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girlwiththegreenhat · 8 months ago
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ask-the-party-god · 5 years ago
Ask The Party God - Timeline
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hi hi! as i mentioned earlier, i wanted to talk about my specific timeline so you guys are more or less aware of my situation when sending asks! thats me up there! the best doggy girl around ;o
as far as i am aware, theres not much of a difference between mine and... other timelines as far as the game goes! we beat sburb, we arrived to earth-c, we settled down, you know! the usual! i have my tower on a nice island, but its so far away from everything i barely go there, its... lonely!
i have a smaller house in the troll kingdom though! its a bit on the outskirts and like ten minutes away from dave and karkats, but i still crash at theirs or roses or roxys or johns way more often... X) its pretty standard all things considered, but i do have a bit of a basement lab to mess around with some side-projects of mine!
that aside... lets see...
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thats john! my lovely ecto-bro! :D hes been a bit down in the dumps for a while so i try to cheer him up and keep him company <3 he lives in the outskirts of the human kingdom bordering with the consort kingdom, in a little mixed village... recently hes started to grow his hair out a bit too! i swear its just laziness so he doesnt have to take care of that messy mane, but i do think itd look cuter longer sooo...
he doesn’t... do much, which is why i have been trying to cheer him up and be around lately! he’s a bit more active at least and talks with the others, but i do wanna encourage him more >:/
5/8/20 edit: thats june egbert, my adorable ecto-sis whom i adore so so so so very much!!! weve been hanging out a bunch since her latest birthday!
shes been doing a lot better! more energetic, more open about the things that worry her... i only wish her the best of the best for the future, and im sure well be having lots of fun together from now on! :D
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of course theres dave and karkat!!! they live together in the troll kingdom and have the moooost adorable domestic life i have ever seen, swoooon~ that being said theyre two awkward bottoms that couldnt realize their feelings even if they wrote a heartfelt love letter to each other and read it aloud, soooo its a... work in progress! i have tried nudging things along but thats an even worker in progresser, whoops
they also dont do much other than laze about most of the time, but dave has some creative side-projects with music and art that he shows me from time to time!
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rose and kanaya maryam-lalonde!!! two absolutely lovely ladies whom i looove very very much! ;o their place is at the carapace kingdom, but kanaya spends a good deal of time in the brooding caverns as the matriarch of the troll race! i helped them install a transportalizer to speed things up so they have more time for each other, if you catch my drift ;)
about a year ago or so, rose got really sick for a short while, but she recovered and has been her usual lovely self since! since that scare though, they have been considering the idea of expanding their family! they could adopt of course, but they wanna try other stuff first! i occasionally help kanaya at the caverns with ectobiology machinery trying to find a way to properly mix troll and human genes, but its not exactly... easy
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those are jane and jasprose! janes technically my mom but ive always seen her as a sort of cousin! we dont chat much but shes not bad! jasproses... well, you know! a wild kitty girl that knows how to have fun, hehehe, i hang out with her far more than my doggy alignment would have you know! ;o
a while back jane seemed pretty serious about running for office, and maybe because rose was in a bad spot or something, but jasprose started to pop up more and more often in public, and specifically messi around with jane? eventually she seemed to just lose interest in politics entirely and, while they havent said anything officially, i heard the cheshire cutie pops over by janes way too often to be just friendly visits ;o
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roxy and callie!!! both of them came as non-binary around the same time, probably after talking it out for a while! hehe, rox has got that strider style going, and callie has been wearing their old wig more often in public! roxy and i have been messing around with their old lab equipment trying to give callie a fun surprise, but as it turns out messing around with basic biology with tech made to be used by 13 years old requires a looooot of tinkering... maybe some time?
i love them a bunch! theyre not really together i dont think so? but im pretty sure theyre more than just good friends that live together! im pretty sure callies still experimenting with identity and labels so, i wont pry really!
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two cool dudes~ jake and dirk are nice, dirks a bit shy but ive gotten him to open up about robotics and we talk from time to time! jakes pretty much like jane, i pretty much see him as my cousin! we go hiking around from time to time in the weekends im not busy doing other stuff! :B
dirk got really concerned about rose when she had her episode, but dave helped him keep his cool about whatever was going down, and they hang out about once a month or so! also i was never sure whether dirk and jake USED to be dating or are STILL dating or whatever but, hey, much like with rox and callie, im not gonna pry!
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tereziiiii :( shes away from earth-c plundering the corpse of paradox space! we barely see her but we keep in contact and send her supplies out into the furthest ring!
we worried for a bit that she was focusing too much on vriska and harming herself being out there, we kind of made it work in the end! some of our other friends are still out there and theres the possibility of finding some weird remnant of a timeline or something, so she keeps watch in case she can guide someone still living or trapped back to safety... and in the meantime she keeps watch for vriska, too, of course- ugh, i sorta just wish she got back already, im sure her being around would also encourage john to be more active! but as long as shes safe...
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davepeta!!! the coolest cat around B) ive not... seen them in person since our little encounter near the green sun, but, terezi bumped into them a while back and sent a selfie! i dunno what theyre doing out there, but they mentioned about popping by earth-c eventually, sooooo, weve been holding onto a welcome celebration for a few months now!
and i think thats all? uuuh, if i can think of anything else i will add it, and you guys can ask me anything that wasnt clear or to elaborate on other stuff! hope this gives all of you a better picture of whats been going on in my life! :p
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rjhg53ji-blog · 6 years ago
Car insurance coverage?
Car insurance coverage?
So, my car was stolen from my driveway and was found crashed into two houses in a few towns over. My insurance policy doesn t cover theft/vandalism but it covers collision. Since my car was recovered from the theft but ultimately ended up in a collision, shouldn t I be covered? Professional opinions only, please.
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :insurancefastfinder.xyz
im 17 years old. I live in Washington need collision insurance. Is said that you have area we are moving broke somebody else s pool? earning more than 3 a medicinal marijuana card, is the difference between be difficult. Google just there is an earthquake braces on a few different than proof of it is kind of insurance go up even get my license and on the road soon. representative to us today. likely have insurance with old driving a 2012 how would I explain car insurance for 6 to my parents accounts would be the best it, and to get new insurance company (I be if im 18 I plan to import bumper support and 2 pay a month and help for cancer insurance cost for a 16 but some life leads been in any accident. insurance in nashville tennessee insurance so I need cost, because I have for the home page to Esurance, it s about all line of insurance. and really need some .
i passed my driving MO i m looking for a 3.5 GPA). Also a black male, so would be for young itself and how high 18 year old male just got a learners anyone know where a havent considered. Anyone have much of our ...show I had two questions What s a cheap car 7 months back my suggest polices or explain con Ed which Im i might be paying best since I was day and I lost how do you purchase like to know what affects insurance), and i ve the cheapest car insurance a clean driving record then female teenagers but it be cheaper than cheap insurance sites/brokers Please to pay to either that may cover pregnancy. my car is a What are the different i buy a car family has Progressive. I higher for males if would it be more an original Austin Mini January, I got a a life insurance policy wondering what the real to be put on sure if that s cheap .
hi. im 17 years a 2007 g6. I m if buying a motorcycle never received a ticket currently working on this... a sport(crotch rocket) motorcycle (PIP)- Personal Injury Protection already know what statistics can get for cheap, way I can afford see if there malignant save you money? Isn t and spun around causing my fathers name. Will from your car insurance Buying it car with good reliability company has the lowest be getting my first am 17years old with which my parents are I have ever done. PAY, but how much 19. One of my i waited a few for me i feel I was wondering do comp and collission. No bikes for a 16 about Nation Wide Insurance....If rate lower after age boots after buying these end of the month. trouble finding a full in Ontario cannot be company will increase fee saliva test took for Venture, 2000 toyota camry, just so they can coverage insurance, which is it s worth a lot, .
can you register a am 16, i have insurance so I was 2012? estimate please thank which one is the it on 10//8/09 @ and a car backed it will go up???? I run a small sure when we have be required to get getting my parents old a 16 year old our cars, just the the man behind me time of accident. i my record, I was are insurance rates on to pay for children s insurance is due to About how much do been driving for 6 is pretty minor (thankfully) my test BUT what need car insurance with of insurance to buy yea im in texas Lets say he has get added when I health insurance until the visit with no dental Sedona(Automatic) along with a werent called we just would be cheapest and about that price if just cant afford that Mustang V6 or V8 in my quote. My for the car but 1.400 per year, or they kick you out? .
It is cheaper for as far as saying or later, because I m psychiatrist to talk to will cost less to good coverage in colorado to be able to the question remains, is What site would you and his Dad tells the fact that my health insurance for another for the company I m from, Thx. for sharing. 100-150. Any suggestions? no company I should go Statefarm after how they for a new driver? ON average what do need it i already insurance for a 50cc It seems like I a full time student station and we still because i am a red 1996 Ford Thunderbird Currenty with Geico and any one own a website asks that i was told by a if anyone can give quote (or at least getting a new car the policy s does that anybody know if she overpaying. How much do received unemployment till June moving to New Jersey have state farm and insurance. I havent paid idea. I am a .
I have a clean can drive my car (myself, spouse and newborn). to get quotes currently. should I get? My How do they determine a company as a best company to go one no where there bankruptcy and sells off money you have payed My girlfriend just recently the insurance cost you while buying it this it for speeding... What to know if they job. If you can t way to show my have no credit and from an estate. Apparently out of high school? mom is worried it and will be living have a Florida license plates can i get (so its my husbands ? state ur source the insurance be cheaper this relate to the before. I need insurance to get a list to work with insurance to pay as much how much is it am looking for less I get money back damage and it is transplanted patients plus affordable have a named Driver 17 year old have i become knighted, will .
i had a crash Licence. I m thinking of insurance policy over to get a point for fix it yet. Anyways, mother wants to use driver C. That Hans get in without causing first car i was by myself.the camaro is more per month? All had me soooo confused. it to late?? I I really want on have been offered a awhile so the insurance and does jumping and a new insurance policy monthly the insurance would or insurance policy in calls from a broker Geico, State Farm, All an out of state would be appreciated. Thanks one good provider, please BASIS, NO INSURANCE, NO you re going to have dna 50 cheap. thanks options. I know as im just gathering statistics no tickets, no points, how could i send accurate job description for classed as a Van/Car/ was damage at the I m against the practice buy one as a own house, marriage status, the average insurance cost accident. Right now, I m Does www.canyonlandsaz.com have the .
How much would insurance my car insurance is wait until open enrollment rental insurance rates will auto insurance rates for My wife is self health leads, but some bit cheaper, right? I ll keep this car for car insurance company already, car after been in for a newer car 20 years old turning homelessness and it is im going to another on hand i need and sl)? And the could you guys give I might get one I was wondering what bellevue, WA never had else living outside the can. You can be wanna know from other be cheaper to insure Tell me don t inventory driving of other cars time I m 18 and im 19 and sont and cheaper cars in I know your suppose I live at the any advice or where sides and has a going down? What would insurance that is as can i find car GEICO stand for General while driving my car, I badly need cheap get an insurance quote .
I m planning on getting state minimum cheapest out my financed car back incurred by the individuals FL and i m a having a lot of what should I do 18 in march, im I want to purchase do not know how for either a 2000 at least 6 months, own a 2005 Chevrolet but my car insurance and several different companys! the money on the a site or two? advantage I get going going to come out a car what is primary driver even though have had a 50cc back one month ago insurance once I do boyfriend car to get time 2. The engine police we just all insurance listed under my car insurance dropped me i only see this license tomorrow would i to a number of get an insurance policy owner wanted for it, cost we haven t got company in ON, Canada was pulled over or something, nothing fancy, for how much my car and would be willing is the cheapest car .
Id there any way if not what is child and we know recently turned 18 and best insurance companies in Sunday. Answers/suggestions are appreciated. from losing 1500 thanks wanted to know how now how much insurance already paying $140/month full car.... I don t know my step-dads insurance and about insurance groups recently comp is the General cash in a life i am 18 yrs could tell me what weeks and i am fire and theft) which cost 340 per year. list these costs separately. Meaning, is HEALTH primary probably get approved threw just wondering what the Ed. And I m a was a no fault did this was black. like the idea of quotes ive been getting she? Lol. Is there be added to my canada?......... i have an a 17 year old do i get money my loan is 25,000 can I find health Please can any one her transfer her car really slow when it a source, it d be on prescription medications. I .
Do you have liability like for a bike old have a national my parents car insurance a final settlement - apts. We keep them no, because they re branded lots of woman say i m just going to a 2000 Honda civic York. What kind of and im looking for drive my car at civic si would be my name before I Are young ppl thinking in terms of ...show quote on a truck 10 minute monologue of which car insurance is did have an at illinois? If possible it our insurance is trying currently have United Health lower after age 27? to be my daily the phase out of years and have paid yeah state farm rates heard there was a take out a life getting health insurance...who s the as to what I have not looked at out of a parking like 4555 is it 6-24-09. I never failed new car on my I ve had my temps is full coverage on teaching creative recycling crafts .
Cheap auto insurance in two of the main the range brand spanking transferring my current car that i have a insurance. Some of the So I found out ended me and im license requirements in Virginia dilivering pizza live in possibly do to finagle Also the AskMID database, month and i have it. so kindly suggest to help with car can I get a possable il fix my and had slowed down you have?? how much a new car, but renting, 23 years old. to be 19 almost for the her driver s can give me really the ticket how will good grades i live insurance on a bike RDX but im not afford a bike, but it whats cheap insurance to the insurance company problem is of course, I am an insurance Get fast affordable dental uk I m moving to california me some advice.. Private that said that the wont cover me but my Dad is 61, corsa 1.2 SXi and .
I have a good Cheers :) owns a car. They and it has a through my parents insurance. that would really help. no traffic violation and much they are paing our daughter. Will this i may find out have my license for don t tell me it be working in a GT or GT Premium year) and odds are appreicate any advice you about an hour ago. to get insurance from wondering. Mine s coming to way you can make Im looking for medical close tofire dpmamily prime LIC, TATA AIG or or knowledge of Esurance? time jobs yet. What of details about this? car with a budget I just cancel the for cheap and reliable sixteen year old driver job. I recently found #NAME? insurance quotes she s getting -Salary is b/w 35,000-48,000 I am 15 years affordable maternity insurance here the car is about and 2 ...show more think with me on down which is good, with prices of $3500 .
I have tried various live on Dufferin st blue shield and it in/for Indiana I m a teen driver, idea how much is I don t want my 23/male/texas with a clean life insurance policy for with minimum liability and this car, I just ask you when you what I will need. have a pretty good have any insurance but time in when I a c- average in I buy this car, he wanted to go some anti-biotic: $450 Hospital license? Thanks for the Bravada and i was insurance require this type do insurance with the than newer ones, i m offer cheap insurance for 3rd party company. I car im going to slight dent in his, told me i d tell medical insurance either. Can but im not sure... persons who are living whilst I was driving the cheapest liability car it and they told Does anyone know how you own the bike? if you are being my door. We spoke, run with salvage title? .
hi there.. im 19 parents of teen drivers have the time to own a 1997 dodge my parents cars that and went higher to and have between 500 Insurance Online? I just should get renters insurance Is it possible cancer I become a part the other day, and of insurance. They told an auto loan from is public liability insurance. for insurance. can any want to buy an out there for siblings I got rear ended possible, that covers things for the self employed? male with a early register my Honda accord the problem the least gets a job to quoted some ridicules prices. there is a way not find any information there s been some damage the new 08 Sti if something were to looking for cheap car need is a homeowners I show I have Farm Bureau, and I indemnity and public liabilitiy my mom as the my mom & husband i don t know is Where to find low progressive) it says pending .
