#2019 lexus rx hybrid
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Lexus UX 250h AWD F-Sport et pneu Motomaster Winter Edge II
Le 15 février 2023
Le temps file vraiment. La semaine dernière, le groupe canadien de Toyota me proposait l’essai de son petit VUS (ou VUM) UX 250h AWD révisé pour 2023. Je me suis alors souvenu d’avoir déjà travaillé avec un Lexus UX il y a quelques années (c’était en 2019) mais, avec le temps, je ne me souvenais plus du tout de quoi il en retournait. J’ai donc pris la nouvelle version de cette «camionnette» avec un peu d’appréhension.
Curieusement, au premier contact, je ne me souvenais plus qu’un UX puisse être aussi petit. J’étais resté sous l’impression que le UX se situait entre le NX (basé sur le RAV4) et le RX. En vérité, le UX est un véritable sous-compacte que l’on pourrait comparer à un….Toyota Prius!
Au départ, je ne me reconnaissais plus au volant de cette auto. Il faut dire que je n’avais pris aucune information sur l’actuel UX et j’étais vraiment déçu. Toutefois, mon opinion allait changer au cours des jours suivants. Tout d’abord, il me fallait trouver les bons ajustements pour tirer le meilleur parti de ce VUS-VUM. À force de jouer avec des commandes au tableau de bord, j’ai trouvé le commutateur qui allait changer le comportement routier du petit véhicule et le rendre moins ferme. Après tout, un Lexus, c’est censé être un véhicule «de luxe», n’est-ce pas? Puis, le son de la radio me tombait royalement sur les nerfs. J’ai eu beau faire des recherches, je ne trouvais pas les réglages pour obtenir un son qui me plairait. Même l’internet ne m’a été d’aucune aide. Tout ce que j’y trouvais, c’était de courts films qui me conseillaient de manipuler un petit «pad» entre les deux sièges d’avant. Au bout de quelques jours, je me suis «tanné» et j’ai rejoint un directeur technique de Toyota (mon bon ami Romaric Lartilleux) qui m’a aiguillé vers d’autres commandes que je n’avais pas exploité à leur maximum. Cependant, dès le début de notre conversation, il a du s’étouffer de rire en me pointant que ces images d’Internet concernaient la version 2022 de l’UX . La version 2023 n’a plus ce ridicule «pad» que même moi j’avais critiqué ouvertement lors de mon essai du UX 200 en 2019! Finalement, j’ai retrouvé le son musical que je recherchais. Romaric m’a donné les bonnes informations concernant ce petit véhicule.
Le petit VUM UX de Lexus est de retour en 2023. (Photo Éric Descarries)
Si vous regardez les photos, vous verrez bien qu’il s’agit d’un petit VUS ou VUM dont le design a été révisé pour 2023. Il ne s’agit plus d’un UX 200 mais plutôt d’un UX 250h AWD ce qui veut dire que sa motorisation est hybride et qu’il profite d’une «traction intégrale». Notons que le UX repose sur la plateforme «universelle» TNGA-C (Toyota New Generation Architecture) que l’on retrouve aussi sous la toute récente Corolla et sous le Toyota CH-R (qui vient, incidemment, d’être retiré par le constructeur). L’ancien UX 200 que j’avais analysé en 2019 n’était «qu’une» traction avant avec moteur atmosphérique. Le UX 250h est, au départ, toujours à traction avant mais son moteur quatre cylindres de 2,0 litres (qui fait maintenant 143 chevaux) est désormais combiné à un moteur électrique à deux étapes dont une sert d’alternateur et de démarreur. La puissance combinée (ajustée) des deux éléments de propulsion équivaut alors à 181 chevaux. Cette puissance doit passer par une boîte automatique à variation continue (CVT) et les roues avant. Mais alors, pourquoi le qualifier d’AWD (traction intégrale)? Parce les ingénieurs de Toyota-Lexus lui ont ajouté un petit moteur électrique indépendant à l’arrière pour venir en aide à la traction avant dans le cas où celui-ci perdrait de sa motricité. Ce petit moteur électrique ne fait, selon Romaric, «que» huit chevaux mais il produit aussi un couple étonnant de 40 li-pi ! Et c’est lors d’un essai hivernal comme celui que vous lisez présentement qu’il démontre toute son efficacité! J’y reviens…Mais sachez qu’il n’y a plus de version UX 200 au catalogue de Lexus.
De l’arrière, on reconnaît l’ornementation 250 H AWD qui signifie que l’on a affaire à un véhicule hybride électrique (mais non enfichable) à traction intégrale. (Photo Éric Descarries)
L’extérieur du Lexus UX n’a pas beaucoup changé mais dans le cas de cette version F-Sport Design dont il est question ici, on y notera des retouches à l’avant dont de nouveaux phares et autres lampes en plus d’une calandre F-Sport plus distinctive. Quelques retouches ont aussi été apportées à la finition arrière.
Le nouveau tableau de bord du UX. (Photo Éric Descarries)
Par contre, l’intérieur a été revu avec, principalement, la disparition de ce ridicule «pad» (qui détournait l’attention de tout conducteur pour le maîtriser) et l’apparition d’un plus grand écran au centre du tableau de bord et de quelques autres révisions. Le volant retient plusieurs commandes électriques en plus des palettes qui servent à «passer les rapports» (malgré qu’il s’agisse d’une boîte CVT!). La sellerie de similicuir est agréable au toucher mais, pour une voiture de luxe, il me semble que les designers de la marque auraient pu avoir un peu plus d’imagination pour les garnitures de portières qui sont, avouons-le, un peu fades.
Par contre, les places d’arrière demeurent très étroites pour des passagers adultes. (Photo Éric Descarries)
Toutefois, si les sièges d’avant sont relativement confortables, les places d’arrière demeurent plus à l’étroit, ce que j’avais mentionné il y a environ quatre ans…Rien n’y est mal assemblé…juste peu approprié pour accueillir des adultes. Quant à l’espace destiné au transport de bagages ou d’autres objets…il ne faut pas trop y compter. Le coffre y est plutôt petit. Mais il sera utile pour les petites courses en ville!
Heureusement que le véhicule roule sur des pneus de type «run flat» car il n’y aurait plus de place pour la roue de secours! (Photo Éric Descarries)
Sur la route
Tout cela est bien beau mais la UX est-elle une voiture qui a un comportement routier agréable? Dès que j’ai pris «livraison» du UX, je suis parti vers les Laurentides pour une balade de premier contact. Évidemment, j’ai pris l’Autoroute 15 vers Sainte-Agathe. Au départ, sachez que cette route a grandement besoin d’une importante rénovation. Le revêtement est très rugueux (du moins jusqu’à Saint-Jérôme) ce qui produisait un son très audible dans l’habitacle de la petite Lexus. Peut-être un peu trop même. Et il ne faut surtout pas blâmer que les pneus d’hiver Continental ContiWinterCountact pour ce bruit (les pneus d’été d’usine devraient être des versions à mobilité continue mieux connus comme des «run-flat»). De ce côté, je conseillerais à Lexus (Toyota) d’améliorer l’isolation de cette cabine. Question performance, ne vous attendez pas à ce que la UX soit une sportive remarquable même s’il s’agit de la version F-Sport. Passer du point mort à 100 km/h peut demander jusqu’à neuf secondes alors que l’on sent les accélérer laborieuses. Quant aux reprises, elles ne sont guère glorieuses. Par contre, le petit UX tient bien la route (sauf si il tombe dans les ornières très prononcées de la 15 à divers niveaux dont la portion de la route à la sortie de Saint-Jérôme, une véritable honte pour les contribuables québécois!). Mais, j’insiste, même en position de conduite Sport, le UX n’est surtout pas une sportive. La deuxième partie de mon trajet passait par la route 329 qui allait de Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts vers Saint-Adolphe-d’Howard et là, ce fut tout simplement pénible. Ce n’est pas que la Lexus est mise en cause ici. C’est que les quelques 13 kilomètres de cette route reliant les deux petites villes étant dans un état déplorable! Et ce n’est pas la tornade qui a endommagé cette région l’été dernier qui a détruit le pavé, quand même. Autrement, passé Saint-Adolphe, j’ai pu profiter du confort de cette voiture dite luxueuse!
