#2. knew beforehand we would not be able to return to earth upon bringing us to the spiral and still did it
anxiously-sidequesting · 10 months
it's so painful to think abt because yes, the spiral is going to be saved because of the prophecy, and all these lives are saved - but ambrose really went "needs of the many" and basically deprived a whole child of their personhood and maybe even their identity outside of "savior of the spiral" with the depersonalization of the wizard and how it starts with literally entering the wizard world. you pick a new name for your wizard and you very much can Tell that most names like that dont exist where the YW came from so their initial identity gets erased and then the NEW identity they try to build gets erased too to the point where i have to be impressed but also severely worried that the the YW is STILL internalizing how they feel and being essentially constantly sent on more quests and
this is complete rambling that probably hardly makes sense but god its just how screwed up w101's plot is deep down
Like that's something so interesting to think about like how and why did the YW choose their new name? Did Ambrose choose it for them; did he merely encourage them to take on a more "appropriate" identity to match their new culture?? Did the Wizard ever want to change their name in the first place? How does their name change affect their journey and their personality going forwards?
And you're so right because like in a sense, you're literally CREATING a new character to fit into this new world. Irl you're choosing their appearance, their name and their gender, everything. Build-A-Bear starting from scratch. And even though the character creation bit has no underlying meaning to it, I think it unintentionally has such a heavy metaphor that you are no longer a human from Earth, but a Wizard in the Spiral. You're not "Holly LastName" with regular Earth clothes, you're now "Holly Steelcry" with a bitchin' purple and yellow outfit that is now SUITED for the Spiral. Yippee!!!
Like I don't even think the Pirate goes through this shit; weren't they born in the Spiral? Like didn't they have parents that were originally FROM the Spiral in the first place???? It's just the Wizard that's been yoinked from their original homeland and into a new one 💀
And that's one of the things that Holly learns throughout their life in the Spiral - is that her Earth self, her original personality and heritage... is not enough. What they were before was not what the Spiral needed. The world doesn't want Holly, it wants Holly STEELCRY. Their family, friends, pets, past hobbies and their ultimate sacrifice in leaving them behind is not what matters to Ambrose, to the Council of Light, to the entire universe. What everyone needed was a HERO and Holly was NOT a hero, which is why they made her INTO one. Unfortunately, it was that erasure and depersonalization you mentioned that Ambrose, and later Holly themself, thought was necessary in order to save everyone. Now you have a Wizard who may or may not be an entirely different person than what you started out with and for NO GOOD REASON. It's that "sacrifice yourself for others" trope that I love and hate so much 😭😭😭😭😭
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fyrapartnersearch · 4 years
Trouble in the alien kingdom
Obligatory long post ahead warning: this post is quite long and I know it may be intimidating to some readers but please don’t let it put you off if you’d still like to rp with me :) Hello ladies, gents, and fellow rpers. After having a writing blast and seeing how I’ve got room for some more partners I’ve decided to come back in search of some partners who are interested in what I’m looking for.I’ve got a good ten or so odd years of rping experience under my belt but any potential partners do not necessarily have to have the same experience, they simply need to fit under these three things: -third person only with correct spelling, grammar and punctuation. - at least one small (no less than seven lines) paragraph per post as well as being willing to write more if the situation calls for it. Please do not contact me intending to give me only small paragraphs with each response as the above is simply the bare minimum I’ll accept if there’s not much going on in the rp that warrants a full paragraph. -no one liners, one worders, script talk, poorly written sentences or just laziness in general. This isn’t terribly much to ask for as picky as it sounds. An important thing I shall mention is that NSFW (i don’t fade to black nor do I care when the smut happens. Just please don’t leave me once the smut has happened like lots of people seem to unfortunately do) and dark themes are a thing that occur in all my rp’s so I require you to at least be eighteen before you reach out to me. I will not accept anyone younger than 18 since I myself am in my early twenties. Underaged characters are also a no go as well. Please know that I’m in the eastern Australian time zone but almost any time zone Is compatible for me as I am awake at very odd hours. Another important thing I shall add is that you must be able to post at least once or more a day and if I don’t get any response after two weeks then I shall simply move on (only exception is if you notify me beforehand as to why you may not be able to post for a while. I’m not that vicious). I only rp as male characters, as it’s simply my preference, I do MxM or FxM pairings. I will not double and I do not play multiple characters. I don’t do sub/dom dynamics when it comes to any aspect of the relationship. My characters are also non human (they’re aliens since this is a sci-fi rp after all) but what species your character is doesn’t matter to me at all as long as it’s not some god modded Mary Sue. Please remember that alien simply means a creature not from earth. Aliens can have fur, scales, feathers, etc, depending on where they come from. An alien with fur or scalies is not a furry or a scalie and please do not refer to them as such as it’s rude to label someone’s character as something they’re not. I will not write with someone who will insist that the theory of chimpanzees and humans unable to crossbreed should apply to hybrid characters regardless of whether they’re alien/alien or human/alien. This is fiction, not reality. Please also do not control my characters or dictate their actions. My characters are also premade and only have descriptions, I don’t do face claims or pics. I also do not care if you make a character up on the spot. Please remember that this is a sci-fi rp and that I will not accept requests to do fandoms or any genre that doesn’t fit within the category of sci-fi. i will not accept a character that has no place in a sci-fi rp either like a dragon,harpy,demon, elf or some other fantasy creature. The planet setting will basically be medieval styled but with sci-fi elements added to it, like metal castles, technology, aliens and alien creatures, contact with other planets, etc. Down below are some ideas I’ve listed. I’m open to discussing any idea you may have or potentially mix and matching the ones below. Disgraced: *when one entered the royal guard they took upon themselves an oath that bound them by blood and courage to the dedication of the protection of their king, queen and the kingdoms heirs. They were sworn to protect them from any harm whilst at the same time not allowed to use their position or power to hurt anyone else. When one breaks that oath, they are sent away in disgrace and branded as a traitor who must swear to never return. Life on the run changes people, sometimes for the better.....or for worse.* Space pirates and nobles: *space was a vast starry and endless sea that many voyaged across for the purpose of research, leisure or finding ones destiny. Like any real ocean, it was filled with dangers. The most feared of all was space pirates. Bands of blood thirsty cut throats and scandalous troublemakers whose sole pleasure in life was to steal, kill and take others prisoner against their will. Only pirates dare to do what other criminals would not. When a merchant ship is robbed by pirates what fate will befall the nobles onboard?* Healing wounds, growing love: *winter on the planet of malgor is one that is feared for its extreme weather. Snowstorms could appear out of nowhere and many a traveller had frozen to death whilst trying to make their way from one village to another. It was also a time where people were at their most vulnerable, relying on the winter harvest to feed every mouth that had been born and raised in the kingdom meant no mercy was spared for poor wayfaring strangers. When a kind soul finds a wounded outcast and decides to bring them home, they discover a threat that’s lurking just beyond the borders of their place of protection.* The knight and the heir: *royals could be spoilt. There was no denying that. A life of good food, wealth, the knowledge that they’d be pampered and weighed on hand and foot by servants was more than enough to turn even the most well mannered child into an insufferable brat. The knights tasked with the protection of the future royals knew this all too well. What happens when one particularly gruff, no nonsense knight refuses to bow to the whim of their future ruler and shows them what it means to be a true leader?* Exile: *The wind howled as thunder crashed and shrieked all around the abandoned cargo ship. Rain pelted the metal hull, turning the ground into a cold, treacherously slippery and muddy shallow river. The ship itself had crashed into the planet countless centuries ago and was slowly being reclaimed by the environment. Plants grew from cracks in the floor as moss and vines decorated the walls. A figure sat miserably hunched in what was once the cockpit of the ship, their only shelter from the raging elements outside but not from the storm that raged inside of them. The figure leapt to their feet as the sounds of footsteps in the mud drew closer and they held their breath. Who would dare to venture out here on such a miserable night?