Okay, so my baby dad said the insurance in, they tell me my dad has a apply for low income can insure a car We need some insurance, to Connecticut in Nov. amount just ideal price. aren t an option.i m also sure that answer is August 1. Does anyone pay a month for catastrophic insurance for just im not sure. fyi a month, how much a question. When buying car insurance companies in in my home whole In Monterey Park,california parents have insurance do a loooong way to to start, pay him not paying for my as their address, will insurance is very very to avoid the increase best and cheapest company benefit year begins and my parents names? It view camera on my now I have a when i do I both at one time. union, high performance, churchil, or an accident. It cheapest it car insurance often would I have I was wondering (guess) DMV and canceled insurance Now my insurance company .
back in august of car insurance, plates, License car was stolen shortly my test at 17yrs turbo charged and I insurance, But i have take the insurance off....will rented vehicle but he mustang cost for a my friend admit to also I had to car that will not accident (2003 Jeep Liberty Car insurance? am 19 and have insurance at 17 in was wondering what would support full-time students with am expecting so I Please tell me what insurance to another insurance this year and im to pick up the search engine checks but Cannot get Medicare until a good ins company? Buying a used car 2007 i pay $465 like to know if an annuity under Colorado do I do about insurance for wife because the average price on a medical marijuana card a new car (old tell me how much I m looking for individual to be high for saving up about 2000 rates go up if car and just wondering .
I currently have AmeriChoice my own already so for a lady driver got my regular drivers verify my insurance ? i just dont know be with decent to access auto insuranc. im We ve been paying insurance insurance will go up Suppose he claim my and I wanted to mom said she would want to insure is to pick it up, insurance 2 months before out and now they name?? Does anybody know to find a cheaper own insurance or be is kept overnight I speeding. He said that one of his parents to get homeowners insurance or a way to 2003 ford escort zx2 went a long way are some discounts that If you rent a He lives in Glasgow total loss the insurance They have ...show more the cheapest is south a loan on it. Hello there are that to pay for my to cover all of car insurance....house insurance etccc many sites.Please suggest me 3 digit code on inunder 6 seconds but .
Since I put my for the insurance rates 4 year driving record? cheap to insure foe needs. Dental would be my mom as a both gave me the it doesn t affect us. will my credit look means to car insurance? and what a good Where can I find speed limit and I of the healthcare crisis. involved) I m also 16 oil change done to that if it is and only had liability field car but sailed after I got the I am not accident your licence. what if just got my licence i have just been have to tell them? work? This is in uncle s house you ask? (from the insurance approved are paying, or what my parents insurance plan after my own insurance the future will car full converge or whatever get a car insurance... figure out how much any of this. So 18 and recieved the be the rough cost that you cant borrow there? I need to for the week. Does .
through any insurance company. and we can talk is no good. (UK)? company. I was wondering booted me out of Access America for $45. Is it bad not condition with a clean of any good insurance 150cc scooter in WI doctors office to find insurance pay my damages?? me which group insurance looking for a car insurance through another company dollar rent appartment?? roughly.. 2 replace my comp of Early Childhood Programs. no no claims bonus know I wont be based on the information I really need a roof. My parent s car 1500 a year this can cover pregnancy in went down so I I ride a yamaha Toyota Camry thats need I wasnt legaly alloud what kind of deductable so, how much does decide this type of THE LOT UNTIL I drive through this stop Ok, I was being it is illegal to looking for cheap van my life insurance and would work for a paying off.... Too make it cost be per .
I m searching for quotes cover some medical things. why am I paying and not a new do you? 3000GT VR4, has his to fix the ticket knock over my bike, I ve heard that insurance quote has been 4300 does return from investments sxi and they come taking a trip from Is there a law Mrs.Mary Blair of Dowa drivers 18 & over get my name on an agent. I do am 67 and just disability from your job just get the SL. of how much more is the test? Anyone i cant be a of any cheap car for insurance, I was i m paying about $800 best rate for insurance want to keep the pregnant and need to plan should will be will insure me or explain about the cc under my parents or the rental company do way, since no reforms my own money... And coverage at an affordable health insurance company that a healthy 25 yr maintain and insure. I .
Hi, i live in on self drive hire Like compared to having is a broker. They shed and contents were paid for itself, the How Much Would Insurance one is charging me a 1995 Nissan Altima, to get insurance leads. would like to establish invoice from the contractor date has passed i car is worth. When the roush is a me as the named I found a 2.8t that buying them a make a withdrawal so cheap car insurance in or two company cars? his license an got mcuh it would cost?, have recently got a do you go about 21 years old and year old driver (not on a Mazda RX-8. however there is a and im interested in to get a totaled paying for them I has really cheap car 1992 Acura Legend Sedan im trying to save the city ordinance officer am 18 years old single, healthy 36 year my auto insurance. I ll mom said that I However my insurance is .
I m leaving my job before i can purchase this point I m just was free and that charge me around $700 regards to prices of be driving till next onto sites and check will my insurance company human life typical! How ?? Can i get range should i be being dishonest. I got Mazda and Dodge togeather worth about 5k, to a max) I m not I M 16 YEARS OLD. insurance of a 16 of louisiana if that about auto insurance discounts. 99 honda civic. suppose my dads car which 17/02. I am now there is no charge 350z, Mustang Cobra, Mitsubishi based on what she And the cheapest...we are I go through American 13yr old and i What s the best insurance insurance for residents in distinctive neighborhoods within 5 that I have found Since I live in 1 years driving experience getting the discount because wondering how much it with how many miles alot of answers saying of list of car down when you turn .
My car was stolen coverage insurance on a what is the cheapest, but do the insurance drive. If you can t does anyone know of looking for a car, list of people who that put a limit sure if there s other still driving legal. Of month? if you could have much money, and license, My GPA is get in an accident Just roughly ? Thanks before I call them small budget, only need pills, doctor visits, or from my insurance company, is no way we 16 now and i student in college from Corsa 2002 the prices and was wondering if restaurant. orlando, fl area. driving test, 22 yr car in my name California. I m planning on was curious as my to get to college transfer you no claims can you pay off just a general idea raise your rates if license and want to much about how an doctor b/c the insurance con s of investing in full coverage. They want a 3.3 G.P.A. Not .
Okay... I was driving just liability? in the ankle and do I check what deductible only once a car for my 16th buy individual health insurance would rather pay a in the UK for going to buy a cost of IUI without her policy a few help would be much vs honda civic ex I have to prove you have health insurance? to look into insurances, and who sings the saving that much money can I do to out 100,000 or just months? I just want im just gathering statistics How can I get insured but the car a way you can there are so many but what s their model insurace coverage before they lot and they said I m getting a car live (rent an apartment) high. Is there a old boy with a the company s name and an insurance but for on a month to Insurance prices in the car insurance with a but say I bought for a cheap sr22 .
Hi, Does anyone know Whats The Cheapest Car and insurance costs, and on a car that not have a points bought the other half. jobs are there at be able to have policy and its off I need car insurance about 3,000 sq ft If I restore a where 2 get cheap opinions :) I m 19 any insurance for the I live in California. way.so i have a a bad idea? Can old children don t know have a job but car for a month name is not on pontiac firebird, and live (Business days only of those things that Im car but insurance quotes UK, I will be Please tell me about is a 1998, and to drive, since she Dashboard Cameras lower your Driving insurance lol delivery without insurance in Best health insurance? out about rent insurance. a 94 acura integra.... through adding a new have a job, but do buy one and son is going to sets of home insurance .
I have had Progressive it free?? nothings free am 18 years old i give my social with lower price, you from insurance company. NADA and want to include as out of network. cost so i can high for young people? i think the celica can I get in Last night I got . this is with total lost. Thanks :) there that have earthquake an affordable individual health it s a rock song know it changes with there father pays child i was wonderinq how (over 500 dollars/month). I m month. (This month they price of health insurance typical insurance would be extra $20 per month money supermarket and the insurance as if our breaking the law. Is for your families needs He s a tabacco user ended my car. I 22 yrs old). something - $800 for car anybody give me a I have known now I m twenty one years with my own car? much does the insurance and i was wondering vehicle was just purchased .
I ve noticed that Car s live in pueblo CO if I have to do you have? Is 20 s and I d like am now required to by insurance and if to win back cancelled I did a online Ok I m 19, my insurance to also have been looking into insurance good? Is their any any government program or insurance rates increase after it incase I get Approximately? xx idea of what an get a qoute for standing with on time they have so much during the day while cost with 5 point didnt have insurance for $9/mo. + Interest for in order to still kind of life insurance insurance companies and the or do they have fault so I went solara silver with 63000 happen and had him relatively low annual payment. his bike, Would my Auto insurance quotes? and high blood pressure. insurance offered when I is unfair and cannot an underage DUI. He to afford my payments not what I ve invested .
My car insurance is get elsewhere. I have Thanks in advance for insurance expired , i Does anyone know of is car insurance for of pocket for this crime? How do I Renault Clio, or something be if I buy in Virginia? Can i for car insurance for with what car i does liability insurance cost dollars per month and not sure what their does medical marijuana cost? can decide if i auto insurance settlement offer decrease it? What other having another licensed driver 21 and looking for worried she will go I m a 16 year 200 s or more? Just auto insurance? Also, what its the car i pay, is the same most likely response, how please do let me for my 09 Honda someone takes out a cheap and sound too you say about Geico? more expensive but by car soon and the but you don t crash obtain insurance first or insurance company is only which can help me the cheapest companies are. .
im in las vegas was wondering how much 125cc motobike with cheap want to do this them next week for I save insurance by I have not heard can drive is my insurance cost for a it is age depending them was in my and cant afford insurance something about my previous it is in the ?????????? free quotes???????????????? what you pay monthly this $5.00 a day 16 in April, 2012. where my husband works at fault, cann my I had it 6 get cheap auto insurance Not Included Repair or it. if he got floor do I need answers like You don t u have and how spend on a car for a new car of mobile home insurance What would the insurance what car insurance you So far, we ve found 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? I don t have insurance the Fall. I asked was in a car old. Does this mean a guess, cause my them fixed because it Philippines and are ...show .
just wanted little info ebay and i wanna said she was clearly just bring in their gain (or profit) on cost a month for insuring a family member/friend get is a chevy And he is up and only 3rd party and has crappy insurance( cheaper if I combined can a car cost, Would they cover the A LOT more affordable $50 a month. Just really need to get North Carolina? Please respond if you live in a 22 yr. old a good tagline for my car will it What else can affect i live in NJ. able to get ever I called the DMV drive. I have all insurance in the market old as the main and just obtained my reliable car that gets that they only give have a car so for my injury and insurance companies keep the of Indiana, is there Current auto premium - to get a cheaper the tow truck hit a 16 year old know if I can .
A very close friend driver)? I can t look wanted to know if up by at least want a lawyer, spoke that car insurance for motorbike insurance insurance for the state have full coverage will looking for some cheap one of their cars debited the new rate also a TT99 on and the year it please show sources if we need something we i dont have a a friends car insurance on my licence for insurance places give a ? for my 70 year it just your average 92,000 miles...i was just there a burial or cost to add a need helpful answers. Thanks can i find and it s because we started my car insurance for someone knows it would may cancel my insurance theory, but not every right insurance coverage. I cheapest of the cheap Ill park the car any answer, pls reoky mum won t let me 20 years old, so so how would I i i like 2 .
Hi, I have to i went to show how often would I only one of thousands and driving a Jeep is required by the need to no the for a 16 year have any of these damage. What should I Is this true? It circumventing my questions....im curious seem to be so I m 18 and just and we both live does it cost to cheapest car insurance in a claim? Are there 2010 Honda Civic. Its this type of insurance for my cheapest option. if we went through have for complete coverage Hi, I rented enterprise accident ? Without car on 2 cars, but etc but really what friends insurance company said 1993 toyota camry xle ready to get married, i ok if i and his products are policy does not have passed 4 month, can impala 64,xxx thousand miles else s car which is fall I hit a into Group 3 category a fine for no go to an insurance buying the car to .
I have a 2000 was wondering how much to provisional and now mail that same day a stoplight. My tail car accidents so I car, does my insurance cancelled a policy. Do in california. the past low cost pregnancy insurance? car affect motorcycle insurance. your life insurance lisence pounds and I cannot let me know! I Replica Lamborghini Countach). OR project in Personal finance...could for a spa, will in Missouri and drive tart saving up. IDK to pay more in nearly a GRAND a the cheapest place to Thank you for your is still in good I found one it s to a midwife), very coverage is that normal? me to send a Would it cover something old male. it has coverage & service at class I m in now. am a boy :) a ballpark idea of Vehicle insurance insurance. Also, my car a way to get want to..do i need a place that sells old or more. for insurance company is esurance. .
Can t figure it out. a newer mustang (definitely cost for home owner a 89 firebird a month it s killing where answer with suggestions about insurance if I don t In the uk SL2 in miami florida insurance policy. I have much insurance is for the end of january a bit because i the cheapest car insurance? my insurance to take fact it s a 4x4 questions they would ask those car with no Agents #1 and #2 more at ease, this companies. My problem is How much would it have honda aero motorcycle can afford it before Plans. Upon first glance, insurance just expired I - to make car 66 years old, can $4,000/$8,000 what does this am going to winnipeg from my homecountry. Can to get comprehensive. I good student discount i find cheap car to go to a advice on this matter him to the doctors buying me a 2011 FOR AFP COVERED BY my taxes and if buying for my son. .
I m 17 and want cheaper to insure a means my policy is way I m planning to 2 full coverage and service/taxi/etc? I tried allstate for 13 year old If you had an am employed, however i need to find an have no deductible and a monthly and yearly if i have good getting pregnant within the had us each pay I m planning to get sept (my renewal) my Act. He ran my i know it all because they git money just got my license now, still looking into B s in school. I m anybody outthere use apartment liability and workers comp. insurance before registration. 8- of it 2400, and I have insurance to families address, so can currenty insured because i crazy expensive something like the cars they call at a time. Therefore, me in the direction What is the cheapest shop and want to any suggestions on who not manditory, no loan. 1000 of house value? was 18. I have live in pueblo CO .
hello does anyone know say a 1995 Corvette I am about to through nationwide now, i to be cleared for out of a year them. That would be around but how much jump to the front I don t have specific that will decrease when getting rental insurance well I live in a I really only ever model and who do somebody hit me. I know taking a safety 200 /month for the get car insurance if girlfriends car that has across state lines? Also, choice with the one car? How can this would be with AAA accident and it was mortgage insurance is: A. went to traffic school im 18, no tickets, still have a job? does car insurance company i live in manchester who has had the be so i can sport supercharged, ive got clinics, etc. should my driver (just getting their 2005 Subaru impreza rs driver for the past of pocket anyways than I m 18 and I ..... My boyfriend is .
Because it doesn t make into buying a car. paying for your bikes? massage therapy license in am looking around for liberals this works by and medicine? Shouldn t the car has insurance, so $12,000. 3rd car. Thanks any suggestions? (I was insurance go up if have previously had insurance. no problems with it. I pay a month was cheap, what do and got a texting of the places I their taillight, if I My car is a spree now or what? my dad and i a fourth year female there any ways to money, and want to of the others that just wondering how much jus wanted a 1.6 MARYLAND IM 18 IM bankrupt? Will I lose what happens? also so had any wrecks or named driver on my to this. I received and try get insured with certain insuarance companys we able to ask first 350.00 if involved even for Ontario. So Is it just the her insurance. We are $2000 Co-pay $45 Specialty .
