#2020 GMC Canyon Zr2
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enginerumors · 6 years ago
2020 GMC Canyon Colors, Redesign, Release Date
2020 GMC Canyon Colors, Redesign, Release Date
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2020 GMC Canyon Colors, Redesign, Release Date – The actual ruggedly excellent 2020 GMC Canyonis actually a standout from the resurgent midsize-pickup-truck portion. The latest Canyon is accessible through a selection of 5- or even 6-ft. Bed furniture and also Extensive and also Staff Cab styles. Rates start off close to $22,000 by using a 200-horsepower 2.5-liter 4-tube. An important 2.8-liter…
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blogueericdescarries · 4 years ago
GMC Canyon AT4 et des nouveautés de Kia, Hyundai et Mercedes!
Le 24 février 2021
Malgré le fait que le créneau des camionnettes pick-up intermédiaire se fait un peu discret (il est surtout «écrasé» par celui des grands pick-up), il continue d’évoluer. Si, pendant un moment, on aura cru qu’il n’y restait plus que deux marques, les Toyota Tacoma et les Nissan Frontier, les administrateurs de GM y ont remarqué un retour d’intérêt et dès 2015, ils ont réagi en «relançant» leurs anciens pick-up intermédiaires, les Chevrolet Colorado et GMC Canyon. La suite, comme on le dit si bien, c’est de l’histoire car, cette décision a incité Ford à relancer son Ranger et à FCA de relancer la Jeep Gladiator. N’oublions pas non plus l’aventure de Honda dans ce domaine avec la Ridgeline.
Donc, aujourd’hui, ce créneau des intermédiaires en est rendu à quelques 48 667 unités vendues au Canada en 2020. Toutefois, GM y a perdu un peu de plumes avec l’arrivée de la concurrence. Il fallait donc que ses Colorado et Canyon soient révisées. C’est de l’une des deux dont il est question ici, la GMC Canyon AT4, une nouvelle finition proposée cette année en remplacement de la All-Terrain.
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La GMC Canyon, ici dans sa version AT4, a été révisée avec goût. (Photo Éric Descarries)
Comme on peut le constater, le GMC Canyon de 2021 affiche un avant entièrement redessiné dont le design se rapproche le plus de son «grand frère» le Sierra. Incidemment, si les Canyon vous semblent basées sur les Chevrolet Colorado, vous ne vous trompez pas. Cependant, GM a préféré distinguer ses GMC en les proposant en versions plus élaborées. Par exemple, on pourrait croire que la Canyon AT4 est une version GMC de la Chevrolet  ZR2, ce n’en est pas le cas. Évidemment, on voit que la version AT4 est destinée, tout comme la ZR2, aux excursions hors-route. Mais son approche n’est pas aussi «drastique» que celle de la Chevrolet. Elle est plus modérée…même avec ses pneus surdimensionnés de 31 pouces!
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La GMC Canyon AT4 vue de l’arrière. (Photo Éric Descarries)
Cette version AT4 n’est disponible qu’en configuration «cabine d’équipe» (crew cab) mais avec une caisse courte ou longue. Pour le moment, le seul moteur disponible est le maintenant «légendaire» V6 de 3,6 litres de GM qui fait 308 chevaux et 275 livres-pied de couple (le moteur turbodiesel à quatre cylindres de 2,8 litres reviendra sous peu au catalogue) avec boîte automatique à huit rapports et boîtier de transfert à deux vitesses incluant la traction intégrale automatique (notez que les versions moins élaborées de Canyon sont toujours livrables avec le quatre cylindres de base). Avec cette finition AT4, l’utilisateur dispose de pneus Goodyear DuraTrac 265/65 R17 d’un diamètre de 31 pouces, d’une suspension adaptée aux besoins de l’AT4 et d’un différentiel autobloquant électronique.
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Le tableau de bord n’a pas, pour ainsi dire, changé. Mais il est d’approche conviviale. (Photo Éric Descarries)
Si l’approche de GMC pour l’AT4 n’est pas aussi agressive que celle de Chevrolet pour la ZR2, il faut dire que l’intérieur affiche une finition plus luxueuse incluant même des sièges avant chauffants! Cependant, son tableau de bord conserve des airs de ressemblance avec celui de la Colorado. Notez qu’il ne s’agit pas ici de la version Denali plus luxueuse de la Canyon qui n’a pas d’équivalence chez Chevrolet (même si, malgré tout, on aimerait se sentir dans un environnement plus «recherché», disons)! Néanmoins, tout y est facilement accessible. L’instrumentation y est très lisible et tous les accessoires au tableau de bord facilement manipulables. Au centre de cette planche de bord, il y avait, sur mon véhicule d’essai, un écran plus ou moins petit car ce Canyon n’avait pas de GPS. Si le conducteur tient à un tel accessoire, il devra y brancher son téléphone intelligent (vous aurez compris que les prises AppleCarPlay et Android Auto y étaient d’office). Entre les sièges baquet, il y avait une impressionnante console avec le levier de vitesse et quelques commandes pratiques.
Les sièges d’avant sont surprenants tant ils sont confortables. Toutefois, accéder à la cabine demande un peu d’effort vu qu’il n’y a pas de marchepied. Je conseillerais à un acheteur d’AT4 d’en faire installer des modèles démontables (s’il tient vraiment à faire des excursions hors-route!) qui non seulement facilitera l’accès à l’habitacle mais qui empêcheront les pantalons de se salir sur les seuils de portes. De plus, ces marchepied serviront de garde-boue car les énormes pneus très agressifs lancent de la boue en roulant et celle-ci s’accumulent non seulement sur les ailes arrière mais aussi derrière les poignées de portières ce qui est plutôt désagréable quand vient le temps de les ouvrir!
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Les places arrière sont accueillantes mais pas si spacieuses. (Photo Éric Descarries)
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Il n’y a pas d’espace de rangement derrière les dossiers d’arrière mais les attaches pour sièges de bébé y sont. (Photo Éric Descarries)
Les places arrière sont accueillantes mais sans plus, l’espace y étant restreint. L’AT4 possède une console centrale arrière escamotable avec appui-bras et porte-gobelet alors que le dossier de la banquette peut se rabattre. Mais il n’y a pas d’espace de rangement derrière ce dossier. En revanche, il y a un tel coffre sous le fauteuil du siège.
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La caisse demeure la même. On peut y charger plus de 1500 livres mais toujours pas de 4 x 8 à plat entre les ailes. La finition de protection y est une option…mais pas la neige! (Photo Éric Descarries)
La caisse, elle, n’a rien d’extraordinaire. Elle demeure, comme toutes les caisses de ces petites camionnettes, trop étroite entre les deux passages de roue pour y déposer une planche de 4 par 8 à plat ce qui est parfois embarrassant. Heureusement, le hayon arrière se dépose et se remonte facilement. Mais la marche est haute et il n’y a pas d’escalier escamotable pour accéder à la caisse.
Sur la route
Après avoir grimpé derrière le volant, il est facile de s’ajuster et de trouver une position de conduite respectable. La visibilité y est très bonne et les sièges confortables. Une fois lancé, on reconnaît facilement le son du V6. Il est audible mais pas agressant. Le conducteur a le choix de tourner la commande rotative pour que la motricité aux roues arrière, aux quatre roues ou au système automatique. Une fois en route, on entend le ronronnement des pneus (incidemment, ces gros Goodyear sont «légaux» pour l’hiver au Québec). Le V6 démontre toute sa puissance déplaçant la camionnette de plus de 4400 livres. Il est capable d’accélérations de 0 à 100 km/h en moins de sept secondes et de reprises rassurantes. La direction est plus précise que l’on pourrait croire. Même le freinage se veut rassurant quoi que j’aie des réserves concernant les pneus. Ceux-ci sont excellents dans la boue et la neige profonde. Mais sur la glace et surtout dans la neige mouillée ou la «sloche», ils perdent beaucoup d’adhérence! Je leur préférerais de véritables pneus d’hiver (moins larges) avec lamelles appropriées. Incidemment, il n’y a pas beaucoup d’aide à la conduite dans cette GMC. Qu’importe, de toute façon, j’aime mieux garder l’œil ouvert!
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Rien de bien nouveau, le valeureux V6 de GM de 3,6 litres est toujours au catalogue. (Photo Éric Descarries)
Autrement, ce qui m’a plu (et qui a plu à ma passagère) lors d’une petite excursion dans les Laurentides, c’est le confort que l’on vivait dans ce véhicule. En effet, malgré une suspension adaptée aux excursions hors-route, le Canyon AT4 ne sautille pas autant que la concurrence sur les routes endommagées. Décidemment, la suspension peut être ferme, elle n’est surtout pas sèche! Et les sièges avant ne deviennent pas trop durs avec le temps.
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Les pneus Goodyear Wrangler DuraTrac d’origine sont homologués pour l’hiver. Ils sont idéaux pour les déplacements dans la boue ou sur terrains rocailleux mais pour l’hiver, je préférerais de véritables pneus à glace. (Photo Éric Descarries)
Par après, ce Canyon m’a plutôt servi pour des déplacements urbains sous une température relativement froide. Malheureusement, je n’ai pu faire des excursions hors-route (mon terrain d’essai privé est toujours sous un épais manteau de neige) mais je ne douterais pas des capacités de la AT4. Sa garde au sol est bonne et les pneus sont faits pour la boue et les terrains rocailleux. Je n’ai rien à redire du V6 (il sert pas mal à tout depuis des années chez GM) ni de la boîte automatique à huit rapports. En passant, la capacité de charge de la caisse est de 1600 livres et celle de remorquage du véhicule est de 3500 livres (7700 livres si l’on opte pour le moteur diesel !). En ce qui a trait à la consommation (essence régulière), j’ai obtenu une consommation moyenne (calcul à la pompe) de 13,6 l./100 km alors que l’ordinateur de bord en avait calculé une de 12,4 tel qu’affichée au tableau de bord.  Notez que j’ai conservé la Canyon en mode 4x4 Auto toute la semaine. GM annonce une consommation de 14,0l./100 km en ville et 9.9 sur autoroute.
