#2019 at 11:50PM
valyalyon · 5 months
2 Harvest Whispers
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CW: Police officer character, smut, p in v, unprotected intercourse, explicit language, descriptions of sex, cheating, open relationship, slight societal homophobia, hints at queer identity for main character. MDNI. 4.1K Words.
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Star woke up later in the morning of January 6, 2019. She was in the master bedroom of Jasper Conrad’s guest home and the man was asleep beside her.
He was laying on his back, eyes closed staring up at the ceiling. Star was stunned for a moment because he wasn’t making any sound. She wasn’t surprised by how quiet he was, she was more so scared as something terrible showed itself to her.
It’s not fair to try and explain what she saw, so here is an excerpt from her perspective:
When I woke up that morning at his side for the first time, I saw him laying in his coffin.
His arms were over his chest, there was no more breath in his lungs. He was… dead. His hair laid neatly, he was dressed so properly in the coffin.
That’s what he wanted, though. He wanted to shake God’s hand dressed formally. He wanted to thank him personally.
When it was all too real, he breathed… and I laid back down in the bed, hugging him.
Jasper was snoring lightly, holding her close to his chest. She listened to his heart beat, calmed her shaking breaths and watched as his chest moved.
For a moment, Star questioned where she planned on going once he woke up. She couldn’t stay there, she had to leave and find her own place somewhere else.
Truth be told, she had nowhere to go, though.
Star had moved into Heliosea with her parents when they were still alive. She couldn’t remember much about them, or the move, but a lot of times she remembered her favorite white sand beaches from her home.
She’d returned there only once, as a teenager, and spent a couple weeks along her home island. Eventually, though, Star had gotten caught and was sent back to Heliosea. She was a minor and had no documents to travel, having snuck onto the island illegally. Not to mention, she had ran away from her foster family.
One of many families that tortured her until she finally turned 18. She lived on the Southeastern coast of Heliosea when she finally became an adult, and packed her bag at 11:50pm the night before.
She snuck out of the foster’s home just a little after midnight, and arrived at a bus station shortly after. From there Star took several different buses, getting out of that corner of the country and arriving on the Red Highway.
She hated the SE with a passion, so she couldn’t return there and the Red Highway… well… Lazarus was probably still looking for her. Star didn’t know if there was any point in going to the SW coast, and she was there in Sunwoods, now…
At the same time, she didn’t think she could stay with a married man. What situation could he even show her that would make it a good idea for her to stick around? Still, she had to admit she was wildly attracted to him.
Star figured she’d be quickly proven that staying around would be a bad idea, so she figured maybe she should try to enjoy the feeling of his chest against hers.
Just as she was admiring his muscular frame, his snoring began to cease and his eyes began to flutter open. His green eyes looked up into the ceiling of the room, before adjusting his position and kissing the top of her head.
She smiled up at him, and Jasper kissed her lightly, looking away to say, “let’s go start the day. How are you feeling?”
“I’m good,” she commented as the two got out of the bed and Jasper opened the bathroom door for her, she walked in, “thank you.”
Jasper walked Star into the main house through the sliding patio doors, which were already open when they came up. Star was mesmerized by his ranch, and she hadn’t seen all of it yet.
When they walked in, they were immediately in a very large living area with high ceilings and open windows. She thought it was beautiful, and her eyes scanned the room quickly.
Immediately, she noticed there was a fireplace with several family photos sitting on top. Her eyes pulled away quickly, not wanting to pry, but Jasper had noticed her eyes already. He looked over to where she had been, “ah, I probably should show you a couple of those so you believe she’s my wife.”
He walked over normally, grabbing a picture off the mantel, “this is probably one of the better ones.”
Jasper brought it back to Star and showed her, “this is my wife, her name is Dahlia Conrad, and these are our sons, James and Emery when they were younger.”
Star looked at the photo, maybe imprinting it in her mind. The photo had Jasper and Dahlia sitting side by side, with James and Emery on either side of them.
James and Emery were younger than six, with only their eye colors being noticeable features about them.
James had large, pitch black eyes almost — the darkest shade of brown, and messy black hair. He wore formal black pants with a red button down. His little sleeves were rolled and he stared at the camera in annoyance at being photographed.
Emery had a similar expression of annoyance to his brother, but his eyes were large blue pools, his hair the same black though a little more put together. He wore formal black pants, and a cute blue sweater that matched his eyes.
Dahlia wore a fairly dated but black dress. She looked like a typical 1950s wife in a dress, but her hair was a lot longer in this photo with balayage highlights and gold wavy hair. Her eyes were a deep brown, almost as dark as her sons.
Jasper was definitely the center of this photo. His smile was perfect for the camera, and his green eyes really popped in the photo. He wore a black suit, with the suit open slightly, exposing the white shirt underneath and no hat on his head. His black hair matched that of his sons perfectly.
“Hmm… Conrad Sons really does make sense,” Star commented, handing the photo back to Jasper, as the man chuckled.
“They are the spitting image of me, aren’t they?” Jasper chuckled.
Star was about to agree, just as Dahlia came into the living area and stopped to look at Star.
Her eyes ran up and down Star’s figure, and her expression showed her surprise, “how much money did he have to offer you for you to be around him?”
“Are you saying I look like a slut…” the young girl asked timidly. Dahlia was in her 40s or 50s, Star assumed.
The older woman shook her head of blonde hair quickly, “no, no, I’m sorry. That didn’t come out right at all! You’re gorgeous, I’m just shocked you’d want to be around an old man.”
