#23 February 2023
louisupdates · 2 years
via louisfoster_ Instagram story (makingnumbers is a uk-based media production company)
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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National Chili Day
“Wish I had time for just one more bowl of chili.” –Kit Carson (allegedly the words spoken on his deathbed)
Some like it hot, some like it mild, some like it on top of a baked potato and some prefer it with or without beans – but however it is most appreciated, National Chili Day is the perfect excuse for millions of spicy food fans all around the world to chow down on a bowl of this delicious fiery favorite.
History of National Chili Day
Though many people believe chili originated purely in Mexico, modern thinking suggests that it was probably truly created in Texas and is a blend of Native American, Spanish, and Mexican cuisines. This claim is supported by the fact that the first-ever written reference to chili occurred in the city of San Antonio, Texas in 1828. This is just one of the many delicious varieties of food that fall into the category of Tex-Mex.
However, one legend dates chili back a little further, stating that some immigrants who came from the Canary Islands brought the recipe with them to San Antonio when they settled there in the 1700s. This was before the name “chili” came to be and it was simply referred to as “Spanish stew”.
Eventually, by the 1880s, a popular way to eat the dish in San Antonio was by picking up a “bowl o’ red” at a chili stand in an open-air stall, usually run by a “chili queen”. The popularity of chili began to spread throughout the US, and it was given a huge boost when it was featured at the 1893 World’s Fair which took place in Chicago, Illinois.
The dish that is now known as simply “chili” has, in the past, often been referred to as “chili con carne”, which just means chili with meat. Of course, today, many people make it without meat, and it can easily even be made into a vegan dish with no animal products of any kind.
Some people do tend to spell it differently, depending on where they are from. Most Americans will include only one “l” in the word, while some British folks and people from other parts of the world may add an additional letter to spell it “chilli”. But no matter how it is spelled, this is certainly a tasty dish that is worthy of celebration!
National Chili Day Timeline
1828 First written description of Chili
J. C. Clopper writes, after visiting San Antonio, Texas, about “a kind of hash with nearly as many peppers as there are pieces of meat – this is all stewed together.”
1880s Chili stands become popular in San Antonio
Women who are called “Chili Queens” set up trailers or carts to serve spicy bowls of beans and meat (chili con carne) to workers and passersby on the street, where small tables, seats and lanterns were set up. These last until the 1930s when the health department shuts them down.
1896 Chili powder is invented in Texas
German immigrant William Gebhardt creates a way to pulverize dried chiles using a meat grinder, which eventually becomes the product known as Gebhardt’s Eagle Chili Powder. It’s a critical ingredient in Chili.
1960s An American president loves chili
Lydon Johnson, president of the United States from 1963-1969, declares that Texas Chili is the best: “One of the first things I do when I get home to Texas is to have a bowl of red. There is simply nothing better.” 
1977 Chili becomes the state dish of Texas
As the continuation of its association with Texas, the state’s legislature names Chili the state dish.
How to Celebrate National Chili Day
Though not an official public holiday, National Chili Day is widely celebrated with many restaurants offering free samples of their own unique recipes. Others mark the day with a huge chili party for family and friends – or simply make sure they have a big bowl of chili for lunch!
Try out these fun ideas for celebrating the day:
Make a Big Pot of Chili
Even people who don’t really do much cooking can make a pot of chili to enjoy with a whole group of friends. It really is one of those meals that allows pretty much everything to be thrown into a pot and simmered while the flavors meld together.
A classic chilli recipe usually consists of a protein (often meat as well as beans), some sauce (usually tomato sauce), some veggies (corn, onion and diced tomatoes are typical) and spices for flavor (chili powder, garlic, cayenne pepper, onion powder and paprika). Toss in some jalapenos or other chili peppers for a little bit of kick. Let the whole thing simmer for a while and enjoy!
Learn Some Fun Facts About Chili
Celebrate the day and impress friends by spouting off interesting tidbits about this delicious dish. Get started with these, and then do a bit of internet research to add in a few more, just for fun:
Lyndon B. Johnson, United States President from 1963-1969, was a huge lover of chili and named his favorite recipe after his ranch in Texas, Pedernales River Chili. Americans were so fond of it that his wife, Lady Bird Johnson, had the recipe printed up on cards and mailed out from the White House.
In 1977, lobbyists worked to convince the state legislature to call chilli the official state food of Texas.
In the late 1890s, it was possible to buy a bowl of chili off of the back of a wagon for a mere 5 cents. This even came with an unlimited number of crackers to go along with it–and usually a glass of water too.
The first chili cook-off is recorded to have taken place in 1952 at the State Fair of Texas located in Dallas. But another story says that the first one took place in 1967 in Terlingua, Texas, where no winner was declared–as it was a tie between a native Texan and a person from New York!
