#2023 at 11:00AM
kodittomat · 1 year
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Kippe MAU! Ihana Kippe etsii omaa kotia!
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mft-toyama · 2 years
最恐顧客ツマーより壁の反対側でコンセント使えるようにしろ💢と。。 ワタクシ電気工事の資格がないので、、 これが、こうw https://t.co/je6L05n8qx
— ウィズくんPRO (@withhome515) Jan 15, 2023
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dopingconsomme · 10 months
2023年12月10日の記事一覧 http://dailyfeed.jp/feed/23663/2023-12-10 (全 1 件) 1. 古い IFTTT レシピの動作が停止しない? #王04 via 複数のRSSをまとめるのデイリーフィード - DailyFeed http://dailyfeed.jp/feed/23663 December 11, 2023 at 05:00AM
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rkntg · 1 year
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ethereal-night-fairy · 8 months
Silver Tongues, like Bullets
Chapter 3
Werewolf!141 x Female Reader
So maybe you weren't the spy they thought you were..
That just meant they had to find others reasons to keep you...
Warnings: MDNI, dark themes, manipulation, lying and gaslighting, drugging, humiliation, kidnapping, non-con touching, non-con looking, forced proximity, forced nudity, groping, manhandling, panty stealing, poly 141 taking care of reader, reader is bedridden for a while, she needs help with everything...and I mean everything, some religious themes, reader comes from a religious household, sorry if a missed any.
Silver Tongues like Bullets Masterlist
Words: 5.1k
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-24/11/2023 11:00am
The cabin was pleasantly warm, the air carrying notes of burning cedar throughout the rooms. The fog had cleared up but no one was in the mood to leave the cabin. Even Soap decided to stay in, which was surprising. He’d be the first to take any chance to run in his wolf form. But since you left a little over an hour ago things didn't feel the same. The cabin felt colder, emptier, not as lively as before. Soap was gazing out the window from his place beside Simon who was on the laptop still going through your emails and social media trying to find information. They've both been mopey since your departure though Simon hid it pretty well. Price felt the same; he was much better at hiding it though. It was so odd how infatuated with you they had become. Yet the older two would never admit it…not yet anyways.
They received a call from Laswell in the early hours with an update. She hadn't found anything useful but she said she'd keep searching and call later. Price had caught Simon gazing at your sleeping form when he woke to take the call, though he had decided not to say anything to the brooding man. They all acted normal when you woke up, trying their best to get you to eat breakfast with them. But you were evasive and skittish, asking to leave as soon as possible. It seemed you had caught on that they drugged you. Your scared expression made Gaz and Soap heart ache since you didn't talk to them like you did yesterday. All they wanted to do was hold and cuddle you but it was too soon for that. Just as Gaz was about to make an excuse. Simon had chimed in and said that the hot chocolate was meant for him since he didn't like taking his pills straight. You looked surprised when he had spoken to you but accepted the lie without question.
You really needed some common sense knocked into you…or fucked into you...preferably fucked into you…they'll get to that eventually. You still refused to eat breakfast though and waited patiently for them to be done.
The rest of the plan went smoothly enough. You seemed upset when the truck had ‘broken’ down but didn't make a fuss about it. Rather you just asked for directions to find your way home alone. Even accepted their lie about having no reception on their phones without even checking them. That’s when the real plan kicked in and Gaz grabbed a map insisting on taking you back to the hiking trails himself as an ‘apology’.
Since then Gaz has been keeping Price updated through sneaky texts sent here and there. And Soap only just quieted down trying to convince the other two men to keep you. It’s not that Simon and Price didn't want to keep you because they definitely did. Imagining you in their shared countryside home was an absolute dream come true. Thinking about coming home to your loving arms after a long mission would fix their souls. But kidnapping you wasn't the answer, it wouldn't exactly make you trust them now would it? It was better to do it the proper way. Though they had to leave soon they could always come back and try to court you properly. If the infatuation with you stays, that is. Price was still convinced that this reaction they were all feeling was because they haven't been around anyone but themselves and Laswell for a really long time. You were a change of pace, something new, something exciting, something for the boys to sink their teeth into. For now they all waited patiently for Laswell's call. When the *ping* rings out throughout the living room, everyone's head snaps to the phone sitting on the coffee table. Soap lunges for the phone first but before he can text Gaz for pictures Price takes it from him.
Gaz: Arrived at the lake. She's upset and crying thinking we both got lost even with a map. It's kinda cute ngl. Any updates?
Price: Not yet. Should be soon. Keep her calm.
Gaz: 👍🏽
The phone rings not a second later which Price immediately picks up
Laswell: Nothing was found John. She's just a civvie from a religious family. Nothing to be worried about. It's a small town where she lives in doubt anyone would believe her if she said anything. There's a couple recent facebook posts from her parents shunning her. Claiming she ran away to join a city cult or something. And a bunch of older ones just insulting her for her choice in career. Apparently they wanted her to marry a youth pastor but she had rejected him and gone to college instead which upset them. They've been quiet since she began depositing majority of her paychecks into their accounts but a fight broke out recently when she told them she accepted a job offer in London. Her story checks out she wasn't lying. I do feel kinda bad for her though. It seemed like they had kicked her out. Poor girl probably has nowhere to go even when she makes it back into town.
Price thanks Laswell before hanging up. This…this changes everything…Soap and Ghost are on him instantly but he just holds his hand up as he texts Gaz a new plan of action.
