#20segi Sonyeonsonyeo ep 18
Appearing before The Dramacourt: 20th Century Boy and Girl Eps 17 to 20
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Whether Jin Jin’s parents are helping to save Jin Jin and Ji Won’s budding romance.
Whether Ji Won handled the sexually harassing situation involving nasty comments being made about Jin Jin better than Anthony.
Whether Ji Won needs to stop pushing Jin Jin away and stop being a noble idiot.
Whether Jin Jin has romantic feelings for Anthony.
Whether lawyers with crushes act like Young Shim’s boss.
The Rule(s):
Totally. Jin Jin’s Mom’s cooking is helping bring them together.
100% because Ji Won is a mature adult unlike Anthony who is basically a man-child.
ABSO-FREAKIN-LUTELY. Noble idiocy never benefits anyone. Man the F up Ji Won. Come on!
NO!!!!!! Because he’s not the one she’s constantly thinking about or waiting to hear from!!!
Yea sort of. At least from what we’ve seen.
RedRosette J: These episodes were super frustrating to watch mostly because Ji Won was being super annoying by pushing Jin Jin away. I literally wanted to shake the guy and be like “wake up dude! she’s been waiting for you for 17 years!!!!” But honestly, it’s totally refreshing to see a romance where they aren’t always startled by each other’s presence and don’t act like something unbelievable has happened every time they touch. I don’t know whether it has to do with the fact that they are older people in their mid-thirties or that they have so much familiarity having grown up with each other.
Jubiemon J: I think if the writer/director had portrayed the reason that Jiwon kept avoiding Jin Jin better, then his behaviour towards her would have been less frustrating for viewers. When he explained that he had been avoiding Jin Jin because he was scared of getting hurt again, I felt that it didn’t really match up with what we’ve known about Jiwon. There was only a couple of scenes where he asked whether he could be in a relationship with someone again and where he looked sad when looking at some of his old engagement photos. Other than that, we haven’t gotten the vibes that Jiwon was scared of being in love. I got more of the feeling that Jiwon was scared to be with Jin Jin because he didn’t want to compete with Anthony and turn his brotherly relationship with Anthony sour. I also thought that part of the reason Jiwon had been evading Jin Jin was that he thought Jin Jin and Anthony matched more. No, the explanation he gave was he was scared of getting hurt in a relationship again. . . Mm . . .
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When you have a fight for a seemingly pointless reason
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Things are awkward but they really aren’t that awkward
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Guys please just put us out of our misery and make it happen
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Dude! Stop looking at her like that if you can’t be with her! No wonder Jin Jin is confused!
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Doing all kinds of coupley things…
RedRosette J: I could relate to Ah Reum’s situation as well. Moving out at any age is difficult and I definitely remember feeling like her as she sat in her dingy apartment and cried after talking to her Mom. It’s part of growing up I guess. It’s just happening to her a lot later. The most interesting aspect of Ah Reum’s story was that Woo Sung was the first one to be there and even know the details of her new place. Even Young Shim was startled to see him there. But major points to Woo Sung today for saving Ah Reum from the creepy taxi driver stalker! You know how much he cares when he throws his shoes at the guy and runs around in his socks, given his OCD and all….
Jubiemon J: Yup, Ahreum’s moving out part was very relatable. You think you’re going to be super happy by yourself but then you end up missing your family. I do like Ahreum and Woo Sung’s budding romance. The pace is just right and Woo Sung, I think, is already aware of his feelings for Ahreum! Cute!
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Woo Sung, why are you there?
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It’s alright girl, we’ve all been there.
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Creeps everywhere
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Woo Sung to the rescue!
RedRosette J: I personally think that Anthony should just date the Manager girl (although Jubiemon disagrees with me on this) because he only acts like a normal person around her. He’s always so weird and awkward around everyone else. I don’t get it. He also has like 3 facial expressions that he rotates. It’s hard to get a beat on this character. What I did find to be totally hilarious was the photo shoot spoof of Song Jae Rim and Kim So Eun’s WGM one! It’s exactly the same LOL!
Jubiemon J: Anthony should just be by himself . . . and learn to be less selfish. Yup. The manager deserves someone much better than him!!!
RedRosette J: Also, anyone else rooting for the cutie makeup girl and Ji Won’s assistant guy? How cute are those two?
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Cuties ❤
Issue 1: Whether Jin Jin’s parents are helping to save Jin Jin and Ji Won’s budding romance
RedRosette J: Ji Won moved back to his place, but Jin Jin’s Mom is on a mission to feed the boy. She’s constantly having food sent up to his place and constantly asking him to come to theirs to eat. Which takes us to Jin Jin taking the beef stew to his place as an excuse to see him. Cut to: the slowest transfer of beef into a pot ever. Guys! just get together already and put us out of this misery! But to answer the question, yes, Jin Jin’s parents definitely helped to save the budding romance especially as Ji Won tried so hard to push Jin Jin away in these few episodes.
Jubiemon J: I swear . . . Jin Jin and Jiwon’s romance has been saved by food. Giving food to Jiwon is a way for Jin Jin to see Jiwon. The parents are totally doing their jobs! Thank goodness we have a family that supports them!