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Petit reproche, si cette Canyon n’est pas équipée de garde-boues ou de marchepieds, les gros pneus projettent la boue sur ses flancs et les poignées de portières accumulent cette boue. (Photo Éric Descarries)
Le prix de base d’une GMC Canyon AT4 est de 41 898 $. Mon véhicule d’essai avait que peu d’options dont le recouvrement de l’intérieur de la caisse de 550 $ et l’ensemble de remorquage de 295 $. Ajoutez à cela, les (toujours aussi ridicules) 100 $ de la taxe d’accise fédérale pour la climatisation et les 1900 $ de transport et préparation et vous obtenez une facture totale de 44 743 $ plus taxes, bien entendu.
La Canyon AT4 devrait être considérée comme une sorte de concurrente à la Chevrolet Colorado ZR2, à la Jeep Gladiator Mojave, à la Toyota Tacoma TRD et à la Ford Ranger FX4 (ou peut-être Raptor à venir) mais je ne crois pas que GMC ait poussé aussi loin. Qu’importe, ce que j’en retiens, c’est que l’AT4 est plus confortable que prévu, fort possiblement plus que ses concurrentes. Sans pousser aussi loin que la Canyon Denali, cette AT4 présente quand même un certain niveau de luxe. Pas un mauvais choix, loin de là!
Nous n’avons pas (peut-être plus) de salons de l’auto. Toutefois, les constructeurs automobile ont choisi le moyen de nous présenter (à tout le monde en même temps) leurs tout nouveaux produits avec des «shows» sur Internet. Donc, cette semaine, nous avons eu droit à plusieurs présentations dont celle de la nouvelle Carnival de Kia.
Carnival n’est pas un nouveau nom pour le constructeur sud-coréen. Cependant, il n’avait jamais été utilisé en Amérique du Nord. Cette fois, il nous arrive sous la forme d’un véhicule hybride à la fois VUS et «van» (fourgonnette) à sept ou huit passagers. Ce faisant, Kia croit relancer l’intérêt pour les vrais «people movers» qu’étaient les fourgonnettes (s.v.p., ne dites pas mini-fourgonnette…il n’y a rien de mini dans ces véhicules!). En passant, il est fortement question de la disparition de la Sedona, du moins de son nom!
Pour le moment, il n’y aurait que le V6 de 3,5 litres au catalogue avec une boîte automatique à huit rapports et que la traction avant. On en saura plus lorsque le modèle nous sera prêté.
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Kia nous ramène la fourgonnette à la sauce VUS, la Carnival. (Photo Kia)
Autre nouveauté intéressante, Hyundai annonce l’arrivée prochaine de la Ioniq 5, une sorte de berline sportive toute électrique qui pourrait très bien être une concurrente à la nouvelle Mustang Mach E.
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Hyundai nous promet une Ioniq 5 capable de concurrencer la Mustang Mach E. (Photo Hyundai)
Enfin, du côté de Mercedes-Benz, ce constructeur allemand nous a dévoilé une nouvelle version de sa populaire Classe C. Elle a subi un redesign total et elle ne devrait être disponible qu’avec un moteur à quatre cylindres. Toutefois, il semble que c’est son intérieur qui devrait tous nous étonner. À suivre.
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La Mercedes-Benz de Classe C fait peau neuve. (Photo Mercedes)
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Le tableau de bord assez inusité de la nouvelle Classe C. (Photo Mercedes)
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crazy4tank · 4 years ago
2021 Chevy Colorado ZR2: Costs, Facts, And Figures | HotCars
New Post has been published on https://coolcarsnews.com/2020/12/23/2021-chevy-colorado-zr2-costs-facts-and-figures-hotcars/
2021 Chevy Colorado ZR2: Costs, Facts, And Figures | HotCars
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Chevrolet Colorado has been a favorite amongst people looking to buy a midsize pickup truck. That said, competition is robbing its sales with the likes of the Toyota Tacoma getting more market share. Others like the Nissan Frontier and the Ford Ranger are also in the minds of potential buyers.
But if you do have enough budget to spend on one of the more off-road centric versions of a truck, why hold back? Inevitably you’d have to end up choosing one and it’s quite hard given the number of offerings currently available. The Chevy Colorado ZR2 is more of an off-road specific build than a daily. With an impressive fanbase the Colorado soldiers on whilst its corporate sibling, the GMC Canyon caters to a different clientele.
For 2021, the Chevrolet Colorado ZR2 remains relatively unchanged with a few minor tweaks across the exterior and interior. With prices starting at $41,600, is the midsize Chevrolet pickup all show and no go? Let’s find out.
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The 2021 Colorado has retained its engine options as before. The Chevy offers a choice of either a diesel-powered 2.8-liter Duramax engine and an optional 3.6-liter gasoline V6. Power figures are rated at 308 horsepower and 275 lb-ft of torque for the V6 Colorado. The Duramax diesel is good for 186 horsepower and a whopping 369 lb-ft of torque, ideal for someone looking to exploit the road less traveled. In terms of transmission, the Chevy gets a 6-speed auto for the inline-four diesel and an 8-speed automatic for the V6. The Colorado ZR2 gets both front and rear locking diffs plus a switchable four-wheel-drive system making it more versatile across demanding scenarios. Towing capabilities of the 2021 Chevy Colorado remain impressive at 7000 pounds for the V6 and 7700 pounds with the diesel when equipped with the Trailer package.
Although the Duramax diesel has less oomph on paper, the amount of twist it generates surpasses whatever the gasoline engine offers. The choice of which engine should you equip relies on what you expect from the ZR2. For instance, if you’re a serious off-road junkie, the torquey diesel should prove ideal, however, if your commute is more on the pavement, opting for the better-refined gasoline engine should be appropriate. Irrespective of engines, on the road, the Colorado is surprisingly well behaved and handles corners with minimal roll. Further complementing its on-road abilities is the lack of judder or flex usually exhibited by body-on-frame designs.
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Notable exterior changes for 2021 include a revised grille for the Colorado ZR2. You get a unique grille design with layered protrusions that give the front fascia a dominating appeal. A similar design can be seen on Chevy’s larger Silverado making the design ethos cohesive across the range. Also new for 2021 is the “Chevrolet” badge spelled out and the “bow-tie” being offset to the side. Instead of a solid design, the logo is actually hollowed out in order to improve airflow, Chevy calls it the “flow tie.” The rest of the design is largely familiar to the outgoing model with similar projector headlamps, which, is more of a sore thumb by 2021 standards.
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That said, the contoured front bumper design enhances the overall presence since it exposes a portion of the massive front tires. The side profile is reminiscent of previous Colorados and so is the rear tailgate. Side exit exhaust further adds to the drama along with a fixed spare wheel on top of the bed and adjustable auxiliary lights mounted on the exterior roll cage. Interiors have no noteworthy highlights and carry over the existing design, which is really a shame given most of its competitors offer a slightly better interior ambiance. As standard, the 2021 Chevy Colorado ZR2 gets an 8-inch touchscreen infotainment with Android Auto and Apple CarPlay. Every other function seems rudimentary and the available smartphone integration does improve the infotainment’s user interface. The lack of modern driver-assistance tech is also one of its shortfalls which we hope GM will be addressing in future models.
RELATED: Here Are The Top Mid-Size Pickup Trucks Of 2020
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The 2021 Chevrolet Colorado ZR2 comes at a starting price of $41,600 for the extended cab and $43,200 for the crew cab. In its ZR2 guise, the Chevy Colorado gets a host of accessories as standard. Painted stainless steel tubular rocker protectors and a full suite of skid plates along with off-road spec DSSV dampers are standard equipment. In addition to this, the ZR2 gets a 3.5-inches wider track, increased ride height of two-inches, and an optional snorkel. Wide Goodyear off-road spec tires are available for the ZR2. Couple that with its capable powertrain, the Chevrolet Colorado ZR2 has enough oomph to get you through the gnarliest of terrains without much drama.
Sources: Motortrend, YouTube, Edmunds
NEXT: Which Truck Is Right For You: Toyota Tacoma TRD Pro Vs Chevrolet Colorado ZR2
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voituresetmotos · 5 years ago
Le GMC Canyon 2021 obtient une nouvelle garniture tout-terrain AT4 et la calandre Big-Ass de la Sierra
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David Tracy Hier 11h40 • p gmc canyon 9,4K 89 Enregistrer Toutes les images: GMC p Les camions sont bons! Précédent Suivant Tout afficher Pour 2021, General Motors a mis à jour la calandre de son pick-up intermédiaire «premium», le GMC Canyon, pour ressembler au visage monstrueux des Sierra 1500 et Sierra HD. En plus de cela, il y a une nouvelle garniture tout-terrain «AT4» pour ceux qui veulent emmener un camion GM de taille moyenne sur les sentiers, mais qui, pour une raison quelconque, ne veulent pas acheter le Chevy Colorado Z71 ou le extrêmement Colorado ZR2 capable mais plus cher. J'espère que vous étiez fan de la calandre géante trouvée sur les nouveaux GMC Sierra 1500 et GMC Sierra HD, car ce design a maintenant migré vers le plus petit camion de la gamme de la marque, le Canyon de taille moyenne. Le camion sortant, au cas où vous l'auriez oublié, possède une calandre rectangulaire de taille modeste. Je pense que c'est plutôt beau. Vérifiez-le: Outre la nouvelle entrée d'air de l'échangeur de chaleur au nez du nouveau Canyon, il existe également une nouvelle garniture appelée «AT4», que vous pourriez reconnaître comme la variante hors route (ish) de la Sierra plus grande. Comme son frère d'une demi-tonne, le Colorado AT4 reçoit des crochets de récupération rouges à l'avant, des pneus tout-terrain Goodyear Wrangler DuraTrac de 31 pouces, un casier automatique arrière Eaton G80, un contrôle de descente en côte et une plaque de protection de boîte de transfert. GMC dit que le camion de taille moyenne reçoit également des coutures «AT4» sur les appuie-tête et une «suspension réglée tout-terrain», bien qu'il ne mentionne rien sur un kit de levage, qui est standard sur le plus grand Sierra AT4. Le communiqué de presse de la société mentionne également des modifications de la garniture supérieure, "Denali". GMC dit que le Canyon le plus haut de gamme obtient une calandre avec "un motif plus sculpté et en couches", bien qu'il n'y ait pas de photos du nouveau Canyon Denali dans le document, vous devrez donc utiliser votre imagination pour comprendre ce que cela signifie. GMC donne un indice en disant que le Canyon Denali a «un aspect similaire aux nouveaux camions Sierra et Sierra HD». Je dirais que cela signifie probablement qu'il a une grande calandre chromée à l'avant. Quelque chose comme ça: Le GMC Canyon Denali aura probablement une calandre qui ressemble à celle de ce Sierra 1500 Denali. Il y a aussi quelques changements intérieurs, et GMC mentionne les marches chromées et les roues "Diamond Cut" sur le Denali, et les "finitions chromées foncées" sur les modèles AT4, mais vous ne vous souciez pas de ces trucs ennuyeux. Vous vous souciez probablement de ce nouveau visage et du nouveau modèle hors route. Je pense que le visage semble correct. Je préfère la propreté de l'ancienne calandre, mais la nouvelle AT4 a l'air décente, surtout avec le barrage d'air inférieur retiré comme indiqué sur ces photos (GM dit que le barrage d'air est plus facile à retirer que sur le Canyon sortant). Mais dans l'ensemble, la nouvelle version tout-terrain ne semble pas vraiment offrir beaucoup de nouveaux contenus. La version 2020 «tout terrain» offrait également un contrôle de la descente, des crochets de récupération, un coffre arrière automatique Eaton G80, des pneus tout-terrain Goodyear Wrangler DuraTrac, une plaque de protection de boîte de transfert et une «suspension hors route». Donc, vraiment, cet AT4 ressemble à une version optionnelle de cette ancienne garniture avec une face révisée et de la peinture sur les points de récupération avant. Et c'est très bien; Le visage du GMC Canyon n'a pas changé depuis un bon moment maintenant, donc un petit rafraîchissement est attendu depuis longtemps. J'espère que ce petit explicateur a été utile.