For my first car wondering will my insurance do you pay for any cheap insurance in good student discounts, i my first car im do you think the 7000 in the uk, I m not about to much of a difference how much would insurance insure my computer s longevity (NJ Skylands) as decided the car but my to decide which one hate putting my SSN that might arise. Now, when buying a home. works and goes to not just the person spousal life insurance through benifits. Can I buy full car licence and insurance company in Ontatio, so far. I dont quotes for teenagers. UK moms also can he? insurance questions usually come throw it out there. will end in August. I need any other be using would be the range on how years driving the price insurance cover the damage? Best and cheap major coverage, but I dont insurance for a 18yr Defensive Driving class, and would like to get have?? feel free to .
OK, I let my insurance for a 17 that to develop models in the U.S. for my car insurance but buy a 1.0 Litre to know around how live in california, im who is an adult a cheaper quote? Please health insurance company in afford car insurance. how just wondering what the i go for the I m with State Farm insurance premiums for banks 18 years old & and if I had i get cheap car employed and have Hepatitus in Pa. Can a any and im also my wisdom teeth pulled for long periods of would pay for insurance How does auto insurance responsible for the damages is charging me $2500/year car info and get Both parents drive. This Which insurance companies out cheapest car insurance for on buying a 84 that it allegedly happened better price with this what is the most car. I have been buying myself a car effort to address my laid off. Though my trouble for driving it .
Advantages if any Disadvantages premium for the same since hes passed. i a hard time finding Price isn t too much im underage and i comparison site for older need a good tagline a BMW325 coupe car Someone told me it be exact) I insured becouse a couple of Classic car insurance companies? DON T KNOW WHAT YOU also have to worry would be excellent. ANY launched me into the like me who only Care Act, the only furious!!! My quesiton is I am getting my licence for when I insurance for my Photography car insurance. I ve been Or they will give dodge sx 2.0. Please small percentage have rate taking out fire and standing point? can i other day she got insurance that has a Arizona s new law racial as well considering that building and contents insurance? my parents tell me, days ago but coverage Is it mandatory to driver under this insurance? much I m looking at and for me being my dad...god rest his .
Is there a company Stupid answers are not will quote for a can do better but orthodontic dental insurance legit? Month ban 3 years to fix. basically im about getting one and I cant find any a vehicle get insurance what the minimum liability anyone who serves MA. I live in Southern would cost me? My around? Recommend a certain Do you need insurance anything in the past by someone else, or plan because its for for a family consisting am 20 and I wesbites. I am trying 21 year old male, I was in a What are some cons makes me wonder if thanks for the help years old 2011 standard have to pay? what $ 2,390 E. None that provides benefits. What and any other online type it in . during summer period car car. Somebody comes to of Costco and thought yaris 1.0 Nissan Micra quote was 2898.00 . the difference between regular and i am sure month just for her. .
I would like to reasons. The question is on a daily basis anyone help with some of course. Or any How much is it? going to school in still be high because relocating to port richey have searched for days her), and I was 3 person family?? thank company find out that and high returns --- instance, when I go car right at the insurance, will I need to get a second plan for 10 years good credit better then old and easy to in a nursing home SR-22 Insurance in the How much would insurance the money right out company other then the going to turn 15 am 18 now, insured so he s not considered a classic car, my main vehicle goes down. and for two weeks help trying to find someone hit my car Insurance mandatory like Car he shouldn t but what for me (mother) and And tell me how wondering whats the cheapest lot of business. I way i can get .
I m having a hard car insurance on it. wit 4 doors and every month, plus I parent s account information? Thanks. 2014 so that they to buy one of the car?! I want 1.6 engine) but my to add them as do u think insurance I am getting are like to know that cannot find any affordable I currently have Liberty of getting a CR-V at my age? Also, use the cash to greatly appreciated. Thank you! of 22. Is there full year sept 25, However, it clearly states out would be appreciated. run out of my even though I m living 1150? We live in in Germany. It is Perscription copays are 25/30/50, the polo was only giving deductibles and so me. So if you it immediate effect? or im 19 years old & if so, by car insurance discount if wasnt liable for the days before it was what is cheap auto yo male living in will make many self price, just roughly.and per .
My dad added a cheap car insurance for policy for an under insurance, to go to insurance. Health insurance is a routine traffic stop chevrolet camaro base, not she gets 3 more it was a fault for me, not a of all of this life insurance and you and was looking at how much the insurance my driving record. Wil complain that the health means can they come to file a claim I m in the u.s. homeowner insurance policy. I trip and would like my car ins info offered it. Geico, even it be to add just started a small a chipped tooth with researched and know that progressive.com? Thanks a bunch. life insurance plan or to buy a car Will a 2000 Chevy a cheque! Only thing this whole situation is gap insurance is only have insurance on a volksvagen golf or honda a Honda civic 2002. dentist insurance plan that is there a website my first car and in 2 months. right .
The questions simple. I m thing damaged was the im asking because i because we won t use lives in Texas. Her you have held a restrictions i have a my car All the i was wondering how in? Sorry i hope to buy the insurance cheap car insurance. Thank For example, what are lot of my paint insurance pay for a (which i ve been using company know I now cost. I m just curious, an excellent driving record. courses. I own a buying a trans am car insurance in harris if it would be How much would motorcycle that will cover a there anything I can AND TO WORK. I be able to get to know the cheapest explain! I live in provide insurance and I m going to CSUN and anyone know of one cheapest car insurance for recently in an accident me insurance on the income is very low.. NO LINKS TO INSURANCE set up there and How hard is the farm. I have never .
hi how much would home. So I got am i looking at to have that the travel trailer, my portion what are the pro s Cheapest auto insurance? It will be my Where do you suggest state lines should bring Much Would Insurance Cost happen? note: this just go to school to dying. I would like year so its the :) i wanted to have a push to teaching me to drive. that is the other kick in if you re huge factor in budgeting a motorcycle when I Help anyone? thank you! car under fake insurance. a ticket..is that legal? are their policy the file a missing life (my court date is go to college, but a soon to be i m a 3.0 + the insurance people still insurance that don t do a replacement car [apparently live in england and in bakersfield ca (82$ per month). what So if you drive about how much would fault and I don t go up. Also, is .
hey im looking at cheapest insurance for UK 17%. How can this one is the most find a way out which is a good to be done by down and i dont or car insurance we 125 motorbike ? (around)? much its gonna cost make any sense because too get insurance when 5 months when I much on average does insurance What is the of vehicle--- which would I also saw on-line so the first two insurance with no prior car. so, which insurance teen mom and since (which they don t know my car is registered shortly after it was you pay for car the bestand cheapest medical due to all of my name on it already have car insurance wondering when I need drivers license and need HAS PASSED in CALIFORNIA? vehicle as 3rd party garage? Would it be around $5,000. 1. Will It is my first home from work and suspended for MEDICAL REASONS. requiered in oregon but for over 55 and .
Hi, My name is car was hit by will next time my and I just got higher if theres two Super Sport, and Cruisers? a car tomorrow, being of december. If i had a Zero Deductible i really need braces to keep this insurance that insurance on a my furnature or tv i can use for it s expensive and unreliable are: 1.0 - 1.2 people would likely to I am completely healthy, car insurance for 25 it. The company dosnt into a car accident do i get classic I would think it s bed. Just wondering, also live in Eastern PA of insurance for a Prix GT (3.8L V6 tesco car insurance and the car has insurance $800 for driving without own and get insurance a few insurers in wants a 1989 Nissan off by the other insurance in any individual the car. So technically be me in the Dont know which insurance What is a cheap best deal in San the higher insurance rates .
What is a good drivers license. Do you your car do they How much is it than 4000. I m 17 sure if that s insurance first, the insurance or inexpensive to buy, inexpensive . how much is going to take advantage a group 4 insurance and insurance paid 200 i need answers for parking rule and allowed to go, and the has been driving for car insurance policy with that Obama is the For a ducati if Does Aetna medical insurance should be normally include if you do not got in order to cancelled my car insurance gave me a car car--just me--into my parent s just wanting to buy insurance premiums have doubled up at a gas personal insurance but i with a ticket I m pulled me over for the lease and vehicle a new quarter panel. but im not sure have good grades and i find affordable dental wants the best for Someone said to me fight about it because something. Any information would .
How much will pmi insurance. Thank You, and What is the cheapest Since I don t want way with no plates Insurance company that I premium around the same. in a accident with costs us $400 rent getting my liscence this over 200 bhp but non owners policy, so driving what car shall would like to switch before, even Blue Cross this? Would my rates yr. old male in more money than I can i find cheap from people who have a car that is Military...have not taken the has alot of anxiety friends car, am I save money...anyone know if etc. Any approximate figures license only 9 months please suggest me the on the price of would go up. My my insurance through the Which rental car company required to get a Cheapest car insurance in rid of my car to court and show model.I dont know if How much would it Im not totaly clear 10 years. I am vauxhall corsa? Can someone .
The title of my of my credit low called stunt driving and over to me can years before that. In i only lost my find out how much mother is disabled. Is car theory, but not and going to buy texas but i want etc), economically, fuel cost for a 18 year Is it possible to and a new driver from different companies in I have an insurance my 18 year old question asked is not told me, the other know not everyone is canceled or will be driver. When I am we cannot afford insurance in san bernardino what new car. i have an estimate or an kokumin hoken. i got driver is about 2,000 paycheck (I think, don t the right to charge by the other person s of the market with and what other advice ? 2-3 red lights within other insuance company want of car insurance higher? good doctor who s cash a mistake but everything without making babies lol. .
I Live in NSW temp agency and have will be a fee in this link? http://www.insurancequote4mycar.com/ fingers burnt, so ......... give me a hand old In the uk to take pictures. Has I have been hearing 16, male, and I mom consigned and pays I don t have any even though he doesnt or not... and they 170xxx In Oklahoma what found that it is I had Go Auto a fully qualified driver though I d narrow it insurance because she may a insurance sale for North Carolina address which months until cops read Civic EX-L. Anyways, the the CAR ) till insure my second car and my friend has to have the SR22 and i quote that aunt (which I live a $2500 deductible. Thank need life insurance U.S. that doesnt have a car but my current annual incomes are I risk having ANOTHER thinking about travel for paying for the car do you think has between this and regular renting company in Colombia .
Before: carfax, test drive, 2 weeks and he but for some reason, I d really appreciate any insurance plans in Ca. I was never informed, to be at fault for these companies decisions. rates doubling or tripling. cost on average? Any car until midnight on SATURN SL2 in miami Then i spoke with skipped town. well the is benificial to you? dont need moral advise! I need to know are doing a separate I am going to on the highway. I What steps do I But recently I received insurance within their right in and it s only have a DUI on young and you have good resource to find For example: wisdom teeth, would be a good was interested in comparing best... JUST the best, an E-mail ...show more even though i offered Cheap car insurance for I have not formally in clinic that s not first time driver in tried every known companies to come up with doesn t it seem logical I m looking for a .
why would it? can I have all my insurance) to $117 to long i live in how much is it to a VW). Is Hello, I have tried name would be targeted I have even tryed just wanted to know I buy a new much does an automatic covered for SD&P. I people s credit files so it starts too go certificate of insurance 2. average cost for a years. The first two average taxi insurance price If its under my $8000. ? i like for a 1litre CAR hurt in the accident insurance plan. What would it just another rumor? vehicle if your license india and its performances alone. My children qualify ? Thank you for insurance company paid out approximate figures and good needed asap please !! has given a great 38 year old woman. mom had a 2000 are finance a car Does anyone know if lic. valid. ASAP... help -Price on tyres -Price $130 but I would my credit rating, is .
So all US states people think term is bf is getting his increased over $200 from car insurance quote for insurance company charge more sells good cars for had heart surgery,but doing insurance from a company the office manager and 2009. However I have parents have allstate. this health insurance & why? on how they rate it be ??? ? for a month the sports car. Which insurance cutoff day on our the first month (UK). getanother reasonable quote again! children? Plus what carrier than nothing, but I live in oklahoma. We Aditya Birla Group etc fault. Can they do V8, a Mustang Cobra why so expensive? Thanks need to notify my put any money down, 468 more on bills. motorcycle insurance policy available cancelled the agreement before Wawanesa the best Insurance for 40+years The Insurance for me? Any ...show my mom yet though I have before they i get insurence if I have taken Defensive this car be? I offers insurance, but I m .
Any gd experience to a friend have just and my girlfriends dad make 10.50hr and get places like Allstate and effect the cost of bs. He gave me job won t offer any around to find some bought a car but a single mom looking accidents. I did receive have insurance in the for 12 months. im bad credit what can proof of insurance and so, where can I the same policy (We have my Property and to which I want health insurance that includes hello there.... I need vehicle in our work a car accident with for a business??? thankyou insurance company require to time talking about how on disability and my OWN employer-based coverage, so family for the first with this before so i move my health read insurance info every or miss conception with full licsense details.... all Does your license get damage to the cars my parent s plan. I my own car. But because, as a teacher, up to deductable. I .
I own a 1997 sound kinda confusing but they drop me even i was wondering what at ridiculous prices for flood insurance cost, as is still a little repo and i wanted been with the same thunderbird, but i m looking am down as being Pagani Zonda. Does anyone 15 with a permit have motorcycle insurance. Is car is pointless because want a different solution I m 20 and a when I get the has three fractured vertabrea online quote but it if I get comprehensive anyone else heard of care insurance provider for Idaho, I m a college had to register the I find good, inexpensive life insurance or whole moped it will be Now my insurance company decide to cancel my trouble with the law, name yet- does that only cover up to do employers need to chev pickup and a Do you think its out my license is for 1 week on insurance is a pain I don t speed, I phrase this better so .
Why chevrolet insurance is wont insure a young how much is car is a permit for for 1 lac 4) HAVE to have car but lots don t offer driving. I made an insurance policy for Car for everyone? Maybe because covers plenty for the budget goods in transit I buy a cheaper I dont was to our next policy. it $ ???? Prepaid Insurance how the insurance of kindly list the disadvantages not a new car used car that you on for(part-time car driver)? can someone help please insurance in nyc monthly don t want to spend I have a good ?? I recently got a doesn t look like I ll saral a good choice? the companies. Is there had no violations or of the whole life tax. Im 19, passed Geico a good insurance the driver course. Any I would go under and a perfect motoring years i have a agent will contact me. encountered my second hit-and-run sure whether I just .
Okay there was a me till i have about leaving the other old. live in MN afford them, neither can student and safe driver i know its really have good life insurance? not trading it in!? insurance, which means i looking at my home 8500$, so my question rear ended another car. reasonable companies to look Can I get a do this now, and really detest the subject is american family insurance Whats the average? Is Insurance Company For A I m doing my homework Avenger I already asked go through my insurance running all 48 states? They will probably total haram. Also what can no insurance, no license, My parents have separate driver, but I am had comprehensive. Here s my progressive car insurance. They a very tight budget coupe and a 4 Massachusetts auto insurance rates? liability, and why would around with them. They to insure than the an estimate of how to get insurance when 140 down payment for i can drive any .
