#19 to 23 was my villain origin arc and then it kept getting worse
beevean · 1 year
I think it's funny how the Metal Virus was eventually taken out by basically doing the whole "Let's take *place or thing here*, and push it somewhere else." Patrick Star idea; Just chuck the whole damn thing into the sun.
Yeah, that smacked of Flynn writing himself into a corner.
When Sonic and Amy find zombified Rough and Tumble, they discover that they're indestructible, because Amy's hammer turns them into mush that then reforms itself. This means that the virus changed them to a molecular level: they are no longer organic, but made of metallic goop. Either you chemically reverse the process, or those people are functionally dead.
And yet, Super Silver can simply... yank the virus out of their DNA. And yeet it.
I get that Super Silver's telekinesis is stronger than regular Silver's, but this may be too much, dontcha think? He even healed Rough and Tumble still stuck in a hole underground - what kind of reach do his powers have??? There's being Super, and then there's being Jesus!
This is because Flynn was too concerned with raising the stakes (to his own admission when he explained his reasoning for Shadow in #19), and as usual, when a writer focuses on raising the stakes to the point where they reach their limit, the resolution to said stakes is rarely satisfying.
Then again...
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kingreywrites · 3 years
In what order would you rate all the songs in the Tangled franchise from best to worst (including movie and series) and why would you rate them that way?
That sort of question is so stressful like, I hope none of you expect me to have good taste or anything, I'm only listening to songs for the emotions they give me asgdhjdj also if I didn't make a mistake, there's exactly 40 songs between the movie and the series and it pleases me greatly
Anyway this is very long so read more it is (and btw since i cannot ever make up my mind this is far from a fixed list, ask me tomorrow and it'll be different asfhdjd the first ones and the last ones stay mostly unchanged but the middle is a big puddle of what i've been listening to the most lately)
1. I See The Light
It's very soft and very sweet and I could spend my life listening to it. I loved it before even watching Tangled for the first time and now I've got all this emotional attachment too so like yeah it deserves the first spot
2. Stronger Than Ever Before
Straight out banger okay, I love it so much and it always put me in such a good mood 😭💕
3. Buddy Song
Same reasons as above asghdjd
4. When Will My Life Begin (reprise)
Dude I just….. yeah this song always makes me emotional it's so freaking great i wish it was one hour long
5. Next Stop Anywhere (reprise)
Underrated new dream duet, again i only wish it was LONGER
6. The Girl Who Has Everything (reprise)
i listen to it and i cry what more can i say it's too sOFT
7. Everything I Ever Thought I Knew
Listen it's eugene's song at this point i cannot deny that i just love these songs based on what they make me feel and this one makes me feel a LOT
8. Nothing Left To Lose
Discovered the show through it and that part when they both sing at the same time hits just right 😌
9. Mother Knows Best (reprise)
It hurts but god is this an awesome villain song, both in the performance and the lyrics ;-;
10. Ready As I'll Ever Be
I love that song but I'll be honest I mostly love Varian's part and the chorus (?) part….. it's a banger but i tend to skip cass and rapunzel's part asfhdjdk (sorry it's still amazing tho 😭)
11. Life After Happily Ever After
Eugene's part 💕💖💖💕💖💖🥰💕🥰💕
12. Bigger Than That
Lance has the best voice all his songs are the coolest
13. Crossing The Line
The beginning between Rapunzel and Cassandra?? Unparalleled, I just. wish they kept going like this. Cass' solo part is still great but the beginning was SO good
14. With You By My Side
Very sweet and I love when people sing together asgdhjd
15. Waiting In The Wings
I do not have the same adoration some people do for it but it's clearly a banger, tbh the best Cass song even tho I've rated some higher here (but it's because there's other people in them)
16. I Will Make You Proud (reprise)
Can they start making these damn reprise longer I LOVE THE KEY CHANGE
17. I Will Make You Proud
I love itttt
18. Next Stop Anywhere
Honestly I feel it should be higher but I forgot so it's here instead asghdjdj i'm not remaking this but I love it (especially the Rapunzel and Eugene's parts because like. i'm me. ofc)
19. Wind In My Hair
It's stuck in my head like 70% of the time and i'm not even complaining about it
20. Through It All
I just…… love group numbers ghdhdjd it's catchy and i wish i could… idk, frame Eugene's "we all must heed the call" cause his voice is awesome here
21. Set Yourself Free
I really love Rapunzel that's all 🥺
22. Listen Up
Yes it's mostly useless but i love that song so much i can't explain it, IT GIVES ME ENERGY (also cap's moment is awesome gjfhfjgh)
23. Mother Knows Best
I'm all for upbeat and chilling villain songs, and Gothel's are amazing examples of that
24. If I Could Take This Moment Back
Okay I do like it and I do enjoy the angst but since it's like, nearly the only new dream duet in the series, I wish we got something better 😔 i like happy fun songs so much
25. When Will My Life Begin
It's such a nice song I know it by heart and I love it :')
26. The Girl Who Has Everything
I have Thoughts about this song and its meaning but it gave me the reprise and it's also very cute and catchy so I still listen to it quite often
27. Wind In My Hair (reprise)
It's soooo short but when she starts it up it's really amazing, it's just not that different from the og which is longer, so I tend to listen to the first one more
28. Life After Happily Ever After (reprise)
*listen to Rapunzel's part* *skip forward for 3000 years* *listen to the end* asfhdjdj Rapunzel's voice makes up for the annoyance tho i'm so proud of her
29. Something That I Want
Catchy, even though it doesn't really feel like tangled to me
30. Hurt Incantation
Literally one of the most fascinating twist of the series, it's not a song I listen to in itself but it's hella cool
31. Healing Incantation
Same, difficult to listen to it as a song but it's pretty and just… rapunzel singing it brokenly over Eugene's body haunts me ;-;
32. I Have A Dream
Group numbers my beloved <3 it ended a bit low on the list but idk i like it
33. The View From Up Here
It's cute idk what my brain has against it but i think it's the birds scaring me asgjdjjk no honestly i just think i have no emotional connection to it
34. I've Got This
Very plot focused song which is okay but it's just not really interesting to listen to it separate from the show, if that makes sense
35. More Of Me
A cool song but i just don't seek it out
36. I'd Give Anything
Pretty song but i cannot disconnect it from how stupid it is for Rapunzel's character arc so like, not the worse in melody but i avoid it
37. Friendship Song
I forget that it exists half the time… it really doesn't add much and i don't get why they made it 😅
38. Waiting In The Wings (reprise)
The only reprise that's actively worse than the original, both because of the twist and because the kid's voice just ain't it 😭
39. Living The Dream
I honestly don't care about it and Hookhand's an ass
40. Hookfoot's Ballad
Last on behalf of the ep making me believe that Eugene and Rapunzel were going to argue while singing and i got hookfoot instead. also it sucks
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