Star laughed slightly and tried not to meet the woman’s eyes, worried she was offending her in her home, “I’m sorry… I am attracted to older people quite a lot if my history proves anything…”
She wouldn’t lie, she found Dahlia gorgeous and very sexually attractive. There was just a natural energy the woman had, and Star couldn’t help but be attracted to beautiful women.
“Dahlia, this is Star Bennett,” Jasper said, placing his hand on Star’s lower back, and bringing her and himself closer to his wife.
“Hi, Star,” Dahlia smiled at her and gave her hand.
Star shook her hand, smiling up at her, “good morning, Mrs. Conrad.”
The older woman gagged, then laughed, squeezing the hand of the younger woman’s a little, “ew, no… you always call me Dahlia.”
She was looking up into the woman’s dark brown eyes, and she smiled again, “sorry, good morning, Dahlia.”
“Well, Dahlia, do you want to start explaining us to her? I’d like to have Star around if she wants to be here. I need a new girl on my arm, and she’s… well, you can see her for yourself,” Jasper spoke so confidently, and showed off the girl to his wife.
Dahlia laughed, “you make us sound so creepy old man.”
Dahlia did nod her head, and turned her attention to Star, “if you’re attracted to him, though… You have no competition in me. Him and I were forced to marry each other by our wealthy families. His father just doesn’t want me to misbehave or make his son look bad.”
“What about your sons? Did you two not love each other when you had them?” Star asked, and she realized after she did that she probably sounded very childish.
The blonde woman laughed and looked back at Star, “we love each other as best friends. That’s about it. Our sons, while I love them, were like a payment to his family.”
“A payment?” the young girl looked up at her curiously, the woman was taller and gorgeous, but the statement was odd, “how do you mean? Did they go to live with his family?”
“No, they lived with us until Emery decided to disappear and then James did too. Don’t blame them, though, they weren’t made for life in Sunwoods high society,” the old woman shook her head, “really, who is? As for payment, his family requested that I provide two children into the family soon after marriage.”
“We would only have sex during ovulation, so I could get pregnant, and I was pregnant soon. We didn’t have sex again until we went to have the next baby, and it was the same thing essentially.”
“Do you sleep with each other now?” the younger girl asked, she wanted to sleep with Jasper. She didn’t want to involve anyone else just yet, but she wanted to understand what their boundaries were like.
“We’ve had threesomes with each other and another girl since having our sons, but we haven’t done that in years. I discovered, since I’m very sheltered, that I’m a lesbian. I have girlfriends and I date and sleep with them, while Jasper has his own…” Dahlia explained.
“You feel free, stick around as long as you want. I think you’re gorgeous and you should do whatever makes you feel happy.”
Star blushed and looked at Jasper, who was smiling down at her. She hugged his wife goodbye, and Jasper took her out of the house to show her around the ranch.
The Conrad Sons Ranch was massive with fields full of farm animals and crops. She wasn’t sure what they were growing, with everything being cold, but there were tall stocks growing in the rolling fields.
There was mud anywhere they tried to off road, following a bit of a cold rain that happened in the early morning, but Jasper’s truck took the roads easily. Star looked out the window of the truck, watching every field pass by.
In the land of Gods and Monsters, I was an angel living in the garden of evil. Screwed up, scared, doing anything that I needed.
In that moment, Star was reminded of nights in the center of her island. For awhile, she would go into the farms and get lost in the fields. She remembered all the golden corn, the feeling of the hot sun on her face. All of it was something she missed so much in Heliosea.
Yet, here she was in Sunwoods, driving through a massive farm with the town sheriff and being reminded of that place. She felt at peace, for a second, and caught herself too comfortable.
Why did she feel so safe?
During drives, Jasper didn’t speak too much, only turning the music up for Star, and smoking out the window at the same time.
He knew that she liked to disappear in memories on drives, he knew that she seemed to disassociate into the all nature around her. She would sink into it, she’d be at peace. He’d see it out of the corner of his eye, and he couldn’t help but be entranced by her.
Despite having had other girlfriends before, the man was never quite pleased or satisfied by anyone. Everything always broke apart so easily, because he struggled to ask for anything or take any initiative. He just… would get bored so easily.
Usually though, he would hold onto girls for longer, even if he didn’t feel anything.
This — with her… it was different. Star, his Ember… that girl with those beautiful green eyes, that passenger princess lost in thought. He was interested in her without touching her, just by being near her.
Jasper parked the truck at the top of a hill on the property line, and jumped out the car. He walked over, opening the door for Star, who hopped out with his assistance.
She smiled up at him as he took her hand and led her to the back of the pickup truck. He’d parked in reverse and opened the bed of the truck, helping her up onto it.
He easily got himself beside her, and the two sat staring at the hundreds of acres. Full of animals, crops, homes, roads… And in the distance, she could make out Sunwoods, where the road ended and the Ranch would start.
She looked up at him, “this is so beautiful.”
“Thank you,” Jasper laughed, “I think you’re more beautiful, of course.”
Star blushed and shook her head, “I really don’t know why I’m so into you…”
“So, you admit it,” he smiled, and took her small hand in his massive one, “I’m into you, too… Do you have somewhere to go?”
She didn’t know what to say, she didn’t want to admit it, but she dropped her head, shaking it, “no. I’m an immigrant and a criminal.”
“What’s your wanted status?” he asked completely seriously, but continuing to hold her hand.
He was stable, and always so able to calm her down somehow, especially when he added, “we’ll just change your hair… You and those green eyes with some blonde hair? The Feds will never know.”
A smile broke on the young girls face, and she turned her eyes back up to his, “I’m always down for a hair change.”
