#2019 lexus is concept
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Toyota Avalon (1995-2022)
This post will cover the Avalon from the beginning of it's production in 1994 to it's eventual discontinuation in the U.S. by 2022.
1995-1999 Toyota Avalon (XX10)
The Avalon was first introduced in February of 1994 at the Chicago International Auto Show. The name itself however, originated from a concept car of the same name, which was displayed at the 1991 Toyota Motor Show. The car was introduced as a 1995 model. This Avalon was based on XV10 generation of the Camry. The trim levels for this generation Avalon were the XL and XLS, based on the LE and XLE trim levels respectively.
2000-2004 Toyota Avalon (XX20)
Although the Avalon was still based on the design of the Camry, it was produced as a much larger sedan for the second generation. For the 2003 model, the Avalon was given a slight facelight, including an updated grille and tailights. There were also minor updates to the interior as well.
2005-2012 Toyota Avalon (XX30)
For this generation, the Avalon was stylized as a much larger car than the previous two generations. At was at this time that the Avalon also became the first ever Toyota car to use a single piece wiper blade design. The XX30 Avalon also introduced the Touring and Limited trim levels, while the standard trim became fitted with larger 16 inch wheels. This generation was also facelifted twice, once in the 2008 model year, with a newer front end, and once for 2011 with an entire redesign.
2013-2018 Toyota Avalon (XX40)
The fourth generation Avalon was based on the design of the Lexus ES. Much like the first two generations, the Avalon's redesign was based on the design of the Camry. It recieved a new grille, different headlight and tailight designs, and a touch screen on the interior. This generation also introduced a hybrid variant of the Avalon. For the 2015 model year, the Avalon underwent a facelight that featured a new front grille and an updated suspension system.
2019-2022 Toyota Avalon (XX50)
The fifth generation Avalon was introduced at the 2018 North American International Auto Show and went on sale in May of that year. This generation also introduced the XSE trim levels, as well as having the XLE, XSE, and Limited trims offered on the hybrid version of the Avalon. In August of 2021, it was announced that this generation of the Avalon was be the last and it was to be discontinued follow the 2022 model in favor of producing the Toyota Crown crossover in its place. Though the Avalon still continues to be produced in China.
Wikipedia: Toyota Avalon
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Halo AutoFamily, Toyota tetap memimpin pasar otomotif Indonesia dengan dominasi penjualan kendaraan elektrifikasi, seperti hybrid, plug-in hybrid, dan battery electric vehicles (BEV). Minat yang terus meningkat dari masyarakat Indonesia terhadap mobil elektrifikasi, terbukti dengan penjualan yang mencapai puluhan ribu unit.
Pada tahun 2019, penjualan mobil elektrifikasi tidak mencapai 1.000 unit. Namun, pada tahun 2022 meningkat menjadi 16 ribu unit, dan tahun 2023 melonjak hingga 65 ribu unit. Meskipun total pasar belum besar, tren peningkatannya sangat signifikan.
Toyota menguasai pangsa pasar sebesar 45,8 persen, dengan mayoritas penjualan berasal dari mobil hybrid, baik dari merek Toyota maupun Lexus. Pada pameran GIIAS 2024, Toyota meluncurkan All New Prius HEV dan All New Prius PHEV, serta memperkenalkan concept car BEV Toyota FT-3e. Mereka juga memamerkan Kijang Innova Zenix HEV Flexy Fuel Concept dan Mirai Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle (FCEV) berbahan bakar hidrogen murni, mendukung roadmap Indonesia menuju Net Zero Emission 2060.
Pada semester pertama 2024, Toyota mencatat penjualan elektrifikasi sebesar 15.017 unit secara wholesales, menguasai 40% pangsa pasar elektrifikasi nasional, dengan model HEV sebagai kontributor terbesar. Kijang hybrid, Yaris Cross hybrid, dan Alphard menjadi model paling populer di kalangan konsumen.
Dengan inovasi berkelanjutan dan komitmen terhadap energi terbarukan, Toyota terus memperkuat posisinya sebagai pemimpin pasar elektrifikasi di Indonesia.
👉𝘐𝘯𝘧𝘰 𝘗𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘰 𝘏𝘶𝘣 :
EDDIE TOYOTA . 📲 088211567518
*Member Of Astra*
PT Astra International Tbk
TSO - Auto2000 Sudirman Menara Astra
Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav 5 Jakarta Pusat
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🚗 Disfruta de estos 13 VEHÍCULOS Asombrosos con la mejor Tecnología
En este emocionante video, te llevaré a un recorrido fascinante a través de una variedad de vehículos que van más allá de lo convencional. ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado cómo la innovación y la creatividad se unen para dar vida a máquinas que desafían los límites de la imaginación? Prepárate para una dosis de asombro puro y un viaje a través de la innovación en movimiento. No querrás perderte ni un segundo de esta experiencia. El vídeo: https://youtu.be/twvazo4S8To 13 VEHÍCULOS Asombrosos: Walkcar: Es probablemente el vehículo eléctrico compacto y portátil desarrollado por la empresa japonesa Coco Motors. El Walkcar a menudo se describe como el coche eléctrico más pequeño del mundo y está diseñado para ser lo suficientemente pequeño como para caber en una mochila. Está destinado a proporcionar un transporte personal conveniente y eficiente para distancias cortas. Está diseñado para ser extremadamente compacto y ligero. Tiene el tamaño de un portátil y pesa alrededor de dos a tres kilogramos. El vehículo es propulsado por un motor eléctrico que puede propulsar al usuario a velocidades de hasta 16 kilómetros por hora. Ballet en silla de ruedas submarina: Una mujer discapacitada de North Devon se prepara para una actuación de la Cultural Olympiad de Londres 2012 utilizando su silla de ruedas adaptada para realizar ballet submarino. Sue Austin, estudiante de la Universidad de Plymouth, se cree que es la primera acrobata submarina en silla de ruedas del mundo. Actuará en Weymouth y Portland durante las celebraciones olímpicas de este año. La silla está propulsada por dos motores y Sue Austin dirige la silla de ruedas operando dos alas de plástico a cada lado de la silla. Sue Austin ha estado en silla de ruedas desde que desarrolló Esclerosis Múltiple en 1996. Ella dijo que este trabajo trata de mostrar que a pesar de trabajar con limitaciones mentales y físicas, todavía es posible si tienes una pasión por algo trascender esos problemas. Lexus LF-30: El Lexus LF-30 Electrified Concept es un concept car eléctrico futurista que fue presentado por Lexus, una división de lujo de Toyota, en el Salón del Automóvil de Tokio 2019. El LF-30 muestra la visión de Lexus para el futuro de la movilidad eléctrica e incorpora tecnologías avanzadas y elementos de diseño que destacan el compromiso de la marca con la innovación y la sostenibilidad. Presenta un diseño audaz y futurista, caracterizado por líneas nítidas, formas angulares y una distintiva parrilla en forma de huso. El lenguaje de diseño tiene la intención de comunicar una sensación de movimiento e innovación. El LF-30 es un vehículo eléctrico completamente eléctrico propulsado por cuatro