Price: Bring her back by whatever means. We're keeping her… (message not sent)
Price tries several times to send the message but it doesn't work. A cold sweat runs down Price's forehead as he forces himself to stay calm for the sake of his lovers. As their captain in situations like these they were relying on him. Dread and panic sets into the other two as they scramble to their phones trying to call Gaz but it never connects. Immediately Price tells Ghost to track Gaz’s chipped necklace on the laptop after 10 minutes of calls not going through. Soap is pacing the room ready to bolt into the forest any second now as Ghost works frantically to get the screen to load up. Price waits patiently with his hands clenched. This was like that sedative incident all over again. The fear, the pain, the looming destruction of their pack, of his lovers was something he never wanted to face again. He had promised himself he wouldn't let it happen again. That he wouldn't allow them to be taken away from him. He was second away from calling Laswell screaming at her that her intel was wrong that they had got his boy. But the screen finally loads up. They stare at it shocked, not really comprehending what it was showing them. It showed Gaz's location right at the cabin but he couldn't get back in such a short time unless he was running in wolf form. They all ran to go check the treeline to see what was chasing him. There's no way that they think they'll go down without a fight.
They all burst out the cabin door, almost taking it off the hinges. Their body's heating, muscles bulging ready to tear their clothes right off them. But they stand there in shock as Gaz breaks through the treeline not fully in wolf form but not entirely human either. His eyes were glowing amber as heat radiated off his defined muscle. His clothes were ripped where his muscles bulged too much but he was cradling something close to his chest.
They ran, meeting him halfway as he shifted back slowly. He collapsed onto the grass as he called out for help. As they got closer they realised he was drenched and he was holding your unconscious body. You looked paler than before, the colour completely drained from your lips. Your clothes were soaked through and clinging to your body. Your jacket was missing too.
Price is on Gaz in an instant helping him get up as Ghost takes your unconscious form from him bolting inside as Soap goes to get Gaz a towel. Everything was frantic for the next few minutes. They didn't have time to ask questions, they just went off instinct as they moved around getting things ready for a warm bath.
Price brought Gaz to your room as Ghost began stripping you of your wet clothes. You weren't responsive and your body was very cold which concerned the men. They needed to get you warmed up as soon as possible.
“Soap get the bath ready!”, Ghost shouted over his shoulder as he tried his best not to ogle as he peeled your bagging clothes off your beautiful body. Ghost threw your wet clothes and panties to the side as he took your soft body into his arms, instructing Soap to go put them out to dry. Price begins stripping Gaz as they reach the bathroom. He seemed to be in need of a warm bath too. The poor lad looked shaken. He'll wait before asking questions. Once everything was in order Gaz settled into the tub waiting for Ghost to lower your body onto his. Ghost did so though a bit reluctantly. He didn't seem to want to let you go.
Before you lost consciousness all you felt was the prickle of cold water entering your lungs. You watched as the blue liquid engulfed your vision as you felt yourself sinking deeper into the depths of the lake. Your limbs had locked up the second you touched the water. The cold penetrating through your clothing, freezing your skin over. Your last breath comes out in strained bubbles as you try in a last ditch effort to call for help. Was this how you were going to die? Was this the end of everything? You hadn't even had your first kiss yet…you hadn't even begun to experience life. Sad thoughts run through your head as your vision began to blur.
Your eyes are forced awake by the feeling of your body being submerged in liquid fire. The smell of pine and mint wafts through the humid air making your head spin. You open your teary eyes to find yourself in a tub. You watch someone leave the bathroom as two strong arms wrapped around your naked body. They massage your waist, running fingers up your sternum between your breasts. You try moving your mouth but your muscles are tense and sore. You feel your head spin from the whiplash in temperatures you're experiencing. You watch as someone gently tilts your head back as they run their sudsy fingers through your hair alleviating some of the pain you're feeling. Price meets your eyes with a gentle smile as Gaz holds your body closer to his. You feel the hard muscles of his chest on your back, as well as his toned arms wrapping around you to keep you warm. You try moving your mouth again but your body feels like lead. You tried desperately to tell them not to touch you so casually. That you needed to go home but nothing came out of your mouth apart from gentle moans and whimpers. They just shush and coo at you as your eyes become heavy with fatigue again, not before catching the end of some conversation Soap was having.
“Put her in my clothes.. they'll fit her the best…no I don't know where her panties went…I swear I don't have the-…”
Then everything fades into black as you let the warm fingers massaging your head lull you to sleep.
-25/11/2023 03:00am
The cabin was dead quiet as you finally managed to peel your eyes awake from your exhaustion. You feel your head pounding. Everything felt fuzzy as if you were in a dream. The prickly pain from hunger was gnawing away at your stomach causing you to stir from your fever induced sleep. The only sounds you hear is of the wind blowing through the trees and of wolves howling. Wolves? There shouldn't be wolves in this forest. You don't think they're native to the area. It reminds you of the fever dream you had when Gaz had rescued you. He looked like a beast but that couldn't be true…right? You were probably hallucinating since too much lake water entered your system. Nothing felt real, nothing felt tangible. You weren't even sure you were alive anymore.
You don't know how long you've been asleep for. But your body felt like a dead weight. You feel like your limbs are tied down but you know they aren't. It's just extremely difficult to move with the burning fever raging through your body. You felt hot and sticky, wanting to get this thick duvet of your body to let the sweat dry.
