#2000000000 posts
kitzenvoncatzen · 8 months
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guys i got 2 billion postss!!! arent you proud of me!?!
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heavensmortuary · 2 years
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get shrunk idiots
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hellbubu · 4 months
If you don’t like what I post, filter tags and block me. I’m not gonna argue with anyone.
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Tf are you on? German bread is literally so fucking good
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What mascara do you use??? I need it
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I feel like they either fucking cheated or Vincent knew they had the better team
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+ "Who said it would stop at graduation"
So his job is just basically being Sebastian? Ciel calls, and he goes. They're both dogs.
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Your son has a better dog
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He's so extra, I love him
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They're here <3
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I'm not a manga reader, I'm writing as I watch. But I am 2000000000% certain someone will get drugged. Why else would Lau who runs an opium den be here?
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He saw y'all play and decided that fleeing the country was better than to be associated with that
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I know you're stupid, but do you really not recognize him?? How did you even manage to become a doctor??
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I fucking knew it
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You really changed just for that? I bet you were itching to get back into your butler clothes
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I- I have no words
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Fucking pervert, stop lusting after Mr. Michaelis's boys.
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I have the feeling he's so okay with this because Vincent did this too
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I think Violet is now my favorite character
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Why do you think so much about his magical fingers? 👀👀
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If only you had been able to hit the rocks that Zeke was throwing at you
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Damn, Bluewer trained him using this method
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Ciel is so manipulative, I love him
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Bitch, did you just pull a Sasuke (see someone use a move and use it later on)?????
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nerdlycrying · 1 year
Okay, now that I have your attention, important PSA time. Facebook's data will likely be leaked. Their servers are entirely unprotected at the moment, leaving most of the online world's personal data at stake. I have already looked into a few sample data collections, and they have enough data on each person to write a 9/11 research team-level analysis on each person. The number of facebook users in just the last year is considered to be some number I dont know, but I do know that it has over 2000000000 total entries of personal data. Based on the demographic of facebook, we can reasonably assume that most of these people are over 50. Meaning, statistically speaking, if you are reading this, these are your parents and grandparents. These are the people who loved you and raised you. And now, everything about them is going to be free, unencrypted access to the entire internet. So what can you do? Well, not much really. You could try deleting your account, but this just moves the data to an external server. The best thing you can do is set all of your demographic settings to crazy things, such as living in Antarctica and being 120 years old. Ideally, you could also delete all your posts, but this wont be perfect in itself.
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These are Jess Cheshire and Fenrir Wolf (how I envisioned them), the account where I post all my art/OC’s on is @thesharkwhaledepths , but there’s -2000000000 traction on there so I thought why not post them on the same account as the fics themselves.
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k8-says-------hi · 2 years
you should be using all forms of social media as selfishly as you possibly can. the whole "im gonna use my platform for greater good" shit is like 2% truth and 98% active denial that they're just addicted to the websites like twitter that give you a facade of external validation when you do and say the correct things. yes i know this post could easily have like a million holes poked into it with 2000000000 different scenarios and i could give less of a fuck
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Multiple skinny wario posts -2000000000 hp
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gh0s1y · 7 years
my esteemed dudes, 
it is my greatest regret to inform you, i am most likely going to fail my university exam tomorrow. i am certain 2 of my 3 irl friends and my parents are going to be very disappointed in me. please support me in these trying times.
much obliged, 
a dum-dum.
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grox · 2 years
2000000000 page novel = 10 full scroll long post
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safarigirlsp · 2 years
Hey, a quick mildly confused question of someone who just checked into the Driver fandom after a long break. If this is the wrong or completely inappropriate place for it, feel free to ignore it. Did something big happen for Babushka to leave her blog? From the looks of it, it's simply like she fulfilled some tumblr fae prophecy of smithying together 2000000000 words and peacefully ascended into another world (ao3) which is great! I'm just a bit confused as to how this came about so suddenly... honestly I don't even know what I'm asking or what I want to hear, I suppose I just need someone to grab my hand for balance in this new landscape where such a prominent storyteller like her is so suddenly absent
I think primarily she got sick of the lack of interaction and felt unappreciated and like it wasn’t worth her time to post things that just felt like they were being thrown into the void. That’s going around for a few people, I think. And I think she’s gotten busier in life too. I love her stories and have gone back and re read some of them!
How’s the fandom landscape looking these days lol? I only follow a few people involved in it and I only read things from like 4 people but I’d love to hear any updates!
I’m still rabidly obsessed with AD, especially Jacques and always Flip! But it’s definitely not the same with things slowing down and people leaving. I’ve probably rewatched The Last Duel 15x since the lull started and Blackkklansman 3x lol. I’ve personally been working on two novels that I’ll have finished and ready to send off by the end of the year, one this summer and one during the fall. I also still have some writing projects here I want to get to, and I’m sure I’ll hit it hard for Halloween as usual lol. And maybe if the books flop, they’ll end up here too lol! Although, I don’t know if they’re the quick fix most people seem to be looking for.