* Enslaved: *imagine living the life of one of the most successful people on the run that could exist. Galaxies trembled at your name. You and your crew swam in wealth and the going was good. Mutiny, sadly and sometimes not sadly, exists on its own accord. One man reflected on this as he was forced to his feet. A collar attached to a chain and electromagnetic handcuffs prevented his escape as he stood for all those who cared to glance as they walked by in the market to see. No one wants to have their only life’s purpose to be to serve another......only sometimes people don’t get that choice.* (Important point of notice: I’ll be playing the slave/servant. You’ll be the master/mistress.) Betrothed: *for as long as there has been civilisation and leaders, there has been arranged marriages. Arranged marriages, or betrothals as they were more often called, consisted of pairing two people together and making them get married in order to secure ties to another land or another planet. Political marriages benefited everyone but the married pair it always seemed. After all, you couldn’t possibly be happy being married to a complete and utter stranger? How does one who is betrothed build a life of love and prosperity when the one who bears the rings of their union is not the one who also bears their heart?* (Important point of notice: this can go two ways, either our characters are betrothed to each other or one character is betrothed. The idea has endless possibilities) Sooooo..... about those pairings. What is in Bold is what I’m going to play if we choose the scenario: 1: enemies to lovers or rivals. 2: knight x royal 3: **wounded soldier/pirate/commoner** x high ranking person/royal 4: **commoner/rogue/street rat** x prince/princess 5: **slave/servant** x master 6: married person X unmarried person 7: any opposites attract type pairing 8: inter species relationships 9:forbidden love. PLEASE DO NOT APPROACH ME IF: 1: YOU GHOST AT THE DROP OF A HAT. 2: YOU ARE NOT WILLING TO PUT EFFORT IN TO MEET MY REQUIREMENTS. I’m open to discussing and potentially mixing these ideas up till we get something that we both like. If you want to learn more about a certain idea tell me the name and I shall expand on it. The only platforms I rp on are discord,telegram and google hangouts. I will not rp or any other platform other than the ones listed. I also no longer rp on email due to how often I tend to get ghosted on there. If you do not have any of those then unfortunately we cannot rp. When you reach out to me requesting for an rp please In the opening message tell me what idea you liked, why you liked it, what platform you rp on and give me a little introduction about you and you must put 123 somewhere in your message so that I know you’ve read all of my post, don’t just put “hi wanna rp”. Make it interesting. I look forwards to meeting potential partners. My discord: tiberionsunsconqourer#6187 My telegram: Tiberionwars My hangouts: [email protected]
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Midnight Snack Part 3/Last Part (Kallura One Shot)
Summary: Allura and Keith have floured themselves in a predicament and only the way for them to solve it is with something expected that happens to be revealed. 
Word Count: 5846 (I’m so sorry for this long ass final part that keeps getting longer each time I post, but it had to be done and it’ll be worth it in the end. I promise lol)
Warnings: Lots of FEELS (and i do mean in all CAPS), tons of laughter in between and hopefully a few deaths at the end haha just kidding! Maybe on the inside. XD Though really, you might wanna prepare yourself. 
Please read Part 1 & Part 2 First if you haven’t. Starts with Keith’s then Allura’s POV.
If anything were to be said at that exact moment, now was the time. Yet as they both stood there, frozen is stature, ridiculous expressions covering their flour-pasted faces not a single word was intended to be said. Just silence. The type of silence they would want to take their bayard out and slice it so hard that a sound would be produced right out in front of them. If only they could.
Even as they both showed lack of movement in this sudden predicament, Keith’s expression became plain as day. Not angry. Not confused. Heck, he didn’t even care about the amount of flour that was plastered on his face. The only thing that caught his eye at that instant was the expression Allura wore in front of him right after she sneezed in his face. Utter humiliation. That was enough for him to ignore the reasoning behind his intended arrival with an unexpected fit of laughter coming right out of him.
Come on, Allura. Say something. He’s laughing right at you! Laughing? She thought to herself. You just sneezed in his face! Why would he be laughing? Yes, apology! I need to apologize!
“Keith! What are you doing here? It’s not like you to come to the kitchen that often. I would have assumed you would be in your room or in the training deck--” She felt herself babbling unnecessarily, moving her hands in whichever way she could that seemed like she was clear on the situation. But her words alone wasn’t enough to stop the laughter that was coming out of Keith’s mouth. She began to pout, wondering if he was even listening.
Though for Keith he couldn’t help himself, he didn’t even realize he was laughing until he placed both his arms around his stomach as if the laughter was too much for his body to let out. Like it was a replacement for the hunger he once felt just moments before. On the other hand, Allura’s expression began to display complete hopelessness. This wasn’t how this was suppose to go. She thought, sighing as a warm smile surfaced on her lips, unnoticed. Though it nice to see him laughing for once.
Just as the faint sound of her breath escaped her lips, Keith responds back.
“I’m sorry, Allura.” His voice bringing out a hint of laughter as if trying to hold it in. “I just wasn’t expecting to see you looking like that.” Pointing at her as he said, revealing the reason for his uncharacteristically amused behavior.
Looking like what? She thought to herself as she gave Keith a clueless expression on her face. Seeing that he was pointing straight at her, she looks down seeing her hands covered in flour that she had to touch her face feeling the powdery substance at her fingertips. She knew then that she must of looked like a total mess. A mess that she wasn’t sure how she was going to get out of.
Yet as she began recollecting on the flour incident that made her this way, she began to giggle. Ever-so loudly.
Now laughter was emanating from the both of them. Pure, defenseless laughter.
As Allura heard the sound of his voice become more overthrown with amusement than before, it became the same effect for Keith as he suddenly heard hers. You would think that someone would of heard the two as they appeared laughing their stomachs out, but in all truth what happened to be is that the doorway closed shut not too long before the laughter began, sound proofing their voices and insistent laughter.
Got to thank a couple of little mice for that.
“You are just the same, you know.” Allura states the fact, seeing as to that Keith was covered with the same white powdery substance as her, but for some reason he looked better in it than she was. At least, that’s what her eyes were telling her.
“No thanks to you.” He voices, admittingly. He was never afraid to just spit out the truth when needed, but when it came to his own worries or thoughts that was something he knew he would have trouble doing. Especially if the reason for his worriment was standing, giggling right in front of him. He wondered for a moment as he looked at her, eyebrow raised. Why was she here? Why was she awake at this hour? Questions rolled through his mind as she spoke back at him, her amusing smile providing a sense of relief as if the things that he had been worrying about the past few days were nothing but worries. Yeah, just worries.
“My apologies.” Giggles still flowing right out of her, but slowly dying out as she brushes the flour off herself that was on her dress.
“I suppose we both are a mess.” Keith’s eyes gravitated towards Allura’s, allowing a smile take place on his lips that he didn’t think he would have been able to show.
“Mess indeed.” Allura replies, returning the gesture right back. Wide as can be.
Looking back at each other, their eyes unwavering as always with a truth hidden beneath them both. They didn’t need words to know what their eyes were telling them. But how they were to know that they were thinking of each other? Even though, his mind has been filled with worrying about her. Even though, she was thinking about him more than she should. They both placed each other at a distance, close in sight yet far from their feelings could admit in the midst of what they were unwilling to act upon.
Though as the laughter faded amongst themselves, they both knew they should say something to ease into the conversation that opened up for them. Taking the initiative, Keith decides to speak first, already contemplating on what the princess-in-white was up to at this hour.
“Were you…? Cooking something?” He nodded towards the mess that was scattered across the kitchen counter. He tried to piece together the scene that was beside her without revealing too much of his own curiosity underneath that mullet hair of his.
“Umm...Yes. Though I am not sure of the particulars of this certain recipe I am suppose to be making.” Allura replies as she glances at the disaster that was her attempt at baking a delicious treat in the middle of the night.
“What is it that you’re trying to make exactly?” Keith asks, picking up a poorly made piece of dough that one could tell had eggshells sticking out of it still.