It seems like your prayers are answered as you hear the front door open and some feet shuffling in. You'll have to ask the men for some help, it doesn't seem like you'd be able to move properly any time soon. Hopefully their truck was fixed so they could drop you back home tomorrow. You were supposed to be at work today, you didn't want to leave a bad impression before you left for London in two weeks time. Maybe this was all a dream and you'll wake up in your own bed after this nightmare ends.
You hear someone enter your room but it was too dark to see. You try saying something but your throat is bone dry and it just comes out in croaks. The person just shushes you as they peel the duvet gently off your body. You enjoy the cold air for a second. Letting it dry your clammy skin. What you don't enjoy is their hands starting to roam your body as they peel away the shirt you're wearing. You whine as you protest to the best of your ability but they don't stop. It's only when the light flicks on that your blurry vision clears after a second. Your eyes meet with Soap who's stripping you like he's done it before and has no problem seeing you naked. He smiles and coos at you while you try to get him to stop. When Ghost walks in with a basin and wash cloth his eyes are unreadable and then you understand why they're stripping you.
But you don't want them touching you, you're able to clean yourself you try to say but nothing comes out. Why did they feel so comfortable with touching you however they wanted? They weren't like this when you first met them. You were already upset by the fact they had put you in a tub with Gaz without your permission. They were taking their hospitality too far. You just wanted to go home. You hoped your parents weren't too mad at you. Maybe they've sent someone looking for you by now. The situation with these men was proving to be dangerous. You had a horrible feeling that they were stalling for time. They could have just dropped you into town if the truck was fixed, if not they could've called emergency services somehow. But wasn't like you have the energy to argue with them.
You can't do much as you're stripped bare. Tears cloud your vision as you beg them to stop in your hoarse voice but it comes out intelligible. You watch as they coo at you carefully wiping your tears and sweat away. Soap is sitting beside your head whispering reassuring words as you cry from the humiliation of watching Ghost run the warm wet cloth over your underarms, body and mound. Making sure to pay extra attention to your folds as he cleans in between them. You squirm as you cry louder making your already hoarse voice worse.
“Come on hen.. thare’s nae need to cry like that..we just want tae help ye.” Soap wipes your tears away as he nuzzles into your neck while Ghost dries you. You watch as Ghost takes off the hoodie he's wearing to put on your naked body. The smell of his aftershave hits you instantly as he gathers you in his arms while carrying you towards the bathroom. You stop crying seeing no point in tiring yourself out but the sniffles are hard to control. Why were they doing this to you? He places you on the toilet, making sure to gather the hoodie above your waist so you don't end up soiling it. This is by far the most humiliating situation you've ever been in your life. You bend over trying to hide you private parts from their view. Yes you needed to pee but they could at least leave you so you could do your business. They didn't seem to take the hint even with you glaring at them.
But Soap took your slumping figure as indication of your fatigue and decided he'll help you sit straight while you do you business. You claw at his arms with your full strength not that you had much but you definitely left marks as you hear him hiss. He didn't seem angry though and Ghost just watched intensely as you tried to hold in your pee.
“It ok hen..just do your business we'll clean ye after…nae need tae worry…”
“You need to hurry love…the food will get cold if you keep refusing to pee…I know you don't like it here…we'll take you home once you're feeling better…”, Tears slip past your waterline again as you do as your told not being able to hold your bladder any longer. Your cheeks heat from mortification rather than your fever, as the two men encourage you while Ghost goes to grab some tissue and water to wipe you clean. God please let this be a dream…a very very bad dream.
-25/11/2023 08:00pm
When you awake this time it's to throw up again. It's dark still you don't if you've be asleep for a couple minutes or for many hours. It seems like you can't catch the sun anymore. You didn't like the dark. It made everything feel oppressive and sinister. You don't know what's wrong but any food smell causes your stomach to churn. And the second the smell of meat came through your door you were fighting to keep the bile at bay. You get up on shaky legs to go to the bathroom to throw up. Your stomach felt like it was trying to turn itself inside out. When was the last time you ate? There’s only a chalky residue left on your tongue probably from the medication they gave you. But when did they give it to you? You can't remember anything. Your memories and nightmares were starting to blur together making everything feel like a drug induced hallucination.
Your muscles were sore and you weren't able to stay steady on your feet without the help from the wall as you walked along. You look down to find your clothes have changed again. Maybe you've just been hallucinating the bad encounters you've been having.
There's no way they would watch you pee or force you to take a bath with them right? Or constantly strip you to wipe away sweat right? You think you might have thrown up in your crying fits but you can't remember much. Yeah it was probably just an awful dream. There's no way they would have dealt with your tantrums and or cleaned up the mess you made. Men aren't like that. Your father certainly isn't. He never took care of your mother when she was sick. It was always you or your siblings. They probably just changed you and left you to rest with some painkillers. Even doing that was more than what most men would do so you should be thankful they were looking after you. But you wished they'd just get you home somehow. It must be some strong painkillers you can't seem to remember anything in too much detail. Like everything was blurring into one colour. You needed to cleanse your system before you pass out again.
