#2019 eddie kaspbrak imagine
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p1zzaparty · 2 months ago
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sorry for the lack of posting i thought it was actually suchhh a good idea to replay the entirety of fallout!!!
Have some eddie studies while i get back into the groove of things
ive been practicing stylizing him more because im obsessed with capturing his likeness in my style. Actually studying his face a lot more made me realize how crazy square this guy is. I think i tricked myself into believing he was sharper than he actually was because you know, sharp triangles = jerk ass characters. But hes actually pretty soft and round. And long Horse face
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hockstetters-overbite · 6 months ago
Basically, since they aren't in the scene they were somewhere else, clearly. My ask is what do you think they were up to? :)
OHHHH, a headcanon post! I kinda figured, my bad lol! I really gotta make a format for people to send in for these lol!
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- Me personally on the fourth of july I think the gangs parents get together for a cookout or somethin since in my previous headcanon I’ve made the gang into childhood friends!
- I think they’d all go to Henry’s house because come hell or high water there’s no god damn way Butch is letting someone else grill those shitty hotdogs and burgers
- We have Patrick chasing henry around the yard with either those pop thingies that snap when they hit the ground or firecrackers
- Belch absolutely demolishing 7 hotdogs and Victor holding his and Belch’s sparklers in his hands
- also Henry’s punk ass cousin Connor is there, god i fucking hate connor..He’s also a victim of the fire crackers and pop thingies except he’s slower than henry so he actually got hit lmfao
- Butch is definitely getting drunk off his ass as per usual when he’s off grill duty, Patrick and Vic’s dad probably join him to yell at some type of ball sport and the wives get to gossip about whatever’s going on in Derry currently!
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This set of headcanons was pretty fun to imagine ngl lol! I’ll have that format for headcanons asks soon! For now, with headcanons just specify it’s a headcanon ask lol
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seecarrun · 10 months ago
He admits to being in love with Eddie during an interview with Out Magazine.
He doesn’t say so by name, exactly, but it’s obvious, and if Eddie reads the interview he doesn’t bring it up, which Richie is super grateful for, as the rest of his shitty friends have no problem talking to him about it and frankly, it gets old.
But Eddie plays it cool.
Until he doesn’t.
They’re on the phone, Richie has him on speaker while he’s browning ground beef for tacos and telling him about the big wig party he went to at Bill’s over the weekend.
“Yeah, this director said I might be perfect for this part in some slasher movie he has coming up. I might do it? I can’t act for shit, but I think I’ll get killed pretty early on in the film so—”
“So are you hanging out with Bill a lot?” Eddie interrupts, and Richie blinks down at the phone quickly in surprise.
“Uh yeah? I guess? When he’s actually in town. You know how hard it is to keep that asshole in one place.”
Eddie hums. “And it’s not…awkward?”
“Why the fuck would it be awkward?”
“The interview,” he says, slow, syllable by syllable, like Richie is an idiot.
He rolls his eyes. Guess they’re finally talking about it. Goodie. “Why would I care what Bill thought of my interview?” he asks.
Eddie is quiet for a moment too long before scoffing out an annoyed “Because you’re in love with him?”
Richie tries not to laugh, he really does, but he definitely snorts, like, loudly. “Bill?”
Richie bites back another snort. “Biiill?”
“Yes Bill!” Eddie snaps back stubbornly. “You said you’re in love with your best friend who is short and handsome and brave and a little dumb. That is literally Bill.”
“Dude,” Richie laughs, “I also said anxious and angry and the only person I know who might be funnier than I am, which is very much not Bill. Or did you just ignore that part?”
Eddie is quiet again before finally clearing his throat. “I didn’t read that far,” he admits.
“It was literally in the same paragraph, you dingus.”
“Hey, fuck you! I thought the guy I love was in love with someone else, okay? I was distraught! Why would I keep reading that shit?”
Richie opens his mouth, about to tease that maybe he should have said he was ‘really dumb’ instead of just ‘a little dumb’, when Eddie’s words finally register.
“Wait, Eds… You’re in love with me?”
The line is quiet, until Eddie squeaks out a little “Fuck.”
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sm0kingcrack · 2 years ago
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decided to make a messy little comic from the headcanon from this post because even though i did that whole pretty picture, the idea was still stuck in my head
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fantasticcolorcloudflap · 3 months ago
It fans when "I know your secret your dirty little secret"
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liv45no · 2 years ago
*on a nature hike*
Mike: it’s beautiful out here
Bill: and quiet
Eddie: too quiet
Beverly: did we lose someone?
*cut to Richie trying to befriend a bear*
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kate-bishops-girlfriend · 2 months ago
i don't think i can actually express how much i adore it, it was one of the first fics i read on tumblr a couple years back when you didn't need to make an account to read, this is low-key the fic that got me into reading fanfics on tumblr and i made an account back then so i could read this again.
i still come back to it every few months and it still blows my mind every time as much as the first, i love it. it's basically perfect, all of it - the banter, the almost enemies to lovers, the snarky back-and-forth, how the boys are in the background when they're sleepy, all of it. this is quite possibly my comfort fic.
of every fic i've ever reblogged on here, this one is for selfish reasons cos i want to be easily able to find it again on my blog. i could never recommend a fic more!!
subzero - beverly marsh x fem!reader
it fandom week: huddling for warmth
content warnings: mentions of intoxication, smoking, swearing, fire, harmless threats, inhaler abuse, enemies to lovers, also i’m making bev tall bc i love tall gals word count: 3k
at the ripe age of ten years old, you knew you wanted to become a mother. the appeal of bouncing children in your lap, tucking them into bed, and the empowering feeling of calming tantrums down was something you naively believed was your destiny.  now, ten-year-old you was never wrong, you knew that. but what you didn’t expect was for your dream to come true at eighteen, stuck mothering six drunken teenage sons during a hailstorm’s power outage.