motores eléctricos en las ruedas que proporcionan un control individual sobre la potencia de salida de cada rueda. Esta configuración ofrece un manejo, tracción y control mejorados. Airtrick E-Skates: Añaden rápidamente ruedas con motor a los zapatos de los usuarios. Si bien muchos viajeros que circulan por la acera a veces pueden apreciar un impulso con motor, es posible que no quieran llevar consigo un scooter eléctrico o una tabla de skate. Ahí es donde entran los Airtrick E-Skates, ya que se pueden sujetar rápidamente a los zapatos existentes del usuario según sea necesario. Vendidos en sets de dos, cada uno incorpora un marco de aleación de aluminio 6063 de una pieza, hebillas de silicona para el tobillo y el dedo del pie de liberación rápida, más un soporte para el tobillo, una plataforma de pie de goma para ruedas de goma resistentes a la abrasión, una batería de litio de 29,4 voltios y un motor de cubo trasero de 150 vatios. Inmotion V12ht: Es una potente y robusta patineta eléctrica para la ciudad con un diseño compacto y elegante. Es el hermano mayor más robusto para el increíblemente popular Inmotion V12. La versión de alto torque del V12 de alta velocidad es la patineta perfecta para recorrer las ciudades y los suburbios. Esta patineta de 16 pulgadas puede alcanzar velocidades de 60 kilómetros por hora con su motor de 2800 vatios. La batería de 1750 vatios hora puede recorrer hasta 65 kilómetros con una sola carga. La batería del V12ht tiene una clasificación IP67 contra la lluvia, mientras que el cuerpo tiene una clasificación IP55. Es una de las patinetas eléctricas más resistentes a la intemperie del mercado. Todas las características que hicieron que el V12 original fuera tan especial están aquí, incluida la impresionante pantalla táctil a color, la personalización total de la experiencia de conducción, la luz LED ultrabrillante y la iluminación LED programable. CudaJet: Es un jetpack submarino para fanáticos de los deportes acuáticos extremos, propietarios de yates de lujo y sus invitados que están emocionados de probar nuevas experiencias con juguetes acuáticos. Está a punto de llegar a las costas de los Estados Unidos y promete permitirte "volar" a través del agua más rápido que lo que el nadador olímpico Michael Phelps hacía en su mejor momento. Con distribución exclusiva en los Estados Unidos a través del minorista con sede en Fort Lauderdale, Aqua Flight, el jetpack puede propulsarte a una velocidad máxima de aproximadamente 11 kilómetros por hora. En comparación, la velocidad de natación más rápida de Phelps cuando estableció récords olímpicos fue de 9,6 kilómetros por hora. Además, la persona promedio no puede nadar más de 6,4 kilómetros por hora bajo el agua. Yooner Seated Ski: Esta unidad es un tipo de esquí sentado diseñado para uso recreativo en laderas. Es una variante moderna de los trineos y toboganes tradicionales, que tiene como objetivo proporcionar una experiencia más controlada y agradable al descender por las pendientes nevadas. La unidad está equipada con un asiento cómodo, manillares para el control y un amortiguador para mejorar la estabilidad y el control. Tiene un asiento de perfil bajo, similar a un trineo. A menudo tiene un respaldo para mayor comodidad. Los manillares están unidos a los lados del asiento y se utilizan para dirigir y controlar la unidad al descender la colina. Sea-Doo Rise: Es una tabla hidroala eléctrica que se suma a la gama de motos acuáticas de la marca. Parece una pequeña tabla de surf cuando comienza en el agua, hasta que sacas el manillar retráctil, que lo hace parecer una moto acuática muy poco potente. Una vez que te montas, la tabla comienza a flotar, revelando el mástil que se extiende hasta el ala de planeo y el sistema de propulsión en la parte inferior. Al igual que otras tablas de planeo eléctricas del mercado, los riders pueden elegir no desplegar el ala si quieren montarla como una tabla de surf motorizada, así como desplegarla parcialmente para limitar la altura a la que sube la tabla hidroala o desplegarla completamente para obtener la altura total del mástil. Poimo: Es un scooter eléctrico inflable que se puede transportar dentro de una mochila. Una organización de investigación y un equipo que incluye estudiantes de la Universidad de Tokio han desarrollado conjuntamente un scooter eléctrico inflable que los pasajeros pueden guardar en su mochila, llamado Poimo, que significa movilidad portátil e inflable. El scooter consta de un cuerpo hecho de poliuretano termoplástico y componentes desmontables, como manijas, ruedas, una batería y un motor. Sus creadores lo comparan con el robot inflable del personaje de Disney Baymax, también conocido como Big Hero 6. El cuerpo del scooter se puede inflar en minutos con una pequeña bomba. AirwheeL: La AirwheeL de 20 pulgadas es una maleta inteligente con ruedas que puede viajar a 13 kilómetros por hora. Está construida para durar, con un marco de aluminio que tiene una capacidad máxima de carga de 110 kilogramos que puede soportar cualquier viaje. Es del tamaño adecuado para caber en la cabina superior de la mayoría de las principales aerolíneas. La maleta eléctrica AirwheeL integra aceleración, frenado y marcha atrás. Su velocidad puede alcanzar los 13 kilómetros por hora, pero aún así garantiza una conducción suave. Sus dos puertos USB pueden alimentar las necesidades de carga de su dispositivo electrónico. Se abre lateralmente con una gran capacidad de 20 litros, lo que hace que sea fácil empacar todos sus enseres. Segway Ninebot S-Plus: Este scooter eléctrico inteligente, es el primero en el mercado con conectividad robótica y Bluetooth. Programe este transportador para que lo siga por la oficina, la tienda o para que venga a usted cuando lo llamen. Es el primer scooter inteligente que realmente sirve como su valet personal. Está construido con una aleación de magnesio súper liviana que puede soportar un peso máximo de hasta 100 kilogramos. Los neumáticos de aire de 11 pulgadas están diseñados para proporcionar una conducción suave y cómoda. No solo se puede controlar con el mango, también puede usar el joystick del control remoto multifuncional. KingSong s19 Electric: Es un monociclo eléctrico con suspensión. Esta maravilla autoequilibrada hace que el viaje sea suave como flotar en el aire. La rueda innovadora de un monociclo eléctrico ha revolucionado el transporte personal. Ofrece una opción dinámica para navegar por el paisaje urbano o explorar senderos salvajes. Con una velocidad máxima de 60 kilómetros por hora y una autonomía máxima de 150 kilómetros por carga, este monociclo eléctrico le asegura que puede viajar sin preocuparse de quedarse sin batería. Mercane Transboard V2: Es un patinete eléctrico plegable de tres ruedas seguro para cualquier conductor. Te ayuda a conducir de forma segura independientemente de las condiciones de la carretera. Del mismo modo, el sistema de plegado automático hace que sea fácil plegarlo con un solo gesto. Una vez que pliegues el Transboard por la mitad, puedes simplemente llevarlo contigo. Con su motor de 500 vatios de alto rendimiento, alcanza una velocidad máxima de 25 kilómetros por hora. Además, puede recorrer hasta 30 kilómetros con una sola carga. Tarda unas seis horas en cargarse completamente. Cuenta con un sistema de control de autobalanceo, por lo que no se necesita experiencia para conducirlo. Te puede interesar: - ⛈️ Prepárate para fenómenos meteorológicos infernales | 🎬 DOCUMENTAL - 🚀 El Futuro de la COLONIZACIÓN del ESPACIO | 🎬 DOCUMENTAL Read the full article
