#1d uni au
alwaysxlarrie · 9 months
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so pull me closer, why don’t you pull me close? by @alwaysxlarrie / alwaysxlarrie
Louis Tomlinson/Harry Styles | Mature | 9.9k
“If you ask Harry, baking and soccer go together like chocolate and cheese -- which is to say, they really, really don't. But maybe that's just because he’s less than thrilled about the lousy sous-chef partner he got paired with, Simon. If the captain of the soccer team wants to substitute players and be Harry's partner instead... well, Harry's lemons just turned into lemon meringue pie. Who is he to argue with fate?”
written for the @1d-oneliner-fest :)
**all photos used in the moodboard are from pinterest—if you see your photo and you want credit and/or removal, just lmk and i’ll be happy to oblige !!**
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b3ach-bunn7 · 24 days
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a random number starts texting you and you decide to text back
Or, the bassist of your favourite band accidentally messages you and u fall in love
inspired by this fic 😆 and my fav band the driver era
band!au, no quirks, text form, eventual romance
September 18th
10:37 pm
Unknown: Ask Shiggy to grab me a monster on his way back
You: a monster?? are u 12…
Unknown: Shut up and ask
You: sorry I think you have the wrong number
Unknown: No I don’t
You: lowkey u do..
You: r u trying to hack me
Unknown: You’re still texting me so u would probably fall for it
You: okay ur still textjng me genius
Unknown: Texting*
You: Shut up.
You: okay don’t actually shut up
Unknown: Thought I was a hacker
You: maybe I wanna be hacked
Unknown: Is this flirting
You: maybe
You: r u really sexy
Unknown: Extremely
You: 😍 feeling bashful rn
You: why r u drinking monsters anyways
You: Wait am i actually messaging a 12 yr old
September 19th
4:03 am
Unknown: I’m not 12 years old
Unknown: I’m 24
Unknown: And i drink monsters for energy
Unknown: And because they r yummy
Unknown: And cheap
You: omfg you don’t need a separate text for every word
Unknown: Oh
Unknown: Didn’t think you’d be awake so late
You: well I wasn’t but SOMEONE is messaging me at 4am
You: also I’m 24 2
Unknown: Didn’t ask
You: kys
Unknown: Ok bye
You: pussy
You: why are u even awake so late
Unknown: I’m writing
You: omg 😳 are u an author
Unknown: Lol no
Unknown: I write music
You: OMG
You: even better
You: what do u play
Unknown: Bass
Unknown: And I sing kinda
You: kinda?
Unknown: I sing backup mainly
Unknown: Or lead if I’m feeling extra generous
You: generous?
Unknown: To please all my loving woman fans ofc 😫
Unknown: 😭💔.
You: literally throwing up alllllxover my room
Unknown: Weirdo
Unknown: Go to sleep
You: don’t tell me what to do 🙄
Unknown: Okay don’t sleep
You: lowkey have to I have uni tomorrow
Unknown: Loser
You: shush
September 19th
8:47 am
September 19th
2:30 pm
Unknown: Meanie 😢
You: i overslept because of you
Unknown: Were you up all night thinking about me
You: i dont eben know ur name
Unknown: Dabi
You: oh ur sooooo emo and edgy
Dabi: Shut up
You: nobody... understands you😕⛓️🥀
Dabi: You gonna tell me ur name or what
You: Y/N
Dabi: Pretty name
You: dont stalk me plz
Dabi: No promises
September 28th
10:02 pm
You: so if u dont go uni what do you do
Dabi: I told you i write music
Dabi: Am also in a band
You: wait are u like
You: successful
You: like do u make money from it
Dabi: Well yes
Dabi: Its my job
You: wait thats kinda cool
Dabi:  😎 
You: take it back so fast
You: do u stream ur music on like spotify
You: let me listen
You: whats ur band called
Dabi: No
You: mid name but i will look it up
Dabi: I dont wanna tell you
Dabi: Not right now at least
You: r u like super famous
You: am i messaging harry styles rn
Dabi: Im sorry i kept this from u for so long
You: is 1D cming back
You: plz
Dabi: Never
Dabi: Narry ruined us😔
Dabi: I have a sister
Dabi: But seriously I'll tell you one day
You: how do ik ur not lying about ur music 🤔
Dabi: [image attachment]
September 28th
You: [image attachment]
You: just creamed my pants
Mina: GIRL
Mina: you dont even know what he looks like
Mina: he does have sexy hands tho
You: sexy hands = sexy face
You: its litch science
Mina: ur so whipped and its been a week
You: uhm
You: ten days actually
Mina: ur not right in the head
September 28th
10:22 pm
Dabi: Did my incredible bass shock u to silence
You: i literally collapsed when i saw it
You: i like the blue
You: also ur tattoos are cool
Dabi: Thanks babe
You: mhm
You: yh
You: did they hurt
You: when u got them done
Dabi: Nah they werent too bad
Dabi: Worst was probs the ones on my chest
You: r u like alll tatted up
Dabi: I am
Dabi: That okay?
You: mhm
You: very cool
You: i want a tatto but im lowkey scared like
You: what if it hurts
Dabi: Ill get one with you
Dabi: Ill talk you through it
Dabi: Distract you from the pain
You: mhm
You: yes
You: very good
You: my roomates calling me ttylxox
September 28th
You: [screenshot]
Mina: oh babe this reads like a porno
October 11th
8:37 pm
You: [link attachment]
You: listen to this song
You: LOV is the best band eva
Dabi: LOL
You: its so good its my fav band
You: im seeing them next month
Dabi: Really
You: r u jelly
Dabi: Very
Dabi: If only i could be there
You: i think theres still tickets for sale if u acc wanna come
Dabi: You tryna see me in person?
You: mayhaps
You: ur just so mysterious
You: what if ur actually like a pedo
Dabi: The fuck
Dabi: I’m no pedo
You: okay cool
You: you can come to the concert then
Dabi: Seriously?