Le petit moteur à quatre cylindres devrait démontrer un peu plus de vivacité. (Photo Éric Descarries)
Par contre, en situation urbaine, cette sous-compacte de Lexus se distingue. Le petit coupé se déplace agilement dans la circulation et, même si j’aurais aimé des rétroviseurs un peu plus grands, il se faufile facilement dans le «trafic». Parfois, la propulsion se fait par moteur électrique seulement mais c’est de courte durée. Il y a une commande EV seulement qui devrait «neutraliser» le moteur à essence, surtout en ville, mais, même si je l’ai activée souvent, le moteur thermique entre quand même en action aussi souvent (à moins que l’on ne tienne une vitesse très limitée).
La désignation UX signifie «Urban Explorer» et ça colle bien à la voiture. Évidemment, elle se gare facilement et sa consommation y est raisonnable (mais pas aussi économique qu’attendue, cependant). Je n’ai pas encore mentionné l’apport de la «motricité aux quatre roues» dans mes impressions de conduite de ce reportage mais, malgré la puissance limitée du petit moteur arrière, la configuration y est efficace, surtout sur route glissante. J’ai pu me sortir de quelques petits «pièges» de neige dans les stationnements urbains et c’est grâce à ce système. Mais, ne vous laissez pas berner à tester le UX en situation «hors-route», cette petite Lexus n’a rien d’un tout-terrain non plus!
Bien entendu, on est en droit de s’attendre à une consommation très modérée d’une si petite voiture et moderne, de surcroît! Je m’attendais mieux que 8,3 l./100 km (l’ordinateur de bord indiquait 7,4). Je n’ai pas conduit avec un œuf entre mon pied et l’accélérateur mais je n’ai pas poussé la machine en aucun cas! Il faut dire qu’il ne faisait pas chaud ce qui a pu exiger plus des performances du moteur…
Vu qu’il s’agit d’un véhicule de Lexus, on sait qu’il s’agit d’une voiture «de luxe». Alors, on ne se surprendra pas d’y voir un prix de base de 41 500 $ Ma voiture d’essai avait pour 2300 $ d’options dont les sièges avant ventilés, le toit ouvrant coulissant, le volant chauffant et surtout la «peinture de qualité supérieure» (quoi? il faut commander une peinture de qualité supérieure en option?...). Lexus (Toyota) ajoute les 100 $ des frais pour le climatiseur, quelques 28,70 $ «d’écofrais» pour les filtres et l’huile et 2205 $ de frais de transport et de préparation et on en arrive à un total de 46 133,70 $.
Même si l’on avance que le prix moyen d’une automobile se situe autour des 45 000 $ au Canada, disons que le UX, ce n’est pas donné. Toutefois, si vous recherchez une voiture vraiment urbaine (et j’insiste sur le fait que cette auto répond vraiment à ce besoin spécifique), voilà l’article idéal. Ajoutez à cela la belle réputation de fiabilité des produits de la marque, le Lexus UX devrait être considéré si vous avez besoin d’une voiture de ce calibre!
Le Motomaster Edge II
Pour plusieurs, l’hiver pourrait ne tirer qu’à sa fin mais il faut se rendre compte que février est un bon mois pour lancer de nouveaux pneus d’hiver pour la saison prochaine. C’est ce que le géant du détail Canadian Tire a fait cette semaine en invitant que quelques journalistes automobile à se joindre à des détaillants de la marque pour découvrir le Motomaster Winter Edge II qui sera commercialisé dès l’automne prochain.
Le nouveau pneu d’hiver Motomaster Winter Edge II du géant Canadian Tire sera disponible l’automne prochain. (Photo Éric Descarries)
J’étais donc de la partie pour rejoindre le groupe Canadian Tire qui avait réservé le circuit ovale d’ICAR pour nous faire connaître ce nouveau produit réalisé avec l’aide du géant manufacturier sud-coréen Hankook. C’est la deuxième génération de Winter Edge, un pneu qui a connu un certain succès depuis les quelques dernières années.
Nous avons essayé le nouveau pneu Winter Edge II sur le circuit enneigé d’ICAR. (Photo Éric Descarries)
Quoique je ne veuille pas me prononcer sur les plus grandes qualités du Winter Edge II tout de suite (j’y reviendrai plus tard, c’est sûr), sachez que les quelques tours effectués au volant de Toyota RAV4 et Corolla à traction sur le tracé enneigé conçu par les instructeurs d’ICAR (dont mon bon ami Philippe Létourneau de l’émission «Canada’s Worst Driver») m’ont impressionné. Le pneu se comporte déjà très bien et propose une adhérence remarquable pour un produit de «Premier tiers» à un prix abordable.
Les essais de Winter Edge II se sont déroulés au volant de Toyota Corolla et RAV4. (Photo Éric Descarries)
Évidemment, je n’ai pas encore la moindre idée de ces prix mais déjà, je crois que les acheteurs de Motomaster Winter Edge II seront surpris par ce produit. On verra un peu plus tard!
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#does this mean Bunny is the getaway driver or does Raffles make him scootch over even when Mackenzie is right behind them
raffles wouldn’t like to drive bc it’s already what he does for work -_- so bunny is both the getaway driver and personal chauffer. raffles sits in the back of his 2019 lexus rx (he drives a hybrid suv bc he wants to be sensible) and negs his driving. bunny still uses his signals during a chase bc he semi-consciously records every crime he’s committed as a point added to his “bad deeds counter” that can be taken away every time he follows a traffic law
here’s the raffles modern au no one asked for (but that i have been thinking of daily), wherein raffles is a formula one driver and bunny is a less than competent sports journalist (slash wag) who gets ratioed on twitter every day
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2019 Lexus Rx Redesign, Rumors, Specs, Price & Specs
2019 Lexus Rx Redesign, Rumors, Specs, Price & Specs
The 2019 Lexus Rx continues to offer top safety scores, remarkable space inside, and all-round versatility; it’s still one of the best small SUVs, and a good value for money.
2019 Lexus Rx Specs
The 2019 Lexus Rx isn’t close to luxurious, but it’s hard to beat for interior space to hold both people and their gear. The 2019 Lexus Rx offers a pleasantly high driving position, lots of front elbow…
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2019 Lexus RX Model Rumors And Release Date
New Post has been published on https://www.2020lexus.com/2019-lexus-rx-model-rumors-release-date/
2019 Lexus RX Model Rumors And Release Date
2019 Lexus RX Model Rumors And Release Date – Lexus introduced the on-going RX way back in 2015. Thus it is not a classic model. Regardless of that, it seems like they are generally previously seeking to release an upgrade. Although the particulars are nonetheless hard to find, the professional photographers were able to spy shots what is the potential 2019 Lexus RX.
2019 Lexus RX Release Date
It appears such as this new edition of the actual car include minimum design changes along with probably a modern established of machines. The final result must be a less expensive and a bit more quickly crossover than previously. The car’s chassis and working items, on the contrary, are less likely to alter everything that significantly, particularly considering that there is practically nothing genuinely improper with the continuous 2019 Lexus RX.
Exterior And Interior
Almost certainly a single of the very best pieces about the 2019 Lexus RX revise is the car’s cabin. Contrary to the majority of Toyota’s vehicles, this RX provides an upmarket internal which can be significantly better than many of us predicted. The dashboard is adequately outlined and very minimal in design although all the resources are effectively earlier mentioned the regular of its school. We can easily assume this 2019 Lexus RX not to transform everything very much. We could view a good refurbished infotainment program, probably wearing far better equipment, but that is regarding this. Some explained the car could get grander chairs, but at this stage, this is remarkably less likely. A single of the primary reasons people purchase the RX is for the appears. The car seems like little else on the streets, and this permits it to stand out. The front-end is competitive with Lexus’ usual spindle grille while the swept again front lights along with the coupe-like roof structure-collection create the RX sparkle. Typically the 2019 Lexus RX up-date may well obtain some little transformations to the general design. To begin with, we can assume a bit different front lights and perhaps a distinct set up of tail lighting. The car could also have new packages of tires, but thus far practically nothing is proved.