Enjoy a Chili Contest
Chili is a food that people love to gather around–and it’s great for competing too! Whether participating in a chili cookoff that pits top chefs against each other, or a chili-eating contest where the winner consumes the most chili in a short amount of time, this is a dish that can be filled with fun.
Today’s chili cook offs can get pretty serious, where contestants often use ingredients that will help them to create the most intense flavor possible. They also try to be unique, using interesting meats such as sausage, turkey or even venison, as well accessing a variety of chili peppers to create just the right amount of heat.
Get into the competitive spirit by participating, or just enjoy watching and rooting for a favorite person to win. Can’t find a chili contest in the local area? Don’t let that get in the way–go ahead and start one in honor of National Chili Day!
Get Creative with Chili Recipes
Getting involved in this day can be a delightful culinary experience! Take things far beyond the ordinary by including unique and interesting ingredients into that pot of chili. While the classic recipes are certainly amazing, these types of ideas get things moving to a whole other level:
Chorizo Sweet Potato Chili. Give that pot of chili a delightful twist using a paleo friendly recipe that is a quick fix (can be on the table in around 30 minutes!). Chopped vegetables and some spicy chorizo sausage are flavors that meld together deliciously.
Short Rib Black Bean Chili. Beginning with short ribs as the protein base, this chili is slow cooked with the bones to add tons of flavor and depth. Mildly spicy, the black beans round out the taste into something delightfully delicious.
Spicy Chocolate Chili (Vegan). Sweet potatoes, maple syrup and cocoa powder work together in this recipe in a surprising way. Filled with beans and veggies, then topped with cilantro, lime and pumpkin seeds, this unique recipe will keep the whole family coming back for more!
Kale and Barley Chili. Keep things super healthy with this chili that is filled with healthy greens. Add some white beans in for extra protein and bulk!
National Chili Day FAQs
When is National Chili Day?
National Chili Day is observed on the fourth Thursday of February, which is the perfect time of year to enjoy a spicy bowl of deliciousness.
Where was Chili invented?
Most likely, the origins of the dish known today as chili came from the southwestern parts of the United States, particularly Texas. Some stories say that the idea was brought from the Canary Islands in the 1700s.
Is Chili a soup?
Because it doesn’t usually use stock or broth, Chili isn’t necessarily considered to be a soup. Actually, it would be considered to be more of a stew because it is thicker, with a more solid base.
Is Chili healthy?
Depending on how it is made, Chili can be a rather healthy meal. It contains nutrients such as protein, fiber, iron, Vitamin C and more. Of course, it’s healthier if it is made with lean meat and less fat.
How to make Chili?
Most Chili recipes will include the basic ingredients of ground beef, beans, onions, tomato sauce, spices and tomatoes. The ingredients are cooked together for some time to allow the flavors to meld together.
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worldwide-blackfolk · 2 years
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catthatfollows · 2 years
С 23 февраля, красным днём календаря! я как всегда не вовремя
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Не забываем, что 23 февраля изначально было Днём Красной армии, а потом его уже переименовали в День защитника отечества.
А ещё не забываем, что существует военнообязанные женщины, поэтому это не только"мужской" праздник.
Получился какой-то полу совкодроч, полу феминизм. Но я не отрицаю этих качеств в себе, поэтому всё ок.
Кстати, это та лесбуха, которая повыше и ещё не отъебала себе волосы. Зовут её Екатерина Воробьева.
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I have lost count for all the times I have wanted to jump....
Just jump and get all of this fuckery over with.
But something stops me, everytime.
I don't know if it is coward-ry
Or love
Or guilt
Or shame
Or...something else at work.
No matter how much I shake and shiver and scream in my head
I just can't....
I can't jump
I'm sorry
I love too much
Or perhaps I'm ashamed of too much
But nonetheless, The show must go on Inside my heart is breaking my make up may be flaking but my smile...it stays on.
Whatever happens I leave it all to chance, another heartache another failed romance on...and on....
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canylmazz · 2 years
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molagboop · 5 months
Examining Chozo Anatomy: Arms
Welcome to my deep-dive into Chozo anatomy. Today, I'll be discussing features present on the arms and hands of our feathery fellows.
This post exists simultaneously as a reference for artists and as a fascinating look into the world of Chozo anatomy for all audiences. Whether you're here for references showing how Chozo arms are built or you enjoy taking a peek at Metroid Dread's character models out of game, I've got you covered!
You'll find plenty of images and a full breakdown of the anatomical structure of Chozo arms beneath the cut.
First, a quick overview: from a musculoskeletal standpoint, Chozo arms are built exactly like human arms, diverging at the hands. Chozo hands look like bird feet that evolved in much the same way our hands did.