Jasper’s dark green eyes hid so much, but in them Star always saw such pride, strength, and intelligence. His smile, too, was so comforting.
Star wondered in that moment why her heart seemed to so easily jump between people.
Reflecting, she didn’t think her heart ever fully jumped to Rocco. She thought she loved him, and she might have, but something was always happening in the background. How long had he been assaulting her in her sleep, or did he really only do that once?
In the end Rocco admitted to nothing and Star always knew with him that she just wasn’t cut out to be his forever. She could never imagine herself in Laguna Hills for longer than a day or two, living in that community of celebrities and wannabes felt impossible.
Star was a confident, beautiful woman that desired to be worshipped by her partner in private. Rocco treated her like she was an accessory to his performances, to his place in the spotlight.
She wouldn’t have minded that treatment if in private he was more honest and less critical.
Sitting on the truck bed, looking out at the Conrad Sons Ranch, she felt a sense of calmness. The hills all around the area were beautiful, and the land seemed so alive still in January. She sighed a relaxed breath and turned towards Jasper as he began to speak.
“I want you to stay here,” the man said, tightening his grip on her hand a little, “I don’t want to pressure you. If you stay, though… I want you to be my girlfriend.”
Star’s eyes ran along their clutched hands. His hands didn’t seem old, they were large and strong, veiny hands, a little calloused and rough. Her hands were small in his grasp, “are there any expectations of me, any boundaries or rules?”
“So many,” Jasper said with a laugh, but his tone relaxed as he continued, “it involves telling you quite a lot about me, Ember… There’s a lot about Sunwoods society that I am unfortunately a massive part of.”
“I am the wealthiest man in our area and I am the chief of police. My jurisdiction for policing extends from Sunwoods to all the desert towns along the Opportunity Highway until the Red Highway. That intersection is the end of my control,” then he stopped and chuckled.
When you talk, it’s like a movie and you’re making me crazy ‘cause life imitates art.
“What? You’re cute when you laugh but what is going on inside your head?” Star was curious, she wanted to understand it all before she agreed to anything.
He laughed, hopping off the truck then walked towards the edge of the cliff and pulled a cigar out of his jacket. He started smoking, looking at the endless view of all his land. Jasper looked over at Star, who still sat on the truck bed, “it’s the end of my legal control.”
Her eyes widened a little, and she tilted her head at him, “I’d love for you to elaborate on that…”
He held his arms out, his cigar in between his fingers, as he explained, “As we all know, the Red Highway is lawless and I own the middle third of it. Sometimes I go over there to check on all the gangs and get what they owe me. Sometimes I go to gamble illegally, sometimes I get in trouble.”
Hearing about the Red Highway again, this time from Jasper who lived hours from it… It almost spun her world out from under her, but she was still so fixed on him. She felt herself tremble as she began to realize that he could probably just hand her back over to Lazarus.
Star didn’t want to think about it, though. She brushed the thoughts aside, and asked him, “what would you expect from me?”
“As my girlfriend, you’ll have to wear dresses when out with me in Sunwoods or out publicly with me anywhere, including the Red Highway. I want to explain that this isn’t because I want to control how you dress.”
“My father is senile and on the verge of death. He’s been this sick for years, but I show him pictures of me with other women in dresses and he doesn’t know they’re not my wife. Since I have mandatory attendance at public events in Sunwoods, those will be where we’ll be photographed.”
Star stopped him, “does the town not know that you’re cheating on your wife?”
“Everyone knows, this isn’t a secret but my father has been told these are different women before and he doesn’t process that. He shuts down, pretends to be asleep, and then when he sees a picture of that girl again he will say that Dahlia looks so beautiful as always,” Jasper sighed, smoking his cigar from the stress.
“I’m sorry you’ve been going through that with your father,” Star got off the truck bed and walked over to him, reaching up to touch his cheek.
He leaned forward into her hand and his eyes opened to look into hers, “he was a terrible man who karmically deserved what happened to him. I just don’t want him modifying his will in this state and the court system refuses to assign me or anyone to control his assets.
“The only way someone would be able to prove to him that I was cheating publicly, is if the girl was photographed wearing a short skirt, jeans, leggings while beside me… Anything he considers non-traditional and unbecoming of a rich wife in Sunwoods Society.”
She nodded her head as she stared up at him. He always spoke so genuinely, so she asked, “you keep saying publicly… Am I allowed to wear anything I want inside the guest house and anywhere on the ranch? Or…”
“Of course, wear whatever you want here. As my girlfriend, you have your own space in the guest house, and this property is your home, too. Enjoy it freely,” he nodded his head.
“You won’t judge me?” she asked, furrowing her brows together and staring up at him.
“For wearing what you want around here? No. Your body is beautiful, you deserve to display it however you want. I wish you could do that anywhere with me, but not until he’s dead… I don’t give a single fuck then,” he promised, holding onto her face.
Star smiled and looked up at him as the two shared a kiss. The kiss was sweet and gentle, at first…
I’m singing, “fuck, yeah, give it to me, this is Heaven, what I truly want”. It’s innocence lost.
After a few more sweet kisses, the intensity started. Their mouths began to open for one another, tongues playing as she reached her arms around his neck, “mmm…”
He led her back to the truck, where he helped her up into the bed of the truck. He hopped up himself, and the two continued kissing. Jasper pulled off her top, then her pants, while Star pulled at his shirt and reached for his belt.
Next, he laid her upper body along the top of the pickup truck, making her stand close to the open back window, her ass spread. Her fingers reached back to help in spreading her cheeks, and Jasper got on his knees momentarily.