I hope you’re doing well 💗
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sortasirius · 4 years
Sam and Jack for the ask? Wanna know the unpopular opinions :)
Ah yes two of my children.  Hope you’re ready for a novel lmao
How I feel about this character: my son.  2000000000/10 would protect with my life.  Sam is...man, I get emo when I talk about him, because of how strong he is, what a natural leader he is, how much he cares, not only about Dean, but about everyone they meet, about Cas, Jack, the random mother who lost her kid when they’re on a hunt.  Sam cares, he cares so much and even when he majorly fucks up, he’s doing it for the right reasons, because he thinks it’s the best way forward.  He loves to learn and he loves to read, he’s a natural at witchcraft.  He loves dogs.  He’s been willing to die for humanity any time it’s been necessary, and he’s never been afraid to stand up for what he believes in.  He protects Dean as much as Dean protects him.  Sam is also just so gentle, he’s gentle with the people they meet, he’s always been gentle with Jack, and so gentle with Eileen.  But that gentleness isn’t everything, you know, he’s also a total fucking badass, he’s an amazing hunter, he literally was able to get LUCIFER under control and throw himself in the pit.  He’s complex and flawed and it makes him so compelling, like I feel like I really know him, like he’s a person that I could sit down and have a conversation with.  Damn, he is so amazing.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: FUCK I just want this boy to know happiness and peace.  Eileen, obviously.  Like her entire resurrection episode????  Hello???  Also when they make too many margaritas and get drunk together???  Icons?????  Also Rowena, I just thought they had a lovely dynamic.  Even Jess and Amelia y’all, like if it makes this boy happy it’s fine by me, his overprotective mom lmao.  Also I dabble in Sabriel because the fic is always really good lmao
My non-romantic OTP for this character: it’s gotta be Dean right?  Like they are the basis of the show.  They’re so dumb and codependent sometimes, but idk, it’s been really nice, especially in 15 how they’re sorta getting towards being able to be brothers, hunting partners, not twins attached at the hip where they try and snip snap death to sacrifice themselves for each other.  Sam has such amazing pissy little brother moments, he is always willing to throw down for Dean, but he also is going to call him out when he’s doing something reckless or stupid (can you say ALLOWING SAM TO BE POSSESSED BY AN ANGEL WITHOUT HIS CONSENT???).  Like Jack and Cas are in there two, Team Free Will 2.0 is a unit, and they all compliment each other in different ways, but imho it’d be dumb for Sam and Dean not to be the ultimate platonic OTP, bc you know, they are the brothers of the show.
My unpopular opinion about this character: he and Dean aren’t soulmates.  Imo their heavens may be “linked” in some way, but they aren’t destined to be in the same one.  I think he and Dean need to separate at the end of the show, not in a “never speak to you again” sort of way, but in a way that they’re allowed to just be brothers for once.  I also thought that he was way too forgiving of Mary but he’s a much calmer boy than I ever would be.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: he should’ve punched John in the face.
How I feel about this character: is baby.  Okay so since I came back to SPN after a literal five year hiatus, I binged the season where Jack appeared, and so I didn’t really have to wait to warm up to him bc I was consuming as much SPN as I could.  I just...I love him so much. It like physically hurt me to see him lose his soul. (I felt like I was being ripped in half when he killed his snake lol).  I just love seeing how much like Sam, Dean, and Cas he is.  He’s picked up traits from all of them and it’s so endearing to watch.  I honestly didn’t think that an addition to TFW would work, but Jack fits so seamlessly it took about one episode before I was like “welp guess I’d lay down my life for him”
All the people I ship romantically with this character: literally no one.  See point 1: is baby
My non-romantic OTP for this character: probably Cas.  Cas took up the mantle of mom for Jack because of Kelly’s death, and Jack has never been afraid to ask him questions, even if they might sound stupid.  He’s able to be completely emotionally open with Cas, and Cas is with him because of how much they care about each other, and how they share some similarities (nephilim and angel) surrounded by humans, living in a human world.  Cas helps him understand not only his own feelings, but the feelings of others around him (specifically angsty boi Dean).  I always love when they have a scene together.
My unpopular opinion about this character: homeboy was honestly justified with what happened to Mary.  I didn’t want Mary to die, but she was literally IN HIS FACE, she kept pushing and pushing and pushing even when he told her to get back.  She didn’t listen and BAM, vaporized.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: probably when that girl who was the Dean mirror got stabbed???  That was so awful and was like never brought up again.  Also I really just hated when he killed his snake
Link to OG post
Ask me character opinions
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duskblue-art · 4 years
I love your art especially your trolls art 2000000000/10
Thank you!! <3 I hope I can do more trolls art in the future. I’ve been really into Marvel lately, haha. But here’s a pic I drew a while ago... I can’t remember if I posted it here! Thanks again!!
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caramialunaestelle · 4 years
@s1lver-bullet said: Bot post, hacked acc, Kate would never shake hands with someone who hates frog.
This is 2000000000% true.
