often does thing she regrets later.
25. How does your character cry?
If she’s crying you know she’s crying a lot. Never just one tear its always waterworks, runny nose, sobs, the whole meal lol
26. Is your oc happy with their life?
Everything is going wrong right now so she’s having a hard time being happy. She tries though.
27. Will they have a happy ending?
umm.... NO, why would i let her be happy?
28. What would they change about their life?
She would change the way her grandparents see her
29. Do they have a comfort food?
Flan or cake.
30. Do they drink alcohol?
She did like twice, but she doesn’t plan on continuing.
31. What are they like when they’re drunk?
She’s even more affectionate and impulsive than when she’s sober
32. What are their eating habits like?
I think she eats either super healthy or eats only trash there’s no in between. She has a complicated relationship with food and body image so usually she tries to eat as healthy as she can as well as keeping “bad” food to a minimum. But when she’s having a rough time she tends to fall back into her old eating habits where all she wants is junk food.
33. If left to their own devices would they forget to eat / shower etc. ?
No she’s pretty good at taking care of herself uwu she might forget to take her medicine though
34. How would they spend their day if left alone with no responsibilities?
I think if she was alone with no responsibilities she’d take a long nap first and foremost. Then she would do play video games or shop or catch up on her fave TV shows
35. How do they generally have their hair?
She usually wears her hair straightened because she’s very used to it since her grandmother couldn’t deal with her curly hair growing up.
36. How do they usually dress?
Very girly, soft, and modest. She likes dresses and skirts and blouses. She’s not that big on jeans anymore.
37. Do they have a signature look?
Her signature is a dress. She loves dresses. Not only that but she typically wears small heels too.
38. Do they have any odd personality traits?
I don't think so lol
39. What’s the weirdest habit they have?
I don't think she has any
40. Have they ever been involved in a scandal?
Nope :>
41. Have they ever committed a crime?
underage drinking she regrets it but that's about it
42. Would they hurt the few to save the many?
I think that she would just die herself lol she would not want to make tht kind of decision
43. What could be generally associated with them?
Princesses, butterflies, pink, anything that seems cutesy
44. Have they got any close friends?
She has a few, she’s very friendly so it’s not hard for her to make friends. Her closest friends are Kit and Damien.
45. Do they like public displays of affection?
Yesss !!! She will hug her s/o in public and kiss them (but only chastely and with plenty of room for Jesus skskssk !!!!)
46. Would they ever like to get married?
If you asked her a year ago she would be hesitant, but today she would say yes at a drop of a hot... only if it was to Atlas though.
47. What is their ‘type’?
Assholes When it comes to looks she falls for the tall, dark, and handsome type. She is pretty open to looks as long as she thinks they’re attractive and if they have a nice smile. Personality wise she likes men who are kind (ironic considering the man she was in love with the longest), confident, and funny.
48. Have they ever been in a serious relationship?
Only one !! With Atlas. He was her first boyfriend ever and the father of her children. Currently, they’re engaged.
49. How easily do they get attached to things?
Very easily !!! Everything she has is sentimental basically
50. What is the thing that would hurt the most if they lost it?
She already lost the love and respect of her grandmother and it was the one thing she knew would hurt the most. It hurts even worse than she expected it to. But now, she’s very scared of completely losing her babies or her relationship with her fiancee.
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xairathan · 5 years
FR Alert: Rosewing & the AEG1S Initiative
You thought it was my annual Night of the Nocturne leak post but it was really me, the ‘G1 beware’ post all along! 
The following post concerns Flight Rising user Rosewing (ID#317307)’s behavior during the recent Banescale release. My interest in this user was initially piqued when I was monitoring Primal dragon hatch rates and noticed that a Nature Primal dragon had swapped lairs within 7 minutes of its hatch time. Unfortunately, I did not capture any archived proof of the transfer. However, upon inspecting Rosewing’s lair, I became suspicious and mentioned the incident to a few other G1 collectors. 
My suspicions would be confirmed less than 24 hours later with a White/Antique/White G1 with Ice eyes transferring hands in less than 15 minutes from its hatch time. 
Link: Dragon in Question, Link: WebArchive page of current location (12/21)
The following imgur album details the PM chain between Rosewing and the original owner of the dragon. The dragon in question was bought for 1kg, a severe lowball given the popularity of white-range G1s, its status as an XYX one-off triple, and matching eyes. 
Link: Imgur Album of PMs
Following the incident, a thread was made on Anonrising in which other users made known more of Rosewing’s activities.