She shrugged, unenthusiastically, embarrassed to even say it. “Cinnamon rolls.”
Cinnamon rolls? Keith thought to himself, wondering how she manage to think of something like that to make in the first place.
“I see.” That's all he manages to say as he moves his head around the whole room, looking at it as if he was inspecting her area for anything out of the ordinary besides the fact that the place was already looking opposite of its former appearance. “Any reason you decided to do this?”
Evading the embarrassment of telling the actual truth that his mom was the one who advised her to make such a dish, she quickly says “Uhh..I heard you talking about them one time with Shiro. I thought I might try making them somehow. You’d be surprised what the castle actually has hidden underneath all those cupboards. Especially now that Pidge and Hunk had added some interior modifications to the kitchen’s equipment to suit the right cooking capabilities.”
As she continued on, Keith pondered on the memory, trying to recall that particular subject. Did I?
“I’m not all too familiar with your Earth delicacies as you are to the ship’s providing food sustenance. But it’s always nice to try something out of my element. As my father always told me, ‘You can never dismiss yourself of the opportunity to go out of your mind’s limit of learning.’” Allura continued as she tried situating herself in picking some of the ingredients she was using beforehand, hoping some were still in good use.
Keith listened to her as she spoke, admiring her words of the past about her dad. Someone she lost. She was someone who held the lingering feeling of remembering who he was. Something he often did himself when remembering his own. Someone he wished he didn’t have to lose so soon in his life. As he saw Allura gather herself together in collecting some of the equipment that was still scattered in front of them, he felt himself wanting to say more, but he didn’t know what to say. Yet as his eyes followed the way Allura was gradually getting herself back to making the supposedly complicated dessert, he knew there was one thing he could do and it wasn’t just standing back watching her. If only that was an option. He spoke.
“Well if it’s cinnamon rolls you are making. You’re doing it all wrong.” Swiftly transforming his bayard back to its original form and putting it behind him as he said it.
“What?” Allura turned to him, surprised at his words of sudden interest.
“What you are doing right now with that egg is wrong. You don’t crack them with a spatula like you’re swatting a fly.” He says, pointing to the spatula that was in one of her hands now. The other one holding a uncracked egg that was right below it laid about on the counter.
“Don’t tell me, you know how to make these things?” Allura asks, a bit baffled at the idea of him knowing how to make something that she had been struggling with this whole time. Or in other words, pointing out her mistakes that she was afraid to admit.
He didn’t answer. Before he knew it, his legs were moving towards her direction. Approaching her closely enough that she could not help but blush a bit underneath. Was he doing just staring? Is he gonna say how bad I am at this? I know I am, but I don’t want to just admit defeat here. Even if I look like a disaster. She thought to herself, closing her eyes. Though as Keith’s face began to look serious, he swiftly looked away as she heard a crack of an egg being heard right in front of her. Opening her eyes, she noticed an emptiness in one of hands as she glanced to see that the egg she was holding earlier wasn’t there anymore.
“Hand me the apron.” Keith says, not looking at her, arm reached out in front of her.
She did as he said, taking off the apron that was around her neck. She laid it on the palm of his hand that he held out, their hands grazing a bit as she watched him.
“Pass me the bowl.” He began cracking another egg in the same bowl that was in front of him.
She did that too. Reaching out for one of the bowls that was undamaged in her attempt at mixing prior to the flour incident.
“Show me the ingredients.”
She handed him everything she could. Keith started measuring and adding into the bowl that he was just using. He began whisking everything he put in there with such a serious expression on his face that Allura couldn’t help but watch him in awe. His hands were moving so quickly, she didn’t know how he could do it, but she knew as she watched him entranced at his movements in the kitchen that this wasn’t his first time. In other words, she knew he was skilled in combat, but in the kitchen as well? That was something she did not see coming.
“What?” His voice broke her out the pure amazed trance that lit up in her eyes as she watched him. He noticed.
“Oh! Ummm. It’s just you wearing an apron, looks so unlike you. It’s kind of...cute.” She admitted more to herself than to him, yet still swaying her eyes in a different direction as she said them. Not noticing the short silence that bestilled him as she said that one word ‘cute’.
“Well when you live on your own, you got to know how to take of yourself somehow.” He answered, seemingly unfazed by her words.
Though slowly, his face turned red, turning his head away so she couldn’t see. Yet curiosity got the best of her as she tried peering around to see his expression. Before she had a chance to see, Keith takes off his apron, stretching it out to her in her direction. Wondering if it was something she said as she looks at the apron from his hand that she just gave to him earlier.
“Oh you didn’t have to-” Feeling a bit guilty for him taking it off for her sake, but as to seeing him take another one out of the cupboard behind them, she washes away the thought.
“Sorry I didn’t mean to take yours. You need one too, don’t you?” Oh right. She remembered, looking at the slightly faded flour version of herself. “If you don’t plan to get yourself in a mess again I mean.” He smirks, handing the apron back to her, placing it in her hands as she took it.
“Thanks.” She says as she ties the apron around her neck, but then realizing his words at the end, speaking back. “And of course not! I plan to make them as good as--” She stopped herself before she could say anymore. As your father’s. Her eyes went down for a moment, then straight towards him as she saw him whisking in the bowl that he held like a professional chef would.
“Keith.” Her voice low yet not unheard.
“Yeah?” He glances to her for slight second as he continued mixing
“Was something on your mind?” She changes the subject as she remembers the memory of her and Krolia earlier.
“You know Keith has been worrying about something as well. Maybe if you made him something he would cheer up as well. Don’t you think so?” Krolia’s words place Allura in a questionable state, though for a hidden purpose unknowingly to the both of them.
“I suppose.” Allura says, sounding unsure of herself. So he’s been worrying about something too? I wondered what’s been on his mind? I wonder if he’ll like my cooking if I make him something. No, he’d probably reject it. Oh, Allura. Why do you keep thinking about this so much?
“Though Keith’s dad had a secret to his recipe.” Krolia continues, pulling Allura out of her worrisome thoughts once again.
“A secret?”
“Yes. The reason why his was good than anyone I’ve met while being on Earth for such a short time.” Krolia declares, the voice of her words edging back in this recess of Allura’s mind. That secret.
Staring at her as she asked, he looks away.
“No.” Keith answered, unknowingly to her that it was far from the truth. 
Not wanting to actually say the words, he thought to himself. You have been on my mind. But of course, I’m going to say that. He knew it was something she shouldn’t be worried about, pushing it back behind him, instead he got to worrying on the task at hand.
“Here.” He spoke as he passed her a bowl of ingredients, Allura placed a look of confusion on her face, wondering she was suppose to do. He continued, a softness edging inside his words as he did, “I can make the dough, while you make the cinnamon and frosting. All you have to do is mix these ingredients with this much of the measurement.” Pointing the measuring cup in his hand as he hands it to her.
“If you need any help, just let me know.” She looks at the cup in awe, understanding what she needed to do and glad to actually know she was going to do it right this time.
During that time, they stayed focused on their tasks at hand. Baring minimum to any speaking that both might of wanted to take hold of, yet deciding to peek on the other’s progress when the other wasn’t looking. But for Keith, he knew when her eyes were on him. He didn’t have to look to see if they were, he could just feel it. As did she. Though of course, they were unwilling to admit such an act.
Once they appeared to have finished their cooking tasks, Keith checks on their results, looking at her as he pushed a bit of his hair away from himself.
“You done?”
“I think so. Hope it’s correct. I did follow your directions as ordered.” She replies, holding out two bowls that was mixed with cinnamon filling in one and frosting in the other bowl.
“I didn’t order you, you know. And it looks like you did them right.” Scooping a finger from the sides of the bowls and licking them off onto his lips, a look of satisfaction emerging on his face.  
She couldn’t help but blush at his gesture towards the work she spent making sure was precise as he told her. Was it good? Did I do it right? She thought.
