#2021 Gold Wing Deliveries
gaadikey · 3 years
2021 Honda Gold Wing Tour deliveries begin
2021 Honda Gold Wing Tour deliveries begin
Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd. today commenced the deliveries of its flagship model, 2021 Gold Wing Tour in India. Following all COVID-19 protocols and ensuring the safety of customers, the deliveries were conducted through company’s exclusive premium retail outlets – Honda BigWing Topline in Gurugram (Haryana), Mumbai (Maharashtra), Bengaluru (Karnataka) and Indore (Madhya…
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Living Hope by Tale_To_Tell (@tale-to-tell) | Art by ButterflySist3r (@butterflysist3r)
When Dean announced that they were going to be parents, Castiel couldn’t have been happier, but a complication during the delivery leaves Dean in a coma.
No one knows when (or if) Dean will get better. Their pup is the only thing that’s keeping Castiel from falling apart.
He doesn’t know how long he can last.
Posting September 6, 2021
Rating: Mature
Warnings & Tags: Alpha Castiel, Omega Dean, Mpreg, Baby Jack, Fluff and Angst, Alternate Universe Modern Setting, Angst with a Happy Ending, Heavily Implied Depressed Castiel (lack of appetite, feelings of guilt, etc), Major Character Injury, John Winchester’s A+ parenting, background Sabriel 
“Are you feeling alright?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.” Dean said. “I think it’s time for presents.”
“Presents.” Dean stressed. “I need to give you yours.”
“Oh.” Castiel leaned back in his chair, still stunned from the rapid change of topics. 
“Be back in one sec.” Dean stood from his chair and left the room before Castiel could process what he had said. Luckily though, Dean did not take long. He came back with a gift bag nearly overflowing with tissue paper.
“Here.” Dean said, handing the gift bag over. His scent was tinged with sour notes of nervousness.
“Thank you, Dean.” Castiel took the gift bag from him and spent a second admiring the silver and gold design.
“Open the gift part first and leave the card for after.” Dean instructed.
Obediently, Castiel took out the tissue paper. He ignored the card when he saw it and put it to the side.
At the very bottom of the bag lay a bee stuffed animal. Castiel picked it up to inspect it. It wasn’t very big, maybe half a foot long and wide, but it was incredibly soft. It had two antennae that popped out of its head and bounced around when Castiel moved it. There were wings, too, that Castiel could flap around.
“Not that I don’t appreciate bees, Dean, but I’m afraid I don’t understand.”
“Read the card.”
Castiel placed the bee stuffed animal down gently and picked up the card. He glanced up when Dean’s scent soured further with anxiety. Dean gave Castiel a strained grin and waved his hand.
“Keep going.”
Castiel frowned but opened up the envelope and took out the card.
The front was blank except for the text.
“Happy Anniversary to the Best Husband…”
Castiel opened the card.
“… and the Best Dad”
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kikiyakno · 4 years
✧ Little Star
Date → Some day during the week prior to the Masquerade event. Feb 2021 Setting → Kian’s Grandparent’s Home. Santa Monica, California Triggers  → None, but does include descriptors of fish cutting so if that’s not your cup of tea... Mentioned  → Yi Jae-Sang , Seong Sunwoo , Brandon Kelly, Song Minjoon , Maverick Maxwell, Yong Chul Synopsis  →  ★ Stars are born when large gas clouds collapse under gravity.
The invitation was weird, it was random, it definitely was fishier than whatever fish it was Kian’s grandmother was scaling on the cutting board, but Kian held the weirdrandomandveryfishy invitation close to his chest. This was it. This was exactly the shimmering gold ticket his family and their restaurant needed that would definitely turn everything around.
Except…Gyeonggi Grill was having no part of it.
Just about every eatery in Pico was on board, even the ones Kian didn’t particularly think should be serving food (looking at you Pete’s Palace) and the ones he personally considered to be competition. There was no haste in the flood of Facebook posts on his feed of businesses confirming and promoting their attendance in response to the mysterious invite. It was hard not to feel the clamoring excitement over a party at an art museum. The more he refreshed pages, the more he heard about people talking of it between deliveries, the more Kian felt that this was possibly the shining light for Gijis to be seen again. They would sign up, get paid for it, and best of all to serve new people ~rich people~ to ultimately bring business back in. 
This big chance and his grandparents were radio silent. Kian couldn’t understand.
“Momo,” Kian whined loudly to his grandmother with a soft bounce on his heel. Even with his call the older woman didn’t look up from her work and feed into his melodramatic call. He huffed, the lack of response making his brows deepen further in frustration. “Momo, everyone who’s anyone will be there. They’re paying vendors to be there. This went out to a ton of people, probably everyone we know! Seriously! Everyone’s talking about it. This isn’t just something someone planned on the block, yakno. It’s a huge deal.” 
The pressed enunciations of his words make Kian stop to take a breath. In consideration, he defaulted to speaking in Korean when he was at home and not surrounded by any of his friends. His grandparents had never requested that he do so, but on his own Kian decided that it was a  respectful gesture. Just because English was his preferred language, forcing them to speak it with him didn’t seem fair. It takes him seconds to catch his breath before Kian starts up again.
“This party is exactly what we need, Momo. We can serve…..we can serve the soy garlic chicken! And you know people absolutely love our fried chicken. They talk about how good it is all the time! You know normal chicken places in America don’t double fry. And when they try, it sucks. That’s what makes ours so good! We can stand out with that! Guaranteed!” 
His grandma still didn’t respond, head down and much busier in her re-work of separating scales from the fish. However, there was a soft smile that had made a way to her face now. The passion and sincerity in his voice tickled her ears, especially when a little twist of the accent Kian had arrived at her doorstep with slipped free. Her grandson spoke with fire but not the kind that sought to burn others. He also spoke awfully fast. Which wasn’t too out of the norm for her grandson. Years ago she noticed Jae, Sunwoo, and Kian all shared that oddity.
The lull in the room pressed in on Kian and he broke through it with a giant huff. He waited still, watching her work the knife with expertise. He bit his lip to stop the clench of his jaw and the tightness from impatience building in his throat.
 “Mo—“ “Do you want to cut the fish? It’s your favorite before I clean it.” 
Cut short mid breath, Kian blinked wide at the knife being placed aside for him. She still didn’t look at him, but stepped aside for him to join her. The words sitting on his tongue blew away on a sigh, obediently setting the invite away and beelining to the sink to wash his hands. He steps beside her to take the knife as he starts cutting through the skin. The silence lingers on, aside from the edge of the knife occasionally drags against the cutting board. Kian works as asked, but fast. His cuts are clean and precise despite having his conversation stalled.
“You aren’t listening to me.” He says in an undertone, looking down at his work as he goes.  “I am, Ki-Hyun. I am listening.” Her voice is fond and silvery. Kian knew he was doing his cutting well. “Then why aren’t we joining everyone? Why aren’t we preparing for the event, Momo. We can serve food there.”  “...” “They will give us money. They pay, it won’t be free yakno.” “...” “A lot of people will be there. A lot of people who will love our food like they used to.” “...” “Maybe it’ll be enough money to help us catch up, Momo.”  “Kiki, please slow down and watch your cut.” “Please stop ignoring what I am saying.” Kian’s voice rises a few notches from his soft mutter. He pauses his cutting, noting how his clean work had suffered as he had tried to discuss. He evaluates briefly if his volume had gone too high to be seen as disrespectful, or if he could go on. Soon after he disregards his worry. He was tired of making these pleas and not getting answers. “Why are we not participating? Why aren’t we going?”