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daily-giogio · 8 years
gio i don't wanna have to block you, buddy but... you gotta get rid of that turtle post its too scary
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Oh my goodness!!! I’m so very sorry that you had to see that lovely monsterous turtle/tortoise content on your very own dash!! How terrible!!! How horrifying!!! But don’t worry Josuke, I’ll make sure to tag these fearsome beasts for you from now on. Sorry that I forgot this time, I hope you’ll forgive me~
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joythekiller · 6 years
If this post gets 2000000000 likes
I won't do anything but that'd be pretty cool :)
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yououui · 7 years
Code Geass Film 1 Changes
okay so there are going to be like 2000000000 posts about the changes in Code Geass thanks to @roloko-karlstein finding this article which explains some of the bigger changes made in the movie, but I just wanted to share my thoughts on the changes since that’s all I do on this blog
Many of the Ashford shenanigan scenes are cut
I can’t say I’m surprised. One fault Code Geass has is that it has 5 million plot points but dedicates entire episodes to them chasing cats or holding festivals (or both) at Ashford. I mean those are definitely some of my favorite episodes in the entire series, but when you have to condense 50 episodes into 3 movies, it’s not surprising. 
Lelouch doesn’t convince Kallen he’s not Zero through a recorded phone call, she just figures it can’t be him after seeing how he is with Nunnally
I’m sort of :// about this change. I think they did it to cut down on the amount of time the shower scene took. It’s not a huge one, but it does set something up for later. Lelouch using his recorded phone trick was a clever way to convince her, but also, it sets up this cleverness that Lelouch has and uses later. Lelouch being able to predict how conversations will go ends up becoming vital to the series at the end of the second season, as it’s how he defeats Schneizel. The phone scene with Kallen is a small one, but it really helps establish Lelouch’s intelligence in my opinion. Without it, I wonder if they’ll still use this trick of his against Schneizel, or if they’ll go down a different route.
There’s a series of flashbacks that includes a shot of Suzaku having just punched Lelouch, and Suzaku carrying Nunnally up a hill with Lelouch following with an umbrella
The writer of the article included these, so I thought I would, too. The shot of Suzaku carrying Nunnally is something we’ve seen before in one of the endings of the original series. The shot of Suzaku hitting Lelouch is also seen in the picture dramas, so this isn’t technically new. I don’t think that the writer of the article knew this though, since they make it such a point to mention it and how it shows that Lelouch and Suzaku were “antagonistic towards each other at first.” That’s true, but also not new information if you watched the picture dramas. 
The entire Mao arc is cut, which means Lelouch does not wipe Shirley’s memory, and Diethard is the one that shoots Viletta. However, the writer of the article believes it may have been hinted that the Mao arc may take place in the second movie.
I’m not entirely surprised that they cut the Mao arc, although I did think they’d cut out most of it, not all. The Mao arc has a few important parts for the other characters (which I’ll get to) and their development, but it’s not completely necessary to the series and wastes a lot of time, so like with the Ashford scenes, it had to be cut to make room for the really important stuff. Unfortunately, there’s not enough information in the article to know just how much this changes for the other characters. For instance, I’m assuming this means that Shirley never learns that Lelouch is Zero, which is why her memory isn’t erased. This could mean some drastic changes in R2, since Shirley remembering that Lelouch is Zero is what ultimately leads to her being killed, so I’m curious to see if they’ll have her find out a different way. Also, the Mao arc is when Lelouch learns that Suzaku killed his father, so I’m curious as to whether this is something Lelouch finds out a different way, or if they are going to leave it out. As for whether or not it’ll take place in the second film, I’d rather they just left it out and found other ways to get these important elements of the series.
The first movie covers the events up through episode 17 of the first series—up to Lelouch’s discovery that Suzaku is the pilot of the Lancelot 
Ummm I FUCKING KNEW IT!!!!!!!!! This is exactly what I thought the first movie would do--end on the cliffhanger of Suzaku being revealed as the Lancelot pilot and leave the Special Zone and Black Rebellion for the second movie. The only reason why I questioned if they would do this is because of how much content is in the second season, and if they would have enough time to cover it all if they also covered the entire ending of season 1 in the second movie. But based on how the first movie is looking, it seems as though they’re going to cut a lot of stuff from season two, like all of those Ashford scenes, which take up a good chunk. With that being said, I especially don’t think it would be a good idea to cram the Mao arc into the second movie. They have much more important things to focus on in the second movie, and it would be a huge waste of time to include Mao, and it would also shift the focus away from the conflict of Suzaku being the Lancelot pilot, which wouldn’t make much sense.
I’m really excited to see the entire movie and just how these changes play out, and how it changes R2. I’ve said it before, but I hope they include more scenes of some of the important relationships in the series, like Suzaku and Lelouch or Suzaku and Euphie. One issue I had with both relationships was that I wanted to see more of them together to establish how close they actually are. These relationships are very important to the overall story and the characters’ arcs and I want to see more of them, so I hope they do that in the movies.
Here’s to hoping we get the full movie with eng subs not too long after it’s released!
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