Link: Anonrising, thread detailing the XYX White G1 incident and other incidents
A Latte/Latte/Brown dragon was also bought for 1kg, although its owner could not be reached for comment beyond the following PM: 
Link: Original owner PM regarding sale price, Link: Webarchive of the XXY Latte (12/21)
Rosewing also attempted to offer 5kg for an XXY Antique/Antique/Eldritch G1, which ended up going for 7x the price:
Link: The dragon in question
Link: Rosewing’s PM to the original owner, Link: Original owner’s PM on sale price
Finally, an inspection of Rosewing’s lair suggests that this is a habitual behavior targeting G1s of desirable colors as well as G1 primals for resale. 
Link: Webarchive of Rosewing’s Den, featuring G1 doubles born during the Banescale event
Link: Webarchive of Rosewing’s Lair (sale tab) featuring a large amount of G1 primals
The aim of this post is to help make other Flight Rising users aware of Rosewing’s behavior, as well as to serve as a general warning with the upcoming Night of the Nocturne event. Should this user, or any other user, approach you about a Primal-eyed or Double (where any 2 colors are the same) Generation One (G1) dragon, it is highly advised to seek help on the forums. Night of the Nocturne is a high density hatching event, meaning you may have hatched a valuable dragon without knowing it. If you aren’t sure of the value of your dragon, there are plenty of users on the forums willing to help. 
There is also an ongoing initiative called AEG1S (the Archive of Existing G1 Sales), which will be linked below. The objective of AEG1S is to provide a comprehensive record of G1 double sales to assist users in determining the value of their hatched G1s. Users who are not comfortable posting on the forums are encouraged to visit the spreadsheet. However, the spreadsheet is still under construction and needs your assistance! If you are an active member of the G1 community who deals heavily in G1 doubles, you can assist AEG1S by filling out the forms linked below. 
Link: AEG1S FR Forum thread (WIP as of 12/21)
Link: AEG1S Spreadsheet
Link: AEG1S Doubles Form, Link: AEG1S Triples Form
To those intending to participate in the Night of the Nocturne event, happy hatching! And if you happen to get a lucky G1, at the very least be sure to check the auction house for Primal G1s or G1 doubles to see how your hatch stacks up and avoid being lowballed! 
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aoasime · 4 years
when i was pregnant with kota i knew i wanted to do whatever i needed to breastfeed, and then in the first night in the hospital he was latching so well and it looked so promising!!! until he was admitted to the nicu and i immediately started a religious pumping schedule to get my production up. and i pumped for almost maybe 2 weeks maybe a little less and at that point kota didn’t have any tubing on him just some monitors so i started breastfeeding and it was womdefulll and i then would pump at home! but then once we got home i went down to pumping once or twice a day to try and keep a supply for my freezer and around 6 weeks he hit a big growth spurt and was on me 24/7 from morning till like 11:30 at night so i never had time to pump and we literally have MAYBE 20oz in my freezer but nowwwww he’s started sleeping thru the night pretty well to the point that my boobs will be like hard around 3 am bc even when he does wake up maybe 2 times it’s never like enough for a full feed it’s maybe 5-10 min so i’m gonna start pumping again and hopefully can build up a nice supply!! cause i will absolutely not feed him formula lol and if i need help feeding him once i’m in school or my mom wants to take him for a full night (which idk about yet lmao) he’s gonna need food but yeah. but fr idk when he would even stay a night away from me especially cause he sleeps w me and not in his bassinet anyways and there’s not a ducking way in hell id let him bed share w his grandma 😅
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bostarnero-blog · 5 years
Njangi Network Investment
My Njangi Network
The #1 Crowdfunding Network In Cameroon.
«Collaborating to Alleviate Poverty»
Njangi Network is the leading online Peer 2 Peer contribution platform where Cameroonians collectively raise money using mobile money services with objective to alleviate poverty through network collaboration.
Njangi Network's CEO is Mr AWA Kinason. It is powered by Extended Limits Inc and located at commercial avenue, Bamenda.
Official website: www.njanginetwork.com
No need to worry, Njangi Network got you covered. This is a tested and proven system that is partnered with Monetbil and Cameroon's Mobile Money systems that guarantees safety of your funds. All transactions are promptly generated and concluded by our system to ensure safety of your funds. No individual directly receives or sends you money, our system does.
There are no age limits to be a part of this amazing community. All you need is to;
- Be resident in Cameroon.
- Have an active Mobile Money account
(MTN MoMo, Orange Money, Express Union Mobile)
loaded with at least 2,050 frs (50 frs is transaction fee).
- Have a smartphone or computer.
- Have access to the internet.
- 30 minutes per day.
1) Click HERE to join.
2) Make your one time donation of 2000Frs to your level 1 upline.