He ate her out, starting with circles at her clit, and then following along her slit to her vagina. His tongue forced its way in, and swirled around inside. Star moaned and trembled against his invasion.
Jasper stood back up, and pressed his hard tip right to her entrance, “you’re beautiful… did you decide to be my girlfriend or not?”
“Is the only rule clothing?” She asked in between moans, as his cock began to slowly push its way in.
“Don’t sleep with any other men,” Jasper said as he began to thrust steadily, “besides that, nothing else.”
She looked over her shoulder at him, and his dark green eyes met hers. The sun was setting behind him and it was beautiful, the cold creeping in, and Star felt amazing, “I’ll be your girlfriend… Don’t sleep with any other girls without me.”
He chuckled, “I promise…”
His thrusts intensified, and he began to kiss her back as he fucked her, “couldn’t imagine anything better than this, though…”
“Aaaaahhh, Jasper… mmm… you’re so amazing,” her legs were trembling with every hard thrust, the sound of their bodies meeting filling the darkening air.
He pulled her hair, and she moaned into the air, begging to be kissed which he happily gave in to. They swapped spit, their tongues connecting with saliva as they pulled away, and as Jasper felt himself beginning to cum.
“I want to fill you up, real bad, real full, too… can I cum inside you, my Ember? Do you want it as bad as I do?” He asked against her ear, his thrusts not easing up on her even though he desperately wanted to fill her.
“I do,” she moaned, nodding her head and kissing him again, “please… all of it…” She moved her ass to meet every thrust now.
They came together, making out as they reached their orgasms. Jasper released a huge load in Star, and her legs were dripping wet from her orgasm and his leaking cum, “fuck, you pervert… You got me all wet.”
“Doesn’t that make you the pervert?” He asked, slowly pulling his cock out and chuckling as he heard her pussy pop, “you’re little pussy did such a good job, Star.”
She felt him rub her clit, and he collected a lot of the leaking cum from her pussy, shoving it inside Star’s hole with two fingers. The girl moaned as she felt his fingers start to fuck her, but before she could get too excited…
He pulled away, and helped her clean herself off.
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Hope you all enjoyed little love bugs <3 Took a little bit to write, but I really love this story and wanted to give it the attention it deserved instead of rushing anything. Next post will have an unknown release date, I'm thinking by Sunday but I have nothing for the next post just yet. Part of me wants to release a preview or something for the next character, so there might be a separate poll for that later.
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SONG REFERENCES Gods and Monsters by Lana del Rey
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bansenshukai · 2 years
I was looking at the top Naruto ships on AO3, and wondered how popular they were over time, so I made a graph so I could see!
AO3 filtered for english language fics only
tracked top 10 character pairings for every year from 2009 onwards (the year ao3 was founded), using the "sort by date updated function", with from: blank, to: "____-11-14", because AO3 was founded 2009-11-14 but there are some backdated works. The datapoint for 2022 was recorded as of 10/25/2022 11:50PM PST
manually entered data into spreadsheet, imported into Flourish for visualization
Anyway, part of the reason I made this was because I was wondering when the hell MadaTobi got so popular-- as best as I can tell, Blackkat kicked off the tag in 2015, and by 2018 it jumped into top 10 ships and has only grown from there.
Some interesting observations about general trends as a fairly recent Naruto fandom member:
Kakashi/Iruka has pretty much always been the most popular Kakashi ship (this makes sense, considering Iruka appears as an emotionally crucial character in Ch 1, the very beginning, and Kakashi is the most popular Naruto character)
Kakashi/Naruto was surprisingly popular, staying steadily in top ten ships from 2011-2021, only dropping off top ten in 2022
Kakashi/Sakura was always popular too (staying in top ten every single year), but began to drop down the list starting ~2020
I wonder if this has to do with the increasing distaste for age-gap/student-sensei relationships in the past 5 years? re: general anti/pro fandom discourse in the wake of Voltron and similar
Kakashi/Obito and Kakashi/Gai were fairly unpopular until ~2019-- KakaObi first hit the top 10 in 2019, while KakaGai hit top 10 once in 2016, but didn't comeback until 2020 and since then both have stayed in top ten through the present
It's worth noting that since Naruto is an old fandom (older than AO3) and so many fics reside on FFN, this is only a reflection of a subsection of fandom. On the other hand, if you're on Tumblr, you are pretty darn likely to be within the AO3>FFN category. Just food for thought.
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bebepac · 2 years
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I posted 1,590 times in 2022
178 posts created (11%)
1,412 posts reblogged (89%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 956 of my posts in 2022
Only 40% of my posts had no tags
#bebepac writes - 872 posts
#choices fanfiction - 404 posts
#liam x riley forever - 318 posts
#evil ellie rys - 189 posts
#elle x nico - 184 posts
#liam x riley - 180 posts
#you will always be my riley - 164 posts
#evil drake - 158 posts
#the rotten apple 🍎 - 137 posts
#choices fanfic - 132 posts
Longest Tag: 55 characters
#the fandom is big enough for us all to do our own thing
My Top Posts in 2022:
The Big Apple Dumplin' Festival
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This is a one shot from my Fast Forward Universe for @txemrn father's day prompt.
Just imagine: Your TRR LI is at an important public event. The heir (4-5 years old) throws a tantrum.  MC is COMPLETELY out of the picture.  How would your LI (Liam/Drake/Maxwell/Leo) react?
The Book: TRH
The Pairings: Liam x Riley , Maxwell x Taylor (Maxwell x F!OC) , Nico x Angelica (M!OC x F!OC)
Word Count: 2355
Warnings and Ratings: Profanity. / Teen
Original Post: 06/18/22 at 8:50PM EST.