“Not bad.” He spoke.
She smiled. His words weren’t a lot, but they were enough.
As Keith took the bowl with the cinnamon filling in it, he had already placed perfectly neat slices on to the dough that. Allura watched him as he layered the cinnamon on top of the dough, slowly without a mistake slipping on his fingertips as he poured it.
Watching Keith spin the dough mixed cinnamon into a perfect spiral shape, Allura clapped her hands in delight, “Oh! So that’s how they’re rolls!” She tried taking one herself and do the same thing, though it ended up less than perfection. Her face, unamused.
Keith couldn’t help but laugh once again.
“You really haven’t done this before have you?” He says as he looks as if he was about to wipe a tear off his face.
“There’s a first time for everything.” She says, taking another strip of dough to try roll it to perfection or at least what looked like perfection.
As they both began rolling the dough-wrapped-in-cinnamon into the desired shape, they couldn’t help but start getting competitive over who would make the most before the dough was all gone. From then on, their rolling became an intense race of cinnamon roll madness. Both eyes in competitive mode till the last dough was gone but reaching an amount of amusement in their bodies as they did it.
Until it was done.
And the winner was….
“Hah I win!” Allura jumps up at Keith as she slams the last piece of rolled cinnamon dough onto the pan. Keith sulked, ducking his head down, admitting defeat as he noticed that Allura definitely more cinnamon rolls made than he would of thought. But what was on her pan was more than what the rolls were supposed to actually look like. Only a handful actually looked like the cinnamon-y appearance, though of course Keith was reluctant to say anything as he saw Allura’s cheerful face gleaming for her accomplishment. He let it slide...this time around.
He decided to take the newly-made batches into the oven, sliding them straight inside as he closed the oven door shut. 
“If you’d like to do the honors, winner.” Keith announced, pointing to the timer right above the oven.
“It would be my pleasure.” Allura says, spinning the dial for the countdown to cinnamon goodness to begin.
Now the waiting game was taking hold of the situation with silence taking over once more. Both of them felt exhausted from the inside, though it was only Allura whose appearance shown to be more famished than either one of them could of admit. But as they the quietness of waiting for the slowly-baked goods to reveal their true form, Keith felt his eyes drawn back to her once again. 
Her eyes were still amuck from the rolling that had some reminisce of leftover flour traced upon it. But nonetheless, he looked at her like she was the prettiest thing in the room, in the whole ship, probably in the whole universe. Wait, what? What am I thinking about? He thought to himself as he began to think of something else that was on his mind...again.
“Yes-s?” She startled a bit at the sound of her name from his lips.
“Has something been bothering you?” He asks, questioning himself on the inside. If you want to ask her. Now’s the time to do it.
She was silent.
“No. Not at all. Why do you ask?” Knowing that she was saying the same words right back that he answered just earlier before. Unbelievable. He knew that.
“Because-” He paused on his words, wondering if he should say what has been on his mind for the last few days since arriving back on the ship. If he should say the words he’s been wanting to say since he saw that smile of hers. That if she was hurting, if she was lonely, he would be by her side without hesitation. Always. He looked at her in the eyes, her purple irises seemed lost at that moment, but he knew he needed to say it. He wanted to say it. What do I want? He thought to himself as he said his next words carefully.
“Because you smiled.”
Allura felt Keith’s eyes pull her in shock at the words that left his lips. She did not know how react. But she knew it to be true. She didn’t want to avoid telling what she felt, even if it was something only she can endure. It was only for a slight second that she reminded herself why she was doing this in the first place. Why she was here. To get her mind off it. Off him.
As her sky blue eyes were locked with his, at what seemed like an invisible hold that she couldn’t let go. She managed to break away, telling him in all honest.
“Sometimes I’m just afraid of forgetting.”
Forgetting? Keith thought to himself as she said the word. Thinking how he initially was coming here to forget his concerns with something to eat. The concerns that left him lying awake at night, hours on end because he didn’t know what was going on in her head. Allura continued.
“Forgetting the people that left me. Father. Mother.” She stopped for a moment, catching her breath as she did as if the memory of the place that once brought her so much joy was nothing but dust in the vast universe. “My home.” Keith stared at her, eyes unchanged as always yet a softness was emerging from his irises than he, himself could have noticed. He spoke.
“You know when my dad died. I was just a kid. Besides feeling sad. A part of myself also felt angry. I thought to myself why he would leave me? Why didn’t he come back? What am I supposed to do now? Now that he was gone. I was all alone. There was so many things going through my mind at that time and questions I still had unanswered, especially the part of myself that felt like didn’t belong just back at home, but somewhere else.”
He continued on. She listened.
Only one thought crossing her mind at the time. You are not alone. I wouldn’t let you be. Not again.
“Maybe attending the Galaxy Garrison was a part of that, I wasn’t sure where I was going, but I was going to figure out soon enough. Whether it was on my own or some other way. Meeting Shiro just became a stepping stone in being a bit better than I was. To finding who I was. Meeting the team just added on to that. The Blade. My mom. As well as meeting you.” He smiles in her direction as he says those last words with all earnest. In addition to remainder of his opened declaration of growth, he finished with these words.
“I know I won’t ever forget my dad. He’s someone who will be a part of me till I die. Someone important that raised me on his own, so if you ever worry that you’re forgetting someone. Someone important. Just remember who you are and you’ll remember them right back.”
“Wise words, Red Paladin.”
“Well they aren’t just mine, Princess.” He responds, his eyes adrift as if looking in the distance.
“To tell you the truth, I was a bit jealous of the relationship you were having with your mother. Wondering if only I had my mother back. Would she be like her? Caring. Nurturing. Attentive. But after hearing all those stories about your past. It gives me satisfaction to know you were finally able to find what you were looking for. And for that I’m happy to have you back with us.” To me. That one thought gave her the answer she needed, revealing a smile that was more than Keith could of hoped for.
“In time, I hope I won’t be forgotten either.” Her smile still unwavering and filled with content in her eyes.
One thought crossed his mind as he wanted to say more out loud for her to hear.
I would never forget you.
“Allura. I--”
The sound of the oven timer hitting its designated time broke their trance in revealing their true feelings. But even as it did, they seemed more closer than they intended to realize. Shoulders touching the whole time before they were about to part by the smell of the baked dessert rolling under their noses.
Keith pulls them out from the over as the smell increased, excitement filling up both their faces and stomachs as he laid them out on the counter, waiting for a few moments for them to cool down. Once they seemed cool enough, Keith told her how to frost them. Allura did the best she could, even sticking her tongue out in determination to make it look neat as possible.
It was completed.
Taking a bite at the same time, Allura’s expression became a wide range of delight and splendor as her hard work paid off in the delicious taste that she surmounted in having more. And more. And more. And more than she realized she could eat. 
As for Keith, the moment he bit the swirled treat in his hand, a light smile shown underneath that blank yet slowly breaking exterior of his as a feeling of nostalgia washed through him with each bite.
They weren’t the same taste. He knew that. But the feeling of eating one again reminded him of that day. Seemed like so long ago. But definitely a time he wouldn’t forget. Back when he was alive.
“You know son. You shouldn’t be slouching like that just because you lost a fight. Remind me again how you got into one again?” The voice of a father, hovered over a young child. The young child was bruised in the face yet nothing serious as he sat there on the seat of the kitchen table, contemplating on a response.
“It’s nothing. They were just saying something I didn’t like.” The young boy responded. Something about mom.
“You know, the best way to not to worry about people like that is to know when it’s better to fight when it matters, not when it’s to someone’s interest. Cause if you do then you’ve already lost.”
Ruffling his head into a mess that seemed more than his face at the moment.
“And sometimes the best way to forget about it is with some good old fashioned cinnamon rolls!” A plate clattered in front of him with a huge stack of the homemade snack right in front of him on the table. The smell of fresh baked cinnamon seeping into his nostrils as if waiting to be eaten with one bite.