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fangirl-imagines · 5 years ago
Too Dark//2019!Richie Tozier x Kaspbrak!Reader
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A/N: At the time of writing and posting this I have not seen IT Chapter 2 yet. This is based on the book and the 1990s minseries. But plot spoilers if you don’t know what happens in the second half of IT I guess? This can also be read as Reddie or as Richie Tozier/Reader
Prompt: No one loved Eddie Kaspbrak more than you and Richie Tozier did. After you climb out of the sewers you need each other more than ever. 
It was too dark in the sewers under Derry. It was too dark and the smells too overpowering, the sounds of Richie pleading with Eddie were too loud. It was all too much. It was all too overwhelming, and you just wanted to leave. You just wanted to be home, alone and unhappy maybe, but safe. Content in knowing your brother was also safe in his own home in New York. Instead you dropped to your knees in the sewers beside Richie who was clutching your brother tight in his arms and reached for them desperately. 
“Eds? Eds, come on, we need to get out of here.” You tried to reason, clutching at Eddie’s bloody shirt with your hands and trying to pull him up and away from Richie so that you could get him out of this horrible place. “Eddie come on! Richie, stop crying, he’s okay! You urged, pulling harder on Eddie’s shirt, not allowing yourself to fully recognize that Eddie neither made any sounds or turned to look at you despite how you tugged at him. 
Richie shook his head, clutching Eddie tighter and sobbed openly into the smaller man’s shoulder. 
“He’s okay!” You all but yelled, your voice thick with tears that freely flowed down your face, cutting a track in the grime that covered your cheeks. 
Tossing yourself forward, you wrapped both of your arms around Richie and Eddie, burying your own face in Eddie’s back and were content to stay there, clutching the two most important people in your life until the end of time. Which it most certainly felt like was upon you in that moment. Richie moved one of his hands to search blindly for you. It found your hair and buried itself there, clutching at you with one hand and holding Eddie with the other. Neither of you looked up when the others started shouting your names.
“Guys w-,w-, we got to g-.g-,go!” Bill yelled, pulling on Richie’s shoulder. Richie shrugged him off.
“Ri-,Ri-,Ric-,Richie come on! It’s co-,co-,com-,coming back!’
“Y/N, we have to leave!” Beverly yelled grabbing your arms and trying to pry you off of Eddie’s body but you refused to let go. 
Your baby brother. You couldn’t leave him. You thought that if you ignored them long enough that they might leave you there to die in peace. But Bill kept pulling at Richie, yelling in his ear. 
“We-,We’re al-.all go-,going to di-,di-,di-,die if we don’t get-,get out of here Ri-,Ri-,Ric-,Richie! Y/N ‘ll di-, die t-,t-,t-,too! Ed-,Edd-,Eddie wouldn’t wa-,wan-,want that. Mo-,Mov-,Move Ric-,Richie!”
Richie looked up at Bill, still teary eyed and exhausted but nodded blankly. Turning back to Eddie he looked down into the face of his best friend and took it in for the last time, committing it to memory even though he already knew he could never forget it. He closed his eyes and pursed his lips when he opened them he reluctantly let go of Eddie long enough to shrug off his jacket and wrapped it gently around Eddie’s shoulders and tucked him in tight to it. He pressed his lips to Eddie’s cheek in a messy kiss before forcing himself to climb to his feet. You were still holding Eddie’s waist tightly even with Richie’s jacket wrapped in between the two of you. Richie didn’t say anything to you, just put his arms around your waist and used his leverage to pull you up off the ground. 
You screamed like you were being murdered as Eddie’s body slipped away from you onto the floor of the sewer. You kicked your legs and pulled and pried at Richie’s hands but he was too strong. Richie said nothing as you screamed but he didn’t stop crying either. Ben grabbed your feet to keep you from hurting Richie and the fight seemed to leave you all together. You didn’t care what happened to you anymore, you just felt numb as everyone ran outside, Ben and Richie carrying you down the stairs. 
The warm sunlight hit your face but it felt more like a cruel taunt than a comforting warmth that the sun usually gave you. Your brother was dead, his body in the sewers that had always terrified him so much but the sun still shinned and the world kept turning. You felt sick to your stomach. Gently, Ben let go of your feet and backed away to catch his breath after running for his life and carrying you with him. You looked up at Richie, his eyes were wet, his glasses crooked, and his hair a mess. 
“Why did you do that?” You whispered harshly, “Why did you make me leave him down there?!” You shook your head, you grasped his shirt in your hands and tried to shake him but he didn’t move. “Why did you make me leave him?!” You yelled in his face with a sob. 
Richie just shook his head, pleading with you silently.
“Y/N-“ Mike started but you ignored him.
“It’s too dark! It’s too dark down there! Eddie, you know he hated the dark. I use to tell him there was nothing to be afraid of. But now…You should have left me down there with him.”
There was a loud cracking sound and you all looked up to see the Nesbitt house slowly begin to crack and teeter like it was about to fall in on itself. You let go of Richie’s shirt to cover the gasp coming out of your mouth. 