A/N: Do you have to have read Fast Forward to understand this? Nope, but I highly recommend if you are looking for a binge read. But I'm going to give you some things you do need to know. My Riley is married to Liam with four kids: Ellie, (12) Adam (11), Jaiden (5), and Liberty (4). My Riley also has an identical twin sister Taylor that's living in Cordonia now. (They were separated at birth and my Riley was adopted. ) Taylor and Maxwell are married. Other People you will see:
Nico: Riley's Guard married to Angelica (Ana), Riley's assistant. Nico and Ana have one daughter together Iris, (9 months) and Nico has a child from a previous relationship Nicolai (Nic) (age 13).
Taylor and Maxwell have identical twin daughters Lily and Violet (age 2)
A/N2: I had read a few of the father's day fics that have come across my dash, and I just finished mine this afternoon and was starting the proofing process on my own when I found @debramcg1106 had posted her's already and we both have a slightly similar situation with children getting undressed. So I ran my story by her, and she was okay with it.
"What do you think of the idea Riley? Personally, I like it. It's a play on where you're from, and you get to crown someone Queen for the festival, as you were crowned."
See the full post
99 notes - Posted June 18, 2022
A Piece of Heaven on Earth Part 6
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This is my second submission for the last @wackydrabbles​​​​ prompt # 145 That was really really good which will appear in bold.
My OG Riley had to be a part of this.  She had to be. She started the wacky drabbles journey with me, it’s only fitting, my final submission is with her.  
This also is a submission for @choicesmonthlychallenge​​​​ for day 3 for paranormal.
The series:  A Piece of Heaven on Earth
The Book:  TRR
The Pairings: Liam x Riley /  Riley x Nico 
Word Count: 4599
Warnings and Ratings:  Profanity, Sexual Situation, 18+
Song Inspiration: When Can I see You by Babyface
Song Inspiration: Come Away With Me by Norah Jones
Song Inspiration Just a Dream by Nelly  
Summary: Riley moves in with Taylor until her apartment is vacated by Liam. Nico and Riley begin an relationship together. Team Liam launches an offensive to help bring Liam and Riley back together.
Original Post: 05/06/22 at 11:24PM  EST
A/N:  This is very special to me.  So please be kind.  I’m writing this as a tribute story to my Riley FC, the late Cheslie Kryst, in a way to deal with my grief which has almost been consuming my life.  I started following her in 2019 when I was watching the Miss USA pageant.  I rooted for her immediately.  Not only was she from my home state, but she was just this bright twinkling light on stage, she was a minority, like me. So when I came to the fandom in January 2020 and started writing stories for TRR I picked her as my Riley FC because she embodied what I wanted my “Riley” character to be.  Even in her untimely passing, I am still finding out more about her life and I have written her pretty accurately, even down to having depression.  So I will say it again.  If you need help please reach out.
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103 notes - Posted May 6, 2022
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I don't care what anyone says, words hurt, and can do more damage than a physical bully. The more and more I read about her, the sadder I feel for her, that she really felt alone, her outwardly confident exterior , she had material wealth and appeared to "have it all", she was dealing with and was hiding so much pain and hurt inside.
I can't even begin to formulate words to convey the anger and hurt I feel. I thought she was beautiful, graceful, intelligent, and poised. A true Queen. To see people trolled and talked about her this way makes me sad for humanity. And that she deleted all the negative comments. As an avid follower of hers, for years I never once saw a negative comment. That must have been emotionally exhausting for her.
This world already feels darker without your light Beautiful Queen.
123 notes - Posted January 31, 2022
A Piece of Heaven on Earth: Part 1
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The Book:  TRR Pairing:  Liam x Riley (eventually)  Word Count: 2902 Warnings & Ratings:  Sexual Innuendo, mention of character’s perceived death, profanity; Teen Liam and Riley, Chance, Maxwell and Bryce belong to PB, all others are my own characters  to support our story. Summary:  Riley and Liam meet in an odd situation Song Inspiration:  I by Yiruma Story Inspiration: Just Like Heaven -you see similarity to the storyline of the movie but there will be differences I added in as well.
Original Post:  03/08/22 at 8:43PM EST.
A/N:  This is very special to me.  So please be kind.  I’m writing this as a tribute story to my Riley FC, the late Cheslie Kryst, in a way to deal with my grief which has almost been consuming my life.  I started following her in 2019 when I was watching the Miss USA pageant.  I rooted for her immediately.  Not only was she from my home state, but she was just this bright twinkling light on stage, she was a minority, like me. So when I came to the fandom in January 2020 and started writing stories for TRR I picked her as my Riley FC because she embodied what I wanted my “Riley” character to be.  Even in her untimely passing, I am still finding out more about her life and I have written her pretty accurately, even down to having depression.  So I will say it again.  If you need help please reach out. 
See the full post
136 notes - Posted March 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Rest In Peace Cheslie Kryst
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Original Post: 1/30/22  8:39PM EST.
Update 1/31/22
If you have been following me for a bit know that  Cheslie  was my face claim that I used for my original “Riley” character for my TRR writing and series.  Sadly, news reports are coming in from New York, she took her own life today.  And I cried, and I’m still crying. 
Is it silly that part of me feels like I know her, as I’ve been writing about her, in this world for the past two years?  That there are tears in my eyes for her feeling that she had nothing left but to do this final act, you can’t erase, and I feel for her family, and friends, and fans out there, that all feel like the world is a little darker today already without her here. 