October 11th
You: [screenshot attachment]
Mina: UHM
Mina: YES
Mina: concerts are public so if he’s actually a creep you’ll be safe
October 11th
You: okay omg
You: shall we actually do this
Dabi: Yeah
Dabi: You got another month to figure out if I’m a pedo
You: now I deffo think you’re one
October 17th
6:45 pm
Dabi: Does this sound good
Dabi: [audio message]
You: that sounds really good
You: is that u talking at the end
Dabi: Yeah my roommate walked in
You: ur voice is so deep
Dabi: Sexy right
You: gosh so modest too
Dabi: I’m working on a new song but I can’t tell if I like that riff
You: u should like it
You: it’s very good
Dabi: Thanks babe
You: soooooo
You: can u show me ur band now 😁
Dabi: No 😁
You: 🤬
October 21st
You: what would u do if we meet irl and IM actually famous
You: like u pull up to the concert and I’m there but I’m actually like Jojo siwa or something
Dabi: I’d be a bit disappointed
You: u don’t fw jojo??
Dabi: No but she’s gay and I’d hope all my flirting was being put to good use here
You: hardee har
October 25th
You: I’m supposed to be studying but
You: I can’t stop thinking if halloweeen😝
Dabi: You going trick or treating?
You: i wish
You: unfortunately too old for that now
Dabi: Loser
Dabi: My little brothers 11 so I get to do it with him
Dabi: But I gotta act cool like I don’t wanna do it
You: can I borrow ur little brother on the 31st of October plz
Dabi: No weirdo
You: sigh
You: I’m going to a party at least
Dabi: Oh yeah
Dabi: What are u dressing up as
You: me and my friend are going as monster high girls 😁😁😁
You: shes draculaura and I’m clawdeen 😜
Dabi: Sick
Dabi: U have to show me when you do it
You: gosh ur so obsessed with me
You: but okay
October 28th
You: [image attachment]
You: the fit is ready
Dabi: Why aren’t u wearing it
You: im gonnna do the full reveal ON halloween
Dabi: Sigh fine
You: what are you wearing punk
Dabi: Punk 😭
You: LOL
Dabi: U can’t laugh
You: okay…
Dabi: You know that show curious George
Dabi: You said u wouldn’t laugh 😔
Dabi: I got him a little monkey onesie
October 28th
7:10 pm
You: [screenshot attachment]
You: when he’s a good older brother 😍😍❤️😝
Mina: okay bare minimum 😍😍😍
October 31st
6:00 pm
Dabi: [image attachment]
Dabi: Ur favourite childhood father figure
You: OMG
You: crazy how ur face is covered🙄
Dabi: You love the thrill of the mystery
Dabi: Let’s see ur costume
You: my party starts at like nine bruh 😭
You: im in bed watching movies
Dabi: Loser
Dabi: Imagine not trick or treating
You: u suck so much
Dabi: Ofc I do 😋
You: VOMIT 🤢
October 31st
You: [image attachment]
You: Mina.
You: look at his ARMS IN THAT SUIT
Mina: it’s bright yellow
You: his little brothers the monkey
You: IK
Mina: and he does look sexy in that button up
You: the tattoos🤤
Mina: love a man with a dark past 😍
You: god im so scared to see him
You: the concerts on the 10th
Mina: you’ll be okay babe Dw
October 31st
You: [image attachment]
You: it’s…. A full moon.. I feel myself… changing 🐺
Dabi: Woah
Dabi: You look hot
You: omg
You: thank u
Dabi: You’re pretty too
Dabi: R u wearing that to the concert
You: I haven’t decided yet
Dabi: U have to show me
Dabi: So I can find you
You: and how am I gonna find you
Dabi: You’ll find me
November 3rd
Dabi: [audio attachment]
Dabi: Listen please 😄
Dabi: What do you think
You: why r u acc good at this
You: yk it kinda sounds like LOV
You: I think you’ll like their music
Dabi: Girl I listen to them
You: GIRL???
You: sassy man apocalypse is alive and well
Dabi: Whos ur favourite band member
You: hmmmm
You: I like the drummer
You: himiko she’s so cute
You: but the bassist 🤤🤤🤤
You: Touya
You: need him in ways I can’t articulate over message 😳
You: uhm where did u go
You: did my thirsting freak u out
Dabi: No ur good
Dabi: I thought you’d like the guitarist
Dabi: Shiggy
Dabi: Every girl is obsessed with him
You: yeah but Touya is all emo kinda
You: I love it
November 8th
You: [image attachment]
You: fit check for the concert😜
Dabi: I love it
Dabi: Very Blue
Dabi: That’s my fav colour
You: that’s why I’m wearing it??
Dabi: Blushing rn 🤭
November 10th
6:30 pm
You: On my way! now
You: tf
Dabi: Can’t wait to see you!
You: im nervous
Dabi: Don’t be
Dabi: Im excited to see you
You: me too 😆
November 10th
Mina: be careful plz
Mina: there’s loads of people around but still
Mina: he could be a freak in disguise
You: I know babe Dw dw
You: I’ll keep u updated
Mina: good
Mina: r u gonna give him a biggggg fat smooch 🤤
November 7th
You: are you here?
Dabi: Yeah
You: omg
You: im scared
Dabi: Lowkey same
Dabi: But im so manly and strong so im actually not scared
You: LOL
Dabi: Okay wait
Dabi: I need to tell you smth
You: is this u telling me the pedo allegations r true….
Dabi: Before we meet u need to know
You: yeah what’s up?
Dabi: Idk how to say this without u thinking I’m lying but
Dabi: I’m Touya
You: uh
You: what 😅
Dabi: I just didn’t wanna tell you because I thought you might like
Dabi: Idk people r so weird about it when they find out
Dabi: And I didn’t want you to just talk to me because of that
Dabi: Especially when I found out u listen to our music
Dabi: I’m sorry I never told u
Dabi: Y/N? You there?
You: yeah I just
You: slightly confused
You: idk how to tell if ur lying or not
Dabi: [image attachment]
Dabi: Theres the face reveal you’ve been after
You: what the sigma
You: okay
You: woah
You: so I’ve actually been dming a celebrity
Dabi: You prefer me or Harry styles
You: you deffo
You: but I think you knew that from my messages from before
Dabi: Yeah i remember
Dabi: Dw you can articulate all the ways you need me after the show
You: haahahahhahaha
You: 😁😁😁 okay
Dabi: I have smth for you though
You: you do?
Dabi: Yeah
Dabi: Go to the back door where that scary security guy is
Dabi: His name is Spinner
Dabi: Tell him Dabi sent you
Dabi: You like them?
You: I can’t believe u got me flowers 😢
You: thank you!!!
