#2020 Vw Beetle Green
literaticat · 1 year
With the decreasing popularity of Twitter, I'm curious what your take is on naming social media apps in books. Instagram seems pretty perennial, but I think many people thought that about Twitter... so in the case of, for example, a manuscript that relies on social media as part of its storytelling/plot (in the vein of Tweet Cute), do you have any advice on not "dating" your writing? Is referencing Twitter basically obsolete at this point, for books published from here on out?
This question is sort of similar to another I get asked a fair amount, which is, are authors allowed to "name drop" specific brands / media companies / social media, etc. The answer to which is basically, sure, but SHOULD you?
Naming specific current companies is, IMO, a bad idea if you want your book to be timeless, because you have no idea if, in three or five or ten years time, that company will be forgotten, or a joke.
For example: "Friendster" and "MySpace" and "NeoPets" were insanely popular -- but pretty much the only way they'd get said in a current context is as a punchline or a nostalgic throwback.
So unless you WANT your book to be tethered to a specific time and place, I'd avoid that. And maybe you do! Like, a book about tech-savvy teenagers that is set in 2006 would likely include MySpace, your MC might have a hot pink Motorola Razr flip phone, and drive a new mint-green VW beetle. If your book is NOT specifically set in 2006, but is rather supposed to be "now" (whenever now is to the reader -- but basically, 2023 or later) -- it would be rather weird to include any of those items, because like -- they aren't popular or a thing anymore?
So you might say, OK, I'll make it be Twitter or Insta, and an Apple 13 Pro iPhone, and a red Tesla 3. And sure, if your character is the type of person who WOULD namedrop those specific things, and you don't mind the story sort of being tied to "2022/23-ish" -- no problem. But I guarantee you that in ten years time, those specific brands/models will mean something different to people, for better or for worse.
ETA later bc I'm still thinking about this lol: I'm currently listening to YELLOWFACE, which is set in the world of contemporary publishing, and there's a lot of talk about Twitter specifically -- and yes, that means that future-people will know it was set sometime in the late 20teens/early 2020s -- but THAT'S FINE, because it IS speaking to a specific contemporary moment, "cancel culture", cultural appropriation, toxic/scary online activity, "who-is-allowed-to-write-what", etc etc -- while I don't THINK she says the year (though she might???), I do think that it is supposed to be now or now-ish -- and ten years from now when Twitter is long gone and likely our conversations around all that stuff will have shifted in some way as well, it will still totally make sense to the audience. And in 100 years, it will seem like a relic of a day gone by, but also resonate with those audiences in different ways perhaps, like how we read satire from the Olden Days.
ANYway -- if you want to sidestep all this, there's an elegant solution that will give you more longevity -- be a little more generic and don't say the name brand, or just make something up? While Twitter itself is kinda obsolete already, social media generally isn't -- there will probably always be SOME kind of social media sites as long as we have internet to connect with people. While the Razr flip phone or an Apple IIc are relics, people will likely always have SOME kind of computer or phone, at least for the foreseeable future (and if they don't, and instead we are in a post-apocolyptic water world or something, I highly doubt reading books will top of mind)!
So just say phone, or smartphone, or tablet, or laptop, rather than iPhone or iPad or whatever. Say "convertible" or "SUV" or "minivan" or whatever instead of a specific model. Like "When I was 16, my grandma got a new car and gifted me a 20 year old grey beater that sort of smells like cigarettes and makes me feel like an undercover cop." Say "my notifications were blowing up" or "I told myself I wouldn't check social media..." instead of "my twitter" specifically -- or make up a site that everyone goes to. "We're not allowed to check Kloutt at school, but as soon as the school bus comes, everyone whips out their phones.."
Say "mint green convertible" instead of VW beetle -- OR, specify that it is a "vintage mint-green VW beetle" so that it's not supposed to be new -- and that also evokes a specific type of character.
(Ah, how well I remember the fact that Lila Fowler in Sweet Valley High drove a "lime green Triumph" -- that company already was basically done by the time the books came out, and rare in the US, so by naming that brand specifically the author was saying Lila is a 16-17 year old who owns a rare and flashy vintage sportscar, labels and exclusivity mean a lot to her (and her dad who bought it for her), she's horrifically spoiled, they aren't just rich, they are RICH-rich, etc. You could even, based on the context around it, surmise that not only is she a snob/"mean girl", but that her parents buy her fancy presents instead of giving her quality time, and that is probably why she is such a beeyotch and has daddy issues! That's a fair amount of characterization that comes just from name-dropping a car!)
OK I'm just naming things now lol - you get the pic, right?
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trainsinanime · 5 years
Miraculous Ladybug Car Headcanons
You didn't ask for it, I kinda didn't want to write it, but it's been spooking around in my head for so long now that I just had to get it out: Overly justified head canons for what car which Miraculous Ladybug main character would drive once they're adults (say early twenties). Of course it's still based on today (January 2020), because canonically in ML, time makes no sense and you shouldn't worry about it.
First off: As people living in a big European city with good public transport, there's a good argument to be made that they wouldn't drive (or at least own their own) cars at all, especially for Marinette, who would have to search ages for a parking space. I'm just going to ignore that here.
The car: Jaguar I-Pace, black, possibly with some green on the wheels or the mirrors.
Why: It's a black cat! A big, driving pun! How could he resist? More specifically, I think Chat Noir has based at least some of his ideas of what it means to be a cool, suave super-hero on certain British spy movies, for better or worse, and it would make sense that his ideas of cool cars might be influenced by them as well. That would imply Aston Martin, but then again, cat, so Jaguar it is.
Here you might go for something actually cool, like the F-Type, and I could even imagine Adrien doing that… until the first time he, Marinette, Alya and Nino want to travel somewhere and he realises they won't all fit. Just imagine his face when he realises that he has to leave some of his friends behind. I'm fairly certain he'd insist that they all take the bus together instead, and he'd definitely trade in his car the very next day.