Cheslie, even though I didn’t personally know you, I feel like I did because I’ve been writing  you for over two years, of how I perceived you to be.  In all the social media I saw of you, I perceived you to be confident, funny, kind, and a little bit goofy but also goal oriented,  a strong  woman.  My hope for you is that you have finally found peace.  I wish you would have seen yourself, the way I saw you and wrote you. I miss you already and I never met you in real life. 
We have to do better as people, to see the signs and check in on each other, I would have never thought, this would be her fate from her life that she had lived and social media presence.  You never know what people are struggling with under the surface. You think that they have it all, but they feel that they are missing something crucial.
If you are feeling lost or hurt please reach out to your friends or family or someone that can help.  Please get help.   People will miss you if you’re gone, people you might not even realize. I read that 93% of people that survive a suicide attempt say they regret the choice they made, after they made it, but then, it's too late. Please get help if you need it.
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292 notes - Posted January 30, 2022
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boricuacherry-blog · 2 years
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Holly Rae Ellsworth-Clark has been missing from her home in Hamilton, Ontario for eight months before she was found in suspicious circumstances.
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The 27-year-old musician had hazel eyes with dark blonde/light brown hair and distinctive bangs. She grew up in Calgary where she completed an honours degree in political science at the University of Calgary, where she also was in the wrestling team. After college she relocated to Toronto some time in 2019 to join a band and be with her boyfriend. Neither the project nor the relationship worked out, so she moved to central Hamilton in October 2019, where she had been offered a room in a house with other musicians who aspired to form a band called Deep Bight and record at their in-house studio. The project, once again, didn't work out, so Holly Clark decided to concentrate on writing and performing solo, which she had been doing for some years. She described the music as between Velvet Underground and 90s grunge.
She uploaded videos and performances to her YouTube channel, while also performing locally at shows. She had been writing an album right before she disappeared. Her sister Kate said spending time outdoors was one of the ways Holly would combat feelings of loneliness. They used to go hiking and camping as a family, but never had Holly gone off without informing anyone.
In December of 2019, her family noticed a change in her behavior on phone calls. The usually warm and outgoing girl had become emotional and fearful when making calls home.
A few days before she went missing, her roommates called 911 after she broke into her own bedroom through the window, presumably being chased by said males. Holly was an athlete. She was a 6ft, 200lbs, three-time wrestling champion, and an outdoorsy girl. She talked to her father on the phone and told him about this incident. Her father believes that if she was scared, she was scared for a reason.
Other than the reported incident of the two men chasing her, her roommates did not report anything else strange or odd about Holly's behavior leading up to her disappearance.
One day before she went missing on January 11, she left a voice-mail to her parents. Unfortunately, they only noticed it a week after she had already vanished. The concerning message said:
"I would really like a plane to get out of Hamilton. I would really, really like a plane ticket out of Hamilton to Calgary please and I would like to come home and visit you and Dave [her father]..."
She seemed to be pleading, and was heard crying. The message continued:
"I'm missing you so much [sob] so that's all I want in the world is to see you and Dave because I love you so much [sobs]..."
Holly then tries to regain her composure, stating:
"So, um, if you could please, um - uh - help me out with a plane ticket that would be really, really, greatly appreciated. Okay, I love you. I love you and I look forward to hearing from you. Okay, bye..."
CCTV of Holly showed her walking down a road near Wentworth Street and Shaw Street at around 4:50pm, the day she went missing [and the day before her dad was going to pick her up]. She was wearing a garbage bag over her upper body as a makeshift poncho as she walked down the rain slicked street. Her father confirmed he had taught her to do this when it rained.
She didn't bring her phone or any credit cards with her, and she made no money withdrawals before or after her disappearance. She only had $45 on her. She was seen walking from her home located on the corner of Sanford and Bristol, crossing Barton street, cutting through Woodlands Park, before popping up on Wentworth Street and Shaw, with CCTV footage suddenly showing her with a garbage bag half full and slung over her shoulder. Six minutes later, surveillance outside of Wentworth Metal Recycling picks her up again. She's then seen crossing the railroad tracks on Wentworth, no longer with the garbage bag. She then vanishes. The businesses further up the road don't catch her walking by. In that small blind spot that no surveillance could catch, she disappeared. Some speculated she could have gotten into a car. She was wearing a black shirt, black pants, and black ankle boots.
Some people have said they avoid going north on Wentworth Avenue due to alleged drug trafficking and drug issues in the area.
There were three alleged sightings reported to police of Holly at Budget Hotel in east Hamilton. The hotel was not searched, as police were unable to obtain warrants. Later that day, at around midnight, another tip came in regarding the same motel, claiming they saw Holly Clark "drugged out of her mind, dragged along by another man."
Her body would later be discovered floating in Hamilton Harbour at Pier 11. Her lower legs were missing. An autopsy indicated it would be impossible to tell how she had died, as her body had been in the water so long. No injuries could be determined and there were no drugs found in her system.
Her father mentioned that Holly had plans the day she disappeared, saying:
"Holly's apartment is full of plants waiting to be watered, seeds waiting to be planted, handmade lyric books and groceries she bought for an event on January 11, the night she disappeared. It's like packing up someone's dreams and aspirations."
Her obituary describes her as:
"6-7 time national heavy-weight title holder and Pan American champ in wrestling. Beginner in Jiu Jitsu, Coach in MMA. Comedienne. Gardener. Painter and inveterate drawer of pictures. Writer of an uncatalogued number of surprising and beautiful songs. 1.5x a person but champion of everything small. Proudly intolerant of bullies of any kind. Babysitter, Baker, Bike-Breaker, and a fierce competitor in hand soccer, pioneer of the knee-tilt in women's wrestling, and ready to talk back to her coach in the middle of a match. Fierce competitor, and fiercely encouraging of her competitors. And a proud Calgarian."
