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mylovehadbeenfrozenn · 5 years ago
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My drawing of Taylor’s red carpet look at the 2019 AMAs ✨ I love this looks so much!! She looked so stunning and it was perfect! The performance outfit for this night was also so amazing, the whole night was incredible! 💖🥺 Which lover red carpet look is your favourite? • Link in bio for ways to help BLM • @taylorswift @taylornation #taylorswift #taylorswiftdrawing #taylorswiftart #taylorswiftartwork #amas2019 #2019amas #amas #artistofthedecade #artistoftheyear #lover #ts6 #swiftie #swiftiesathome #taylortolfthetruth #istandwithtaylor #weloveyoutaylor #taylorswiftislovedparty #taylurking #taylorlurking #drawing https://www.instagram.com/p/CBxkwZnHWSW/?igshid=1b3isoipmgjz9
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lcvedyouinsecret · 5 years ago
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one day we will be remembered.
{2011 & 2019}
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bigreputation1313 · 5 years ago
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taylor swift: ✅💚✳️ @kevinmazur @johnshearer
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yohannesnahuway · 5 years ago
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Thailand adalah salah satu negara di Asia yang masih menerapkan sistem monarki, yaitu negara yang dipimpin oleh seorang raja. Raja Thailand yang saat ini menjabat bernama Vajiralongkorn, yang meneruskan posisi raja sejak ayahnya Raja Bhumibol Adulyadej wafat di tahun 2016. Di Thailand, foto sang raja dipajang di banyak tempat publik sehingga masyarakat dan turis sangat mudah menemukan foto-foto sang raja. Demikian juga di depan hotel tempat saya menginap di sepanjang acara Asia Missions Association (AMA) Convention Ke-13 di kota Chiang Mai, foto sang raja tempampang besar dan megah dengan segala ornamen dan aksesori yang menyertainya. Tentu saya tidak mau melewatkan kesempatan ini untuk mengabadikan diri saya berdiri di depan foto sang raja. Saya kagum melihat warga Thailand begitu menghormati dan menyayangi raja mereka sebagai pimpinan mereka. Seharusnya demikian juga dengan kita semua, terlebih lagi kita yang adalah orang-orang Kristen. Alkitab mengajarkan kita untuk menghormati para pemimpin yang Tuhan tempatkan menjadi pemimpin kita, di mulai dari pemimpin negara, pemimpin di tempat kerja, pemimpin di tempat studi (guru dan dosen), pemimpin di Gereja (Gembala Jemaat, Pemimpin Kelompok Sel, dsb), serta pemimpin di rumah tangga kita masing-masing (anak-anak menghormati orangtua dan istri menghormati suami serta suami mengasihi istri). Doa saya kita semua bisa terus setia menghormati dan menopang di dalam doa semua pemimpin yang Tuhan tempatkan di atas kita. #PastorsLife #FaithMinutes #PastorsQuote #PastorsMessage #Christianity #Kekristenan #YohannesNahuwayMinistries #2019AMA #AsiaMissionsAssociation #Leadership #LeadershipQuotes (at Chiang Mai Orchid Hotel) https://www.instagram.com/p/B42T2Z-ht5b/?igshid=e6h9y8hq2gbd
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proundauntnyc · 5 years ago
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Charlie waiting for 2019 AMA Nominations announced on @goodmorningamerica . No surprises here💘 WATCH Sunday November 24th only on @abcnetwork #2019AMA #taylorswift #LoverAlbum #taylorswiftloveralbum #taylorswiftlover https://www.instagram.com/p/B4AIYwcH-vJ/?igshid=gn9i8wnjct2
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nsnozy · 4 years ago
I have a teori and i am not sure it’s true. (2019AMA’s) when taylor performed her songs with a white shirt ,in the start of the show the camera was looking to back of her shirt. Cause there was a Fearless word and it is her second album.After performing “The Man”she started to sing “Love Story”first and it means Fearless album and then she started to sing “I Knew You Were Trouble”and it means Red album. After that she started to sing Blank Space and Shake It Off and it means 1989. So guys, she relased Fearless TV first then Red TV and probably the next one will be 1989. It wasn’t just a show ,the whole show was an easter egg.
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newsdailyqueensland · 5 years ago
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FYI: #JulissaBermudez #2019AMA #LA #MicrosoftTheater Julissa Bermudez Arrives for the 2019 AMA at the Microsoft Theater in LA https://ift.tt/2XU7NTr
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yohannesnahuway · 5 years ago
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Memberikan materi berjudul “Church and Mission” (Gereja dan Misi) di kelas workshop pada Konferensi Asia Missions Association (AMA) Ke-13 di Chiang Mai, Thailand. Bangga bisa membagikan pengalaman Gereja Tuhan di Indonesia kepada peserta kelas workshop ini! Kiranya pengalaman dan kekayaan yang dimiliki oleh Gereja Tuhan di Indonesia bisa memberi semangat bagi seluruh peserta kelas, khususnya bagi peserta dari Church Of God (COG) dari Amerika Serikat yang adalah Gembala-gembala COG turut hadir ke dalam kelas saya. #2019AMA #AsiaMissionsAssociation #PastorsLife #PastorsMinistry #PastorsMission #YohannesNahuwayMinistries (at Chiang Mai Orchid Hotel) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4zLd1BBlGT/?igshid=it6kx66009qj
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yohannesnahuway · 5 years ago
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Always happy and humbled every time I have the chance to minister together with my father Dr. Jacob Nahuway, MA, especially talking about missions. We are speaking at the 13th Asia Missions Association (AMA) Convention in Chiang Mai, Thailand, on November 11-15, 2019. By the way, Happy Indonesian Father’s Day! #PastorsLife #PastorsMinistry #PastorsMission #PastorAndSon #FatherAndSon #PastorsFamily #PastorsKids #PastorsKidsRock #YohannesNahuwayMinistries #2019AMA #AsiaMissions #AsiaMissionsAssociation (at Grand Ballroom Chiang Mai Orchid) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4wzjuxhbqR/?igshid=1eqfoemw41spy
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newsdailyqueensland · 5 years ago
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ICYMI: #JulissaBermudez #2019AMA #LA #MicrosoftTheater Julissa Bermudez Arrives for the 2019 AMA at the Microsoft Theater in LA https://ift.tt/2QVkEmT
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newsdailyqueensland · 5 years ago
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#JulissaBermudez #2019AMA #LA #MicrosoftTheater Julissa Bermudez Arrives for the 2019 AMA at the Microsoft Theater in LA https://ift.tt/2XMeRBu
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