Dabi: That’s alright
Dabi: Okay I need to go warm up
Dabi: I’ll be looking for you in the crowd
You: I’ll be staring at you too
Dabi: I said looking
You: same diff
You: wait hold on
Touya: What?
You: nm nm
You: good luck for ur show 😆
Touya: Thanks babe
November 7th
Touya: Toga
Touya: Toga
Touya: Toga
Touya: If I was gonna get a girl flowers what should I get her
Touya: Literally fuck off never say that
Toga: is this that girl you’re always messaging
Toga: and smiling at ur phone 🥺🥺
Touya: Fuck off
Touya: Yes
Touya: I’m so happy ur having so so much fun
Toga: I so ammmmmm
Toga: but why don’t u ask her what she wants
Touya: It’s a surprise idiot
Toga: okay well if u wanna be so really romantic u could get her roses
Toga: or maybeee tulips or lillies
Toga: she’ll like whatevs u get her
Touya: Okay
Touya: Thanks
Toga: that’s okay lover boy 😍🥰
Touya: Kys
THIS WAS SO FUN TO WRITE OH EM GEE but it lowkey took longer than I thought it would… but i hope u all enjoyed 😁😁
also y/ns messaging is literally just how I message.. I fear this is the most self indulgent fic I’ve ever written
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gricha91 · 18 days
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someday we gonna fall in love
by gricha | 24k. louis tomlinson/harry styles; au uni; mature.
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written for @1d-flower-fest <3
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1dalphalouisfest · 1 month
1D Alpha Louis Fest - Masterpost
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🔹 You've Taken My Heart By Storm by BoosBabycakes / @boosbabycakes28
Louis/Harry | 66,2K | Explicit | fic post
Omega prince Harry of Silvermoor is betrothed to the powerful King Guillaume of Goldenhaven. A month-long journey to get to his new mate brings along uncertainty, doubts and a guard that might turn the already promised omega’s life upside down. But what will happen when forbidden feelings get in the way of his duty? Will the prince fulfill it and make his kingdom and family proud, or will he give into his desires?
🔹 You're so Art Deco by lunaticcat009 / @lunaticcat009
Louis/Harry | 3,4K | Mature | fic post
"I can't stand it when they look at you like that!" --OR-- His omega’s propensity of being jealous was something Louis had always enjoyed unabashedly. The uni professor was never not amazed by the fact that his harmless-looking omega could turn from a sweet doll to a possessive creature emitting a warning snarl, in a matter of seconds. As long as it ended with him cuddling even more closer into Louis' chest at night, the alpha knew that it would all be alright. The bookstore AU
🔹 Sea, Swallow Me by  hazzmoranguete, larrysupernatural / @hazzmoranguete
Louis/Harry | 59,7K | Explicit
Ao entrar na cabine, se deparou com Harry amuado em um divã ao lado da janela, se lamentando pelo maldito tartaruga como se fosse um homem digno de ser amado. Louis era esse homem, o amor de Harry deveria ser dele. O ômega teve um sobressalto quando Louis se sentou diante dele e segurou seu queixo. "Eu nunca quis alguém tão desesperadamente em toda a minha vida quanto eu quero você, mas eu nunca vou tocá-lo sem a garantia de que é isso que você quer, me dê merda de dias e seja meu, seu capitão não dá a mínima para você, nenhum deles e você está implorando para voltar para aqueles que te abandonaram como nada. Chorando por aqueles covardes, enquanto eu te ofereço tudo. Esses baús, essas joias, minha frota inteira e principalmente, eu, tudo isso está aos seus pés. Você é o ômega mais poderoso do Caribe, Harry. Me aceite e não vai se arrepender." Harry piscou seus longos cílios lentamente e Louis acreditou que ele estivesse considerando. "Eu jamais aceitarei você." Louis inflou o peito com raiva e despeito. Se Harry se manteria irredutível, ele atuaria como seu carrasco. Pirata AU: Onde o Capitão Tomlinson é o pirata mais temido dos sete mares, e Harry é o tesouro escondido de um velho capitão.
🔹 Have a seat, darling by WordsInBloom28
Louis/Harry | 14,1K | Explicit
Harry stood robotically, Louis’ sudden appearance sending his omega on autopilot, not wanting to accidentally step out of line in front of all the other powerful alphas. Louis placed a guiding hand against the small of his back, walking tall towards his seat at the table which was once again inhabited by the alphas in charge. Harry tensed his posture when he noticed nine sets of eyes assessing him as they approached. “Gentleman, Harry will be my guest for the rest of the evening.” Louis paused as his eyes flashed to each member of the table. “I expect you all to welcome him in.” Harry caught most of the alphas bowing their heads in greeting, while others’ glares sharpened ever so slightly. The heady scent mingling around the table had Harry’s blood heating within his veins, and his heart quickened from the attention. Louis sat down first, resuming his relaxed, sprawled out posture on the ornate seat. His eyes locked on Harry as one of his hands smoothed down his thigh and patted the area softly. “Have a seat,” he murmured lowly. *** or two times Harry is invited to sit on pack alpha Louis’ lap.
🔹 Let the Feeling Last by allwaswell16 / @allwaswell16
Louis/Harry | 5,5K | Teen And Up | fic post
Omega Harry thinks the alpha at the grocery store buying a cart full of vegetables must be an amazing chef. He doesn't know that Alpha Louis is feeding all those vegetables to his pet pig.
🔹 Heat and Greet by HoldingOnToChaos / @holdingontochaos
Louis/Harry | 12,4K | Explicit | fic post
Harry and Louis are co-workers who are excited to represent the company they work for and do an important presentation at a week-long conference in Yosemite. It's just their luck that Harry slips into heat while there. Panicked at the thought of missing the presentation, Harry asks Louis to help him through it. And how could Louis deny the omega he's been dreaming about since they met?
🔹 Lost and Found by Signofcomfort / @signofcomfort
Louis/Harry | 33,1K | Teen And Up
Harry, the misfit wolf in the pack, always longed for affection but was too drowned in his own loneliness. The pack alpha Louis Tomlinson shapes the future of his pack to be more accepting and welcoming, but would Harry ever return?