3) Look for 2 people to join the system. You will receive their donations to be active in Level 1. (You receive 1700 x 2 + 300F referral bonus = 3,700F)
4) From the 3,700F received, you remove 3000F and donate to your level 2 upline to be active in level 2
5) Your 2 downlines also get their 2 downlines, that makes 4 people on your level 2 downline.
6) When your level 2 downlines (4 of them) do their own level 2 donation, it will come to you. (You receive 2500F x 4 = 10,000F)
7) From the 10,000F received, you remove 5,000F and donate to your level 3 upline, so you can also receive level 3 donations.
8) Your level 3 downlines will donate 5,000F to you as well. (You receive 4,000 x 8 = 32,000)
9) From the 32,000F,you remove 10,000F and donate to your level 4 upline.
10) Your level 4 downlines will also donate 10,000F to you as well. (You receive 8,000 x 16=128,000)
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12) Your level 5 downlines will also donate 20,000F to you as well (You receive 15,000 x 32 = 480,000)
13) From the 480,000, you remove 30,000F and donate to your level 6 upline.
14) Your level 6 downlines will also donate 30,000F to you as well. (You receive 25,000 x 64 = 1600 000)
Click Here for a better understanding
NB:  Earnings per level are fully received only when the participants in the donating level have upgraded to the next level. For each level, the difference between the contributed amount and the received amount is shared as follows; 50% referral bonus, 50% to the system to take care of server bills.
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With Njangi Network you can benefit from spillovers. This happens when your upline refers more than 2 persons. If he refers A and B and keeps referring, these excess referrals will be placed under A or B. Thus, you can earn without referring.
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Click HERE to join, fill the registration form and make your first donation and I will see you inside.
Register from here and get your link added on this blog for free for up to 3 days, plus additional support and tips to grow your network and earnings.
Do you have any further questions? Please join our WhatsApp group now
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ripoffreportassist · 3 years
The significance of Online Reputation Management Services for Realtors and Real Estate Agents.
Online Reputation Management maintains your reputation there and shows the audience all the positive things about you. Online Reputation Management is sound and necessary because many people only come to post harmful content about an individual or do something trash. That's why ORM services are essential for maintaining its reputation. Let's see how it works for different kinds of profiles. 
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Real Estate Agents Benefits From ORM.
We all know about real estate work profiles. They have to deal with Properties and ought to sell them. But, numerous people first go for an online search when purchasing anything. So, for this, your online profile has to look positive that it only will reach you with clients. Now, let's look for the points that justify the need for online reputation management services for a Real Estate Agent. 
This is what Online Reputation Management is for: maintaining your profile. This indicates that with ORM, you don't have to worry about how people see you on the internet. Your image will be saved under the Online Reputation Management Services. Here, they only highlight the good points about your business. Your achievements will be shown on your profile. By this, when an individual searches for you on Google, they will get only the positive energy and surely reach out to you. 
Online Reputation Management keeps everything updated within your profile. They are aware of the dislikes and likes of people and all the things that are in trend. They keep a keen eye on the audience reviews and eventually consider them while showing them the content on a search. These things help real estate to grow in his field. All the points have been taken care of, which the clients appreciate and love. Not only this, but it also reminds you of when someone posts about you or you have to answer some queries. So, this is helpful in this way for Real Estate Agents. 
Realtors Need Online Reputation Management.
Realtors are not different persons than Real Estate Agents. They are licensed, real estate agents. Real Estate Agents lack a license, but the official stamp makes them different. Let's see the reasons how ORM services can benefit your Realtor business: 
Our friends and family recommend us something, and we hope upon them. It's like that only we are easily convinced by our near one compared to the agents. For this, everything should look super fine on the internet. Once something is recommended to us, then it's obvious, we go on social media for its Reviews and Features. For this, a Realtor can’t monitor their pages 24*7. So, for all this, Online Reputation Management is there for you. To let people see the good things about your work. 
In this generation of technology, not only do the Realtors hold the power of showing their work on social media, but the viewers also have the same power. There are several reviews on each post. They all can't be on the positive side. Many are also harmful, leaving a bad influence on the Realtor's work. For eliminating all nasty comments and negative reviews, Online Reputation Services works. They just overshadow all those points with the good ones. Like this, when anyone searches for a Realtor, they will only look for good points. 
We have come across the points regarding Online Reputation Management that how they work and can be helpful for one running their business. Its name says it all that this is for maintaining your reputation. Then, we came to the occupation of Real Estate Agents and Realtors. Although they both are similar, an official license makes them different. We have discussed the points individually and what benefits ORM will give to both of them. The purpose was identical for both although, the ways were somewhere different. In the end, the points were evident as to why an individual needs these services and what they do to their images online. Contact our Online reputation management company for additional information and personalized guidance to help you understand better.