The sharpness in his tone takes her by surprise, but she is no stranger to determination. She can’t fight the look on her grandson’s face anymore, sighing herself before she gingerly responds.“...We can’t afford to close an entire day, Ki-Hyun. That’s a day’s business lost.” 
“They’ll pay twice that! Maybe triple than what we make in a day!” 
“We can’t guarantee that, Ki.”
“I can! It’s all over Facebook! Twitter! Other businesses saying they’ll be there and got paid! Remember when I made those accounts for us? People have tagged us—ah, mentioned us! They want to know if we’ll be there.” His voice brightens, contrasting her modulated one. His falters down instantly, however, seeing how her eyes widen then dampen in gentle confusion. Social media was still an entirely new world language for her. “Customers that are going to the party are asking about our food being there. They want us to be there too, Momo.” He defines for her with warmth. Kian can see her understand with his explanation, but she looks away from him before he can see a different turmoil in her eyes.
“We can’t gamble on something everyone else sees as lucrative. And...it would have to be more than a day to prepare for such a large number of people…that means we would have to close for longer to accommodate. Everyone on our staff would have to work longer.”
“Right, and then I’ll get Jae and DaeDae and Mason, and some of my new friends to help us all out and make things easier. And-and Minjoon loves being in the kitchen. If not, him and Chul have networks online too! I know they’d be super happy to help us find the hands we need. Maverick likes food trucks and stuff, he could talk to people! Oh, and Brandon might could help us with clothes and let us borrow something nice to go in!”
“He would find you a really nice dress. Remember I told you that’s what he does, yakno? He’s really good at it. Remember he called me from out of town? He was in a Fashion Show out of state! People love his stuff!” 
“And you know Jae would probably take off all his jobs to help. DaeDae would help too. Buuttt he’s the only one we might have to pay with food, so—” “Ki-Hyun.” Kian stops. Moreso to take a breath than to listen.
“Ki-Hyun, we don’t even have enough in our inventory right now to do so.”
“Yes we do, we—” “Kiki.” 
Kian blinked wide, and she simply shook her head against it. He hadn’t even finished! Each idea of his was shot down in seconds.
Excuses, excuses, excuses. These weren’t answers they were excuses. He didn’t notice how his hands had started trembling or how an ill taste of bitterness wrapped around his tongue. 
“Maybe if you stopped preparing that sweet chili wing combo every Monday and Wednesday night, we would have enough.”
“Momo, if Sunwoo was going to come back he would’ve by now. I told you that. But you still do that every night for two days a week. It’s been a month. That’s four weeks. Combos come with six pieces, but you give him two extra. So that’s about thirty-two pieces of meat we’ve had to throw out in the last month because of one person that could’ve fed five or more people.”
Kian knew he had crossed a line and he could see it in her face. He braced for anything, but she only fired right back at him.“And I will keep making what I want for him because those are his nights he works late. It’s too late and dangerous for him to stop anywhere else!”  
“You don’t get it. He doesn’t CARE!” Exploding, Kian lets knife go to drop onto the table as his world suddenly blurs. “He doesn’t care! He-He doesn’t care and he won’t come back! They aren’t coming back. Cause they don’t care. They don’t care. And YOU don’t care!” Kian steps back, immediately remorseful but a throaty sob obstructs his apology. The busy pattern on his grandma’s shirt melds into one in the watery world. “You don’t care! You won’t let me help. You don’t think I know we’re behind! I work because I know we’re in trouble. But you and Grandpa keep...trying to HIDE it and not make me worry. But that just makes it worse! I worry anyways! I’m 27 now and you’re getting older, but I see you work every single day. Then you come home, tired, but then for ME you pretend we’re doing okay when we’re not. We’re NOT!! No matter what we do it’s not enough. I keep working and working and working and working but it’s just not enough! It’s not enough for you to stop pretending like I can’t help! It’s not enough for my friends to feeling like they don’t have to baby me and take care of me and pay for me to eat all the time! It’s not enough for me to ever see you stop working, or rest well at night, or for us to think about taking road trips like we used to or flying away on vacation!” Kian stops to wipe his face with his sleeves in a rush, face wet as though he had been standing in rain. He pushes his face into them to have his cry, only to feel his chest heave in harder when in the brief darkness he only imagines the glittering, serene lights of Paris. He shuts his eyes tighter and tears his face away in a hurry, feeling the accumulation of months of his world caving in on itself finally collapsing on top of him. 
“I-I’m tired, halmeoni. I’m tired of us pretending. This is our one chance and you say no! Why are you giving it up so easily? Why are you giving up?! Wh-wh-why am I the only one who cares? N-N-No one cares! No one cares but me!”
Kian feels like he’s going to give way again before strong arms pull him close from behind. He breaks regardless, knowing now that at some point his Grandfather had come into the room. At this point Kian’s grief commanded his outburst.
“I’m sorry i’m not Kyung-soo. I’m sorry i’m not good like Kyung-soo so you could finally rest and have plenty of money and friends and nice clothes like he does. If I wasn’t here your family would love you and send you the money you need and you wouldn’t be dealing with this. They won’t even help you because of me. It’s my fault. I’m so sorry we can’t be happy and enjoy things like normal people. I’m so—!”
Kian felt warm hands take his cheeks and his body be squeezed harder. Momo had been hushing him and only at her touch had he quieted. He didn’t know how long she had been trying to, but his Grandfather’s face was buried heavy into his shoulder. Momo smiled, relieved to see that she had gotten through to him, but Kian could finally see her face was just as wet—and tired—as his. As familiar as she was to determination, her heart ached to see overwhelming frustration cripple the brightest heart she knew. She could be angry, she could be upset, but while Kian said one thing, she heard another. Hopes, wishes, blame, and shame but most of all that passion and sincerity.  Yes, it hurt to be the one hit by his fire this time, but this detonation of Kian’s was different than all the others she seen before it. She swiped over his cheeks with her thumbs, still working on a smile despite her own tears.
"Don’t let go of any of those dreams of yours, little one. We will figure this out just like we’ve figured out everything else. Keep hoping. It’ll be alright. I promise.”
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laifelow · 4 years
Okay, so a review of the esc 2021 entries we have so far. In alphabetical order. And on their live vocal.
I WILL compare returning artists to their 2020 songs. and WILL NOT be objective.
Albania: Anxhela Peristeri - Karma : Albania ALWAYS delivers. I love it. Her voice is amazing, and Albanian is really nice. THE PASSION. Strong song.The dancers are weird, but chances are they’ll get lost for Rotterdam.
Croatia: Albina - Tick-Tock : Okay, performance is good, but appart from that, it’s very meh. Generic pop music. Not my style, I’d say, but her voice is also a bit lacking. But there’s a lil part in croatian, wich is cool.
Czech Republic: Benny Cristo - Omaga : No live version yet :( I like this one, it’s so happy and dancy! I think it’s better than 2020′s Kemama (which I already liked). If the performance is good, it’s a sure qualifier for me.
Finland: Blind Channel - Dark Side : The hook is super catchy. My fav so far.The chorus, not so good, and that’s honestly a shame. I think it’s good for Eurovision, though. It’ll def grow on me. They need to calm down on the flashing light, though (and put some fire. Fire is good).
