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마나트렌드 2023년 1월 18일 업데이트
갸루쌤 52화
2.5차원의 유혹 129.5화
빙검의 마술사가 세계를 다스린다 ~세계 최강의 마술사인 소년은, 마술학원에 입학한다~ 97화
비실비실선생 9화
비밀부부 21화
블루 락(Blue Lock) 203화
바투키 137화
바키 시리즈 바키도 2부 139화
모여라! 불가사의 연구부 306화
만지지 말아 줘 코테사시 군 43화
마오(MAO) 169화
돌아가주세요! 아쿠츠 양 129화
도박묵시록 카이지 24억 탈출편 447화
데스티니 러버즈 119.5화
노예인 나 씨 푹신푹신 주인이 존귀해서 오늘도 결국 실패 8화
내 현실은 연애게임 인 줄 알았는데 목숨을 건 게임이었다 65-1화
나만 불우 스킬 이세계 소환 반역기~최약 스킬 [흡수]가 모든 것을 삼킬 때까지~ 14화
그래도 아유무는 다가온다 184화
그녀도 여친 129화
귀엽기만 한 게 아닌 시키모리 양 173화
괴물 이야기(바케모노가타리) 185화
공주님 '고문'시간입니다 173화
켄간 오메가 192화
카구야 님을 이야기하고 싶어 98~100화
체인소맨(전기톱맨) 117화
전생했는데 제7왕자라서 멋대로 마술을 누립니다 119화
장난을 잘치는 (전) 타카기 씨 259화
인고시마 109-2화
이세계 미소녀 수육 아저씨와 138화
이세계 느긋한 농가 219화
이러는 게 좋아 25-4화
요자쿠라네의 대작전 157화
열혈강호 647화
여친, 빌리겠습니다 266화
여기는 나한테 맡기고 먼저 가라고 말하고 10년이 지나 전설이 되었다 32-4화
에덴즈 제로 221화
악마에 입문했습니다! 이루마 군 282화
아야카시 트라이앵글 116화
아가씨의 하인 111화
신데렐라 걸즈 극장 와이드 606화
슬라임 라이프 160화
사카모토 데이즈 102화
디-프래그! (디 플래그) 148화
뒤떨어진 후르츠 타르트 91화
다크 서머너와 썸을 탔다 22화
내가 너희를 지배한다 46화
내 마음속 위험한 녀석 112화
그랑블루 82화
그녀와 2P 10화
귀축 영웅 22화
귀여운 상사를 난처하게 만들고 싶어 89화
괴롭히지 말아줘, 나가토로 양 120화
공짜로는 안기지 않겠어요 27화
고블린 슬레이어 외전 이어 원 80-2화
개수일촉! 42화
감금왕 10화
전생했더니 검이었습니다 Another Wish 7화
이름 없는 괴물 41화
욕조에 탄 형제 ~지구 수몰기~ 32화 완결
이세계에서 스킬을 해체했더니 치트인 신부가 증가했습니다 53화
흡혈귀는 툭하면 죽는다 154화
학생회에도 구멍은 있다! 32화
오빠는 끝! 앤솔로지 3권 7화
연상 엘리트 여기사가 내 앞에서만 귀여워 29-2화
어서와, 아빠♥ 4.5화
아하렌 양은 알 수 없어 159화
신안의 용사 53-2화
식량인류Re -Starving Re velation- 46화
슈퍼볼 걸즈 6화
소원을 이루기 위해 악마를 소환했지만, 귀여워서 결혼했습니다 26화
소꿉친구하곤 러브 코미디를 할 수 없어 44.5화
세계 최고의 암살자, 이세계 귀족으로 전생한다 23-2화
선생님, 저는 신경쓰지 말고 가주세요!! 48화
복수를 바라는 최강용사는, 어둠의 힘으로 섬멸무쌍한다 66화
보이는 여고생 48화
보루토 -BORUTO- 75-2화
변경의 팔라딘 52-3화
배고픈 서큐버스는 가고 싶은데! 9-2화
무직전생 ~실의의 마술사편~ 13-2화
무르시엘라고 -MURCIELAGO- 160화
마도정병의 슬레이브 99화
딸이 아니라 나를 좋아하는 거야! 22-2화