2019 Lexus RX Interior
2019 Lexus RX Engine
One particular of the most significant changes to occur with typically the 2019 Lexus RX will probably be its powertrain. All the US variation of this vehicle is more than most likely not going to get the 3.5 liter V6 in the end. Alternatively, the unique base model type needs to feature the 2. liter turbo-4 which will give about 235 horsepower along with 250 lb-feet with torque. This car may be more than adequate to permit the RX to be the excellent commuter. A 3.5 liter in a natural way aspirated V6 is probably planning to continue to be unaffected.
2019 Lexus RX Specs
2019 Lexus RX Price And Release Date
As much as this time there has not been any established specifics of this 2019 Lexus RX. Nevertheless, it is harmless to believe the automobile will be planning to price around the identical as its forerunner, no less than in Europe. Around the US regarding the contrary, the RX may get somewhat less costly. Some proposed the primary type could now commence even closer to $40,000 which could ensure it is one particular of the best high-quality crossovers about the marketplace.
#2019 lexus rx#2019 lexus rx changes#2019 lexus rx hybrid#2019 lexus rx price#2019 lexus rx refresh#2019 lexus rx release date#2019 lexus rx review#2019 lexus rx rumors#2019 lexus rx specs#2019 lexus rx spy shots
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2019 Lexus RX Model Rumors And Release Date
New Post has been published on https://www.2020lexus.com/2019-lexus-rx-model-rumors-release-date/
2019 Lexus RX Model Rumors And Release Date
2019 Lexus RX Model Rumors And Release Date – Lexus introduced the on-going RX way back in 2015. Thus it is not a classic model. Regardless of that, it seems like they are generally previously seeking to release an upgrade. Although the particulars are nonetheless hard to find, the professional photographers were able to spy shots what is the potential 2019 Lexus RX.
2019 Lexus RX Release Date
It appears such as this new edition of the actual car include minimum design changes along with probably a modern established of machines. The final result must be a less expensive and a bit more quickly crossover than previously. The car’s chassis and working items, on the contrary, are less likely to alter everything that significantly, particularly considering that there is practically nothing genuinely improper with the continuous 2019 Lexus RX.
Exterior And Interior
Almost certainly a single of the very best pieces about the 2019 Lexus RX revise is the car’s cabin. Contrary to the majority of Toyota’s vehicles, this RX provides an upmarket internal which can be significantly better than many of us predicted. The dashboard is adequately outlined and very minimal in design although all the resources are effectively earlier mentioned the regular of its school. We can easily assume this 2019 Lexus RX not to transform everything very much. We could view a good refurbished infotainment program, probably wearing far better equipment, but that is regarding this. Some explained the car could get grander chairs, but at this stage, this is remarkably less likely. A single of the primary reasons people purchase the RX is for the appears. The car seems like little else on the streets, and this permits it to stand out. The front-end is competitive with Lexus’ usual spindle grille while the swept again front lights along with the coupe-like roof structure-collection create the RX sparkle. Typically the 2019 Lexus RX up-date may well obtain some little transformations to the general design. To begin with, we can assume a bit different front lights and perhaps a distinct set up of tail lighting. The car could also have new packages of tires, but thus far practically nothing is proved.
2019 Lexus RX Interior
2019 Lexus RX Engine
One particular of the most significant changes to occur with typically the 2019 Lexus RX will probably be its powertrain. All the US variation of this vehicle is more than most likely not going to get the 3.5 liter V6 in the end. Alternatively, the unique base model type needs to feature the 2. liter turbo-4 which will give about 235 horsepower along with 250 lb-feet with torque. This car may be more than adequate to permit the RX to be the excellent commuter. A 3.5 liter in a natural way aspirated V6 is probably planning to continue to be unaffected.
2019 Lexus RX Specs
2019 Lexus RX Price And Release Date
As much as this time there has not been any established specifics of this 2019 Lexus RX. Nevertheless, it is harmless to believe the automobile will be planning to price around the identical as its forerunner, no less than in Europe. Around the US regarding the contrary, the RX may get somewhat less costly. Some proposed the primary type could now commence even closer to $40,000 which could ensure it is one particular of the best high-quality crossovers about the marketplace.
#2019 lexus rx#2019 lexus rx changes#2019 lexus rx hybrid#2019 lexus rx price#2019 lexus rx refresh#2019 lexus rx release date#2019 lexus rx review#2019 lexus rx rumors#2019 lexus rx specs#2019 lexus rx spy shots
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2019 Lexus RX Model Rumors And Release Date
New Post has been published on https://www.2020lexus.com/2019-lexus-rx-model-rumors-release-date/
2019 Lexus RX Model Rumors And Release Date
2019 Lexus RX Model Rumors And Release Date – Lexus introduced the on-going RX way back in 2015. Thus it is not a classic model. Regardless of that, it seems like they are generally previously seeking to release an upgrade. Although the particulars are nonetheless hard to find, the professional photographers were able to spy shots what is the potential 2019 Lexus RX.
2019 Lexus RX Release Date
It appears such as this new edition of the actual car include minimum design changes along with probably a modern established of machines. The final result must be a less expensive and a bit more quickly crossover than previously. The car’s chassis and working items, on the contrary, are less likely to alter everything that significantly, particularly considering that there is practically nothing genuinely improper with the continuous 2019 Lexus RX.
Exterior And Interior
Almost certainly a single of the very best pieces about the 2019 Lexus RX revise is the car’s cabin. Contrary to the majority of Toyota’s vehicles, this RX provides an upmarket internal which can be significantly better than many of us predicted. The dashboard is adequately outlined and very minimal in design although all the resources are effectively earlier mentioned the regular of its school. We can easily assume this 2019 Lexus RX not to transform everything very much. We could view a good refurbished infotainment program, probably wearing far better equipment, but that is regarding this. Some explained the car could get grander chairs, but at this stage, this is remarkably less likely. A single of the primary reasons people purchase the RX is for the appears. The car seems like little else on the streets, and this permits it to stand out. The front-end is competitive with Lexus’ usual spindle grille while the swept again front lights along with the coupe-like roof structure-collection create the RX sparkle. Typically the 2019 Lexus RX up-date may well obtain some little transformations to the general design. To begin with, we can assume a bit different front lights and perhaps a distinct set up of tail lighting. The car could also have new packages of tires, but thus far practically nothing is proved.
2019 Lexus RX Interior
2019 Lexus RX Engine
One particular of the most significant changes to occur with typically the 2019 Lexus RX will probably be its powertrain. All the US variation of this vehicle is more than most likely not going to get the 3.5 liter V6 in the end. Alternatively, the unique base model type needs to feature the 2. liter turbo-4 which will give about 235 horsepower along with 250 lb-feet with torque. This car may be more than adequate to permit the RX to be the excellent commuter. A 3.5 liter in a natural way aspirated V6 is probably planning to continue to be unaffected.
2019 Lexus RX Specs
2019 Lexus RX Price And Release Date
As much as this time there has not been any established specifics of this 2019 Lexus RX. Nevertheless, it is harmless to believe the automobile will be planning to price around the identical as its forerunner, no less than in Europe. Around the US regarding the contrary, the RX may get somewhat less costly. Some proposed the primary type could now commence even closer to $40,000 which could ensure it is one particular of the best high-quality crossovers about the marketplace.
#2019 lexus rx#2019 lexus rx changes#2019 lexus rx hybrid#2019 lexus rx price#2019 lexus rx refresh#2019 lexus rx release date#2019 lexus rx review#2019 lexus rx rumors#2019 lexus rx specs#2019 lexus rx spy shots
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2019 Lexus RX Model Rumors And Release Date
New Post has been published on https://www.2020lexus.com/2019-lexus-rx-model-rumors-release-date/
2019 Lexus RX Model Rumors And Release Date
2019 Lexus RX Model Rumors And Release Date – Lexus introduced the on-going RX way back in 2015. Thus it is not a classic model. Regardless of that, it seems like they are generally previously seeking to release an upgrade. Although the particulars are nonetheless hard to find, the professional photographers were able to spy shots what is the potential 2019 Lexus RX.