Frequently Asked Questions. 
How much is an ORM charge? 
This is directly proportional to the amount of work and the value they hold. In ORM, there are specific works to do as well. Some give the whole deeds, while many go for specific ones. 
Will They deal with the Negative Content Properly? 
Yes, an Online reputation management company is hired for that only. They will sort out these problems on their own unless and until something huge happens. 
0 notes
navrhovani4 · 6 years
Princip a druhy:
Slovo animovat znamená něco jako oživovat. Pochází z latinského anima = duše. Animace je oživená kresba, předmět, loutka nebo obraz, který animujeme, rozpohybujeme.
Základní princip
Animace je sled statických obrázků promítaných správnou rychlostí. Obrazy zachycují fáze pohybu. Pohyb snímáme snímkem po snímku a poté je promítneme. Ideální rychlost projekce je 24 snímku za vteřinu (světová kinematografická norma) nebo 25 snímku za sekundu (u videa a TV).
 Iluze vzniká díky nedokonalosti lidského oka, která se nazývá setrvačnost zrakového vjemu.  Tuto vadu popsal v roce 1824 anglický vědec Peter Mark Roget ve svém spise Persistence of vision. Obraz zůstane na sítnici 1/10 sekundy i poté, co obraz zmizí a objeví se jiný, tudíž se obrazy prolnout na 1/10 vteřiny. 
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EadweardMuybridge, fotograf a vynálezce, při jedné sázce, kdy vyfotil 24 snímků za sebou běžícího koně, zjistil, že když se daly fotky dohromady, vznikl plynulý pohyb. Tohohle využil a fotil i jiné zvířata na krátký čas.
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Animace je nový nereálný pohyb, nezávislý na fyzikálních zákonech. Charakteristické znaky jsou přehánění, deformace, nadsázka, stylizace, groteska, personifikace (lidské vlastnosti u věcí či zvířat), metafora (=přenesení významu na základě podobnosti) a přehnané emoce.
Kreslený film
Postup při výrobě animovaného filmu: kreslení fázi po fázi na papír nebo pauzák.
·         Prosvětlovací stůl
·         Animační jehly
·         Lochovačka (perforace papíru, aby se nám jednotlivé fáze nepohnuly a my v tom neměli bordel)
·         Papír, pauzák, nebo fólii
1.     Animace na papír – nejprve charakter kresby tužkou, pastelama, pastelkami. Animuje se naráz postava +pozadí na jeden papír
2.     Animace na fólii – nejdříve kontury, poté výplň (barvami ze zadní strany), využívá se průhlednost fólie – dá se pracovat ve více vrstvách: 1. Fólie postava, 2. Fólie detailnější  animace, 3. Fólie pouze pozadí atd atd.
3.     Animace v softwaru – pracuje s vrstvami a s grafickým tabletem a programem, (Photoshop, TV paint, Mirage), získáme vyhlazené linky a hladkou kresbu.
Ruční animaci animujeme na 12 snímků za sekundu, které ve finále zduplikujeme na 24 fps.
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 Čeští režiséři a výtvarníci
·         Adolf Born – Mach a Šebestová
·         Vladimír Jiránek – Bob a Bobek
·         Zdeněk Smetana – Rákosníček, Křemílek a Vochomůrka, Štaflík a Špagetka, Kubula a Kuba Kubikula
·         Jiří Šalamoun – Maxipes Fík
·         Zdeněk Miller – Krteček
·         Vladimír Jiránek – Bob a Bobek, Pivo přes ulici, Zpráva o stavu civilizace
·         Václav Bedřich – Víla Amálka, Maková Panenka, Večerníček
·         John Kricfalushi – Ren a Stimpy (Kanada)
·         Koji Yamamura: Atama Yama
·         Matt Groening – Simpsonovi a Futurama
 a)     Totální animace – animujeme vše naráz v jedné vrstvě – pohybuje se úplně všechno
·         Michaela Pavlátová: Řeči, řeči, řeči
·         Pavel Koutský: Curiculum Vital, Portrét
·         Ferenc Rofúsz: Moucha 
·         Fréderic Back: Muž, který sázel stromy (získal oskara za animaci)
 b)    Animace malby – malba olejovými barvami na skle, vrstvy se postupně přemalovávají, animujeme vždy celý obraz. V Číně malovali akvarelem, navazovali na čínskou kaligrafickou tradici. Italská skupina BLU animuje malbu na zdi.