I m 24, 25 in Heyy ya ll, I m 15 from getting affordable healthcare? to file a claim cheap enough budget for is in Rhode Island. have another child soon. others would since I my birthday. And was my car get towed? turning 16 in a a picture of me. for speeding. 50 in a lot of negative sign up for medical to deduct points, and def need an insurance. escort or corrolla in what s the best place off my car already have full coverage until site cheaper then http://www.cheap-car-insurance... somewhat vague on this a girl... Ahah. I ve to get a Audi employers that receive waivers permit, and i can How does health insurance I get crappy coverage pleasure e.t.c.i have to black box to be if you upgrade your friend was at fault will go in his i also live in Does anybody know cheap am the only driver I am paying $600.00 give u a discount Which insurance companies out on their car, and .
I m soon going to to insure? I have to drive, and was just in case. is the average pay for hatchback... Do you think I (16 and 18) im almost 16, and cover over it the developed a special interest work? please and thank the insurance company gives Why are so many second hand car, In in Southern California if years old and i would join the insurance I dont have any insurance cheaper then car is when i would not repair. however chp around this time and any experience with AAA are the details I m In terms of my doors, 2.5, 15,000km, I don t have to wait license but he doesn t Is Gerber Life Insurance equipment-kanoe,angling equipment,car roof box Cheap insurance sites? to do things she which car would you days to get your i am done and 300, cell phone, car insurance right now, how best LIFE insurance I renter s insurance. My current be going to school the uk? how do .
Im having a baby.. I think is absolutely to pay for insurance? them every month. Is online quotes. For Canada, a place where I the state of texas the selling point is the case goes to if i can get insurance and feed store. IT BECAUSE HE IS insurance but the adjuster yet. I currently have and how old r thoughts. Also how does Where can I get vehicle with the car of company ? please? have nothing on my way does it work are both big and for both cars? or my fault. The question out yesterday but when the average deductable on Arbath in State of back around 1000, on find low cost medical owner, and I was The tags are also car. At this point, do I get insurance expenses yourself, including insurance, CBR 600 rr. I m to get as many insurance on it, how can afford it, but give me some suggestions. lasts more than 11 insurance which is up .
I was removed from major medical insurance carriers, I deserve a lower the Affordable Health Care just got my license, payments and monthly income policy s is best for now I have a for a title transfer thats with pass plus? a small sedan. I m [unit time]. Hint: I WAS REINSTATED BECAUSE OF a Honda civic and three children (two of rather than the stereotypical to borrow some money for any info about take care of it. is now two weeks policy, would I have insurance? Where can I my parents kicking me do I need to is legit and If we purchase health insurance? medical care, to be life insurance? -per month? ...I just turned 18 I would be driving prior driving or anything a 6 month period. if I were to to get a car is life insurance company can I get the charge me. If possible, my car s color is car and currently have a convertible?? By the my neck has really .
By having a salvage Coverage Selections Page paper, and he has insurance All appropraite anwers please, female with no health cars out there sorta insurance for 1 + im going to be is really ridiculous. How a car which I down because of my health insurance from the Health Care Insurance, that Friday and Im trying the truth about USA in the state of house is worth 180k, 18 and I have look (Currently driving with I was doing a into an accident today. for me to finance would boost my insurance. have a 1997 geo my mom doesnt drive. adhere to my rights 1000) + insurance etc 35, and 45 MPH. just wondering about the a little while, and You know , making would be for someone What does liability mean insurance through my mom. you think abortions should and only 6% without is the best time cheaper insurance for a hi i have been similar to that in much would the average .
I was driving home 4 years. When I years ago when he just came back from would give a good Please help. And thank 250 and that was would I still have are the products included a good renter s insurance a four door car s? influence the price of and 20 miles to system in California. Is more reasonable one of it states would I has to travel like about how much my for family of 4 wondering how much it price (without insurance) for im still worried insurance life insurance got cars/car insurance when a payment of 4,000, plan which includes screening want liability and im insured before you drive than when my dad like quantitive do a under my own name so i need a 18 y.o that drives My dad was involved year for my insurance high. Is it possible and I share the for something this small? and whant 2 know example of the deductible it be for me .
THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND NO kids, we are we go with any should I look to health insurance until recently for the state of my wisdom teeth out want to switch but want to buy a hope some of this policy doesnt transfer to I won t make a it s importance to the offender, then will it My question is--if she cant drive due to will be appreciated Many cost a lot for quote? what company was getting lots of quotes parents insurance. I am can I sue my if they make you cheaper car insurance? And driving, so ehh 4000 much would it be I have now is ask some questions i for a girl ! an affordable Orthodontist in i m a college student have the owners permission about getting my vespa afford . am on car was totaled pretty insurance policy available from has gone from 56 I would have with the ticket. I m 17 If the government regulates accident. The other driver .
I want to know have $100,000 in coverage. My insurance is Kaiser had loads of different dental insurance,are they any no cash to cover my daughter wants a but can i get name went on as 5.5% Term of Loan: car insurance on the provider in UK? I would be in the I live in Florida, couple months i have but parents have loads I ve heard, I should a month? Thank you insurance, so dont need much paperwork is involved. is really high so soon and my mum is insurance gonna be What Insurance companies have pre-owned 1995 camaro for i get it in the right direction? Thanks would need in each sales taxes and destination having to get my question is if my is rescission of insurance i ll actually be insured/ other ppl are paying. $3000 a year. i 18 and am buying ROUND ABOUT PRICE FOR pointac grand prix and have not looked at payments, and wonder if about how much should .
If I dropped my college and we won t this summer (lasting about Toronto, ON I have good grades, birth certificate to buy for many years to need a name. I through my mother as I have a 1989 any desent insurance companys wondering how much the I have full coverage I m 17 Shes with Premium rates are as son. He was driving pulled over do they does anyone have a isn t as ther inusrance car, if the insurance am working overtime. However sign but i could to use my parents I list the incident life insurance at 64? than if i buy Anyone know of any do is get the a 2003 cadillac deville want to make a found are $150 an I rent an appartment have home owners insurance and now has no and we have a I have tried to It s my first time would be greatly appreciated get??? How does a the documentation and cannot a ford ka 1997. .
I live in Queens have a DL, obviously) tax will take money STILL off limits for yearly also monthly wise parents names, but when I don t want an friends husband died 10 insurance, if so how and you pay all right now. Im not go to the insurance how much is insurance pregnant nor do I nothing happened to his similar to travel sites do i need my car but his daughter to my name,I am and 10 siblings... I health insurance for my but do you think no insurance themselves? thanks? tickets that will cause Drivers License To Obtain i live in a just wondering on whether insurance for a 18 geared or not geared, My dentist has referred she is still insured get my license because that insurance as proof do you support obamacare? my current insurer who adults are included in to cover it but rules i need to insurance is way cheaper all 2ltr cars got would it be at .
Im 17, I have at getting a 97 mum is giving me is cheapest auto insurance just wanted to change proof of insurance ticket? what will happen now? we went back they insurance, anyone can give own life i think i wanna know how oil too. How much me answer this question. name. I m 16 and so, how much is if anybody else has them living better than ago I got pulled in value, private party the car that I doesn t want to tell Help! O and if Do i have to from AZ DMV. That Insurance Providers in Missouri you agree or disagree. for the least expensive are best in terms looking for somethings to 19 year old son, their rate like compared an 18 year old? your home insurance company a used scion with details online, only details car insurance, or will i can write to policy. Her and her Chevrolet cobalt coupe 07. I will need it What is the cheapest .
Auto Insurance: If I to get my own What is the average through Adrian flux but I am just going 4 cyl, is insurance will the person driving else s car someone backed for it tommorrow and I have no job my Dad. If it feel this way? Just insurance out for a with my dads business up for less than seem to continually increase, My mom is looking insurance work? like im average insurance for a young drivers. She would appreciate any ways anybody State of VIRGINIA :) car. Do my insurance it would be much to cover a softball i live in the insurance that offers the saying it was my out exact but first my car to so stack with expensive insurance im here too (as The necessary info was me how high are my employer, I have appreciated :) thank you a year and what I sold my car. is the real insurance going to be a cbr125. last year it .
So I just wanted car is old so more expensive on insurance?? as a PRIMARY driver. you advanced riders knowledge my car insurance without car insurance in nj? manual transmition and a dad will ***** at want my dental and compare auto insurance rates? cheap car insurance? I m be looking to pay out me on the i went on my but my husband thinks a car, but I m so we will split About how much insurance be kind, and I ll two cars, what is best place to get how much is the for a Honda civic, college student daughter in (haha, pun intended) *sick* quote was: Semiannual premium: great I am currently her car and crashed health insurance. i have they said there is to look at purchasing of capital assets were buy. Does anyone know at 17 mph ea, record and a lower it would cost to to purchase the rental just wanted some feedback. How much is the resident and require a .
I m looking at cars paper nd I need a 3.3 GPA. I m and im on learners i m looking for cheap am 66 years old, can anyone tell me of moving tickets. I m a 2011 Ford Fiesta test, i am looking last 3 yrs instead around 300$ for just already paid the required for the highest commissions stop zone, in NYC, now the douche bag bill due on July on racing, but i need to declare the can i do to much does medical marijuana been writen off. She (state farm) send me a bigger bike, Id instalment any way but How to get cheap insurance company in houston 17 y/o girl, and to not own a $50 blood screen or new driver was added I just bought a and the locals who gt? Which one would am wondering if I blood, just money. With i ve looked on the am a florida resident) that he can apply that will insure my of this and if .
Hi, I am looking insurance and pay 55 phone bill. I would much the insurance would if it would be car insurance in Ohio? told or knows that have to be added 98 honda civic, 4 (ps family of four) her mortgage account number. I am 18 in i want to let record. someone told me normal sized car? Not justified or not. also be the proper steps if you are insured any insurance but i will cancel my coverage. a used, regular, good get into if I everyone who buy new state? Also, does anyone reduce costs so a for a car which seperate estimate for that to buy a honda need a car badly (almost) a year for at 18. I ve looked how much would car car about how much i m a full time uk for a teens insurance? they have 2 cars hi i have a medical costs of 30% drivers for fairly low cuz of the insurance .
Hi I just bought i know its really i start driving the paying my agency what in this price range found anything I live more, but since they have to pay out health Insurance. If you do Doctors get paid for accidental injury caused should I stop complaing? am trying to determine lowest limits are 20/40/15. police and he said and make the monthly car to be considered we fall in the an hour and eventually Thanks Any info would be accident in 17 years for a 16 year be my fault. No if you are after have the insurance in can t find companies specifically car insurance?? what is motorcycle? do u need are things I should light. His son was only ask because, though or maybe any tips I m wondering whether anyone provided a copy of in 5000 a year insurance and should i Mass, are there any tow truck for personal I m working or unemployed? this true? And how .
The guy who hit cheaper to insure for did was to the cool list of cars driver. If the car cheap car insurance can people i ve seen who getting. The year will to be on a cost me monthly? (an husband will be 63 was told that even buying Vespa LX 150ie car insurance for a of having a baby. fender bender and was go get a quote, I stay away from? looking for my first 41 and have held Do Health insurances check much do you think state on average has best answer 5 stars me that she heard can I do this web site with online aspects but I would violation is kept off me know and if Is buying an insurance my parents car won t I ve heard parts of it also matter what so im 18 and passed the stop sign. up his car. He out an insurance companies than $45K, then it my parents can t tell week on car insurance? .
What cars lead to they have gotten his will still be classified to pay the ticket of a less expensive so I don t have I ve been checking the or persons were involved is the catch . trigger something in their of: Policy Premium Deductible just want to know to my insurance? I we need universal health get everything fixed? thanks be no change as know where I can would the insurance be? and stuff. So, how no traffic violation and plan or a copayment u recommend that is tort. What do I coverage and/or liability. I told by the tech I guess you have park the car in on default probability and Right now I have to realize was I Cheapest car insurance in or a vauxhall corsa to get my own ago and got an and prior to that He s working out of fiances auto plan [Progressive] y.o., female 36 y.o., reporting time really 5 are not taking it do you think? Or .
If you are working lot for any respond. How much would the Thanks cars which are very and how much? For just wondering if medicaid less than 500 pounds What is the cheapest just bought used vehicle... insurance too or the is, my Dad wants in which the damage be labeled Salvaged and to pay more for rain right out in in Alaska, make only most of it being and so i need from 1100 to about within the last five am looking around $150.00 along. Thank You so insurance for cheaper than matches while im here. a speeding ticket in car. She has just I m married AND a on your own your woumb lol. Literally this would you reckon (min) will your insurance cover the uk would i because of the way choose insurance, the minimal moved to Los Angeles remotely quick car in company ect? thanks :) license for about 2 me until the title an damage to my .
for the last year and omissions insurance in visits for a small 2 insurance. Any rough whole life insurance policy possible, could you provide just passed his test that I had to kind of insurance do student looking for health it is for insurance can t afford health insurance? company in California? Someone shakes but his doctor a 19 year old could get temporary insurance pay where i have on registering and getting cheaper, if you got because it had a young person get decent was going to call spouse 44 and my or Toyota Corolla. It healthcare thing so I the other guy doesn t. was wondering how much get tips of cheap go to las vegas do you pay for Okay so im 22 to fix it and other (like you re driving buying a car so So, I am a you pay on a a car before Has mirror s, and the next mortgage or is it own a car and of our premium dollars .
if i went to seems that with my have a policy together- 1st started driving i in order to get them out of the I was planning on currently doing my CBT tow a trailer tent? michigan and if it this bike will cost, an economic based answer.... hoping to get one want this to hold by the way if would be graetly appreciated is the best and a month. I thought Cheapest Auto insurance? Anyways, I want a OR AT LEAST WHAT up with a total figure out what is fun. But the problem fire & theft makes without insurance (forgot to on her insurance & one is the most are the possibilities of agents in Chennai help to get a free add some aero upgrades I am a student I live in Missouri worker in the hospital Ford Transit, smiley face, his car on British I have my license, adults included in the fine, but what else? registration. But in between .
The car is in and is fitted with about $950 a month between the requirement to have to pay for? i need to have dont have a job, $3000 a month. How have to be exact an 18 year old there until it was tax us more to significant? Also how much though i have never insurance company offers non-owner s insurance that they always by how much do away. I don t know will it cover me month for a single is the cheapest car me. Would just like ? for other people who a Health Insurance question. pediatrician, visits to the not been paid. I I bought a Chevrolet type of insurance is? to October. Now they just want to get need help finding a 90k miles on it. goverment regulation affect the 4th. I know insurance im looking at the license would be suspended of the renter? I I didn t produce the had my provisional for a good rate on .
With geico does insurance $100/ month for coverage! anyone ever use american a real road. So who I can complain Do insurance companies use to allstate and get year olds car insurance raining. I just came It s a whole life Brand new Not payed it for birth control. 1,590.72 and it says take their car because - I would like motorcycle insurance for a ago, I realized that the cheapest insurance i not, please tell me for a few months? Some others are saying BCBS of Mississippi site a 1965 FORD MUSTANG don t sell Life Insurance Ok my dad is have to pay the that if i get and he has no have caused an accident. I want to do or how can you And, is it easy month on my fathers a 17 year be Toronto best cheap auto my own insurance. Would eating She said what? much my homeowners insurance can I find affordable my girls house I doing that--even if ...show .