🔹 for your eyes only (i’ll show you my heart) by moon_rose25 / @darkinfinity
Louis/Harry | 1,9K | General Audiences
Louis quickly opened his eyes and scanned the room, his eyes stopping on the sofa on the far left side. There was a man, turned with his back towards Louis, and based on his slow rise and fall of his back he guessed he was sleeping. If he had to guess, it was probably an omega, based on the faint scent. Or omega Harry has touch depri and finds comfort in alpha Louis’ scent
🔹 Alone and Back Again by LadyLondonderry / @londonfoginacup
Louis/Harry | 4,4K | Teen And Up | fic post
Harry Styles has very few enemies, and even fewer friends.  On the outskirts of the village, past the stream but before the river, sits a small one-room cottage, cool in the summers but draughty in the winters.  In that one room cottage sits a cooking pot over a fire, a smaller selection of woodworking tools, and a nest of furs that is the pride and joy of one lonely omega.  Or, what does one do when a feral alpha shows up in town ready to be executed?
🔹 Baby, You're Perfect by loveheartslouis / @loveheartslouis
Louis/Harry | 112,7K | Explicit | fic post
Harry Styles has been waiting his entire life to meet his soulmate, the owner of a dagger soulmark to match his rose. Louis Tomlinson has never wanted his soulmate and always covers his dagger soulmark. Louis learns that they’re soulmates and he doesn’t tell Harry, breaking Harry's trust and his heart Louis has all the time in the world to convince Harry to forgive him. Right?
🔹 Good-Old Fashioned Lover Boy by not_fitzwilliam / @not-fitzwilliam-darcy
Louis/Harry | 5,7K | Not Rated
Harry's savior complex has often led him to rather questionable situations, but this might take the cake. When a miscalculated decision leads to an accidental courtship with the sweetest, most gentle alpha, Harry is torn between breaking the alpha's heart and telling the truth. Yes, Louis does seem to give unorthodox courting gifts, but he is rather endearing and Harry is just an omega, after all.
🔹 Yvaron: Eternal Whispers by littleohs / @littleohs
Louis/Harry | 7,8K | Mature | fic post
Louis was in the middle of an intense routine, his need to be with Harry becoming almost unbearable. The pain and migraine that had tormented him all day finally began to fade as he sank into his omega's body, finding in him the relief he so desperately needed.
🔹 Tight As A Tourniquet by reminiscingintherain / @reminiscingintherain
Louis/Harry | 7,4K | Mature | fic post
“Mum?” “Yes, poppet?” “Could I do your job when I’m a grown-up?” “I don’t see why not, sweetie,” she agreed. “You can do anything you want, as long as you put the work in, and dedicate yourself to it.” Louis Tomlinson has always wanted to be a midwife like his mum, but in a world where it's expected for Omegas to be the caregivers, how is he going to manage his career when he presents as an Alpha?
🔹 The Warmth by goldensweetmemory / @goldensweetmemory
Louis/Harry | 22,3K | Mature | fic post
Prompt: Based on the movie "Good Luck To You, Leo Grande" xxx Title from The Warmth by Incubus
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wishingforloushair · 7 months
We All Scream For Ice Cream
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Pairing: Louis Tomlinson/Harry Styles
Rating: E
WC: 3k
Summary: When Resident Advisor Liam left his boyfriend Niall, and Niall's roommate Harry in charge of advertising the end of semester ice cream celebration for their hall residents, he should've expected it to end in disaster. Niall created an entirely inappropriate flyer, offering a very different experience than what they were planning to offer. When distributing the flyers, Harry meets Louis, an older student studying Drama, who is far more interested in BJs that doesn't involve Ben and Jerry's.
AKA crack/fluff with a bit of smut, based off of that one viral poster 'BJs in your PJs'
Harry snatched the flyer back off the noticeboard, waving it at Liam. “BJ in your PJs?” he repeated. “What? I’m not giving you a blowjob, Harry,” Liam said, looking slightly affronted. “See?” Harry rounded on Niall. “No one thinks of Ben and Jerry’s when they read BJ.” “Well, they should,” Niall said, snatching the flyer back. “Not everyone is a disgusting heathen like you two.” “It says BJ in your PJs?” Liam asked, sounding aghast. “On all the flyers?” “You told me it was catchy!”
My submission for the @1d-library Valentine's Day Exchange, written for @super--noah's prompt 'Uni AU celebrating exam season being over'
Read it now on AO3
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lunaticcat009 · 1 year
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TITLE: I want you for worse or for better
Rating: Mature
Pairing: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
Status: completed
main tags:
friends to lovers, idiots in love, humour, college au, louis has the rizz, not a slow burn, lovers in denial, larry fluff that makes you feel single af, the closet plays a very special role in their relationship
"Help me! I'm in the closet!"
"Louis, you came out to me months- Oh you are really trapped in there!"
OR a uni au where Harry and Louis are roommates. If he didn't knew better, Harry would've arrived to a conclusion that Louis was trying to woo him with all his cheeky gestures.
Then a halloween party changed it all or the things that occured before the halloween party did.
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tpwkmadeline · 3 months
character masterlist (with links!)
not updated!
just in case i can't get my page to stop hiding a few bots or i get it fixed and it happens again, here is a full masterlist of links to my characters on character.ai!! :)
who i write for | user: tpwkmadeline
Harry Styles
2010 - you’re on the x factor
2012 - you meet his family
2013 - he cheats on you
2013 - teen dad
2013 - the 6th member
2014 - you're the "night changes" actress
2014 - you're 1D's hairstylist; Lux is your daughter
2014 - you were FWB, and you're newly single
2015 - 6 members to 5
2015 - "pull your skirt down"
2015 - it's your birthday!
2015 - enemies to lovers
2015 - one night stand with a fan
2015 - a passionate summer romance
2015 - drunk calling an ex
2016 - his new assistant
2016 - you're the inspiration for "Carolina"
2017 - you're one of the VS models when he performs
2017 - he broke up with you and regrets it
2018 - "i remember it all too well" (TS inspired)
2018 - jealousy jealousy...