Beside you, you saw a flash of yellow and black plaid as Richie rushed forward back towards the collapsing house. Mike and Ben grabbed him first though, holding him back as he begged to be let go. You weren’t the only one who wanted to stay in that house with Eddie. 
Richie was screaming and reaching out as if he could still grab Eddie and pull him back out. You cried harder at the sight, feeling your knees start to give. Beverly grabbed you before you could fall though, wrapping her arms around you and hugging you close. You heard one final crash and didn’t have to look up from Bev’s shoulder to know the house was gone. Even when Beverly whispered, “Don’t look.” In your ear. Slowly the sounds of Richie’s cried died down and there was an ominous silence as everyone stood around the remains of the Nesbitt house.
 You couldn’t help yourself. You looked up and turned your head to take in the remains. You were glad that house was gone. You wanted to burn the remains and dance in the ashes. You wanted to lie down in them an die. You were painfully aware that now there was no going back for Eddie. Your brother really was gone. You had left him in a dark, germ filled, disgusting sewer alone, surrounded by the things he had feared and hated so much. 
You pulled your eyes from the house and over to Richie, still standing by Mike and Ben, staring at the house, taking in what had happened. Richie turned as if he had felt your eyes boring into him. Answering some unspoken question, you shook your head and he pushed past Ben and strode to your side. You opened your arms and let yourself wrap them around Richie. He gripped you tight, bending down to bury his face in your hair. He cried into your hair, holding you flat against him in a crushing grip but you only gripped him tighter. No one said anything. 
The pain the others felt was real but your and Richie’s was something else entirely. You glanced up at the sky where the sun shone down on you all. Pennywise was dead. It was finally over. You looked around at the rest of the losers club to see everyone was glancing at each other thinking the same thing. It was over. You hadn’t won but you had ended it. Maybe you were too selfish because you weren’t sure it was worth it. You turned your head back into Richie’s shirt and closed your eyes. 
It was over.
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tacosareyummy · 2 years ago
this is just so adorable i basically have no fucking words.
Chaotic Dads
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A/N: so i had this all written last night and then lost half of it so i had to rewrite it but that’s okay because it was so fun to write. i had an amazing time with this imagine and i hope that it is as much fun to read as it was for me to write :-) also also this is the longest imagine i’ve written so i’m proud of that :-)
Pairing: Reddie (Richie Tozier x Eddie Kaspbrak) x Daughter!Reader
If there was only one word that Y/N had to describe living with her dad’s Richie and Eddie, it would be chaotic. 
Only on the night Y/N got back from her study group, walking through the doors of her home, there was no chaotic shouting and laughing, no Eddie admonishing Richie for another poor attempt at a British accent. It was silence and hushed whispers, more stressed on Eddie’s side while there was more silence on Richie’s.
“I can’t believe MIke called us. What does he think we’re going to do? Go back to Derry?” 
Richie ran a hand through his hair, both men not noticing Y/N walk into the room and stand in the doorway. 
“God I feel fucking nauseous.” 
“Dad, are you okay?” 
Eddie turned his head first, looking at Y/N like a deer caught in headlights, Richie slowly turning his head after; looking a little gray faced. 
“O-Oh yeah I’m good kid.” 
Y/N nodded slowly, looking skeptical but deciding against saying anything. 
“Well is everything okay?” 
Eddie started to ring his hands before running his hands over his face. 
“U-Um yeah it’s good.” 
 Y/N nodded before looking around.
Both men looked at her confused because of the coy way she had her hands behind her back, rocking back and forth on her heels. 
“Where is Derry and why does it have you both stressed?”
The couple looked at each other, fear slowly seeping through their bloodstream.
Y/N sat in the back seat as Richie drove, Eddie sitting in the passenger seat, the spectacle clad man gripping the steering wheel until his knuckles were white while passing the sign that read ‘Welcome To Derry’. 
The sound of the radio created a soft hum as the wind whipped through the ajar windows, providing a soft sliver of fresh air to combat the suffocating interior of the car. 
“So where are we going?” Y/N asked, taking her headphones out and pausing her music, taking in how Eddie and Richie looked at each other. 
“T-To um meet up with some old friends.” Eddie whispered, feeling a ball well up in his throat that was about to bring on hyperventilation but then he felt fingers intertwine with his; Richie smiling while he kept his eyes on the road. 
“I didn’t know you two had friends.” 
Richie laughed properly for the first time since he got the call from Mike, feeling some of the fear alleviating from his chest. 
“Ha ha that’s very funny Y/N.” Eddie spoke, his voice deadpan but the humor was evident. 
“Also why are we in Derry? I didn’t even know this place existed.” 
Richie cleared his throat, uncomfortable memories coming back of Henry calling his homophobic slurs and the sadness of pushing down who he truly was washed over his in staggers. 
“Well you see mah dear, Derry is the bees knees.” 
Richie’s accent couldn’t be placed and it made Y/N roll her eyes but a smile couldn’t be held back.
“Beep beep Richie.” 
Richie pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant and after turning off the car just sat there with Eddie, both looking at each other with a fear that was palpable, Y/N feeling it fill the car and wash over her. 
“Dads? Are we all good to go in?” 
The sound of their daughter’s voice brought them out of their shared terrified memories, turning in unison to face Y/N before Richie smiled and nodded. 
“Let’s get in there.” 
“Your New York accent is terrible dad.” 
Eddie laughed as Richie rolled his eyes playfully. 
“I thought I was getting better.”