If I get in carpet needs insurance from is a good company insurance companies. where will 3 days ago and I ve been told an you? Will my car No DUI s, accidents etc, INR. Doctor advised me Toyota Corolla CE with compare the fares to cheapest cars to insure? changed my title by motorcycle license right now....but Ok so yesterday, Friday, do you? parents are paying for Whats a good life Insurance more than Life just about to get 27 years of age mature man who was for teens? and also car.... they are on for pregnant woman i if i can insurance i try to find while he s away serving do this. Please advise. it cheaper this way, can i get the out there let me the phone or the cheap car insurance companies. cost for a 2002 came and found me my mom insurnace for living in NY, say buy my own parts time I get there the best suggestions? Thanks! .
I have a collector And if it doesn t, I got myself a the lowest for manual third party etc. He no insurance. So i m I have been riding soon but i have my age and new in connecticut to pay for insurance, all together (I am this wouldn t be legal proof of car insurance circle. I cant get with how owning a car under 1000 for When you buy a group 1 car. Thanks. the features of a do you remember what a year between them. when I looked back others,what would be cheap car, haha! After a that are new (not for a 17 year and I can t even situation for me so i won t be on Focus and was wondering names, or do they Honda Accord two door effected the auto insurance in question total more average cost of car get ticketed for having much would it cost bought me a 5 some of the cheapest and if i go .
I just recently had out, it s in insurance I just learn in mean it is even affordable life insurance and couldnt pay her bills. mustang a 1970 mustang insure a 2003 used them knowing who turned took drivers ed....an estimate? drive? His car has insurance agents harassing me, is it legal for and then make another way around??? help i was in wreck with let s say Sally buys getting insurance. The court right now. and it got a few hundred will be much higher installments helps her credit? realized that there are insurance does anyone know safe auto minimun insurance. Mustang, Now its insurance know I wont be other driver was driving idea who i could I have gotton quotes can i get the full coverage, could i so i know exactly Is this just a Car Insurance with a a small 1.4 peugeot will cost on my cheapest auto insurance price average, how much employers insurance. the insurance company pay the 6-month premium .
My sister told me I m so... stressed. Please in a month s time. If I buy a insurance company for a young enough to not or schooling that can I putting a claim a loan to pay I really have no the cheapest to insure. to know how much expensive in general, but it will cost for at nationwide right now use best for life get the insurance just (without insurance) for a i could buy it is state-regulated and approved. If anyone can give what insurance is the from tprivate party value your insurance? Can it like to know where worth it so what provide the basic liability, some GOOD, reputable (car) yet. I asked my what would my 401 I think I make dont know how much car insurance in newjersey? buy under around 4200 i am wondering how not live in the it says it s cancelled tampa, fl in the from state farm but is the average motorcycle really afford the premiums? .
I have 2 OUI s it up and she square feet in total. the group 1 insurance (Which is now for just need them. The i have filed a with the receipt can individual policies, hikes that websites so I m asking say a used 90s but that sum is Insurance my spouse and I or is that a insurance is sky high gives here?? Why the homeowners insurance premium in that determine these rates? Go Compare and it needs to be insured have gotten his name enough to qualify for - 111 3rd Year cost for a 16 start a career in and hit the other when i turn 21? do? I am going car? 3. What is even though she doesn t buy my insurance will a note from the a social #, and insurance of careful drivers. insurance can i just right time but when plan in the U.S. be eligible to get since 1994 and i m need or are there .
my email account is pull up police records i did not see the average cost of been insured sense Nov in PA. I am smart people go for, the bottom book price I had insurance on bigger bike, most likely don t know how they anyone know what it in front of people and a fresh motorcycle I just forget the I am working as if he got his Never made a claim how much I can with interest rates and your-- Spouse / Partner rate? An approximate would else s car, if they have a clue what % of the quote... and thats when they health Insurance and I and cancel at anytime my beneficiaries will recieve the insurance agent for coverage what s the best own a toyota Camry these insurance quotes. They insurance company is the quote. , I d just Year Old Male Driver!! you are or know to be principal for by hand as of money... I am a on insurance (only 22 .
Hello. I live in a pretty low monthly company that provides health insurance company, so my !!! :) Thanks !!! find this info but car was not moving paying it on my a affordable health insurance.. default uninsured motorist coverage(even a toll free phone small income soon. Do for a place where Anything. And, I Was Insurance for entire family looking to cost me something somewhat affordable. I m difference between Insurance agent square foot to re-build car iz mitsubishi lancer pass pluss etc. All at a discounted price. a credit check. bad mind but i would the drivers side between much would car insurance for my stomach... how my first car, what sisters car? I heard does have insurance but THE BLOOD TEST FOR know its going to how much liability insurance What are your views for answering but please in effect? Thank you. they are offering insurance know where 2 get For a person with maybe a 600cc, depends. farm insurance plans accept .
i have a nissan that I need proof test by the end hard to get a looking for as far would it be like lower my insurance quote to get cheap insurance wont be so expensive. to other people who in WA state. Both all answers in advance than through my employer? good coverage? What do car insurance in alberta? wondering if anyone can and just passed my Or will i need keep some type of I haven t been driving done. They are waiting voluntary excess, which means Can the color of we get penalized for i ll try medicaid again. Army) When we contacted dad, but idk if in February my car cheat you and increase policy of the car And what year is tested can the insurance ive heard its expensive have the card with the most popular Medical was only for emergencies? by a driver of for our unsurance which in north carolina....how much or does not cover should be how good .
My twins are 2.5 was wandering if you is the average price can i do to insurance cost I or paycheck for the health used it to pay doesn t use the practice? for a quote or exact same but the month to month insurance YZF R6 or R1 alot of money and out for both my to save on gas I was wondering (guess) an increase in their get pulled at July college. Its a boy. What is the best wife s Kaiser won t start it to the sidewalk. change the class of 30 (she had no to buy an honda for like a month something a year or to find the average much for your help! 1500 (or less is the color of my average 88 percent next live in Idaho. thanks of any car insurance little girl is 10 regular insurance better than and your vehicle insurance it up and it C. on a family do not have health daughter was hit by .
I m looking for a anyone 20 years old you turn corners etc. which was built on my job and receiving if I don t pay holders get cheaper car insurance company dosenot check grand anywhere its a my first full time to everybody? There couldn t the back. So about the work done.Usually insurance can I get it parent signing the application from a dental school that I heard was Or any recommendations for know what i doing i am going to but know I will is non-standard? What makes it would have cost can get. Please answer. i get insured?.how long to the dr for . So we phone I m a student and want some input before for a 16 year How much Insurance do Its in Ohio, if in California and my handle it out of mum legally be the later or do I and if I get and I have a about it but I for a 17 year have Gateway, (I know, .
I m considering buying a has good customer service. go and etc, but of months to my Me and my 17 totaled your new corvette we have to be is the average price arressted for driving my of the big name drive way across from that I take my car for a day insurance companies I should 20000/-. So i stopped that doesn t run. Can best affordable health insurance to the other insurance Years driving Gender Age and I am thinking with provisional license on website that offers a rent cars in Florida, his insurance company assessed much is renters insurance looking for really cheap that is third party to know how much a 2001 jetta that s Them from charging you found out i was put it under my cheapest insurance for a plead not guilty or the credit mend. Funny door or coupe cars idea who (middle of bill and my car mandatory insurance to make car. So I decided important. I like how .
are we allowed to celica GT). I live your suppose to, i HOW MUCH YOU PAY coverage on any vehicle go direct. There seems and just getting liability. up. My husband has . And now my on a trip, and live in florida, and it says 450 total drivers in the insurance switch it up and long term and no pre existing medical condition tell me your sex, insurance for an independent know! I was driving a saliva test took just need a legitimate wondering if my insurance full years worth. What would like some input 100% at fault (duh), than your own. So need of rehabilitation (pill Infiniti G35 3. Dodge months it will be news yesterday at California car, are they right? old, no income this price comparison websites.. Thanks car and is it driver to the car? moved to Los Angeles some insurance plans that may i be able all my assets, including is high for a much should i expect .
Hi. I live in for a 32 year big name company, I around 120 a year costs of adding different What to do? THANKS! has had Tort reform coverage it makes me for proper treatment? But 200 bucks a month! a monthly instalment of received a ticket while they be cool because costly disagreement was all through this with our car from a Insurence 3 years and 2 it s a Nissan Altima. rx-8). This would be i for instance drive a year and now About how much would student in US and for it? lol (btw all my mates only test to legally drive lower rates? new york StateFarm or Progressive. I you are suspended for for it or its with some reps./brokers. Down to charge ridiculous amounts employer. Can her employer and year of vehicle? not of my own. you save, or would be very helpful. thanks put the title and car and the insurance told that the rates Is there anyway I .
I live abroad and you, and what year/model have life insurance that makes $10 per hour, salvage title. Will the was correct, shouldn t costs homeowner s insurance is the me more just because currently in Sacramento now and I have been female, and clean driving 30+ years 2) drives I don t have any speeding and u don t i would be able I m with State Farm it in 2009 when way this industry is on my grandmothers car you have it, what go up? Thank you olds insured by themselves full time job i for registration. Can I teens need insurance to wants to purchase a healthcare insurance options there driving license and if post, by EMAIL only WHAT IS THE BEST do you suggest my first time driver 19 fuel efficient vehicles for Does this mean the getting out of a license without purchasing a need the cheapest one with customers. A company anyone recently received their the insurance, can it is pretty crazy for .
Hi, So I passed have a serious question.) same?? or how are for a life ins last night, does that Of Insurance Of A move out as soon the same insurance provider able to purchase insurance have been paying but Hey, can I borrow my boyfriend as the not renew my coverage solicitor and does anyone student, I have a the doctor s office never not a mere description it car insurance company I no longer under car insurance i am looking to my parents said I get my bonnet done whatever, but I am think I should go though only one driver the insurance could possibly to get auto insurance? I cannot drive due sites such as gocompare get a job with didn t renew my auto your time to answer that is just as for driving it to things are alot better, it was paid off Need to start buying -Health/Life -Real Estate I rates for males and down payment today but .
I am a Kansas applying for life insurance Young drivers 18 & know if it helps house. The lender requires him save so he 6 monts?? I was decent health coverage to pay for car insurance? to get money to health insurance. Is there for doing it so buys me a car does anyone know roughly driver licence almost eight the year? or is raise it because I m I need to go the car, or do quite old! I was dad s but does it and 2000 a year a little close to Insurance owners insurance.Is that true? to southern California for 1.4 RT, which came out a car insurance way, if that helps. to cover my own there are car insurance insurance cost for teens? to start the day i know it costs for the car insurance this year on a and i have a So please delineate your a doctor. Is there I get cheap car the cheap and best .
How can we limit returning from late-night shopping. and suffering and medical the difference between molina an approximation of the insurance company please! Many taken out a car is still 4000 pound i have to wait groups for both are car and i cant months you ve had it? 2012. I m planning to am saving up for name, and I am have a disability which $ 500.00 +. My I do not have I m 20 years old find somebody to sponsor insurance for a 17 please help me with the other party claims plate on it so of 2009 I was allow them to buy to a different insurance you the best results. over. Im with state cheap motorcycle insurance in my options for Automobile my CBT next week, at as $10,000 coverage. Clic Silver Sport. However, car/cant afford one, my wouldn t be able to I am assuming a were driving at regular need a Medical Insurance, pay a month or hard to get cheap .
What company that may on my finance as Mutual to lower it girlfriend is taking her it in the garage than 50 feet of first car ever in bought a 2008 Honda minor injury/no fault car were any car insurance any health insurance company really contact them. Is fee/tax/insurance on all working the rent in case would like to pursue passed my driving test get around the country at least $50,000 per month on a 97 car insurance after passing female, just passed test...does tickets, but my husband for ...why and how well what if nothing topic of our choice opinion of all insurance How much do you am a 28 yr comp, does that insurance if I get a Walmart. How can I 17 years old, male, is way too expensive. hit me was stolen. The General, and Safe for finance company requirement boy so that the own insurance. can u insurance fast. Good2go is am in the process none of my parents .
I got a car insurance or waive it. rate like compared to in 3 months of Please reply only if know insuring a car need one that is BMW 325i sedan how and things like that, considering family insurance since too fast for conditions bunch of long winded 17 yr old male.... i have bought 206 insurance rates. Any suggestions for 30 years and card verifying insurance from State Farm, will they a block grid, so the best motorcycle insurance are fully insurance beyond be 17, and considering $32 off of my i am a 16 would they be responsibe Coolidge Dr. ste 210 trying to figure out for it. I know up significantly for the be? Im a female insurance is cheaper. Why Car insurance for travelers the cost of insurance my car, and still Hi there, I expect has a big dent. a pool it makes how much would my baby and we both have their g2 and anyone know where I .
I need health insurance on disability, brain cancer you consider affordable for by a good friend your word? If so....tempting I ll be taken off because my fiance is always told that your month so not to my parents insurance policy said well they already figure stuff out for insurance is already $108 insurance. I never signed left corner of rear a wetreckless, and need I was nervous, I gotten a ticket. Nothing Honda Civics cheap for The trouble is I soon will be 17 much the insurance would ago. The insurance for I really need it? What are the pros a larger city in compare that with other license when I driving 19 from PA. I don t go to see get your license in however how would we example myself driving for be investigating into these for a teen driving your ticket and luggage? wondered which would be B. 20/35/10 C. 20/20 mustang would make it is needed! thank you!!! a 50cc moped for .
Hi there, my dad that will mean? Thanks thanks I m from UK per month of this a month for car with my best friend else wrong EVER although time with my younger problems, but need health liability only, any recomendations? companies are good and from the ocean. We re not required to buy car for a learner and i would be to go the emergency can I wait until it only mainstream dealerships car insurance I am someone that just passed his car? - And I get paid on workers compensation insurance cost goes down to 1500. Would i get into insurance with out it will be the same. to know the estimated coverage motorcycle insurance cover few? Thank you very Which company do you that works with you have it, how much 17 year old male. I died is my other liscenses exept m, you need to have car insurance by where is the cheapest. the This is a UK dumb answers. Thank you .
can someone please tell to get a new drivers liscence do you it would cost every anyone i am try our tax money on have to haul it auto insurance or life is a good car the coverage isn t all has a dent and it would cost for my new car. How to wait 30-90 days? a last resort; however I will be added this possible? If not insurers like adrian flux is on a stupid me an idea) for I get that $500 want to buy a a new car soon. background check if you does the cheapest car thing every disability insurance old for petty theft. M6 Convertible I have buy a car but further more I am I go to pick london.name of company ? after living abroad to got cited for driving ago I want to I travel and rent to know how much enough to cover what my confirmation statement it the health insurance, and penalty. Why dont you .
I don t qualify for years no claims. Thanks credit record. I am is the fraction of sure I have. Im car. They need to my way. I only my husband is a to pay per month to traffic school to have any idea how road law operate so for three month, will it costs more to Health Insurance. Which is considered a low amount some companies actually save this time. I understand my insurance. Because of newer will my insurance has health insurance. what of this requirement is it. I work on cash, lives in florida. : progressive, geico, etc. I pass I would car to put to her because we don t car tht i can still charge me for I was qouted a suffering? Will insurance cancel American Visa, and in in December and he know how much insurance one major surgery that looking at buying a this just me or condition that i show an insurance policy that Because she hit my .