·         Stařec a moře – Sergej Petrov (1999) Rusko + Kanada + Japonsko
c)     rotoskopie – nejprve si pohyb nahrajeme na kameru a poté překreslujeme snímek po snímku (Sněhurka a 7 trpaslíků)
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a)     Loutková animace – animujeme klasickou loutku velikosti 20 – 30 cm, potřebujeme:
·         OCELOVÁ KOSTRA S KLOUBY; nebo drátěná kostra, která ale tolik nevydrží
·         musí držet každou fázi, části těla jsou dřevěné, nebo z moduritu s měkkou výplní
·         KOSTÝM; někdy je podšitý olověným drátem, který drží materiál nahoře a my můžeme animovat i povrch loutky
·         hlava; je vyměňovací, abychom mohli měnit výraz, nebo máme vyměňovací ústa či oči
·         nohy, které se zespod dají přišroubovat k podlaze (aby loutka držela rovnováhu i na jedné noze)
·         kostra, s ohebnými klouby, které se dobře animují (mají minimální pohyb) a které zároveň loutku udrží
·         SCÉNA; pevné kulisy upevněné k podlážce, vše přilepené, aby se nehýbalo (například knihy v poličce); okna + dveře by měly být animovatelné, a měla by být rozměrově k loutce
·         REKVIZITY, které hrají, by měly být lehké, aby je loutka unesla, nejlépe z pěnového plastu nebo balzy, pomocí patiny docílíme iluze materiálu kovu, nebo dřeva
Loutkovou animaci dnes snímáme foťákem a nahlížíme přes monitor, dříve se fotila frame by frame kamerou na 35mm film. Dal se nastavit čas expozice 1/25 až několik sekund, a tahle změna sloužila při zatmívačkách a roztmívačkách, dále pak také pří prolínačkách, kdy se část naexponovaného filmu vrátila na zpět o několik fází – 2 fotky na jednom políčku.
Využívaly se triky:
·         dvojexpozice – nasnímání a posunutí filmu zpět a jeho následovné znovu nasnímání
·         polopropustná zrcadla – házela odrazy ze scény, která byla mimo záběr 
Nejznámější loutkoví animátoři:
·         Jiří Trnka – měl školu loutkové animace, loutky si sám navrhoval a sám jim maloval hlavičky. Natočil filmy Ruka, Švejk, Kybernetická babička
·         Vlasta Pospíšilová – navštěvovala Trnkovu školu, animovala: Fimfárum, Lakomá Barka, Pat a Mat, Broučci
·         Břetislav Pojar – Zahrada (kombinace s poloplastickou animací), O skleničku NAVÍC
·         Tim Burton – animoval latexové loutky
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b)    Animace plastelíny – je to určitá forma loutkové animace, loutka s kostrou je obalená plastelínou, takže pohyb kostry animujeme formou přemodelováním, modelujeme výrazy, loutky mají více gumový charakter.  Nohy loutky jsou silnější, aby se nehroutily, a místo plastelíny můžeme použít i hlínu. Technika modelace – přemodelovávání každé fáze loutky, animace je velmi dynamická.
·         Jan Švankmajer – Možnosti dialogu (z hlíny);  Tma, světlo, tma
·         Nick Park – Walace a Gromit, Slepičí Úlet (loutky mají plastelínový vzhled, ale jsou dělané z latexu, plastelína se využívá jen okrajově
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 c)     Animace předmětů – frame by frame snímaný pohyb různých věcí, někdy je potřeba udělat „kostru“ (při animaci textilu), nebo animovat obyčejné předměty, klidně už i hotové figurky
·         Jan švankmajer – filmové triky (Návštěvníci), Jídlo, Otesánek
·         Hermína Tyrlová – uzel na kapesníku
·         Jiří Bárta – na půdě
·         Garik Seko – panika v městečku
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 d)    Pixilace – animace živých herců, statické fáze pohybu. Můžeme využít triky jako létání, klouzání, padání, nadpřirozené jevy
·         Aurel Klimt – Eaten – Krvavý Hugo
·         Miloš Tomič
a)     Poloplastická animace (reliéfní)
Díky ní získáme dojem prostoru, animujeme na stole se skleněnými deskami nad sebou, kamera snímá z vrchu a my můžeme pracovat s různými vrstvami. Loutka má plochy spodek, je částečně plastická a dá se nasvítit. Vytváříme tak dojem objemu, části těla jsou zvlášť, jsou podsunuté pod sebe z boku.Poloplastická animace nese takové výhody, jako že loutka může morfovat, natahovat (vyměníme za delší část) ruce, nohy a krk. Materiály používáme textil, vlnu, drát, apod.