There would be other alternatives even within the Jaguar brand. I'm partial to the E-Pace, which tries to look cool but just ends up looking adorable, which makes it basically a Plagg or Chat Noir on wheels. But in the current climate conscious times, I guess it would make more sense for him as a rich guy to go the electric route. Plus, there's much more trunk space, which is very useful whenever he helps Nino move his DJ-ing equipment, or whenever he helps Marinette move fabric, clothes, mannequins, sewing machines, furniture, or all of those together in an indeterminate ball. And yes, he is genuinely happy and ready to drop everything and help Marinette move stuff whenever she asks, just to see her adorable blush and her beautiful smile. She's a really good friend, you know.
Rejected alternatives:
Any german car. Not many people know it (even though it seems blindingly obvious), but as someone who worked in the german car industry for years, I can confirm: German cars have no soul. They're good for the Gabriels and Chloes of the world, maybe, but they're all just so boring. I read at least one aged-up no powers AU story where Adrien had a quirky unusual Subaru Station Wagon (which I really like as a car idea for him), but then trades it for a generic Audi, and that somehow represents him growing up. Sorry, the rest of the story is great, but this? Nope. If growing up means driving Audis, then I never want to be old.
Lexus, Infinity or whatever: Why would you want to buy a japanese car trying to be a soulless german car? Could just as well go with the soulless original, or better yet, buy something fun to begin with.
Some Peugeot. It would fit because of cat pun and also french, but I think they're just not that exciting.
Any Tesla. I had a boss once who drove a Tesla. Spent every lunch break gushing over his car. Every single one. No offence to him, he was a perfectly nice person, but damn, that was annoying. So I have a strict "No Tesla Talk" rule nowadays.
The car: Renault Twingo, first generation, pink or red.
Why: It's small, french, and thoroughly charming, much like Marinette herself. It's also going to be in her (or her parents') price range. Plus, the small size makes it easy to park, crucial when you don't have a giant estate like some people. And if she needs to move something really big, Adrien has made it very clear that she can always count on him. (She's a bit self-conscious about asking him all the time, but he never minds, and it is an opportunity for her to get him alone and have him smile at her) There's lots of other small french cars you could go with, but I'd argue that the first-generation Twingo hits the sweet spot between being recent enough and interesting enough.
Rejected alternatives:
The same car, but in red: I'm thinking that's too on the nose. But maybe if we assume that the car was once red, but then slowly bleached out to pink over time?
VW Beetle (old): Yes, I get it, but I already gave Adrien a car based on a pun, two is excessive. Plus, I personally think that it's just not that charming. On a more practical level, this is nowadays a historic car for enthusiasts.
VW Beetle (any of the two newer generations): Less historic, but also less charming, and getting to the thing where german cars have no souls that I mentioned above.
Renault Twizzy: I did consider giving her an electric option as well, but I don't really like any of them. The Renault Zoe would be obvious but boring. The Twizzy is quirky, but also rather pointless, at least for someone who already lives in a city instead of having to commute into it. If we're going that route, then I think the electric Vespa would be a better choice. We already know she's comfortable on motorcycles.
Actually, there are a lot of reasons why a Vespa or any type of scooter would be a better choice for her than a car. There are the obvious parts of being cheaper and using less parking space, but also consider the increased flexibility in chase scenes. Plus, it gives us lots more cute scenes where Adrien has to (or in his opinion, gets to) drive her to and from the discount yarn store, as well as scenes where she has to deal with him clinging on really tight to her on her scooter. But that's not the premise of this post, I guess.
Yes, Marinette is a bit air-headed and uncoordinated, but I really don't want to do old sexist boomer tropes. So let us instead focus on her miraculous ability to recover from whatever flailing she's gotten herself into. This is not always entirely consistent in canon, but it's definitely there. With the added benefit of a bit of growing up, we can assume that Marinette will get into all sorts of close calls that will scare her friends a bit, but that her car will remain entirely spotless (or as close to spotless as is possible in Paris).
Adrien, on the other hand, is chill, level-headed, focused, and rarely turns his music up loud, resulting in entirely uneventful drives.
Of course, that is in normal situations. In an emergency (such as needing to return to Paris ASAP because of a new Akuma), both will drive scarily fast but entirely accident-free. And it doesn't matter that Adrien has an order of magnitude more horsepower than Marinette: She will arrive there first. (That's if she is in her own car. If they had to trade cars for some reason, then she will show in detail exactly how much quicker the more expensive car can be.)
In costume, they're obviously not going to use their cars normally. But there will be situations of Ladybug in Adrien's car, or Chat in Marinette's car (weird, why does he know the specific way required to wiggle the old, busted door handle? Eh, best not to think about it). There's also a general understanding that they can always use each other's cars as cover in a fight. That, or as projectiles, or as power sources, or as a general source of spare metal and parts for more convoluted "Lucky Charm" plans. Even if they have doubts about whether the Miraculous Cure works. After all, neither of them may know that Adrien/Marinette is right next to them, but they do know for a fact that they won't mind if it's for a good cause.
The cars are also very useful as quick places to transform. You might say that they have windows, and that others might realise that something is up when one person enters the car and then a suspiciously similar looking person in other clothes leaves it. But remember the canonical rules: As long as there exists at least one possible view point in the vicinity, and one object or landscape feature of any size, so that a hypothetical observer at that viewpoint would consider Adrien or Marinette to be behind that feature, they're safe. Or if all observers who have been shown on screen are currently looking somewhere else.
(Personally, I'm fairly certain that there must be characters who know perfectly well that Marinette is Ladybug, and just never realised that it was supposed to be a secret.)
So, what do you think?