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🚗 Disfruta de estos 13 VEHÍCULOS Asombrosos con la mejor Tecnología
En este emocionante video, te llevaré a un recorrido fascinante a través de una variedad de vehículos que van más allá de lo convencional. ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado cómo la innovación y la creatividad se unen para dar vida a máquinas que desafían los límites de la imaginación? Prepárate para una dosis de asombro puro y un viaje a través de la innovación en movimiento. No querrás perderte ni un segundo de esta experiencia. El vídeo: https://youtu.be/twvazo4S8To 13 VEHÍCULOS Asombrosos: Walkcar: Es probablemente el vehículo eléctrico compacto y portátil desarrollado por la empresa japonesa Coco Motors. El Walkcar a menudo se describe como el coche eléctrico más pequeño del mundo y está diseñado para ser lo suficientemente pequeño como para caber en una mochila. Está destinado a proporcionar un transporte personal conveniente y eficiente para distancias cortas. Está diseñado para ser extremadamente compacto y ligero. Tiene el tamaño de un portátil y pesa alrededor de dos a tres kilogramos. El vehículo es propulsado por un motor eléctrico que puede propulsar al usuario a velocidades de hasta 16 kilómetros por hora. Ballet en silla de ruedas submarina: Una mujer discapacitada de North Devon se prepara para una actuación de la Cultural Olympiad de Londres 2012 utilizando su silla de ruedas adaptada para realizar ballet submarino. Sue Austin, estudiante de la Universidad de Plymouth, se cree que es la primera acrobata submarina en silla de ruedas del mundo. Actuará en Weymouth y Portland durante las celebraciones olímpicas de este año. La silla está propulsada por dos motores y Sue Austin dirige la silla de ruedas operando dos alas de plástico a cada lado de la silla. Sue Austin ha estado en silla de ruedas desde que desarrolló Esclerosis Múltiple en 1996. Ella dijo que este trabajo trata de mostrar que a pesar de trabajar con limitaciones mentales y físicas, todavía es posible si tienes una pasión por algo trascender esos problemas. Lexus LF-30: El Lexus LF-30 Electrified Concept es un concept car eléctrico futurista que fue presentado por Lexus, una división de lujo de Toyota, en el Salón del Automóvil de Tokio 2019. El LF-30 muestra la visión de Lexus para el futuro de la movilidad eléctrica e incorpora tecnologías avanzadas y elementos de diseño que destacan el compromiso de la marca con la innovación y la sostenibilidad. Presenta un diseño audaz y futurista, caracterizado por líneas nítidas, formas angulares y una distintiva parrilla en forma de huso. El lenguaje de diseño tiene la intención de comunicar una sensación de movimiento e innovación. El LF-30 es un vehículo eléctrico completamente eléctrico propulsado por cuatro motores eléctricos en las ruedas que proporcionan un control individual sobre la potencia de salida de cada rueda. Esta configuración ofrece un manejo, tracción y control mejorados. Airtrick E-Skates: Añaden rápidamente ruedas con motor a los zapatos de los usuarios. Si bien muchos viajeros que circulan por la acera a veces pueden apreciar un impulso con motor, es posible que no quieran llevar consigo un scooter eléctrico o una tabla de skate. Ahí es donde entran los Airtrick E-Skates, ya que se pueden sujetar rápidamente a los zapatos existentes del usuario según sea necesario. Vendidos en sets de dos, cada uno incorpora un marco de aleación de aluminio 6063 de una pieza, hebillas de silicona para el tobillo y el dedo del pie de liberación rápida, más un soporte para el tobillo, una plataforma de pie de goma para ruedas de goma resistentes a la abrasión, una batería de litio de 29,4 voltios y un motor de cubo trasero de 150 vatios. Inmotion V12ht: Es una potente y robusta patineta eléctrica para la ciudad con un diseño compacto y elegante. Es el hermano mayor más robusto para el increíblemente popular Inmotion V12. La versión de alto torque del V12 de alta velocidad es la patineta perfecta para recorrer las ciudades y los suburbios. Esta patineta de 16 pulgadas puede alcanzar velocidades de 60 kilómetros por hora con su motor de 2800 vatios. La batería de 1750 vatios hora puede recorrer hasta 65 kilómetros con una sola carga. La batería del V12ht tiene una clasificación IP67 contra la lluvia, mientras que el cuerpo tiene una clasificación IP55. Es una de las patinetas eléctricas más resistentes a la intemperie del mercado. Todas las características que hicieron que el V12 original fuera tan especial están aquí, incluida la impresionante pantalla táctil a color, la personalización total de la experiencia de conducción, la luz LED ultrabrillante y la iluminación LED programable. CudaJet: Es un jetpack submarino para fanáticos de los deportes acuáticos extremos, propietarios de yates de lujo y sus invitados que están emocionados de probar nuevas experiencias con juguetes acuáticos. Está a punto de llegar a las costas de los Estados Unidos y promete permitirte "volar" a través del agua más rápido que lo que el nadador olímpico Michael Phelps hacía en su mejor momento. Con distribución exclusiva en los Estados Unidos a través del minorista con sede en Fort Lauderdale, Aqua Flight, el jetpack puede propulsarte a una velocidad máxima de aproximadamente 11 kilómetros por hora. En comparación, la velocidad de natación más rápida de Phelps cuando estableció récords olímpicos fue de 9,6 kilómetros por hora. Además, la persona promedio no puede nadar más de 6,4 kilómetros por hora bajo el agua. Yooner Seated Ski: Esta unidad es un tipo de esquí sentado diseñado para uso recreativo en laderas. Es una variante moderna de los trineos y toboganes tradicionales, que tiene como objetivo proporcionar una experiencia más controlada y agradable al descender por las pendientes nevadas. La unidad está equipada con un asiento cómodo, manillares para el control y un amortiguador para mejorar la estabilidad y el control. Tiene un asiento de perfil bajo, similar a un trineo. A menudo tiene un respaldo para mayor comodidad. Los manillares están unidos a los lados del asiento y se utilizan para dirigir y controlar la unidad al descender la colina. Sea-Doo Rise: Es una tabla hidroala eléctrica que se suma a la gama de motos acuáticas de la marca. Parece una pequeña tabla de surf cuando comienza en el agua, hasta que sacas el manillar retráctil, que lo hace parecer una moto acuática muy poco potente. Una vez que te montas, la tabla comienza a flotar, revelando el mástil que se extiende hasta el ala de planeo y el sistema de propulsión en la parte inferior. Al igual que otras tablas de planeo eléctricas del mercado, los riders pueden elegir no desplegar el ala si quieren montarla como una tabla de surf motorizada, así como desplegarla parcialmente para limitar la altura a la que sube la tabla hidroala o desplegarla completamente para obtener la altura total del mástil. Poimo: Es un scooter eléctrico inflable que se