Y/N laughed while getting out of the car, Richie and Eddie following shortly after and there was a moment of calm before Eddie grabbed Richie’s hand for stability; Y/N pulling her jumper closer around her as the night air seemed colder. 
“Are we sure this is a good idea?” Eddie asked, his hand coming to grip Richie’s shirt to ground himself. 
Before Richie could push down the fear to be able to answer, Y/N spoke up from across the parking lot in a tone of faux annoyance.
“Are you two coming or what?” 
The pair look at each other, sharing a look and a still moment before turning to look at Y/N, both of them nodding and starting to walk over. 
“I don’t know why we agreed to do this?” 
Eddie’s rhetorical question came out as a whisper as the trio walked through the door, Y/N going first and heading straight to a small fish tank. The sound of excited conversation and constantly moving cutlery eased the older men’s minds for a moment, focusing hard to not fall into the fear that was clinging at their peripherals; Eddie was shocked that Richie hadn’t tried to fill the silence between the two with unfunny quips and awkward humor. 
Eddie stepped forward then and wrapped his arms around Richie’s waist, wanting to hold him and do his best to ground the spectacle clad man. It seems to work as Richie pressed a soft and loving kiss to the crown of the shorter man’s head. 
“Whatcha lookin at ova there?” 
Y/N turned around and put her hands in her pockets, tilting her head and one of her dads and smiled.
“I was just checkin’ out dem fishes pops.” 
Richie laughed at the attempted New York accent, the low rumble in his chest comforting Eddie immensely.
“You really have to work on that accent darling.” 
Y/N laughed while rolling her eyes.
“I would’ve said it’s better than yours if I’m honest.”
Before Richie could retort, a hostess came over to them and asked how she could help.
“We’re here to see Mike Hanlon.” 
Eddie followed beside the hostess, Richie and Y/N walking a little ways behind so he could list off what he couldn’t eat to the hostess; the other two tuning out what they had heard countless times before.
“- gluten and if I eat cashews I could realistically die…” 
Eddie’s voice trailed off as he made eye contact with Mike first and then Bill, a rush of memories hitting him like a train; not noticing that Richie and Y/N were right behind him.
“Holy shit.” 
Mike was the first one to one to step forward and greet the trio, first Eddie and then Richie, giving the men a hug each and lingering with his hands on their biceps, one after the other, and just taking in the fact that they were in front of him. Shortly after Bill followed suite and gave each man a handshake. 
“I’m so glad you both came.” 
The men nodded and were about the speak but then Y/N’s voice cut through. 
“Oh my god.” 
All the attention was on her as she stepped forward towards Bill, her eyes wide and starstruck. The man in question looked confused for a moment, taken aback by the reaction of the young girl and how excited she was to even be in the same room as him. 
“You’re Bill Denbrough.” 
“I am and who are you?” 
Y/N forgot how to speak for a moment, not believing that her favourite author was speaking to her. 
“I’m Y/N, the kid of those losers.” 
Y/N motioned to Eddie and Richie lazily with her thumb, smiling when Bill laughed and nodded, both not noticing the mock offended look on the taller man. 
“Oi you take that back.” 
Y/N turned to look at him and stuck out her tongue before turning back to Bill. 
“It’s amazing to meet you. Your books are some of my favourites. I especially love the endings because you have a way of making them feel so real and raw, even if they might not always be what is expected.” 
Bill felt a swell of happiness in his chest at hearing that his endings had been enjoyed, only hearing that they weren’t good by so many people, even if they felt like the best direction to him. 
“What’s one of your favourites?” 
It took a moment for Y/N to think but then it came to her. 
“The book about the man with a hook for a hand. It was insane. It took me three days to read the last chapter because I didn’t want it to end.” 
“That was one of my favourites to write. The ending of that book was my favourites.” 
“It was my favourite too. I felt like I was there with the main character. It was so good.” 
Bill smiled and thanked Y/N, watching as they got the copy of the book out of their bag along with a pen and shyly asked if he could sign it. 
“It would mean the world if you could.” 
Bill took the items from Y/N carefully, opening the book to the title page on the table before writing a sweet message and then signing underneath; handing it back and watching as Y/N read the note. 
The pair continued to talk a little ways away as Mike, Richie and Eddie spoke quietly. 
“Thank you both for coming. I knew you both would.” 
Eddie didn’t want to say anything about the fact that he had really considered not going and it was thanks to Richie that he hadn’t balantently refused or jumped out of the car while it was on the road. He didn’t think Mike would want to hear about that. “Oh yeah, of course Mike. We wouldn’t miss coming back to kill the clown that made our lives hell as kids for anything.”
Mike didn’t react to the sarcasm or the uncomfortable looks on the pair’s faces, instead starting to ramble about how grateful he was and how excited he was to see the others; no one mentioning Stan. Before anything else could be said however, Beverley’s voice was heard. 
“Is that you Trashmouth?” 
Everyone turned at the sound, Bev standing there looking as beautiful as always while Ben stook behind, looking bashful and flustered, his crush on Bev hitting him full force after all these years. 
“That’s Mr Trashmouth to you mah dear.” 
Bev laughed at the accent, memories of Richie’s nonsense filling her mind. 
“You know you haven’t gotten any better at the accents Tozier. I would have thought time would help.” 
Richie laughed and the soft rumble of his chest comforted Eddie, grounding him and filling his chest and heart with a feeling of overwhelming love and adoration. 
“So drinks?” 
“After the drive I just had, yes please.” 
