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brilag · 2 years ago
Les couleurs dans la danse par brigitte lagravaire Via Flickr : Monflanquin, les Médiévales 2018 2018-08-15-medeviales (52cn)
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raysondetre · 6 years ago
 When I warn there is an open neoliberal attempt to hijack feminism for militarism, you need look no further than Kavanaugh to observe it took place exactly as it was supposed to. Trump gave the ultimate excuse for a reality TeeVee presidency. It was Bezos' WaPo that launched Christine Blasey Ford onto the national stage, -though only after this was reported due to a leak to the Intercept (also owned by a neoliberal -so far neoliberal he's a libertarian billionaire), and the press had begun circling. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/christine-blasey-ford-brett-kavanaugh-accuser-comes-forward-in-interview-with-the-washington-post/ -Bezos is he of the pending, if contested AWS cloud contract with the Pentagon for $10 billion: https://www.businessinsider.com/amazon-trump-wins-pentagon-contract-2018-4/ -who already has a $600 million such contract with the CIA. We got practically nil evaluation of his judgeship history, which is definitely more applicable to the post: https://www.facebook.com/senatorsanders/videos/283743735571758/ In this sense, WaPo effectively framed the entire debate as per Kavanaugh. Making Kavanaugh's candidacy a lightning rod feminist issue assured the reactionism of identitarian democrats in droves, to an openly militarist takeover of the DNC for the midterms in November. https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2018/09/21/ciad-s21.html This should not be mistaken for support of Judge Kavanaugh. His confirmation is just open confirmation of the truth, that a militarist state is the ultimate realization of patriarchy and that in this sense, we live in a deeply patriarchal state. This is its real face. It has always been its real face. And they just got you to swallow the ultimate attainment of patriarchy (global militarism) by hijacking feminism. I mean, Kavanaugh’s swing votes were intimately connected to the presidency that resurrected the notion of “manifest destiny” (God mandated US military conquest) https://theintercept.com/2018/10/05/brett-kavanaugh-susan-collins-bush/ which in Christian theological terms (what G.W. Bush’s worldview belief system represents) is Christian theocratic fascism running your state. http://www.wrongkindofgreen.org/2017/11/01/how-u2s-2017-joshua-tree-tour-acclimates-american-theocratic-fascism/ (-That’s analyzed in the essay in Part 3.)
-But these two have been adopted wholeheartedly by the #McResistance, when this vein of fundamentalism is so deeply retrogressive it verges on theocracy and this vein of fundamentalism is inherently designed to suppress and repress women.  Patriarchy is also integrally related to the fabrication that is the planet extirpating economy, as patriarchy is highly profitable in that it is the driver for our overheated premise of a capitalist “growth” economy, with the most potential fodder for profit margins coming from the over-reproduction of human beings. (This is the nation where 52% of pregnancies are unwanted.) I mean, BLOODY HELL: “Why is the Washington Post Sanitizing Racists?” https://www.truthdig.com/articles/why-is-the-washington-post-sanitizing-racists/ -i.e., Steve Bannon? Well, does “The CIA [have their finger] in Brasil’s Elections” -in the form of social media blowing up a Neo-fascist faction: http://www.brasilwire.com/the-cia-finger-in-brasils-elections/ -called Bolsonarian fascism? Who’s going to run their electoral presidential campaign for them? F***ing Steve Bannon. https://www.telesurtv.net/english/news/Brazil-Steve-Bannon-to-Advise-Bolsonaro-Presidential-Campaign-20180815-0003.html GO AHEAD AND TRY AND TELL ME WAPO IS FEMINIST Facebook targets Telesur, btw: https://www.telesurtv.net/english/news/TeleSUR-English-Removed-From-Facebook-for-the-Second-Time-20180813-0009.html
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nuclearjp · 6 years ago
毎日新聞福島第1原発事故 放射性汚染土を誤廃棄 環境省、「保管」の10キロ毎日新聞環境省は14日、東京電力福島第1原発事故後、同省に送付されていた放射性物質を含む土壌約10キロを省内で紛失したと発表した。誤廃棄した可能性が高いという。汚染濃度は低く、健康への影響は考えにくいとしている。 同省によると、汚染土は2011年11月8日と16日の2 ...福島原発事故の汚染土、環境省が誤って廃棄かTBS News環境省、福島の放射能汚染土10キロ紛失 誤って廃棄か朝日新聞福島から送付の汚染土、環境省が誤って廃棄読売新聞all 52 news articles »
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