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orbemnews · 3 years
Three Electric S.U.V.s With Tesla in Their Sights An electric trickle is turning into a flood: As many as 100 new E.V. models are coming to showrooms by 2025. Heavyweights including Volkswagen, General Motors and Ford are floating promises of all-electric lineups within a decade. The end times of gasoline can almost seem a fait accompli, except for one pesky issue: Even given Tesla’s strides, we’re still waiting for the first genuine E.V. sales hit, let alone a mass exodus from unleaded. In 2014, Nissan sold a mere 30,200 Leafs, and that’s still the American record for any non-Tesla model. Ford routinely sells more than 800,000 F-Series pickups. A single gasoline sport utility vehicle, the Toyota RAV4, finds well over 400,000 annual buyers, compared with roughly 250,000 sales last year for all E.V.s combined — 200,000 of which were Teslas. Automakers insist we’re “this close” to a tipping point. E.V. market share is expected to grow to as much as 50 percent by 2032, from just 1.7 percent last year, said Scott Keogh, president and chief executive of Volkswagen of America. While Tesla captured 80 percent of the U.S. market for electric vehicles in 2020, VW and other global giants — with war chests built on internal-combustion engines and unmatched scale and manufacturing know-how — are well positioned to take a piece of Tesla’s pie. “There’s never been a competitive consumer product that sits at 80 percent market share” for long, Mr. Keogh said. Globally, Volkswagen is poised to pass Tesla as the world’s biggest electric vehicle seller as early as next year, according to Deutsche Bank, with Europe and China its key markets. In America, where the brand remains an underdog, VW and other legacy automakers are concentrating fire on the sales fortress of compact S.U.V.s: Models like the RAV4, which deliver roughly four million annual segment sales. The idea, as ever, is to drive down prices and charging times of E.V.s, while bolstering driving range, until consumers see no reason to stick with polluting gasoline models whose energy-and-operating costs exceed the plug-in alternatives. Like the Rolling Stones pushing the Beatles, Mr. Keogh said, healthy competition will ultimately benefit all E.V. fans and creators. And when consumers sees E.V.s proliferate in their neighbors’ driveways, and take their first test drive, there will be no going back. “When you drive one, you’re driving the future, and that’s what people are going to want, no debate,” Mr. Keogh said. The latest electric-S.U.V. hopefuls to reach showrooms are the VW ID.4, Ford Mustang Mach-E and Volvo XC40 Recharge. The Nissan Ariya, BMW iX and Cadillac Lyriq are set to arrive between late 2021 and next March. I drove the VW, Ford and Volvo to see which might knock Tesla’s Model Y S.U.V. down a peg — or at least outsell the 2014 Leaf. Ford Mustang Mach-E Ford has branded its fabled Mustang name on an electric S.U.V., inflaming some boomers in the process. But the Mach-E seems the most straight-up rival yet to Tesla’s Model Y, in not only price and performance but also the Ford’s maximum 300-mile driving range. Consumers have noticed: Ford sold 3,729 Mach-Es in February, the first full month of sales, almost single-handedly chopping Tesla’s dominant E.V. share to 69 percent, from 80 percent. If Ford could maintain that pace for a full year, the Mach-E would easily set a sales record for an E.V. not built by Tesla. Tesla’s 326-mile Model Y Long Range still squeezes a few more miles from each onboard kilowatt-hour, owing to the carmaker’s expertise in aerodynamics, motor and battery efficiency, and to “simple” stuff that’s anything but: Its 4,416-pound curb weight undercuts the Ford by about 400 pounds. And Tesla rules the public charging space, with its Supercharger network that has rivals — now with a potential infrastructure lift from the Biden administration — racing to catch up. The Ford fires back with a sculpted exterior versus the dad-bod Model Y, a tech-savvy interior with superior materials and craftsmanship, and winning performance of its own. With 346 horsepower from dual motors, the Mach-E Premium A.W.D. that I drove shot to 60 miles an hour in 4.8 seconds. Even the new Shelby GT500 — history’s mightiest Mustang, with 760 horsepower — won’t equal the 3.5-second 0-to-60 m.p.h. blast of this summer’s Mach-E GT Performance version. The Shelby would shame the Mach-E or Tesla on any winding road, of course. Yet the Mach-E is reasonably fun through the curvy stuff, and glides with addictive thrust and confidence. A cinema-scale, 15.5-inch touch screen sneaks past the Tesla’s 15-inch unit. Like other E.V.s, the Ford broadcasts its presence below 20 m.p.h., a throat-clearing hum to alert pedestrians. Inside, in its driver-selectable “Whisper” mode, the Ford would please the most persnickety librarian. Dial up “Unbridled” mode and the Mach-E trades glorious silence for an overwrought, faux-engine sound: Think a V-8, remixed by Kraftwerk. The soundtrack is apparently for people who need to be weaned off gasoline’s combustive beat, but it can be shut off with a screen switch. E.V. shoppers can whistle over the Ford’s price, as little as $36,495, or $48,300 for the extended-range A.W.D. model. Those prices include a $7,500 federal tax credit that’s denied to buyers of Tesla (or General Motors) E.V.s, because those automakers have sold too many to qualify. So despite Tesla’s major, defensive price cuts for 2021, the most-affordable, 230-mile-range Mach-E undercuts Tesla’s 244-mile Standard Range by $6,700. A Mach-E Premium A.W.D. saves $2,900 versus a Model Y Long Range. In a surprisingly taut, compelling matchup with the Tesla, credit the government for what may be the Ford’s most alluring advantage: a $7,500 discount. Volkswagen ID.4 No, Volkswagen is not changing its name to Voltswagen, as the company briefly convinced some media and car fans in a marketing stunt gone bad. Regarding historic names, VW calls the ID.4 its most significant model since the original