puede transportar dentro de una mochila. Una organización de investigación y un equipo que incluye estudiantes de la Universidad de Tokio han desarrollado conjuntamente un scooter eléctrico inflable que los pasajeros pueden guardar en su mochila, llamado Poimo, que significa movilidad portátil e inflable. El scooter consta de un cuerpo hecho de poliuretano termoplástico y componentes desmontables, como manijas, ruedas, una batería y un motor. Sus creadores lo comparan con el robot inflable del personaje de Disney Baymax, también conocido como Big Hero 6. El cuerpo del scooter se puede inflar en minutos con una pequeña bomba. AirwheeL: La AirwheeL de 20 pulgadas es una maleta inteligente con ruedas que puede viajar a 13 kilómetros por hora. Está construida para durar, con un marco de aluminio que tiene una capacidad máxima de carga de 110 kilogramos que puede soportar cualquier viaje. Es del tamaño adecuado para caber en la cabina superior de la mayoría de las principales aerolíneas. La maleta eléctrica AirwheeL integra aceleración, frenado y marcha atrás. Su velocidad puede alcanzar los 13 kilómetros por hora, pero aún así garantiza una conducción suave. Sus dos puertos USB pueden alimentar las necesidades de carga de su dispositivo electrónico. Se abre lateralmente con una gran capacidad de 20 litros, lo que hace que sea fácil empacar todos sus enseres. Segway Ninebot S-Plus: Este scooter eléctrico inteligente, es el primero en el mercado con conectividad robótica y Bluetooth. Programe este transportador para que lo siga por la oficina, la tienda o para que venga a usted cuando lo llamen. Es el primer scooter inteligente que realmente sirve como su valet personal. Está construido con una aleación de magnesio súper liviana que puede soportar un peso máximo de hasta 100 kilogramos. Los neumáticos de aire de 11 pulgadas están diseñados para proporcionar una conducción suave y cómoda. No solo se puede controlar con el mango, también puede usar el joystick del control remoto multifuncional. KingSong s19 Electric: Es un monociclo eléctrico con suspensión. Esta maravilla autoequilibrada hace que el viaje sea suave como flotar en el aire. La rueda innovadora de un monociclo eléctrico ha revolucionado el transporte personal. Ofrece una opción dinámica para navegar por el paisaje urbano o explorar senderos salvajes. Con una velocidad máxima de 60 kilómetros por hora y una autonomía máxima de 150 kilómetros por carga, este monociclo eléctrico le asegura que puede viajar sin preocuparse de quedarse sin batería. Mercane Transboard V2: Es un patinete eléctrico plegable de tres ruedas seguro para cualquier conductor. Te ayuda a conducir de forma segura independientemente de las condiciones de la carretera. Del mismo modo, el sistema de plegado automático hace que sea fácil plegarlo con un solo gesto. Una vez que pliegues el Transboard por la mitad, puedes simplemente llevarlo contigo. Con su motor de 500 vatios de alto rendimiento, alcanza una velocidad máxima de 25 kilómetros por hora. Además, puede recorrer hasta 30 kilómetros con una sola carga. Tarda unas seis horas en cargarse completamente. Cuenta con un sistema de control de autobalanceo, por lo que no se necesita experiencia para conducirlo. Te puede interesar: - ⛈️ Prepárate para fenómenos meteorológicos infernales | 🎬 DOCUMENTAL - 🚀 El Futuro de la COLONIZACIÓN del ESPACIO | 🎬 DOCUMENTAL Read the full article
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Lexus stunned the automotive world by unveiling the LM minivan in 2019, the brand's most lavish vehicle ever. Targeted at VIP transportation in Asia, this futuristic minivan has yet to launch in North America. This guide will examine the Lexus LM - its origins, opulent features, model configurations, pricing, and the prospects of it eventually coming to the US. Introduction to the New Lexus LM Luxury Minivan The Lexus LM is a newly developed, ultra-luxurious minivan only available in Asian markets. Key facts: Debuted in 2019, went on sale in 2020 Currently sold in China, Japan, and other Asian countries Not available in US or Europe Two models offered - hybrid LM 300h and gas-powered LM 350 Designed specifically as a chauffeured vehicle Overflowing with luxury features and technology With seating for up to 7, the futuristic LM caters to high-end clients that demand luxury and space. But its high price and focus on rear seat comfort make US availability unlikely. Lexus LM Background and Development The LM traces its roots back to the Toyota Alphard, a top-line minivan sold in Asia: Lexus decided to adapt the Alphard into an ultra-luxury model Work began in 2016 to transform it into a flagship LM design finalized in 2019, debuted at Auto Shanghai Represents most lavish, expensive Lexus model ever Toyota's extensive minivan expertise was leveraged to position the LM as a rolling embodiment of Japanese hospitality. Targeted at Chauffeured Executives Rear seat focus suits business leaders and VIPs China luxury minivan market expected to flourish Jesus Benito, head of Lexus International: "The LM harmonizes contradictory elements...It is a new genre of luxury vehicle." A radical reinvention of the minivan concept for upper class clients. Lexus LM Models and Configurations The LM is offered in both hybrid and gasoline variants, with seating arrangements designed around passenger comfort: LM 300h Hybrid Model LM 300h Hybrid Model 2.5L inline-4 paired with electric motors Total system output of 219 hp 60/40 split folding rear seats Optional captain's chairs for 6 passenger seating Available with 4 or 7 passenger configurations LM 350 Gasoline Model LM 350 Gasoline Model 3.5L V6 producing 260 horsepower 8-speed automatic transmission Same seating arrangements as LM 300h More affordable option compared to hybrid Both models deliver silky V8-level refinement thanks to extensive sound insulation. Lexus LM Pricing Around the Globe Pricing of the Lexus LM varies greatly depending on market: Lexus LM in China Base model LM 300h starts around $120,000 USD Top LM 350 model over $200,000 USD Ultra luxury makes it aspirational status symbol Lexus LM in Japan Lexus LM pricing starts around $95,000 USD Higher trims push over $120,000 USD Costs 2-3X more than similar Toyota Alphard Other Asian Markets Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong trims similar to Japan Taiwan LM pricing closer to China market Consistently highest prices of any Lexus model The LM commands premiums of up to 3X the Toyota donor vans, reflecting its bespoke luxury transformation. Lavish Interior Features and Technology The LM lavishes occupants with every conceivable luxury feature: Opulent Leather Seating Semi-aniline leather upholstery Heating, ventilation, and massage functions Rotating rear captain's chairs on some trims Optional fold-out ottoman footrests Enormous Driver and Passenger Displays Up to 24" rear seat entertainment screens Heads up display for driver Wireless charging pads and touchscreen controls Advanced Safety and Driving Technology Lexus Safety System+ 2.5 driver assist suite 24-sensor surround view monitor Road sign assist, parking support brake Advanced air purification climate control No expense was spared crafting the LM's otherworldly interior comfort.