Part 1: Elbows
Dread Chozo have feathers protruding from their scaly elbows.
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Underneath every fountain of large plumage is a soft bed of down. This manifests in patches of plush, miniscule feathers that are grouped together somewhat densely.
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Our subjects appear to have primarily smooth skin occasionally interrupted by spots of down from which plumage arises, but I think Chozo that are feathery all over are neat. The concept art and 100% gallery rewards seem to paint a picture of softer Chozo with more feathers all over their bodies (save for their plated arms and hard beaks), but the in-game models appear smooth. We're all familiar with Raven Beak's bald head (which many of us have expressed a desire to slap), but perhaps that head is covered in a fine layer of velvety feathers?
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I managed to remove Quiet Robe's left pauldron and embroidered sleeve, so I have a fuller view of his whole arm, including the base of his feathery neck.
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Quiet Robe's shoulders are quite smooth. If you want to give peepaw Robe fuzzy shoulders, I certainly wouldn't complain: you don't need to remain 100% on-model, especially considering there's a gaping hole in his back underneath that miter, and the front of his robe hides the abyss instead of an old man's breast. Corners were cut to prevent obtrusive clipping in cutscenes, whose animation plays out in-engine through scripting while the game is running (this is how the game manages to transition seamlessly from a cutscene into a boss fight).
If you'll direct your attention back up towards our Zero Mission concept art, you'll see that the Chozo of yore had spiked forearms/elbows. Those structures may indeed be feathers (upon closer inspection, they do seem feather-shaped: all three characters appear to display different variations in feathering, particularly in the shape of the feathers and how densely clustered they are), but the older designs also appear to possess a carapace of sorts?
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The segments between their limbs are more pronounced, sort of like a beetle's exoskeleton. I'm not sure whether to think older Chozo designs had harder skin with feathers situated in specific locations (notably around the face and shoulders), or if our good chums are just skin and bones. Maybe the discs defining their wrists, ankles and elbows are just particularly bony, and I'm misreading their forearm feathers as spined protrusions.
Whatever the case may be, the older designs are charming. I find myself drawn to them despite the focus on submersing my own Chozo in fleshy, feathery pseudo-realism.
Part 2: Forearms and Hands
Like the feet of real birds, the tops of Chozo forearms are lined with rows of hardened scutes. Quiet Robe has cracked, chunky, pronounced plating that seems to show a bit of wear: a hallmark of aging.
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Chozo hands consist of three fingers and a thumb. Their digit count is consistent with the amount of toes that most real birds possess. Interestingly, Quiet Robe's knuckles are particularly pointed and pronounced, where Raven Beak X's aren't*. They remind me of jagged little spurs: useful in hand-to-hand combat.
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RB-X may not have raised knuckles, but the real Raven Beak's power suit has white knuckle guards that indicate his own might not be so different from our gentle friend. They could also exist to give his armored fist some punching power despite a lack of biological spurs, but this is all speculation.
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The palms of both Quiet Robe and RB-X's hands appear to match their inner elbow patches: Quiet Robe's palms are bathed in a violet hue, while Raven Beak X has pink flesh. This is more apparent on RB-X than on our Thoha chum, but that coloration appears to extend some ways down the underside of the forearm.
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Part 3: Those Weird Patches of Skin on the Inner Elbow
One thing you'll notice is that Chozo have patches of flesh on their inner elbows, under their arms, and between their fingers.
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This flesh tends to differ in color from the rest of the skin. Quiet Robe's are darker, with more saturated red-violet hues.
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The patches under the arms run in tandem with the serratus, the muscle on the sides of the torso that reaches inward towards the abdominals.
I tried to take a less weird shot, but couldn't figure out how to position the bones in a way that would provide a decently lit angle without warping the model horribly.
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RB-X's patches are stretched, perhaps a quirk relating to its size or an abridging of the feature via the X tampering with the related genes to suit its fancy. I've likened their appearance to the gliding membranes of animals like flying squirrels... not that these are likely to assist the creature in any gliding with how little surface area they inhabit, but their dimension and the way they resemble some sort of connective tissue spanning between the segments of each limb is certainly evocative. It's like having webbed feet, but instead of the webbing being between one's toes, it's situated between the bicep and the forearm.
I'm unsure of whether to write their appearance off as something only RB-X has, or to take them into consideration for Chozo morphology. I've entertained the thought that some Chozo's inner and under-arm patches do manifest more like this (flattening against the body when the arm is extended and stretching as above when the elbow is bent), and how one's flesh appears is a matter of genetics, or perhaps a feature of aging.