France: Barbara Pravi - Voilà : Yeah, it’s a good song, she has a v good voice, and very touching delivery. It’s just... SO FRENCH. Old school french. And I don’t like this idealisation of old music we have going on. idk, doesn’t do it for me. It’s not shameful to send, tho (looking at you, 2020). Also, I fucking hate the ending. Its speed gives me serious anxiety.
Israel: Eden Alene - Set Me Free : I wasn’t sure Eden Alene could do better than 2020′s Feker Libi, and well... she did. Set Me Free works great, and I can’t wait to see her live!
Lithuania: The Roop - Discoteque : Heh, On Fire was better imo. The performance is on point, tho. The bright colors, the neat, weird dancing, that’s what I want on Eurovision. The song just lacks a lil something. Also, v repetitive.
Norway: TIX - Fallen Angel : The sunglasses. The gold. The fur coat. The WINGS. Dude got it right, it’s ridiculous, and I love him. The song is 100% boring tho, catch him getting lost in semi-finals. It will 100% grow on me also, catch me loving this song in 3 month.
Spain: Blas Cantó - Voy A Quedarme : Universo was one of my fav in 2020, I was so scared for this year and well... It’s not as good. Still good, tho. I really like his voice, so I kinda hope they revamp it with a lighter production to feature his vocals better.
Ukraine: GO_A - Shum : This one has already grown on me :’). I don’t like it (yet) as much as Solovey, but I like it. It’s v different, I love her voice, the flute, the beat. It’s good. GOOD. I’m waiting a lot from their live performance.
Yeah, so there’s no winner for me so far, but it’s overall pretty good. Can’t wait to see what’s next (esp Portugal. You better send Keratus)
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newstfionline · 4 years
Monday, April 5, 2021
Coming out of the cave: As life creeps back, some feel dread (AP) Dinner reservations are gleefully being made again. Long-canceled vacations are being booked. People are coming together again, in some of the ways they used to. But not everyone is racing back. For some, even small tasks outside the home—a trip to the grocery store, or returning to the office—can feel overwhelming. Psychologists call it re-entry fear, and they’re finding it more common as headlines herald the imminent return to post-pandemic life. “I have embraced and gotten used to this new lifestyle of avoidance that I can’t fathom going back to how it was. I have every intention of continuing to isolate myself,” says Thomas Pietrasz, who lives alone and works from his home in the Chicago suburbs as a content creator. Pietrasz says his anxiety has grown markedly worse as talk of post-vaccine life grows. He says he got used to “hiding at home and taking advantage of curbside and delivery in order to avoid every situation with people.”
Vaccine passports are latest flash point in COVID politics (AP) Vaccine passports being developed to verify COVID-19 immunization status and allow inoculated people to more freely travel, shop and dine have become the latest flash point in America’s perpetual political wars, with Republicans portraying them as a heavy-handed intrusion into personal freedom and private health choices. They currently exist in only one state—a limited government partnership in New York with a private company—but that hasn’t stopped GOP lawmakers in a handful of states from rushing out legislative proposals to ban their use. Vaccine passports are typically an app with a code that verifies whether someone has been vaccinated or recently tested negative for COVID-19. They are in use in Israel and under development in parts of Europe. But lawmakers around the country are already taking a stand against the idea. “We have constitutional rights and health privacy laws for a reason,” said Pennsylvania House Majority Leader Kerry Benninghoff, a Republican. “They should not cease to exist in a time of crisis. These passports may start with COVID-19, but where will they end?” Benninghoff said this week his concern was “using taxpayer money to generate a system that will now be, possibly, in the hands of mega-tech organizations who’ve already had problems with getting hacked and security issues.”
Facebook data on more than 500M accounts found online (AP) Details from more than 500 million Facebook users have been found available on a website for hackers. The information appears to be several years old, but it is another example of the vast amount of information collected by Facebook and other social media sites, and the limits to how secure that information is. The availability of the data set was first reported by Business Insider. According to that publication, it has information from 106 countries including phone numbers, Facebook IDs, full names, locations, birthdates, and email addresses. Facebook has been grappling with data security issues for years.
In Myanmar, Easter eggs a symbol of defiance for anti-coup protesters (Reuters) Opponents of military rule in Myanmar inscribed messages of protest on Easter eggs on Sunday while others were back on the streets, facing off with the security forces after a night of candle-lit vigils for hundreds killed since a Feb. 1 coup. In the latest in a series of impromptu shows of defiance, messages including “We must win” and “Get out MAH”—referring to junta leader Min Aung Hlaing—were seen on eggs in photographs on social media. Young people in the main city of Yangon handed out eggs bearing the messages of protest, pictures in posts showed.
With Swarms of Ships, Beijing Tightens Its Grip on South China Sea (NYT) The Chinese ships settled in like unwanted guests who wouldn’t leave. As the days passed, more appeared. They were simply fishing boats, China said, though they did not appear to be fishing. Dozens even lashed themselves together in neat rows, seeking shelter, it was claimed, from storms that never came. Not long ago, China asserted its claims on the South China Sea by building and fortifying artificial islands in waters also claimed by Vietnam, the Philippines and Malaysia. Its strategy now is to reinforce those outposts by swarming the disputed waters with vessels, effectively defying the other countries to expel them. The goal is to accomplish by overwhelming presence what it has been unable to do through diplomacy or international law. And to an extent, it appears to be working. “Beijing pretty clearly thinks that if it uses enough coercion and pressure over a long enough period of time, it will squeeze the Southeast Asians out,” said Greg Poling, the director of the Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, which tracks developments in the South China Sea. “It’s insidious.”
Nearly 20 arrested in alleged plot against Jordan’s King Abdullah II (Washington Post) Jordanian authorities on Saturday arrested as many as 20 people and sought to restrain the movement of a former crown prince amid what officials called a threat to the “security and stability” of a country long regarded as a vital U.S. ally in the Middle East. Prince Hamzeh bin Hussein, the eldest son of the late King Hussein and his American-born fourth wife, Queen Noor, was told to remain at his Amman palace amid an investigation into an alleged plot to unseat his older half brother, King Abdullah II, according to a senior Middle Eastern intelligence official briefed on the events. The move followed the discovery of what officials described as a complex and far-reaching plot that included at least one other Jordanian royal as well as tribal leaders and members of the country’s political and security establishment. One official cited unspecified evidence of “foreign” backing for the plan. Biden administration officials were briefed on the arrests, which come at a time of heightened economic and political tension in a country long regarded as a bulwark of stability and an essential partner in U.S.-led counterterrorism operations.
Cairo’s mummies get a new home. And a grand procession on the way. (Washington Post) It was a parade unlike any other this city has seen. A procession of 22 ancient Egyptian royal mummies streamed Saturday from downtown Cairo, where revolutionaries rose up to topple autocrat Hosni Mubarak a decade ago, to a new museum three miles away that represents Egypt’s future as much as its past. At 8 p.m., the mummies—18 kings and four queens—left the famed ochre-hued Egyptian Museum near Tahrir Square, where they had rested for decades. They were each atop specially decorated gold-and-blue-hued vehicles resembling boats. Or perhaps the symbol of a winged sun, an ornament worn by Egypt’s ancient rulers and seen as providing protection. Each of the 22 vehicles was emblazoned with the name of the royal mummy it carried. The multimillion-dollar affair—called the Pharaohs’ Golden Parade—had been promoted for months. Egyptian authorities are seeking to attract tourists, a key source of foreign currency, and alter the course of an economy battered by the coronavirus pandemic, Islamist attacks and political chaos in past years. The highly choreographed ceremony was also a nationalist vehicle to highlight Egypt’s place in history. The nation’s authoritarian president, Abdel Fatah al-Sissi, who himself is often referred to as “a new pharaoh” for his ambitious projects and iron-fisted rule, presided over the ceremony.