Prospects of the Lexus LM Coming to the USA Given its exotic concept and rarefied pricing, possibilities of Lexus selling the LM minivan in America seem doubtful: Limited Demand Among Luxury Buyers Minivans carry stigma among status-conscious buyers Better reception expected for upcoming Lexus RZ EV crossover Unknown If It Could Be Made LHD Currently the LM is only manufactured in right-hand drive Expensive to re-engineer steering and interior for left side Production focused on Chinese and Asian orders Pricing Would Likely Exceed $100,000 Base models would rival a Mercedes S-Class pricing To recoup R&D costs, MSRP would be highest of any Lexus Hard to entice buyers from European brands Global Chip Shortage Still Impacting Production LM minivan uses complex electronics requiring many chips Supply constraints could make exporting unfeasible While intriguing as a flagship, the LM may be destined exclusively for Asian markets. Its mix of prodigious price and minivan design seem tough sells in America. But Lexus could find interest with LWB livery fleets. For now, US buyers will have to admire the bold LM from afar. FAQs Does Lexus sell the LM minivan in the USA? No, the Lexus LM is currently only sold in Asian markets like China and Japan. It is not offered for sale in the USA. How much does the Lexus LM cost? The Lexus LM starts around $120,000 USD in China. In Japan, pricing starts around $95,000. Fully loaded models can cost over $200,000 USD. What features does the LM offer? The Lexus LM offers luxurious features like massaging leather seats, climate control, large entertainment screens and more. It has the latest tech and safety systems. When did the Lexus LM debut? The first generation Lexus LM debuted in 2020 as Lexus' most luxurious minivan offering. A redesigned model was recently revealed in 2023. Will Lexus ever sell the LM in America? It's unlikely Lexus will bring the LM to the US in the near future due to limited demand for luxury minivans. If they did, pricing would start over $100,000 USD. #Wiack #Car #CarInsurance #CarRental #CarPrice #AutoLoans
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Lexus stunned the automotive world by unveiling the LM minivan in 2019, the brand's most lavish vehicle ever. Targeted at VIP transportation in Asia, this futuristic minivan has yet to launch in North America. This guide will examine the Lexus LM - its origins, opulent features, model configurations, pricing, and the prospects of it eventually coming to the US. Introduction to the New Lexus LM Luxury Minivan The Lexus LM is a newly developed, ultra-luxurious minivan only available in Asian markets. Key facts: Debuted in 2019, went on sale in 2020 Currently sold in China, Japan, and other Asian countries Not available in US or Europe Two models offered - hybrid LM 300h and gas-powered LM 350 Designed specifically as a chauffeured vehicle Overflowing with luxury features and technology With seating for up to 7, the futuristic LM caters to high-end clients that demand luxury and space. But its high price and focus on rear seat comfort make US availability unlikely. Lexus LM Background and Development The LM traces its roots back to the Toyota Alphard, a top-line minivan sold in Asia: Lexus decided to adapt the Alphard into an ultra-luxury model Work began in 2016 to transform it into a flagship LM design finalized in 2019, debuted at Auto Shanghai Represents most lavish, expensive Lexus model ever Toyota's extensive minivan expertise was leveraged to position the LM as a rolling embodiment of Japanese hospitality. Targeted at Chauffeured Executives Rear seat focus suits business leaders and VIPs China luxury minivan market expected to flourish Jesus Benito, head of Lexus International: "The LM harmonizes contradictory elements...It is a new genre of luxury vehicle." A radical reinvention of the minivan concept for upper class clients. Lexus LM Models and Configurations The LM is offered in both hybrid and gasoline variants, with seating arrangements designed around passenger comfort: LM 300h Hybrid Model LM 300h Hybrid Model 2.5L inline-4 paired with electric motors Total system output of 219 hp 60/40 split folding rear seats Optional captain's chairs for 6 passenger seating Available with 4 or 7 passenger configurations LM 350 Gasoline Model LM 350 Gasoline Model 3.5L V6 producing 260 horsepower 8-speed automatic transmission Same seating arrangements as LM 300h More affordable option compared to hybrid Both models deliver silky V8-level refinement thanks to extensive sound insulation. Lexus LM Pricing Around the Globe Pricing of the Lexus LM varies greatly depending on market: Lexus LM in China Base model LM 300h starts around $120,000 USD Top LM 350 model over $200,000 USD Ultra luxury makes it aspirational status symbol Lexus LM in Japan Lexus LM pricing starts around $95,000 USD Higher trims push over $120,000 USD Costs 2-3X more than similar Toyota Alphard Other Asian Markets Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong trims similar to Japan Taiwan LM pricing closer to China market Consistently highest prices of any Lexus model The LM commands premiums of up to 3X the Toyota donor vans, reflecting its bespoke luxury transformation. Lavish Interior Features and Technology The LM lavishes occupants with every conceivable luxury feature: Opulent Leather Seating Semi-aniline leather upholstery Heating, ventilation, and massage functions Rotating rear captain's chairs on some trims Optional fold-out ottoman footrests Enormous Driver and Passenger Displays Up to 24" rear seat entertainment screens Heads up display for driver Wireless charging pads and touchscreen controls Advanced Safety and Driving Technology Lexus Safety System+ 2.5 driver assist suite 24-sensor surround view monitor Road sign assist, parking support brake Advanced air purification climate control No expense was spared crafting the LM's otherworldly interior comfort.