나는 100만 명의 목숨 위에 서 있다 59~59-2화
인어공주의 미안한 식사 41~42-2화 완결
전생 흡혈귀 씨는 낮잠이 자고 싶어 51화
흑의 소환사 109화
회복술사의 재시작 50-2화
탈법 테이머의 벼락 성공담~S랭크 미소녀 모험가가가 내 수마가 되었습니다~ 16화
크래프트 오르가즘 2화
친구게임 108-2화
종말의 세라프 115-2화
조금 사랑이 과한 다크엘프가 이세계에서 따라왔다 9-2화
임금님 랭킹 222화
일일외출록 반장 120화
이세계 마법은 뒤떨어졌다! 47-2화
이마이즈미네 집은 아무래도 갸루의 아지트가 된 모양이다~Deep~ 10화
월드 트리거 230화
원펀맨 리메이크 222화
우자키 양은 놀고 싶어! 91-1화
우리집에 온 여기사와 시골생활을 하게 된 건 100화
우리 제자가 어느새 인류최강이 되어 있고, 아무 재능도 없는 스승인 내가, 그것을 넘어서는 우주최강으로 오인정되고 있는 건에 대해서 12-3화
오빠의 아내와 함께 살고 있습니다 130화
트리니티 세븐
알라바스터의 계절
방패 용사의 차림표
이 멋진 세계에 축복을
팔남이라니, 그건 아니잖아요!
라멘 너무 좋아 코이즈미 씨
이세계마왕과 소환소녀의 노예마술
DOGS infight
볼룸에 오신것을 환영합니다
커피 앤 바닐라
무직전생 ~록시도 최선을 다합니다~
커피 앤 바닐라 -블랙-
빅 오더
사이보그 009
무료만화 묵검향
무료만화 열혈강호
무료만화 무협
한국 만화 무료
일본만화 사이���
옛날 무료 만화
인터넷 만화 사이트
만화책 무료 다운로드
무료만화 킹덤
무료만화 원피스
무료만화 경향
무료만화 이재학
무료만화 김성모
일본만화 원서 사이트
일본만화 추천
일본만화 순위
일본만화 명작
일본만화 판매량 순위
2022 일본만화 판매량 순위
2023 일본만화 판매량 순위
여공남수 일본만화
최신 업데이트 마나토끼 - 일본만화 허브
오징어게임 일본만화
일본만화 클리셰
일본만화 캐릭터
일본만화 정식사이트
일본만화 번역소
#갸루쌤 52화#2.5차원의 유혹 129.5화#빙검의 마술사가 세계를 다스린다 ~세계 최강의 마술사인 소년은#마술학원에 입학한다~ 97화#비실비실선생 9화#비밀부부 21화#블루 락(Blue Lock) 203화#바투키 137화#바키 시리즈 바키도 2부 139화#모여라! 불가사의 연구부 306화#만지지 말아 줘 코테사시 군 43화#마오(MAO) 169화#돌아가주세요! 아쿠츠 양 129화#도박묵시록 카이지 24억 탈출편 447화#데스티니 러버즈 119.5화#노예인 나 씨 푹신푹신 주인이 존귀해서 오늘도 결국 실패 8화#내 현실은 연애게임 인 줄 알았는데 목숨을 건 게임이었다 65-1화#나만 불우 스킬 이세계 소환 반역기~최약 스킬 [흡수]가 모든 것을 삼킬 때까지~ 14화#그래도 아유무는 다가온다 184화#그녀도 여친 129화#귀엽기만 한 게 아닌 시키모리 양 173화#괴물 이야기(바케모노가타리) 185화#공주님 '고문'시간입니다 173화#켄간 오메가 192화#카구야 님을 이야기하고 싶어 98~100화#체인소맨(전기톱맨) 117화#전생했는데 제7왕자라서 멋대로 마술을 누립니다 119화#장난을 잘치는 (전) 타카기 씨 259화#인고시마 109-2화#이세계 미소녀 수육 아저씨와 138화
0 notes
시선 (1)
Gaze (1)
“Conduct is exemplary, and has a strong sense of responsibility. Diligent. Exemplary. Self-collected and diligent. Has a strong sense of responsibility.”
