#24 gifsets later and i think i'm done for now
joanna-lannister · 5 months
For the fandom ask! ->8,12,17,18,19,24! I might have asked too many, so pick and choose as you like!! No pressure of course
Hi! Oh no, don't worry, it's not too many! I had fun answering them! Thank you so much for the ask ❤️✨
8. Fandom you're a part of that's the most obscure?
Can I say the JC fandom? Because it's a very small, unpopular fandom, and not many people are fond of Jaime and Cersei together. So even if I'm very vocal about them, I think it's the most obscure one I can think of.
12. Craziest thing you've ever done as part of a fandom?
Oh, I think it would be getting my JC tattoo! It was so big on my arm, I was scared at first, but now I'm used to it.
17. Favorite blog(s) in your favorite fandom?
The JC fandom is kinda dead to be fair but I would say:
@alexcabotgf (she hadn't posted JC gifsets in a long time, but her old ones are 👌🏻)
18. All-time favorite fanfic?
"therefore each to other bound" by copacet! This fic gave me everything I ever wanted, and the characterization is perfect.
19. Fanfic you read again and again?
Hmmm, I read "therefore each to other bound" a lot tbh, almost religiously. But I'd say "Until Death Do Us Part" by my friend Annie. It's a Modern AU where Jaime and Cersei are married, and I love it to pieces and keep reading it over and over again.
24. Funniest fandom-related story?
OMGGGG Once upon a time, I blocked another JC stan on Tumblr. Her behavior was really "Meh", very childish behavior, and she kept trying to fight br*imes. And so, I blocked her because I didn't like the vibe she was giving off and she was annoying. Girly got MAD, like mad MAD and everytime she tried to make friends with other JC stans, she used to shit on me. Once, years later, she tagged one of her fics "it's better than most of the Pentos AU you'll read" or something along the lines, and it pissed me off, because you don't shit on your fellow writers, especially in such a small fandom, so I made a vague post about it on my blog. I didn't mention her, only in the convo I had with my friend in the replies. But Ma'am was STALKING MY BLOG, LITERALLY. And a few days later later, she wrote a WHOLE LONG ASS POST about me on her blog, saying I was insane and unhinged. I found out because someone send me the adress of her blog. And honestly? It was hilarious, to see her still being mad years later after I blocked her as if I had murdered her whole family. I didn't say anything about that post because it made me laugh and I don't know what she became, but I do know AO3 banned her for her behavior.
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gingerpeachtea · 3 months
For the fic writing asks: 16, 17, 19, 20, 24, 43, 49, 50, 56, 73? :)
16. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them.
ohhhhh dear god. so many. all the time. always. there is no way to put a number to it. a moulin rouge fic idea i haven't done much with yet is my fun little artist christian headcanon where he takes babydoll under his wing as an apprentice :D
17. What do you do when writing becomes difficult? (maybe a lack of inspiration or writer's block)
overall i usually switch the playlist/music i'm listening to, or i take a break and come back to it later. sometimes it depends on the fandom tho! for graceland or braindead, i might rewatch an episode, but for moulin rouge where i can't just sit and rewatch a whole boot in one sitting, i sometimes look at gifsets for inspo :3
19. What is the most-used tag on your ao3?
hurt/comfort :3
20. Have you noticed any patterns in your fics? Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
answered that one here! :)
24. Worst writing advice anyone ever gave you?
answered that one here! :)
43. Do you take a sadistic joy in whumping your characters, or are you more the "If anyone hurt them I would kill everyone and then myself" kind of person?
49. Do you ever get rude reviews and how do you deal with them?
i'm very lucky, i haven't gotten any rude commenters yet ! but if i did i would just block them, they don't deserve my time or energy
50. How long is your longest fic?
my longest fic that i have posted is lose your faith in me, with 4,331 words. i have a wip for aos that's well over 8k words, but it's not getting posted anytime soon lmao
56. What's something about your writing that you pride yourself on?
i like the way i describe things!! i also think my characterization is very strong and consistent :) i also think i utilize repetition well!!
73. What do you think makes your writing stand out from other works?
ERMMMMMM to be so honest i can't really pinpoint it???? like. i feel like there's SOMETHING but i literally can't think of how to describe it
(get to know your fic writer!)
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ilkkawhat · 4 years
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5.10 No Humans Involved
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feckyeslife · 4 years
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actual footage of me after watching The Rundown Job and trying to read into every tiny thing that happens [[this is my first watch through. if someone spoils me on anything that happens for the rest of the season, i'mma scream]]
because like
0.5) the homage to 24 was a nice touch. daniel and I appreciated that
1) so much nice, neat OT3 interaction and trust and just y e s
2) i have a THEORY that this is an episode after the episodes that are coming up for the rest of the season because there is clearly SOMETHING brewing in the background
a- the obvious, ambiguous end episode tag from the S5 opener which I HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN ABOUT, NO SIRREE
b- hardison has been buying kit which doesn't get used in the cons we're seeing on screen
c- nate's been pulling back on calling the shots like he's trying to get the kiddos to be functional on their own, like he thinks he won't be around later HMMM
and that's all stuff i'm piecing together/imagining from the eps prior to this.
d- in the rundown job, the characters are handling themselves in just such SLIGHTLY different ways from the eps before. like they're so smoothly confident in their unit together, no hesitation, no pausing to ask hmmm what would Nate say?
