#2 is goal bedtime for 9am worktime
ms-demeanor · 10 months
Sleep hours!
1 is Too Late
2 is Best
1 is too late because I have to be at work 9 at the latest (even on weekends 1 is too late because I would like to not fuck up the rhythm)
But 2 or 3 is more like when I would naturally go to sleep if the rest of society was Fake News and I could just do my own thing.
The fun thing about the normal distributions on all of those polls is that they suggest that (among the self-selected sample population of tumblr users who click on polls that I've created) AT BEST 40% of people are ideally suited to a standard 9-5 schedule and the actual majority of the population would like something at least slightly different but no we all have to have fake news bedtime. Actually it's not even fake news bedtime it's fake news get-out-of-bed time because I can go to bed whenever I want. But watch out.
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