Prospects of the Lexus LM Coming to the USA Given its exotic concept and rarefied pricing, possibilities of Lexus selling the LM minivan in America seem doubtful: Limited Demand Among Luxury Buyers Minivans carry stigma among status-conscious buyers Better reception expected for upcoming Lexus RZ EV crossover Unknown If It Could Be Made LHD Currently the LM is only manufactured in right-hand drive Expensive to re-engineer steering and interior for left side Production focused on Chinese and Asian orders Pricing Would Likely Exceed $100,000 Base models would rival a Mercedes S-Class pricing To recoup R&D costs, MSRP would be highest of any Lexus Hard to entice buyers from European brands Global Chip Shortage Still Impacting Production LM minivan uses complex electronics requiring many chips Supply constraints could make exporting unfeasible While intriguing as a flagship, the LM may be destined exclusively for Asian markets. Its mix of prodigious price and minivan design seem tough sells in America. But Lexus could find interest with LWB livery fleets. For now, US buyers will have to admire the bold LM from afar. FAQs Does Lexus sell the LM minivan in the USA? No, the Lexus LM is currently only sold in Asian markets like China and Japan. It is not offered for sale in the USA. How much does the Lexus LM cost? The Lexus LM starts around $120,000 USD in China. In Japan, pricing starts around $95,000. Fully loaded models can cost over $200,000 USD. What features does the LM offer? The Lexus LM offers luxurious features like massaging leather seats, climate control, large entertainment screens and more. It has the latest tech and safety systems. When did the Lexus LM debut? The first generation Lexus LM debuted in 2020 as Lexus' most luxurious minivan offering. A redesigned model was recently revealed in 2023. Will Lexus ever sell the LM in America? It's unlikely Lexus will bring the LM to the US in the near future due to limited demand for luxury minivans. If they did, pricing would start over $100,000 USD. #Wiack #Car #CarInsurance #CarRental #CarPrice #AutoLoans
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Lexus LF-30 Electrified Concept, 2019 (2030). A design study that foreshadows Lexus electrified vehicles “towards 2030″ that will be presented at the Tokyo Motor Show.
#Lexus#Lexus LF-30#concept#prototype#gullwing#2019#Tokyo Motor Show#futuristic#2030#design study#electric car#EV
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Lexus LC Convertible Concept akan Mejeng di NAIAS 2019 Mendatang
Lexus LC Convertible Concept akan Mejeng di NAIAS 2019 Mendatang
RiderTua Mobil – Sebagai merek mewah dari Toyota, Lexus memiliki berbagai jenis mobil yang berkualitas. Lexus seperti tidak ingin kalah dengan merek mobil mewah lainnya. Untuk itulah produsen mobil ini sudah menyiapkan satu model baru. Lexus LC Convertible Concept akan mejeng di NAIAS 2019 mendatang.
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2019 Lexus IS 300 AWD Design Changes
New Post has been published on https://www.2020lexus.com/2019-lexus-is-300-awd-design-changes/
2019 Lexus IS 300 AWD Design Changes
2019 Lexus IS 300 AWD Design Changes – All the 2019 Lexus IS the trustworthy and splendid sports sedan that accompany polarizing external surfaces design, extremely present-day interior, and fantastic shows. The Lexus IS delivers good quality in generally all of the factors, protection score is earlier mentioned regular and equally managing and driving car manners are outstanding. If you choose this sedan, rate and luxury are certain.
2019 Lexus IS 300 AWD Specs
The design is expressive, and the impending model changes will get there by having more horsepower. Some non-obligatory characteristics this sort of as adaptive front lights are now standard and also the interior practices the same goes with a simple rearview check, 2019 Lexus IS 300 AWD.
Exterior And Interior
All the future 2019 Lexus IS 300 AWD comes along with more than the actual polarizing external surfaces. The design changes appears so relaxing and classy, and it arrives with small updates. The front lights, taillights, bumpers, and also grille are generally a bit larger. Even so, the top “spindle” grille is undoubtedly significant, and the front lights are usually adaptive. The spot air vents are much more competitive and are which include black color cut inserts. All of the interiors design of this all-new 2019 Lexus IS 300 AWD consists of a lot of substantial-top quality supplies and delicate-contact areas. The center trapped is traditional Lexus’, and it also is an ideal match to the modern dashboard. Every area of all of the cabin appearance artistic, the seating are comfy and will be in a black color leather material, exactly like the front door individual panels. The Chateau colors are substituted with Ivory as well as Moonstone shades, and reddish colored distinction stitches are offered as correctly. Tachometer and speedometer are improved a little and are hunting cleanser very much. The computer mouse-like control upon an infotainment display is gone, and the new display screen appears quite multi-colored and straightforward to operate.
2019 Lexus IS 300 AWD Interior
2019 Lexus IS 300 AWD Engine
There are a few engine choices inside the new 2019 Lexus IS 300 AWD. A regular 2.-liter turbocharged several-tube model creates 241 horsepower and also 258 lb-feet with torque. The gasoline economy will be at 22/32 miles per gallon. The recommended drivetrain will be some 3.5-liter V6 that will break around 260 horsepower along with 236 lb-feet with torque. Energy economy is undoubtedly a bit reduce, each engine tend to be provided with an 8-rate automatic transmission. The standard engine delivers only rear-tire travel when the recommended V6 carries with it an all-wheel-drive design.
2019 Lexus IS 300 AWD Price
2019 Lexus IS 300 AWD Price And Release Date
This specific sports sedan expenses $40,000. A particular all-wheel-drive method costs one more $1500 as well as this IS 350 style begins at $45,000. This 2019 Lexus IS 300 AWD a little previously mentioned its opponents regarding price, but it arrives with much more common products. The release date for the latest Lexus sedan is planned in 2019.
#2019 lexus is 300 awd#2019 lexus is 300 awd changes#2019 lexus is 300 awd concept#2019 lexus is 300 awd design#2019 lexus is 300 awd engine#2019 lexus is 300 awd interior#2019 lexus is 300 awd model#2019 lexus is 300 awd price#2019 lexus is 300 awd release date#2019 lexus is 300 awd specs
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2019 Lexus IS Changes, Price, And Release Date
New Post has been published on https://www.2020lexus.com/2019-lexus-is-changes-price-release-date/
2019 Lexus IS Changes, Price, And Release Date
2019 Lexus IS Changes, Price, And Release Date – It is time for modest deluxe sedans for example 2019 Lexus IS that is presently proven to excellent engine shows and stylish design and style through the very last type. Another one has a newly designed external surface, larger sized wheels, and fascinating cabin gear, all to help make the unique capabilities for purchasers with different calls. We could verify the excellent engine shows, with the entirely new and powerful engine and a lot greater pace and reduce energy intake than just before.
2019 Lexus IS Price
The actual 2019 Lexus IS is going to be displayed in about three variations, like IS 200, IS 300 and also IS 350 along with essentially, there are not several variations involving individuals models other than an expression of the cabin gear and exterior design and style. The base version involves 17-inc tire, which will become more significant to 18 ins within IS 350 variation, Brought working lighting, xenon front lights, xenon fog lighting fixtures, and taillights, way too. The base design has a real sunroof inside the platform edition, and luxurious and attractive outside the house appear. If you want an excellent auto-dimming external decorative mirrors, a lane-leaving caution method, a strength rear sunshade bright front lights and also rear vehicle parking detectors, then you ought to plan for greatest clip models, like Superior along with F sports package, which incorporates new sport-tuned suspensions and a whole-fine mesh remedy.