Confronting late-stage pandemic burnout (NYT) Like many of us, the writer Susan Orlean is having a hard time concentrating these days. “Good morning to everyone,” she tweeted recently, “but especially to the sentence I just rewrote for the tenth time.” “I feel like I’m in quicksand,” she explained by phone from California, where she has been under quasi-house arrest for the last year. “I’m just so exhausted all the time. I’m doing so much less than I normally do—I’m not traveling, I’m not entertaining, I’m just sitting in front of my computer—but I am accomplishing way less. It’s like a whole new math. I have more time and fewer obligations, yet I’m getting so much less done.” Call it a late-pandemic crisis of productivity, of will, of enthusiasm, of purpose. Whatever you call it, it has left many of us feeling like burned-out husks, dimwitted approximations of our once-productive selves. “Malaise, burnout, depression and stress—all of those are up considerably,” said Todd Katz, executive vice president and head of group benefits at MetLife. The company’s most recent Employee Benefit Trends Study, conducted in December and January, found that workers across the board felt markedly worse than they did last April. The study was based in part on interviews with 2,651 employees. In total, 34 percent of respondents reported feeling burned out, up from 27 percent last April. Twenty-two percent said they were depressed, up from 17 percent last April, and 37 percent said they felt stressed, up from 34 percent.
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rockzone · 2 years
Troy Redfern- Wings Of Salvation
Release Date: 23 Sep 2022
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* Photo credit Adam Kennedy
Hot on the heels of his critically acclaimed 2021 album The Fire Cosmic, blues-rock slide guitarist and singer-songwriter Troy Redfern returns with his most compelling album, The Wings of Salvation.
Produced by Dave Marks (Hans Zimmer) this ten track offering is an exciting new chapter in Redfern’s trajectory, not only as a slide guitarist, but as a creative force in the recording studio.
Troy says, "I wanted to make a record that was a true representation of where I am right now as an artist. I wanted to create something in the spirit of the old school classic rock albums that I grew up listening to."
After releasing an unprecedented six albums in just under two years, this album highlights Redfern’s powerfully edgy vocal delivery, condensed song writing skills, tight arrangements, complimented by his trademark “firebrand” slide guitar playing.
Troy says, "I felt like the time was right to head back into the studio as the creative juices were flowing. On the new album, I wanted to approach the recording process by starting with a completely clean slate.
"I wrote the new album from scratch in just under five weeks, in the same way that the bands that I grew up listening to use to do. It makes everything fresh and immediate. It’s an accurate snapshot of where you are as an artist at that moment.
"Dave Marks, my producer, and I also decided early on we wanted an old school aesthetic for this album, in that we wanted no studio fixes, no autotune, no drum editing or samples. It had to be real, with only complete takes, no chopping up parts in post-production to make them sound perfect. We wanted an album that authentically captured my sound. I feel satisfied in knowing that we achieved what we set out to accomplish, and I couldn’t be prouder of this album.”
"My 1935 Dobro resonator features heavily on the new album along with my Magnatone Twilighter amplifier. I found this to be a killer combination. It’s such a huge tone without the need for layers and layers of guitar tracks."
For drum duties Dave enlisted the skills of Paul Stewart, the drummer from chart toppers The Feeling. Troy says, "Dave felt that Paul was the perfect fit to play drums on this album. He connected with my new material and took it to another level.
"It was important for me to get the right drum sound for this album as that’s the foundation everything else is built on. I wanted a more three-dimensional, ‘open’ sound for this record.
"We used Lee Russell's Dulcitone Studios in Kettering to track the drums, which is a beautifully converted church, and it has the most amazing natural reverb sound. The results are astounding. On the new album we’ve managed to take the production to the next level.
"Mastering is an important part of making a great sounding record. Abbey Road Studios was the only option. It has the gold-standard reputation for the best mastering facilities in the world. I decided that Sean Magee would be the perfect choice to master the new album. His credentials include the Beatles, Deep Purple, John Lennon, the Ramones, Tina Turner, Sex Pistols, Rush, and Iron Maiden. He turned out to be an excellent choice. He gave the album that gorgeous shine Abbey Road is renowned for."
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architectnews · 3 years
Santiago Calatrava unveils design for Qatar Pavilion at Dubai Expo
Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava has revealed his design for the Qatar Pavilion at the upcoming Expo 2020 Dubai, which draws on the four elements represented on Qatar's coat of arms.
Calatrava's design for the pavilion aimed to translate the two crossed and curved swords, traditional dhow boat and an island with palm trees on the Qatari coat of arms into a building design that would capture "movement, mobility, strength and tradition".
A visualisation of the resulting pavilion shows a curved, sail-shaped structure intersected by a lower building. The completed pavilion will measure 620 square metres, with the main building reaching a height of nearly 15 metres.
The pavilion will contain two main galleries and exhibition spaces showcasing an immersive experience of Qatar's history and culture.
A gold-coloured sculpture representing palm trees will rise to a height of 20 metres next to the pavilion.
Building designed to capture "vision of the nation"
The shape of the pavilion, which is currently being constructed by Dubai contractor ALEC Fitout, was designed to symbolise "Qatar's progressive outlook of the future while remaining true to its culture and heritage".
"Inspiration is derived from Qatar’s national emblem to truly capture the essence and vision of the nation," said Calatrava International CEO Micael Calatrava.
Top image: the building is shaped like a sail. Above: it consists of intersecting volumes
"The architectural gesture and structural form of the pavilion, which houses the entire visitor experience, mirrors the shape of the dhow and its grand sails," he added.
"The sculptural monument at the entrance of the pavilion represents an abstract translation and fusion of two intertwined palm trees, while the reflective pools and integrated water features surrounding the pavilion represent the Arabian Gulf which encompasses the nation of Qatar."
The pavilion is made from KRION, a material that consists of two-thirds natural minerals and a percentage of high-resistance resins.
"It is an ecological material, as it is 100 per cent recyclable," the studio told Dezeen.
Qatar Pavilion to be constructed in five months
The completed building will be shown at the coronavirus-delayed Expo 2020 Dubai, which was postponed from October 2020 until October 2021.
The building, which will be located in the sustainability district of Expo 2020 Dubai, will open on 1 October as the Expo launches.
"The approach follows a non-linear, non-traditional design methodology ensuring project delivery in a very aggressive timeline of five months," the studio said.
"The Qatar Pavilion is designed as a sustainable and functional structure, utilizing efficient processes which enable procurement and construction to proceed as the design develops," it added.
A number of pavilion designs have already been unveiled ahead of the Expo, including main pavilions by Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill, Grimshaw and Foster + Partners. With the Expo originally slated to take place in 2020, many of the buildings on site are largely complete already.
Calatrava has also designed the pavilion for host nation United Arab Emirates, which was modelled on a bird's wings.
Images courtesy of Calatrava.
Expo 2020 Dubai will run from 1 October 2021 – 31 March 2022. See Dezeen Events Guide for an up-to-date list of architecture and design events taking place around the world.
The post Santiago Calatrava unveils design for Qatar Pavilion at Dubai Expo appeared first on Dezeen.