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tinbanxe · 5 years ago
Đánh giá xe Ford Ranger Raptor 2.0 Bi-Turbo 4x4 2019
Ford Ranger 2019 ra mắt tại VN
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Phiên bản Ford Ranger vừa công bố vào tháng 9/2018 tại nước ta là phiên bản nâng cấp cải tiến Facelift của phiên bản Bây Giờ, thuộc thế hệ thứ 6, Thành lập và hoạt động năm năm ngoái trên quả đât. Ở lần nâng cấp này, Ford Ranger có thêm động cơ 2.0 Bi-Turbo hoàn toàn mới và hộp số tự động hóa 10 cấp. Bạn hãy cùng tinbanxe tìm hiểu xem giá xe Ford Ranger này là bao nhiêu và nó có gì nổi bật để trở thành "Ông hoàng bán tải" nhé.
Ford Ranger Raptor 2019
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Trước đây, phiên bản năng suất cao Raptor chỉ có mặt trên dòng bán tải cao cấp F-150 và gặt hái không ít thành công xuất sắc. Nhận thấy mục tiêu đó, Ford đã bổ sung phiên bản cao cấp này vào dòng xoáy bán tải cỡ trung Ranger.
Raptor là phiên bản offroad của dòng xe bán tải tầm trung Ford Ranger, cạnh tranh đối đầu với Toyota Tacoma TRD Pro, Chevy Colorado ZR2, hay Volkswagen Amarok V6. Thế kỷ mới của mẫu xe bán tải Ford Ranger 2019 – phiên bản Raptor – vừa chính thức trình làng tại VN tháng 10/2018.
Biểu tượng Raptor được trang hoàng ở khắp các ngóc ngách của xe, nhưng rất nổi bật nhất là tại phần đầu xe. Ford Ranger Raptor trang bị động cơ tăng áp kép, máy dầu 4 xi lanh 2.0L , thay vì loại Twin-Turbo V6 3.5L trên F-150 Raptor hiện hành. Động cơ dầu Bi-Turbo này cho công năng 210 mã lực cùng mô men xoắn cực to 500 Nm. Đi kèm theo khối động cơ trên là hộp số tự động hóa 10 cấp do đồng minh Ford-GM Motors cùng phát triển.
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Toàn diện ngoại thất xe Ranger Raptor nhìn cứng cáp, bề thế hơn Ranger bản tiêu chuẩn. Xe có chiều cao 1.873 mm, rộng 2.180 mm và dài 5.398 mm. Khoảng sáng gầm xe được tăng tầm 283 mm. Với thiết kế khung sườn độc đáo, kết hợp vật liệu thép siêu cứng HSLA cùng khối hệ thống treo sau dạng ống lồng với trục sau cứng chắc, đem về năng lực chịu tải & quản lý và vận hành linh động vượt trội.
Tấm hình nội thất Ford Ranger Raptor 2019. Một trong những tiện ích & trang bị khác ví như khối hệ thống kết nối SYNC 3, khối hệ thống định vị vệ tinh, cân bằng điện tử, HSA, TSC, HDC hay LAC. Camera lùi hiển thị trên màn hình LCD 8 inch cùng các cảm ứng giúp việc lùi xe một cách thuận tiện hơn ở những ĐK lái không giống nhau.
Ford Ranger 2019 có gì mới?
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Tại triển lãm ô tô Detroit tháng 1 năm 2018, hãng xe Mỹ đã giới thiệu phiên bản Ford Ranger 2019-2020 trọn vẹn mới giành riêng cho thị trường Mỹ.
Tại Bắc Mỹ thì thị hiếu đối với xe bán tải là rất rộng lớn. Ford cũng là hãng xe thành công nhất trong phân khúc bán tải tại thị trường này tương tự như trên nhân loại. Những mẫu xe bán tải của Ford tại thị trường này điển hình nổi bật là F-150 là mẫu bán tải hạng lớn.
Còn chiếc Ford Ranger 2019 sẽ lấp vào khoảng không là bán tải hạng nhỏ. Ford cho rằng thị trường Mỹ đã sẵn sàng cho những mẫu bán tải này. Mẫu xe mà Ford vừa tung ra thị trường Mỹ là bản Ford Ranger Wildtrak 2019, bản cao cấp nhất của Ranger với nhiều công dụng & option ưa thích của người Mỹ.
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Bức Ảnh thân xe Ford Ranger 2019-2020 giành cho thị trường Mỹ. Ford Ranger 2019 gần như là một phiên bản thu nhỏ của chiếc bán tải cỡ lớn F-150 với thân xe được thiết kế mới trông rất cứng cáp & tươi tắn.
Ford Ranger 2019 sẽ được chế tạo tận nhà máy của Ford ở Michigan (USA). Ford từng thống trị phân khúc bán tải nhỏ này những năm 1981-2005 trước lúc dừng sản xuất tại Mỹ vào năm 2011. Nhưng cho đến bây giờ thì hãng xe số 2 nước Mỹ đã nghĩ lại & lên kế hoạch tái sản xuất dòng xe này cho quê hương mình.
Đánh giá Ford Ranger 2019-2020 sẽ là kẻ địch đầy thử thách của Toyota Tomaco, Nissan Frontier, GMC Canyon, … tại thị trường Bắc Mỹ. Thiết kế của xe cũng có thể có nét cơ bắp đậm màu Mỹ hơn. Cản trước đặt cao & hoành tráng. Khối hệ thống đèn điện LED, có cả projector cho đèn gầm. Đèn hậu LED vuông vức kiểu F-150.
Lazang & gương chiếu hậu của Ford Ranger thế hệ mới vừa công bố.
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Tấm hình nội thất khoang lái của Ranger 2019. Nội thất Ranger tại Mỹ không khác mấy phiên bản Đông Nam Á. Các cụ thể chi tiết bọc da và nguyên vật liệu mềm đem đến cảm xúc như ngồi bên trong một chiếc SUV cao cấp.
Về quản lý. Điểm đáng kể nhất là động cơ EcoBoost tăng áp, máy xăng, 4 xy-lanh, dung lượng 2,3 lít, phối hợp hộp số tự động hóa 10 cấp mới nhất giống với phiên bản Raptor 2019 ở trên. Ford vẫn chưa chào làng chi tiết cấu hình nhưng nhiều người dự đoán công năng của bộ máy này quanh 280 mã lực.
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Một điểm nổi bật của Ford Ranger 2019 bản Mỹ so với những thị trường khác chính là cái xe được tích hợp không thiếu thốn những công nghệ tiên tiến an toàn và tin cậy hỗ trợ người lái: khối hệ thống phanh hỏa tốc, tự động hóa giữ làn, lưu ý chuyển làn, giữ ga tự động thông minh, cảm biến lùi, cung cấp thông tin về điểm mù và tự động bắt gặp người đi bộ băng qua con đường.
Kết luận :
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Cao hơn, rộng hơn đi kèm theo với các thanh cản bảo vệ lớn hơn, thiết kế văn minh, nội thất bên trong thuận lợi hơn, Ford Ranger Raptor 2019 đã trở thành chiếc xe trong mộng mà nhiều bạn yêu xe hay đam mê Offroad có nhu cầu được chiếm dụng. Với các cải tiến này, dòng xe Ford Ranger Raptor sẽ là kẻ thù mạnh của những dòng xe bán tải khác trong thị trường.
Bạn có thể xem thêm : Đánh giá các dòng xe Ford 2019
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perksofwifi · 5 years ago
Best Small Trucks for 2020: Which Should You Spend Your Money On?
There were few options for those looking for a small truck five or six years ago. But today, many competitors populate the space, as automakers have realized that lots of consumers are looking for something smaller and less expensive than a full-size truck. Fortunately, today’s small pickup trucks are more capable than ever. Keep reading to find out which are the best small trucks for 2020.