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anadorablack · 1 year
FACTs Con, processing...
Hello peeps! I promised a bit more detailed story about my day at FACTs Con in Ghent last Sunday (2nd April) so here comes!
I'm warning you: it's mainly me simping HARD.
My friend and I arrive at FACTs, she dressed as Max from 2 Broke Girls (she's a Kat Dennings fan) and I as an Elf archer (my trusted cosplay to show off my tattooed arms). It's only my second time at FACTs (first time was 2019 where I met DAVID TENNANT and nearly DIED from it), and I forgot how HUGE it is.
We make a round of the shops and goodies, before deciding to go to the main stage area where...Tyler Hoechlin is currently doing a Q&A.
We join the Q&A. Tyler is right there on the stage, but also on the big screen, and I'm close to swooning. We stand at the back (we have a better view) and listen to those asking questions and Tyler answering them.
I learn that his favourite animal is the cheetah (mine too) and his favourite colour is green (mine too). I'm even closer to swooning.
I wonder if I could maybe join the questions queue to ask what I told @barnes-brain I'd ask him, but too late. Nevermind, I'll talk to him later (if my brain agrees with me).
After Tyler's Q&A, my friend and I lurk around the guest area to try and catch a glimpse of the two other guests we've come to see: Daniel Gillies and Alexander Ludwig. (I've already met Katie Leung at a previous Con, and she's the cutest, but today's Handsome Men Day).
Most of the guests aren't there (we guess they must be having lunch behind those damn black curtains) except for Daniel Gillies, whom we observe for five minutes like creeps. The man is an absolute SWEETHEART, hugs everyone, even helps disabled people out of their chairs for selfies and/or carries their belongings until they're settled again.
We can't do anything else but stan, at this point.
After having lunch ourselves (simple sandwiches, nothing fancy) around the same area (just in case someone appears), we start queuing for my photo with Tyler.
My friend is gently asked to leave the queue since she won't be on the photo, but no matter: she queues for our joined photoshoot with Daniel right after, which means we'll be at the top of the queue.
After checking that I'm presentable and applying ANOTHER layer of lipbalm to make sure I don't look like a zombie, I get into the booth to have my picture taken with Tyler.
The man is RIDICULOUSLY HANDSOME, even more so from up close.
He immediately clocks that I'm a bit nervous, and soothes me by running a calming hand up and down my back.
I am officially deceased.
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My friend sees me exit the booth and can't help but hype me up, making me blush like crazy. Many women in Daniel's queue get close to see my picture with Tyler and swoon alongside us with many a 'He's truly super handsome'. Yup, and I got a picture with him...
Daniel's shoot starts. While waiting, we still had a great view of Tyler finishing his own shoot (everyone, women and men alike, exit the booth with a wide grin and heart-eyes, that's what the man does to us).
The VIPs get their photos taken first, and we can see a pregnant woman with her husband and some-months-old baby through the curtain. Daniel gets the baby in his arms for the photo. Some of us can't help the 'awwwww' that escapes us.
My friend claims that her ovaries are on the brink of explosion.
We get into the booth. My friend asks Daniel if we can hug him for our photo, he says 'Of course' but then proceeds to melt my poor darling friend's heart further.
"Are you dressed from 2 Broke Girls?!"
(At this point in the day, NO ONE seemed to recognize her cosplay.)
"That's great! Kat Dennings is one of my closest friends!"
Stunned into oblivion, we'd like to talk some more (after all, DANIEL started the conversation), but we're gently shown out the booth, still a bit dazed.
We get into Alexander Ludwig's queue giggling like the 30-something-year-old we're supposed to be.
Alexander Ludwig appears in all his giant-sized glory, dressed in a black hoodie and red cap, like a CUTIE.
He gives the BEST HUGS EVER. Also, his "Hi guys!" with a big broad smile will forever live rent-free in my head.
Love all around so far.
I decide to queue up to have my Tyler photo signed, and there's almost no-one in the queue, so it's now or never if I want a moment to talk with him 'properly'.
He's still wearing the jacket from earlier, but now, he's got a cap too.
I am definitely deceased.
ANYWAY. I give Tyler my name to sign and this is, in substance, what was said:
"I have a question for you. I couldn't ask it during the Q&A but I wondered if I could ask now."
"Of course, go ahead."
"Alright, I got into baseball last season, which is like, a miracle, since it's not that popular on this side of the ocean."
"Yeah, I know, I found out Belgium's not big on baseball. How come you started watching it?"
"I got a great friend from Arizona who got me into it. Now I'm super addicted and it fried my brain a little."
*he smiles and chuckles* *I'm dying*
"Anyway, I wanted to ask: you made a movie called 'Everybody wants some'." *he nods* "In that movie, you wield an axe as a bat and slice a baseball in half." *he nods again with another winning smile* "I know you got skills, so was it real?"
*he chuckles again* "Well, I can tell you it happened, but I can't tell you how it happened." *there's a fucking GLINT in his eyes*
"Can't, or won't?"
*that smile will kill me dead, I swear* "Whichever."
*I laugh too, because sod it, I'm in love now* "Alright, which team do you support, by the way?" (I already know because Blaire is RELENTLESS, but I pretend not to)
"The Cubs and Angels. You?"
"CARDINALS!" *I raise my fist like a complete moron*
"NICE! Well, say thank you to your friend for getting you into the game, it's great to talk about baseball to anyone, and good luck this season!"