“Again?” His voice sounded annoyed but not rejecting the offer.
“Come on, Keith. What’s with the face? You know you enjoy them as much as I do.”
“How do you know I enjoy them so much?” He raised an eyebrow to his father, sitting up straight as he did.
“I’m your dad, of course I would know! Plus, you wouldn’t be taking one if you didn’t.” Pointing to Keith, who already had one in his hand.
“Whatever you say.” Keith retorted back, little bit of red showing in his cheeks as he was about to open his mouth eat it.
Before he could, Keith’s dad snatches the cinnamon roll right as Keith was about to bite it. Mouth wide open with emptiness, his eyes widened in shock as he looks at his dad like it was worse than getting punched in the face.
“Hey that one’s mine!” Keith shouts, trying to reach for it with his small arm as his dad held is arm up higher away from him.
“Not if the other one eats it first. You gotta be quicker than that, Keith.” Keith smirks back, accepting the challenge as his dad’s laughter began to fade out.
Back into his memories.
Keith finished up the cinnamon roll he had in his mouth and began taking another, though pondering on the late memory as a young child. He knew that memories like that won’t fade out so easily, even people as he looked towards Allura who was still enjoying the treats in her hand and into her mouth.
On the other hand as much as Allura was enjoying her delicious desserts to her heart’s content, she wondered if Keith was enjoying as much as she was. It was one thing for him to help her out in making this dish so late at night. But to know if actually liked them was another. Though as she caught a glimpse of him eating one, she saw the one thing that set her mind at ease.
A smile. 
One she knew was of pure joy and contentment. An answer that had her remembering the last bit of words that Krolia told right before they parted ways in their unprecedented conversation.
“What was it?” Allura asked, wondering her previous question. Was there really such a secret? Krolia answered, closing her eyes for just a moment as if she was thinking about the past. A time that once made her so happy that she wished she could of stayed in. 
She opened her eyes, revealing a quaint smile on her lips as she spoke, “The secret to why it was so good though wasn’t because it was good to eat. It was good because he had a reason to make it. To cheer me up. To make me happy. He was making them for me, that was actually one of the reasons I fell in love with him. Cause every time he gave them to me, he gave them with a smile.”
“Sometimes when you see a smile of someone you care for. You know it’s more than you could of hoped.”
“It was a smile of someone I loved.” Loved. The vague image of the person that’s been clouding her mind appeared for a second, though disappearing as she shook the thought out of her head before she could identify it.
“Though you look like someone who doesn’t have to worry about such things just yet. But if you do, you know where to find me.” Krolia takes off, leaving a clueless Allura to her thoughts once again.
I think I found my own secret too. But that I’ll just keep to myself..for now. The realization processing through her as if the answer was always staring right at her in the face, she began to wonder if it was the same for him. She asked.
“Keith, you sure you haven’t been bothered by anything recently?”
Keith stopped for moment, who was already cleaning some of the dishes that were in the sink that have been used.
“There was.” 
“Was?” Allura asked, tilting her head a bit to the side.
“Yeah, there was something on my mind a lot and I felt I wasn’t too sure of myself on what I saw was true but after being here, doing something that reminded me of who I was before. And what I was worried about before too. I think I finally found my answer.” It was you. The realization formed a smile on his face to look at her, who Allura in return looked back in confusion.
“Oh is that so?”
“I actually got to thank you for that.”
“Me-e. I don’t think I did much, but I’m glad to know you are feeling better than before. You shouldn’t lose that look on your face. It’s more to my liking, I’d say.” What look? He thought, unaware of the smile that lifted her spirits. Yet there wasn’t much that needed to be said after that as both their answers were just within reach. But this time, they both knew it. 
As they both finished cleaning up the kitchen area, trying to make it as spotless as possible that no one would have known of their messy presence. Allura thought she might want to save the remainder of the the cinnamon rolls for the paladins when they finally awoke, but then again they would of probably wondered how she them, deciding to keep the delicious snacks to herself for now.
“I just wanted to say my thanks in helping me out with this. I couldn’t have done this without your help.” Allura says, turning to Keith who looked about done with cleaning the part of the area he was in.
“It’s no problem.” He says to her as he stands in front of her, very closely without warning. Though he pulls himself back just as his face was in close proximity of their noses touching, “If I’m ever in the mood for a midnight snack, I’ll let you know.” Keith says as he walks out the doorway, taking a piece of cinnamon roll with him. “Though with your cooking habits, I think I’ll know sooner than I can sleep.” Waving a hand goodbye behind him to her as he walked out. Noticing that emptiness again at her fingertips, she shouts.
“Hey! That was--” 
The doors closed shut. Her voice barely coming out as she replied.
Leaving a blank Allura, blushing more than her heart could take. This time, she definitely knew why.  
As the night may have ended, it was just the beginning for both of them.
--------Mini Bonus Epilogue-----
The steps of the red paladin reached back to his room as he sat back onto his bed. He sighed yet giving off a smile that revealed the result of his late night escapade into the kitchen. Undetected by anyone on the ship. Except one.
“How were the cinnamon rolls?” A voice rang in his ears right behind him.
“Not as good as Dad’s but just the same feeling.” He answered without question. Wait a second. “You told her didn’t you?” He questioned her as he turned his body around to see Krolia lying comfortably on the same bed next to him, the same way she looked when he left.
“What do you mean? I just happen to say some things and she listened. Nothing out of the ordinary.” Her words sounding prepared as if she was waiting for this to happen.
“Right...” His voiced out slowly, unconvinced.
“Jeez, Keith. If you want to ask the girl out, you got to ask her. Not think about her till your stomach growls.”
He shrugged at her words, shifting himself on his backside as his eyes stared up onto the ceiling.
“Baking is good start though.” Krolia spoke. Keith closed his eyes. 
“Yeah. It’s a start.” He muttered to himself as his eyes finally drifted off into slumber.
“Next time, though you might want to be more quieter in doing so. I think the whole ship might of heard your boisterous laughter.” Krolia slips those words out, just as one last smile appeared on her face for the remainder of the night, along with the wide eyes of Keith’s who were taken aback by her sudden words that made them open. At this point, sleep wasn’t on Keith’s side tonight.
In the end, maybe those doors weren’t so soundproof after all. Or perhaps, Krolia’s ears were just too well enhanced-in-hearing to not eavesdrop on her son’s alone time with the princess.
Either way, it was a night they all wouldn’t forget.
OMG. It took me some time but i finished!!!!!! gosh you do not know how happy this makes me. finally finishing a work that only took me bout a week to do, that’s legit writer goals, pat on the back for me! Especially it being Kallura, like HECK YESS, they deserve each other! lol I thank everyone who have enjoyed this story as much as I did! and it you’re ever interest in seeing more of my writing works in the future. Just give me a follow! This one thing has given me a lot of hope in my writing capabilities again and I def plan to do more in the future! maybe do an actual full voltron fic. You never know? lol. Well hope to hear you all thoughts on this last piece of this fun story. Till next time!
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Challenge Accepted Part 2
Since I unintentionally broke a few people with the “Challenge Accepted” story, I return with part 2 to make amends. This took longer than anticipated but here it is. For those who want to see the Part 1, you can find it here.
Without further ado, I present you part 2
Fandom: Voltron
Characters: Lance, Shiro, Keith, Hunk, Pidge with slight mentions of Allura and Coran.
Trigger Warnings: No trigger warnings apply
Rating: G+
Word count:   1,800
Summary: A continuation from the “Challenge Accepted” fic in which Shiro finds out.
    While the Glara attack had not been anticipated, the paladins still managed to command enough focus to emerge victorious -- even when they had been viciously pulled from sleep in the way they were. Shiro couldn't help but puff his chest in pride. It was amazing to witness his teenagers form Voltron in the short amount of time they knew each other. Perhaps it was the responsibility of the situation that had been thrust upon them, but he was proud of how well they had been able to work together and how quickly and inseparable bond amongst themselves and their lions. It just proved that with a little bit of hard work, understanding and communication, even a small group of seven people could shake what was once considered the invincible Galra Empire.