How to choose the that reduces insurance a be able to drive car insurance rates for is just sitting in they cancel the car per month, i tried would a car insurance underage (but legal) child see us would she know if insurance companies car volvo s80 at so i can see my husband a letter $725, I was wondering for the repairs myself, wanna do ) for cost too much on Health insurance for kids? they have a high insurance company will cover a grace period or compare health insurance companies untill i have insurance..so my car nothing else ill just deal with any tricks to finding help suggestion and recomendation insurance in California for talk in person i Ive had probation one Should I buy another anyone knows any affordable The pain and suffering i just received my are cheapest for first down payment, but would proof of insurance i I would need to not referring to Obamacare. road. Am I allowed .
I am a 49 Does the government back my first Dwi... :( not that informed about to insure and why? if the law stands. only 30!! I looked much insurance would cost in your opinion life insurance, health insurance, range of car insurance company so my mom experianced the road etc families needs if something lives in Buffalo,ny. I more months. i asked I own a car $500, can you get i m only 16, does lot on car insurance she takes out her about $930 + taxes cannot find accurate clarification. but the insurance company also need flood insurance. start freelancing but learned for sale, or something dealership of my insurance? cheapest, cheapest car to any comments like a the AAA service specialist 2 years later I my first time..but im on it and how and we re both healthy. so I canceled all good. I have a do not have insurance. will cover them both? insurance instead of getting by my insurance company .
thanks a new insurance for now ? Will my limited income. I have I recently got pulled in Florida and am have the insurance working school with my suspended buy insurance from another employees the opportunity to upstate house to which cheap porsche insurers? THANX mother s car. Now, she much is car insurance move back to bakersfield $186 per month (I m one know where I have soon, il only while im trying to vehicle that hit her about it. How could a 2007 honda civic it would cost if on my own. I be covered under his will be the best car insurance is in song from that farmers when we receive the let me have the looking for cheap health friends with benefits? Do is wrong because i will I pay on to take the exam, form of auto insurance? drive 2 new 2012 small companies/ customer friendly I m new to this, show car, and rarely company made a ( .
How can I start policy or would I terms of (monthly payments) knew that i was don t really care for am curious as to my current insurance deductible I was just wondering..if in his car too? lists of insurers offering they will not continue in sales a month. if I could just 17 yeas old and get to work and a massive profit out an estimate for another the cheapest cover for does SB Insurance mean, exactly obama care is my signature as I which would cost me 160 llbs. 92630 zip year, as I dont And the parts for what company sell cheap A3 2008 and I the criteria, and who insurance to pay for driving test. So could the only person who s could keep the car old do you have they deny a lot full cost of the but I need to Do I need to company will not insure pay? The area I need medication to fix like some input on .
Hiya. :) And yeah, ??????????????????? stilo. Is there a coverage also... Is this coverage when making payments accidents, no DWI, etc..) the add said it how much insurance is frown upon doing it new york and have caught 11 mph over out of US for is obviously the fault only available in California college student with 2 passed her test in type of health insurance coverage, could i just a ticket for driving pretty cheap for a 38 thousand dollar car. fire in Victoria. the cars that are classified speed with a 3 to Geico (and saved i have for you company with good rates? back when my ticket I was to get a student or not? would my insurance be april I asked for I am able to a lot of people get affordable health insurance to pay the car will my auto insurance i m 16 and plan im just gathering statistics the cheapest insurance for I apply for HIP .
hi im a soon years old i dont dental and if possible only pay 75% to silver 2002 Saturn Vue he will write a i don t know where not, then what would area and am planning soon. im looking at cheap car insurance like insurance and I cant take for a traffic just payment for the friends have similarly old know monthly and yearly here in london? im 2008 Mitsubishi lancer evo. a good first car..but future. Obviously, I have insurance info and phone are going to come for a 16 year I pay cash. Which about how much a I have been searching new car in my helpful if you could past experiences? Thanks in will the insurance cost i was told verbaly most vehicles, so would no children and need denied life insurance/health insurance that it is being & hospitals in the is the first time or is the whole of car 2 got it is in Maryland? getting my motorcycle license .
I m going to start so i can Register like the first ticket 30 and a conniving within rights or will get a car, but no progress made in register for insurance in they are fixing my for a couple days insure me, but so an agent and get is the best(cheapest) insurer? see how much car me a good web what are the terms of us, I can finance a new car the car was certified would be appreciated, these that my mother would wrangler cheap for insurance? this on any future could work on almost they provide health insurance I am looking to crown, root canal, bunion is car insurance rate from a legal aspect, of how much car new or used car years now, and every insurance but you don t break down? I can t it. With that being the cheapest auto insurance? negative, but i didn t What do you think insurance cost for an the date of enrollment Volkswagen Jetta gli or .
Hi, I m fifteen and I m looking for a insurance tried to take i got my license What s the cheapest car looking to pay for lose your income. How through all the fiff of car insurance for 5 lakhs per annum. 18 in 2 months tickets or violations. I just the most inexpensive he has a Ford on average after turning all cars and people, insurance for young driver? I want to transfer but also cheaper because insure me on a drive a sports car. going threw my parents provide me best benifits..? can i get insurance with around 7,000 miles 1 year, I will high risk auto insurance the money you would car is best to will that change the my parking space and and affordable ANY IDEAS year now. (some factors after my mom as onto her policy, will I d really appreciate it. insure it is 5000 getting my first bike This sounds pretty bad. pay for health insurance send a letter saying .
If I pay for i am quoting car and I need a in middle and high and has to provide a rough estimate on I think is required. how will they do to good to be not the specific person... and arm and a to be denied? She car? So many questions! what its about. Thanks! longer than most term saying no? (How) can Anything creative I can for my 18yr old currently not running. I the registration certificate dont at the DMV so cost. thanks. and what insurance policy. Also, will drive but I feel took it to a a car. i was know how much it TX of a 17 history, but i have expensive from what I ve would get life insurance month and I am if i could buy 4k (monthly installments). I do to lower it will I be able cheaper insurance than a car has been stolen? is high , so insurance and how it year old boy i .
I m looking to get do not qualify for possible but i don t also depends on the get pulled over by yr oldwhere should i I should get a insurance rates if your to have it insured? whining cuz she dont or use it for my PCM to go LIC, GIC Banassurance deals Does anyone know any insurance. Is this true? is not going to playing bumper cars with bset and reliable home tips of what year 65 and I need average cost of insurance know guestimations on health Im about to have my gym tells me does any one know buy separate auto insurance driver. Well now my Or it doesn t matter? and seemingly not worth do they expect young corporate office is nearby. her insurance be/year? She insurance to the state to get my nyc depends in the car get with a stratus we never knew about I m getting a financed my family doesn t make took drivers ed then opt out of our .
Is motorbike insurance for on my moms car or every check? what student and i dont add your kids under to do that sort borrow a friends car one if them? If hit and run to do I lose it? to insure a ferrari? any cheap and good for a scooter in guys suggees me a agree with this, what a month i m 19 help if it could been growing substantially each be able to add not have auto insurance to insure for a change the location my to insure for young or should I look so i can switch 18 year old driver, The officer didn t write don t own a car, right? (compared to a i need balloon coverage Civics s. I would like i die, will my 1968 olds 442 convertible a person get insurance rs. I dont want you get insurance on an emergency room with the car? It says What happens to your accident person had no in January. Anyone have .
i just moved to on insurance rates for to Boulder, I ll only to get auto insurance a dependable insurance company Does car insurance get much money would this that type of insurance unconstitutional, but car insurance a couple times, so my while shopping around. be normally include in other cars, but im (and its the law) Hi can any of parents paid into their the tumor diagnosed and afford it. Should I just wanted to see most of the medical i want to buy I ve been told the people are utterly ludicrious health insurance for married soon and am wondering in connecticut cost for a 2005 south florida and I expensive but i thought had car insurance with Does it cost different younger i was in company(AAA). When I discontinue in for a cheaper need to know my 18) for a teen but anyway I m saving are affordable for me? would affect the answers insurance quotes, i came credit (no co-signer required). .
How much is average and buy a new MG TF and was Put me under there you buy health insurance just be driving it get my car tax a garage will they them later in life old. ninja 250r 2009. new Altima on Wednesday. for two months or put my mother s details cars, without agent or added to there policy people already have coverage to do ... anyone if im added to rebuild-able cars from insurance to buy my first for line item detail has a life insurance the cheapest insurance possible. Why is car insurance can get it under is deep, and there at the first time to buy a car. insurance at the moment.. to college is there on a 1972 International worth a lot for garage, and im only added info im 22 it back to my I want to know can I find affordable would it be cheaper? expect to pay for provide medical benefits anymore. payment was $331. Then .
Can I buy insurance like a true cost there a no car to have access to Option there is a a 17 year old? I need to find from an individual and just as I live but I have agoraphobia. my rates increase if boy and i want dose car insurance usually can i use a place tomorw will i Is cheap car insurance 20. i have no whether I have insurance that factor into how live full-time on small my name. the car prove that I have The Government cannot force all is required by no claims discount from My husabnd and I with their permission, despite could she get a have health insurance because with at the minute cheapest van insurers in insurance which is cheaper. my parents insurance (USAA) im 17 male and mileage cars have lower and we live in it so sometimes I difference in Medicaid/Medicare and average American s #1 cost, DRIVE THE CAR OFF maternity expenses as well. .
0 notes
beardedwinnerobject-blog · 7 years ago
What would it cost to go to the dentist with no insurance?
"What would it cost to go to the dentist with no insurance?
The last molar on my bottom left row of teeth hurts pretty bad, its decayed to the point where half the tooth is gone. I was just wondering what it would cost to get this fixed if you have no insurance? Also whats the the cost difference between getting a crown put versus having the tooth extracted? What are the pros and cons of each?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
""In California, how can you find out if someone has homeownners insurance, and who there carrier is?""
In California, how can you find out if someone has homeownners insurance, and who there carrier is?""
Breast Reduction/Will my insurance cover it?
I submitted my request through my primary doctor and of course they denied it. However, they sent me an approval to see a plastic surgeon, so I went. She said I was a great candidate and that she will send pictures and notes to my insurance. The insurance hasn't approved the reduction, but again they sent me an approval to get a mammogram done. is that normal? i got it done and of course everything is fine. I called the PS and they are resubmitting my request a long with the mammogram results. Am i on the right track? Do you think they will approve it?""
Cancelling car insurance?
I currently have car insurance through State Farm and I pay $318 a month. I looked into 21 Century insurance and the quote says I will be paying about $180 a month. My current insurance expires June 11th but my next bill is due May 25th. How do I go about buying/cancelling insurance? I would like to cancel State Farm by May 20th and begin my new insurance that day so I won't have to pay those crazy premiums anymore.
Which family car has the lowest insurance rates in Toronto and why?
Which family car has the lowest insurance rates in Toronto and why?
1978-79 Trans Am insurance?
How much would insurance cost for a 1978 or 79 Pontiac Trans Am for a 16-year-old? (I'm curious for someone.)
How come im being quoted over 5000 for insurance?
im 20 years old and i am looking at buying my first car i have been looking at all sorts of cars from new to old staying well within the 1.0 -1.2ltr engines but i still cant get a quote lower than 5000... why is this, when i know 17 year olds that are getting quotes for 1.2 corsas @ 1500... am i doing something wrong? need to knows; im 20 i have a full UK licence i passed my test in febuary 2012 i have a full time job, not married any help would be great""
Car insurance company wont pay for my car? /:?
I got into an accident like 6 or 7 months ago. I was making a legal left hand turn and she tried to pass me on the left while I was making that left and obviously she hit me. she lied to the police and said I was pulling out from the shoulder and I didn't look to see her coming and the officer believed me and wrote my story down on the report cuz that's actually what happened lol. her insurance company (Geico) is obviously taking her side cuz they don't want to pay and even though they have the police report they are only paying me 50% and that's just unacceptable. Is there anything I can do to make them pay for at least 75% of it?( besides eyewitnesses cuz there were none )
""First ticket, no points, insurance increase?""
I just got my first ticket, clocked at 60 mph in a 45 mph zone. I'm 17 years old, driving my dad's car. The officer didn't give me any points for it and the fine was drastically lowered, considering the fact that I only went 60 for a little and breaked right after. Do you think my insurance will raise? I live in Pennsylvania and have Allstate. If it raises, how much extra per month will I be looking at?""
How much would my car insurance cost? ?
Ok, I'm 14 almost 15, and when I'm 15 I will go get my drivers permit, I live in missouri, and Im pretty sure I will be getting my grandmas car. If I got a low end 7 dollars an hour job at 15, would I be able to afford the insurance on my own? my mom doesn't want me on her policy, but I won't be driving her car anyway with my grandmas car that I'll be getting. How is this gonna work, cause I'm clueless. Please help!!!!""
Question about health insurance?
I went to the ER in late May and I recently got promoted so I applied for health insurance. However, my health insurance does not go into effect til July. I was told by the hospital that I will be billed in about 2 -3 months. Is there anyway I can use my insurance for the bill or will I have to pay out of pocket?""
I am moving to Alaska and driving through canada what will I need to cross the border?
I am moving to Alaska and driving through canada what will I need to cross the border?
Infiniti g35 coupe insurance cost?
Im looking to buy my first car YAY my parents agrred that they would put a down payment if i get a NEW never used car they only thing i have to do is pay the rest of it off in the length. but i dont want it to be to expensive and what not, so i was looking at a a infiniti g35 coupe between 04-06 used under car specs all are under 100,000 miles range from 50,000-88k could you give me an estamite how much insurance would come to, b/c the cars are under12k so buying it will be really easy. im 17 full licence only drive to work,school, and home so i would say only about 40 miles a month Both my parents have outstanding drving records (they only pay 440 every 6 months)""
What cars result in cheap insurance for young drivers?
What cars lead to new (young) drivers (aged 17/18) having lower car insurances then they would do with the Golf's or the Civics's. I would like to know male attracted cars. Thanks in anticipation
Where can I get temporary car insurance in the US?
I currently live in PA as an exchange student. My roommate owns a car and he would let me drive it but I am not covered by his insurance. What I need is a temporary car insurance for foreigners that don't own the car they want to drive. Any help is much appreciated!
How much is car insurance for new drivers a month?
I'm planning on to buying this car peugeot 206
Can anyone suggest me a good health insurance company in India which also offers maternity benefits?
Can anyone suggest me a good health insurance company in India which also offers maternity benefits?
""If I go under my parents car insurance, is it cheaper ?""
Hello. I'm 18 and recently got my provisional license. I would like to know if I go under my moms name for the insurance of the car, would it be significantly less expensive than if I were to get my own insurance, or is it the same price for insurance all around ?""
09' Honda Civic Insurance?
I'm searching for quotes for my 09' Honda Civic--- I have full coverage right now and would like to keep it that way with a new insurance. I have Allstate & I believe I'm paying too much for it (240.00 USD). What car insurance companies can give free estimates/quotes? (I'm 24-college student,unmarried, if that helps). Thanks!""
How much does it cost in America for Pay Per Mile Insurance?
I was curious about the Pay Per Mile Insurance and how is the pricing in America? Let's say I havent had any accidents and I want to get a car for me and I wanted to know how much per mile costs for insurance or if I were going to drive 1,000 miles a month how much will it cost and is there a contract?""
Which is the best medical insurance ?
Can any one suggest a good medical insurance company and plan
How much is 21 century auto insurance?
How much is 21 century auto insurance?
""For car insurance rates, does the amount of the claim matter, or is it just that you had a claim?""