The group got situated around the table then, Y/N sitting between Bill and Richie, laughing as her dads began to bicker and the waitress come in the take orders. THe atmosphere was like coming home, friends reuniting and picking up right where they left off, even if the elephant in the room was waiting for them to talk about it. 
“Oh Bev, Ben, this is our daughter Y/N.” 
Beverley was the first to introduce herself, Ben after, the red head making conversation and helping the girl to feel comfortable and welcome. It didn’t take long for the group to share stories with her about what her dads were like as kids, Y/N laughing harder than she had in a while at Richie and Eddie’s antics and how similar they were then to how they were now. 
It was then that the drinks came, alcohol for everyone else and a coke for Y/N. 
“To the Losers Club and to memories.” 
Mike said, raising his glass, the rest of the group, including Y/N (even if she had really no clue). 
Everyone repeated the sentiment before clinking their glasses together.
“To the Losers Club and to memories.”
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whatthefuckisasweep · 2 years ago
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I really love @gloomy-prince​ ‘s trans Eddie comic so so so so fucking much. ITS SOOOO SOO well crafted and wholesome and always makes me smile or like gasp in some way everytime it updates
SOOOO I drew a lil fanart of the AU with Richie being silly right after the haircut because FUCK I love to imagine how supportive and cute all the losers would be with eddie, esp richie.... MY HEARTTTTTT !!!
ALT TEXT: a drawing of trans eddie with his hair short, having just been cut by richie. richie is behind him holding two strands of cut hair above his lip as if it is a mustache. he is smiling wide and saying “HOI. OIM MISTAH EDWARD K!!” while eddie rolls his eyes playfully and tries not to smile. 
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stan has to do it all himself in the end, as was richie’s intention XDDD
ALT TEXT: a 6 panel comic. In the first panel, richie and eddie are laying in the hammock, with eddie reading a comic book and richie just relaxing. In the second panel, there are “huffs” and “hrks” that are heard by richie. He looks over. In the third panel, stan is carrying a big box that says “bird books” and also a grocery bag. He looks tired. He says, “can one of you lazy fucks help me?” In the fourth panel, richie smiles and looks at stan. He says “You heard em eds, use them big man musk-les!” Eddie glances up from his book. In the fifth panel, eddie angrily throws his comic book at richie and says, “JUST BECAUSE YOU FOUND OUT IM A DUDE DOES NOT GIVE YOU THE RIGHT TO GIVE ME ALL THE WORK, ASSHOLE!”. Richie goes, “LMAOOO”. In the sixth and final panel, Stan is still carrying his stuff and he looks annoyed as all hell. He’s squinting angrily. Meanwhile, richie and eddie argue off screen through speech bubbles.  “well idk I think it does!” “it does NOT!” “I mean... look, you’re strong enough!” “It’s NOT ABOUT being STRONG!” 
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sunshinereddie · 2 years ago
because the idea of reddie babysitting stanpat’s kid makes me go insane literally every time i think about it,,, i have another hc.
imagining them babysitting, when blum-uris jr. is still pretty young, and after a long night of building forts and playing mario kart, the kid asks eddie to read her a bedtime story. eddie of course agrees, and he does to do that while richie takes on doing the dishes and cleaning up.
but once richie is done with the cleaning, he notices that eddie’s not back yet. he checks the time, and thinks it’s a little weird- it shouldn’t take this long to read a bedtime story. plus, it’s already past the kid’s bedtime, and richie knows that eds has always been firm on bedtime.
so he heads upstairs, and quietly opens up the door to the kid’s room, to see her in bed, fast sleep… and with eddie, right beside her, also asleep, with the book still open in his hands.
the sight alone almost makes richie’s heart explode from the sheer adorableness of it all- he takes a quick picture and texts it to stan, then quietly tip goes into the room and covers the kid and eddie with a blanket, gives them both a kiss on the forehead, and heads back downstairs, and he can’t stop staring at the picture he took, falling even more in love with his boyfriend.
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canislupus-exe · 3 years ago
Like Always | richie tozier
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>> gif credit to @/sanriogaki on weheartit <<
fandom | It: Chapter One
character | Richie Tozier
reader | she/her (he ver.)(they ver.)
requested | Anonymous
warnings | none
word count | 1,189
keys | (Y/n) = Your name
>> prompts <<
56 | “Are you flirting with me?”
67 | “Stop being so cute.”
68 | “You’re making me blush!”
summary | hi!! can I req a Richie x reader (teenagers- around 15-16?)  where they both like each other but are oblivious to each other's feelings? I think it prompts 56, 67, and 68 will work with this!
>> back to prev <<
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You stretched out on the hammock that hung from the posts of the clubhouse. The other losers were strewn about the rest of the space, doing various things to keep themselves occupied. Richie had taken the liberty of staring you down since you were lying on what he considered the second coming of Jesus.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer, dickwad.” You said, stretching out to get more comfortable. Annoying him was just a bonus.
“Eddie, didn’t you say it was a 10-minute limit?” Richie asked.
“Uh yeah well considering you didn’t respect that rule when it was my turn I think (Y/n) has every right to overstay her welcome on that hammock.”
“Aw stop it, Eddie, you’re making me blush.” You teased. Eddie rolled his eyes.
“Don’t make me take it back (Y/n).”
“Love you too Eds.” You replied as you went back to reading your comic book.
“Fuck this bullshit,” Richie exclaimed as he walked toward your reclined body. You lowered your book just in time to see Richie sidle up next to you. You groaned.