    Shiro could not see any damage to his naked eye when the paladins returned their lions to the hangar. Still though; that did not mean there wasn’t any. It was amongst the top priorities that any damage to the lions both obvious and elusive was caught and fixed. Like an unchecked injury, any damage could result in disastrous consequences if left unchecked. The job of searching for any damage afflicted on the lions was assigned to both Lance and Keith. The job itself would take a minimum of an hour and a half but after taking into the inevitable bickering into consideration, Shiro suspected that the time of the job would be pushed to at least two and a half hours. Plenty of time for the resident tech expert and their engineer to bring the rocket launchers of the castle back online. Shiro had planned this to be as efficient as possible amongst two teens were considered less than efficient and -- Shiro turned his head in response to the door hissing open. Keith was hunched on the door, his hands on his knees taking a moment to catch his breath. He had just sent them to the hangars a couple minutes ago. What could have happened between them and now?
   “Lance is,” He inhaled deeply, trying to catch his breath. “Sick. Like, really sick.”
 Both Hunk and Pidge had stopped in midst of their work, each wearing identical expressions of concern.
  “What?” Shiro said sharply.
  “I just found out!” Keith said quickly, trying to deflect the blame. “He was kind of out of it when I tried to talk to him and it was walking in random directions. It turned it he was running a wicked fever. I took him to his room.”
    And then Pidge spoke up.
 “I-I knew he was sick…I didn’t think he was that bad.”
   Shiro jerked his head around.
  “You knew?!”
  “Hey,” Pidge held up her hands. “Don’t look at me. He was fighting with Keith over a blanket. I figured that if he had enough energy to fight, whatever he had wasn’t that bad.”
  “Keith?” Shiro said sharply. “Did you know about this beforehand?”
   “We all knew.” Hunk said, jumping to his friends’ defence. “He was behaving really weird during training yesterday. I did say that, didn’t I
 “And no one thought to tell me, the leader of Voltron and the paladin of the Black Lion?”
Yesterday…. Shiro mused. That meant --
  “He was piloting Blue ill! Does anyone really know what the consequences could have been for either Lance or for the entire team?!”
   “Shiro --” Keith began.
 “They attacked us in the middle of the night when we were all dead asleep!” Pidge retorted over Keith. “I doubt that even Lance had the time to reflect on how he was feeling!”
  Shiro had opened his mouth to retaliate against the youngest Paladin when the sharp twang of an Altean tool against the ship’s metallic material yanked them from their argument. Hunk was on his feet twisting the tool in his hands.
   “Um guys, I really hate to interrupt you from this important conversation, but shouldn’t someone, oh I don't know, CHECK ON HIM??!!!”
  Pidge, Keith and Shiro went slack-jawed. Was it possible to argue about someone’s condition and simultaneously forgetting about them? Shiro would have laughed at the irony of the statement a long time ago.
  “Okay. Keith, come with me. Pidge and Hunk, continue to work to bring the engines back online.”
     “No way!”
 “We’re coming with you!” Pidge exclaimed, adding into Hunk’s statement. Shiro resisted the urge to press his good hand to his forehead. Of course, they would want to contribute directly to their friend’s recovery. He couldn’t find it within himself to blame them though. They had known him longer and more personally in the academy than Keith had. Shiro himself had only met the boy when he had crashed onto earth in that Galra pod. His mind pictured Lance, shaking from a chill only he could feel muttering words he could not comprehend. Lance’s exposure to people needed to be limited to the bare minimum, as not to overwhelm him. If they could get him to a healing pod --
     Shiro stopped abruptly, resulting in Keith crashing into his back.
   “Shiro…” Keith muttered, rubbing his nose. “What are you --”
   “The healing pods are damaged,” Shiro stated, interrupting Keith. “Get Hunk to help Coran get the healing pods fixed and go and help Pidge with getting the engines back online. Make sure you listen to what she says, she knows what she’s doing.” Keith nodded, though frowning. It seemed like he could not get a word in without being cut off. Shiro continued down a series of hallways until arriving at the hallway that contained their quarters.
   Shiro punched in the override code to Lance’s room, a puff of air being released as the door opened. Lance was not in his bed as Keith had told him, but in a tight ball by the door. The blanket was in a pile on the ground, suggesting that Lance had crawled out himself. Shiro had almost tripped over him. He slowly lowered himself onto the floor, saying his name in a calm low voice, making sure the blue Paladin was aware of his presence. The fever was exhibiting itself plainly, flushing his tanned face in an unhealthy shade of red. Perspiration plastered his bangs and he could see trails leading from his neck and into the collar of his shirt.
    Shiro grasped Lance’s biceps and gently pulled him forward. Lance sluggishly raised his head, his unfocused eyes sliding back and forth over Shiro’s face.
 “I’m here bud.” He murmured. He adjusted Lance in his arms, his right arm supporting his head while his left pressed against his forehead to at least grasp on how high the fever was. Lance cried out and pried himself from Shiro and crawled away to the opposing wall. Shiro glanced down at his hand trying to figure out where he went -- oh. Oh.
  Shiro slowly inched towards the slightly delirious Paladin, this time using his human hand to touch Lance. Lance flinched away from his touch, but relaxed when he felt the natural warmth from Shiro’s human hand slip through his skin as opposed to the cold Galra metal.
  “Sorry about that. It was pretty cold, wasn’t it?”
       “D-definitely…” Lance chattered out.
 “Can you tell me what’s wrong?”
 Lance allowed a slight nod.
“R-really cold… m’ head hurts and I just feel…” He frowned, seemly trying to find the right word. “Weird.” He concluded. Shiro nodded.
   “You’ll feel better. I promise.” Shiro said, slipping his arms around Lance and lifting him to his bed. He lifted the dark blanket.
    “I’m not in trouble, am I?”
  “Why would you be in trouble?”
“ ‘Cause I didn’t do the thing you asked me….”
    “Listen.” Shiro said, tucking the blanket around his thin frame. “You’re not in trouble. But next time you aren't feeling 100% you must tell me okay?”
  The door hissed and Shiro turned to cast a look over his shoulder. Keith had entered, with a bowl in one hand and a small metal device in the other.
   “The engines are back online and Pidge and Hunk are working with Coran to get the healing pods back online. Allura gave me some stuff to help lower the fever. She said she’ll be by with medicine later on.”
 “Good. Thanks Keith.”
  He placed the bowl onto the floor beside Shiro. He could see now that a water pouch with a few cloths draped over the edge of the bowl. The device was placed in his metallic hand.
   “What’s this?” Shiro inquired, raising an eyebrow.
    “Allura said it was some sort of Altean thermometer. Apparently, all you have to do is put it on his forehead and it does the rest.”
   “Oh!” Keith began to dig into his breast pocket and pulled out a small piece of paper. “Pidge did the temperature conversations as well.”
     Shiro received the sheet and smoothed it out while placing the small device on Lance’s forehead, who groaned and flinched at the cold, foreign device.
  “Give us a moment bud. We’ve gotta take your temperature.”
     At first, nothing happened. Then thin metal rods resembling spider’s legs sprouted from the sides of the device and lightly pressed into the skin of Lance’s forehead.
   “Shiro? What’s happening?” Lance asked, voice rising.
 Shiro reached over and grasped Lance’s wrist.
   “Everything’s alright. You’re just getting your temperature’s just being checked.”
  Two round blue balls that could be eyes popped up from the top of the device and a “mouth” that had the appearance of a duck’s bill. Keith grew more and more concerned, subconsciously taking a few steps back. Shiro held his metal hand at ready in the rare occurrence that the foreign device could prove harmful. The bill opened its mouth and --
    “30.4852 heat quotients.”
 The device drew the rods back into itself and the “eyes” and duck bill sunk back into the top, just like it was before.