You just about make it to the toilet bowl as your insides decide they don't want to stay inside anymore. Your stomach muscles strain and tense as your body tries to dispel the drugs you've been fed recently. The bitter taste of bile and something else was sour on your tongue. You don't even have a proper recollection of what happened in the last two days…
You feel a warm hand brush your hair out of your face as you continue to throw up. An odd feeling filled your chest… you were never taken care off like this before..It caused something warm to stir in your heart. Your head was still fuzzy so you didn't register someone holding water to your lips when you're done. It's like you're on autopilot. One second you're rinsing your mouth the next you're in bed with Gaz who's cradling your head to his chest. He coos and shushing you as he feeds you little pieces of bread with butter…At least it wasn't meat…your sure you'd throw up again if it was…
Your hazy vision catches sight of your clothing again. When did they change you? Were you hallucinating again? You silently eat your bread, not having the energy to argue anymore. Some sustenance was nice after everything that happened. It’s when the glass of water touches your lips you're met with a familiar chalky taste that makes you realise maybe you aren't hallucinating after all. But you don't get much time to dwell on it before sleep takes you.
-26/11/2023 12:00pm
For the first time in what feels like forever you see sunlight streaming through the curtains in the room. Your head felt too heavy and too light at the same time. Like you're fighting to keep your head up right but also felt like it was about to float away. Your head loses its battle as you stop trying to sit up. It was too much effort to try to move anymore and you needed to pee again…great…
You hear hushed sounds coming from outside the door just as you're about to call out for help. You try to make out words but your head's disoriented and your bladder is demanding your attention.
“There wa…search party se-…-ey found her jacket…unwanted attention….we need tae lea-…” you don't understand what they're saying but you try listening again but it's just a jumble of accents.
“...…the news rep-.... proclaimed drown-....no body fou-...-ght she's a spy…”, Spy? They thought you were a spy? Why would they think that?
“...we're taking her with us…”, your mind jolts when you hear those words. ‘We're taking her with us’…They were never going to let you go were they? Fear seeps into every fiber of your being. The fact you were drugged and unable to move was even worse. What were they going to do with you? Murder you? Torture you? Sell you off?
A sob leaves your mouth before you can stop it and the hushed voices come to abrupt stop. You hold your breath trying to keep yourself from crying, not wanting them to become suspicious of you. Soap is the first to walk in his eyes scanning the room before his eyes land on your weakened state. His eyes soften ever so slightly but he seemed on edge.
“What's wrong pretty girl…what do ye need?”, your mind races to come up with an excuse so it doesn't seem like you were crying because you heard them.
“B-bathroom”, you whisper through your tears. That seems to release the tension in his shoulders as he come to pick you up to take you to the toilet. When you pass the other men they give you gentle smiles as Soap helps you with your business. They make themselves scarce giving you some privacy. You didn't trust their gentle smiles. You knew what you heard, you weren't going to gaslight yourself into thinking these men had your best interest at heart. You needed to leave!
You watch as Soap cleans you, his arms were covered in claw marks more than likely your doing. He had a tendency to get too handy when ‘helping’. He seemed to be learning though since he cleans you quickly this time around. You still weren't happy about all the touching and cuddling you feel at night though. But at least you're knocked out for the majority of it. You didn't know how you were going to escape, you barely had any energy to support yourself. Just standing for a few minutes took all your energy out of you. Soap carries you back gently. You needed to get food in you if you planned on running away. It was best if you acted like nothing had changed. Like you were expecting them to drop you off home soon. Just until you figure out how you'd escape their clutches that is. You catch Soap arms just as he's about to leave after tucking you in.
“Awe bunny are ye hungry?”, you just give him a nod with pouty lips, hoping to gather some sympathy from him.
“Lunch isn't ready yet. Ah’ll get ye something tae munch on ok?” You give him a gentle smile as he leaves. You'll have to use your charm to get him to take you out for some fresh air tomorrow. It's the only chance at escape you'll get. God why did it have to be you? All you ever wanted was to work in the city. Was that so bad? Maybe if you were a better daughter things wouldn't have ended this way. Maybe if you didn't run out on your parents you wouldn't have gotten lost in the forest. Maybe if you had married that pastor you wouldn't be in this situation. But now wasn't the time to think God had forsaken you…You needed all the help you could get.
-29/11/2023 09:00am
“Bunny please eat something…you haven't touched your food since we brought you home…”, You weren't going to either, you were tired of getting drugged. God knows what they do to you when you're passed out.
“Luv come now…he even made your favourite breakfast…everything we do is because we care for you..”, Price chimes on his way to install bolted locks to some of the doors.
“I understand yer mad hen but we just wanna take care of ye…ye'll get used tae living here.. promise”, you give Soap a particularly nasty look as he follows Price to do some renovations. They were in a hurry since they had to leave soon.
You glare at Gaz like he's the source of all your misfortune. Like he's the reason everything has gone wrong in your life. You can't believe you ever found this man sweet or charming. You're tucked into the furthest corner of the sofa you could find with a cushion clutched to your chest for protection. It was one of those nice expensive ones too. God you hated these deranged rich bastards. Everything in this home felt like it was high quality. You wanted to kick yourself because all you could think about was all the nice pictures you could take…if you had your camera that is. It was the first nice camera you bought. You had worked so hard to save up for only for it to be drowned like your hopes and dreams.
You didn't like the fact the place was so warm and homey. For some deranged kidnappers you were expecting someplace easier to hate, somewhere that didn't have so much love and character put into the design aspect of the home.
When you had first woken up you found yourself in a very large bed surrounded by them in what you later found out to be Price's room. You hadn't realised they were in that kind of relationship. You didn't understand what they wanted from you. They reassured you they knew you weren't a spy and that they definitely weren't going murder or hurt you for information. Why did they take you then?