2020 - you're cast as Alice in DWD
2020 - you're in the "Watermelon Sugar" music video
2021 - an italian romantic summer fling
2021 - husband and first time father
2021 - you're pregnant at the grammy's
2023 - you help harry buzz his hair
2023 - his mom introduces you two
2024 - you're mitch's younger sibling
uni - frat party
au - you're a playboy bunny
au - popular x shy (secretive edition)
boxer - illegal boxer x pretty waitress
dark - your drug dealer
mafia - you're his favorite dancer
mafia - "but you belong to me" (weeknd inspired)
mafia - bonnie & clyde type of love
mafia - mornings in the mafia underworld
mafia - his darling wife
mafia - you're his wife. and you ran.
mob - the sunshine in his dark world
mob - his girlfriend
Jack Chambers
"what do you really do at victory?"
the victory project
Alex - Dunkirk
you're his fiance when he gets drafted
life after the war
Bucky Barnes
he's your stalker
mafia - you're his sweet spot
Steve Rogers
birthday lap dance
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moonjxsung · 5 months
upon learning the term bedrotting i feel like 80% of my life has been just that. so i completely get it, i bedrot unless i absolutely need to go out (✨depression✨)
fr perv hanji brings out my past wattpad dramatic af 1D fic self. i love him, he also lives in my head rent free because the perv ji character just fits him soooo well. and that thing your ex did was super hanji coded too if he’s feeling especially confident. manifesting perv hanji everyday✨
choi minho, the man that you are. he’s also my baby, so pretty so hot and so nice😭 the greenest green flag to ever exist. i saw an article the other day bc someone accused him of being a bully in HS (and first off like wtf that man is like 30+yrs old, why you bringing up his hs life at this age). the thing is that his former classmates were like “wtf hell no, bro is obsessed with a soccer team that hasn’t one in 20 yrs, you really think he’s a bully?” 😭😂😂😂 they said that he used to get snsd autographs for his teachers and friends. literally an angel baby. also, ur minho dream, care to elaborate??👀
and frrrrr what’s up with these exes here? are you guys okay? i thankfully don’t think i ever had a situation like that with anyone, ex or not, and if i did, i def repressed it. but i always remember this situation a friend of mine was in. so she was my bestie for like all of high school (she dumped me for the church💔 my religious trauma fr) and she was in a band and one of her mates introduced her to this other guy who played guitar (conveniently, he was also really really good friends with my current bf at that time). anyways we were like 17 (my bf and i) and she was a year younger so 16. and we were just finishing our list of college applications, they saw each other randomly bc he auditioned for a band that she was in and he started texting her a lot and offering to take her to band practice (thankfully her parents were like overprotective so it never happened). mind you, he was born in 95 and she was 00. so if we were in like grade 11 or 12 he was like well into uni. so, she tells me that she’s going to this uni like three hours away from where i was going. and i’m like all happy and supportive and whatever and she’s just like “oh and _______ told me that he studies like 15minutes away from my campus so he said that i could go to his apartment and we could read comics” and i was just like 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩and i told her that that was absolutely insane and reading comics def didn’t mean reading comics. so she got kinda mad and we stopped talking about him. and like a year later (she ended up not going to that uni), i stayed at her house once and she told me that he turned out to be a super sketchy guy. and she’s always been this really really physically beautiful person like main visual fr, but soooo naive, and shit like this happed so frequently. she once told me that in middle school, she was kinda dating a guy from 12th grade so she was like 13 and he was like 17-18🚩🚩🚩 so yeah, men suck. i’m thankful to have never experienced something like that or anything but im sure that my rbf and the paranoia and resistance my parents inflicted on me in terms of men helped.
so yeah, if there’s anything that the minors that sneak into ur blog should know is: that older guy that’s talking to you is 100% an absolute creep, pls stop talking to him🙏🏻
anyways bb, i hope you have soooo much fun watching the ateez coachella streaming!!! i will be with u @ heart bc im def watching it here, last week’s was really freaking awesome.
WE LOVE BEDROTTINGGGG my plans for tomorrow are just to bedrot bc this week was tiring as hell and my sister’s getting sick so I have preemptively planned to stay in and sleep as much as I physically can in between writing. I am so excited ‼️‼️
PLEASE something about perv Hanji just gets me GOING my ex is fucking trash but he did the most pervy shit sometimes and I just imagine it as Hanji au now to repress the bad memories 😭 I remember we were sexting @ thanksgiving dinner one year while he was literally sitting next to his entire family and he left the table to send me videos of him taking care of himself in the backseat of his car like if that’s not SO Hanji 😭😭😭😭 PLEASE. I would melt
THE MINHO THING PWLWAASSKKEKE I SAW THAT TOO AND I WAS LAUGHING SOOO HARD CHOI MINHO IS THE GREENEST FLAG EVERRRRR NO WAY YALL WANT TO PRETEND HE WAS A BULLY 😭😭 also my dream was v short lived BUT I dreamt that he had to go to work in my place for some reason and run some of my meetings for me and so we met up so he could give me business updates and we were just sitting so close to each other and laughing and getting zero work done LMFAO I remember thing “oh my god I have to fuck this man” PLSLSLWLEKEKSMJS HE’S SO FINE……….
Oh my god that story about your friend is insane 😭 that sucks that she ended up dropping you for the church (she’s missing out on the best friendship frfr) but I hope she’s gotten a little smarter about avoiding weird guys and sorta understanding the implications of what they say :/ my sister used to work at the movies when she was like 16 and one of her coworkers was this 25 year old weirdo who snapchatted her once inviting her to “watch marvel movies together” and we were instantly like OHHHH THAT’S NOT…….
Sagely words of advice from all of us here on stayblr stay away from older men w creep vibes AND don’t pursue anything with anyone who clearly isn’t over their ex 😀😀😀😀😀😀
I love you baby I hope you had the bestttt day !!!!!! 💓💖💘💗
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mxwhore · 1 year
thinking about the kinship i felt when my normie uni friend confessed to reading the same 1d omegaverse mafia au fic i also read
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mediawhorefics · 1 year
hií 💗 for the ask game, what's your favourite fanfic of all time?
oh god i read in so many fandoms this feels like an impossible question dhjfjfdg i'm gonna cheat. is that okay? can i cheat? there's no way you're getting just one. sorry not sorry djbkndkjgbd
i guess if i'm answering 100% honestly, it would prob. be not easily conquered which, for those who don't know is a stucky fic and one of the most beautiful pieces of writing i've ever read. some of the quotes from this fic are seared into my brain and i fear will never leave me.