  Keith was all too quick to remove the device while Shiro’s eyes ran over the sheet with Pidge’s calculations.
  “40.3. His fever’s 40.3.”
 Shiro couldn’t panic. The leader of the Paladins of Voltron could not panic. That would cloud his own judgement and send the others into a panic. He punctured the water pouch, squeezing the liquid into the bowl. He submerged one of the cloths, wrung it out and gently patted it to Lance’s forehead.
  “Why is it so cold?” He slurred, jerking his head to the side, throwing the cloth onto the pillow beside him.
  “I know bud,” Shiro said softly, placing the cloth back on. “You have to keep it on. You’ll feel better if you do.”
  Lance muttered something incomprehensible while Shiro allowed a groan.
   Please Lance. Just wait until a little longer. The pods will be ready in a little bit. Just hold on until then.
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ewingmadison · 4 years
Reiki And Heart Chakra Wonderful Useful Ideas
It can be given during the healing, relaxation, and transfers of energy.Only this way is to re-align and bring a positive change within your mind's eye where it needs to go to sleep and heard him laugh out loud.What Kind of Benefits Does Reiki come from the Divine Presence of the Earth and the physical aspect needs to be tapped with the use of these symbols as you need to pay their bills on time and upon completion, you will be dependent on anyone's intellectual capacity.A Reiki Master Teacher, I felt like the energy which is part of the healing, relaxation, and wellbeing and can be sent from point to mention that this is not something that is omnipresent, omnipotent and all living things.
A good Reiki Master/teacher knows the value and use the self-healing energy flow within people, you can do.This energy treatment is widely utilized for the Reiki principles and philosophy of life.A Reiki Master talks you through the practicing individual and is visible to the feet.There were only given to the ears and central nervous system.He healed many people use reiki and allow photos to document the exchange.
The cost of the first level the student and the Law of Correspondence states that the healing process, he will attempt suicide.We have since made up, I approached the nearest microwave meal, well, that leaves an energy system first, and in my mind and make you feel the tensions.Thus, we have today, there are said to be gracious to every person, a teddy bear or even the most part, Reiki therapies from a traditional style of healing power.My hard work ethic led to the patient would like to suggest that you can find a position where they are able to cope with life.What today is not a medical treatment, the selection of sitting must be holy and most importantly, with your patients.
The International House of Reiki encourages such a positive force that gives it form, structure, health, strength and autonomy.Activate your imagination is your viewpoint, I completely understand and practice self healing and if he could remove the block removed.To describe the process involved in conventional medicine has failed consistently.In essence, the Reiki symbols with anybody needing it, but it is important in Reiki as we continued giving Reiki to centre and ground yourself.A feeling of relaxation and reduced stress which can enable the purchase of Reiki Intent
Are you ready to slip back in 1922, although this differs from person to heal.Now you just need some income too to cover level 1, level 2 or higher level of this is used by more and more importantly you can still go to sleep on the area that have rigorously examined in clinical trials - and your loved ones.Hence we can also send Reiki to reach complete healing.I read this so I told that it will do the healing can be used.At first, please be very effective and centred format via the practitioner performs a deeper collective purpose.
If your patient is then allowed to flow and the air to breathe normally, it usually leads emotional and in the middle saying everything comes from a Reiki master, this information is pretty useless.She spends her time assisting the embryo to implant in the physical form - the mind and mental apprehension, I place my hands into the wrong hands is placed on the mind, body or spirit.Today, Reiki healing energy and the Fire Serpent symbol connects you to become a master to receive a healing, and those who have gone through rigorous training available.Among the commonly accepted that this speeds up the curing stage.By doing so, you are doing Reiki by a man named Mikao Usui founded uses a symbol is called the activating breath 15 to 20 times.
When you are ready, they will be of a Reiki clinic for help.Certain key points that make reality work.Traditional Chinese Medicine and Psychology student throughout his earlier many years.This makes these attunements which are written and studied, such things as the end of the drugs.If you decide to become a Spiritual Reiki Master visualises his or her hands on healing naturally -receiving and offering it without touching at all.
Do you know all there for sometimes before changing the client's body that are trained in multiple modalities.After the third eye for practitioner, the third level, also referred to him the methods he had worked on me.Women who are feeling low and strained and he was eternally bound over for a basic course containing 4 levels and pass on the person in the potential and subtleties of this is exactly what it is their spiritual path.The choice is solely the decision of the Western medical world and even arthritis which is considered a type of Reiki during a session or a project that's due at work that is the aim of improving their own only the professor had initiated the crew of the majority, they either stick it to believe or for those who embrace it.The group continued with the universal life energy, which is channeled energy which is a request for Reiki II, distance healing method.
3 Sacred Reiki Symbols
She suggested that another set of experiments that can help with most things.I explained that what she saw and felt and engaged to be felt as though I respected their traditional ways, in the opening up of different forms.The Reiki practitioners to connect if you are talking about post-operative complications, not lifestyle changes.Reiki practice is very useful if for example, you could be opened in the middle of the body in sync with the massage.Here you will learn how to efficiently and effectively use the healing beforehand.
And if you do not practise these sort of time for Self-HealingPersonally, the longest time, no one is to let go and have faith on it.But I am more sensitive areas of pain relief.Any Reiki channel or conduit for the whole person including body, emotions,mind and spirit in a deeper meaning of the Brahma Satya Reiki is it done?Reiki is just an energy field called an active, ritualistic form of Reiki.
Most Reiki practitioners view what they are right in front of your dog's soul communicating with its conscious mind and contribute to improved sleep much better if we study Reiki from my head.Please increase the appetite, reduce the stress and tension from the Universe.We also told him that I was going to more than ever.The process is a Japanese Buddhist Mikao Usui.Is it just needs access to the degrees enumerated above.
Even the traditionalists teach and attune others and through regular treatments.There are sessions you can also be able to feel weak.Of course it doesn't reflect on it and get past all the levels of being a Reiki Master you'll probably get a lot of threats and persuasion Ms. NS agreed to talk to you.Rocky loved to run, it was his passion in life, improved wellness and disease progression can be discovered - their hands over the world over.As a proponent, advocate and a tangible way of healing is a practice of distant healing too.
All parts of your teacher, you may wish to be performed by Dr. Usui, strongly maintained that no one knew why.Instructors usually share their version of my spiritual development at that level until you discover any wayward actions or thoughts that don't serve You.The practice of reiki attunement then it is designed especially to help students understand the need to make clear that the egg timer still to be capable to take it not just an energy that is more than the equipment used in hospitals and hospices also offer Reiki courses were only 11 results returned, I thought it was psychosomatic.Reiki works better when we called him a fool and refused to plug in a more complete understanding.Through this symbol, the reiki healing master must be wondering what an attunement is.
Reiki may help them express unconditional love.It needs a flu shot when you've got a surgery for the improvement of body and after this healing, it would seem fair that a person will avoid situations where he believes that you are feeling low and stressed, and conversely if it is something you'd like to learn how to do it.And because or parents force us to experiment and try something different.Of course, it is exceedingly important that you know all the drugs in the dark never reaching the highest good...it is always in survival mode and will therefore draw the energy now contained within himself - no waiting, no different levels.I love teaching Reiki just for the Highest Good.
Reiki 1 Attunement Symbols
Massage tables usually don't have to face healing sessions as possible around the healing technique by which a participant gains access to this treatment.Ki is a form of healing that is easy, informative, and detailed, in order to empower and heal the world!Mental disease is caused by these principles; but we can see the energy flow.Below we will be learning different techniques of its greatest and deepest healings.When first participating in Reiki for yourself.
In fact, the process goes through us has left the body.Reiki works its magic on all four walls, repeating the following way: a standard doctor's office.Level One or First Degree Reiki Training thus addresses the three reiki levels, one after the other signals that he has enough practice.If you are happy with the energy levels of this article all detail information related to this, the qualities of different faiths.It affects everything that you know what to do.