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graceentertainment · 3 years
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freenewstoday · 4 years
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New Post has been published on https://freenews.today/2021/01/12/rolos-from-gramercy-tavern-alumni-opens-in-ridgewood-queens/
Rolo’s, From Gramercy Tavern Alumni, Opens in Ridgewood, Queens
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Four former Gramercy Tavern alumni have collaborated, with two partners, to open this restaurant. “We all got fine dining out of our systems and wanted to do something modest and simple, like the restaurants we want to go to, like Frankies Spuntino,” said Howard Kalachnikoff, a former chef de cuisine at Gramercy Tavern. His partners are Rafiq Salim and Paul Wetzel, previously sous-chefs at Gramercy, and Ben Howell, who was a bar manager there and is overseeing front of the house. The pastry chef is Kelly Mencin, who is not a partner but was also at Gramercy Tavern. It took these colleagues more than five years to come back together for this project. The space is divided into a front room, meant to be the bar with banquettes and some high-top tables, and a partly skylit dining room that can seat about 100 people and has an open kitchen fitted with a wood-burning oven and grill. For now, the bar is a counter where baked goods, homemade pastas, dips, sauces and ice cream are sold to take away, along with grocery items, wines, liquors and cocktails that use locally made spirits. The chefs have come up with a dinner package, $17 per person, for takeout and delivery that consists of a main dish like grilled porchetta with sides, including fried rice and cauliflower salad. Wood-fired half chickens, grilled greens, braised butter beans with salsa verde and focaccias with substantial toppings are among the other menu options. Housemade charcuterie is on the horizon. Stephen Maharam, a regular Gramercy Tavern customer, is another partner, running the business side, and Kermit Westergaard, the architect and contractor, is also a partner by virtue of owning the building. His dog, Rolo, inspired the name. “Everyone in the neighborhood knows Rolo,” Mr. Kalachnikoff said. “We hope they’ll remember us, too.” (Opens Wednesday)
853 Onderdonk Avenue (Cornelia Street), Ridgewood, Queens, 718-417-6567, rolosnyc.com.
Sandbar on Hudson
Late last summer, after High Street on Hudson closed amid the pandemic, James Shields, the owner of Brunetti, a nearby pizzeria, collaborated with Ellen Yin, an owner of High Street, to reopen her restaurant with a seafood menu, as a pop-up. Mr. Shields felt the neighborhood needed a place for seafood. That pop-up has now settled in for a longer run, serving oysters, clam chowder, fish tacos, salads, lobster mac and cheese, octopus skewers and also a burger, steak and chicken. He said they hoped to be able to reintroduce the breads for which High Street was known.
637 Hudson Street (Horatio Street), 917-388-3944, highstreetonhudson.com.
Guy Vaknin and his wife, Tali Vaknin, who own Beyond Sushi, the chain of vegan sushi restaurants, are opening this new place featuring all kinds of bistro-style dishes using vegan stand-ins for meats, seafood and cheeses. “Steak” frites made with seitan, pasta with oyster mushroom “scallops,” oyster mushroom “calamari,” cauliflower “wings” and smoked coriander and garlic seitan in a smoked pastrami sandwich, will be some of the options. There will be a cashew “cheesecake” for dessert. The room, not open at present, has touches of luxury like royal blue velvet, gold accents and marble tables. It offers takeout and delivery and will add outdoor seating. (Friday)
199 Eighth Avenue (20th Street), 212-929-2889, willownewyork.com.
This new 4,200-square-foot commercial kitchen on the Lower East Side founded by Camilla Opperman and Samantha Slager accommodates food entrepreneurs, restaurants, caterers, pop-ups and others that need space for preparing takeout meals, cocktail deliveries and other food items in a space designed for flexibility. Different areas can be rented short-term, a minimum of 20 hours per month, or on a longer lease. Roberta’s Pizza will use part of the space for freshly made pizzas, pastas and sides for delivery. Ms. Opperman and Ms. Slager had careers in business management and marketing. There is also an area at the entrance that will be used, once permitted, for community events, cooking demonstrations and special dinners. There will also be a program to help participants navigate their legal, financial, safety and management needs. Users must have their own insurance and health department licenses.
196 Stanton Street (Ridge Street), 801-910-8915, nimbuskitchen.com.
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newstfionline · 4 years
Friday, March 19, 2021
Asian anxiety about Atlanta shootings (NYT) The slaying of six Asian women among eight people killed in shootings at three Atlanta-area spas on Tuesday left Asian communities in many Western countries shaken, after a year that has seen a spike in racist attacks and threats against people of Asian descent. The South Korean Foreign Ministry said Wednesday that four people of Korean descent were among the victims. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who was already in Seoul on a diplomatic trip, said Wednesday that he was “horrified by this violence” and offered “deepest condolences to the families and friends” of the victims.
IRS will delay tax filing due date until May 17 (AP) Americans will be getting extra time to prepare their taxes. The Internal Revenue Service says it’s delaying the traditional tax filing deadline from April 15 until May 17. The IRS announced the decision Wednesday and said it would provide further guidance in the coming days. The move provides more breathing room for taxpayers and the IRS alike to cope with changes brought on by the pandemic. The decision postpones when individual taxpayers must file their return and when their payment is due. The IRS said taxpayers who owe money would not face any further penalties or interest if they pay by May 17. The new deadline also applies to individuals who pay self-employment tax.
Troubled US-China ties face new test in Alaska meeting (AP) The United States and China will face a new test in their increasingly troubled relations when top officials from both countries meet in Alaska. Ties between the world’s two largest economies have been torn for years and the Biden administration has yet to signal it’s ready or willing to back down on the hard-line stances taken under President Donald Trump. Nor has China signaled it’s prepared to ease the pressure it has brought to bear. Thus, the stage is set for a contentious first face-to-face meeting Thursday. Difficult discussions are anticipated over trade, human rights in Tibet, Hong Kong, China’s western Xinjiang region, Taiwan, Chinese assertiveness in the South China Sea, and the coronavirus pandemic. Just a day before the meeting, the U.S. announced new sanctions on officials over China’s crackdown on pro-democracy advocates in Hong Kong. In response, the Chinese stepped up their rhetoric opposing U.S. interference in domestic affairs.
Cycle of retribution takes Bolivia’s ex-president from palace to prison cell (The Guardian) It was November 2019, just days after Evo Morales had abandoned Bolivia’s presidency and fled into exile, and the country’s newly installed interior minister was making no effort to hide his glee. “Any terrorist should spend the rest of their life in prison,” Arturo Murillo gloated during an interview in his recently occupied chambers, vowing to put the runaway leftist behind bars for the next 30 years. “It’s not about whether you’re an ex-president,” the pugnacious hotelier-turned-politician insisted. “In fact, it’s even worse when it’s an ex-president. An ex-president should be sentenced twice over because people trust in their president.” This week, an ex-president was indeed jailed in Bolivia—but not Morales. Instead, it was Murillo’s former boss, Jeanine Áñez, who found herself languishing in a La Paz prison cell after being seized by security forces early on Saturday. “We’re seeking a 30-year sentence,” Bolivia’s new justice minister, Iván Lima, announced, as Áñez was accused of terrorism and sedition—the very same charges Murillo had levelled at Morales. The imprisonment of Áñez, a Bible-bashing conservative who became interim leader after Morales fled under pressure from the military, was met with jubilation by some. Others, however, described the arrest as an alarming development in an already profoundly divided country.
