#187 Sale
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cbdbaronug · 4 months ago
187 Straßenbande Watermelon Vape
187 Strassenbande – Watermelon bietet einen saftigen Wassermelonen-Geschmack und kann etwa 600 Züge liefern. Die beliebten Shisha-Tobaks der Rapper sind nun als Einweg-Vapes erhältlich. Ohne Voreinstellungen kann man sofort dampfen, indem man einfach inhaliert. Watermelon ist mit 2,0 ml Liquid vorbefüllt, pro Zug werden 0,16 mg Nikotin abgegeben. Ein spezialisiertes Heizsystem sorgt für intensiven Geschmack und dichten Dampf bis zu 600 Zügen. Im Vergleich zu klassischen Shishas ist das Dampfen kompakter, ohne unangenehmen Geruch. Die Vapes sind in verschiedenen Geschmacksrichtungen mit 20 ml Nikotin erhältlich. Es ist wichtig zu beachten, dass Vapes, einschließlich Elfbar und Geek Bar, gesundheitsschädlich sind und süchtig machen können.
Einweg E-Zigarette
Ergonomisch, kompakt und leicht
500 mAh Akku
Nikotingehalt: 20mg/ml
ca. 600 Züge möglich
Keine Einstellungen notwendig
Vorbefüllt mit 2.0 ml Liquid
Geschmack: Wassermelone
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ghett0-g0rgeous1989ad · 1 year ago
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hexcrystals · 1 year ago
republic of pirates dashboard simulator
thanks to @sherlockig for the screencaps 💕
part 2
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👃ilostmynoseatspanishjackiez Follow
has anyone else heard this rumour that @managainstbeast is actually blackbeard's alt account??
that's ridiculous, please stop spreading this, fishermen and pirates are nothing alike and my beard isn't even black
#ffs #posts from the fishing boat
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i got tagged by @iamsteakknife to share my top 3 types of fruit :)
more oranges
enough oranges to never get scurvy again
tagging all of jackie's other husbands and also @bloodbucketbill 💕 (no pressure guys)
#tag game #cw scurvy
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hhhhhhhhhhh i neeeeeeeed him 🥵
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🏝️republicofbirates Follow
he literally just set a man on fire.....
don't care didn't ask getting his dick tattooed on my leg as we speak
#fucking antis
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spotify wrapped is out and my top genre is sea shanties again loool some things never change
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2 for 1 on nose jar juice
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as well as an EXCLUSIVE SALE on 100% GENUINE commemorative planks, autographs, and Gentleman Pirate tattoos!!
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fuuuuuuck i wish people would stop dining and dashing. i run a small business and there's a cost of living crisis. i can't afford this
blocking everyone in the notes who is condoning not paying for food btw. i don't care if you're a famous pirate i need to pay my fucking bills
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🌊keeptheseaclean Follow
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smh just fished this up...does anybody know who it belongs to. I want to talk to them about how the ocean is not a dumpster for their crap
⚔️swashbuckled Follow
looks like blackbeard's?? @blackbeard
not mine mate
👃ilostmynoseatspanishjackiez Follow
forgot to switch to your sideblog? 👀
#posts from the fishing boat
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adorkastock · 8 months ago
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It's time for the annual AdorkaStock LGBTQ+ Pride fundraiser event!
❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 Every year in June I do a special event to support these three orgs:
🏳️‍🌈 The Trevor Project, a nonprofit organization founded in 1998 focused on suicide prevention efforts among LGBTQIA+ folks 🏳️‍⚧️The Theater Offensive, a theater company in Boston focused on liberating art by, for, and about queer and trans people of color that transcends artistic boundaries, celebrates cultural abundance, and dismantles oppression. 🏳️‍🌈Transgender Emergency Fund MA, providing assistance for low-income and homeless transgender people living in Massachusetts since 2008.