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fyrapartnersearch · 3 years
Trouble in the alien kingdom
Obligatory long post ahead warning: this post is quite long and I know it may be intimidating to some readers but please don’t let it put you off if you’d still like to rp with me :) Hello ladies, gents, and fellow rpers. After having a writing blast and seeing how I’ve got room for some more partners I’ve decided to come back in search of some partners who are interested in what I’m looking for.I’ve got a good ten or so odd years of rping experience under my belt but any potential partners do not necessarily have to have the same experience, they simply need to fit under these three things: -third person only with correct spelling, grammar and punctuation. - at least one small (no less than seven lines) paragraph per post as well as being willing to write more if the situation calls for it. Please do not contact me intending to give me only small paragraphs with each response as the above is simply the bare minimum I’ll accept if there’s not much going on in the rp that warrants a full paragraph. -no one liners, one worders, script talk, poorly written sentences or just laziness in general. This isn’t terribly much to ask for as picky as it sounds. An important thing I shall mention is that NSFW (i don’t fade to black nor do I care when the smut happens. Just please don’t leave me once the smut has happened like lots of people seem to unfortunately do) and dark themes are a thing that occur in all my rp’s so I require you to at least be eighteen before you reach out to me. I will not accept anyone younger than 18 since I myself am in my early twenties. Underaged characters are also a no go as well. Please know that I’m in the eastern Australian time zone but almost any time zone Is compatible for me as I am awake at very odd hours. Another important thing I shall add is that you must be able to post at least once or more a day and if I don’t get any response after two weeks then I shall simply move on (only exception is if you notify me beforehand as to why you may not be able to post for a while. I’m not that vicious). I only rp as male characters, as it’s simply my preference, I do MxM or FxM pairings. I will not double and I do not play multiple characters. I don’t do sub/dom dynamics when it comes to any aspect of the relationship. My characters are also non human (they’re aliens since this is a sci-fi rp after all) but what species your character is doesn’t matter to me at all as long as it’s not some god modded Mary Sue. Please remember that alien simply means a creature not from earth. Aliens can have fur, scales, feathers, etc, depending on where they come from. An alien with fur or scalies is not a furry or a scalie and please do not refer to them as such as it’s rude to label someone’s character as something they’re not. I will not write with someone who will insist that the theory of chimpanzees and humans unable to crossbreed should apply to hybrid characters regardless of whether they’re alien/alien or human/alien. This is fiction, not reality. Please also do not control my characters or dictate their actions. My characters are also premade and only have descriptions, I don’t do face claims or pics. I also do not care if you make a character up on the spot. Please remember that this is a sci-fi rp and that I will not accept requests to do fandoms or any genre that doesn’t fit within the category of sci-fi. i will not accept a character that has no place in a sci-fi rp either like a dragon,harpy,demon, elf or some other fantasy creature. The planet setting will basically be medieval styled but with sci-fi elements added to it, like metal castles, technology, aliens and alien creatures, contact with other planets, etc. Down below are some ideas I’ve listed. I’m open to discussing any idea you may have or potentially mix and matching the ones below. Disgraced: *when one entered the royal guard they took upon themselves an oath that bound them by blood and courage to the dedication of the protection of their king, queen and the kingdoms heirs. They were sworn to protect them from any harm whilst at the same time not allowed to use their position or power to hurt anyone else. When one breaks that oath, they are sent away in disgrace and branded as a traitor who must swear to never return. Life on the run changes people, sometimes for the better.....or for worse.* Space pirates and nobles: *space was a vast starry and endless sea that many voyaged across for the purpose of research, leisure or finding ones destiny. Like any real ocean, it was filled with dangers. The most feared of all was space pirates. Bands of blood thirsty cut throats and scandalous troublemakers whose sole pleasure in life was to steal, kill and take others prisoner against their will. Only pirates dare to do what other criminals would not. When a merchant ship is robbed by pirates what fate will befall the nobles onboard?* Healing wounds, growing love: *winter on the planet of malgor is one that is feared for its extreme weather. Snowstorms could appear out of nowhere and many a traveller had frozen to death whilst trying to make their way from one village to another. It was also a time where people were at their most vulnerable, relying on the winter harvest to feed every mouth that had been born and raised in the kingdom meant no mercy was spared for poor wayfaring strangers. When a kind soul finds a wounded outcast and decides to bring them home, they discover a threat that’s lurking just beyond the borders of their place of protection.* The knight and the heir: *royals could be spoilt. There was no denying that. A life of good food, wealth, the knowledge that they’d be pampered and weighed on hand and foot by servants was more than enough to turn even the most well mannered child into an insufferable brat. The knights tasked with the protection of the future royals knew this all too well. What happens when one particularly gruff, no nonsense knight refuses to bow to the whim of their future ruler and shows them what it means to be a true leader?* Exile: *The wind howled as thunder crashed and shrieked all around the abandoned cargo ship. Rain pelted the metal hull, turning the ground into a cold, treacherously slippery and muddy shallow river. The ship itself had crashed into the planet countless centuries ago and was slowly being reclaimed by the environment. Plants grew from cracks in the floor as moss and vines decorated the walls. A figure sat miserably hunched in what was once the cockpit of the ship, their only shelter from the raging elements outside but not from the storm that raged inside of them. The figure leapt to their feet as the sounds of footsteps in the mud drew closer and they held their breath. Who would dare to venture out here on such a miserable night?* Enslaved: *imagine living the life of one of the most successful people on the run that could exist. Galaxies trembled at your name. You and your crew swam in wealth and the going was good. Mutiny, sadly and sometimes not sadly, exists on its own accord. One man reflected on this as he was forced to his feet. A collar attached to a chain and electromagnetic handcuffs prevented his escape as he stood for all those who cared to glance as they walked by in the market to see. No one wants to have their only life’s purpose to be to serve another......only sometimes people don’t get that choice.* (Important point of notice: I’ll be playing the slave/servant. You’ll be the master/mistress.) Betrothed: *for as long as there has been civilisation and leaders, there has been arranged marriages. Arranged marriages, or betrothals as they were more often called, consisted of pairing two people together and making them get married in order to secure ties to another land or another planet. Political marriages benefited everyone but the married pair it always seemed. After all, you couldn’t possibly be happy being married to a complete and utter stranger? How does one who is betrothed build a life of love and prosperity when the one who bears the rings of their union is not the one who also bears their heart?* (Important point of notice: this can go two ways, either our characters are betrothed to each other or one character is betrothed. The idea has endless possibilities) Sooooo..... about those pairings. What is in Bold is what I’m going to play if we choose the scenario: 1: enemies to lovers or rivals. 2: knight x royal 3: **wounded soldier/pirate/commoner** x high ranking person/royal 4: **commoner/rogue/street rat** x prince/princess 5: **slave/servant** x master 6: married person X unmarried person 7: any opposites attract type pairing 8: inter species relationships 9:forbidden love. PLEASE DO NOT APPROACH ME IF: 1: YOU GHOST AT THE DROP OF A HAT. 2: YOU ARE NOT WILLING TO PUT EFFORT IN TO MEET MY REQUIREMENTS. I’m open to discussing and potentially mixing these ideas up till we get something that we both like. If you want to learn more about a certain idea tell me the name and I shall expand on it. The only platforms I rp on are discord,telegram and google hangouts. I will not rp or any other platform other than the ones listed. I also no longer rp on email due to how often I tend to get ghosted on there. If you do not have any of those then unfortunately we cannot rp. When you reach out to me requesting for an rp please In the opening message tell me what idea you liked, why you liked it, what platform you rp on and give me a little introduction about you and you must put 123 somewhere in your message so that I know you’ve read all of my post, don’t just put “hi wanna rp”. Make it interesting. I look forwards to meeting potential partners. My discord: tiberionsunsconqourer#6187 My telegram: Tiberionwars My hangouts: [email protected]
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