#2 2peak2
solarduality · 4 months
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ask-the-raichu · 1 month
Red 💬 Moon
2he'2 a piece of work, 6ut in a 9ood way. i like watchin9 her 6ake and 6akin9 with her. i like the way 2he pun2. i like the way they roll off her ton9ue when 2he 2peak2. 2he'2 cute two, and 2hort like i am. 2he'2 me-2ized. 2he'2 2mart and clever, and 2o very 2tron9. it'2 hot.
if only it weren't for that temper of her2.
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twin--armageddons · 8 months
okay turn2 out a bunch of blog 2 already u2e the 2ollux 2peak2 tag but that'2 okay that'2 chiill
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trender-sollux · 5 years
hey something silly But. what if I was to nab a problematic ship name url and anonymously start a new pro shipper blog.
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tormentedapathy · 7 years
II Hate Her.
II hate the 2accharIIne way 2he 2peak2 two other2. II hate 2eeIIng the byproduct of her torment on my da2hboard, IIn the form of my alternate from her unIIver2e. II hate IIt every tIIme 2he u2e2 a tIIlde lIIke 2he'2 flIIrtIIng or 2weet-talkIIng.
2he'2 made of candy. You'd thIInk a troll wIIth pIInk 2kIIn and taffy-colored haIIr would be nIIcer, but 2he'2 ab2olutely vIIle. IIt'2 dII2gu2tIIng. But the mo2t dII2gu2tIIng part? 2he ha2 frIIend2. Quad2. People who lIIke her.
After everythIIng 2he'2 done.
2he can 2ay 2he ha2 changed all 2he want2, 2he can 2mIIle and act frIIendly and 2he can fool everyone wIIth her horrIIble 2chtIIck. But 2he doe2 not fool me. 2he'2 vaIIn and petty lIIke the re2t of them, 2he care2 only for her2elf and IIt'2 obvIIou2, 2he ha2 two be told how common decency work2.
TyrIIan2, no matter what unIIver2e they are IIn, are all the fuckIIng 2ame.
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Fuckiing hell, ii mii22 you Aradiia... ii barely have any memoriie2 but ii feel 2o alone and 2cared. karkat'2 no fuckiing help. God forbiid anyone but Nep 2peak2 two hiim. ii feel 2iick..
“Fucking hell, i miss you Aradia... i barely have any memories but i feel so alone and scared. karkat's no fucking help. God forbid anyone but Nep speaks two him. i feel sick.. “
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solarduality · 1 year
iit doe2 not matter iif ii liive or diie my head ii2 fractured what2 the poiint.
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solarduality · 18 days
need two diie. liike iit2 the la2t thought iin a collap2iing miind.
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solarduality · 3 months
never want two lo2e more from what ii cannot wiith2tand.
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solarduality · 3 months
ii want two be dead 2o badly my liife ii2 an unreal joke iim full of 2hiit and nothiingne22. doom liike a 2hroud can ii make iit wa2h off my back. iive never been worth anythiing. miirage a22 vii2age. not expectiing two be, any part of anyone or anythiing. ju2t wii2h ii wa2nt 2o defectiive. wii2h ii could perfect iit.
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solarduality · 3 months
ii truly do ju2t need two make doom le22 2harp.
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solarduality · 3 months
ii have two be better two exii2t wiith the force of 2ome diichrome matched bla2t. where ii2 the peace iin what ii2 2een iin never beiing enough. ii need two fiind a way two make doom not 2harp.
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solarduality · 3 months
ii dont want two be iin paiin anymore ii2 that two much two a2k.
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solarduality · 3 months
ii am not iimmune two hope.
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solarduality · 3 months
all ii ever feel ii2 numbne22 two be hone2t ii would cha2e the 2un two burn up maybe that2 been half my liife. but iit blare2 all empty. can ii 2ee?
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solarduality · 3 months
the truth ii2 2he wa2 a melliifluou2 apocalyp2e. we 2aiid everythiing from day two.
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