2019 Lexus RX Release Date
It appears such as this new edition of the actual car include minimum design changes along with probably a modern established of machines. The final result must be a less expensive and a bit more quickly crossover than previously. The car’s chassis and working items, on the contrary, are less likely to alter everything that significantly, particularly considering that there is practically nothing genuinely improper with the continuous 2019 Lexus RX.
Exterior And Interior
Almost certainly a single of the very best pieces about the 2019 Lexus RX revise is the car’s cabin. Contrary to the majority of Toyota’s vehicles, this RX provides an upmarket internal which can be significantly better than many of us predicted. The dashboard is adequately outlined and very minimal in design although all the resources are effectively earlier mentioned the regular of its school. We can easily assume this 2019 Lexus RX not to transform everything very much. We could view a good refurbished infotainment program, probably wearing far better equipment, but that is regarding this. Some explained the car could get grander chairs, but at this stage, this is remarkably less likely. A single of the primary reasons people purchase the RX is for the appears. The car seems like little else on the streets, and this permits it to stand out. The front-end is competitive with Lexus’ usual spindle grille while the swept again front lights along with the coupe-like roof structure-collection create the RX sparkle. Typically the 2019 Lexus RX up-date may well obtain some little transformations to the general design. To begin with, we can assume a bit different front lights and perhaps a distinct set up of tail lighting. The car could also have new packages of tires, but thus far practically nothing is proved.
2019 Lexus RX Interior
2019 Lexus RX Engine
One particular of the most significant changes to occur with typically the 2019 Lexus RX will probably be its powertrain. All the US variation of this vehicle is more than most likely not going to get the 3.5 liter V6 in the end. Alternatively, the unique base model type needs to feature the 2. liter turbo-4 which will give about 235 horsepower along with 250 lb-feet with torque. This car may be more than adequate to permit the RX to be the excellent commuter. A 3.5 liter in a natural way aspirated V6 is probably planning to continue to be unaffected.
2019 Lexus RX Specs
2019 Lexus RX Price And Release Date
As much as this time there has not been any established specifics of this 2019 Lexus RX. Nevertheless, it is harmless to believe the automobile will be planning to price around the identical as its forerunner, no less than in Europe. Around the US regarding the contrary, the RX may get somewhat less costly. Some proposed the primary type could now commence even closer to $40,000 which could ensure it is one particular of the best high-quality crossovers about the marketplace.
#2019 lexus rx#2019 lexus rx changes#2019 lexus rx hybrid#2019 lexus rx price#2019 lexus rx refresh#2019 lexus rx release date#2019 lexus rx review#2019 lexus rx rumors#2019 lexus rx specs#2019 lexus rx spy shots
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2019 Lexus RX Model Rumors And Release Date
New Post has been published on https://www.2020lexus.com/2019-lexus-rx-model-rumors-release-date/
2019 Lexus RX Model Rumors And Release Date
2019 Lexus RX Model Rumors And Release Date – Lexus introduced the on-going RX way back in 2015. Thus it is not a classic model. Regardless of that, it seems like they are generally previously seeking to release an upgrade. Although the particulars are nonetheless hard to find, the professional photographers were able to spy shots what is the potential 2019 Lexus RX.
2019 Lexus RX Release Date
It appears such as this new edition of the actual car include minimum design changes along with probably a modern established of machines. The final result must be a less expensive and a bit more quickly crossover than previously. The car’s chassis and working items, on the contrary, are less likely to alter everything that significantly, particularly considering that there is practically nothing genuinely improper with the continuous 2019 Lexus RX.
Exterior And Interior
Almost certainly a single of the very best pieces about the 2019 Lexus RX revise is the car’s cabin. Contrary to the majority of Toyota’s vehicles, this RX provides an upmarket internal which can be significantly better than many of us predicted. The dashboard is adequately outlined and very minimal in design although all the resources are effectively earlier mentioned the regular of its school. We can easily assume this 2019 Lexus RX not to transform everything very much. We could view a good refurbished infotainment program, probably wearing far better equipment, but that is regarding this. Some explained the car could get grander chairs, but at this stage, this is remarkably less likely. A single of the primary reasons people purchase the RX is for the appears. The car seems like little else on the streets, and this permits it to stand out. The front-end is competitive with Lexus’ usual spindle grille while the swept again front lights along with the coupe-like roof structure-collection create the RX sparkle. Typically the 2019 Lexus RX up-date may well obtain some little transformations to the general design. To begin with, we can assume a bit different front lights and perhaps a distinct set up of tail lighting. The car could also have new packages of tires, but thus far practically nothing is proved.
2019 Lexus RX Interior
2019 Lexus RX Engine
One particular of the most significant changes to occur with typically the 2019 Lexus RX will probably be its powertrain. All the US variation of this vehicle is more than most likely not going to get the 3.5 liter V6 in the end. Alternatively, the unique base model type needs to feature the 2. liter turbo-4 which will give about 235 horsepower along with 250 lb-feet with torque. This car may be more than adequate to permit the RX to be the excellent commuter. A 3.5 liter in a natural way aspirated V6 is probably planning to continue to be unaffected.
2019 Lexus RX Specs
2019 Lexus RX Price And Release Date
As much as this time there has not been any established specifics of this 2019 Lexus RX. Nevertheless, it is harmless to believe the automobile will be planning to price around the identical as its forerunner, no less than in Europe. Around the US regarding the contrary, the RX may get somewhat less costly. Some proposed the primary type could now commence even closer to $40,000 which could ensure it is one particular of the best high-quality crossovers about the marketplace.
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早在2016年的巴黎車展上,Lexus已披露將會推出比RX和NX系列更年青、更入門版本的SUV,並命名為UX車系。早前,品牌於瑞典斯德哥爾摩舉辦全球傳媒首次試駕,men's uno有幸成為其中首批親身測試這台全新UX車款的雜誌。
過去幾年,SUV熱潮已席捲全球,而當這股風氣愈吹愈烈之際,SUV車型開始再分支出另一更年青、更緊湊、更休閒的所謂「Crossover SUV」,比傳統的SUV更適合於都會鬧市遊走,並更能彰顯時尚品味。Lexus這款全新UX,就正正是針對這個Crossover SUV市場而開發的入門版本。
針對這個市場,2018年下半到2019年初短短半年多時間裡,就會有五、六款全新入門��華SUV上市,BMW、Audi和Jaguar都有新品推出。Lexus過去倒沒有這個領域的產品,入門車型只有兩廂的CT車系。而過去CT的主任工程師Chika Kako現在擔任了全新UX的首席工程師,所以兩款車都是Lexus的入門車型,只不過CT是轎車,UX是SUV。當然,與CT相比,UX的光環更加耀眼,因為無論是從設計還是技術方面,UX都不僅僅是「入門」水平,而是具有相當的前瞻性和突破性。
UX雖是一款SUV,重心卻出奇地低,而且駕駛座的位置與整車重心非常接近,從而為提升操控性樹立牢固的根基。不過,受制於平台,UX尺寸不算大,車長不到4.5米,軸距2.64米。那麼如何能夠營造更好的空間感呢? UX有個小秘訣。你坐進駕駛艙就會發現,儀錶台的高度與引擎��蓋幾乎是齊平的,雖然隔著擋風玻璃,但兩者好像是一體的。駕駛員的視野可以盡量向前伸展,非常舒服而有趣。內飾的風格還是典型的Lexus,以黑色調為主,選料和做工都很精細,可不像外觀表達那麼強烈。整體佈局上沒有太多創新,而細節上亮點不少。
在豐田集團全新的TNGA(Toyota New Global Architecture)汽車架構共享概念下,UX採用的乃專為中型車而設計的GA-C平台,這個平台重心很低,開起來的感覺完全不是SUV,反而更接近一架兩廂掀背小車。由於車身的激光焊接和粘合長度超過36米,車身剛性非常強,絲毫感覺不到底盤或者車身有任何扭動。轉向也很直接,過彎乾淨利落,前麥花臣後多連桿懸掛調校比較緊。這種靈巧活潑的感受讓我想起來Toyota第一代Vitz,它可是2000年歐洲年度車的得主。當然,UX與歐洲運動型車比起來,底盤表現沒有那麼誇張,畢竟是Toyota,依然保持了良好的舒適性,從而完全不影響日常駕駛,這樣的動態表現非常討年輕人喜歡。
我們試駕的UX260h還選裝了E-Four電動四驅。它的原理非常簡單,後橋上有一個輔助電機(並沒有傳動軸連接前後橋),當系統判斷需要後輪動力的時候,它就會啟動,例如冰雪路面、上坡、轉彎等等。我理解這系統更多是錦上添花的作用,因為作為一款城市SUV,真正需要它越野的時候,to be honest,應該並不多吧?
