#2018Imcomingforyou progress
Holidays have arrived and it’s kinda getting cold...
Sometimes I feel like the holidays are just another day living in California because it’s so warm, coming from New York I'm used to leaves falling and snow storms approaching. Today, I was speaking with a friend and couldn’t remember if Christmas was on the 24th or the 25th. What the holidays mean to me now, is pushing sales, and running around trying to get things done. And my family, well only a few members, are coming to town to throw into the mix. I feel like this month I made some progress as far as trying to manage my time better in regards to personal care and my education. It’s not perfect yet, but I am proud of the direction it’s going in. 
My class for this month focused on consumers and their buying behavior. As I mentioned before I love demographics and figuring out why people do the things they do so this was right up my alley. I feel like I have a pretty good understanding of consumers for my case study brand the Reformation because I am there target customer. However, for my actual job, I am not the target customer, my client is. We have grown very close over the past few months which has helped me observe and figure out how she thinks and buys and etc. Applying the tools and strategies from class helped me figure out the types of customers and how I have to remember to cater to them. It made me look deeper into her behavior as well as the customers when interacting with shopping and social events. It’s given me great insight and has helped me keep building the brand identity and structure. 
It has been a very enjoyable and productive class this month, I feel like I connected to the topic and was able to deliver good work even though the distractions of life and family have been working against me. I think after the holidays I will be closer to my Mastery goals as well as a little happier life.
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