They all had large rooms with large beds to accommodate them all. All uniquely decorated to fit everyone's vastly different aesthetic. They tried convincing you to sleep in one of their beds last night but you insisted on the sofa. You all slept in the living room last night with some on the sofas and others on a large mattress on the floor. You can't believe they bothered to carry that huge thing just so they could sleep near you. You'd find it endearing if you weren't literally trying to escape your kidnappers.
They tried claiming the guest room needed to be renovated. That they'd make a comfortable space here for you. That they'd decorate however you like once they get back home from their new mission. Had they gone insane? What made them think you were upset about a damn room rather than the fact they had KIDNAPPED you. What made them think you'd be ok being kept against your will?
You had tried asking if it was because you found out their secret. You begged and promised that you wouldn't tell a living soul but they just chuckled saying they fell in love with you and just wanted to take care of you. They really were insane…You're stuck with a bunch of lunatics. You wished you had realised that sooner. Maybe you'd be safe at home by now or possibly packing for your move to London. God why you…
You wish they would just leave so you could try to escape or call for help. It wasn't going to be easy. The house was like a fortress. Heavily equipped with cameras and an advanced locking system. But you just needed to bide your time. You weren't going let someone else dictate your life anymore. You worked too hard to get here. You were sick of being a pushover. You're sure your parents would have declared you a missing person by now. Yeah everything will work out, you'll be home in no time. You'll figure out a way to get home. You continue to ignore Gaz as you watch the men with keen eyes while they carry tools and such to ‘your’ room. They must think you're an idiot if they believe they'll get the chance to lock you in that room without a fight…
Copyright © by ethereal-night-fairy. 2024. All Rights Reserved. Writing not permitted for reposting, transcription, translation or use with AI technologies.
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kingofooo · 1 year
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standee design by writer/storyboard artist Hanna K. Nyström
design cleanup by color supervisor Carolyn Ramirez
WEDNESDAY, JULY 19th at 6:00pm – 9:30pm
Ballroom 20
Comic-Con and Warner Bros. Television proudly continue our annual Preview Night tradition featuring the world premiere of the highly anticipated series Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake, alongside all-new episodes of Riverdale and Teen Titans Go!, and screenings of Mrs. Davis and Superpowered: The DC Story.
THURSDAY, JULY 20th at 11:00am – 12:30pm
Ballroom 20
Max Original Animation celebrates new and returning animated series' including an expansion in the Adventure Time universe, Adventure Time: Fionna & Cake; a new animated series, Young Love, based on the characters from Matthew A. Cherry and Sony Pictures Animation’s Oscar-winning animated short, Hair Love; and a preview of the upcoming fourth season for the fan-favorite Harley Quinn. The panel will feature exclusive sneak peeks, surprise panelists, and more. Moderated by Damian Holbrook (TV Guide magazine).
SUPERSONIC: The 15th Annual Behind-The-Music Panel
THURSDAY, JULY 20th at 10:00am – 11:00am
Room 25ABC
Get a behind-the-scenes look at what goes into creating the scores and sounds to some of today's most popular TV series and films. Panelists include Phil McGowan (score mixer, Star Trek: Picard), Amanda Jones (composer, American Horror Stories, ADVENTURE TIME: FIONNA & CAKE), Chris Bacon (composer, Wednesday), Sherri Chung (composer, Gremlins: Secrets of the Mogwai), Kurt Farquhar (composer, The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder), and Michael Yezerski (composer, Cabinet of Curiosities).
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halobirthdays · 11 months
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In honor of our beloved, best boy's birthday, Halobirthdays is hosting another giveaway!
What does the winner get?
The winner will receive:
One (1) copy of Halo: The Cole Protocol, for a look at Thel before his rise to Supreme Commander.
One (1) copy of Halo: Outcasts, for the Arbiter we know and love (and also the most recent Halo publication).
One (1) color-changing desk light featuring everyone's favorite brothers-in-arms.
One (1) energy sword bookmark (for all the Halo reading you'll be doing).
One (1) Mark of Shame iron-on decal and;
One (1) high-quality print of the absolutely adorable commission by the talented @nagunkgunk.
The cost of shipping will be covered by Halobirthdays.
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How do I enter?
I'm doing things a little differently this time.
You must be following Halobirthdays.
One (1) reblog per user will count. Likes do not count. If you would like to reblog to spread the word (which I appreciate) but do not want to enter, please let me know via message or in the tags.
You must have an address within the contiguous United States.
You must be eighteen years or older to enter.
When will a winner be selected?
This will run from the moment of this posting until 12:00AM EST on December 11, 2023. After that, the entries will be tallied and a winner will be randomly selected as soon as possible. Halobirthdays will contact the winner via Tumblr direct message. The winner has 24 hours to come forward and claim the prize. If they do not come forward, a new winner will be randomly selected.
Please make it clear that you are not a bot by tagging the post, and/or adding an icon and banner to your blog. It's not required, but reblogs and from suspected bot or giveaway accounts will be blocked.
Fine print below the cut:
This event is not affiliated with Tumblr.
This event will run until 12:00AM EST on December 11, 2023. One (1) winner will be randomly selected.
By participating, you affirm that you meet and agree to the terms and conditions set forth herein.
If a winner is selected but is found to not meet the eligibility criteria, they forfeit the prize and another winner will be selected.
Any issues regarding shipping once the prize has been mailed shall be settled between the winner and the carrier service. Halobirthdays will make a conscientious effort to ensure that the prize arrives undamaged. However, Halobirthdays shall be held blameless for any lost or stolen prizes, damage, and/or shipping delays during transit.