100% of the profits from the sale of this pack from June 1 – June 30 2024 will be donated. 🥳 This year’s pack includes some retired themed packs pull from the archive for a total of 187 full body pose references with 2+ models.❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
Help me reach my goal of $1,000 to donate! Grab a pack now for $5+!
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creations-by-chaosfay · 10 months ago
Earlier this month, my husband lost his job. Unemployment had made changes to their program, resulting in a massive glitch that resulted in no one receiving unemployment assistance. We've been doing alright, but today we have $62, and we won't have any money until May 1st.
I have several shop listings available for purchase, digital downloads included, and many start at $0 with the option to Pay What You Want. Commissions are open as well, but I think some of y'all are well aware of that by now.
I do accept donations as well, but I would much rather sell my work. If you opt for donating, here are several options, not including the option to donate on ko-fi.
If you choose to use the PayPal option, mark it as a gift. Otherwise, it will require I mail you what it assumes you're paying for.
We'll be mostly alright after May 1st. All my sales and commissions have gone towards my ko-fi goal thus far. But we need fuel and food, and we have a bill coming out soon. As for exactly how much we need right now, $187 for the bill, $25 should be enough to cover fuel for the month, and groceries I'm gonna guess $100 should get us the bare basic essentials for a few days.
If you can't help financially, I kindly request you share my shop and commission information on whatever social media you use. I'm on only tumblr.
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lacikata · 2 years ago
“Laki-laki memang diciptakan nggak peka, mau apa-apa ya silakan diskusiin, nggak bisa laki-laki tuh sesuai keinginan perempuan, yang benar aja disalahin apalagi suruh nebak-nebak harus gimana, harus apa. Jadi bukan cuek dan nggak peka.
Sebenarnya kadang memang kita perempuannya kebangetan.
Sulit ngadepin masalah pake logika, maunya ngikutin apa praduga kita doang.
Udah dijelasin begini-begitu sampai benar banget tapi kita perempuannya masih ambekan.
Sampai datang rasa capeknya suami.
Suami kalau udah salah dikit, susah benarinnya. Pasti ngambeknya istri lebih parah, susah didandanin. Perkara jawaban suami yang terkesan jadi cuek sebenarnya jawaban dia udah nggak tahu lagi harus apa.
Karena dijelasin salah. Didiemin, suruh jawab dan diskusi.
Coba ingat-ingat aja, kadang perempuannya yang kufur nikmat. Sudah ia diberikan suami, sudahlah suami bertanggung jawab menafkahi, sudahlah dibantu suami, suami salah satu; kebaikannya ketutup semua.
Nggak ada semua yang mau istri, ada di suami semua.
Mana tahu nih ya, kita sebagai istri yang kurang introspeksi.”
Bercermin dari kisah Syuraih Al-Qadhi rahimahullah, ketika di malam pertama Syuraih melihat istrinya adalah wanita yang sangat cantik, kemudian Syuraih berwudu dan salat dua raka’at sebagai wujud rasa syukur kepada Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala. Setelah Syuraih mengucapkan salam ternyata Syuraih dapati istrinya bermakmum di belakangnya.
Syuraih pun mendekatinya, ingin menyentuh dahi istrinya dan berdoa. Namun, istrinya mengatakan, “Tunggu sebentar.” kemudian dilanjutkan, “Aku minta maaf. Aku adalah wanita yang asing bagimu. Aku tidak mengetahui akhlakmu. Tolong jelaskan hal-hal yang kau sukai niscaya aku akan melakukannya dan jelaskan hal-hal yang tidak kau sukai niscaya aku akan meninggalkannya sehingga aku bisa menjaga dan menghargai dirimu.”
Syuraih pun menjelaskan hal-hal yang disukainya dan hal-hal yang tidak disukainya. Setelah itu, istrinya bertanya kembali, “Maaf, mengenai tetangga-tetanggamu. Siapa yang kau sukai mereka berkunjung kepadaku, yang aku bergaul dengan mereka dan yang kau tidak sukai?”