“Oh come on man, have some self-respect.” You grumbled as he made the fabric sway. He smirked and got comfortable the best he could.
“Ah, that’s refreshing. I mean honestly, my back was killing me. You know, now that I think about it, I could really use a massage. (Y/n), would you be so kind?” He asked, his voice patronizing. You rolled your eyes and set your book down.
“Why of course Mr. Tozier, you should’ve said something sooner. Come real close and I’ll get all that tension out for you.” 
“Now that’s what I’m talking about. Finally getting the royal treatment I deserve.” He replied jokingly, knowing there was no way you’d go for it. You adjusted yourself and to his surprise, actually began to massage his back. His face slowly turned red as he felt your hands climb up his skin, gently pressing your fingers and palms down interchangeably. 
“You're actually…?”
“Anything for you Richie.” You teased. Your heart thumped loudly in your ears. His skin was so soft you were scared your fingertips might just pass through him. You tried to play it cool like this was just your normal, run-of-the-mill, Richie pulling punches and (Y/n) being the only girl dumb enough to punch back, but you knew that was a lie. You knew your hands were trembling as you caressed the back of the boy you’d had a crush on for God knows how many years and you knew he’d start to feel it soon as well.
“Are you flirting with me?” He asked, his voice almost faltering in his throat. He was joking. He had to be joking.
“So what if I am?” You asked, leaning your chin on his shoulder and resting your hands on his hips. Richie practically burst at the seams from this, but what happened next threw him out of the trance faster than he’d fallen into it. You roughly shoved him off the hammock, smirking in triumph at the sound of surprise that jumped out of him. He fell to the floor, and the wind immediately knocked out of his chest. All he could do was lie there for a solid minute, processing what had happened.
“You skank!” He shouted, sitting up and turning toward you. You smirked and reclined again, picking up the comic book you’d set down.
“You love me.” You replied. He gave a slight chuckle before shaking his head and leaning against the wooden post that held up one side of the hammock. He did. He really did.
You yawned as you approached the arcade snack counter. You’d been going at Street Fighter for far too long and decided it was time for a pick-me-up. An ultra delicious total brain-freezing wild cherry slushie. Or just a cherry slush, as those less passionate than you would call it. 
You sauntered over to the counter and the employee who stood behind it and smiled. He placed a cup under the cherry spout, already knowing what you’d gone there for. To say you were a regular was an understatement. You placed $1.50 on the counter, and the employee finished in record time, sliding the drink to you and putting the cash in the register. You walked away, knowing that he knew that you didn’t need the change.
As you walked away, you ducked behind a hanging tarp. The part of the arcade that was always under construction for whatever reason. You liked laying low here to enjoy your slushes in peace and quiet. Plus there was a working Computer Space cabinet so that was the sickest part.
“How did I know you’d be here?” A familiar voice asked after the rusting of the tarp stopped. You snickered and looked over your shoulder, seeing your best friend.
“Richard Tozier. How often have I told you not to bother me in my super-secret lair?” You replied. It was now his turn to snicker.
“Lair? Seriously? This dingy old place has got to be one of the lamest ‘lairs’ I’ve ever seen.” He said. You exhaled and leaned against the cabinet.
“Yeah, I guess you're right. But it’s gotta be worth something with this original Computer Space cabinet which has an unbeatable high score held by… Well… me.” You replied, a smirk creeping its way onto your lips. There was nothing in the world that pissed Richie off more than the fact that he just couldn’t seem to top you in that damn game.
“Again with this. I swear it’s like the only thing you have over my head. Computer Space this Computer Space that meh meh meh meh meh.” He mocked you.
“Aw, someone’s getting all worked up. Come on, yell at me some more, I like it.” You taunted as you took a sip from your slushie.
“You like everything I do (Y/n).” He said as he leaned on the cabinet beside you.
“Why yes. Every night I go to sleep dreaming of my knight in shining armor Richard Tozier who will sweep me off my feet one day.” You jeered sarcastically.
“I bet you do. I bet you dream of kissing me like there’s no tomorrow.”
“Oh not just kissing Richie. No no no. In my dreams, we do so much more than just kissing.”
“God just stop being so cute!” He exclaimed, his tone much more genuine than he’d intended. You choked on your slushie slightly, your face growing warm from the blood that rushed to it.
“Wh-What?” You stared at him. His face dropped as he registered what he’d said. 
“Oh, I just- um… I-I’m kidding. Like always.”
“Then why are you so red?”
“It’s warm?”
“You’re so full of shit Tozier.” You replied before grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and pulling him into a kiss. He made a noise of surprise but within seconds he was practically melting into your touch. He wrapped his arms around your waist and deepened the kiss as much as he could. You still tasted like the cherry slushie, and he couldn’t get enough.
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ghostlynimbus00 · 3 years ago
Saw a hc on Twitter about myra cutting off Eddie from all their shared accounts (meaning all of his accounts bc he wasn't allowed to have any that weren't shared) in an attempt to force him to come back and I love hc like that bc then I get to think about how much that wouldn't fucking work
Ben, Bill, and Richie are right there. Ready to be sugar daddies. Eddie don't got nothing to worry about.
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plus-size-reader · 3 years ago
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Eddie Kaspbrak x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 2479 words
Warnings: none
Summary: The reader patching up Eddie when Bowers stabs him
Eddie wanted to leave, and in all honesty, you couldn’t blame him.
This place was so much worse than you could have imagined when you got that phone call, so much worse that you could have ever hoped to remember, even as your memories came flooding back.