The contents were all roughly the same. Outstanding grades, and an absence of delinquent behavior. He’d been a splendid model student. Song Taewon had.
“Isn’t all of this a bit too out in the open.”
I hadn’t thought to look for it for a while since it was still technically personal information, but I’d ended up calling up Do Hamin to ask if there was any way he could look into one more person. When I’d told him the person in question was Song Taewon, he’d told me to run an internet search, so I had complied. And everything had actually been listed there.
From basic personal information to assets--was this something that was usually revealed?--and public records, his alma mater, hometown, family relationships, and assorted evaluation histories. It was detailed enough that I wondered if it was really okay. It seemed that things had become subject to open scrutiny as the S-rank Hunter had risen in public office.
“So he was similar to how he is now, even back in high school.”
He’d been super tall back then too, huh. Of course, he still looked a lot younger than he did now, but the expression in the picture and the atmosphere around him seemed to be about the same. …but shouldn’t that not be the case. The high school version seemed to be a bit more relaxed, but still.
“There’s really nothing that seems to be a problem. Not that it’s a bad thing, but……”
Considering the person I was up against, even that aspect increased the feeling of aversion somewhat. An upstanding way of living, devoid of any deviations.
Parents and a younger brother had made up his immediate family. It seemed that he’d lived with his grandparents as well. His mother and dongsaeng had been killed in an accident, and his father had died as collateral during a Dungeon break. I’d been aware that he had no family left. Since he was fairly young, I’d already guessed at the causes being due to accident or illness.
“That probably influenced his upbringing as well.”
Detailed information about the accident wasn’t available. His romantic and personal relationships were unlisted, too. I ran a search, just in case--but since there was so much information to begin with when it came to Song Taewon’s involvement with other Hunters, I found it impossible to parse through the results. I may have also just been bad at searching. It’s not like I would’ve had the prior experience to know how to go about it.
“...it’s not like I’m a mental health counselor.”
It felt like he’d be better off receiving some actual counseling services. Tossing my phone aside, I draped myself on top of the sofa. Chirpie and Velare were riding around and around in circles on top of the roomba. What cuties.
“How troublesome, really.”
It was impossible for me to deal with Song Taewon the way I’d done before, now. Not out of concern for my own safety, but because Song Taewon’s own life was on the line.
If I accidentally provoked him, and then, in order to protect me… Ah, hell.
“...didn’t I just end up looping a leash around my own neck, while being preoccupied about someone else’s.”
I really didn’t know what to do. But I still didn’t want to give up. The same ending, or even a similar one--I didn’t want to see either of them.
“Would it be better if the System, and being Awakened just went away. But it feels like it probably wouldn’t be that simple, either.”
I kind of wondered what would happen if I let him know, that outside of our world, there’s an even greater monster! But I couldn’t imagine his response. I see, so the real monster was somewhere else all along, and even S-ranks are normal humans compared to that! seemed to be too optimistic, probably.
‘Since Choi Seokwon would’ve been an outlier by current standards, maybe I should try leveraging that incident. Would I potentially be stepping on a minefield, if I did.’
If I was going to ask, I was definitely doing it over a call. After holding my head for a while, I picked up my phone again. Ah, right, Section Chief Song. Maybe I’d look up some of his acquaintances. Like from when he was in college, or……
I’d unconsciously ended up searching for ‘Section Chief Song college.’ ‘Section Chief Song’ would probably return more irrelevant results than ‘Song Taewon.’ I was about to re-do the search with ‘Song Taewon college’ instead, but I caught a glimpse of a familiar face in the image results list.
It was a picture of Song Taewon with a bunch of young children. When I clicked into the relevant post, there was a description explaining that it was from when Section Chief Song had been volunteering while in university.