"Thanks! We'll need it!"
*he smiles again* "Have a great day!"
"You too!"
We move away, and I turn to my friend who looks at me with a devilish look in her eyes and tells me 'You're so fucked'.
I can't do anything else but concur.
After doing another round in the shopping area, then fanvillage, and after trying and failing to calm down, we go back to the guest area.
We intend to simply watch for a bit, as a farewell (definitely NOT CREEPY).
In the end, my friend, who's attending her very FIRST CON might I add, decides to go back to Daniel's table and continue that conversation about Kat.
We get close, he sees her and smiles BIG. "Hey, it's my Kat Dennings!"
I step back. I had my moment with Tyler earlier (he's at the neighbouring table and I try NOT TO STARE), so I let her have hers with Daniel.
They talk about Kat, her work, what they prefer of hers, and Daniel says he's so happy to be able to talk about one of his closest friends on a day like this.
Unlike most times, when there's some sort of 'urgency' to the conversation when there's someone else in the queue, Daniel takes his time with us and wishes us a great day, with another grin.
I really think my friend made his day in a way. I'm so happy for her.
We stand back now. I almost got a Cub-related gift for Tyler, but it wasn't the current roster. Not to worry. If he ever comes back to Belgium, I'll get him one.
So, now our watch starts.
Alexander Ludwig comes back from his Q&A and checks his phone. My friend tells me his wife could be giving birth any moment, and we find it soooo cute that he checks so often. He continues giving bear-hugs to those who come to his table.
Tyler is nowhere to be seen (backstage doing his 'Fast and Curious' interview, we find out later) but Daniel is being an absolute SWEETHEART and we just watch him for a while.
I hope Tyler's gonna come out soon, because I want to see him one last time before we leave. Even in passing.
Three people get in his queue. Hope blooms. My friends tells me that one woman in that queue has a baby-carrier and her baby cooing inside it. She tells me that I'll soon see Tyler interact with a baby.
I am further into deceased land.
Tyler comes back out, and all brain functions cease.
He shed the jacket and is now clad in a t-shirt. A TIGHT T-SHIRT. I feel ashamed for ogling him but GODDAMN.
The woman with the baby gets her turn. Tyler starts cooing at the child, waving and smiling and making faces.
My own ovaries get a wake-up call.
(It's truly FRIGHTFUL what the sight of a man with a baby does to a woman's body...... WHAT THE HECK???)
Anyway, the queue ends, and Tyler leaves to go backstage again until someone else shows up.
We get a very nice view of his ass as he does, and two other women who were watching the guests with us start giggling at the same time as we do.
The crew-member tending to Tyler's table looks up at that (because we weren't subtle AT ALL) and starts laughing too.
Well, okay, objectifying people isn't nice, but I DARE YOU not to stare at Tyler Hoechlin in that tight t-shirt.
We're back in the car, heading back home, but my head is swimming with the events of the day.
I look at my friend before she plugs in her trusted Taylor Swift playlist (we like to yell-sing whenever we're on the road together) and I conclude the day by saying:
"I'm in love"
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gesau-it · 2 years
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◙ ✞ Programma di preghiera del nostro gruppo Gesù all'umanità - ☆•.¸❤ Siete tutti calorosamente invitati a seguire questo programma di preghiera ☆•.¸❤ https://programmadipreghierages.wordpress.com/2019/04/11/programmadipreghierages-programma-di-preghiera/ ºººº — █ █ March 06, 2023 at 03:50PM
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nationalnewsindia · 2 years
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sangklp · 5 years
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RT @ybrap: I made 1000 birds origami everytime I poop https://t.co/paQSCcCQi2 https://www.youtube.com/c/lifesang
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xolovejessie4181 · 5 years
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[INSTAGRAM STORY VIDEO] tiffanyyoungofficial: ❤️ @/taeyeon_ss https://t.co/MoaQU1PTOv https://t.co/YnTlH7WAOM by tiffanyyoungofficial
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dopingconsomme · 5 years
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クッカス☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ https://t.co/NpZpcRdF5W クッカスに取り上げられるのを夢に見てたので喜んでる ・企画者ザッパー☆とかいう都合の良い名前 ・試行錯誤したツイキャスだけにこういう形で評価されると嬉しい ・OP三馬鹿ツイキャスの3本柱に蠍媛スレ民の協力でここまで大きくなりました泣 pic.twitter.com/omaoaVZ4zY
— ザッパー☆ (@zapper_star) July 13, 2019
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mwesterl · 5 years
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3 Ways to Improve Your Cultural Fluency https://t.co/RJfghA6CjA https://t.co/DkWbC6FpSy | mwesterl | http://twitter.com/mwesterl/status/1124430942247051264
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I missed you and your hug today.
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pedropaganmora · 5 years
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Korea Antigua
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somediyprojects · 3 years
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Baroque stitched by mtrl_girl. Pattern ($16) designed by Tracy Horner of Ink Circles.
“One last finish for 2019: as of 11:50pm on December 31, Baroque by inkcircles is finished!!! Stitched on 35ct Creme Brûlée by R&R Reproductions with Gloriana silk floss in Northern Lights. Started in February 2016. I’m so excited to have this one done!”
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sangklp · 5 years
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多分こことも繋がってるんだろうな文 https://t.co/sPxcuYucWn https://www.youtube.com/c/lifesang
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xolovejessie4181 · 6 years
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[INSTAGRAM STORY VIDEO] jessica.syj: Finale💖 @/chloe https://t.co/pMnOx3dJqo https://t.co/CruPsQ4b0x
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