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Lexus has entered into the hybrid SUV market with the UX, NX, and RX models. This means drivers no longer have to choose between an efficient powertrain and a luxurious interior. With the Lexus luxury hybrid lineup, you get both! Check out the impressive features that you’ll find on each of the available 2019 Lexus hybrid models.
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Best Luxury SUVs of 2019
Luxury SUVs are the most popular in the market. As luxury brands, these have upscale interior and great performance. They offer a spacious interior and large cargo space. Whether you want a car for roaming around town, for weekend trips or for transporting stuff, SUV is the best choice. Explore our list of best luxury SUVs of 2019.
Mercedes Benz GLE
Mercedes Benz GLE offers multiple configuration options to choose from. The build quality is exceptional and its interior is quiet and roomy. It has a list of safety, tech, and luxury features. Its towing capacity is also good
MPG: 19 City / 26 Highway
Engine: 2.0 L I-4
Audi Q8
Audi Q8 is a 2-row SUV. Its strong engine and stable handling make it fast on curvy roads. It offers a classy interior with air seating and modern technologies. For those looking for mid-size luxury SUV, this is a fair choice.
MPG: 17 City / 22 Highway
Engine: 3.0 L V6
BMW X5 offers refined handling, attractive styling, quality interior material, comfort and large legroom space for the second row. Its sleek interior and lots of technology and safety features will attract you.
MPG: 20 City / 26 Highway
Engine: 4.4 L V8
Volvo XC60
Volvo XC60 having premium interior quality, great seat comfort, plenty of amenities. It also provides a variety of engines so that you can choose as per requirement. It has the option to plug into hybrid as per choice. If you want a crossover this is a great choice.
MPG: 21 City / 30 Highway
Engine: 2.0 L I-4
Lexus RX
Lexus RX provides good reliability and resale value. As a luxury car, it gives great comfort, space and premium interior. Lexus offers RX as a hybrid SUV also so if you are looking for a hybrid luxury SUV this is the best choice.
MPG: 31 City / 28 Highway
Engine: 3.5 L V6
Porsche Cayenne
The driving of a Porsche Cayenne is like a sports sedan. Its high-performance engine is something you will love and has all the standard safety and technology features. It’s a great choice for people looking for fun-to-drive SUV.
MPG: 19 City / 23 Highway
Engine: 2.9L V6, 3.0 L V6, 4.0 L V8
Acura MDX
Acura MDX is popular because of its robust engine, excellent fuel economy, and composed handling. It has a list of advanced features making it a good choice.
MPG: 19 City / 23 Highway
Engine: 3.5 L V6
Land Rover Range Rover Velar
Range Rover Velar has a robust style with a modern interior. It gives a comfortable ride on both on and off-road. It is popular in the market because of its distinctive styling, comfort, and luxury.
MPG: 21 City / 27 Highway
Engine: 2.0L I-4 Engine, 3.0L V-6 Engine
Source: https://allcarsonline.com/best-luxury-suvs-of-2019/
#Mercedes Benz GLE#Audi Q8#BMW X5#Volvo XC60#Lexus RX#Porsche Cayenne#Acura MDX#Land Rover Range Rover Velar
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Giá xe Mercedes Benz
Update bảng giá xe Mercedes Benz kèm khuy���n mãi tại Việt nam: Mercedes GLC 200, GLC 250, GLC 300, E200, E200 Sport, C200, C200 Exclusive, C300 AMG, S400, S450 2019, S560 2019, S650 Maybach, GLE 450 2020... Sang tháng này, GLE450 thế hệ mới chính hãng chính thức về việt nam và với tầm gia xe Mercedes Benz khá thu hút.
Để có giá tốt, vui tươi liên hệ website : https://tinbanxe.vn/
✔️ Mercedes Benz C-Class
Tháng 2/2019, Mercedes VN giới thiệu dòng xe Mercedes C – Class nâng cấp đã tạo ra cơn sốt trong thị trường xe sang. Tuy là phiên bản nâng cấp giữa vòng đời của Mercedes-Benz C-Class nhưng lại sở hữu không ít điểm mới trong thiết kế, công nghệ & động cơ. Có 3 phiên bản là C200, C200 Exclusive và C300 AMG. C200 sử dụng động cơ xăng tăng áp 1,5 lít, 4 xy lanh thẳng hàng hoàn toàn mới, cho công xuất cực mạnh 184 mã lực và đạt mô men xoắn cực to 280 Nm. C200 còn được bổ sung công nghệ lai nhẹ Mild Hybrid EQ Boost, Từ đó máy phát điện còn phụ trách thêm vai trò bổ sung sức mạnh cho động cơ để ngày càng tăng công năng & mô-men xoắn khi cần.
♻️ Giá xe Mercedes C200 2019: 1,499 tỷ VNĐ.
♻️ Giá xe Mercedes C200 Exclusive 2019: 1,709 tỷ việt nam đồng.
♻️ Giá xe Mercedes C200 Cabriolet 2019: 2,800 tỷ việt nam đồng.
♻️ Giá xe Mercedes C300 AMG: 1,897 tỷ việt nam đồng.
✔️ Mercedes Benz E-Class
Tháng 7 năm 2019, Mercedes VN trình làng dòng sedan hạng sang E-Class nâng cấp (W213). Ở lần nâng cấp này, có 3 phiên bản là E200, E200 Sport & E350 AMG (phiên bản E250 dường như không còn). Ở phiên bản E 200 & E 200 Sport mới, upgrade đáng giá nhất của nằm ngay dưới nắp capô với động cơ mới có mã hiệu M264, 4 xy lanh thẳng hàng, dung tích 2.0L sử dụng tăng áp đường nạp kép (twin-scroll), sản sinh công suất 197Hp (mạnh hơn 13 mã lực đối với phiên bản E 200 cũ). Năng lực chuyên môn bức tốc của E200 Facelift mới từ 0 lên 100 km/h chỉ trong 7,5 giây
Tại nước ta, Mercedes-Benz E-Class đang tỏ ra vượt trội so với những đối thủ BMW 5-Series, Audi A6, Lexus GS trong phân khúc sedan hạng sang tầm trung.
♻️ Giá xe Mercedes E200 2019: 2,130 tỷ việt nam đồng
♻️ Giá xe Mercedes E200 Sport 2019: 2,317 tỷ VNĐ
♻️ Giá xe Mercedes E250 2019: (call)
♻️ Giá xe Mercedes E350 AMG 2019: 2,890 tỷ đồng
✔️ Mercedes Benz S-Class
Mercedes S-Class là dòng sedan sang trọng bậc nhất cuae tên thương hiệu xe Đức. Mercedes S – Class ngoài các tính năng chỉ có trên Mercedes ra thì còn được trang bị những công dụng cao cấp khác ví như là công dụng massage trên tất cả những ghế, đèn pha công nghệ tiên tiến cao, điều khiển giảm xóc bằng hệ thống treo cao cấp magic toàn thân control, tiết kiệm chi phí nguyên vật liệu, đèn led khác biệt, thu sóng truyền hình,… Đảm bảo mang tới cho người ngồi xe sự thoải mái và dễ chịu tuyệt đối. Mercedes S – Class 2019 cạnh tranh trực tiếp với dòng xe BMW 7 – Series, Audi A8 tại VN.
♻️ Giá xe Mercedes S400l: 3,999 tỷ việt nam đồng.
♻️ Giá ô tô Mercedes S500l: 6,599 tỷ việt nam đồng.