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Monsterfucktober Bingo 2023
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This spooky season, play a round of Monsterfucker Bingo with us! Fill as many squares as possible with your original works before November 1, and receive special badges once the event is over!
👾 Monsterfucktober Bingo 👾
First Row (left to right): bioluminescent, orc, android, undead, cryptid
Second Row (left to right): fae, tentacles, vampire, naga, plant creature
Third Row (left to right): ghost, eldritch, free space, were-being, dragon
Fourth Row (left to right): centaur, arthropod, giant, angel, merfolk
Fifth Row (left to right): science gone wrong, alien, slime, elemental, demon
Rules & Guidelines
Event runs from October 1 - October 31.
All ships and fandoms welcome! ♡
Use the tag #monsterfucktoberbingo or tag our blog @monsterfucktoberbingo to have your fills featured on our blog! If you think we missed your post, send us an ask!
All forms of media (fanart, fanfiction, fanmade videos, playlists, food recipes inspired by the bingo square, etc.) are accepted. ☆
Old works are allowed to be used to complete your card! We want to promote all monsterfucker content, new and existing, for this event.
Works do not need to be explicit; we're monsterlovers, first and foremost 😘
Between November 1 (12:00am PST) and November 3 (11:59pm PST), send an email to [email protected] with your bingo card, and we'll send you back your badges! We'll have badges for completed bingo lines and blackout cards, but we're also going to have badges for each completed square!
~ Mods @seiya-starsniper @valiantstarlights & @gil212
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I have put a lot of effort into writing these fan-fictions, and I take great pride in the work I have put in to make them as enjoyable as possible. I want everyone to have a good time reading them, so I urge you to read the warning before you start so that you know what to expect. I hope you enjoy the stories as much as I enjoyed writing them. Please remember to leave a like or reblog if you have the time, as it would mean a lot to me. Thank you!
OT8 Reactions
You standing in front of them naked. - OT8 You waking up next to them. - OT8 There favourite spicy toys - OT8 You send them nudes - OT8 When he get jealous over another man flirting with you - Hyung Line When he get jealous over another man flirting with you - Maknae Line When you randomly start crying - Hyung Line When you randomly start crying - Maknae Line 
{I Choose you - Minho x Seungmin} Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Final
{Love Triangle - Chan x Minho x Felix} One shot 
{2:09 - Felix x Chan} One Shot
{Birthday Sex - OT8} Bangchan, Minho, Changbin, Hyunjin, Jisung, Felix, Seungmin, Jeongin
Bangchan: Foursome
Hyunjin: Boyfriend
Jisung: Belly
2022 - 2023 Series
{Hi Daddy - Complete} Part 1, Part 2, Part 3,  Part 4, Part 5, Final 
{Master - Current} Part 1,  Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6 , Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12
{The Crown - On hold} Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, 
2022 - 2023 Season One Shot's
Bangchan: Age Regression , Addict , Midnight Thoughts , When you breakup with him and he returns your house key, Red Lights, 2:22am, 7:04pm, 2:03am, Broken, Pregnancy test
Minho: Dancer , 5:33pm, Mr Lee, 9:34pm, Stop
Changbin: Enemies to Lovers, Gym Junkie , When you pick him up from the airport, 3:33am, 5:00am
Hyunjin: When he’s injured you as his best friend, 12:34pm, Teacher, Alone, Awkwardly in love
Jisung: When you call your ex over to cuddle you, 1:32am, 6:51am, 4:58am, Truth or Dare, Confession
Felix: Unloveable , Breeding, 1:11am, 8:30pm, Say it again
Seungmin: Awake, 3:45am, 10:31pm, Glass, The mile high club
Jeongin: First Time , Husband Material , 4:44am, 12:34am, Cheeky Smile, Feelings
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maximumkillshot · 9 months
Part 11 Dropping tomorrow!!!
Hello Everyone!,
I am coming out of my writer hole to tell you that Part 11 will be dropping tomorrow!!! Also a fair warning... I CRIED AGAIN.....
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This one hits close to anyone really so same as always...yes?
Comfort Plush
Anything that will provide serotonin or endorphins
As always I will be around after drop for a while so that I can be a free therapist if you need it! Or you can yell at me and ask me WHY??
Part 11 is dropping tomorrow at these times around the globe:
NEW YORK,USA- 12/29/2023 5:00pm
LOS ANGELES,USA- 12/29/2023 2:00pm
Dublin, Ireland- 12/29/2023 10:00pm
Seoul,South Korea- 12/30/2023 7:00am
Melbourne,VIC,Austrailia- 12/30/2023 9:00am
See you there!
I Can't Lose you Masterlist-CLICK HERE
Stray Kids Masterlist-CLICK HERE
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colleendoran · 2 years
MOCCA Arts Festival
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Announcing the 2023 MoCCA Arts Festival Featured Guests
The Society of Illustrators is proud to share a list of Featured Guests who will appear at the MoCCA Arts Festival, taking place April 1 - 2, 2023 from 11:00AM - 7:00PM on Saturday and 11:00AM - 6:00PM on Sunday. The Exhibitor Hall will be held at Met Pavilion, a spacious venue nestled in the heart of the Chelsea neighborhood, and is within walking distance to many great restaurants and attractions. Programming will be a few steps away at the SVA Flatiron Gallery, located at 133 West 21st Street. 