2020 Chevrolet Colorado – $22,395
This is the ultimate well-rounded small truck. It performs better than most competitors when it comes to ride refinement, maintaining composure even on poorly maintained roads. It benefits from agile handling and strong engines, particularly the 308-hp V-6, which provides plenty of power whether or not the spacious bed is loaded. What the interior lacks in style it makes up for in functionality. We liked this truck so much that it won our recent small truck comparison test.
2019 Honda Ridgeline – $31,085
If you want a truck that doesn’t quite feel like a truck, this could be your pick. Basically a Pilot with a bed and a longer wheelbase, the unibody Ridgeline doesn’t suffer from the same jitters as many compact trucks. It boasts a smooth ride and car-like handling, although towing capacity can be low compared to other small pickup trucks. The bed proves practical for carrying gear, and we’re impressed with the truck’s cargo bay under the bedliner. So while it may not be the best choice for serious hauling, it strikes a nice balance between work and play. It earned second place in our small truck comparison.
2020 Chevrolet Colorado ZR2 – $42,495
The Colorado ZR2 is the most capable off-road small pickup on the market. Just like the regular Colorado, the ZR2 is exceptionally versatile. Whether on or off the road, the ride remains compliant. Our ZR2 tester with the Bison package proved capable crawling on rocks and on high-speed desert runs, with Multimatic DSSV shock absorbers ensuring good body control. Taking into account everything it offers, and for a very reasonable price, this truck was the winner of our recent off-road small truck comparison test.
2020 Jeep Gladiator – $35,040
Starting at more than $35,000, the Gladiator isn’t cheap. But as you’d expect, much like its Wrangler sibling, the Gladiator impresses off the beaten path. It also has exceptional towing capability: up to 7,650 pounds with a max tow package. Although the Gladiator isn’t particularly quick, it delivers power smoothly through an available eight-speed automatic. This master rock-crawler finished second place in our comparison of off-road small pickup trucks.
2020 GMC Canyon – $30,195
With exceptional engines and satisfying steering, the GMC Canyon shares the same DNA that makes the Chevrolet Colorado such a stellar competitor in this space. But there are a few things that set it apart from its sibling, including its exterior design and a luxurious Denali model. If you’re willing to pay the price, this is the ultimate luxury small truck with heated and ventilated front seats, leather-appointed upholstery, chrome steps, and other upgrades.
Other competitors
2020 Toyota Tacoma – $27,145
It may be the best-seller in its segment, but the Toyota Tacoma just doesn’t measure up to the competition when put to the test. In addition to a cramped cabin and narrow bed, the Tacoma features a punishing ride and overly sensitive brakes. In our recent small truck comparison, where the Tacoma took last place, we wrote that the engine and transmission “work in tandem about as well as a pack of cats and dogs.”
2019 Nissan Frontier – $20,135
At this point, the Frontier is almost an afterthought. It was last fully redesigned for the 2005 model year, making it ancient in automotive years, even truck years. It suffers from cheap interior materials, an old media system, and poor fuel economy. Keep in mind a new Nissan Frontier is expected to hit dealerships sometime in 2020 as a 2021 model. In the meantime, the 2019 Frontier may be an option if you’re looking for a no-frills pickup. It’s a relative bargain with a starting price of just over $20,000.
2019 Ford Ranger – $25,495
Opposite of the Honda Ridgeline, Ford’s small truck performs best on the job. The Ranger has the right amount of power to haul, and towing capacity maxes out at an impressive 7,500 pounds. Ride quality improves with some weight in the bed; otherwise, the ride is particularly harsh. This truck placed third in our comparison of compact trucks.
Best Small Trucks for 2020
2020 Chevrolet Colorado – $22,395
2020 Honda Ridgeline – $31,085
2020 Chevrolet Colorado ZR2 – $42,495
2020 Jeep Gladiator – $35,040
2020 GMC Canyon – $30,195
The post Best Small Trucks for 2020: Which Should You Spend Your Money On? appeared first on MotorTrend.
https://www.motortrend.com/news/best-small-trucks/ visto antes em https://www.motortrend.com
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carsmedd · 6 years ago
Ford Ranger 2019 the wait was worth it
Ford Ranger 2019 the wait was worth it
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Ford Ranger 2019 the wait was worth it
The return of the Ford Ranger van was announced some time ago. It is now done, and it touches these days the bitumen (or snow), occupying the courses of Canadian dealers. Why does she come back after eight years of absence? And why did it take so long to finally admit that Toyota and GM were right to put their energy in this segment? First, it must be understood that for Ford, the F-150 pickup truck takes precedence over everything. And of course, imagining the revival of the Ranger, it was estimated that very few buyers would abandon the full-size van in favor of an intermediate model. Since the F-Series has dominated the market for more than fifty years, it's pointless to tell you that every vehicle that can drive down the F-150's annual sales is considered an enemy. Even if it is a house model. That's why we did not really like the idea of relaunching the Ranger in North America, especially knowing that it would no longer be a compact and affordable van like in the past.
That said, it has also been realized over time that customers in search of an intermediate pickup truck were not only growing, but also different from those who obtain the F-150. In this regard, more than 550,000 mid-size vans were sold in North America last year, Toyota of course dominating the market with the Tacoma range . Ford had no choice but to admit its strategic mistake and to start producing the Ranger. The problem is that no factory was available in the short term to make it. That's why Ford abruptly stopped producing the Focus in Detroit, which first welcomed the Ranger models after more than a year of redevelopment and modernization of the facilities. It should be noted that the Bronco 2020 utility, which will share the same structure as the Ranger, will also be produced shortly.
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Ford Ranger 2019 the wait was worth it
From Thailand to Michigan The Ranger van that North Americans are discovering these days is not new. Indeed, it has already existed for several years on the side of Thailand, being marketed in Asia, Europe and South America. Of course, Ford has taken care to modify and adapt it primarily for compliance, but also to meet the needs of buyers. But now you understand why the style of his body is not as strong, or at least in harmony with that of the F-150 here. For now, the offer of the Ranger is simple. Three versions (XL, XLT and Lariat) and two choices of cabins, with respectively one body length. A first handicap against the competition which, with the exception of the Ridgeline , always offers a choice of lengths of board with the models with double cabin. The total It was at the wheel of a Lariat version with technology group and FX4 off-road package that I traveled some 1,300 kilometers last week. The price of the test model was $ 50,000, which is a far cry from the previous generation. Of course, the reflex of many people has been to mention that at this price, we can get a well-equipped F-150, which is true. But we must realize that not all buyers want to be driving such a juggernaut. For many, the maneuverability and versatility of an easy-to-drive urban vehicle is also of great importance. What's more, statistics show that the mid-size vans sold by GM and Toyota have lower depreciation than full-size models. And of course, it will be the same at Ford. But, I grant you, the Ranger van is not given.
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Ford Ranger 2019 the wait was worth it
Fortunately, we find at this price a complete equipment, except for the heated steering wheel. I would add that at this price, we could have included a damping cylinder for the lowering of the tailgate which, despite its design of aluminum, bangs hard after making his free fall. That said, we get voice-activated navigation, dual-mode air conditioning, adaptive cruise control, blind spot and lane detection, high-fidelity audio system and the inevitable connectivity with Android Auto and Apple CarPlay. Things you will not have in a Nissan Frontier van ! The finish on board is irreproachable. Again, the driving position does not have the aesthetic passion of a genuine American product, but everything is ergonomic and perfectly tied. The seats are comfortable, even behind. On the other hand, it is a pity that the seat can be raised in only one section, question of versatility. Disorders of Mustang Under the hood obviously does not hide the Mustang V8, but rather its four-cylinder. A revamped version of this turbocharged 2.3-liter engine, which generates 270 horsepower and 310 lb-ft of torque. What to allow the vehicle to accelerate and tow with the passion and power of rivals V6. In fact, Ford is proud to offer the segment's best towing capacity of 7,500 pounds. Still!
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Ford Ranger 2019 the wait was worth it
Without being able to tow with the vehicle, I have no doubt about his abilities. On the one hand because the mechanics are powerful, but mainly because the structure of the vehicle is extremely solid. It is felt in the driving, which obviously contributes to this feeling of invincibility so much sought after by the amateurs of vans. The Ranger is also very fun to drive because of precise steering. The steering circle is weak, the suspensions are well calibrated and the braking power is excellent. Congratulations to engineers who have greatly improved the soundproofing of the cabin, thus obtaining the best-isolated cabin segment. Mechanically, the power is always up. It is clear that the automatic transmission constantly switches from one report to the other since there are ten. However, we do not feel it very much. Why such a box paired with a four-cylinder? For a question of comfort and economy, but also because it would adapt it seems very well to more serious work.
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Ford Ranger 2019 the wait was worth it
Without having worked heavily with the vehicle, I would say that the main benefit of this box and this engine is felt in urban areas, where the power and performance are always optimized to obtain the best fuel economy that is . A much more efficient performance than the competition which displays between 13.2 and 15.8 liters per 100 km average consumption, while the Ranger consumes 11.8 liters. Unfortunately, the balance sheet darkens greatly when it comes to economy on the road, since the vehicle records a rating similar to that of Colorado / Canyon V6 engine, 9.8 L / 100 km. And believe me, because this is a turbocharged engine that works more at high speed and in cold weather, this average posted is very optimistic. For example, driving only on the road, at a temperature of about -15 degrees Celsius, resulted in an average of 12.4 L / 100 km. One liter more than with Colorado conducted a few weeks ago in such conditions. However, the average obtained in urban areas and at a similar temperature was only 12.6 L / 100 km. Curious, is not it? That said, this is proof that this powertrain is better suited to the city than for long journeys on the road. This also tells me that by hanging heavy loads, consumption will climb to almost unimaginable heights.