♻️ Giá Mercedes S400 4Matic Coupe 2019: 6,099 tỷ VNĐ
♻️ Giá xe Mercedes S500 4MATIC Coupe: 10,479 tỷ đồng.
♻️ Giá xe Mercedes – AMG S 63 4MATIC : Liên hệ
♻️ Giá xe Mercedes – AMG S 65: Liên hệ
♻️ Giá Mercedes S450 L Star 2019: 3,729 tỷ VNĐ
♻️ Giá Mercedes S450 L 2019: 4,249 tỷ VNĐ
♻️ Giá Mercedes S450 L Luxury 2019: 4,869 tỷ đồng
♻️ Giá Mercedes Maybach S450 4Matic 2019: 7,369 tỷ việt nam đồng
♻️ Giá Mercedes Maybach S560 4Matic 2019:11,099 tỷ VNĐ
♻️ Giá Mercedes Maybach S650 2019: 14,899 tỷ đồng
✔️ Mercedes Benz A-Class
Thiết kế của chiếc A-Class trẻ trung và tân tiến, thậm chí gợi nhiều cảm hứng, cản trước & cản sau mạnh bạo, ba dòng trang bị & thiết kế không giống nhau, một gói thiết kế tùy chọn cũng như những vật liệu, màu sắc & bánh xe hợp kim mới đều hấp dẫn. Bạn cần phải kinh ngạc với thiết kế thể thao, tươi tắn và rất chất của A-Class. A-Class là sự hòa trộn giữa cảm xúc & đậm cá tính & đây còn là 1 trong điểm nổi bật mới trong phân khúc xe gọn gàng. A-Class sẽ thể hiện cá tính của bạn. Đối thủ liên đới của Mercedes A – Class là Infiniti Q30.
♻️ Giá xe Mercedes A200 2019 : 1,339 tỷ VNĐ.
♻️ Giá xe Mercedes A250 2019: 1,699 tỷ VNĐ
♻️ Giá xe Mercedes AMG A45 4MATIC: 2,249 tỷ VNĐ
Xem thêm...
✔️ Mercedes Benz CLA Class
Mercedes CLA – Class thuộc dòng Combat Sedan độc đáo và khác biệt nhất của Mercedes được thiết kế theo phong cách Coupe phong cách, thời trang, thể thao, đầy đậm chất ngầu, hướng về khách hàng giới trẻ thành đạt, năng động. Đối thủ cạnh tranh trực tiếp của CLA – Class là Audi TT Sportback.
♻️ Giá Mercedes CLA 200: 1,529 tỷ VNĐ.
♻️ Giá Mercedes CLA 250: 1,869 tỷ việt nam đồng.
♻️ Giá Mercedes CLA 250 4MATIC: 1,949 tỷ đồng.
♻️ Giá Mercedes AMG CLA 45 4MATIC: 2,329 tỷ VNĐ
✔️ Mercedes Benz GLA Class
cùng với A – Class, Coupe 4 cửa CLA – Class thì SUV cỡ nhỏ GLA – Class hướng đến các bạn trẻ thành đạt, năng động, đam mê sự phá cách. Phiên bản GLA 45 công bố trại VIMS 2017 là bản tăng cấp sở hữu động cơ 4 xi-lanh mạnh nhất thế giới với công suất lên tới mức 381 mã lực. Mô-men xoắn cực lớn đạt 475 Nm ngay từ vòng tua 2.250 vòng/phút giúp xe bứt tốc tức thì theo từng lần chạm ga, bức tốc lên 100km/h chỉ trong 4,4s.
♻️ Giá xe Mercedes GLA 200 2019: 1,619 tỷ VND.
♻️ Giá xe Mercedes GLA 250 4MATIC 2019: 1,859 tỷ VND.
♻️ Giá xe Mercedes AMG GLA 45 4MATIC 2019 : 2,399 tỷ VND
✔️ Mercedes Benz GLB Class
Mercedes Benz GLB Class được coi là dòng Suv/Crossover hạng nhỏ (compact) hoàn toàn mới được chào làng vào thời điểm tháng 6 năm 2019. Tuy là dòng xe nằm chen giữa GLA Class & GLC Class nhưng GLB có phiên bản 7 chỗ ngồi rất thức thời. Không ổn định có 2 phiên bản là GLB 200 và GLB 250 4matic. Động cơ dung tích 2.0l công suất 221Hp cùng hộp số tự động 8 cấp DCT.
♻️ Giá xe Mercedes GLB: Liên hệ
✔️ Mercedes Benz GLC Class
Mẫu xe thể thao đa dụng mới của Mercedes thành lập nhằm sửa chữa thay thế cho dòng GLK Lúc Này. Tên thường gọi GLC được sử dụng cho xe thể thao đa dụng mới của Mercedes-Benz muốn hướng người dùng liên tưởng đến dòng C-Class sedan Hiện tại. Một trong những cụ thể thiết kế của GLC - Class kha khá giống với C-Class. Đầu xe tương đồng ở cách thiết kế cụm đèn pha, đèn LED chạy ban ngày & lưới tản nhiệt. Phần đuôi GLC lấy cảm xúc thiết kế từ dòng GLE coupe. Diện mạo đuôi xe trên GLC thể thao hơn so với thế hệ GLK trước đây. Xét về tổng thể và toàn diện, GLC mang kiểu dáng thướt tha hơn so với sự cứng cáp trên GLK. Kích thước của GLC lớn hơn GLK ở cả chiều dài, rộng & cao. Vì vậy, diện tích sử dụng phía bên trong cabin xe cũng thoải mái hơn. Người lái xe sẽ cảm nhận được sự thoáng đãng, trong lúc người ngồi ở hàng ghế sau có không gian để chân rộng rãi. Diện tích S cốp chứa đồ phía đằng sau cũng to hơn. Phiên bản GLC300 sử dụng động cơ 4 xi-lanh, 2,0 lít, tăng áp, công năng 241 mã lực & mô-men xoắn cực lớn 370 Nm, đi cùng hộp số tự động hóa 9 cấp, kèm theo tùy chọn hệ dẫn động cầu sau khoặc dẫn động 4 bánh 4Matic. Không những thế, Mercedes-Benz còn tung ra những phiên bản GLC250 4matic, GLC200 cầu sau RWD với các mức giá rẻ hơn.
♻️ Giá xe Mercedes GLC 200 2019: 1,699 tỷ đồng
♻️ Giá xe Mercedes GLC 250 4MATIC 2019: 1,989 tỷ việt nam đồng
♻️ Giá xe Mercedes GLC 300 AMG 2019: 2,289 tỷ VNĐ
♻️ Giá xe Mercedes GLC 300 4MATIC Coupe 2019: 2,949 tỷ đồng
♻️ Giá Mercedes AMG GLC 43 4MATIC 2019: 3,599 tỷ VNĐ
✔️ Mercedes Benz GLE Class
thế kỷ mới GLE Class đã chính thức trình làng tại nước ta nhân event triển lãm VietNam Motor Show tháng 10/2019. Thế hệ GLE trọn vẹn mới (V167) thiết đặt nên các chuẩn mực vượt trội về công nghệ, quản lý (đặc biệt là động cơ EQ Boost trọn vẹn mới), kề bên giá trị cốt lõi là năng lực chuyên môn đi địa hình siêu việt. Tạm thời chỉ có một cấu hình là Mercedes-Benz GLE 450 4Matic, được nhập khẩu nguyên chiếc từ Mỹ. GLE Class cạnh tranh đối đầu với các đối thủ như Audi Q7, BMW X5, Lexus RX...
♻️ Giá xe Mercedes GLE 450 4MATIC 2020: 4,369 tỷ đồng
♻️ Giá xe Mercedes GLE 400 4MATIC SUV 2019: 3,599 tỷ VNĐ.
♻️ Giá xe Mercedes GLE 400 4MATIC Exclusive SUV: 3,899 tỷ VNĐ.