Beetle. But where the Beetle was a revolutionary leader, the ID.4 feels like a follower. Based on my drive, the VW can easily top its 250-mile range rating, with 275 miles within reach. A rear-drive, 201-horsepower model rolls to 60 m.p.h. in 7.6 seconds. That’s on a par with gasoline sport utilities like the Honda CR-V, but pokey by E.V. standards. Dual-motor, all-wheel-drive models arrive later this year, promising 60 m.p.h. in under six seconds. From a company famed for fun-to-drive German cars, the ID.4’s generic performance and styling are letdowns. Its infotainment system is even more disappointing: The clunky, vexing touch screen can’t touch the onscreen wizardry of the Ford, Volvo or Tesla. The VW’s snappiest performance came during a fast-charging session at a Target in New Jersey, replenishing its 77 kilowatt-hour battery from 20 to 80 percent in an impressive 31 minutes. That growing network of Electrify America chargers is funded by VW’s $2 billion, court-ordered penance for its diesel emissions scandal. And VW is offering indulgences to ID.4 buyers, with three years of free public charging. Thrifty virtues include a $41,190 base price, or $33,690 after the $7,500 federal tax break. That’s $2,800 less than the most-affordable Mach-E. It’s also less money, after credits, than a smaller Chevrolet Bolt. The more powerful ID.4 with all-wheel drive will start at $37,370, postcredit. Still, as Tesla’s triumph and Chevy’s lukewarm Bolt have proved, there’s more to electric success than an attractive price. VW is aggressively investing $80 billion to develop E.V.s, but the ID.4 feels less like a market splash and more like a toe in the water. We’ll see if VW erred by not kicking off with a recognizable design that truly connects its nostalgic, weed-hazed past to today’s green virtues: the electric ID.Buzz Microbus, due in 2023. Volvo XC40 Recharge Volvo seems such a natural fit for E.V.s. And the progressive-minded brand brings us the XC40 Recharge, an electrified take on its gasoline XC40. The Recharge is like that perfect dining table in a shelter magazine: You’re not sure why it costs so much, but you want it anyway. The Recharge’s wedgy Scandinavian styling tops every S.U.V. in this group, as does its lovely interior. That includes soft Nappa leather, versus the ascetic “vegan” materials of many E.V.s. The drive is similarly breezy, with 402 horses and a quicksilver, 4.7-second flight to 60 m.p.h. The biggest tech talking point may be Android Automotive OS: The Recharge (and Volvo’s electric Polestar 2) introduces a cloud-based Google operating system that works like a dream, with Google Maps, search, an ultra-capable voice assistant and more. (Don’t confuse this with the ubiquitous Android Auto, which simply mirrors phone apps on a car’s screen.) Several major automakers, including G.M. and Ford, plan to make Android Automotive the nerve centers of coming cars. If only the Volvo itself were as efficient. The Recharge is an electron guzzler, with a 208-mile range that seems optimistic in real-world use. I drove the Recharge in frigid New York weather, which explained some but not all of its hunger for power: No matter how I babied the throttle, the Volvo stayed on a pace for 190 miles, at best, covering about 2.4 miles for each kilowatt-hour in the batteries. I can achieve 3.6 miles per kilowatt-hour with little effort in the Tesla Model Y and above 3.2 in the Ford. Environmental Protection Agency numbers bear that out: Despite having virtually the same-size battery, the Tesla brings 326 miles of maximum range, 118 more than the Volvo. The Recharge is also expensive for its intimate size: $54,985 to start, and nearly $60,000 for the model I drove. That $7,500 federal tax break softens the blow. Yet if the Volvo indulges bourgeois buyers, they’ll also need to indulge its profligate ways. Source link Orbem News #Electric #Sights #SUVs #Tesla
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chakytron · 4 years
Octopus Energy - Green VW Beetle Introduction
Octopus Energy – Green VW Beetle Introduction
Facebook Instagram Youtube Twitter 📺 Trendletter: Main Octopus Energy – Green VW Beetle Introduction Description: Green Friday 2020 – Octopus Energy customers can win an all-electric green VW Beetle packed with some great tech. TopTrengingTV Hunting the most trend video of the moment, every hour every day 24/7. Youtube Video Data Published At: 2020-11-29T16:30:20Z   Tags: …
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colorjoylynn · 4 years
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I finally got stars on my “New” car that we acquired very early in 2020. They are officially indoor wall stickers. I embellish them with fabric paint from squirt bottles (I have one magnet star still hanging onto 20-year-old “Scribbles” fabric paint). This is now my 4th car with stars... Martha H., a navy blue 1985 VW Golf, JoyBug, my bright blue 1998 VW New Beetle, Starry, a 2007 Toyota Prius (with deluxe stereo and keyless start), and now this electric-green 2016 Toyota PriusC (same gas saving system as a regular Prius, but meant for City driving... much smaller... good turning radius and sense of control while driving but more like a young person’s car. The joy the stars on this pretty car can provide to my community is immeasurable. Let tge smiles begin!!! #colorjoyfullife #joyspotting #joyspotter #colorjoy #thisisthelife @15tangerines lookie! https://www.instagram.com/p/CGWkxSGp1Kq/?igshid=1ap06ybdk0r5o
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bethjuliee · 4 years
Original Volkswagen Beetle Repurposed To Create A Fashionably Old-Fashioned Mini Bike!
Everyone’s all-time favorite, the Volkswagen Beetle has been repurposed by a creative builder into a something called a „Volkspod”. Brent Walter, who identifies himself as a „maker and builder of a variety of things” reimagined the iconic car in the form of an old-fashioned mini bike. His current job is in the sector of medical equipment manufacturing, but his passion for DIY projects and vintage items is what powered this project.