Which was why you were packing.
If you had known, or could have remembered what you were signing up for when you and Eddie agreed to schlub your asses back to this town, you never would have come.
You shouldn’t have come.
So, all that was left to do was pack your stuff, and get back home without anything else going horribly wrong. It was a long shot, you were perfectly aware of that, but you didn’t care.
All you could think about right now was getting out of here, everything else would work itself out later.
“Oh, and then the leper, he threw up all over me” Eddie grumbled, his voice carrying even over the running water of the sink and the distance that separated you without any problems.
He got that from his mother.
“Hey, it’s Mike Hanlon, why don’t you come back to Maine?” he continued, hardly taking a breath as he complained about everything he’d had to go through since you two separated this morning.
It hadn’t been a cakewalk for you either, of course, but you certainly weren’t envious of what he’d had to do at the hands of the clown.
It didn’t sound good.
Still, all you could muster out was an “uh, huh” in reply, something he’d grown more than accustomed to in all your years of marriage as you focused more on the task at hand than the ramblings leaking from his lips.
Most of the time you were busy, or just trying to let him rant when it happened, but today, neither of you seemed to mind too much about it.
You were too preoccupied with the current circumstances, and at this point, you weren’t even sure Eddie was listening to himself as he let off steam.
He was just trying to make sense of it all.
“Hey Eds, I’ll be right back. I think Richie stole my neck pillow” you called, having checked the closet four times only to come up empty each and every time. The only logical explanation was that he had it.
Of course he did.
Richie had been threatening to steal it since you reunited and he caught sight of the way you and Eddie traveled. It was like you’d found a way to pack up the entirety of Bath and Body Works into your Escalade.
Naturally, he wanted a piece of the action.
A similar hum of allowance came from the bathroom, likely alongside a wave of his hand as he finished washing the grime and ick from his skin, as if it would eat through his flesh if he didn’t.
If Richie did have it, all Eddie could do was pity him when you found out. If he thought you busted his balls as a kid, you’d only gotten more protective of your things.
It was bound to be a repeat of that time you threatened to put his hand in a blender after he stole your walkman freshman year.
…and your husband knew far better than to get in the middle of that.
“I’m going to kick your ass, Tozier” you hollered, all but sprinting down the stairs toward where he was staying, that same fire stirring in the pit of your stomach that you knew so well when it came to him.
Richie had always done things like this, and now, at this point, it was just immature and frankly, uncalled for.
Not that you were worried about your neck pillow for too long, because before you even had a chance to properly berate the fourteen year old masquerading as a grown man in front of you, Eddie yelled.
Really yelled.
It wasn’t like the surprised curse he sometimes let out when he hand touched a piece of food in the bottom of the kitchen sink, or when something startled him like jumpscares in horror movies.
It was real, and raw, immediately forcing an icy chill racing up your spine.
“Eddie? Are you alright?” you yelled, finding yourself almost unable to move as you imagined all the awful things that could have drawn a noise like that out of your husband.
Knowing this town, it could have been anything, and you didn’t like that. You didn’t like having to think of whatever horrors may have been awaiting you at the top of those stairs.
In any case, you could only really be sure of one thing anymore.
You had to get out of here.
“Eddie?” you called again, partially hoping that he was just fooling around, even though you knew that was the farthest thing from reality that he would have been doing.
It wasn’t in him, but still, as much as you knew it had to be bad up there, you couldn’t make your feet move from the floor.
You were terrified, in the same way you’d been all those years ago, when everything felt like it was out to get you.  When the darkness felt like more of a taunt, a promise of the nightmares to come.
Beverly was the first to reach him at the top of the stairs, a scream leaving her lips as she surveyed the scene in front of her.
It wasn’t until you heard that sound shocking you from your place, that you moved finally, following your heart even though your every instinct was urging you to run in the other direction.
“What happened?” What is it?” you asked, forcing yourself up the stairs alongside the rest of your friends, not stopping until Eddie came into your field of view.
It was so much worse than you thought.
Eddie was collapsed against the wall, covered in blood, with what looked to be a literal hole in the side of his face.
At first, you almost couldn’t believe that it was real, but then you remembered the unfortunate truth of your circumstances.
You weren’t at home, where your biggest worries were getting groceries once a week, making it on time to your nine-to-five, and Eddie’s insistence he was coming down with something even though you both knew he wasn’t.
This was a whole different thing entirely, and right now, the love of your life was in real danger.
“Bowers is in my room” he allowed, his words little more than a post on the bulletin. Really, you were just finding it hard to believe that he was being so calm, but chalked it up to the shock.
Once he realized what happened to him, you’d never hear the end of it. He would need a million different antibiotics, and he’d probably make you check it for infection four times a day, but you didn’t mind that.
All you cared about now was making sure that this trip didn’t kill him.
“Is it bad?”
It wasn’t until Eddie spoke again that you realized he was talking to you, his hand gently tapping at your knee a few times to get your attention. The action left behind the light ghost of his blood on your skin but you didn’t care.
You were just trying to figure out what you needed to do from here.
Naturally, your first instinct was to take him to the hospital as quickly as possible but that was hardly an option given everything.
You were just going to figure something out here.
“I went downstairs for like four minutes” you breathed, your words little more than a suggestion as you tried to find any humor in this. Of all the awful things you could have expected from this trip, you hadn't anticipated anything like this.
You should have seen it coming.
You knew that.