♻️ Giá xe Mercedes GLE 400 4MATIC Coupe: 4,129 tỷ đồng
♻️ Giá xe Mercedes AMG GLE 43 4MATIC Coupe: 4,559 tỷ việt nam đồng
♻️ Giá xe Mercedes AMG GLE 63 4MATIC: 9,339 tỷ việt nam đồng
✔️ Mercedes Benz GLS Class
Mercedes GLS – Class vừa mới chuyển đổi từ GL – Class đậm nét thể thao hơn có tất cả 4 dòng là GLS 350 CDI 4MATIC, GLS 400 4MATIC, GLS 500 4MATIC, & phiên bản cao cấp AMG GLS 63 4MATIC. Đây thuộc dòng xe 7 chỗ với động cơ trẻ khỏe, V6 ( GLS 400 4MATIC, GLS 350 4MATIC), V8 ( GLS 500 4MATIC), giúp xe vượt qua những cung đường gian nan nhất, với tất cả địa hình trắc trở mà không phải lo lắng về độ dằn xóc, hay tiếng ồn trong xe. Đối thủ cạnh tranh của Mercedes GLS – Class là BMW X7, Lexus LX 570
♻️ Giá xe Mercedes GLS 350 CDI 4MATIC: 4,209 tỷ việt nam đồng.
♻️ Giá xe Mercedes GLS 400 4MATIC: 4,599 tỷ đồng.
♻️ Giá xe Mercedes GLS 500 4MATIC : 7,829 tỷ việt nam đồng.
♻️ Giá xe Mercedes AMG GLS 63 4MATIC: 11,949 tỷ việt nam đồng.
✔️ Mercedes Benz G-Class
Mercedes AMG G-Class thế hệ mới chính thức trình làng vào tháng 2/2018. Tất cả những phiên bản G-Class mới, từ bản G 350 CDI Professional, G 500 Edition 35 đến AMG G 63 & AMG G 65, đều được Mercedes gia tăng 16% về công năng & giảm lượng tiêu hao nhiên liệu. G 500 được trang bị động cơ V8 4.0L Biturbo mới và các động cơ đáp ứng chuẩn mức khí thải Euro 6. Những cải tiến khác là hệ thống treo mới, cùng theo với khối hệ thống điều khiển ESP nhanh nhạy hơn giúp gia tăng độ không thay đổi, đáng tin cậy và tiện nghi khi quản lý. Ngoại thất và nội thất xe được kiểm soát và điều chỉnh nhưng hiếm hoi khác hoàn toàn.
♻️ Mercedes AMG G63 2019: 10,620 tỷ việt nam đồng.
✔️ Mercedes Benz V-Class
ưu thế nhất của Mercedes-Benz V-Class chắc hẳn rằng đó là ở yếu tố công nghệ tiên tiến. Khối hệ thống giải trí đa phương tiện, điều khiển cảm ứng đa chức năng & công nghệ tiên tiến lái an toàn và đáng tin cậy được hãng sản xuất dẫn vào V-Class.
toàn bộ những phiên bản V-Class mới đều được trang bị một screen giữa trung tâm 7 inch kết hợp tác dụng vui chơi đa phương ti��n đi lại trải qua khối hệ thống điều khiển touch pad văn minh – cũng giống như trong các sản phẩm mới dòng C-Class. Hệ thống định vị Comand trực tuyến, trình duyệt Internet không dây liên kết nóng, ổ cứng dung tích 80GB, liên kết điện thoại cảm ứng thông minh & TV tuner.
Bảng tinh chỉnh trung tâm của V-Class lung linh đến mức khiến bạn ngỡ như mình đang ngồi trong một chiếc Mercedes-Benz E-Class & S-Class. Vật liệu da cao cấp, chỗ ngồi dễ chịu, khoảng không để chân thoáng rộng, đảm bảo khách hàng cảm xúc dễ chịu và thoải mái mặc dù phải trải qua những chuyến hành trình dài.
♻️ Giá xe Mercedes V 220 CDI AVANTGARDE: 2,569 tỷ VNĐ
♻️ Giá xe Mercedes V 250 AVANTGARDE: 2,569 tỷ việt nam đồng
♻️ Giá xe Mercedes Vito Turer 121 (MPV): 1,849 tỷ việt nam đồng
Trên đây chỉ là bảng giá xe Mercedes Benz niêm yết. Sung sướng liên hệ với các cửa hàng đại lý Mercedes Benz VietNam để có thông tin về giá & khuyến mại tốt nhất.
Xem thêm : https://tinbanxe.vn/gia-xe-mercedes-benz
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Large Hybrid SUVs for 2020: Which Have the Best Fuel Economy?
If you need a vehicle that offers a balance of good fuel economy and ample interior space, the big hybrid SUVs on this list fit the bill. Most of them pack plenty of power, too. Keep reading to learn about the most efficient large hybrid SUVs on the market, broken down into traditional hybrids and plug-in hybrids.
Traditional Large Hybrid SUVs
2020 Toyota Highlander Hybrid: 34 MPG combined
Starting Price: $TBA
Toyota has completely redesigned the Highlander Hybrid for the 2020 model year. With the makeover comes a big jump in fuel economy over the 2019 Highlander Hybrid’s respectable 30/28/29 mpg rating (city/highway/combined). Toyota hasn’t released full fuel economy numbers for the 2020 model but has announced an EPA-estimated 34 mpg in combined city and highway driving. How did this happen? Toyota replaced the 3.5-liter V-6 hybrid system with a 2.5-liter I-4 hybrid setup, bringing total horsepower down from 306 to 240. We’ll have to see whether or not the crossover has enough gumption to satisfy consumers when it goes on sale in February 2020, but we do expect it to feel much smoother on the road because it sits on a new platform.
2020 Lexus RX 450h: 30 MPG combined
Starting Price: $47,775
Lexus’ top-selling crossover is at its best when paired with the optional hybrid powertrain. Together, an electric motor and 3.5-liter V-6 produce 308 hp, which is sent to all four wheels through a CVT. Despite its size, the Lexus RX 450h is energetic and agile around corners, all while getting 31/28/30 mpg. On one tank, drivers can travel an EPA-estimated 516 miles. The interior also impresses with six standard USB ports, comfortable seats, and soft-touch materials everywhere you look.
2020 Lexus RX 450h L: 29 MPG combined
Starting price: $51,485
Lexus finally came out with a three-row version of the RX a few years ago. Featuring captain’s chairs in the second row, this model has room for six people. The price and fuel economy penalty that comes with the extra row is minimal. This 308-hp hybrid crossover impresses with its rating of 29/28/29 mpg, 1 combined mpg below the two-row version. Unfortunately, though, adults will find space is at a premium in the third row, so these seats are best reserved for short jaunts around town.
2020 Ford Explorer Hybrid: 28 MPG combined
Starting price: $53,475
If you don’t like stopping for gas, the redesigned hybrid Explorer is a good bet. The EPA estimates you can travel 540 miles on a single tank of gas if you opt for the rear-wheel-drive version. All-wheel drive drops range to a still-solid 482 miles. The Explorer delivers 27/29/28 mpg with rear-drive and 23/26/25 mpg with all-wheel drive, but its real specialties are power and towing. This large hybrid SUV makes 318 hp from its 3.3-liter V-6 engine and electric motor pairing, and it can tow 5,000 pounds when properly equipped.
2020 Acura MDX Sport Hybrid: 27 MPG combined
Starting price: $53,895
It may be a hybrid, but the hybrid MDX packs quite the punch with 321 total horsepower. It has a 321-hp 3.0-liter V-6 engine and two rear-mounted electric motors, which dole out torque directly to the left and right rear wheels for better control. Fuel economy is reasonable for a big hybrid SUV at 26/27/27 mpg. The interior remains quiet when you put the wheels to pavement, and there’s plenty of space inside the cabin for second-row passengers. The third row, however, is a bit more cramped.
Plug-In Large Hybrid SUVs*
*These SUVs are ranked by MPGe, or “miles per gallon of gasoline-equivalent.” This metric represents the number of miles a car can travel using a quantity of alternative fuel (in this case, electricity stored in a battery) with the same energy content as a gallon of gasoline. Check out our complete list of plug-in hybrid SUVs with the best MPGe ratings here.