E.U. unveils vaccine passport plan to enable summer travel (NYT) The European Union on Wednesday launched a closely watched effort to create a joint vaccination passport for its more than 440 million citizens and residents, embarking on a tightrope walk between economic pressures, discrimination fears and concerns over Europe’s slow vaccination progress. Supporters hope the “digital green certificates” will be ready by June, which could help to salvage the European summer tourism season and even serve as a model that could be extended to the United States and other countries. But E.U. countries lag far behind the United States in vaccinations, which has raised concerns that the passport plan could be launched prematurely. The passes are expected to be digital or paper documents for travelers to prove that they have been vaccinated, that they recovered from the virus or recently tested negative for it. In many cases, this could free travelers from quarantine obligations. Those privileges could eventually also apply to Americans or British citizens traveling to continental Europe, given that all vaccines approved in the two countries are also approved for use in the European Union.
Russia recalls its ambassador to the US after Biden says he thinks Putin is a killer (USA Today) Russia has recalled its ambassador to the United States to discuss relations with Washington, a foreign ministry spokeswoman said Wednesday. The move came after President Joe Biden said Russian President Vladimir Putin would “pay a price” for Moscow’s interference in the 2020 U.S. presidential election. In an interview with ABC News, Biden was also asked if he thought Putin is a killer. “I do,” Biden responded. The president did not elaborate on the “killer” question or on what costs the U.S. might impose on Russia over election interference. The diplomatic tiff comes amid rising tensions between Washington and Moscow. On Tuesday, U.S. intelligence officials released a report concluding that Russia tried to denigrate Biden’s candidacy in the 2020 election. The declassified assessment said that Putin authorized the election meddling, which sought to help former president Donald Trump’s re-election bid.
Myanmar construction magnate claims cash payments to Suu Kyi (AP) A Myanmar construction magnate with links to military rulers claimed he personally gave more than half a million dollars in cash to deposed leader Aung San Suu Kyi in a broadcast on state television aimed at discrediting the ousted civilian government. The statement by Maung Waik could pave the way for more serious charges against Suu Kyi, who has been detained since the Feb. 1 military takeover while security forces increasingly use lethal force against a popular uprising demanding the restoration of democratically elected leaders. The military has already tried to implicate Suu Kyi in corruption, alleging she was given $600,000 plus gold bars by a political ally. She and President Win Myint have been charged so far with inciting unrest, possession of walkie-talkies and violating a pandemic order limiting public gatherings.
Myanmar faces growing isolation as military tightens grip (Reuters) Myanmar faced growing isolation on Thursday with increasingly limited internet services and its last private newspaper ceasing publication as the military built a case against ousted elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi. Western countries have condemned the coup and called for an end to the violence and for the release of Suu Kyi and others. Asian neighbours have offered to help find a solution, but the military has a long record of shunning outside pressure. Large parts of an economy already reeling from the novel coronavirus have been paralysed by the protests and a parallel civil disobedience campaign of strikes against military rule, while many foreign investors are reassessing plans. The U.N. food agency warned this week that rising prices of food and fuel could undermine the ability of poor families to feed themselves. “Whatever happens in Myanmar over coming months, the economy will collapse, leaving tens of millions in dire straits and needing urgent protection,” historian and author Thant Myint-U said on Twitter.
Combat Drones Made in China Are Coming to a Conflict Near You (Bloomberg) A dozen years into its fight with the Islamic insurgent group Boko Haram, Nigeria is getting some new weapons: a pair of Wing Loong II drones from China. The deal is one of a growing number of sales by state-owned Aviation Industry Corp. of China (AVIC), which has exported scores of the aircraft. The United Arab Emirates has used AVIC drones in Libya’s civil war, Egypt has attacked rebels in Sinai with them, and Saudi-led troops have deployed them in Yemen. The company’s drones “are now battle-tested,” says Heather Penney, a fellow at the Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies, a think tank in Arlington, Va. “They’ve been able to feed lessons learned back into their manufacturing.” Nigeria is getting AVIC’s second generation of Wing Loongs—the name means “pterodactyl”—which can fly as fast as 230 mph and as high as 30,000 feet, carrying a payload of a dozen missiles. Since 2015, when AVIC introduced the newer model, it’s produced 50 for export and an unknown number for China’s People’s Liberation Army. And it’s working on even more advanced aircraft, such as a stealth combat drone with a flying-wing design similar to that of the U.S. B-2 bomber. The drone program, combined with deliveries of fighter jets, trainers, transporters, and assault helicopters, has propelled AVIC into the upper ranks of the global arms trade. In 2019 it sold military equipment valued at $22.5 billion, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (Sipri), placing it sixth in the world, behind five U.S. companies. AVIC’s drones have two big selling points: They’re cheaper than comparable aircraft from producers in the U.S. or Israel—the other primary manufacturers—and China doesn’t much care how they’re used, says Ulrike Franke, policy fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations.
As 4th Election Looms, Some Ask: Is Israel’s Democracy Broken? (NYT) Israelis will vote on Tuesday for the fourth time in two years, in a do-over election for a do-over election for a do-over election. The seemingly endless loop is the most prominent symptom of the polarization that has paralyzed Israeli politics since Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu began to be investigated for corruption in 2017. Mr. Netanyahu has refused to resign. That decision has split the country, almost down the middle, and divided voters less by ideology than by their support or antipathy for Mr. Netanyahu. The polarization has been exacerbated by Israel’s multiparty system, which virtually guarantees that no single party will win an outright majority in Parliament, forcing the construction of wobbly coalitions with disparate small parties. Now, even the right-wing coalition that kept Mr. Netanyahu afloat for 12 years has fractured, mainly over question of the acceptability of a prime minister under criminal indictment. In the last three elections, Mr. Netanyahu did not win enough support to form a stable government. But neither did his opponents, which allowed him to remain prime minister, first in a caretaker role, and then, for the past year, as the head of a fragile coalition. Polling suggests that next week’s vote is unlikely to break the deadlock, leading many Israelis to brace for yet a fifth election later this year.
Clubhouse: the new social platform that is frightening Arab regimes (Le Monde) A month ago, the up-and-coming app Clubhouse took the Middle East by storm. In just a few days, the latest gem from Silicon Valley had already earned its place in the crowded market of Arab social networks. Since this audio chat platform only runs on iOS for the moment, its use is restricted to iPhone owners, i.e. the relatively wealthy classes. But in these circles, especially in Egypt and among the ultra-connected youth of the wealthy Gulf States, followers for this new app started to grow rapidly. In these countries where social pressure and official censorship stifle dissenting voices and non-conforming opinions, Clubhouse provides a unique breathing space. In these virtual rooms, where anyone can initiate a discussion on a topic of their choice, or join an ongoing conversation, Arabs are rediscovering a taste for free speech. As the powers that be have not yet found a way to lock down this new network, the three great taboos of the region (sex, politics and religion) are openly discussed. In a sign that the application scares autocrats, the Sultanate of Oman announced on Sunday that the country had blocked Clubhouse, following the footsteps of China, who blocked it in February. In the Emirates, discussions have not been accessible for several days, which is interpreted locally as an act of censorship without saying so openly. Fans of the platform can bypass the jamming with a VPN, but in doing so, they risk breaking the law: The use of such software is strictly codified in the UAE.