·         Břetislav Pojar – Potkali se u Kolína (cca 20cm velcí medvědi), Zahrada
·         Hermína Týrlová – Kocourek Modroočko
·         Švankmajer – animace věcí
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b)    Plošková – Papírková animace
Snímáme ji z vrchu kamerou, podobně jako poloplastickou animaci. Pracujeme s multiplánovým stolem ve vrstvách. Postavičky jsou z papíru, jednotlivé části postavičky máme zvlášť, abychom je mohli animovat, můžeme je mít spojené miniaturními klouby z drátu. Využíváme papír, nebo textil, podmalba je černá, aby zabránila odleskům. Postavy jsou ploché stejně jako pozadí, můžeme využít charakter kresby, textury papíru, nebo textilu.  Jednotlivé fáze mohou být vyměňovací. U nás se tento druh animace využíval při tvorbě večerníčků (je to levný druh animace).
·         Dokreslovaný papírek – fáze složitějšího pohybu jsou nakreslené klasickýmzpůsobem. Kreslenou animaci převedeme do papírku
·         René Laloux – Divoká planeta (1973) CZ + FR, celovečerní film
·         Zdeněk Smetana – Malá čarodějnice, Kubula a Kuba Kubikula
·         Jurij Norštejn – Ježek v mlze – iluze prostoru, mlhy a hloubky (multiplánový stůl s mnoha vrstvami), Pohádka pohádek
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a)     Vektorová – animujeme například v Adobe Flash, simulujeme papírkovou animaci. Animujeme pomocí  keyframů (2 extrémy + dopočítání pohybu mezi nimi, nebo animujeme frame by frame). Animace vektorových kreseb, může být takové interaktivní – hry, aplikace do mobilu, webové bannery
b)    Bitmapová – animujeme například v Adobe After Effects, můžeme kombinovat video, animaci, simulaci 3D prostoru, můžeme využít textury, bitmapové efekty (kouř, světla, sníh, déšť)
·         Happy Tree Friends (Flash)
·         Studio AKKA
·         Amanita Design – hry Samorost, Machinaria
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Objevila se kolem 70. let 20. století, je to součást hraného filmu. První 3D animovaný film byl od firmy Pixar. Využívají se fluidní simulace, například proudění kapalin, pohyb látky ve větru apod.
motion capturing – snímání pohybu, herci si na sebe nasadí speciální obleky s čipy, každý pohyb jednotlivého čipu se převede do PC a 3D animace je mnohem jednodušší.
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krátkometrážní audiovizuální dílo, jehož zvukovou složkou je v celé nebo podstatné míře záznam uměleckého výkonu hudebního díla.
Obrazová složka má nějaký vztah k hudebnímu dílu, které ji doprovází (ať je to stejná nálada nebo děj), využívá obvyklých i méně obvyklých filmových technik, často jde o běžný krátký abstraktní film (tj. film bez děje).
Některé motivy jsou ve videoklipech mimořádně časté, někdy např. že videoklip obsahuje i vizuální záznam provádění hudebního díla, taneční scény, někdy v něm přímo vystupují hudebníci, není to ale nezbytně nutné.
Videoklipy jsou hlavní náplní vysílání tzv. hudebních televizí, mezi které patří například MTV. K jejich rozšíření došlo právě díky těmto televizním stanicím v 80. letech 20. století.
Princess Chelsea - The Cigarette Duet
Prezentace autora, spojení animace a videa, ukázka dovedností v oblasti vizuálních komunikací. Ukázka Lukáš Veverka / Showreel 2016.
Virální video
Virální video nebo také videomem či asi nejproslulejší virál (ze slova virus) je video, které se stane populárním prostřednictvím sdílení na internetu. Virální se nazývá proto, že si je lidé posílají mezi sebou, a šíří se tak jako virus. Nejčastěji se šíří prostřednictvím stránek na sdílení videa (YouTube), sociálních sítí a e-mailu. 
Virální video může být vytvořeno jako součást virálního marketingu (jednotlivci i firmami), ale často to jsou videa, která jsou vytvořena spontánně a lidé je sdílejí kvůli zajímavému obsahu.
Za první virální video lze považovat video Bad day z roku 1997. To trvá pouze 26 sekund a jeho kvalita není nějak zázračná. To ho ovšem činí optimálním pro šíření pomocí emailu. 
Dále lze uvést třeba Star Wars kid z roku 2003, na němž žák střední školy neuměle napodoboval postavu z Hvězdných válek, Dartha Maula a spolužáci ho nahráli na internet. Tento případ se často uvádí jako první případ kyberšikany. 
Dále se proslavil třeba Gary Brolsma s videem s názvem Numa Numa, ve kterém zajímavě otvírá pusu a celkově se pohybuje na písničku „Dragostea din tei“. BBC uvedla, že se jednalo o druhé nejsledovanější video historie, hned po již zmíněném Star Wars kid. 
Dále se mezi slavnějšími virály prosadil nespočet videí, uveďme třeba: Charlie bit my finger nebo La Caida de Edgar (el original). 