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Maia Kobabe is the author of Gender Queer (Oni Press), a critically acclaimed Young Adult graphic memoir that has also been named a Stonewall Honor book. Gender Queer was also ranked by the American Library Association as the most frequently banned or challenged book in the United States in 2021. Kobabe will talk about eir work in a special spotlight session moderated by Michele Kirichanskaya and will also participate in a panel on comics and censorship hosted by PEN America’s Jonathan Friedman.
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In her career, Colleen Doran has written and drawn the long-running creator-owned series A Distant Soil and has worked on titles including Wonder Woman, Amazing Spider-Man, and many others. Her body of work includes a series of collaborations with writer Neil Gaiman which are the subject of the exhibit “Colleen Doran Illustrates Neil Gaiman,” running from March 22nd to July 29th at the Society of Illustrators. She will appear in conversation with Gaiman to discuss their comics collaborations and her overall body of work in a special programming event moderated by exhibition curator Kim Munson.
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Barbara Brandon-Croft became the first Black woman to write and draw a nationally syndicated comic strip when Where I’m Coming From debuted in American newspapers in 1991. Featuring a cast of nine women of color commenting insightfully on current events, her groundbreaking comic strip has now been anthologized in a book edition from Drawn and Quarterly. Brandon-Croft will talk about her trailblazing work in a special spotlight session. 
Other featured artists at this year’s festival will include:
Kim Deitch, a pioneering underground comix artist who began publishing comics in the East Village Other in 1967 and whose most recent graphic novel, Reincarnation Stories (Fantagraphics) was published to critical acclaim in 2019. 
Drew Friedman, whose most recent book of portraiture, Maverix and Lunatix (Fantagraphics), celebrates the artists of the underground comix generation
Miriam Katin, whose out-of-print graphic memoir of escaping the Holocaust as a child refugee accompanied by her mother, We Are On Our Own (Drawn & Quarterly), will be republished in a forthcoming paperback edition. 
Toma Vagner, the award-winning illustrator who designed this year’s MoCCA key image and has produced striking graphics for clients including Harry Styles, Google, The New York Times, Bloomberg, and The New Yorker. 
Noah Van Sciver, whose body of graphic novels includes Joseph Smith and the Mormons (Abrams ComicArts), Fante Bukowski (Fantagraphics Books), and the forthcoming comic book series Maple Terrace (Uncivilized Books). 
These and other Featured Artists will participate in programming and signings, schedules for which will be announced in the coming days and weeks. A full list of exhibiting artists can be found on the MoCCA Arts website. 
About the Museum of Illustration at the Society of Illustrators and the MoCCA Arts Festival
Founded in 1901, the Society of Illustrators and its Museum of Illustration together comprise America’s longest-standing nonprofit organization dedicated to the art of illustration. The mission of SI/MI is to promote the art and appreciation of illustration and its history and evolving nature through exhibitions and educational programs. 
The MoCCA Arts Festival is a 2-day multimedia event, Manhattan’s largest independent comics and cartoon festival, drawing over 7,000 attendees each year. With over 500 exhibiting artists displaying their work, award-winning honorees speaking about their careers and artistic processes and other featured artists conducting demos, lectures and panels, our Festival mission accelerates the advancement of the Society’s broader mission to serve as Manhattan’s singular cultural institution promoting all genres of illustration through exhibitions, programs and art education. 
The Society will continue to release additional information about the Fest in the near future. Tickets are available to purchase online as well as at the door.  The Society is following all state and city safety protocols. Protocols are subject to change, so be sure to check back for the latest information. As of now, face coverings are optional at Metropolitan Pavilion and the Exhibitor Hall. Proof of vaccines, boosters and masks are required to enter SVA buildings and programming. 
To learn more about the Fest, please visit the website.
For media inquiries please contact:
Kate Feirtag
Director of Communications and External Relations
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saintmeghanmarkle · 10 months
The tide is turning ... TW is being accused of being the racist by u/RazMoon
The tide is turning ... TW is being accused of being the racist The tide is turning ... TW is being accused of being the racistAndrew Gold posted a video: Breaking: Meghan Markle ACCUSED of Racism!He was commenting on the Page Six article about an excerpt from Endgame where TW refused an equerry who happened to be a POC. She denied this guy a promotion allegedly because of his skin color.The comments are going wild accusing her of being the racist.Andrew Gold is also reporting that on twitter that the hashtags #MeghanMarkleIsRacist is trending at the moment .Direct link to the Page Six article: Meghan Markle ‘insulted’ after palace assigned Queen Elizabeth’s Black equerry to help her ‘feel comfortable’ amid ‘racist’ accusations: reportHere is the archived article link post link: https://ift.tt/ErjkFDt author: RazMoon submitted: December 11, 2023 at 02:00AM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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dopingconsomme · 11 months
2023年11月10日の記事一覧 http://dailyfeed.jp/feed/23663/2023-11-10 (全 1 件) 1. AI同士を協力させて拓也さんを芸術品に仕立て上げる via 複数のRSSをまとめるのデイリーフィード - DailyFeed http://dailyfeed.jp/feed/23663 November 11, 2023 at 05:00AM
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stevetonyisendgame · 2 years
2023 Steve/Tony Endgame Mini Exchange ♡
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It's the year 2023: Steve and Tony make up, make out, and make a comeback, and we're making a low-commitment mini-exchange focusing on their relationship in and after Endgame!