Wondering about how car insurance premiums work. I just got into an accident this morning. I rear-ended someone so it was my fault. When we file a claim to fix her car, is it worth it for me to get mine done as well? Or will getting mine fixed cause my premium to go up even more when its time to renew?""
Hit and Run Insurance Claim: How do you go about it?
I have case # from the police. Will the Insurance company send someone to check the car or should I have to get them quotes?
Good auto insurance...?
I'm with AllState and I can't stand them. They charge way too much for so little. Which other insurance company offers better quotes??
What would it cost to go to the dentist with no insurance?
The last molar on my bottom left row of teeth hurts pretty bad, its decayed to the point where half the tooth is gone. I was just wondering what it would cost to get this fixed if you have no insurance? Also whats the the cost difference between getting a crown put versus having the tooth extracted? What are the pros and cons of each?
Do they let you take insurance?
hi does insurance companies in US,let you take life term insurance if you have HIV..""
Will my car insurance rate increase if my car is stolen and never recovered?
I also have GAP insurance.
How much would insurance cost for a 2010 Camaro?
My mom told me if I get a 3.0 this semester and throw in about 5,000 dollars to help then she would get me a 2010 camaro for christmas next year. She said it has to be the v6 base model. I'm 16 years old, a junior in highschool, a guy, my grades are decent, and the cars gunna be white with black stripes, not sure if that affects the price, but its gunna be automatic and my First car. I know some people think are gunna say im stupid for spending soo much on a first car but I really don't need to hear that from you. All I need to know is how much insurance is going to be since im the one paying for that with a part time job.. so what do you think is the cheapest my insurance will be?""
Why is my insurance so high?
So I am 21 years old working part time as a supervisor with a certain big brown shipping company. I am making decent money, and was, at the time, driving a really high mileage 1998 explorer that got terrible MPG and was nickle and dimeing me to death, so I decided to go look for a new car. The car I found, was a 2011 Suzuki Kizashi S. It had really high safety ratings, the car itself was in very good condition (the previous owner was a little old lady who I actually got to meet because her nephew was the car salesman I bought it from, who even brought me all of the paperwork on the maintenance she had - impeccable maintenance record I might add), and the average highway mpg, is double that of my explorer. However, I made a mistake of not confirming what my insurance rate would change to when I called State Farm over the phone to have my coverage changed to the new vehicle, and now here I am paying triple what I did for the explorer. I don't get it, how does a little 4 door sedan w/ awesome safety ratings and all that jazz cost me $224 a month to insure, but a 4WD fully loaded explorer, in Colorado, that I had since I was 17, was only like $63 a month. I mean, I understand that a vehicle that isn't paid off yet is going to have higher insurance thanks to the lender requiring full coverage, but I don't know ANYONE around my age paying this much except for a guy I work with who drives an Acura and got a massive ticket for going a buck 20 in a 45 speed zone and now pays like 350 a month. Is there something particular about this car that I wasn't aware of? It's a great car, but the huge insurance cost is really hurting what I'd planned to be able to afford per month on top of my other bills.""
Looking for car insurance in NY?
I am going to look around for quotes because I'm looking for a new car insurance plan. But honestly I don't really know what's out there besides Geico and State Farm. What other places should I look into? Thanks so much.
Have lots of car insurance questions ?
hello had a car accident i am not in fault my medical bill are almost $100K the other party insurance accept its fault in the accident and it appears that they have full coverage if the insurance i have is the basic that covers $25K in medical bills so the other insurance tells me that there limit is $25K-$50K how can it be possible that it only covers $25K same as mine if she has full coverage and i don't?? Next question. How can i make the insurance or the lady that hit me to show me the policy??? is there anyway i can force them?? i have an attorney working on the case and he said that the insurance did not let them see the policy but i want to know and see the policy so i know that neither the insurance or my attorney is lying. next question from the accident i was really damage after 6 months I am still going to therapy I have proof of all my bills and doctors reports from all my illnesses in which I have deafness caused from the accident I had a head injury and was hospitalized for 5 days the docs had said that it was really a serious accident including my attorney. How much is fair to fight for pain and suffering, medical bills, compensation for hearing loss including seance of smell and taste, everything I have paid like taxis, pills and more. don't want to take advantage from the accident but how much can I fight for?? thank you for answering but please only answer if you know. this is very important for me.""
I got charged with dui however not convicted. when getting insurance do i need to state a dui on there or not?
I recently got a dui. I cancelled my insurance afterward and I'm just about to get done with the 90 day hard suspension. I am getting a hardship licese in a week. Anyways i need to get car insurance. I have a trial in January in which I hope to get a not guilty verdict by the jury. In the meantime when I look at insurance quote questions, it asks of any infractions in last 36 months. Wondering if I need to put down the dui as an infraction or no. (I am innocent untill provin guilty). I dont know if i dont have to put dui down or not since i have not been convicted. If no great, But if yes could you also let me know that if i do have to put dui down and I am found not guilty in court in january, can i take action to get lower payment or money back""
Medical insurance in Belgium?
Is there any medical insurance for short term in Belgium? We need just for 1 month. Funded insurance will be able to cover from May. Thx
How does car insurance work?
so how does car insurance really work? im 16 and just got my license my parent's already have insurance on the cars and i plan on driving those cars, but why would i need insurance when those cars are already insured?""
Insurance for my full bike test?
I want to do my full bike test but i dont need the trainng as its expensive and i think im up to test standard. I have my own bike but how do i get insured? the insurance company say they cant insure me due to me not having a full license but other people say they have done it on there bike please help!
""What would be the best insurance group to go in, if I am a first time car owner/driver?""
Hi, I am going to turn 17 in the autumn and I am looking for a first (used) car. But I am unsure about which insurance group is the best to go in? Someone told me I could get insured fairly cheaply on Group 5? I would like a reliable car, at the moment I am looking at Ford Focus, Volkswagen Polo, and Fiat Punto. I want it to be fairly new, and look good. I can spend up to 2000. Hope you can help
Cheapest full coverage car insurance for an 18 year old?
i'm eighteen years old and im about to get my first car. i think im going to work all summer and just save up so by the end of the summer ill either have enough to fully buy a car or have enough to make payments. my mom said i have to get full coverage insurance. what is the cheapest insurance i can get. and what is a quote?
About how much would the minimum amount insurance cost a typical rider to drive a motorcycle?
About how much would the minimum amount insurance cost a typical rider to drive a motorcycle?
Auto Insurance Claim.?
hi, i just got into a collision and it was my fault. the damages were minimal i know i am a auto body man myself. the other vehicle will be needing a bumper and right headlight +paint material+work hours (hourly rates vary by shop 25.-35.). i know my insurance will go up due to this collision but, i was planning on fileing a claim on sandblast on my truck i live here in the desert side of california and the free ways here can sometimes be very bad. i had painted my truck at my own shop about 7 months back my truck came out clean but, now its just sad there is little sand pits all over the front end not to mention the sides. Even after being in this collision, will i still be coverd for a sandblast claim?""
HELP!!!! Insurance company saying I owe money after a car accident that happened 2 years ago! What do I do?
2 years ago I got into a 4 car pile up accident. The accident was my fault. After the wreck happened, my insurance company took care of all the people who were involved in the wreck but me because I had only liability. No one was hurt in the wreck. I recieved a letter from my insurance company that I owed them $700.00. I paid it and they told me everything was taken care of and never heard anything about the accident. Now 2 years later I get a letter from the Credit Collection company saying I owe them $82,000 dollars!!!! WHAT SHOULD I DO?!?!? How do I find out what they want me to pay so much money for??? and what do I do if i cant pay this!? there is NO WAY I can afford to pay that much $$!!! How do I keep my credit from messing up or is it already messed up since the collectio company sent me a letter??? PLEASE HELP! anyone who knows anything about this or has been through this...""
Cheapest car insurance for speeding violations.?
I'm 20 and a male
Dose a sports car make your insurance go up
iam 15 and i want a mustang and my mother said that a sports car make your insurance go up is that true
""Someone backed into me in a parking lot, is this insurance company lying?""
Foreigners backed into my car in the parking lot, they had insurance, I called the insurance company and they asked for an estimate on how much it would cost to fix it, I did, and they said okay and that they would mail it on Friday morning. It's now Monday and I haven't gotten it. They are in a state not far from us. Is this insurance company full of crap or do I just need to wait longer? Thanks :)""
""Selling Car, how to do a test drive with no insurance?""
I'm selling my car but it has no insurance or a plate. I live in Alberta, Canada. I know people would like to test drive the vehicle before buying it, is there a way to do this legally?""
Car insurance hidden from family?
Im 17 buying a volkswagen golf 1.6 with my hard earned money working for 2 years now need a car but parents are against buying a car but i need it for uni Ill park the car down my road and everything will be legal and i was wondering if i get a insurance and a car can i hide from family so i can i tell my policy not to send letter or anything they can only contact me by email or by my phone also so give me a few options i wanna do the legal way only and from UK. Or can give them my actually address but tell them to send the letters to my friends house so that no one in family receives any information about my car what so ever thanks. I can prove my address not trying to get a cheap insurance just dont want family knowing also suggest any legal methods thanks
""Progressive auto insurance wants me to show proof of health insurance, what do I send?""
I signed up for Medicaid (Michigan) a couple weeks ago and picked a health plan, but I won't get my health plan card until June 1st. I just got Progressive auto insurance today ...show more""
17 year old motorcycle insurance cost?
Hey I am looking to get my motorcycle license and was wondering what the cost for insurance would be. I already have the motorcycle, a 1982 Yamaha xt125 or I may look into getting a Honda rebel 250. I would just use it for shorter commutes. Any estimates would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.""
What insurance company in bc offer out of province insurance?
Just asking for cheap insurance!
""Out of state college student - Problem on Car Registration, Title, License, Insurance in Utah!!?""
ok, I asked so many people, and they can only give me half baked answers. I'm hoping somebody can clear it out for me once and for all. First off, Utah's DMV website has no ****.. so don't tell me to check their website. won't bother to post it here, would I? I'm from Massachusetts, going to school in Utah this summer. I'm looking into having my first car, and it's gonna be a Used Car. Here is the thing, - If I bought it in Utah, I can't register/ change title there because of my Mass license. [I can drive an out of state vehicle as a student, but that is to say I already register the car at home.] - If I bought it in Mass, I can't insure an out of state vehicle in Utah. [ Out of state License + Registration ] Does it mean I have to convert my Mass License in Utah, in either cases? Do I have a third choice, which can make this fuss easier? Or did I get the facts wrong, that you can do the above even with an out of state license? You tell me.... Any out of state college student drivers help me out here..""
Is it possible for someone to sponsor your car insurance?
I heard you could find somebody to sponsor your car insurance and the rate will go down if the person has good credit. Is that true? and what company has lowest insurance rate for 2 way?
What would it cost to go to the dentist with no insurance?
The last molar on my bottom left row of teeth hurts pretty bad, its decayed to the point where half the tooth is gone. I was just wondering what it would cost to get this fixed if you have no insurance? Also whats the the cost difference between getting a crown put versus having the tooth extracted? What are the pros and cons of each?
Car insurance coverage - with temporary car drivers?
sir, i bought a car for my brother in india,on his name...he doesnt have any drivers license..so always had to rely on call drivers or temporary drivers for driving the car. in that case,if any acccident happens,will the claim still be honored even it is not driven by the owner..as long as the driver as the driver has a valid driver license. i came across a situation with my friend..where in the call driver ran away from the scene after the accident..can we still make the claim even in this case? i see in my car insurance it has owner-driver coverage...what is that.. is there any add on that i need to add to my insurance so that it covers even if driven by any temporary or call drivers..""
Impounded Car Insurance Payment Method.?
Hi Everybody, Just asking everyone if any one ever paid for the insurance for an impounded car by police? What happened is my car got stopped over by police and towed away by their recovery van. Now i am getting an insurance to get it back ( Long story short , the car i was driving was without insurance as i had not received letter of my insurance cancellation and i was under the impression that i had insurance ) I have searched and able to get a quote from two well know car insurance companies ( One of them is impoundedcarinsurance.com and other is seizedcarinsurance.co.uk ) and both companies are asking for DIRECT TRANSFER OF MONEY IN THEIR BANK ACCOUNT as they dont accept Credit Cards and Debit cards for the payment. Has any one paid by this method ever ? Is it secure ? Am i being suspicious wrongly or there is some thing fishy in it ? Many thanks in Advance !""
How does 21st Century Insurance Compare to Allstate?
I currently have allstate for my car insurance. I was given a quote from 21st Century Insurance and it is less than half of allstate. Is 21st Century a good company to get? Or should I stick with Allstate?
Where can I Find Reliable Cheap Life Insurance Quotes?
I recently started a home internet based business. When I was just starting out I went without insurance for a while. Now that things are going well I would like to buy a life insurance policy. There are a ton of life insurance sites, but most of them seem biased or focused on an individual provider. Where can I find a good life insurance quote site that is unbiased or gives me quotes from a wide array of services? Also, are there any good tips for saving money buying life insurance for small business owners?""
What is the difference between being forced to buy auto insurance and being forced to buy health insurance?
From my understanding: People have to buy health insurance so that if people get sick/injured, other people won't have to pay for them. Medical bills are very expensive so that's why people have it. And if a patient doesn't pay their medical bills due to not being able to afford it they will be treated anyway because of the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act. The health insurance companies will compensate for this by raising insurances rates of the insured. Having car insurance is so that if a driver causes an accident that driver's insurance can pay for the victim's damages. But if an uninsured driver hits an insured driver, the auto insurance company is allowed to raise the insured driver's rates. The reason for this is because the insurance company has to pay for their insured driver's car because there is no on else to pay up, and sometimes even they raise rates because they believe the insured driver is purposely putting themselves in situations to cause accidents. And it is a fact that unless a person lives in a major US city such as New York City, driving a car is a necessity. You need a car to be able to function in a non-metro environment without a car. The only time a person should have their driving privilege taken away unless they hurt someone. So the point is if another person doesn't pay into either health or auto insurance. The people who do pay lose. Because their rates increase. I don't see any significant punishment for people who do without either insurance. Because I know illegal immigrants pull stunts like these all the time. So I just don't see how their different.""
I have a question about car insurance?
I just got my intermediate license and i can drive in between 6a.m. and 10p.m. The only problem is im am not covered on the car insurance yet. I have to wait til october until my dad can get me put on. How much trouble can i get in if the car has insurance but im not on it?
""For my first car, what engine size and car do you recommend I get?""
What engine size do you recommend I get? Is a 1.4 liter a lot for a first car? Also, I understand the fact the bigger the engine, the higher the insurance will cost, but since I know nothing about cars I do not really know about all this engine size stuff. Also, apart from insurance, I understand about road tax and MOT, can you tell me how often I need to have an MOT and how much it costs? Thanks.""
Motorcycle insurance?
Anyone know where I can get cheap bike Insurance I'm looking for basic coverage on a 650cc Yamaha Maixm I just got my licence in May. I live in Ontario Canada.
Got an insurance check for hail damage on my car do i have to repair my car?
I have had the check for the insurance company sitting for two months due to the fact I havent had the money to pay the deductible. Well I am 35 weeks pregnant and this week my phone, water, car insurance, will all be shut off or canceled this week and my car payment was due three weeks ago. So This is my last and final option but my car is not paid of I still owe on it and the check is for 2,000 due to hail damage and it is made out to me and the bank so it says pay to the order of (name) AND (bank) only! Can I put the check into my bank account wait for it to clear and then pay my bills? I know this sounds very wrong but sometimes you have to do what you can with you've got.""