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The parents are the real matchmakers 
Issue 2: Whether Ji Won handled the sexually harassing situation involving nasty comments being made about Jin Jin better than Anthony
RedRosette J: Anthony and Ji Won are very very different people. Ji Won has a caring mature sense about him as opposed to Anthony who seems to have a “bull in a china shop” personality. He does whatever he wants without care of the consequences. He’s so used to being an entitled celebrity. His Manager is still cleaning up his messes. So grabbing the man when he said derogatory things about Jin Jin is not the way to go. Ji Won, in the same situation, simply refused to work with someone with attitudes like that. He knows that physical actions could have consequences. He’s more brains over brawn. To make matters worse, Anthony then proceeds to go hug Jin Jin in PUBLIC with no regard to the consequences. Yea yea, people are going to be like he was emotional and upset and blah blah but you’re an adult and not a teenager. You don’t have that luxury.
Jubiemon J: I totally agree with what RedRosette said. I love how this drama chooses to show similar situations being faced by the two male leads, yet the two guys deal with the scenarios completely differently. We get to see who is better suited to be with Jin Jin through these scenes. Jin Jin needs a guy who can act maturely. She herself is quite responsible and grounded too, so I don’t think she’d be good with someone like Anthony in the long run. Anthony really acts way too brashly like pushing off his radio show work last minute just to be by Jin Jin’s side when he could have just asked the Manager to look after Jin Jin.
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Anthony chill man.
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You can’t be doing this shit in public yo!
Issue 3: Whether Ji Won needs to stop pushing Jin Jin away and stop being a noble idiot
RedRosette J: Ji Won. Come on. Get your shit together. At first I was under the impression that he was pushing Jin Jin away because he was scarred from his first almost marriage situation and because he didn’t want to be hurt like that again, and then we were told about how Ji Won feels indebted to Anthony and then we were told that he was just afraid of Jin Jin leaving him. Okay what? This needed to be written clearer. Which is it? I can understand the parts about not wanting to be hurt again and the fear of his loved ones leaving him, because Ji Won has experienced a lot of loss in his life. But what I don’t get is the feeling indebted or whatever towards Anthony. Ji Won’s explanation of how he first felt like Anthony was his brother, doesn’t really provide a basis for his feelings of indebtedness to Anthony. It just seems like Ji Won put Anthony on a pedestal and is now struggling with it. Either way, being a noble idiot didn’t get anyone anywhere. And it doesn’t really matter how Anthony feels about Jin Jin because what matters is what Jin Jin feels!
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They know something is up with Ji Won!
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Having an intervention like…
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Ji Won get Anthony off that pedestal man!
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Dude. What is the problem? She loves you, you love her. 
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Okay but for real tho: this old dude should run a match making service. He’s like a dog with a bone.
Issue 4: Whether Jin Jin has romantic feelings for Anthony
RedRosette J: Nope. Not even a little. In this episodes we see Jin Jin’s fangirling over him significantly decrease. She still treats him with polite respect as she would any other co-worker and colleague and that’s about it really. Anthony seems to think that the fangirling = her really liking him but nope. At this point Jin Jin has confessed multiple times that she’s in love with Ji Won. Her imagining him in her bed, practically throwing herself at him during that beef stew incident, yelling at him in the elevator, yelling at him on the bridge etc. She’s been in love with him for 17 years and she’s been waiting for him, which is probably why she never bothered to date anyone else during that time. I highly highly doubt that someone with such strong feelings towards someone is going to fall for someone else she just met. It’s not going to happen. Jin Jin has only ever really seen Ji Won and I don’t think she cares for or wants anyone else. Anthony, buddy, go home.
Jubiemon J: I agree that Jin Jin doesn’t like Anthony romantically. She is just a fan of his and wishes him the best with his career. I love how we see that her crazy fangirl attitude has died down during these episodes. She just sees him as a co-worker. When they get time alone at Jeju Island, she isn’t super excited. She even wants the crew to come. She also becomes more concerned about finding her older sister than being with Anthony. Meanwhile whenever Jiwon and Jin Jin are alone, she gets all antsy and shy. She’s totally in love with Jiwon and has confessed it to him so much times. This brave woman!!
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Waiting on your crush to call like…
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When you love him but you have to be mad so you rehearse yelling at him…
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But then he gives you a drumstick and its hard to be mad anymore…
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Atta girl! tell him how you really feel!
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Keep it going!
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Ji Won finally! We were getting old waiting for you to make a move…
Issue 5: Whether lawyers with crushes act like Young Shim’s boss.
RedRosette J: Sort of. Most guys in law school are either married or going to be married or super old and the young, available ones are hella awkward and behave like Young Shim’s boss. As in, they don’t know how to talk to women or how to handle most social situations. So yea, they do act like how awkward he was acting. At least as far as I have seen.
Jubiemon J: Yes . . . I’d say definitely most of the single, younger ones I’ve met. (It’s sort of understandable given how law is. Even if you do go to court, there’s more paper filing, researching, individual work involved than you’d think. Client interaction wouldn’t come till later as well.) So very awkward, so different from the guys I’ve met who have business majors. I even became confused over some conversations I’ve had with them and RedRosette knows about this one which she agreed to be very . . . awkward. Yes, Youngshim’s boss’ awkwardness is realistic. His looks aren’t. Ha.
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Kinda awkward
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It’s more awkward when you try not to be awkward buddy.
Conclusion: Appeal Allowed.
Rating: 4 = I’ll Give You A Cookie (Multiple cookies to the production and OST people for making us squeal  and for giving us the feels in these episodes!!)
  File No: 20th-Century-Boy-and-Girl-EPS-17-to-20 Appearing before The Dramacourt: 20th Century Boy and Girl Eps 17 to 20 ***If this is your first time browsing The Drama Files, please read 
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