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Ford Ranger 2019 the wait was worth it
Where is the Raptor? The tested Ranger was equipped with the FX4 off-road package, which is essentially described by a firmer suspension, a locking differential and the addition of protective plates. Nothing really aggressive, especially compared to what Chevrolet and Toyota offer. On the one hand, the ruthless Colorado ZR2 Bison able to cope with the worst conditions, just like the Tacoma TRD Pro who launched the ball of pickup trucks designed to climb Everest. At Ford, the Ranger Raptor pickup truck is waiting. However, it exists in other markets, but it seems - according to the latest information obtained - that the probate costs are too high. The existence of the North American Ranger van is proof of this: Ford is able to change its mind. Hope she will do it again. In the meantime, this truck still serves us a good 4x4 system which, moreover, is delivered to us as standard. Indeed, no two-wheel drive version is proposed. At least in Canada. Ford rightly considers that this market is minimal and that it is useless to force dealers to order models that will stick in their yard. However, we would have liked the 4x4 system to have an automatic mode like the Chevrolet Colorado, more user-friendly for everyday driving. Will we add it soon? One thing is certain, Ford has been able to effectively adapt a product that was clearly not designed for our market. Depending on demand, it is clear that the Dearborn manufacturer will invest to make additional improvements as well as a wider range of models. A Ranger King Ranch, Limited, or even a high-performance ST version? Who knows what the future holds. In the meantime, this van is enhancing the offer of a rising segment. It may not eclipse the competition as the manufacturer claims, but the proposal is serious, extremely competitive, and deserves attention. Ford Ranger Evaluation Sheet Trial version -Lariat 4x4 Super Crew (5.0 ') Price range -nd Price of the model under review -ford ranger 2019 price $ 42,289 Basic warranty -3 years / 60,000 km Consumption (city / road / observed) -11.8 / 9.8 / 12.4 L / 100km options -nd Competitive models -Chevrolet Colorado, GMC Canyon, Honda Ridgeline, Jeep Gladiator, Toyota Frontier, Toyota Tacoma Strong points -Robust construction -Amazing comfort -Excellent soundproofing -Good maneuverability Weak points -High price -One body length (double cabin) -4x4 system without automatic mode -High highway consumption Consumption -The conditions under which I was able to drive him were execrable. Now, I've seen a high consumption on the road but a reasonable consumption in the city, a sign that a four-cylinder turbocharged and strong couple is working well Comfort -Of course, an extended wheelbase with a 6.5-foot box would have contributed to more comfort. That said, the excellent soundproofing and structural rigidity come to support a suspension that does a great job. Performances -You will not feel the 270 horsepower from this engine accelerating. However, the generous couple can get out of trouble in any situation, and brilliantly. Multimedia system -Very effective. A system that has improved over the years to become one of the best in the industry. And hat for the sound of the optional B & O brand audio system. Driving approval -We take pleasure in driving the Ranger because of its great maneuverability. It feels solid, able to face the worst conditions and able to sneak almost anywhere. General appreciation -Is the Ranger really better than the competition? No. But this is a serious rival that is likely to convince some current buyers of F-150. -SEE ALSO:
Subaru Legacy 3.6R 2019 the end of an era
2019 Chevrolet Spark Affordable when it's tempting
Toyota RAV4 2019 strongly hybrid
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enginerumors · 6 years ago
2020 GMC Canyon Crew Cab Specs, Interior, Configurations
2020 GMC Canyon Crew Cab Specs, Interior, Configurations
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2020 GMC Canyon Crew Cab Specs, Interior, Configurations – able together with energy-successful, the particular ruggedly fine 2020 GMC Canyonis actually a standout from the resurgent midsize-pickup-truck sector. The latest Canyon can be obtained utilizing a selection of 5- as well as 6-ft . together with Prolonged or maybe Staff Cab designs. Costs commence all around $22,000 by using a 200-hp…
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componentplanet · 5 years ago
2020 Jeep Gladiator Review: You Know You Want This Off-Roading Pickup
2020 Jeep Gladiator Rubicon 4x4 Jan-Feb 2020 - Lisle NY Town Hall - Route 79
What you see is what you get with the 2020 Jeep Gladiator: It has the soul of a Jeep Wrangler SUV, which means it goes off-road. It has a pickup bed, which means it goes to and from Home Depot. And it has four doors and two rows of seats which (along with the pickup bed) means it’s more than 18 feet long, so even if the Gladiator goes everywhere, you can’t park it just anywhere.
The Gladiator rides alright, tows up to 7,500 pounds, and has a decent drivetrain. But highway handling is not great, wind noise is noticeable, and you have step up almost two feet to get in.  The cheapest Gladiator is $35,0o0, and the Gladiator Rubicon meant for serious off-roading tops $62,000. But if you can choose to get one, you’ll have fun.
2020 Jeep Gladiator Rubicon 4×4 – a serious off-road Jeep with a 5-foot pickup bed.
30 Inches Longer than Jeep Wrangler
Jeep Wrangler SUV.
Jeep dates to World War II and the first General Purpose (GP, pronounced geepee and eventually jeep) light 4×4 utility, the first civilian Jeep (CJ) in 1945, and pickups produced 1947-1992. There was a 10-year gap until the first new Jeep pickup truck concept vehicle was shown briefly in 2003, with adaptations teased and reteased for 15 more years until the Gladiator pickup finally arrived last year, a gap of nearly 30 years. Too long.
Compared to the four-door Wrangler it is based on, the Gladiator is 30 inches longer overall, 218 inches vs. 188 inches, with a wheelbase 19 inches longer for a truly comfortable legroom in the rear seat. The Gladiator also tows more and costs more, but just $2,000 more comparing entry model to entry model. Both have easily-owner-removable doors and tops, which makes both fun crawling over boulders or sand dunes in good weather, and louder and sometimes harsh in day-to-day highway driving. No surprise there. Still, 75 mph on the highway in the Gladiator feels better than 55 mph did in a Jeep a generation ago.
  Center stack bristles with buttons and knobs. Lever on left controls four-wheel-drive. If you can’t find the electric window controls on the door, they’re here, in the very middle of the picture.
Jeep Gladiator On- and Off-Road
I test-drove the nearly top-of-the line Jeep Gladiator Rubicon 4X4, $62,020 including a healthy $1,495 freight fee from the Toledo, Ohio, factory. The Rubicon is the most serious off-roader in the line. To get in, you have to step up almost two feet. Don’t even think about wearing a skirt. (Damn. And here I am, stuck with this new leather mini – Ed)  The front windshield is essentially a flat piece of glass. The doors are rudimentary. The center console and stack bristle with controls for the four-wheel-drive system but if it’s initially confusing, just press the starter, pull back on the main shift lever, and off you go.
Around town the Gladiator drives reasonably well and you feel as if you’re sitting up high. (You are since it’s 75 inches high.) On the highway, the road and wind noise builds from the lack of sound insulation and the big, knobby 33-inch (diameter) tires on the Rubicon. The steering feels imprecise at speed, meaning you sometimes make repeated small adjustments to keep it centered in the lane. The bucket seats are pretty flat, and some adjustments are manual. The front left wheel well is so big, there’s no room for a driver footrest. On bad road surfaces, you feel the bumps, although there’s less pitching than on the Wrangler with its shorter wheelbase. The Gladiator uses the sophisticated coil spring suspension of the Ram 1500 pickup and that helps. Another nice touch is the damped tailgate that comes down smoothly, rather than banging open.
Off-ready tires on the Gladiator Rubicon.
Once you’re off paved roads, the Gladiator is in its elements. The Rubicon has 11 inches of ground clearance and fords 30-inch streams with the doors on. It has a 43-degree slope approach angle. The front breakover angle, the measure of how steep an angle you can approach without scraping anything, is 20 degrees. The rear departure angle is 26 degrees. Both are less than the Wrangler because of the longer Gladiator wheelbase and the pickup bed.
There’s nothing else like this among midsize pickups in terms of off-roading.  The Gladiator Rubicon employs a two-speed power transfer (between front and rear wheels), locking front and rear differential to improve traction, a disconnecting front sway bar (it raises off-road clearance), Dana 44 front and rear axles, and a 77.2:1 crawl ratio for low-speed travel. An Off-Road+ mode that modulates stablity control, throttle, and gear selection. In 4WD High, it’s dialed in for romping in sand; in 4WD Low, for traversing rocks and small logs.
All this from a 3.6-liter, 285-hp V6 engine and eight-speed automatic that gets to 60 mph in about 7.5 seconds. A V6 diesel is coming, expected this calendar year; it’s down 26 hp versus the V6 but the 442 pound of torque tops the gas V6 by 70 percent. The EPA rates the gasoline Gladiator at 17 mpg city, 22 mpg highway, 19 mpg combined on regular fuel. The six-speed manual also offered is rating at 16/23/19. Expect the diesel to boost mpg by 2-3 mpg or about 10 percent. A Rubicon weighs a bit more than 5,000 pounds, about 500 pounds more than the competing Toyota Tacoma TRD Pro or Ford Ranger Lariat SuperCrew 4×4, 300lbs more than the Chevrolet Silverado ZR2.
Want to ride bareback (Ialmost)? Undo a couple bolts and each of the doors comes off in a few minutes. The top comes off and the windshield folds flat.
Jeep Gladiator Models
There are five Jeep Gladiator model variants, or trim lines. Altogether, there are enough options to make the top of the line loaded Gladiator approach twice the base price of the entry model.
Gladiator Sport, $35,040, including $1,495 freight. Four-wheel drive is standard, as is a six-speed manual, and reasonable 17-inch steel wheels with 245/75R17 all-season tires with all-terrain tires optional. Seating fabric is cloth. The UConnect 3 infotainment screen is a modest 5 inches diagonal, with eight speakers, and there is a remote USB port, but a bigger LCD is not an option, nor is Apple CarPlay or HD Radio. The instrument panel multi-information is a 3.5-inch monochrome LCD. Towing capacity with the better of two options packages is 7,650 pounds. A Torx toolkit is included to remove the doors in just a few minutes.  Skid plates, tow hooks, and a soft top are standard.
Gladiator Sport S, $38,240. The Sport S goes upscale a bit, with alloy wheels, a leather-wrapped steering wheel, power windows, heated power mirrors, auto-on headlamps, keyless entry, and a security alarm. A optional 7-Inch Radio Group makes satellite radio
Upper trim lines include an AC jack, and it’s not an extra-charge option.