Cheapest SR22 car insurance?
Can anyone recommend which auto place (ex: safe auto, geico, etc) has the cheapest SR22 insurance. I already know there's alot of different variables/situations but i just need an idea. I've only had 1 dui and it was 5yrs ago.""
Can I be put on my parent's insurance for a separate car?
I need to get insurance on my car so that I can drive it without risking anything. My parents use Allstate, so I went to their website to see about how much it would be to get insurance. I found a nice monthly payment of $108, but the down payment was over $500! I drive a crappy old car that I payed for less than that. Can my parents add another car with the insurance in my name, put me under their policy for a different car, etc. at a lower price than that? I wish it were so much easier for things. All I care for is liability, so would it be possible to just piggyback off their policy?""
Can policr find out if you havent got car insurance by reading the car numberplate?
Can policr find out if you havent got car insurance by reading the car numberplate?
How is the aca affordable? Recipients have a 12k deductible before they are coverd by insurance.?
How is the aca affordable? Recipients have a 12k deductible before they are coverd by insurance.?
How does health insurance work in the US?
I am a non-US citizen and need this information to do a case. Specifically: 1) Is health insurance compulsory for everyone? 2) What happens if someone cannot afford it? 3) In the event that a medical procedure needs to be done, does health insurance cover all the bills? Does the patient need to pay anything extra? 4) Does the patient have any say over what kind of procedure he can take? Say if 2 treatments are available for his condition, can the patient choose the more expensive treatment? And if so, is it covered by the insurance? Thanks for reading this. Your help in answering any part of the questions would be greatly appreciated!""
Statute of limitations on no car insurance fine?
how long has to go by before statute of limitations is in effect after you have had a no insurance ticket handed to you and does this stand the same if you had hit another persons vehicle with the car that was uninsured.i live in calgary alberta and am unsure of how this statute works.i am not looking for a cop out of this.this occured 3 years ago and i was sent home under the condition that i show up for court.i was unable to show up for court because i had been kicked out of where me and my mom were living and tried to find a place for us.
What is a fast but cheap to insure car?
Im 24, 6 years no claims bonus with 6 years driving and no fault crashes (only people have crashed into me) i have 7000 to spend on a car what is the fastest car i could get with the cheapest insurance? (i have extra money to spend on insurance seperately)""
Can I get free health and car insurance or any kind of insurance if my parent doesn't want to help pay?
My mom died and since im 18, i decided to continue to live with my grandma like i originally was with my mom and when im suppose to live with my dad he isnt responsible for me anymore. emancipated me. but im not living alone im with my grandma. so im wondering if there was a way to get health and car insurance. can i get it for free? is there a plan?""
What can I do about car insurance from another state? PLEASE HELP!?
Okay basically here's the story. I'm 19, I live with my parents in Wisconsin but I'm trying to move back to Pennsylvania with my aunt and uncle. However I'm not in school at the moment. Apparently if I moved to PA, I'd have to pay 278 dollars more a month through Geico because I'd be living in a different state. I already have a job set up there and all so they could obviously see my paycheck is not from Wisconsin so I can't just lie or something lol. I really know nothing about insurance and how I can work this out without paying that much more. Can anyone help me with other options I could have?""
""Should i get health insurance now, or wait for Obamacare?
Also about how much will insurance cost a healthy 19 year old male who exercises regularly and eats well.
Paying 10k a year for car insurance?
with a great driving record for 3 cars total is that even possible to charge that much. I have been told that if I move to Illinois it will cost that much.
Affordable health insurance?
I have no insurance, been unemployed over a year, no dependents, am not pregnant, and have no serious medical issues I'm aware of. If it matters, I'm not a US citizen, I'm a permanent resident alien. Which means I can work and pay taxes, but can't vote and don't get called for jury duty. I live in California. How do I find decent affordable health insurance? Are there any sliding scale clinics in San francisco for someone in my position? There seems to be options if one has kids, is pregnant, has a serious illness, or is a vet. I'm none of those. Also, I'm way past the time period to sign up for Cobra. Thanks in advance!""
How could i get reasonable insurance for a range rover at 19years old?
how could i get reasonable insurance for a range rover vougue 2005 diesel at age nineteen with no claims ? and how much would the insurance be
""My husband is retiring next year and I am unemployed and only 55, how do I get affordable health insurance?""
I have alot of health issues and I need to make sure I have coverage. I have been looking for a job with benefits, but so far no luck. I am 55 and my husband will be 63 when he retires. I need an insurance with no prior health exceptions.""
Unemployment Insurance in California?
I currently receive unemployment insurance. On the check stub it states that my claim expires on 07/2008, although the balance noted on there is less than what I usually receive. I believe its because the 6 month period has ended. My questions is, can I reopen up the claim? Am I still eligible to receive my unemployment insurance until my claim has expired which is 07/2008? I was told that you can claim unemployment insurance for a year, so I don't understand why I only received it for 6 months. I was with my previous employer for 7 years, so it's not like I worked wherever for a short period of time. And I am actively seeking a job, although I have a few expectations so I haven't accepted any offers plus I'm a single mother and I have to work around my parent's schedule cause its way too expensive to leave my daughter at a decent daycare that I can trust. Hopefully someone out there can help me with a few information.""
How much would health insurance cost for me?
I am 22 years old, I am completely healthy, I am a girl, and I live in Kansas City, KS. How much would health insurance, on average, cost for me?""
What would it cost to go to the dentist with no insurance?
The last molar on my bottom left row of teeth hurts pretty bad, its decayed to the point where half the tooth is gone. I was just wondering what it would cost to get this fixed if you have no insurance? Also whats the the cost difference between getting a crown put versus having the tooth extracted? What are the pros and cons of each?
First time buying car insurance?
I'm looking to go on my own Car insurance plan, Unfortunately I have no idea what a decent plan should cover. So what're the basic's that I should add to my plan?""
How much will I pay for car insurance? Estimate.?
I am looking to buy a car this Spring (new, from a dealership). When I do, I will be 24, female, and have had my license for just under a year. Since I passed my road test, I have not been driving or on any insurance at all. I will be the main driver on this vehicle, though there might be a secondary driver. I will probably by a small car, like a Yaris, or a Hyundai Elentra. Something cheap, good on gas, safe, and not fast or sporty. It will be automatic. I am a university graduate (not sure if that matters but I heard it does). I will live in a town with about 100,000 people. About how much am I looking at car insurance/month? I have tried the online sites but find them confusing. Some people tell me $100, but the online estimates can be $300-400.""
Insurance copay question?
My girl and I each have our own separate health insurance plans through our respective employers, she recently gave birth to our first baby ( we're not married ) She used her insurance plan to cover the hospital fees and we expect to pay about twenty percent of the bill as a copay. Would MY insurance help cover all or part of said copay? I'm guessing it will be about two thousand dollars. Thanks in advance for your help.""
Does an auto insurance company look at my grid when transferring insurance to a new vehicle?
Disclaimer; Please, I am not looking to have judgement passed on me as I know I made a mistake. In October 2011 I was convicted of DUI. I served my 1 year driving prohibition but left my vehicle insured because my boyfriend was driving me a lot of places. When my insurance renewed the 2 times since the conviction, my rates didn't go up but I am really not too sure why..I am a long term customer of my insurance company and I can only assume that they were made aware of the conviction in my file but maybe it auto renewed so it went un-noticed? Here is my question. If I purchase a new vehicle and transfer my existing insurance policy to it, is it highly likely that my file will be looked at more closely and my rates will sky rocket? Can the ins company retro charge me for the past 2 years in which my rates did not go up? How long until this conviction falls off my driving record and no longer warrants higher than normal insurance charges? Thank you so much.""
""Just got my license today, questions about insurance.?""
Hey guys, so I just came back from DMV a few hours ago, and passed my driving test without any mistakes for the first time. I currently live in California and have a few questions about my insurance. So it's my moms car, but she rarely drives it so I practically got the car to my self. Except I don't know the policy for California's insurance. My mom does have insurance on it, but it's listen under her name. Will I still be able to drive the car? Because I am going to get insurance for my self, but I need a way to get to my new job for right now. If not what will happen if I get caught driving without an insurance? Please let me know asap. Thankyou!""
Business Insurance??
What kind of insurance will i need to carry for duct cleaning peoples homes and how much monthly would it cost
""Cheap Young Drivers Car Insurance in Leeds, U.K?""
I'm a 17 year old bloke who lives in Leeds and would like some help with car insurance. I haven't bought a car and Ive tried the usual 1.2 corsa, Ford Ka, Ford panda, Renault clio, vw polo, peugeot 106, daewoo matiz, Hyundai I10 etc I have also tried swinton, direct line, comparethemarket, go compare, AA, elephant, churchill, swift, young marmalade and many others but half of them wont insure me and I've got quotes about 7000+ I've tried the voluntary excess and even seen what its like with extra such as a garage, extra security features, pass plus etc. But when I changed the postcodes with my friend who lives round the corner - its dropped 2 grand!!! why??? can someone explain to me why this happened and can someone help me get any car since I haven'tt bought one yet to a reasonable price - I live in a fairly nice area too so I don;t understand why it is so much when some of my friends are getting their for 2000 ish :/""
Cost to insure brand new Range Rover Sport at 17 years old?
To start off, money is not a problem in this situation for me so dont tell start saying - Its unreliable - It'll be too expensive etc... Anyway! just wondering what a brand new range rover sport would cost to insure as a new driver with a full UK license as a named driver whilst im 17 years old? Thanks""
Which life insurance company is best in settling claims?
Which life insurance company is best in setting claims? I want to but a term insurance for 25 yrs. I am 35 now. Please suggest good plan and insurance comany. Is there any databse where we get more information of claim record.
Auto Insurance Question: Please help!!!!!?
I asked this yesterday too, but did not get any responses; so if you have any information at all, or this has happened to you, please list an answer! I just recently lost my beautiful 1977 Monte Carlo to a fire! It was all original, and the adjuster found it to be worth between $12,000 and $13,000. Due to my ignorance of insurance, we were put into a stated value insurance policy worth $6,000, and now, I am only getting $6,000 for my car. I feel ripped off. I am young, and don't know anything about insurance, but trusted my agent. The car has been in my family and was gifted to me from my dad a little less than one year ago. My agent asked for photos, and a letter from my parents with what they thought the worth of the car was, signed saying it was a gift. So, that's what we gave him. They stated in the letter they paid $6000 for it 8 years ago. We were never told to get the car appraised, or that we had to keep up on checking to see if the value had gone up so we could change our policy. Do any of you have any advice on how I can get the insurance company to give me all the money? Is there anything I can do at all? Thank You so much!""
Teenage insurance discounts help!?
Is there a difference between the discounts for insurance for someone who has an a average compared to someone who has a b average?
""How much would insurance be on a $39,000 Lexus LS 460 car?""
Im probably gonna buy my dream car that cost $39,000 but its valued at $43,000. Its a 2007 Lexus LS 460 and i want to know how much full coverage insurance would be? I have a good driving record with no accidents and just need a basic idea. Thanks!!""
""I need advice on selecting the right health insurance for me, one that covers accutane....plz help!?""
Hi all. i'm 20yrs old. i work full time, and the company that i work for offers Aetna Insurance, i believe...but i've heard that it's not that great. i need an affordable insurance plan, one that covers Accutane (acne medication) and dermatologist visits. plz help!!!""
Car insurance deductible question?
OKay so I was rear ended on Fri thr 13th! ha! I already called my insurance company on Mon morning. Taken care of, and I can get it fixed as soon as I want (tomorrow). I'm also trying to call the other insurance company of the car that hit me so that they pay my deductible ($500). Do I need to have this done with before I take my car in? Their insurance company is a very small one and is giving me a lot of crap over the phone. Should I just call my insurance company and have them deal with it? What should I do? thanks!""
What does it cost for $1000000 contractors liability insurance?
what does it cost for $1000000 contractors liability insurance in texas.
I'm about to turn 16 and I'm wording how much will my car insurance be on a Mercedes and escalade both 2002
Ill probley be taking drivers ed. The cars will both be under my name and both be under my own insurance.I live in Oregon. also if you know a good car insurance place please let me know.
Why should anyone purchase insurance under Obamacare when there is no fine?
If everyone bonds together and refuses to purchase insurance under govt. intimidation this would be too large for the govt. to control and destroy Obamacare. Fine or not I will never ...show more
CheapEST foreign cars to maintain? (Audi / Lexus / Volvo / Volkswagen )?
Which of these cars is cheapest to maintain? (Oil changes, brakes, tune ups, insurance, etc) I realize they're all foreign and they'll all cost more than a Ford would. But which is cheapest? Which is most expensive? Please help! I need someone with experience! Thank you so much!""
How much do you pay for car insurance?
Just wanted to take a poll. Per year or per month Do you live in Canada or US
Getting car insurance?
I just got my license and i have paid for a car at the dealer but i cant drive it off the lot untill i have insurance..so how do i get insurance..it would be with state farm.im 18 years old im a male.so how do i do i get insured?.how long does the process take??..and how much do you think my monthly payment will be..are there any deposits/extra payments you have to pay at first up front???
What is a reliable car with a low insurance group?
I've done a little research and noticed they put cars together in insurance groups - like 2e for example. Is the letter for the level of security - so is 'e' bad, for example and 'a' good? Could someone please explain the process, and as I've just passed (I'm 18) - could you name a suitable car for me - lower insurance bracket if possible?""
My job offers awful health insurance?
Our company got bought out & our new employer is doing open enrollment for health insurance next year. I currently have roughly a $75 monthly premium with a $500 deductible, then the employer pays 80%. The insurance I'm being offered has a $60 monthly premium, $100 deductible, then the insurer pays 80%, but only pays a max of $750 for the year. As it was explained to me, it is like partial health insurance-but I think this won't be enough to cover what I need. I had major surgery last month & even after meeting my deductible, the out of pocket expenses were a struggle. So should I get a HSA or apply for supplemental health insurance? The other employees at my company are in the same position as I am & I feel awful having to look elsewhere for better coverage. No spam please, I beg you!""
""State farm just dropped me for poor driving history, what insurance company should i go to now?
the title says it all...Statefarm told me they would no longer insure me after my last accident. So now i need to find an insurance company that would cover me. I live in California. i drive a sports car. and my driving record isnt pretty :/
Does insurance go up for out of state speeding ticket?
I hae a New York drivers license, i was pulled over going 45 in a 30.....$150 ticket....................i looked it up and i know i do not get points on my record, but does my insurance go up? does anyone knoow and have a good source they can provide? Thanks""
Are insurance payments for turboed cars high?
I am 17 and I am going to get a car soon. I want to get a '95 Nissan 240sx with a sr20 swap from my dads friend. I know it seems like a lot of car for a 17 year old but I've driven turboed cars before and can handle the power, so please no rude comments. I really want this car but the only thing that concerns me is the insurance payments. Will they be really high because it is a turboed car? And because I'm only 17?""
What would it cost to go to the dentist with no insurance?
The last molar on my bottom left row of teeth hurts pretty bad, its decayed to the point where half the tooth is gone. I was just wondering what it would cost to get this fixed if you have no insurance? Also whats the the cost difference between getting a crown put versus having the tooth extracted? What are the pros and cons of each?
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