→ look at the size difference b/w chief song’s and that baby’s hand, it’s wrecking me
→ omg where’d u get this pic??
↳ my friend’s oppa was in section chief-nim’s graduating class(1), so he v graciously supplied it
→ section chief-nim looks more carefree back thenㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Like the comment said, it was a face that seemed a great deal more relaxed. But what was this place. Everything on the message board was either about Section Chief Song or related to Section Chief-nim. On top of all the text threads about Song Taewon, there were a bunch of pictures as well. And they all seemed to be saturated in expressions of affection……
Ah, was this what they called a ‘fansite.’
I saw some crying comments, saying things like ‘isn’t he being overworked’ and ‘I saw him carpooling.’ Going a bit further back, I saw that there were posts on every page from people that were weeping over the compact car. When I went into an archived thread that seemed to have a lot of comments, it was filled with a sea of crying emoticons over the fact that he’d become a complete pedestrian now.
Reading all of that, I’d become saddened as well.
“Really, why does he have to live like that.”
He could at least get a new car. A big one. Even if he had one for office use at the Awakening Center, having to carpool to and from work just wasn’t it. And when he had to commute in his personal time… There probably weren’t very many instances of that to begin with, but still.
In heartfelt commiseration with a faceless, nameless mass, I heaved a sigh and added the site to my favorites list before clicking back out.
“A pet, hmm.”
Among the posts on the site, there was a picture of Song Taewon with a police dog. It seemed to be from some kind of event? Or something, but he still had on a fairly soft expression. Thanks to that, both ‘Section Chief Song, can’t you please raise a pet’ and ‘how could he, when he’s already so busy’ were busy fighting it out in the comments. I abruptly turned to look at Chirpie and Velare.
- 삐약!
Chirpie lifted one wing. How adorable. Your mood and mindset improved when there were cute kids around, no doubt about it. Wasn’t ‘animal therapy’ a thing or something.
Maybe I should procure a mount for Section Chief Song. A monster that could shrink down to a miniature form, and had cute and fluffy fur to pet.
‘It might be possible if I pose it as a donation to the country. Maybe I’ll look into it.’
A dog seemed alright, or a cat… It felt like a rabbit might unexpectedly suit him as well. Though it’d be iffy as a mount. Addressing it as a mount for the nation’s use should also lessen any feelings of apprehension.
…but in that case, Yoohyunie probably had a website like that too, right. Section Chief Song’s fanpage seemed to have a good vibe, so maybe I’d try to look up his, too. Since I hadn’t been caught up in anything lately that would send curses flying at me, it should be fine so long as I avoided looking at the archived threads. Broadcasts had been stressing our improved relationship.
A place where only the people who liked our Yoohyunie were gathered. I hadn’t given it much thought before, but after seeing Chief Song’s own site, I became seized by curiosity. Worrying about him like that, and cherishing him… Wasn’t that really great.
“Would it come up if I searched for ‘Han Yoohyun fansite’?”
Well… No site was coming up. Then, ‘Han Yoohyun fanclub.’ That still wasn’t it. ‘Haeyeon Guild Leader Fansite’ didn’t exist, either.
It couldn’t be, that there wasn’t one? There was no way that would be the case. Our Yoohyunie was handsome, adorable, and outstanding in a variety of ways. If even Sung Hyunjae had fans that would put out a birthday ad for him(2), then there was no way Yoohyunie wouldn’t.
While I was pondering over which search terms to use, I received a call. It was Yerimie.
[ Ahjussi! I’ll be heading straight to the rooftop garden. ]
“Ah, yeah. I’ll head out too.”
As I got up from my seat to depart, Chirpie floated up after me. Velare crawled over as well. If I left the two of them alone while Peace was gone, then they’d probably end up causing a mess again. Collecting them both, I headed up towards the rooftop garden.
Harsh sunlight, a bit too intense to be an autumnal sun yet, shone down. In a moment, it became obscured. Wide-spread wings swooped down soundlessly, with ease. What stood in front of me was a massive griffin.