According to Brent, he wanted a scooter that he can take to VW shows so he decided to make the „Volkspod” by welding together fenders from the corners of old VW Beetles. His invention has wide handlebars, specific to bicycles, and is powered by a 3 horsepower engine. It can also speed up to 25 miles per hour. The coolest part of the mini scooter is the front that features the iconic Volkswagen’s crest and it comes in the colors of the original car, birch green, and pastel blue. If you want to know more about this awesome scooters, head to Brent’s Instagram page and send him a message to ask if they are available to purchase.
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People are probably tired of me posting these pics. #volkspod #vwminibike #minibike #vw
A post shared by Brent Walter (@walter_werks) on Nov 3, 2019 at 12:33pm PST
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#volkspod cruise
A post shared by Brent Walter (@walter_werks) on Apr 19, 2020 at 4:02pm PDT
  from Architecture https://www.goodshomedesign.com/original-volkswagen-beetle-repurposed-to-create-a-fashionably-old-fashioned-mini-bike/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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jimmyandreson · 4 years
Original Volkswagen Beetle Repurposed To Create A Fashionably Old-Fashioned Mini Bike!
Everyone’s all-time favorite, the Volkswagen Beetle has been repurposed by a creative builder into a something called a „Volkspod”. Brent Walter, who identifies himself as a „maker and builder of a variety of things” reimagined the iconic car in the form of an old-fashioned mini bike. His current job is in the sector of medical equipment manufacturing, but his passion for DIY projects and vintage items is what powered this project.
According to Brent, he wanted a scooter that he can take to VW shows so he decided to make the „Volkspod” by welding together fenders from the corners of old VW Beetles. His invention has wide handlebars, specific to bicycles, and is powered by a 3 horsepower engine. It can also speed up to 25 miles per hour. The coolest part of the mini scooter is the front that features the iconic Volkswagen’s crest and it comes in the colors of the original car, birch green, and pastel blue. If you want to know more about this awesome scooters, head to Brent’s Instagram page and send him a message to ask if they are available to purchase.
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People are probably tired of me posting these pics. #volkspod #vwminibike #minibike #vw
A post shared by Brent Walter (@walter_werks) on Nov 3, 2019 at 12:33pm PST
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#volkspod cruise
A post shared by Brent Walter (@walter_werks) on Apr 19, 2020 at 4:02pm PDT
  from Home https://www.goodshomedesign.com/original-volkswagen-beetle-repurposed-to-create-a-fashionably-old-fashioned-mini-bike/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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joeyzplaza · 4 years
Original Volkswagen Beetle Repurposed To Create A Fashionably Old-Fashioned Mini Bike!
Everyone’s all-time favorite, the Volkswagen Beetle has been repurposed by a creative builder into a something called a „Volkspod”. Brent Walter, who identifies himself as a „maker and builder of a variety of things” reimagined the iconic car in the form of an old-fashioned mini bike. His current job is in the sector of medical equipment manufacturing, but his passion for DIY projects and vintage items is what powered this project.
According to Brent, he wanted a scooter that he can take to VW shows so he decided to make the „Volkspod” by welding together fenders from the corners of old VW Beetles. His invention has wide handlebars, specific to bicycles, and is powered by a 3 horsepower engine. It can also speed up to 25 miles per hour. The coolest part of the mini scooter is the front that features the iconic Volkswagen’s crest and it comes in the colors of the original car, birch green, and pastel blue. If you want to know more about this awesome scooters, head to Brent’s Instagram page and send him a message to ask if they are available to purchase.
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People are probably tired of me posting these pics. #volkspod #vwminibike #minibike #vw
A post shared by Brent Walter (@walter_werks) on Nov 3, 2019 at 12:33pm PST
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#volkspod cruise
A post shared by Brent Walter (@walter_werks) on Apr 19, 2020 at 4:02pm PDT
  from Home https://www.goodshomedesign.com/original-volkswagen-beetle-repurposed-to-create-a-fashionably-old-fashioned-mini-bike/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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audralumin · 4 years
Original Volkswagen Beetle Repurposed To Create A Fashionably Old-Fashioned Mini Bike!
Everyone’s all-time favorite, the Volkswagen Beetle has been repurposed by a creative builder into a something called a „Volkspod”. Brent Walter, who identifies himself as a „maker and builder of a variety of things” reimagined the iconic car in the form of an old-fashioned mini bike. His current job is in the sector of medical equipment manufacturing, but his passion for DIY projects and vintage items is what powered this project.
According to Brent, he wanted a scooter that he can take to VW shows so he decided to make the „Volkspod” by welding together fenders from the corners of old VW Beetles. His invention has wide handlebars, specific to bicycles, and is powered by a 3 horsepower engine. It can also speed up to 25 miles per hour. The coolest part of the mini scooter is the front that features the iconic Volkswagen’s crest and it comes in the colors of the original car, birch green, and pastel blue. If you want to know more about this awesome scooters, head to Brent’s Instagram page and send him a message to ask if they are available to purchase.