in the 1d fandom tbh it's still tif. i think to me tif is a perfect romcom. i've never read a better one. it's funny, its heartwarming, it's genuine, the miscommunication is handled very well and that quote that describes trying to explain something traumatic that happened to you young as 'like a fish trying to explain what water is' stayed with me for over a decade. it's exactly that. that's exactly what it feels like... i love this fic sm. it's just as good as everyone says and i think its criminal that some newer fandom peeps haven't read it. i can only aspire to be that kind of writer.
i recently went on a spuffy binge read ad discovered summerfrost's works and i have been in absolute awe of their characterization ever since. their writing knocked me the fuck out. nothing safe is worth the drive (follow you home) is prob. my fav but everything i've read from them has been a masterclass in character study.
the poet dean fic is another work that i think is a game changer. if you're remotely interested in deancas/spn this fic is stunning and it features original poetry by the writer that is just.... gorgeous. it makes me want to write poetry and god knows i am not good at that rip.
cinderwings is another spn fic that's ..... incredible. it's such a creative au that perfectly mixes elements from canon and from fairy tales to create something totally new that feels fresh and different. not to mention i've never read a character pov of a quote unquote creature that actually felt like i wasnt reading a human character. it's done so well.
four letter word for intercourse . its the best smut heavy fic i've ever it. its deancas. end of.
i recently started reading good omens fics and Demonology and the Tri-Phasic Model of Trauma: An Integrative Approach ??? w o w. just.... w ow. if you've read the book/watched the show and loved crowley just a little bit... read this. it's an outsider pov and it is so compelling, it's almost impossible to put down. which is a pretty herculean feat imo considering it's all through the eyes of a stranger. its basically crowley in therapy through the eyes of his therapist. incredible.
back in the old days i read a lot of merlin fics and the student prince still has SUCH a special place in my heart as a comfort fav... it's so funny and heartwarming. the perfect magical uni au. it also has an amazing podfic read by the author.
wastelands is probably my favourite star wars fic i've ever read. it's only 9k and ft just before the sequel trilogy leia crash landing on some abandoned world and getting help from a force ghost to repair her ship only to realise it's anakin. it's just.... a beautiful beautiful character study and a look into their relationship and it ties in with some kylo stuff.
you could dress this wound is a tsn fic where mark starts seeing pain as light on people and develops some empathy/starts seeing the world (and his relationship to eduardo) differently as a result.
best practices in workplace relationships is nothing special. except its heartfelt and funny and i've read it countless times over the past ten years. so many times. it's the assistant wardo fic. it's fun. i love her.
also anything that @helloamhere writes but ESP the anakin/padme/obi fic she wrote partly because of me.
i think thats it... like... off the top of my head today right now.
oh and i guess.... if it's not arrogant to say it ? maybe tts ? just... i'm very very proud of it and it's very special to me. i dont think its better than any fic ive listed here but it is one of my all time favs because it was a big labour of love from me.
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thefootnotes · 1 year
i'm akeyla, a pansexual nonbinary (they/them) with a constant feeling of social injustice and a slight addiction to ao3
doesanyonehearrunningwotah is my ao3, on which i'm chronically online
i'm a teenager so please behave yourselves fgs
will be reblogging anything that satisfies my 1d obsession adoration and posting excerpts/updates on my fanfictions so
my pinterest is @akeylaaaaa
Australian Central (GMT+10:30)
masterlists below the cut :)
one direction/solo
noah kahan
marauders (not hp. m a r a u d e r s.)
sabrina carpenter
conan gray
olivia rodrigo
billie eilish + finneas
taylor swift
ed sheeran
we three
morgan wallen
kelsea ballerini
doctor who
#alex my love❤ - all conversations with or about my brilliant partner #bloggy stuff - blog stuff #rebloggy stuff - reblog stuff #ask answered - asks #masterpost - this post, and all ficfest, challenge, etc. masterposts #personal - personal stuff
all other tags are a given (taylor swift, one direction) and used erratically and unusually, so.
2023/24 writing schedule
Whumptober Masterpost
Whumpuary Masterpost
complete original pieces:
none yet. watch this space.
original WIPs:
letters from my bedroom floor (ongoing poetry compilation)
more soon. watch this space.
--- complete fanfictions:
underneath the mistletoe (larry stylinson christmas au)
tear away my tattoos (larry stylinson break-up au)
just for a moment (larry stylinson break-up au)
grey hairs (larry stylinson old age au)
greatest fear (larry stylinson 1D reunion au)
hold on (larry stylinson multichap mental health au)
orange juice (larry stylinson multichap break-up au)
gone (louis centric multichap zayn's death au)
whumptober 2023 collection- masterpost here.
--- fanfiction WIPs/upcoming
caffeine factor (ziam mayne, hurt-but-mostly-comfort coffee shop au) (multichap, some chapters published)
words hurt (larry stylinson hurt-comfort high school au) (multichap, upcoming)
it’s time to go (larry stylinson, hurt-with-a-little-comfort au) (multichap, upcoming) (will rename)
haven't you ever been in love before (larry stylinson hurt-comfort uni au) (multichap, upcoming)
meet you in the future (larry stylinson fantasy/sci-fi au) (multichap, upcoming)
eccedentesiast (larry stylinson hurt-comfort au) (one-shot, upcoming)
if we never met (larry stylinson fight au) (one shot, upcoming)
come back (larry stylinson multichap mental health au) (sequel to hold on) (upcoming)
grief unites (larry stylinson hurt-comfort au) (multichap, upcoming) (probably will rename)
dream (larry stylinson solo louis angsty au) (multichap, upcoming) (will rename)
love is an open door (larry stylinson-family fluff) (one shot, upcoming)
2011 (larry stylinson hurt-comfort au) (one shot, upcoming)
writing request masterlist
i write mostly romance, heavy on the angst, but i'm pretty open to anything, just read through this first <3
i won't write non-con, it's just a huge no. i won't write romanticized abuse, incest or p3d0ph1lia either - including teacher-student relationships, step siblings, or those weird fics where the twins are in a poly relationship with a third party?? like no you sick fcks oml. or those overromanticised fics where they have feelings for each other as kids??? nopity nope. children. don't. have. romantic. relationships. i shouldn't even have to say it. anything below secondary is just no.
i don't write omegaverse, you do you but it's a no from me. i don't write y/n or x reader fics, just not my vibe.
oh i also don't write fanfictions where the larry stunts (danielle, eleanor, taylor, caroline, kendall, whoever it may be) are like, villains? no thank you.