Exterior And Interior
Huge and spread out, with many levels of style plus an exciting shade choice, the actual cabin about 2019 Lexus IS is undoubtedly the illustration of luxurious and auto for particular customers, The base version of this kind of car has, by way of example, the collection of most costly technological innovation gadgets. Several of them are typically a Wireless Bluetooth mobile phone, and sound online connectivity, sound order features, an 8-” shade screen for that information, gaming system-attached manage call, Siri Eyeballs Totally free, Compact disc gamer, an seven-loudspeaker audio system, two Universal serial bus plug-ins, and High definition FM radio. Pertaining to driver’s and also passengers’ ease and comfort 2019 Lexus IS has double-sector intelligent environment management with 8-way energy top chairs with motorist strength lumbar in top quality vinyl fabric furniture and 60/40-divide foldable rear chairs whilst are really there some information for other passions and uses, just like guide lean-and-telescoping controls, keyless admittance and also ignition along with auto-dimming rearview windows.
2019 Lexus IS Interior
2019 Lexus IS Engine
A selection of engines tends to make the distinction between the toned models for 2019 Lexus IS. Let us state that the tiniest engine can be 2. liters turbocharged 4-tube motor together with 241 hp and also 258 lb-ft . with torque, with the seven-velocity intelligent transmission. This particular powerplant has 26 miles per gallon gasoline economy and velocity of 60 miles per hour grab 5.9 secs.
2019 Lexus IS Specs
2019 Lexus IS Price And Release Date
Starting up a price regarding 2019 Lexus IS will be about $42,000. The actual release is not legally proving, but it will probably be in the midsection of 2019.
#2019 lexus is#2019 lexus is changes#2019 lexus is concept#2019 lexus is convertible#2019 lexus is interior#2019 lexus is price#2019 lexus is redesign#2019 lexus is release date#2019 lexus is rumors#2019 lexus is specs
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2019 Lexus IS Changes, Price, And Release Date
New Post has been published on https://www.2020lexus.com/2019-lexus-is-changes-price-release-date/
2019 Lexus IS Changes, Price, And Release Date
2019 Lexus IS Changes, Price, And Release Date – It is time for modest deluxe sedans for example 2019 Lexus IS that is presently proven to excellent engine shows and stylish design and style through the very last type. Another one has a newly designed external surface, larger sized wheels, and fascinating cabin gear, all to help make the unique capabilities for purchasers with different calls. We could verify the excellent engine shows, with the entirely new and powerful engine and a lot greater pace and reduce energy intake than just before.
2019 Lexus IS Price
The actual 2019 Lexus IS is going to be displayed in about three variations, like IS 200, IS 300 and also IS 350 along with essentially, there are not several variations involving individuals models other than an expression of the cabin gear and exterior design and style. The base version involves 17-inc tire, which will become more significant to 18 ins within IS 350 variation, Brought working lighting, xenon front lights, xenon fog lighting fixtures, and taillights, way too. The base design has a real sunroof inside the platform edition, and luxurious and attractive outside the house appear. If you want an excellent auto-dimming external decorative mirrors, a lane-leaving caution method, a strength rear sunshade bright front lights and also rear vehicle parking detectors, then you ought to plan for greatest clip models, like Superior along with F sports package, which incorporates new sport-tuned suspensions and a whole-fine mesh remedy.
Exterior And Interior
Huge and spread out, with many levels of style plus an exciting shade choice, the actual cabin about 2019 Lexus IS is undoubtedly the illustration of luxurious and auto for particular customers, The base version of this kind of car has, by way of example, the collection of most costly technological innovation gadgets. Several of them are typically a Wireless Bluetooth mobile phone, and sound online connectivity, sound order features, an 8-” shade screen for that information, gaming system-attached manage call, Siri Eyeballs Totally free, Compact disc gamer, an seven-loudspeaker audio system, two Universal serial bus plug-ins, and High definition FM radio. Pertaining to driver’s and also passengers’ ease and comfort 2019 Lexus IS has double-sector intelligent environment management with 8-way energy top chairs with motorist strength lumbar in top quality vinyl fabric furniture and 60/40-divide foldable rear chairs whilst are really there some information for other passions and uses, just like guide lean-and-telescoping controls, keyless admittance and also ignition along with auto-dimming rearview windows.
2019 Lexus IS Interior
2019 Lexus IS Engine
A selection of engines tends to make the distinction between the toned models for 2019 Lexus IS. Let us state that the tiniest engine can be 2. liters turbocharged 4-tube motor together with 241 hp and also 258 lb-ft . with torque, with the seven-velocity intelligent transmission. This particular powerplant has 26 miles per gallon gasoline economy and velocity of 60 miles per hour grab 5.9 secs.
2019 Lexus IS Specs
2019 Lexus IS Price And Release Date
Starting up a price regarding 2019 Lexus IS will be about $42,000. The actual release is not legally proving, but it will probably be in the midsection of 2019.
#2019 lexus is#2019 lexus is changes#2019 lexus is concept#2019 lexus is convertible#2019 lexus is interior#2019 lexus is price#2019 lexus is redesign#2019 lexus is release date#2019 lexus is rumors#2019 lexus is specs
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2019 Lexus IS Changes, Price, And Release Date
New Post has been published on https://www.2020lexus.com/2019-lexus-is-changes-price-release-date/
2019 Lexus IS Changes, Price, And Release Date
2019 Lexus IS Changes, Price, And Release Date – It is time for modest deluxe sedans for example 2019 Lexus IS that is presently proven to excellent engine shows and stylish design and style through the very last type. Another one has a newly designed external surface, larger sized wheels, and fascinating cabin gear, all to help make the unique capabilities for purchasers with different calls. We could verify the excellent engine shows, with the entirely new and powerful engine and a lot greater pace and reduce energy intake than just before.
2019 Lexus IS Price
The actual 2019 Lexus IS is going to be displayed in about three variations, like IS 200, IS 300 and also IS 350 along with essentially, there are not several variations involving individuals models other than an expression of the cabin gear and exterior design and style. The base version involves 17-inc tire, which will become more significant to 18 ins within IS 350 variation, Brought working lighting, xenon front lights, xenon fog lighting fixtures, and taillights, way too. The base design has a real sunroof inside the platform edition, and luxurious and attractive outside the house appear. If you want an excellent auto-dimming external decorative mirrors, a lane-leaving caution method, a strength rear sunshade bright front lights and also rear vehicle parking detectors, then you ought to plan for greatest clip models, like Superior along with F sports package, which incorporates new sport-tuned suspensions and a whole-fine mesh remedy.