Gladiator Overland, $41,890.  It steps up to a 7-inch center stack display, UConnect 4, Apple CarPlay and Android Auto, and seven USB jacks. There are side steps, a 7-inch color multi-information display, 115-volt outlet, and garage opener. During 2019 production, this was the top end Gladiator focusing on comfort and smoother driving while still being able to match or beat most any all-wheel-drive vehicle off-road.
Gladiator Rubicon, $45,370. In addition to the serious off-roading features, it steps back down to 17-inch alloy wheels and offers optional driver assist features. Its top speed is governor-limited to 97 mph vs. 110 mph for other models.
Gladiator North Edition, $47,410. It’s the model for more comfortable cold weather driving. It has an 8.4-inch display with navigation, Alpine premium audio, cold weather group (remote start, heated seats, heated steering wheel), black hard top, and slush mats.
Gladiator Mohave, price TBA. Sold as a limited editon, it’s intended for higher speeds, up to 50 mph, in the low driving range. Most typically you’d be running sand dunes rather than creeping over rocks. It rides an inch higher than Rubicon and uses a different set of Fox shocks. The frame and suspension parts are even heavier duty to deal with a vehicle that might (correction: will, if you play hard) go airborne from time to time and land hard. The Max Tow towing package comes standard to get the more powerful cooling package. Pricing will be in line with the Rubicon-North Edition models, Jeep suggests.
The Gladiator comes with three or four serious tow hooks. The Gladiator Rubicon bumper is steel, allowing a winch to be added.
Options, Driver Assists Boost the Price
It’s the options that push the top Gladiator models into the sixties on pricing: higher-capacity tow package, LED Lighting Group, driver assist packages, a wireless Bluetooth speaker, forward-facing trail cam, three kinds of pickup bed covers, pickup bed cargo rails, premium alloy wheels, a modular hardtop (three pieces, separately removable), a hardtop liner for insulation, premium paints, premium audio, leather seats, and a winch-capable steel bumper. The eight-speed automatic raises the price by $2,000 alone.
Driver assists are options rather than standard. The Active Safety Group, $895, comprises blind spot detection, rear cross-traffic alert, and rear parking sensors. The Adaptive Cruise Control / Forward Collision Warning Package, $795, is what the name says. ACC goes down to 0 mph but will return to speed; it holds the car stopped for 3 seconds then disengages.  Lane departure warning / lane keep assist are not offered, nor is pedestrian detection.
There are two front airbags and two side airbags, but no side air curtains.
Bill Murray reprised Groundhog Day, this time in a Jeep Gladiator, during Super Bowl 54.
Gladiator Vs. the Competition
The 2020 Jeep Gladiator competes with several midsize trucks, most of which have an off-road version. They are, in order of end-of-2019 sales: Toyota Tacoma, Chevrolet Colorado, Ford Ranger, Nissan Frontier, Jeep Gladiator, Honda Ridgeline, and GMC Canyon. The Gladiator sold 40,000 units in 2019, its first year, but didn’t reach full output and sales until the second half when it sold 33,000 units, the peak month being a bit over 6,000 in October. Sales may pick up in the wake of the the Super Bowl: The Bill Murray / Groundhog Day ad featuring the Gladiator was seen as the best ad of the game. In its first year, the Gladiator named a bunch of truck of the year awards including North American Truck of the Year from NACTOY.
If you just want to take a 4×4 pickup onto a dirt or gravel road with ruts and the occasional rock sticking up a bit, they’ll all get the job done. Others will be better at highway driving, smoother, and quieter. What the Gladiator offers is the Jeep aura, off-road abilities that go from good to great. For now you’ve got a very long vehicle with a roomy cockpit (front and back), and a shortish pickup bed. Jeep suggests other Gladiator size configurations will come.
This is definitely a car you want your partner or spouse to understand and appreciate before you sign the papers. See if you can test-drive it a couple miles on an interstate, not just local rounds. The Gladiator is no Jeep Grand Cherokee (upscale two-row SUV) if you want a smooth ride, quiet cockpit, and soft leather upholstery. And the Gladiator is one step ahead of the Grand Cherokee in going way-off-road, which Grand Cherokee in turn is one step ahead of most all other all-wheel-drive cars. Jeep understands unpaved roads and obstacles.
For serious off-roading, or if this is not your only car, the Gladiator Rubicon is the best choice. You’ll easily pay in the mid- to high-fifties on list price once you check the options you want, perhaps top $60,000.  A more cost-effective Gladiator is the Sport S with automatic transmission, hardtop and insulating liner, the two driver assist / safety packages, the 7-inch (LCD) radio group with CarPlay and Android Auto, the less costly trailer tow package, and a convenience group package required by one of the other options. That’s $43,165 before the incentives, so you might well wind up paying under $40K (see below).
(If you want the nicest all-round midsize pickup, that’s the Honda Ridgeline, the most car-like pickup. The Toyota Tacoma is another good choice. Toyota, Ford, Chevy and GMC make off-roading versions of their pickups.)
If you’ve shopped for a Jeep Gladiator over the past several months, you may know Jeep dealers were marking up the Gladiator, especially the Rubicon, by as much as $10,000, sometimes $20,000 (asking, if not getting) at mid-year when the Gladiator starting arriving in quantity. By year’s end, the markups were gone. Now, it’s Jeep that’s giving back money: a $2,000 incentive for virtually all buyers, $5,000 at many dealerships, and, says CarsDirect, as much as $9,000 in a few cases. Some incentives excluded the Rubicon.
The bottom line on the Jeep Gladiator is that it’s a little rough as a highway cruiser and many contractors / tradesmen want a bigger bed for hauling stuff, but it’s great off-roading, and it has character in droves.
Now Read:
2019 Ford Ranger Midsize Pickup Review: What’s New Again Is Old
Chevrolet Colorado ZR2 Tested: Formula 1-Style Shocks Make the Difference
2020 GMC Sierra Review: The Pickup With X-Ray Vision for Trailering
from ExtremeTechExtremeTech https://www.extremetech.com/extreme/305925-2020-jeep-gladiator-review-you-know-you-want-this-off-roading-pickup from Blogger http://componentplanet.blogspot.com/2020/02/2020-jeep-gladiator-review-you-know-you.html
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kansascityhappenings · 5 years ago
General Motors to invest $1.5 billion in Missouri plant to keep most of 4,300 workforce
WENTZVILLE, Mo. — General Motors will invest $1.5 billion to make what it calls the “next generation” of mid-sized pickup trucks at its plant near St. Louis, the company’s president said Friday.
GM will use the money to upgrade its Wentzville Assembly and Stamping Plant in preparation for the new products, GM President Mark Reuss said at a news conference inside the plant, about 40 miles (65 kilometers) west of St. Louis. The company already produces the Chevrolet Colorado and GMC Canyon pickups there.
Reuss said the investment is expected to help retain 4,000 jobs at the plant. The company has about 4,300 total workers in Wentzville and any job losses will come through attrition, said Glen Kage, president of United Auto Workers Local 2250, which represents the workers.
A GM spokeswoman confirmed that no jobs will be cut.
GM will invest about $1 billion to upgrade the plant itself. The rest of its investment is expected to be used for things such as machinery for outside companies that supply parts to the plant.
“It’s a big deal,” Reuss said. “I feel good about this. I really do.”
The company did not release specific information about the new generation of mid-sized pickups, a product line in which GM has dominated in recent years.
“Suffice to say they will be very worthy replacements for the generation of trucks that rejuvenated and redefined the mid-sized segment,” Reuss said.
The investment in Wentzville is part of GM’s comprehensive strategy to invest in growth areas and strengthen its U.S. manufacturing base, Reuss said. The expansion comes as GM plans to permanently close factories in Ohio and Maryland.
The announcement comes less than two months after GM workers nationwide ended a contentious 40-day strike with an agreement that included a commitment by GM to invest $1.5 billion in Wentzville. The plant also makes Chevrolet Express Cargo and GMC Savana full-size vans.
Missouri leaders have pushed hard to entice GM to expand. In July, Republican Gov. Mike Parson signed a bill providing up to $50 million of tax credits if GM invests $750 million to expand the Wentzville plant.
Some lawmakers, both Democrats and Republicans, were critical of the incentive package, saying it failed to guarantee that all GM workers in Wentzville will keep their jobs. Some wanted to require GM to meet staffing thresholds to get the incentives.
But Reuss’ announcement would keep most of the current employees. GM said it has about 4,000 hourly workers and 330 salaried workers in Wentzville, making it one of the region’s largest employers. And including suppliers, the Wentzville plant is responsible for more than 12,000 jobs, Parson said.
“The General Motors plant in Wentzville has a major impact on our economy,” Parson said.
Republican Sen. Roy Blunt said the investment is the biggest-ever private sector investment in Missouri. Kage, the UAW Local president, said the impact goes far beyond the plant itself.
“We know this investment will bring other parts suppliers and other manufacturing to the Wentzville area,” Kage said.
GM said it has sold more than 700,000 mid-size pickups in the U.S. since reintroducing the Colorado and Canyon in 2013. GM said that during that span, it has sold 600,000 more pickups overall than any other competitor in the U.S.
The company said it has invested in mid-sized pickups in recent years by bringing more product features to the market, including special edition models like the Colorado ZR2 and Bison, and the Canyon AT4, which will be available in 2020.