As humans get older, some sections of skin begin to loosen and sag. I don't imagine this is much different for Chozo: Old Bird and Grey Voice certainly have their fair share of wrinkles in the manga. At first, I thought the way RB-X's flesh stretched between its limbs looked somewhat taut and uncomfortable, but the more I think about this from the lens of aging, the more likely it seems that these sections could be spots of loose skin. Perhaps this isn't an X-borne bug, but a feature? Who knows.
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It's a lot harder to see the patches between the fingers on Quiet Robe's model, but they're present with a great deal of clarity on Raven Beak X.
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I think I mentioned this in my post about Quiet Robe's model, but these patches remind me of an anatomical feature seen in older official works (like the concept art for Metroid: Zero Mission). Older depictions of the Chozo had defined, segmented structures on the biceps and the underside of the forearms.
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Also of note is the fact that these structures appear on the legs of older Chozo.
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Now that we've covered in-game examples, I'd like to give more examples of this feature in concept. First off, you can see these patches in the gallery reward for 100%'ing Burenia in Dread. Upon closer observation, the prisoner on the left appears to display these patches.
The underarm patches are obscured, as their arms are resting pretty close to their torso, but you can barely see the pink patch of flesh running along the serratus and disappearing beneath the arm. The elbow patches are a little clearer.
It's very difficult to see, but I think the coloration around the prisoners' knees may also show some stray sections of pink, matching the leftmost prisoner's inner elbow. Dread's interpretation of the Chozo could possibly have similar patches behind their knees, but I don't see it. It's all up in the air: I say do as you please in that department.
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Now for our last example of shirtless individuals in Dread's key art: this hunter** from Ghavoran's 100% completion reward. The inner elbow is a bit obscured, but the modified serratus is clear as day.
The odd patches on Chozo arms were an anatomical subject I wanted to present in-depth because they've changed over the course of two decades: they moved from the sides of the biceps and forearms to the inner elbows and under the arms. Dread does a few things differently from Prime and Zero Mission, which is not a bad thing!
When illustrating characters of a fictional species from existing media, I like to take different depictions across generations into account. Morrowind's Argonians are unlike those we see in Skyrim, and the differences are even more staggering between Arena and Daggerfall! The Chozo have also undergone a few design changes between installments, though admittedly, there's far less whiplash between the Chozo of Dread and Zero Mission than there is between the Argonians of Daggerfall and Arena.
In both cases, the older depictions of the species in question aren't rendered "obsolete" or "not canon" by the newer designs. I'm of the opinion that these discrepancies merely open up more opportunities for interesting and diverse characters. I love seeing Argonian characters with digitigrade legs as Morrowind NPCs had, but the plantigrade layout on characters from the rest of the series is just as fine.
You could give your Chozo the arm structure of older designs, adhere to the more recent arm flesh patch conventions, or toy with a mix of the two: the world is your oyster! You could opt to omit them entirely! Don't let the most recent iteration of the canon hold you back: it's always worth taking a hint from earlier designs when you're playing in a sandbox with decades-old franchises.
I'm not here to say "this is how Dread does Chozo: adhere to the most recent canon or perish": I'm here to show you what Dread does so you can take these design choices into consideration when drawing your own interpretation of this species. Take liberties, and take them often! If you want to remain on-model, that's also fine.
That wraps up our investigation of Chozo arms, but if you notice something I neglected to mention, feel free to point it out!
**Possibly Raven Beak? Who knows: he's old and grey, this one's grey. Maybe these soldiers are out on a hunting trip with the boss, or perhaps he's proving his worth as a warrior by slaying Corpius' uncle solo and cuirass-less. There's no way to say for certain who this is or what's going on: Mawkin culture isn't elaborated upon much in writing during Metroid Dread. I make up my own lore as I go.
*If RB-X's form is an accurate depiction of Raven Beak's pre-death arms. Who knows, maybe his physical form has crusty armored old man scutes like Quiet Robe when Samus piledrives him into the surface of the planet, and the arms we see in-game are the product of the X parasite choosing the more glamorous, younger Raven Beak's smooth baby arms from the pool of genetic material it extracted from his still-writhing form. We'll never know.
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dogstomp · 1 year
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Dogstomp #2976 - February 23rd
Patreon / Discord Server / Itaku / Bluesky
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icarodamiano · 2 years
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she has been so girlfriend vibes lately
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simpingforcys · 26 days
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7 more before we hit 150 on this blog.
I'm thinking... giveaway once we reach that point 👀 Of what? Stay tuned ~ 🍬
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callmebrycelee · 2 years
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louisupdates · 2 years
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Louis liked this tweet from the DMA’s (23.2.23)
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icedbatik · 2 years
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Sidney Crosby: A face journey ...
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blogmoderne · 2 years
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littlemixdaily · 2 years
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jadethirlwall: cutla pics having a cute old time 🌞 take care my lovelies 🧡✨
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sea-sands · 2 years
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feb. 23
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