Hodně zhlédnutí má virál Gangnam Style, který jako první překonal na YouTube hranici jedné miliardy zhlédnutí. Dne 24. srpna 2015 video dokonce překonalo hranici 2 miliardy a 400 miliónů zhlédnutí. Video bylo původně určeno pouze pro jihokorejské publikum. 
Produktové video
Je v dnešní době naprostý základ. Jedná se o krátké video sloužící k představení firmy nebo jednotlivého produktu. Nepřesně se mu říká také firemní video nebo promo video.
V roce 2012 se online videa stala nejrychleji rostoucím reklamním formátem na světě s téměř 55% meziročním nárůstem tržeb. A odtud už dělí jen malý krůček k velkému nákupu.
Průměrná užitnost jednoho videa je 4 roky, což z něj činí velmi výhodnou investici.
Lidé si vaši značku snáze zapamatují, když o vás shlédnou poutavé video.
A 90 % lidí, kteří dokoukají video do konce, klikne na link, který se nachází na konci videa.
A odtud už je dělí jen malý krůček k velkému nákupu.
Sony Xperia Z Commercial 
Explainer video
Vychází ze slova explain, což znamená vysvětlit. Explainer video vám usnadní komunikaci se zákazníky, když:
Máte složitý produkt, který většina lidí nechápe?
Zabere vám půl hodiny, než všem vysvětlíte, co vlastně vaše služba dělá?
Dobře udělané explainer video váš problém vyřeší. Proč? Protože zapojí i vizuální stránku, ze které divák vstřebá informace mnohem rychleji. A jaká explainer videa jsou nejlepší? No přeci kreslená.
Kickstarter video
Poměrně nový typ videa, pro které se rozhodne každý, kdo to se svou crowdfundingovou kampaní myslí aspoň trochu vážně.
Zaujměte svým produktem ve videu a máte napůl vyhráno. Důležitý je příběh, protože lidé příběhy milují už úplně od začátku všech… lidí.
Pro inspiraci koukněte na úspěšná crowdfundingová videa a držte se alespoň rámcově konceptu:
Ilustrovat problém
Ukázat řešení s vaším produktem
Zdůraznit výhody
Multimediální tvorba je speciální druh tvorby procházející v současnosti největším vývojem. Lze do ní obecně zařadit vše od víceplátnových filmových prezentací, přes polyekrán, laternu magiku až po dnešní počítačově vytvořené multimediální prezentace.
V pojetí dnešní praxe, multimediální tvorba zahrnuje podklady obrazu, zvuku a grafiky, které jsou dále trikově a případně barevně upravovány a syntetickým způsobem počítačově zpracovávány do konečného výsledku (významu).
Při výrobě je podmínkou znát přesnou technickou specifikaci pro zhotovení podkladů, přesný postup (technologii) dalšího zpracování a konečný záměr.
Je doporučeno vytvořit ověřovací zkoušku postupu práce, pokud to finanční a časové podmínky umožňují.
Bez jistoty o postupu zpracování a výsledku je nutná přesná dohoda tvůrců s produkcí, není obvykle možné stanovit harmonogram, pracnost, náklady a zaručit konečný výsledek.
Interaktivní webová prezentace nesoucí prvky animace, videa.
Interaktivní webová prezentace nesoucí prvky animace, videa.