2020 BMW X5 xDrive45e: 56 MPGe
Starting price: $TBA
BMW’s most recent plug-in hybrid X5 was the xDrive40e. For 2020, BMW is bringing out a new version called the X5 xDrive45e iPerformance, which offers 394 hp and 443 lb-ft of torque. The EPA has yet to release official fuel economy numbers for this new entry, but as we learned in our First Drive, it’s a comfortable daily driver that doesn’t even feel like a hybrid.
2020 Volvo XC90 PHEV: 55 MPGe
Starting price: $67,995
This unassuming large Volvo brings a lot more performance to the table than you might expect from a big hybrid SUV. With 400 hp and 472 lb-ft of torque, the three-row plug-in hybrid takes just 5.0 seconds to hit 60 mph, and it does so quietly and effortlessly. The XC90 also features an opulent interior and is available in six- or seven-seat configurations.
2020 Bentley Bentayga Hybrid: 50 MPGe
Starting price: $159,625
The standard V-8 Bentley Bentayga isn’t very efficient, delivering 14/23/17 mpg. If you’re looking for a little more efficiency, the Bentayga Hybrid nets 50 MPGe in its default Hybrid drive mode. This 5,800-pound ultra-luxe ute knows how to hustle; the 443-hp, 516-lb-ft V-6 is smooth and quiet when it sprints to 60 mph in a Bentley-estimated 5.2 seconds.
2019/20 Porsche Cayenne E-Hybrid: 46 MPGe
Starting price: $82,450
Among the big hybrid SUVs on the market, this one is the surest to put a smile on your face when you hit the accelerator. The standard model makes 455 hp, but the Cayenne Turbo S E-Hybrid kicks things up a notch with 670 hp and an eye-watering price tag of $163,250. Excess comes in many forms—including large hybrid SUVs.
Large Hybrid SUVs With the Best Fuel Economy
2020 Toyota Highlander Hybrid | 34 MPG | $TBA
2020 Lexus RX 450h | 30 MPG | $47,775
2020 Lexus RX 450h L | 29 MPG | $51,485
2020 Ford Explorer Hybrid | 28 MPG | $53,475
2020 Acura MDX Sport Hybrid | 27 MPG | $53,895
Plug-In Large Hybrid SUVs With the Best Fuel Economy
2020 BMW X5 xDrive45e | 56 MPGe | $TBA
2020 Volvo XC90 PHEV | 55 MPGe | $67,995
2020 Bentley Bentayga Hybrid | 50 MPGe | $159,625
2019/20 Porsche Cayenne E-Hybrid | 46 MPGe | $82,450
The post Large Hybrid SUVs for 2020: Which Have the Best Fuel Economy? appeared first on MotorTrend.
https://www.motortrend.com/news/large-hybrid-suvs-which-have-the-best-fuel-economy/ visto antes em https://www.motortrend.com
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Lexus was a pioneer among luxury car brands when it comes to electrification, with the automaker having launched its first hybrid in 2005 in the form of the RX 400h, but it's been slow to the game when it comes to electric cars, though it now looks to be addressing the issue. Lexus used the 2019 Tokyo Motor Show to present an EV concept called the... Viknesh VijayenthiranLexus LF-30 Electrified is a 536-horsepower EV with gullwing doors, in-wheel motors https://ift.tt/2P73tOy
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2020 Lexus RX 350 and RX 450h Review: Pura Vida
When I first landed in Liberia, Costa Rica, to drive the updated 2020 Lexus RX, I wasn’t sure why the Japanese luxury brand had flown me and other journalists to Central America. About 40 minutes from the Liberia airport on the Pacific coast, the Papagayo Peninsula—with its stunning landscape, crystal-clear water, and white-sand beaches—was where we immersed ourselves in the Lexus world. The brand is celebrating its 30th anniversary and chose Costa Rica not only because of its stunning roads and natural splendor but also because of its deep connection with Purdy Motor, Toyota’s exclusive distributor in the country. Costa Rica was Lexus’ fifth Latin American market, and it has seen consistent growth since it began operations in 2013. Lexus’ first worldwide market was the U.S., and today the luxury brand continues its expansion across the globe with plans to launch in Mexico in 2021. It will have a presence in 90 countries by then. It’s within this landscape—both literally and metaphorically—that we drove Lexus’ most popular model, which is getting a midcycle refresh for the 2020 model year. Most of the changes are inside, where the crossover received a touchscreen, a few updates to its infotainment system, and six USB ports. Buyers can choose between the standard 8.0-inch or the available 12.3-inch touchscreen; the latter can be had as a split screen and has a higher resolution than the smaller screen. Apple CarPlay, Android Auto, and Alexa are compatible with the updated RX, and we found it very easy to use CarPlay through the touchpad. Although the touch functionality is new, the screen is a bit hard to reach for the driver given its location on top of the dash; it’s pretty easy to control from the front passenger’s seat, though. Despite the busy design, the RX’s interior is a nice place to sit. The seats are comfortable, and materials feel soft everywhere you touch. The commanding driver’s seat position provides good visibility.
The bigger three-row RX L continues for 2020 with second-row captain’s chairs that ease entry and exit for third-row passengers. The exterior updates are subtle: The iconic spindle grille is now bigger, the front and rear fascias have been redesigned, and the triple-beam LED headlights are slimmer. The standard 18-inch wheels sport a new design, and the 20-inch wheels on the Luxury trim have also received a style update. Things remain the same under the hood, but according to Lexus, changes to the suspension and welding have increased the vehicle’s rigidity. The shocks have been retuned, the anti-roll bars were swapped for stiffer ones, and the dampers were updated to provide a smoother ride. The RX 350 is still powered by a 295-hp, 267-lb-ft 3.5-liter V-6 engine paired to an eight-speed automatic transmission. All-wheel drive is still an option for the gas-only model; the unit we drove in the twisty, hilly roads overlooking the jaw-dropping Culebra Bay was fully loaded. The engine delivers enough power for an SUV of this size, but the transmission was always hunting for the highest gear. Thankfully, paddle shifters are standard for 2020, so the transmission holds gears longer when the shifter is in its sport position. The shifts are smooth, and body roll is controlled well, but we’ll need to spend more time with it to give you a full report.
During our drive we also got behind the wheel of the RX 450h, which is still propelled by the 3.5-liter V-6 mated to an electric motor and a CVT that sends power to all four wheels. The 308 hp make a huge difference compared with the “regular” engine—we found the hybrid to be more energetic. Whether we were driving up steep hills or taking sharp corners, the RX 450h was more fun to drive. It also felt agile when we stepped on the gas and happily passed slower cars on the two-lane road. After this short drive, we’d definitely go with the hybrid. We’ll get you deeper driving impressions once we have a chance to spend more time with it. The F Sport package continues for 2020, and now it can be split into two. The top-of-the-line F Sport Performance package adds the active variable suspension from the Lexus LC, as well as a cold air intake, active sound control, electric power steering, and a heated steering wheel. The standard F Sport package comes with sportier dampers and a drive mode selector with Sport+. The RX F Sport also offers red leather seats, more bolstering, and an F Sport badge on the wheel. Another update for 2020 is the addition of Lexus Safety System+ 2.0, which is now standard across the board. Thanks to the changes in the pre-collision system, every RX can now detect cyclists during the day and pedestrians at night, something new for this model year. Road Sign Assist and Lane Tracing Assist are also new, but the Tico roads we drove on didn’t have any lane marks, so we couldn’t really try this feature.
Lexus hasn’t announced pricing, but expect to pay about the same as the 2019 Lexus RX 350, which starts at $44,845. The Lexus RX won our very first SUV of the Year award back in 1999, and it’s a pioneer in the crossover segment, becoming the first unibody SUV that delivered a “carlike” ride with the seating position and interior space of an SUV. Since then, it has thrived in the segment, becoming Lexus’ most popular model by far, surpassing all of the brand’s sedan sales combined. With its updated styling, better technology, advanced safety, and Pura Vida attitude, the 2020 Lexus RX will continue to be the brand’s sales leader when it arrives at dealers at the end of August. This much-needed update will bring a breeze of fresh air to the crossover. A full redesign is expected in the next two to three years.The post 2020 Lexus RX 350 and RX 450h Review: Pura Vida appeared first on MotorTrend. Read the full article
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