e- Eliot's got a noticeably shorter haircut that I will be 👀watching for in the next one. if he's back to long hair, I will be so sus
f- there's literally not a single mention of Sophie or Nate. while trying to step in to stop first a hit and then a terrorist plot??? there's talk of walking away, yeah, but once they decide to step in and do it, there's no second guessing or asking for advice or anything. as though they wouldn't want to or couldn't ask for help. hmmmm 👀👀👀
g- that one Eliot speechy moment (no, not the "you're the smartest guy I know" one, which was ALSO amazing and I'mma need 4 gifsets of that, stat) where he's talking about not turning into the person that you're trying to stop?? gee who does THAT sound like? definitely not Nate, the man who has been pushing the envelope to manipulate and threaten and force his way for all the right reasons -- but what happens if those reasons fall through?
all of this could just be total bullshit but like
i am so fucking ready for the rest of this season. forcing myself to pace myself and not just binge the rest is honestly? such a double edged sword
at least i have my disks now though! no more commercial breaks in the middle of scenes and bonus content that I can peruse later once i'm done
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feckyeslife · 3 years
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actual footage of me after watching The Rundown Job and trying to read into every tiny thing that happens [[this is my first watch through. if someone spoils me on anything that happens for the rest of the season, i'mma scream]]
because like
0.5) the homage to 24 was a nice touch. daniel and I appreciated that
1) so much nice, neat OT3 interaction and trust and just y e s
2) i have a THEORY that this is an episode after the episodes that are coming up for the rest of the season because there is clearly SOMETHING brewing in the background
a- the obvious, ambiguous end episode tag from the S5 opener which I HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN ABOUT, NO SIRREE
b- hardison has been buying kit which doesn't get used in the cons we're seeing on screen
c- nate's been pulling back on calling the shots like he's trying to get the kiddos to be functional on their own, like he thinks he won't be around later HMMM
and that's all stuff i'm piecing together/imagining from the eps prior to this.
d- in the rundown job, the characters are handling themselves in just such SLIGHTLY different ways from the eps before. like they're so smoothly confident in their unit together, no hesitation, no pausing to ask hmmm what would Nate say?
e- Eliot's got a noticeably shorter haircut that I will be 👀watching for in the next one. if he's back to long hair, I will be so sus
f- there's literally not a single mention of Sophie or Nate. while trying to step in to stop first a hit and then a terrorist plot??? there's talk of walking away, yeah, but once they decide to step in and do it, there's no second guessing or asking for advice or anything. as though they wouldn't want to or couldn't ask for help. hmmmm 👀👀👀
g- that one Eliot speechy moment (no, not the "you're the smartest guy I know" one, which was ALSO amazing and I'mma need 4 gifsets of that, stat) where he's talking about not turning into the person that you're trying to stop?? gee who does THAT sound like? definitely not Nate, the man who has been pushing the envelope to manipulate and threaten and force his way for all the right reasons -- but what happens if those reasons fall through?
all of this could just be total bullshit but like
i am so fucking ready for the rest of this season. forcing myself to pace myself and not just binge the rest is honestly? such a double edged sword
at least i have my disks now though! no more commercial breaks in the middle of scenes and bonus content that I can peruse later once i'm done
10 notes • Posted 2021-03-10 02:41:16 GMT
Perhaps it is just my Jon Bernthal tinted glasses, but so far Shane is... pretty often in the right?? Not in a fundamental, perfect society way but in like a... the world is ending and if you're only able to look out for yourself and those closest to you, you're gonna do *everything* for them.
Not that Otis deserved to be brutally torn apart, but... it's very "an eye for an eye". I GET it. And I'm also a sucker for an inevitable downward spiral into desperation and loss *fingerguns*
10 notes • Posted 2021-10-22 00:35:42 GMT
I've seen that compilation of Ben Barnes kissing people across his body of work post like 8 times on my dash this morning and, honestly y'all, thank u. good post. 100/10. Ben Barnes does kiss like he's about to be drafted in the morning.
13 notes • Posted 2021-07-08 12:55:21 GMT
Leverage: Redemption initial thoughts (Ep1 only)
- Parker, my beloved! So peppy, so good at connecting with Sophie even when dragging her through her grief. It's so good to see after her character development from 1.0
- The whole crew's characters interacting again was honestly so good. Kudos to the actors. They barely felt like they were skipping a beat after that first kinda harsh to start opening.
- New guy does not appeal just yet. Sorry, Harry. Here's hoping that Ep2 with Hardison's sister will be a stronger outing for new characters.
- Jewish!Hardison rep, that was great
- Eliot's food trucks h e l p. Actually just all of the Eliot was 2good. The fight sequence, so many Dammit Hardisons, the utter lack of personal space between him and Parker STILL, and just yeah. Go Christian Kane for once again making me love this angry lil hitter.
- Leverage: International helped with the con, but it wasn't like the silver bullet. It's still allll on the team to really execute and that I appreciate SO much 🙏
- I still have so many eps to go 🥰🥰🥰 definitely NOT rushing this watch thru nope nope nope
22 notes • Posted 2021-07-10 00:34:37 GMT
okay but the sunshine one not ending up with the darkness one is honestly fucking me up on this Saturday night and it's not just the 4 glasses of whiskey this time
23 notes • Posted 2021-06-06 03:40:39 GMT
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