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People are probably tired of me posting these pics. #volkspod #vwminibike #minibike #vw
A post shared by Brent Walter (@walter_werks) on Nov 3, 2019 at 12:33pm PST
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#volkspod cruise
A post shared by Brent Walter (@walter_werks) on Apr 19, 2020 at 4:02pm PDT
  from Home https://www.goodshomedesign.com/original-volkswagen-beetle-repurposed-to-create-a-fashionably-old-fashioned-mini-bike/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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mrhenryharrell · 5 years
September 10 Green Energy News
Headline News:
“Every Automaker Should Develop Conversion Kits For Their Gas Vehicles” • We recently learned Volkswagen is going to sell an EV retrofit kit for its classic Beetle. It’s the true revenge of the electric car. If a 70 year old vehicle that was not developed for electrification can be retrofitted successfully, then many other vehicles can as well. [CleanTechnica]
Electric VW Beetles (VW image)
“Combining Solar And Farming Benefits Both” • Researchers at the University of Arizona confirmed the benefits of growing crops beneath the shade provided by solar panels – more electricity, higher yields, and less water used. That last part is of vital interest to farmers in Arizona where access to water for irrigation is crucial. [CleanTechnica]
“Climate Change: ‘Invest $1.8 Trillion To Adapt'” • Investing $1.8 trillion over the next decade, in measures to adapt to climate change, could produce net benefits worth more than $7 trillion, according to a global cost-benefit analysis by the Global Commission on Adaptation. GCA is a group of 34 leaders in politics, business and science. [BBC]
“PG&E Pledges To Honor Renewable Contracts In Bankruptcy Plan” • Pacific Gas & Electric submitted a reorganization plan that would pledge up to $18 billion to wildfire victims, while it would also allow the California utility to exit bankruptcy by mid-2020. The date is a key deadline for it to take part in a multi-billion dollar state wildfire fund. [Greentech Media]
“Jeff Dahn Claims New Pouch Cells Could Be Good For 1 Million Miles” • Battery guru Jeff Dahn, along with colleagues, published a report on the development of a lithium ion pouch cell that “should be able to power an electric vehicle for over 1.6 million kilometers (1 million miles) and last at least two decades in grid energy storage.” [CleanTechnica]
For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.
  September 10 Green Energy News posted first on Green Energy Times
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enginerumors · 6 years
2020 VW Beetle Convertible Manual Transmission & Colors
2020 VW Beetle Convertible Manual Transmission & Colors
2020 VW Beetle Convertible Manual Transmission & Colors – To choose from being a couple in addition to a convertible, this 2020 VW Beetle Convertible Manual Transmissionsettings can be exciting specifics of economic exciting. With a groundbreaking a lot more efficient as well as a valuable petrol engine, and it’s related and delightful dilemma, all of the distinctive 2020 VW Beetle Convertible…
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savetopnow · 7 years
2018-03-23 20 CAR now
Auto Spies
STUD or DUD? Is The All-new Lincoln Navigator, Tuned By Hennessey And With 600 Ponies, THE ONE To Have?
BMW Confirms All Electric X3 Slated For 2020 Release
Diesel Saving Technology Emerges, But Is It Too Late To Save The Oil Burner?
Evidence Mounts That New Mid Engine Corvette Will Be Cadillac Powered
US Seeks To Stop The Sellout Of American Know How To China
VW reveals the new Touareg, but not for America
VW Beetle is not dead yet
Car brands with the most and least loyal owners
Junkyard Gem: 1998 Mercedes-Benz S500 Sedan
Maybe there won't be an Audi R8 V6 after all
Car Throttle
This Container Ship Collision Dumped Brand New Cars Into The Sea
Behold The New, Lighter Volkswagen Touareg And Its Epic Screen
The Karlmann King Is The Stealth SUV You'll Always See Coming
A Simple New Exhaust Technology Could Save The Diesel Engine
The Old Dodge Viper Factory Is Being Turned Into A Museum
Porsche shares images of latest Mission E prototypes, shows front trunk
Elon Musk’s Boring Company unveils proposed ‘Loop’ route to travel Washington-Baltimore in 15 mins
First look at Tesla Model 3 Canadian configurator with price structure and availability
Green Deals: Remington 12A 19-inch Corded Electric Lawn Mower $140, more
Nissan unveils stunning new streetlights powered by used Leaf battery packs and solar
Inside EVs
Check Out Slo-Mo Launch Of Tesla Model S P100D – Plus It Races Hellcat, Camaro
LinkedIn Chooses Tesla #5 Overall On Top Companies List
Check Out What Ford’s Electric SUV Might Look Like
J.D Power Survey – Enthusiasm For Electric Cars Grows Rapidly In China
Watch Roborace Devbot Showcase Some Extreme Driving
I Still Don't Understand How He Does This
I Am Unduly Excited For The 2019 Cadillac CT6 V-Sport
We're Enjoying All The Incredible Race Cars At Pirelli World Challenge This Weekend
Smokey And The Bandit Will Change Your Life
Comment Of The Day: Sideways Edition
Celebrity Drive: Glen Plake of HISTORY’s ‘Truck Night in America’
2018 Honda Accord Touring 2.0T Interior Review
2019 Toyota Corolla Hatchback First Look: Matrix Reloaded
Porsche Says the New Cayenne Hybrid Will Channel the 918 Spyder
Video Shows Seconds Leading up to Fatal Autonomous Uber Crash
Reddit Cars
I wanted to share my paint splattered trim
Signature under hood of Japanese S2000 - Anyone recognize it?
Craigslist has just taken listings offline
I upgraded from a boat to a faster boat today
How come the 2018 Accord is not selling as well as the 2018 Camry in USA?
Sunday Times Driving
First Drive review: 2018 Ford Mustang GT (facelift)
Buying guide: new 2018 Volkswagen Touareg
10 of the rudest numberplates spotted on Britain’s roads
The Clarkson Review: 2018 Citroën C3 Aircross
Oxford calls for cable car to tackle traffic
The Car Connection
2019 Toyota Corolla
2018 Infiniti QX60
2018 Infiniti Q70
2019 Toyota Corolla Hatchback: a most international compact car
2018 Infiniti Q50
The CarGurus Blog
£1000 Wonders: Why Cheap Doesn’t Mean Terrible
Don’t Let a Rental Car Compromise Your Privacy
Top Headlines From March 10 – 16
New to the Used Market: Volvo XC40
Half Price Hot Hatch: BMW M135i
The Torque Report
2018 Honda Accord Sport 2.0T Review: A fun midsize sedan
2019 Toyota Corolla Hatchback revealed ahead of its New York debut
Used Nissan Leaf batteries to power a town in Japan
Ford and Mahindra team to build new SUVs and a small electric vehicle
2020 Porsche Mission E prototype teased from the production floor
The Truth About Cars
Mini Dealers Want to Know What the Hell Is Going on With the Brand
Light It Up: Canucks to Mandate Taillight Illumination
Maryland or Bust(ed): Driver Nabbed Going Over 160 MPH in Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat
2018 Lexus LC 500h Review – Good Design, Bad Design
Rare Rides: The 1979 Nissan President, an Executive Luxury Brougham
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williamccreynolds · 4 years
Original Volkswagen Beetle Repurposed To Create A Fashionably Old-Fashioned Mini Bike!