The Wentzville plant opened in 1983 and operates three shifts.
from FOX 4 Kansas City WDAF-TV | News, Weather, Sports https://fox4kc.com/2019/12/13/general-motors-to-invest-1-5-billion-in-missouri-plant-to-keep-most-of-4300-workforce/
from Kansas City Happenings https://kansascityhappenings.wordpress.com/2019/12/13/general-motors-to-invest-1-5-billion-in-missouri-plant-to-keep-most-of-4300-workforce/
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thecarguys · 4 years ago
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2020 GMC CANYON BULL BAR W/LED LIGHT BAR 0% 100 Days financing available $ 265.95 *****0 % 100 days financing available***** For Financing please text 28755 @# 48078 *****NO Credit Check Required***** COMMAND THE DARK with Rough Country’s LED Bull Bar! This durable 3-inch thick tubular steel bull bar provides unbeatable protection for the front side of your vehicle, with an integrated Rough Country 20-inch Black-Series Single-Row LED Light bar to provide ample lighting for the trail ahead. This easy-to-install bull bar features a 100% bolt-on installation process, giving you a simple way to add this eye-catching upgrade that provides protection from hazards on and off-road. Each LED Bull Bar includes a removable license plate relocation bracket and corrosion-resistant black powder coat to ensure a long-lifespan for years to come. Rough Country's Single-Row 20-inch Black-Series LED light bar features Cree LEDs outputting a staggering 7200 Lumens and 90 watts of lighting power. Rough Country’s all-weather LED lights feature a durable, die-cast aluminum housing and include a premium, waterproof, flat-wound, braided wiring harness with toggle switch and in-line fuse. FEATURES Includes an integrated 20-inch Rough Country LED light bar, 90watt, 7200 lumens Easy bolt-on install 3-inch diameter steel tubing Corrosion resistant black powder coat Includes license plate adapter bracket Added protection for the front end of your vehicle Features stamped "RC" logo Bull bar features 5-year limited warranty Light bar features 3-year limited warranty NOTES - IMPORTANT LEDs are for off-road use only Does not fit ZR2 Models Front tow hooks must be removed if equipped. Minor cutting is required on models NOT equipped with front tow hooks. May interfere with parking sensors, proximity sensors and external cruise control sensors. #Armourfrontbumper #roadArmorfrontbumper #bodyarmorfrontbumper #proarmorfrontbumper #bodyarmorfrontbumperTacoma #proarmorfrontbumperraptor #roadArmorfrontbumperf150 #bodyarmorfrontbumperjk #bodyarmorfrontbumperram1500 #bodyarmorfrontbumpertj #fjcruiserroadarmorfrontbumper #fjcruiserbodyArmorfrontbumper #roadarmorfrontbumperdodge #roadArmorexcursionfront (at CAR GUYS) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGF7SiCAW8l/?igshid=19tnpexqqvows
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motorsporthq · 5 years ago
Size of Chevrolet Colorado ZR2 Bison Herd to Increase in 2020
Size of Chevrolet Colorado ZR2 Bison Herd to Increase in 2020
The return of both the Chevrolet Colorado and the GMC Canyon to the General Motors family has been a happy affair. In fact, the death and resurrection of the midsize pickup segment in general makes for a fascinating tale, and General Motors in particular was alert enough to both leave it and come back to it at the right times.
Two year ago, the auto giant’s Chevrolet division introduced a very…
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joshjailbait · 6 years ago
2020 Chevy Colorado ZR2 Price, Specs and Release Date
2020 Chevy Colorado ZR2 Price, Specs and Release Date
It offers trucks for catering to needs of diverse types of buyers. The newest deal is the 2020 Chevy Colorado ZR2.The stablemate of GMC Canyon competes with likes of Toyota Tacoma TRD Pro and reminds of a smaller version of the venerable Ford F-150. It is ideal for most off-road centric truck buyers and the new version gets some nice additions.
2020 Chevy Colorado ZR2 Remarkable Design
The 2020…
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robertkstone · 6 years ago
2019 New Trucks: The Ultimate Buyer’s Guide
The stars have aligned and, if you’re in the market for a full-size truck, a number of fresh choices have recently been revealed. With the Chevrolet Silverado, GMC Sierra, and Ram 1500 all redesigned this year to battle the Ford F-150 (our 2018 Truck of the Year), full-size truck buyers have a number of new options. Below the full-size segment, the midsize class sees the Ford Ranger reenter the scene. But if you’re a little rusty on the basic details, keep reading to learn about changes, specs, and IntelliChoice five-year retained value figures on new trucks.
Read the 2019 New Cars Buyer’s Guide right here, and our 2019 New SUVs Buyer’s Guide right here.
New Trucks in the 2019 New Trucks Buyer’s Guide Chevrolet Nissan Ford Ram GMC Toyota Honda
5M: 5-speed manual
6A: 6-speed automatic
6-sp auto-cl man: 6-speed auto-clutch manual
7-sp twin-cl auto: 7-speed twin-clutch automatic
FWD: front-wheel drive
AWD: all-wheel drive
RWD: rear-wheel drive
Max cargo figures: may differ for hybrid and other variants.
ALL-NEW An addition to an automaker’s lineup
MAJOR Significant sheetmetal redesign, powertrain, and/or feature changes
MINOR Midcycle updates, minor powertrain, or feature changes
UNCHANGED Minor trim or package changes, new colors
DISCONTINUED Vehicle is going out of production
NHTSA AND IIHS RATINGS: NHTSA and IIHS safety data is derived from recent model years.
INTELLICHOICE Five-year retained value data may apply to common vehicle variants, not an average of all model variants.
Chevrolet Colorado
Base Price $21,495-$43,495
Body Type Pickup
Minor The base model won’t see many changes, but an even more hardcore off-road model could slot above the ZR2 in the lineup. Reportedly called the ZR2 Bison, this rock-stomping performance variant will likely build on the capabilities of the standard Colorado ZR2 with its own suspension tuning and better approach and departure angles. The current Colorado was named our Truck of the Year for 2015 and 2016.
Also Consider GMC Canyon, Toyota Tacoma, Ford Ranger
Sum Up Well rounded and does everything you ask of a truck and then some
Chevrolet Colorado Base Engine 2.5L/200-hp/191-lb-ft I-4 Opt Engine 3.6L/308-hp/275-lb-ft V-6; 2.8L/186-hp/369-lb-ft t-diesel I-4 Drivetrain Front-engine, RWD/4WD, 6M/8A/6A Towing 3,500-7,700 lb EPA Econ City/Hwy 16-22/18-30 mpg 0-60 mph 7.1-9.7 sec Basic Warranty 3 years/36,000 miles Safety NHTSA: 4 Stars IntelliChoice 5-Yr Retained Value 58%
Chevrolet Silverado
Base Price $29,795-$54,495
Body Type Pickup
Major The redesigned Silverado has a more brash exterior, and Chevy claims it weighs as much as 450 pounds less than the truck it replaces. Two engines join the lineup: a turbo-four and a turbodiesel I-6. The latter should be the most efficient option. Like its predecessor, the 2019 Silverado will be available in everything from a work truck to a luxury-oriented High Country model and an off-road variant called the Trail Boss.
Also Consider Ford F-150, GMC Sierra 1500, Ram 1500
Sum Up Lighter and more attention-grabbing than its predecessors
Chevrolet Silverado Base Engine 4.3L/285-hp/305-lb-ft V-6 Opt Engine 2.7L/310-hp/348-lb-ft turbo I-4; 5.3L/355-hp/383-lb-ft V-8; 6.2L/420-hp/460-lb-ft V-8; 3.0L/255-hp/430-lb-ft t-diesel I-6* Drivetrain Front-engine, RWD/AWD/4WD, 6A/8A/10A Towing 8,000-12,200 lb* EPA Econ City/Hwy 15-22/20-29 mpg* 0-60 mph 6.0-8.5 sec* Basic Warranty 3 years/36,000 miles Safety NHTSA: 5 Stars IntelliChoice 5-Yr Retained Value 58% *Estimated
Chevrolet Silverado HD
Base Price $38,995-$60,695
Body Type Pickup
Unchanged Not much is expected to change for the Silverado HD except for new exterior colors and additional standard features on lower trims. A redesigned truck should arrive soon and, like the Silverado 1500, could be significantly lighter than the truck it replaces. Expect a range of gas and diesel engine options to return, possibly with major updates to improve fuel efficiency and add power.
Also Consider Ram 2500, Ford Super Duty, GMC Sierra HD
Sum Up Heavy-duty capability with an imposing design
Chevrolet Silverado HD Base Engine 6.0L/360-hp/380-lb-ft V-8 Opt Engine 6.6L/445-hp/910-lb-ft t-diesel V-8 Drivetrain Front-engine, RWD/AWD/4WD, 6A Towing 12,400-23,200 lb EPA Econ City/Hwy Not Rated 0-60 mph 6.5-8.3 sec* Basic Warranty 3 years/36,000 miles Safety NHTSA: 4 Stars IntelliChoice 5-Yr Retained Value 59% *Estimated
Ford F-150
Base Price $29,500-$63,000*
Body Type Pickup
Minor Last year the F-150 received a midcycle refresh, which added a new transmission and several engine options. The new diesel version displaces the Ram 1500 EcoDiesel as the most fuel-efficient full-size pickup on the market. For 2019, the capable F-150 Raptor gets Recaro seats and even better off-road performance thanks to improved shocks, upgraded dampers, and a crawl control system. Learn about changes to the 2019 F-150 Limited here. A hybrid arrives in 2020.
Also Consider Chevrolet Silverado, Nissan Titan, Ram 1500
Sum Up The best-selling truck in the country is now the most fuel efficient
Ford F-150 Base Engine 3.3L/290-hp/265-lb-ft V-6 Opt Engine 2.7L/325-hp/400-lb-ft twin-turbo V-6; 5.0L/395-hp/400-lb-ft V-8; 3.0L/250-hp/440-lb-ft t-diesel V-6; 3.5L/375-450-hp/470-510-lb-ft twin-turbo V-6 Drivetrain Front-engine, RWD/4WD, 6A/10A Towing 5,000-12,000 lb EPA Econ City/Hwy 15-22/18-30 mpg 0-60 mph 5.2-7.8 sec Basic Warranty 3 years/36,000 miles Safety NHTSA: 5 Stars IntelliChoice 5-Yr Retained Value 57%
Ford Ranger
  Base Price $25,395-$39,480
Body Type Pickup
All-New After seven years away, the Ford Ranger midsize pickup returns to the U.S. with a slight design tweak to the foreign-market version. The truck will be available in SuperCab and SuperCrew versions; no word whether a diesel engine will be available. Our sources tell us not to expect the globally engineered Ranger Raptor to come to the U.S. before 2021 when the Ranger is redesigned.
Also Consider Chevrolet Colorado, Honda Ridgeline, Toyota Tacoma
Sum Up Ford’s midsize pickup returns to the U.S.
