#1980s businesswoman power suiting for today!
airyairyaucontraire · 9 months
Some more nice knitwear on May in this episode of Monarch Legacy of Monsters.
You can also see a lot about the kind of person May is - that she was so impatient to do work she thought was more special and important than whatever Toby from Candy Crush was doing, that she did something drastic from understandable moral outrage, but she didn't make a real plan to protect herself or get away clean, so that it seemed to take her by surprise and make her panic when she started getting freaked-out work texts during the birthday party.
Also I would like to know: How are Kentaro and Cate not dead of jet lag on top of running-for-their-lives exhaustion at this point? I'm sure those first class pods are good but are they that good?
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