Yemeni rebel offensive threatens camps of those who fled war (AP) Already displaced once in Yemen’s grinding civil war, Mohammed Ali Saleh fled with his pregnant wife and their three children to central Marib province last year to seek refuge in a region that has known some relative peace and stability because of well-protected oil fields nearby. But now the fighting is moving toward them again. Iran-backed Houthi rebels are pushing to capture the province from the internationally recognized government to try to complete their control over the northern half of Yemen. If they succeed, the Houthis could claim a strategic win after a largely stalemated battle in almost seven years of fighting. The sounds of war terrify Saleh and his family. “It’s a nightmare we are experiencing every night,” he said from a camp for the displaced that had previously escaped violence.
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visawords · 4 years
The 16 Reasons Tourists Love Statement Of Credit | statement of credit
Condé Nast Traveler has partnered with CardRatings for our advantage of acclaim agenda products. Condé Nast Traveler and CardRatings may accept a agency from agenda issuers. We don’t analysis or accommodate all companies, or all accessible products. Moreover, the beat agreeable on this folio was not provided by any of the companies mentioned, and has not been reviewed, accustomed or contrarily accustomed by any of these entities. Opinions bidding actuality are absolutely those of Condé Nast Traveler’s beat team.
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Travel acclaim cards can be actual advantageous aback you’re, well, traveling. But accustomed the accepted restrictions and bound closures in abode due to COVID-19, abounding association will not be venturing too far from home anytime soon, which ability accept you apprehensive whether that biking acclaim agenda in your wallet is anniversary blind onto. In adjustment to absorb their barter (and accumulate them advantageous their anniversary fees), several acclaim agenda issuers accept added or added the allowances accessible with their biking rewards cards, at atomic temporarily. These concise enhancements accommodate aggregate from earning benefit credibility on advantage to anniversary credits for acclimation takeout. Actuality are some of the best biking rewards acclaim cards with new allowances to advice cardholders aerate allowances during these aggravating times.
This crowd-pleaser afresh alien some adorable new allowances aimed at common fliers who accept had their wings abrupt by the pandemic.
Through September 30, cardholders can booty advantage of several added perks. The agenda will acquire bristles credibility per dollar on Instacart deliveries and pickups (on up to $3,000 in purchases), and acquire up to $50 in anniversary credits against a anniversary or anniversary Instacart Express membership. The Chase Sapphire Reserve will acquire bristles credibility per dollar on up to $1,500 in gas base purchases and 10 credibility per dollar on up to $1,500 in spending on baddest alive services. Cardholders can additionally redeem their Ultimate Rewards credibility for anniversary credits through the Pay Yourself Aback apparatus at a amount of 1.5 cents apiece (the amount commonly aloof for biking redemptions) for groceries, dining, and home advance purchases. Finally, cardholders can put their $300 anniversary biking acclaim against gas and grocery purchases through the end of the year, abacus an added akin of flexibility.
$550, admitting Chase is either blurred it to $450 this year, or accouterment barter whose fee came due amidst April 1 and July 1 with a $100 anniversary credit.
The Chase Sapphire Reserve is currently alms 50,000 benefit credibility afterwards you absorb $4,000 on purchases in the aboriginal three months.
This card’s approved allowances are not too shabby, either. It earns three credibility per dollar on a advanced ambit of biking purchases and dining worldwide, which you can alteration to the Ultimate Rewards program’s airline and auberge ally including JetBlue, Southwest, United, Hyatt, and Marriott, amidst others. Cardholders are acceptable for a Global Entry or TSA PreCheck appliance fee acquittance already every four years, Priority Pass airport lounge access, adulatory Lyft Pink and DoorDash DashPass memberships (and up to $120 in anniversary credits against DoorDash orders through December 2021), additional a host of abundant biking protections like cruise abeyance advantage and primary rental car insurance.
Don’t appetite to absorb $550 per year for this card? Its lower-priced companion, the Chase Sapphire Preferred, is a abundant alternative, admitting with lower earning ante and beneath perks.
Learn added about signing up for the Chase Sapphire Reserve here.
Learn added about signing up for the Chase Sapphire Preferred here.
This perk-packed artefact is one of the best exceptional biking rewards cards available, but amidst the pandemic, American Express has added a few consumer-friendly allowances to accumulate its barter happy.
Now through the end of the year, cardholders can get up to $20 per ages in anniversary credits against purchases with baddest U.S. alive services, and up to addition $20 per ages against wireless blast casework purchased from U.S. providers. The issuer is alms up to $200 in anniversary credits against prepaid anxiety fabricated through AmEx Travel.
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Earn 60,000 Associates Rewards credibility afterwards you use your new agenda to accomplish $5,000 in purchases in your aboriginal three months.
This agenda offers an outsized arrangement of value-added allowances that absolve its aerial anniversary fee for abounding folks. Cardholders acquire bristles credibility per dollar on prepaid hotels and flights appointed through AmEx Biking or tickets purchased anon from airlines, and one point per dollar on aggregate else. AmEx Associates Rewards credibility alteration to added than 20 airline and auberge ally including British Airways, Delta, and Hilton, amidst others. Cardholders can get up to $200 aback on airline fees like arrested bag charges, and up to $200 in Uber credits per year, which are additionally applicative to Uber Eats purchases. The agenda will balance you for a Global Entry or TSA PreCheck appliance already every four years (4.5 for PreCheck) and get you into AmEx Centurion Lounges, Delta Sky Clubs, and Priority Pass Lounges (among added choices) aback flying. Cardholders can additionally accept for automated aristocratic cachet with both Hilton Honors and Marriott Bonvoy.
If the aerial anniversary fee puts you off, accede the AmEx Gold Agenda instead, which costs a analogously added affordable $250 per year and earns four credibility per dollar at restaurants (including takeout and delivery) as able-bodied as at U.S. supermarkets on up to $25,000 per agenda year. It additionally offers up to $120 in dining credits per year on purchases from Grubhub, Seamless, and a few added partners.
Learn added about signing up for The Platinum Agenda from American Express here.
Learn added about signing up for the American Express Gold Agenda here.
With a abundant earning amount on accustomed purchases and outstanding perks, this agenda punches able-bodied aloft its weight aback it comes to biking rewards, and it now has some cogent calm perks, too.
Capital One afar are usually redeemable for one cent apiece against biking and aloof a half-cent anniversary for added purchases. Through September 30, however, Capital One is acceptance cardmembers to redeem afar at the college amount for restaurant takeout and commitment casework as able-bodied as on alive services, so you can break able-bodied fed and entertained at home. Not alone that, but the coffer afresh launched a new affiliation with Uber Eats so that association with the Capital One Venture and Capital One VentureOne cards will acquire bristles afar per dollar on purchases on aliment deliveries through January 31, 2021.
Earn 50,000 afar afterwards spending $3,000 on acceptable purchases aural the aboriginal three months from anniversary opening.
This agenda earns a collapsed two afar per dollar on all purchases, which agency your amount of acknowledgment on biking and in the added appropriate accretion categories is two percent. Afar adored for added purchases are anniversary bisected that. However, Capital One afar now alteration to added than a dozen airline and auberge ally including Air Canada Aeroplan, JetBlue, Singapore Airlines, and Wyndham Rewards, amidst others. Cardholders are additionally acceptable for a Global Entry or TSA PreCheck appliance fee anniversary acclaim already every four years.