With everything that had happened since you two had come back to this town, it should have been the first thing on your mind but it just wasn’t.
It couldn’t have been.
You hadn’t thought about Henry Bowers, or the hell he and his goons put you all through, in years and in all honesty, you probably would have kept it that way, pretending the Bowers Gang didn’t exist, if you had your way.
…but you didn’t.
Like everything else, evidently Derry had stolen your ability to get away from anything bad, deranged rednecks and improbable injuries included.
That couldn’t have been more obvious than it was right now.
“Yeah, four minutes too long” your husband shrugged, and you could tell the action caused him pain, even if he was doing a great job of keeping it hidden.
Of course it hurt.
You’d never personally been stabbed in the face, but you couldn’t bring yourself to imagine it was a pleasant experience.
“Can you guys get him somewhere more comfortable? We have a big first aid kit in the car” you asked, earning an immediate nod from Ben, who you knew would have done anything to be of help.
Any of the surrounding losers would have.
That was why you had one another all those years ago.
As quickly as you could, you rushed out to the car to fetch the kit in question, all but tripping over your own feet as you did.
This whole thing was so much easier when you were teenagers.
Now, the stakes were a hell of a lot higher than Eddie’s mom trying to put him in a bubble because she was convinced he had contracted the plague at the movie theater.
By the time you got back inside, the rest of the losers had your lover set up in the bedroom propped up against the headboard, with one of the bathroom towels held to his face.
He’d definitely looked better, but all things considered, he was still holding up really well.
“When you said big first aid kit, I was actually expecting bigger” Richie teased, admiring the huge case you brought with you when you entered, astonishment written all over his face.
It actually sounded like it may collapse the mattress when you set it down.
It was big, the biggest first aid kit he’d ever seen but knowing Eddie, Richie always thought he traveled with a mini hospital up his sleeve.
…and it looked like he was right.
“Yeah, well, this is our traveling first aid kit” you countered, shooting him a teasing glare as you did your best to focus on the task in front of you, your lover steadily bleeding onto the bedding below him.
You and Eddie shared a single look before you moved on from the whole thing. Richie’s jokes weren’t funny growing up and they hadn’t evolved much since then.
He meant well, and everyone knew it, that was the only reason you still kept him around.
“You guys go help Mike, we’ll be down as soon as I stop the bleeding” you suggested, hearing the distant crash of something in the distance, surely the calling card of something else awful on the horizon.
Something awful that was going to have to wait until you could put Eddie’s face back together.
Bev muttered some kind of reassurance as she passed, squeezing your shoulder and closing the door behind her, after the surrounding men left to check out what was going on downstairs.
It was just never ending here.
The two of you sat in silence for a while as you worked on the task at hand, and Eddie busied himself studying the look on your face as you focused.
You had always been so beautiful, and it blew his mind every day that somehow he’d managed to end up with you after everything.
“Doing okay?” you hummed, watching him out of the corner of your eye, catching sight of whatever he had going on without much context at all. Given what was going on, you were worried you were hurting him.
Though, you should have known it wasn’t that.
“Oh yeah, just thinking,” he shrugged, wincing ever so slightly as you replaced the towel with some clean gauze, before giving him that pointed look, wordlessly asking him what exactly it was he was thinking about.
If you had to guess, you would have assumed it had something to do with the open wound in his face but without words, there was no telling what had a hold of Eddie’s attention.
Not at a time like this.
“This just brings back memories” he explained, recalling all the times you’d been in positions similar to this.
You had patched Eddie up like this a million times before growing up, when he’d have a run in with Bowers and his goons or that one time when he’d fallen and scraped his knee and didn’t want his mom to find out.
It had saved him a lot of hassle, having you around.
Sometimes he joked that was why he kept you in the first place. He needed someone who knew how to take care of him better than he did.
…and he wasn’t wrong.
By this point, there was almost nothing you hadn’t done for Eddie, and you wouldn't have had it any other way.
Richie and the others might have liked to make jokes, but they didn’t know how hard it really was for Eddie to live under what his mother had done to him, and how little control he had over his concerns.
It really wasn’t his fault.
“This brings back memories, huh?” you hummed, leaning a bit closer to his face to admire the work you’d done with a small smile on your face. It wasn’t perfect by any means, but as long as you kept an eye on it and didn’t get killed in the next two days, it would heal.
It might not even scar, if you took care of it right.
You couldn’t help but giggle at that. Of course he could find a way to see the good in something like this off all things.
He wasn’t wrong though.
Nursing Eddie back to health was practically a primary skill at this point in your life, and at times like this, you were glad for it. There was no telling what you would have done in this situation if you didn’t have it.
Your husband nodded, bringing his hand up to gently pat at the bandage attached to his face, before deciding that he would live.
He never doubted you for a second, but this was his first time being stabbed after all.
“Well, Eds, as much as I love taking care of you, let's not make a habit out of this” you teased, standing fully but not before pressing a soft kiss to his lips, your way of kissing it better.
Just like all those years before.
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liv45no · 2 years ago
Eddie: What are you doing?
Richie: *squiggling in Eddie’s arms* hiding
Eddie: ...do you mean hugging?
Richie: did I stutter?
Richie: this is my safe place.
Richie: now shut up and put your arms around me.
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occasionaloneshots · 3 years ago
So you guys remember those chaotic satire 1D imagines? Well I’ve been obsessed with them recently so I made some for the losers club and Pennywise, here you go ❤️ happy Valentine’s Day, welcome back to the early-mid 2010s, these are horrendous
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