(also side note caroline flack didn't do anything illegal or wrong, even if you think it's kinda gross. the age of consent in both the UK and most of the US is 16 therefore harry was legally able to consent and she was not responsible for anything you frown upon in that whole situation.)
--- asks
ask whatever, just be respectful. or don't. anon hate is fun to debate tbh.
as for this entire thing; i may have copied it from my brilliant partner and my writing inspiration - @youreverydaydemikid
speaking of which, if you see the tag "alex my love❤" that means its me talking to or about said partner!!
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littleohs · 1 month
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huvy: shouldn't be like this
they were just two alphas in love, sharing intimacy in a bedroom, there were no chances of it going wrong. right?
main pairing: harry styles/louis tomlinson
rating: explicit
status: complete (first part)
word count: 9,8k
main tags: alpha harry, alpha louis, alpha/alpha, college/uni au, open ending
Louis smiled, releasing a rose at Harry's comment. Neither of them were experts in bed, but they sure knew what they liked to do in it. He bent down to kiss the alpha's lips, quietly and wetly trying not to pull at the knot. It had taken so long for both of them to learn to knot that they made good use of the few moments their anatomy gave them to deposit love in their hearts. But the nebula of the orgasms were too hard, their aromas were all over the room that their minds were blind ande their noses didn't work enough to realize that there was someone closing the door, entering with a cellphone in hand and laughing so hard. They actually didn't know.
part of the @1d-oneliner-fest !
read here
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chats-cosmiques · 1 month
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Cat and Mouse Act, 1914.
Le « Cat and Mouse Act » est le surnom donné au Prisoners Act(Temporary Discharge for Ill Health) au Royaume-Uni. Il a été adopté pour contrer les grèves de la faim des suffragettes en prison. Selon cette loi, si une prisonnière devenait dangereusement faible à cause d'une grève de la faim, elle pouvait être libérée temporairement pour récupérer sa santé, puis réincarcérée pour terminer sa peine une fois qu'elle allait mieux. Cela a été vu comme un jeu du chat avec la souris, d'où le nom.
L'affiche montre un chat (symbolisant le gouvernement libéral) tenant une suffragette dans sa gueule (symbolisant une souris), ce qui illustre la façon dont le gouvernement traite les suffragettes. Elle encourage les électeurs à ne pas voter pour les candidats libéraux et à lire le journal « The Suffragette », qui serait une source d'information sur le mouvement des droits des femmes. Le coût indiqué est de 1 penny (1d), ce qui était une somme modique pour un journal à l'époque.
Cette affiche est un exemple de la propagande utilisée dans le mouvement suffragiste pour communiquer des messages politiques et mobiliser l'opinion publique contre des lois perçues comme injustes.
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thoughmymindcouldthink · 10 months
Compilation and General Update
I've spend the evening reorganizing/archiving a lot of this blog, and I've noticed I talk around a lot of ideas rather than explaining them.
First on the docket, I revamped the organization system to be more streamlined and easier to use (at least for me, hopefully for visitors as well). Secondly, I archived a lotta (most) projects that I'm not really reserving brain space for at the moment. They're all in varying states of archived-ness in my brain, but they're all squished into one folder for blog purposes.
I'll continue to use this blog for resources, inspiration, challenges, and the like, but I have also picked out the Big Projects throughout the years to organize them better.
Current Projects
Handholding through Hell: the translation of a current dnd campaign into more traditional prose storytelling. Five party members wake up in a hell-like demi-plane with no knowledge of how they got there. On their hunt for a way back home, they discover that their pasts have followed them (or brought them?) here.
All or Nothing: Widofjord Uni AU, loosely based on the novel Coffee Cake. Heavy focus on Fjord, who needs to save his slipping grades to keep his athletic scholarship for rowing. Secondary focus on Caleb, who's recovering from some very intense drama in his ridiculously competitive academic program by working at the local cat cafe. Caleb offers to tutor Fjord and they begin to explore a romance. A semi-magic USA university AU in which Mollymauk deals fake IDs, Artagan’s a disillusioned ex-grad student, and Yasha gets to major in gardening.
BeauYasha Kidfic: Inspired by domestic beauyasha in the m9 epilogue, a vague idea of a future fic in which they help fjord overturn the orphanage that harmed him and end up with a half-orc kid of their own. got spooked when a lot of the after talk was quite similar to this idea and put it down.
Archived Original Projects
Vampire Apocalypse: Steampunk Lady Pirates: Hollywood fell to a vampire underground, and one young woman spearheads a resistance of sky pirates, all to get her sister back.
Antonita, the Spanish Contrabandista: A rewrite/update/retelling of an 1850s novella of a female pirate and her adventures with a Texan navy captain and his wife.
Outlander & Urchin: A traditional western fantasy story about two orphans who help each other survive while a magical war wages across the land. Reunited as adults, they realize their lives may be bigger than they thought.
Golden Gay Bridge (aka Gone): technically my undergrad thesis & 2016 nano project. A young woman loses her mother to cancer and goes on a roadtrip to find her elusive biological father and unearth half of herself.
Archived Fanfiction Projects
Rockstar AU: Louis is a rockstar; Harry is the label's new popstar. The two are forced to tour together for publicity. Liam is management, Niall is Harry's bestie, Zayn is Louis's bestie. Harry/Louis enemies to besties main plot, Ziall + Louam subplots.
Playboy AU: Harry runs an escort business; Louis and Niall are bunnies, Zayn and Liam are bartenders (Ziall + Louam)
Uni+ AU: Niall and Zayn fall in love at University, but their futures conspire against them – until they meet again. Essentially a uni!AU + a second chance trope.
Proposal AU: a ziall retelling of The Proposal (2009). That's it. That's the project. ALT: Cutting Edge AU (similar premise).
B99/1D crossover: Requested by bestie in like... 2015. An AU in which the 1d boys are Brooklyn police officers. Will likely not touch this one again.
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ladyaj-13 · 1 year
AJ's 1D fics
(I've been sat on this for literal months but this was so much fun. I did it at work, lol)
So... @mercurial-madhouse, you know it’s an AJ 1D fic when...