A griffin whose head, legs, and tail tip were milky white, and a body and wings that gleamed with a golden light. The beak, a strikingly deep gold color, opened wide.
- 꺄아우!
Having vigorously cried out, Blue looked down at me with sparkling blue eyes. Even all grown up, the mischievous light in her eyes remained just the same.
After seeing Yoohyunie off yesterday afternoon, I’d used my Skill on Blue before we started our last training session. Thanks to having played well with her on a regular basis, after one all-nighter, she’d finished maturing completely.
[ Rank 2 Griffin-type ? Golden Griffin Blue
Current Stat Rank S
Possible Advancement Stat Rank A~S
Optimized Initial Skill
바람의 지배자(S) Acquired
황금 화살(A) Acquired
바람 저항(A) Acquired
날카로운 포효(B) Acquired ]
On top of being stat rank S, she’d acquired all of her initial Skills. She’d grown up very handsomely.
- 삐약.
Chirpie, who’d been in my embrace, opened its beak after seeing Blue as if it was shocked. I thought it might’ve been taken aback because she’d suddenly gotten so big, but spreading both its wings wide, it gave a (relatively) loud cry.
- 삐야악!
…was that supposed to be an imitation of Blue. Velare, who had been watching Chirpie while wrapped around my wrist, telescoped upwards and stiffened her body.
- 시이익!
Kids, what are you doing. Blue, no. Don’t you start. Papa’s eardrums are gonna burst.
“Blue really did finish growing!”
Yerimie said, having just flown down from the Haeyeon Guild building. While hopping up to gladly greet her, Blue’s tail movements splintered a small tree. …just in case, I should keep Eunhae activated just a bit. B-rank should be fine.
“That’s right, Blue-yah! You’re super handsome!”
- 꺄아 꺅!
The two eagerly clung onto each other, jumping excitedly. Just be a bit more mindful, please. The floor tiles of the garden were already developing cracks.
“It must be nice for Blue. Getting to grow up that fast! Why can’t I grow fast too? Even though Myungwoo oppa managed to get way bigger in just three months.”
Dissatisfied, Yerimie disclosed that her height had gone up a bit, but that it didn’t amount to much.
“You’re still a minor. If you Awaken before you’re twenty, then it’s only to the point of growing a bit faster than you would’ve while going through puberty normally. And besides, Myungwoo is a special case.”
Hunters with mid- to high-rank Stats tended to be above-average in physique, even before Awakening. Moon Hyuna had originally been close to 180cm, and I remembered Choi Seokwon’s height being listed as over 180cm on his profile. Even when you grew a bit after Awakening, the difference was typically 5cm or less. But for defense-types, it’d been said that there had been instances where they’d grown 10cm or more.
It wasn’t that there weren’t cases of low Stats appearing for those in good physical shape, but most professional athletes tended to warrant at least E-rank or above. As a result, the professional sports scene worldwide had been left in shambles. Though an Awakened league had popped up soon enough.
On the other hand, Myungwoo had started off with F-rank Stats. Since he’d already finished growing, I assumed that his growth rate had been accelerated to match his Stats. Though I didn’t know for certain, since nothing like this had happened even prior to regressing. There had been cases where someone’s Stats had advanced by a level or so, but that advancement in itself had taken years. Noah had, too.
“Blue-yah, we’re going together to a Dungeon today.”
- 꺄우.
“But you said you guys were up all night training. Will it be alright?”
“No sweat. A single night isn’t a problem for you, either. She would’ve slept during the morning, too, and if it’s an A-rank Dungeon, she’ll be able to rest in the middle if she gets sleepy.”
As she’d finished maturing just in time for Yerimie’s Dungeon raid, it was decided that Blue would tag along. Until a suitable partner appeared, Blue would be participating in Dungeon raids with Yerimie or Moon Hyuna as primaries. I’d already talked things over with Moon Hyuna yesterday, too.
As she was one of my wards, I’d also be receiving a portion of the rewards coming out from the Dungeon raid’s profits. At first, I’d wondered if it was really necessary, but Moon Hyuna had assured me that it would definitely be in my best interest, so I’d even drawn up a contract.