Exterior And Interior
Huge and spread out, with many levels of style plus an exciting shade choice, the actual cabin about 2019 Lexus IS is undoubtedly the illustration of luxurious and auto for particular customers, The base version of this kind of car has, by way of example, the collection of most costly technological innovation gadgets. Several of them are typically a Wireless Bluetooth mobile phone, and sound online connectivity, sound order features, an 8-” shade screen for that information, gaming system-attached manage call, Siri Eyeballs Totally free, Compact disc gamer, an seven-loudspeaker audio system, two Universal serial bus plug-ins, and High definition FM radio. Pertaining to driver’s and also passengers’ ease and comfort 2019 Lexus IS has double-sector intelligent environment management with 8-way energy top chairs with motorist strength lumbar in top quality vinyl fabric furniture and 60/40-divide foldable rear chairs whilst are really there some information for other passions and uses, just like guide lean-and-telescoping controls, keyless admittance and also ignition along with auto-dimming rearview windows.
2019 Lexus IS Interior
2019 Lexus IS Engine
A selection of engines tends to make the distinction between the toned models for 2019 Lexus IS. Let us state that the tiniest engine can be 2. liters turbocharged 4-tube motor together with 241 hp and also 258 lb-ft . with torque, with the seven-velocity intelligent transmission. This particular powerplant has 26 miles per gallon gasoline economy and velocity of 60 miles per hour grab 5.9 secs.
2019 Lexus IS Specs
2019 Lexus IS Price And Release Date
Starting up a price regarding 2019 Lexus IS will be about $42,000. The actual release is not legally proving, but it will probably be in the midsection of 2019.
#2019 lexus is#2019 lexus is changes#2019 lexus is concept#2019 lexus is convertible#2019 lexus is interior#2019 lexus is price#2019 lexus is redesign#2019 lexus is release date#2019 lexus is rumors#2019 lexus is specs
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Hollywood Dream Machines: Vehicles of Science Fiction and Fantasy NOW OPEN
The Petersen Automotive Museum has opened a new exhibit, featuring over 40 Hollywood vehicles from cult classic films and video games. “Hollywood Dream Machines: Vehicles of Science Fiction and Fantasy,” which opened May 5, 2019 in the Mullin Family Grand Salon, is the largest museum exhibition of sci-fi vehicles in the world. The exhibit was produced in collaboration with Comic-Con Museum, with additional support provided by Audi, Microsoft and Classic Cars.com.
Along with iconic automobiles, the exhibit showcases a selection of concept artwork, props and costumes to explore and analyze the ways in which the speculative fiction genre pushes the boundaries of human imagination. Series represented in the display span from the niches of speculative fiction with emphasis on dystopian future films such as “Back to the Future”, “Blade Runner,” “Ghost in the Shell,” “Transformers” and “I, Robot”.
Key vehicles on display include the 2018 Lexus LS 500 F Sport from “Black Panther,” Warthog from “Halo,” the 2035 Audi RSQ from “I Robot,” the time machine from “Back to the Future”, the Weyland Industries RT01 Group Transport from “Prometheus,” the 2008 Audi R8 from “Iron Man,” Bumblebee from the “Transformers” series, the GM Ultralight from “Demolition Man,” Batmobiles, and more. "Being in the heart of the entertainment industry in Hollywood and Los Angeles, we’re thrilled to be able to display these cinematic icons, “said Petersen Automotive Museum Executive Director Terry L. Karges. “When you see these pieces of cinematic history in person it truly offers a different perspective than seeing them on the big screen. It is truly like nothing else we have done here at the Petersen.”
The exhibit also features a Microsoft HoloLens experience called “Worlds Reimagined.” The mixed reality experience provides guests with the opportunity to try this immersive technology, and see the Warthog from “Halo” and the “Back to the Future” time machine in a whole new way. To help kick off the exhibit, the Petersen hosted a panel discussion featuring some of the most celebrated film producers, movie car designers and coordinators of the past 30+ decades including Bob Gale, Harald Belker, Josh Hancock, George Hull, Dennis McCarthy, and Michael Scheffe. The panel, which was moderated by film critic Scott Mantz, covered the backstory of some of film’s most iconic vehicles, discussed how Hollywood’s “cars of the future” are created and what they think is next. The Petersen also held an opening reception on the evening of May 4 with live entertainment, gourmet appetizers and cocktails.
“Hollywood Dream Machines” will run through March 15, 2020. To purchase tickets to the exhibit opening reception, please visit http://www.petersen.org/hollywood. For more information about the Petersen Automotive Museum, please visit www.Petersen.org.
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First Look: The Lexus LC Convertible Concept
Lexus shocked the automotive world in Detroit three years ago with the debut of the LC coupe. It was a testament to the brand’s new sense of creative ambition, but it was only just the beginning. Since then, the Lexus design team has been exploring the brand’s evolution and the latest result of those explorations will make its debut at the 2019 North American International Auto Show with the world premiere of the Lexus LC Convertible Concept.
An open-air roadster that is an artful reflection of the LC coupe, the design goal of the Convertible Concept was the expression of “ultimate beauty”. From the rake of the windshield to the smooth contours of the rear decklid that houses the convertible top, every line on the LC Convertible concept was drawn to evoke an emotional response. A stunning design from every angle, the LC Convertible concept stands as an aspirational halo vehicle for the entire Lexus lineup.
Long, low and lean, the LC Convertible concept retains the athletic proportions of the LC coupe. It’s a shape that evolved naturally from the original LC design, yet still manages to stand on its own with a unique identity. It blends uniquely Japanese aesthetics with the promise of sensory satisfaction that only a convertible can provide.
In addition to the visual appeal of the exterior sheetmetal, the LC Convertible concept attracts drivers and passengers alike with an allure of a cabin that caters to every need. From the comfort of its tailored seats to the feel of every switch and button, everything about this LC is designed to make even the most common trip feel like an occasion. Crisp white leather trim abounds while yellow accent stitching adds a pop of color without distracting from the subtle elegance of the overall design.
More than just a grand tourer, the strong exterior lines of the LC Convertible concept reinforce its performance pedigree. Its short overhangs, 22-inch wheels and wide stance are all reminders of this car’s performance potential.
#Lexus LC Convertible Concept#Lexus LC#lexus#first look#cars#concepts#concept cars#news#japan#japanese#lc#convertibles
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Lexus LC 500h Matte Prototype, 2019. A version of the LC finished in “Space Orange” matte paintwork will be presented at the Barcelona Motor Show (May 11-19). Lexus have yet to confirm if the special finish will be made available as an option for the LC
#Lexus#Lexus LC 500h#Lexus LC 500h Matte Prototype#Space Orange#matte paint#orange#Barcelona Motor Show#2019#prototype#concept
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