#2) Why are you so hellbent on AEW failing when some of your former favorites are there and would be out of a job if they went under
banannabethchase · 5 months
It's incomprehensible to me why people want to see AEW fail. At the most basic level, which some of these critics seem to focus on, there are more jobs for wrestlers which means more money and options in the business. More options means more competition which means all promotions are stepping up their game to put on fantastic shows which draw viewers, wrestlers, and other professionals. It means a better opportunity for any and all wrestlers to find what suits them best. On another end, multiple accessible promotions to fans means we can pick and choose what kind of wrestling we want to watch throughout the week. We can choose different shows from different promotions every week based on who is wrestling, and skip episodes that don't meet what we want while still seeing what we want to watch. Or, we can stay with a single promotion and watch all they have to offer as a whole. If you're out of your mind like I am, you watch as much as humanly possible because I love watching wrestling and don't really care about the promotion aspect of it.
The us vs. them dichotomy serves no one except perhaps a few billionaires at the very top who want to create monopolies in the TV industry and get all viewership on 3-5 channels. At that point, it's not even about wrestling. It's about people who can live off the interest of their backup bank account wanting even more money. And why the fuck would you want to encourage that?
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