“Your raid preparations are all finished?”
“I’ve got everything well packed. There shouldn’t be anything dangerous anyway, since we’re only practicing our teamwork.”
Asking what I was worried about with two S-ranks on the team, Yerimie laughed.
“The container truck Blue’s gonna ride in is ready, too. Half of the container’s roof can open up. There’s a grate in place, though.”
Even if the grate was there, it only amounted to a signpost asking please don’t go outside. Since Blue would be able to break it apart very easily.
After checking on Blue’s condition, we crossed over to Haeyeon Guild. I could see the container truck Yerimie had mentioned parked in the Guild-use parking lot. When I handed the Owner’s Mark over to Yerimie, Blue cocked her head quizzically.
“Blue-yah, please take good care of me!”
As Yerimie’s hand shot up in the air, Blue’s beak met her lightly. She didn’t appear to have any reservations, so that was a relief.
The team still numbered very few. With one healer, two buffers and tankers each, and one DPS, they were six in total. Ha Eunha, who I’d seen in the previous ranking battles, was here too. All of them were older than Yerimie.
“Aside from the healer, everyone recruited was done so under recommendation of Hunter Bak Yerim.”
Seok Shimyoung said, having approached me. Since rank-compatible healers were so few, it was a given that the choice would be out of their hands.
“Though, I did at least recommend that she give preference to female Hunters when deciding on the configuration.”
I suddenly remembered what Moon Hyuna had mentioned before.
“I believe that to be the preferred case, as well.”
“As a matter of course. And as Hunter Bak Yerim is especially young, it is easy for others to look down on her. Even when they appear to be deferential in front of others, there are many cases where it turns out that they were plotting otherwise behind their backs. Our Guild also had to weed out many such characters at the beginning.”
Seok Shimyoung smiled bitterly, saying that there had been many who had been laboring under the misapprehension that they would be able to control Yoohyunie, just because he was young and they were an adult.
“We’re still in the transitional period. Once a bit more time passes, the Hunter world will care less about age or gender, and rank will start taking precedence. Though that will likely give rise to a different set of problems in rank-based discrimination. Even now, rank and partisanship-based discrimination runs fairly rampant.”
Saying that achieving perfection was a difficult endeavor, he continued.
“Is that not the reason for the existence of law and due process. Even when there is inequality, inequity should be reduced where possible.”
I’d thought so even back when he intervened in that situation with Kim Minnie, but Seok Shimyoung seemed to hold a keen interest in Hunter discrimination cases. …though, as someone who’d suffered at his hands before, it was something that made me feel oddly.
Since I wouldn’t have had a reason to run into Seok Shimyoung before Awakening, it might be that he’d already been aware of Yoohyunie’s situation, back when things had really been hard pre-regression. So he might’ve been intentionally cold in his approach to me because of that. …I hoped that was the case. I couldn’t be sure, since I’d only received portions of Yoohyunie’s memories.
“Shall we go now! No, I mean—let’s go!”
Saying that it felt awkward to speak using commanding language, Yerimie smiled cheekily. In case Blue suddenly became anxious after going into the container, I followed her inside as well.
“Yerim-ah, why are you coming in too?”
“It might be temporary, but she’s my mount. Of course I have to pay special attention to her.”
What a commendable thing you’ve said. If we met up with the Newcomer this time, I’d have to make sure not to forget to ask about both Yerimie and Song Taewon’s mounts. Then, the container’s entrance closing, the car departed.
(1) 동기 = contemporary/cohort, important social concept & different kinds, but in this instance it’s for ‘university year/graduating class peer’ (i.e. ‘class of x’) with the context. other ways it can be used is for ‘입사동기’ -> ‘entry contemporary’ for work, when u get hired in the same batch, or army service, etc.
(2) kr fandom tradition of buying subway advertisement space for anniversaries, notably birthdays, for their respective idol/celebrity/etc. usually organized by fansites/fanclubs as a collective gesture
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