Everyone’s all-time favorite, the Volkswagen Beetle has been repurposed by a creative builder into a something called a „Volkspod”. Brent Walter, who identifies himself as a „maker and builder of a variety of things” reimagined the iconic car in the form of an old-fashioned mini bike. His current job is in the sector of medical equipment manufacturing, but his passion for DIY projects and vintage items is what powered this project.
According to Brent, he wanted a scooter that he can take to VW shows so he decided to make the „Volkspod” by welding together fenders from the corners of old VW Beetles. His invention has wide handlebars, specific to bicycles, and is powered by a 3 horsepower engine. It can also speed up to 25 miles per hour. The coolest part of the mini scooter is the front that features the iconic Volkswagen’s crest and it comes in the colors of the original car, birch green, and pastel blue. If you want to know more about this awesome scooters, head to Brent’s Instagram page and send him a message to ask if they are available to purchase.
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People are probably tired of me posting these pics. #volkspod #vwminibike #minibike #vw
A post shared by Brent Walter (@walter_werks) on Nov 3, 2019 at 12:33pm PST
  View this post on Instagram
#volkspod cruise
A post shared by Brent Walter (@walter_werks) on Apr 19, 2020 at 4:02pm PDT
  from Real Estate https://www.goodshomedesign.com/original-volkswagen-beetle-repurposed-to-create-a-fashionably-old-fashioned-mini-bike/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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enginerumors · 6 years
2020 Volkswagen Beetle Convertible Turbo, Price, Configurations
2020 Volkswagen Beetle Convertible Turbo, Price, Configurations
2020 Volkswagen Beetle Convertible Turbo, Price, Configurations – To select from as a coupe and convertible, this type of 2020 Volkswagen Beetle Convertible Turbomay very well be exciting information on low priced interesting. Having an innovative even more effective and also energy beneficial engine, as well as its related and exquisite matter, the particular outstanding 2020 VW Beetle…
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savetopnow · 7 years
2018-03-23 17 CAR now
Auto Spies
STUD or DUD? Is The All-new Lincoln Navigator, Tuned By Hennessey And With 600 Ponies, THE ONE To Have?
BMW Confirms All Electric X3 Slated For 2020 Release
Diesel Saving Technology Emerges, But Is It Too Late To Save The Oil Burner?
Evidence Mounts That New Mid Engine Corvette Will Be Cadillac Powered
US Seeks To Stop The Sellout Of American Know How To China
VW Beetle is not dead yet
Car brands with the most and least loyal owners
Junkyard Gem: 1998 Mercedes-Benz S500 Sedan
Maybe there won't be an Audi R8 V6 after all
Porsche Cayenne plug-in E-Hybrid teased in new video
Car Throttle
The Karlmann King Is The Stealth SUV You'll Always See Coming
A Simple New Exhaust Technology Could Save The Diesel Engine
The Old Dodge Viper Factory Is Being Turned Into A Museum
Watch A Tesla Model X Crush A 5.7-litre Camaro In A Tug Of War
Cadillac Has Gone All Euro With A 550bhp Twin-Turbo 'Hot' V8
Elon Musk’s Boring Company unveils proposed ‘Loop’ route to travel Washington-Baltimore in 15 mins
First look at Tesla Model 3 Canadian configurator with price structure and availability
Green Deals: Remington 12A 19-inch Corded Electric Lawn Mower $140, more
Nissan unveils stunning new streetlights powered by used Leaf battery packs and solar
Tesla to deploy another large Powerpack project in Australia after securing $25 million in funding
Inside EVs
LinkedIn Chooses Tesla #5 Overall On Top Companies List
Check Out What Ford’s Electric SUV Might Look Like
J.D Power Survey – Enthusiasm For Electric Cars Grows Rapidly In China
Watch Roborace Devbot Showcase Some Extreme Driving
Energica EgoGP Electric Motorcycle Debuts In Qatar
I Still Don't Understand How He Does This
I Am Unduly Excited For The 2019 Cadillac CT6 V-Sport
We're Enjoying All The Incredible Race Cars At Pirelli World Challenge This Weekend
Smokey And The Bandit Will Change Your Life
Comment Of The Day: Sideways Edition
2019 Toyota Corolla Hatchback First Look: Matrix Reloaded
Porsche Says the New Cayenne Hybrid Will Channel the 918 Spyder
Video Shows Seconds Leading up to Fatal Autonomous Uber Crash
2018 Volkswagen Passat GT First Drive: V(olks’)-6
Spied! Refreshed BMW 7 Series’ Grille Looks Even More Massive up Close
Reddit Cars
Craigslist has just taken listings offline
I upgraded from a boat to a faster boat today
How come the 2018 Accord is not selling as well as the 2018 Camry in USA?
Is there a way I can mod my car so it sounds nicer but not louder?
Something in that "Taurus is the saddest car ever made" post reminded me of the Coggiola T-Rex concept car from almost 20 years ago. Maybe the weirdest car I've ever seen.