We are accepting all kinds of fanworks for this event: fics, art, videos, gifsets, podfics, manips/edits, fanmixes, and we're open to other work types as well. Don't hesitate to DM us or send an ask if you have any questions. Signal boosts are much appreciated!!
April 14: Sign-ups open
*April 30: Sign-ups close 10:00am EST
May 1: Assignments sent out
June 11: Works due 11:59 p.m. EST
June 16-20: Works revealed anonymously
June 21: Author reveals
Rules + Guidelines
The event is being run as part of @cap-ironman Universe Medley Fest, so if you sign up and create a work, you can claim a badge as well!
*Sign ups deadline extended to April 30 10:00am EST!
💌 Mods: ishipallthings, thahiree, meidui
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fansplaining · 1 year
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We're very excited to share the topic and final line-up of Fansplaining's 2023 San Diego Comic-Con panel! If you're headed to SDCC, please join us bright and early on Thursday. 😎
Covering Fandom: How Fan-Journalists Strike the Right Balance:
Fans have always held roles in the media, but the mainstreaming of fandom has dramatically increased opportunities for journalists and editors to use fandom in their work—or to cover fandom itself. Fans can bring unique angles, but the ethics of covering a thing you’re a fan of—or a fandom you’re a part of—can be sticky. Seasoned fan-journalists will discuss navigating these boundaries: Kat Moon (TV Guide, Fandom), Krutika Mallikarjuna (BuzzFeed, The Good Immigrant), Julian Cannon (The Knockturnal), Kayti Burt (Den of Geek, Rolling Stone), and Elizabeth Minkel (Fansplaining, WIRED). Moderated by Devon Maloney (Vulture, The Verge).
Thursday July 20, 2023 10:00am - 11:00am PDT  Grand 10 & 11, Marriott Marquis San Diego Marina
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robinfrinjs · 1 year
It's Indy 500 time!
Today it finally starts, Indy 500 time! We start of this week with practice from Tuesday until Friday. Then Saturday and Sunday it's qualifying time! Next week, Monday practice and then Friday Carb Day, the final practice before the big race and Sunday it's race time! And considering we have more than 33 entries, we will be bumping!
Any questions? hmu in my ask box, especially qually can be confusing at times.
NBC broadcast info for the complete 500:
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For international viewers, practice can be seen on INDYCAR LIVE. All INDYCAR LIVE links:
Practice 1 Practice 2 Practice 3 Practice 4 Practice 5 Practice 6 Qualifying Day 1 Practice 7 Top 12 Qualifying Qualifying Day 2 (Last chance + fast 6)
A bit of it is on Sky Sports in the UK as well, but not all. Qualifying should be on your usual channels such as : Viaplay (Nordic Countries), Sky Sports, Ziggo Sport etc.
Schedules in CEST and EDT under the cut
This week's schedule in CEST:
16 May 2023 🔸 15:00–17:15 — Practice 1 🔹 15:00–15:05 — Install laps, all cars 🔹 15:15–17:15 — Oval veterans practice 🔸 19:00–00:00 — Practice 2 🔹 19:00–21:00 — Rookie Orientation and Refresher Tests (basically, RC Enerson only) 🔹 21:00–00:00 — Full-field practice
17 May 2023 🔸 18:00–00:00 — Practice 3
18 May 2023 🔸 18:00–00:00 — Practice 4
19 May 2023 🔸 18:00–00:00 — Practice 5 (Fast Friday) 🔸 00:15 — Qualifying draw
20 May 2023 🔸 14:30–15:30 — Practice 6 (two groups) 🔸 17:00–23:50 — Qualifying Day 1 🔹 20:30–22:30 — NBC broadcast window
21 May 2023 🔸 17:30–19:30 — Practice 7 🔹 17:30–18:30 — Top 12 participants 🔹 18:30–19:30 — Last Chance participants 🔸 20:00–21:00 — Top 12 Qualifying 🔸 22:00–00:00 — Qualifying Day 2 🔹 22:00–23:00 — Last Chance Qualifying 🔹 23:15 — Firestone Fast Six
This week's schedule in EDT:
Tuesday 16th May
9:00am — Practice 1 (2hrs 15mins)
9:00am — Install laps, all cars (5mins)
9:15am — Oval veterans practice (2hrs)
1:00pm — Practice 2 (5hrs)
1:00pm — Rookie Orientation and Refresher Tests (2hrs)
Open to RC Enerson.
3:00pm — Full-field practice (3hrs)
Wednesday 17th May
12:00pm — Practice 3 (6hrs)
Thursday 18th May
12:00pm — Practice 4 (6hrs)
Friday 19th May
12:00pm — Practice 5 (6hrs)
6:15pm — Qualifying draw
Saturday 20th May
8:30am — Practice 6 (1hr)
8:30am — Group A (30mins)
9:00am — Group B (30mins)
11:00am — PPG presents Armed Forces Qualifying Day 1
11:00am — Qualifying runs (6hrs 50mins)
2:30pm — NBC broadcast window begins
4:30pm — NBC broadcast window ends
5:50pm — Final qualifying gun
Sunday 21st May
11:30am — Practice 7 (2hrs)
11:30am — Top 12 participants (1hr)
12:30pm — Last Chance participants (1hr)
2:00pm — Top 12 Qualifying (1hr)
4:00pm — PPG presents Armed Forces Qualifying Day 2
4:00pm — Last Chance Qualifying (1hr)
5:15pm — Fast 6 Qualifying (30mins)
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