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I know that you guys are so excited about this latest footstep tracking device and must be curious to know more about this product, right? So, here I’m going to discuss as much as I have discovered while testing it. The Forerunner 945 LTE is all about cellular-connected sports adventures. But there is an issue that you won’t receive regular text messages through LTE on it. Even you can’t stream Spotify wirelessly in real-time by mobile networks. Garmin’s complete focus on the Forerunner 945 LTE is on athletic sports features and not on the general-purpose smartwatch features. Price and Availability The FR945 LTE has been launched in early June 2021 along with Garmin’s Forerunner 55, which is an entry-level running smartwatch. The Forerunner 945 LTE is not a newly invented smartwatch practically but rather an upgrade to the existing FR 945 that incorporates LTE connectivity (along with a monthly service plan). It is designed to give phone-free live tracking and emergency support. The smartwatch’s retail price is $650, and with an LTE service, it can be bought (and renewed) in 6 or 12-month contracts. The six-month block costs just $6.99/month, whereas the 12-month contract runs $5.99/month. The FR 945 LTE is available with retailers like Walmart, Amazon, and B&H and also on the official Garmin website. What can the Forerunner 945 LTE do? The FR 945 LTE smartwatch is developed for hard-core and serious runners, triathletes, and cyclists. These people spend several hours per day/week in training for their forthcoming major race or personal challenge. So, they are not possibly willing to carry any unnecessary weight or distractions, for instance, a smartphone. Instead, they can tie a smartwatch on their wrists without feeling like any distraction. And they possibly do want to get access to help should they require it. That’s what the latest FR 945 LTE provides. You need to set up the FR 945 LTE with the Garmin Connect App. Once you set the App up, you can locate your emergency contacts to get alert in case you are stuck into any kind of trouble or need help while out on your workout. You can also get benefited from Garmin’s Assistance Plus feature. This feature automatically sends your name and current destination to a professionally monitored 24×7 call center. Then the call center can immediately assist you with your local emergency services. Further, the Incident Detection feature (which launched on other connected Garmin smartwatches the previous year) can automatically alert these Assistance Plus features when it senses that you’ve fallen or hurt yourself during your exercise activity, whether that activity is a ride, run, hike, or walk. Also, the LTE signal enables you to send your current location through Garmin’s LiveTrack feature. This feature allows approved family members and folks to track your ride/run in real-time. Even they can share some motivational audio or text messages with you to keep you motivated and continue to progress towards your final goal. Additionally, your contacts can watch your pace and mileage. FR 945 LTE Smartwatch Features Just like the Fitbit Sense, most of Garmin’s fitness tracking watches have included more smartwatch-like features. The FR 945 LTE tracker incorporates built-in music storage for apps like Spotify, Amazon Music, Deezer, mobile transactions, and the capability to get smartphone notifications. Garmin also includes another app that is ConnectIQ. This app allows you to install more apps and watchfaces, which is nothing similar to what you’d leverage with an Apple Watch or a WearOS smartwatch. What’s Good? Well, I found that the FR 945 LTE is comfortable and feels light-weighted on my wrist. The case of FR 945 LTE is a bit smaller than the Venu 2 tracker (44.4mm to 45.4mm), but it’s a considerable difference that I can surely sense. The more I like the Venu 2, the more it’s pushing me to feel what I’m comfortable wearing on my wrist. And it would persistently bump against my wrist when it flexed backward. Thankfully, that’s not so with the FR 945 LTE. Plus, I appreciated the reliability of the pushbutton. The buttons do exactly the same as what you expect, every time. I also liked that I can easily read the 945 LTE outdoors in bright-lit places. I didn’t need to crank up the brightness to view my scant workout stats, which I usually have to do with AMOLED screens. Source :- https://offsetup.wordpress.com/2021/07/16/garmin-forerunner-945-lte-things-you-must-know/
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Manhattan Center Bubbles 113032 7Y | MN | Owner Surrender | 13 lbs. Medical: 29-Mar-2021 Progress Exam Vet Notes: 11:24 AM DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: reported 7y, exam agrees 5-7y Microchip noted on Intake? scanned negative History: Owner surrender, owner could not afford rx diet for urinary issues. No medical records provided Subjective: BAR Observed Behavior - Allowed all handling for exam with soft body, remained quiet throughout exam. Evidence of Cruelty seen -no Evidence of Trauma seen -no Objective T = P =wnl R =wnl BCS 7/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: clean adult dentition, no significant PDDZ PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NR, NMA, Lungs clear, eupneic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: male neutered MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: normal external Assessment: overweight FLUTD-reported Prognosis: good Plan: intake tasks start on purina UR fr reported FLUTD monitor litter box use SURGERY: already neutered Behavior assessment: Animal Behavior Saved At: 1-Apr-2021 12:30:42.000 Animal ID: 113032 Animal Name: Bubbles Age: 7 Years 3 Weeks (approx) Tag Number: Breed: Domestic Short Hair Gender: Male Spayed / Neutered: Yes Handler: 990526 Observer: Behavior Assessment Date: 4/1/2021 Retest Date: 5/1/2021 Retest Reason: Next Test Date: KNOWN HISTORY: Lived Indoors Previously lived with: 2 adults, multiple children, 1 small dog Behavior toward strangers: Bubbles is shy for a few minutes and can be fearful of strangers. Once he warms up he is friendly and sweet. Behavior toward children: Bubbles is respectful and relaxed around children. Behavior toward cats: Bubbles is respectful and tolerant around other cats. Behavior toward dogs: Bubbles has been around a small dog and is respectful and tolerant. Bite or Scratch history: no bite history. Litter box training: Yes #AllAboutSavingAnimals: #Cat: #catsofinstagram: #NYCACC: #Bubbles: #ID113032: #Pledges: #Donations: #Rescue: #NewHopePartner: #Adopt: #Foster: #Sponsor: #FosterToAdopt: #DeathRow: (at Manhattan, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNNZUxJBlof/?igshid=9clbafn18o67
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