Ford Ranger Base Engine 2.3L/280-hp/310-lb-ft  twin-turbo I-4* Opt Engine None Drivetrain Front-engine, RWD/4WD, 10A Towing 3,500-7,500 lb* EPA Econ City/Hwy 21/29 mpg* 0-60 mph 7.5 sec* Basic Warranty 3 years/36,000 miles *Estimated
Ford Super Duty
Base Price $35,000-$88,000*
Body Type Pickup
Unchanged The 2017 Motor Trend Truck of the Year will get a midcycle refresh next year, which should include revisions to the front and rear ends and a switch to Ford’s 10-speed automatic. There’s also a rumor of a new 7.0-liter V-8. That updated truck will most likely be sold as a 2020 model, though, with the 2019 F-250, F-350, and F-450 carrying over essentially unchanged from last year.
Also Consider Chevrolet Silverado HD, GMC Sierra HD, Ram HD
Sum Up Still the best heavy-duty pickup on the market
Ford Super Duty Base Engine 6.2L/385-hp/430-lb-ft V-8 Opt Engine 6.7L/450-hp/935-lb-ft t-diesel V-8 Drivetrain Front-engine, RWD/4WD, 6A Towing 12,300-32,000 lb EPA Econ City/Hwy Not Rated 0-60 mph 6.5-8.0 sec* Basic Warranty 3 years/36,000 miles Safety NHTSA: 5 Stars IntelliChoice 5-Yr Retained Value 56% *Estimated
GMC Canyon
Base Price $22,395-$44,795
Body Type Pickup
Unchanged GMC’s midsize truck is a more affordable and efficient alternative to a full-size pickup. It gains an updated infotainment system, an upgraded rearview camera, optional rear parking sensors, expanded availability of wireless charging and heated steering wheel features, and a new 17-inch wheel design. Like its Chevrolet Colorado twin, it can be configured with a crew cab and a short or long bed.
Also Consider Toyota Tacoma, Chevrolet Colorado, Ford Ranger
Sum Up Rugged or luxurious, the Canyon offers lots of choices
GMC Canyon Base Engine 2.5L/200-hp/191-lb-ft I-4 Opt Engine 3.6L/308-hp/275-lb-ft V-6; 2.8L/186-hp/369-lb-ft t-diesel I-4 Drivetrain Front-engine, RWD/4WD, 6M/8A/6A Towing 3,500-7,700 lb EPA Econ City/Hwy 17-22/24-30 mpg 0-60 mph 6.8-9.3 sec Basic Warranty 3 years/36,000 miles Safety NHTSA: 4 Stars IntelliChoice 5-Yr Retained Value 55%
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jesusvasser · 7 years ago
2018 Detroit Auto Show Marks the Start of the Year of the Truck
DETROIT, Michigan—This is war. All-out vehicular Armageddon, the Chevrolet Silverado going toe-to-toe with the Ram 1500 going toe-to-toe with just about everything Ford has got, including a new diesel F-150 and Ranger midsize pickup.
As automakers downplay Monday and Tuesday press conferences in favor of pre-show unveilings, like the 2019 Chevy Silverado Saturday night, the importance of these money makers can’t be overemphasized.
After General Motors’ and Chrysler’s 2009 bankruptcies, truck market share sank to 11 percent of U.S. industry sales, which itself was down about one-third from its peak a few years earlier. Analysts, journalists, and even the automakers themselves spoke of how the Detroit Three could no longer count on these trucks, with their relatively cheap body-on-frame construction, to fund the rest of the industry. The new reality was that automakers must learn to make profits on small cars without relying on pickups. As trucks began to regain their market mojo, compact and midsize sport/utilities became the relatively efficient replacement for the midsize sedan for most consumers.
Still, these old-fashioned large pickup trucks are the real story. As the U.S. auto industry quickly began to recover in the early ‘10s, pickup truck market share regained its historical market share of about 14 percent. Last year though, pickup truck sales, including Honda Ridgeline, totaled 2,822,883 by my count, which is roughly 16 percent of the calendar ’17 market.
Toyota figures trucks and SUVs now account for a full two-thirds of the U.S. market, and Ford crowed about selling a lot more sport/utilities last year, though its SUV sales including Lincoln models totaled 867,909. Meanwhile, Ford F-Series outsold everything from Escape to Navigator by 28,855 units.
Pickup trucks, clearly, cannot be ignored.
And yet they hardly fulfill Automobile Magazine’s No Boring Cars credo. Even if you throw in the Ford Raptor, Chevy Colorado ZR2, and Ram Rebel, and maybe, the Honda Ridgeline, these hardly mean anything in the big, trucking scheme of things. So it’s best to think of these modern marvels of the wide, open road (try to avoid parking one downtown) as the type of thing you might buy to haul your SCCA racer, and its parts. Or as the kind of money maker that make the business cases for cars like the mid-engine Chevrolet Corvette (no, it’s not going to premiere at NAIAS ’18), Ford Mustang GT, Dodge Challenger Demon, etc.
Here’s a closer look at what’s premiering at NAIAS ’18, and why you should care.
2019 Ford Ranger Probably the most Automobile pickup truck in this year’s crop, the new Ford Ranger nevertheless seems to take a cautious approach to the growing U.S. midsize truck market. While the chief competition—Toyota Tacoma, Chevrolet Colorado/GMC Canyon, and Nissan Frontier—offers multiple engine choices with four- and six-cylinder and even diesel, the Ranger returns to our market only with the Mustang’s 2.3-liter EcoBoost turbo four and 10-speed automatic.
It will be offered early next year, when it goes on sale, with the FX4 Off-Road Package, Terrain Management System and an available locking rear axle, for weekend warriors who escape the city for off-road pursuits. It’s more of a lifestyle truck designed to contrast with the bigger F-Series trucks that serve consumers from work crews to well-heeled ranchers to suburban cowboys.
There are only three trim levels, though, with the Ford Ranger Lariat topping the range. If it makes a successful dent in the midsize truck market—the Ranger, Tacoma, and Colorado are now about the size of F-150s, Tundras, and Silverados a few generations ago—it would seem Ford would want to quickly expand the range, with engine options and more trim levels. Toyota Tacoma was the segment’s bestseller last year with 198,124 sold, easily topping the 158,385 Ford Focuses built in the Wayne, Michigan assembly plant that’s being retooled for the Ranger and 2020 Bronco.
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jonathanbelloblog · 7 years ago
2018 Detroit Auto Show Marks the Start of the Year of the Truck
DETROIT, Michigan—This is war. All-out vehicular Armageddon, the Chevrolet Silverado going toe-to-toe with the Ram 1500 going toe-to-toe with just about everything Ford has got, including a new diesel F-150 and Ranger midsize pickup.
As automakers downplay Monday and Tuesday press conferences in favor of pre-show unveilings, like the 2019 Chevy Silverado Saturday night, the importance of these money makers can’t be overemphasized.
After General Motors’ and Chrysler’s 2009 bankruptcies, truck market share sank to 11 percent of U.S. industry sales, which itself was down about one-third from its peak a few years earlier. Analysts, journalists, and even the automakers themselves spoke of how the Detroit Three could no longer count on these trucks, with their relatively cheap body-on-frame construction, to fund the rest of the industry. The new reality was that automakers must learn to make profits on small cars without relying on pickups. As trucks began to regain their market mojo, compact and midsize sport/utilities became the relatively efficient replacement for the midsize sedan for most consumers.
Still, these old-fashioned large pickup trucks are the real story. As the U.S. auto industry quickly began to recover in the early ‘10s, pickup truck market share regained its historical market share of about 14 percent. Last year though, pickup truck sales, including Honda Ridgeline, totaled 2,822,883 by my count, which is roughly 16 percent of the calendar ’17 market.
Toyota figures trucks and SUVs now account for a full two-thirds of the U.S. market, and Ford crowed about selling a lot more sport/utilities last year, though its SUV sales including Lincoln models totaled 867,909. Meanwhile, Ford F-Series outsold everything from Escape to Navigator by 28,855 units.
Pickup trucks, clearly, cannot be ignored.
And yet they hardly fulfill Automobile Magazine’s No Boring Cars credo. Even if you throw in the Ford Raptor, Chevy Colorado ZR2, and Ram Rebel, and maybe, the Honda Ridgeline, these hardly mean anything in the big, trucking scheme of things. So it’s best to think of these modern marvels of the wide, open road (try to avoid parking one downtown) as the type of thing you might buy to haul your SCCA racer, and its parts. Or as the kind of money maker that make the business cases for cars like the mid-engine Chevrolet Corvette (no, it’s not going to premiere at NAIAS ’18), Ford Mustang GT, Dodge Challenger Demon, etc.
Here’s a closer look at what’s premiering at NAIAS ’18, and why you should care.
2019 Ford Ranger Probably the most Automobile pickup truck in this year’s crop, the new Ford Ranger nevertheless seems to take a cautious approach to the growing U.S. midsize truck market. While the chief competition—Toyota Tacoma, Chevrolet Colorado/GMC Canyon, and Nissan Frontier—offers multiple engine choices with four- and six-cylinder and even diesel, the Ranger returns to our market only with the Mustang’s 2.3-liter EcoBoost turbo four and 10-speed automatic.
It will be offered early next year, when it goes on sale, with the FX4 Off-Road Package, Terrain Management System and an available locking rear axle, for weekend warriors who escape the city for off-road pursuits. It’s more of a lifestyle truck designed to contrast with the bigger F-Series trucks that serve consumers from work crews to well-heeled ranchers to suburban cowboys.
There are only three trim levels, though, with the Ford Ranger Lariat topping the range. If it makes a successful dent in the midsize truck market—the Ranger, Tacoma, and Colorado are now about the size of F-150s, Tundras, and Silverados a few generations ago—it would seem Ford would want to quickly expand the range, with engine options and more trim levels. Toyota Tacoma was the segment’s bestseller last year with 198,124 sold, easily topping the 158,385 Ford Focuses built in the Wayne, Michigan assembly plant that’s being retooled for the Ranger and 2020 Bronco.
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