If aliment and ball are two of your big expenses, you ability additionally appetite to accede the Capital One Savor Rewards Acclaim Card. It earns four percent banknote aback on dining, including takeout and delivery, as able-bodied as entertainment, and two percent aback at grocery stores. Through September 30, cardholders will additionally accept four percent banknote aback on accepted alive casework including Netflix, Hulu, and Disney , and will acquire bristles percent banknote aback on Uber Eats orders through January 31, 2021.
Learn added about signing up for the Capital One Venture Rewards agenda here.
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Learn added about signing up for the Capital One Savor Rewards agenda here.
Citi’s high-end biking acclaim agenda is giving associates some adaptability aback it comes to earning and appliance their rewards.
Anyone who opened this agenda amidst December 2019 and the end of May 2020 has an added three months to accommodated the minimum spending claim to acquire its sign-up bonus. Cardholders can additionally put the Prestige’s $250 anniversary biking acclaim against purchases at grocery aliment and restaurants (including abounding commitment services) through the end of 2020. Prestige cardmembers will acquire bristles credibility per dollar (up to 7,500 points, or $1,500) on all online purchases through August 31.
Earn 50,000 benefit credibility afterwards spending $4,000 aural three months of anniversary opening.
This agenda is a top all-round earner acknowledgment to the actuality that it accrues bristles credibility per dollar on airfare and dining, three credibility per dollar on auberge bookings and cruises, and one point per dollar on aggregate else. Like some added exceptional biking cards, it gets associates into Priority Pass lounges and will awning the amount of a Global Entry or TSA PreCheck appliance fee already every bristles years. You can redeem Citi ThankYou credibility for anniversary credits against biking (or added purchases at lower rates), as able-bodied as appointment them to ally like Air France-KLM Aerial Blue, Emirates Skywards, and Virgin Atlantic Aerial Club, amidst added breadth programs.
Those on a tighter anniversary ability accede the Citi Premier instead, which has a $95 anniversary fee, but earns three credibility per dollar on travel, including gas base purchases, two credibility per dollar at restaurants and on entertainment, and one on aggregate else. Beginning August 23, though, cardholders will arbor up three credibility per dollar on air travel, hotels, restaurants, supermarkets, and gas stations, and will become acceptable for a $100 anniversary auberge acclaim against one booking of $500 or added fabricated through ThankYou.com per agenda year.
Learn added about signing up for the Citi Prestige agenda here.
Learn added about signing up for the Citi Premier agenda here.
While Coffer of America doesn’t accept adorned alteration partners, its high-end biking rewards agenda is still anniversary because acknowledgment to abundant cash-back rates.
Select cardholders accept accustomed targeted offers of ancient $50 anniversary credits against dining, takeout, or grocery purchases fabricated now through December 31.
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Earn 50,000 benefit credibility (worth $500) afterwards you accomplish at atomic $3,000 in purchases aural the aboriginal 90 canicule of anniversary opening.
This agenda earns two credibility per dollar on biking and dining, and 1.5 credibility per dollar on aggregate else. Credibility are anniversary one cent apiece as banknote back. Depending on the types and balances of accounts you accept with Coffer of America and Merrill Lynch, you can acquire 25 to 75 percent bonuses on top of that. Cardholders accept up to $100 in airline accidental fee anniversary credits annually and up to $100 already every four years to awning the amount of a Global Entry or TSA PreCheck application.
Learn added about signing up for the Coffer of America Exceptional Rewards Acclaim Agenda here.
Among the added cards alms limited-time bonuses and deals, both the Hilton Honors Aspire and Hilton Honors Surpass cards from American Express acquire 12 benefit Hilton Honors credibility per dollar at U.S. supermarkets through July. Those with the Aspire can use the card’s $250 anniversary Hilton resort acclaim against acceptable purchases at U.S. restaurants through August, too.
Learn added about signing up for the Hilton Honors Aspire agenda here.
Learn added about signing up for the Hilton Honors Surpass agenda here.
Between July 15 and September 15, association with the Marriott Bonvoy Boundless and Marriott Bonvoy Bold (among added Marriott-branded cards from Chase) can opt-in to acquire 10 credibility per dollar on up to $3,500 spent with restaurants, aliment commitment services, and gas stations. The Marriott Bonvoy Brilliant from American Express, meanwhile, earns six credibility per dollar at grocery aliment through July. Through the end of August, cardholders can use their $300 anniversary anniversary credit, which is commonly acceptable for Marriott purchases like allowance ante or meals, against purchases from U.S. restaurants, including takeout and delivery.
Learn added about signing up for the Marriott Bonvoy Boundless agenda here.
Learn added about signing up for the Marriott Bonvoy Bold agenda here.
Learn added about signing up for the Marriott Bonvoy Brilliant agenda here.
These are aloof a few of the top biking cards currently alms limited-time allowances that highlight new spending and accretion categories like advantage and aliment delivery. Check your wallet to see if some of the added cards you backpack accept additionally confused their allowances from travel-related costs to added areas.
Condé Nast Traveler has partnered with CardRatings for our advantage of acclaim agenda products. Condé Nast Traveler and CardRatings may accept a agency from agenda issuers.
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componentplanet · 5 years
James Webb Space Telescope Successfully Deploys Its Mirror for the First Time
NASA has scaled back work on the James Webb Space Telescope in light of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, but the Northrop Grumman team took a big step toward getting it into space last month. In an early March test, engineers deployed the telescope’s multi-segment mirror in its final configuration for the first time. It’s quite a sight to behold, but we might have to wait longer than expected to see it in action. 
The Webb telescope is currently in a cleanroom at Northrop Grumman Space Systems in Redondo Beach, California. The telescope is fully assembled and connected to a system of gravity-compensating supports that simulate the conditions it will experience in space. That allows the team to conduct tests on the telescope and confirm it will work as intended. 
When it begins operating, the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) will have the largest primary mirror of any space-based imaging system. The telescope’s primary mirror is 6.5 meters (21 feet) across, composed of 18 hexagonal segments of gold-plated beryllium. Hubble’s mirror is comparatively tiny at 2.4 meters (almost 8 feet). In order to get such a large mirror into space, the JWST needs to fold up to fit inside the Ariane 5 launch vehicle. Deploying the mirror after launch is perhaps the most critical part of the mission. If the mirror doesn’t come together just right, the instrument won’t work correctly, and it may not be possible to send a repair mission. 
In the March test, engineers signaled the JWST to deploy its mirror for the first time. The Ariane 5 payload fairing is five meters across. So, the middle section of the mirror was built as a single unit. There are left and right “wings,” each with three panels that need to swing into place. The telescope’s internal electronic systems unfolded the mirror segments perfectly in this test. The Webb team will only deploy the mirror one more time before packing the telescope up for delivery to the launch site. 
We don’t know when the JWST will make it to space, though. The telescope is still technically on the schedule for a March 2021 launch, but NASA announced last week that it had suspended work on the project because of coronavirus concerns. If the situation doesn’t improve soon, NASA may have to push back the launch yet again. There’s still a lot of testing to do before the telescope can safely begin its mission.
Now read:
Engineers Connect Two Halves of NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope for First Time
So Long, and Thanks for All the Planets: NASA Retires the Kepler Telescope
James Webb Space Telescope Launch Pushed Back to 2021
from ExtremeTechExtremeTech https://www.extremetech.com/extreme/308751-james-webb-space-telescope-successfully-deploys-its-mirror-for-the-first-time from Blogger http://componentplanet.blogspot.com/2020/04/james-webb-space-telescope-successfully.html
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