It's Louis-centric. Even when I write a non-Louis pairing (unusual) he muscles his way forward
Liam can't wink (is this even true? Did I make it up? Is it accepted fanon? I know I've written it into at least two stories, possibly more subconsciously)
Friendship is important. OT5 forever.
There's a sprinkling (or a flooding) of angst, but it always works out... (cough, except that one fic, cough)
Zayn is long-suffering or sensible - or both
Louis is scrappy
There's a very strong chance it's a rare pair, or even poly
No one is an out and out villain. I can't do it to them.
You've got no idea what setting or genre you'll be reading - canon, historical AU, office workers, reality TV, magic is real, omegaverse, vampires, uni students, they're all beauty pageant kings now - I'll give anything a go
I will tag back anyone who missed this first time round, or feels their answers have changed!
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aquarri · 1 year
Coworker Fics
- Love Is A Rebellious Bird by 100percentsassy and gloria_andrews (134,891 words)
AU in which the boys still make music. Louis is the concertmaster of the London Symphony Orchestra, Harry is the New! and Exciting! interim conductor/ex-cello prodigy who "has made Mozart cool again" according to Esquire Magazine (Louis hates him immediately, which is definitely why he internet stalked him in his dark bedroom late at night that one time), and Niall is the best. Zayn and Liam are around too.
Don't hum Bolero.
- Felt Nothing Like Home by QuickedWeen (61,574 words)
The Bon Appétit YouTube channel has become an unexpected success partly due to the newest series developed by classically trained pastry chef Harry Styles who is intent on making the art of baking accessible to the masses. He and his best friend Louis Tomlinson have been with the magazine for years and they’re unused to the level of online fame they’ve suddenly achieved. It’s easy for Harry to brush it off and ignore it (despite the teasing they get around the test kitchen) because Louis is happily married and has been for years—since just before they met for the first time. Or, it was easy to brush it off, but at the beginning of the summer, just as they’re leading up to the stress of planning the annual holiday issue, Louis and his husband decide to file for divorce.
- A+ For Effort by embro (7,475 words)
Harry is the music teacher and Louis is the P.E. teacher and there's a whole lot of crushing going on.
- Teach Me Your Ways by elsi_bee (34,204 words)
Based on the following prompt: Omega Harry is the newly appointed sex ed teacher and uptight Alpha Louis does not approve of his very open methods. A rivalry ensues until Harry unravels him behind closed doors.
- Take Me Higher Than I've Ever Been by crimsontheory (51,158 words)
Harry is pretty simple. He goes to work everyday, comes home, then watches Netflix with his cat. And if he happens to have a tiny little crush on his coworker, then that’s just his own business.
[Or the one where Harry and Louis work together and Louis starts to notice Harry back. Featuring a wedding, a sassy cat, and first times.]
- turn any corner, there's something new by balanceds (12,944 words)
AU. After graduating from uni with his degree in Costume Design, Harry Styles is finally ready to start as a dresser on his first real West End show. Nothing can get in his way.
- The Games We Play by Wishingforloushair (50,078 words)
Harry Styles is a good agent. He’s sure of it. But his track record in MI6 leaves something to be desired. Presented with his big break, an undercover mission to take down one of the biggest arms dealers in England, he’s ready to prove himself to everyone. But his plans are quickly foiled by discovering who his undercover partner is: Louis Tomlinson, the agent Harry has had a rivalry with since Basic Training. Effortlessly put together, quick tongued, and ready to dive into action, Louis is everything Harry’s not, and when he realises the details of the operation involve them needing to present as a married couple, Harry seriously wonders what he’s done in a past life to be cursed like this. Through rivalry, fear, and hope, the pair untangle a complicated web of lies that threatens to shake the very foundations of the Agency.
- Please Tell Me That You've Got Me by ColorfulSuitmoon (20,652 words)
Or a world where the nickname your soulmate will call you appears on your chest on your 18th birthday and Harry wakes up with the only name he hates.
- Caffeine Withdrawals by corrinebailey (67,635 words)
Or the one where Harry can't fall asleep, he wants to hate his coworker, and Louis might be the one to solve everything
"Superior" Louis
- Take My Breath Away by RealityBetterThanFiction (153,658 words)
There is a prestigious school in the British Royal Navy classified as Premier Delta - or as it is known by its flyers, 1D. These select pilots are an elite set of Naval lieutenants who are trained in the skill of aggressive aerial combat. They are instruments of war, trained in times of peace. They are dogfighters, relentless and fearless in their mission to protect their beloved country. From their lofty vantage, they are always watching, waiting, and ready to lay it all on the line.
Lt. Harry Styles, call sign Sparrow, is a prodigy when it comes to flying. The owner of an unrivaled Naval pedigree, being a pilot was always written in the stars for Harry. With his trusty RIO, Lt. Niall Horan, Harry has made an unprecedented ascension in the ranks of the Naval aerial combat elite, and has been recruited to the esteemed Premier Delta flight school, carrying on his family’s legacy. What he finds there are unexpected friendships, perilous challenges, and something beyond what he ever thought possible. Because as his father had always told him, before the great Captain Styles went tragically missing in combat, you don’t fall in love with the sky, you fall in love with what keeps you on the ground.
- Don’t Look Down by zarah5 (91,709 words)
AU. In which Louis is a solicitor at one of London’s most prestigious law firms and Harry happens to apply for the position as his trainee. And everyone else is around, too.
- you are my destiny (you are the reason that i still believe) by alwaysxlarrie (98,007 words)
Being a new employee at a company means that you have to learn to brush off the shitty bosses, shitty coworkers, and not getting the credit you actually deserve for things. At least, that's been Harry Styles' experience. Coworkers who steal his ideas in pursuit of getting praise and a raise, and a boss who's indifferent at best and condescending at worst. Harry has learned to expect this reality for the foreseeable future. He's accepted it.
What he hadn't expected was for Louis Tomlinson to waltz into their company, and his life, and change around everything he thought he knew about fate.
- The Prophecy by HoPotato (18,717 words)
CEO of Empyrean, Louis Tomlinson should have all that he can wish for. After inheriting his mother's company, everyone might think the most eligible alpha cannot wish for anything else but in reality he lives in a glass cage, crushing under the weight of dreams that aren't his and the ghoul of the life he never had. What changes everything for him is a simple resignation letter from his personal assistant on his desk on one fine morning.
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