Sunday Times Driving
10 of the rudest numberplates spotted on Britain’s roads
The Clarkson Review: 2018 Citroën C3 Aircross
Oxford calls for cable car to tackle traffic
Watch the Hoonigans cut a Volvo estate in half and pull wheelies
Uber self-driving car fatal crash: Arizona police release shocking dash cam video
The Car Connection
2019 Toyota Corolla
2018 Infiniti QX60
2018 Infiniti Q70
2019 Toyota Corolla Hatchback: a most international compact car
2018 Infiniti Q50
The CarGurus Blog
£1000 Wonders: Why Cheap Doesn’t Mean Terrible
Don’t Let a Rental Car Compromise Your Privacy
Top Headlines From March 10 – 16
New to the Used Market: Volvo XC40
Half Price Hot Hatch: BMW M135i
The Torque Report
2019 Toyota Corolla Hatchback revealed ahead of its New York debut
Used Nissan Leaf batteries to power a town in Japan
Ford and Mahindra team to build new SUVs and a small electric vehicle
2020 Porsche Mission E prototype teased from the production floor
2019 Porsche Cayenne E-Hybrid teased
The Truth About Cars
Mini Dealers Want to Know What the Hell Is Going on With the Brand
Light It Up: Canucks to Mandate Taillight Illumination
Maryland or Bust(ed): Driver Nabbed Going Over 160 MPH in Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat
2018 Lexus LC 500h Review – Good Design, Bad Design
Rare Rides: The 1979 Nissan President, an Executive Luxury Brougham
0 notes
savetopnow · 7 years
2018-03-23 14 CAR now
Auto Spies
BMW Confirms All Electric X3 Slated For 2020 Release
Diesel Saving Technology Emerges, But Is It Too Late To Save The Oil Burner?
Evidence Mounts That New Mid Engine Corvette Will Be Cadillac Powered
US Seeks To Stop The Sellout Of American Know How To China
If YOU Were In Charge Of Mini, What Would Be Your Long Term Plan?
VW Beetle is not dead yet
Car brands with the most and least loyal owners
Junkyard Gem: 1998 Mercedes-Benz S500 Sedan
Maybe there won't be an Audi R8 V6 after all
Porsche Cayenne plug-in E-Hybrid teased in new video
Car Throttle
The Karlmann King Is The Stealth SUV You'll Always See Coming
A Simple New Exhaust Technology Could Save The Diesel Engine
The Old Dodge Viper Factory Is Being Turned Into A Museum
Watch A Tesla Model X Crush A 5.7-litre Camaro In A Tug Of War
Cadillac Has Gone All Euro With A 550bhp Twin-Turbo 'Hot' V8
Elon Musk’s Boring Company unveils proposed ‘Loop’ route to travel Washington-Baltimore in 15 mins
First look at Tesla Model 3 Canadian configurator with price structure and availability
Green Deals: Remington 12A 19-inch Corded Electric Lawn Mower $140, more
Nissan unveils stunning new streetlights powered by used Leaf battery packs and solar
Tesla to deploy another large Powerpack project in Australia after securing $25 million in funding
Inside EVs
LinkedIn Chooses Tesla #5 Overall On Top Companies List
Check Out What Ford’s Electric SUV Might Look Like
J.D Power Survey – Enthusiasm For Electric Cars Grows Rapidly In China
Watch Roborace Devbot Showcase Some Extreme Driving
Energica EgoGP Electric Motorcycle Debuts In Qatar
I Still Don't Understand How He Does This
I Am Unduly Excited For The 2019 Cadillac CT6 V-Sport
We're Enjoying All The Incredible Race Cars At Pirelli World Challenge This Weekend
Smokey And The Bandit Will Change Your Life
Comment Of The Day: Sideways Edition
2019 Toyota Corolla Hatchback First Look: Matrix Reloaded
Porsche Says the New Cayenne Hybrid Will Channel the 918 Spyder
Video Shows Seconds Leading up to Fatal Autonomous Uber Crash
2018 Volkswagen Passat GT First Drive: V(olks’)-6
Spied! Refreshed BMW 7 Series’ Grille Looks Even More Massive up Close
Reddit Cars
Craigslist has just taken listings offline
I upgraded from a boat to a faster boat today
Something in that "Taurus is the saddest car ever made" post reminded me of the Coggiola T-Rex concept car from almost 20 years ago. Maybe the weirdest car I've ever seen.
BMW says electric car mass production not viable until 2020 - BMW will not mass produce electric cars until 2020 because its current technology is not profitable enough to scale up for volume production, the chief executive said on Thursday
AMG - Everything You Need to Know | Up to Speed
Sunday Times Driving
10 of the rudest numberplates spotted on Britain’s roads
The Clarkson Review: 2018 Citroën C3 Aircross
Oxford calls for cable car to tackle traffic
Watch the Hoonigans cut a Volvo estate in half and pull wheelies
Uber self-driving car fatal crash: Arizona police release shocking dash cam video
The Car Connection
2019 Toyota Corolla
2018 Infiniti QX60
2018 Infiniti Q70
2019 Toyota Corolla Hatchback: a most international compact car
2018 Infiniti Q50
The CarGurus Blog
£1000 Wonders: Why Cheap Doesn’t Mean Terrible
Don’t Let a Rental Car Compromise Your Privacy
Top Headlines From March 10 – 16
New to the Used Market: Volvo XC40
Half Price Hot Hatch: BMW M135i
The Torque Report
2019 Toyota Corolla Hatchback revealed ahead of its New York debut
Used Nissan Leaf batteries to power a town in Japan
Ford and Mahindra team to build new SUVs and a small electric vehicle
2020 Porsche Mission E prototype teased from the production floor
2019 Porsche Cayenne E-Hybrid teased
The Truth About Cars
Mini Dealers Want to Know What the Hell Is Going on With the Brand
Light It Up: Canucks to Mandate Taillight Illumination
Maryland or Bust(ed): Driver Nabbed Going Over 160 MPH in Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat
2018 Lexus LC 500h Review – Good Design, Bad Design
Rare Rides: The 1979 Nissan President, an Executive Luxury Brougham
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