Istri bertanya pada suami, sebab istri adalah orang baru dan tidak mengetahui lingkungan suaminya. Syuraih pun menjelaskan, “Keluarga fulan adalah keluarga baik silakan kau bergaul dengan mereka, keluarga fulan jangan.”
Dan pertanyaan-pertanyaan lainnya. Di sinilah, dalam berumah tangga perlu saling memahami, paham kewajiban-kewajiban seorang istri sebagai istri dan sebaliknya. Seorang istri pun perlu memahami tabiat suaminya.
Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala mengatakan, “Mereka adalah pakaian bagimu, dan kamu pun adalah pakaian bagi mereka.” (QS. Al-Baqarah: 187)
Pakaian jika tidak pas tidak enak, adakalanya dipermak. Seperti itulah pakaian, ketika seorang wanita melihat suaminya memiliki kebiasaan, “Aku ini tidak suka makan jengkol.” maka si istri jangan masak jengkol. Suami tahu istri masak jengkol bisa memicu keributan.
Dalam berumah tangga perlu kedewasaan, kesiapan dalam menerima kekurangan pasangan dan tidak menuntut kesempurnaan dalam bersikap, bertutur kata, tindak-tanduk, perhatian dan pelayanan dari pasangan.
Bercermin dari kisah Syuraih dan istrinya yaitu tentang keterbukaan dan lancar dalam berkomunikasi. Keduanya tidak menggunakan metode tebak-tebakan, tidak menggunakan prinsip, “Jika engkau benar-benar mencintaiku tentu engkau mengetahui apa keinginan kekasih hatimu.”, “Jika engkau benar-benar cinta, engkau pasti tahu di mana letak kesalahanmu.”, atau ungkapan lain yang semisal.
Syuraih dan istrinya memulai kehidupan berumah tangga dengan daftar hal-hal yang disukai dan sebaliknya. Syuraih menyampaikan secara detail hal-hal yang ingin didapatkan dari istrinya dan hal-hal yang tidak ingin dilakukan dan diperbuat oleh istrinya. Demikian juga sebaliknya. Daftar-daftar tersebut betul-betul mereka jadikan panduan teknis dalam mengarungi kehidupan berumah tangga. Inilah yang diperlukan, saling mempelajari dan memahami satu sama lain.
*kisah Syuraih dikutip dari penjabaran Ust. Aris Munandar حَفِظَهُ اللهُ dan Ust. Riza Basalamah حَفِظَهُ اللهُ
“Don’t assume your partner knows about everything you expect in a relationship. Let them know. A relationship should be based on communication, not on assumption.” – Turcois Ominek.
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rainedragon · 1 month ago
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I talked myself out of this bag at Kate Spade the other day because it's beige and like, what would I wear with it in beige? But it's on sale for $187 and I'm sorely tempted....
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wariofranchisefanblog · 9 months ago
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Wario commenting on Toad in a history of Toad article in Nintendo World Magazine 187.
From what I can gather, he says he let Toad participate in Wario's Woods and now wants a cut from the Captain Toad Treasure Tracker sales in return, but feel free to correct.
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asaka-lucy-dr-rc · 10 months ago
レインコードのアートブックで狛枝凪斗の文字を見ることになろうだなんて全く予想だにしてなさすぎて勢いで2コマ漫画を描きました。ネタバレ見たくない人もいるだろうから折りたたんでますので大丈夫な人だけ続きをドウゾ ⚠️アートブックにしか出てこないキャラクターがいるので、読んでない人にとってはなんのこっちゃな可能性があります
I never expected to see the name "狛枝凪斗" in the art book of RAIN CODE, and I couldn't help but draw a short manga. I folded it because some people might not want to see the art book spoiler, so expand it if you don't mind. ⚠️ There are characters that only appear in the art book, so if you haven't read it, you might not get along.
187ページにある初期企画資料に載ってる音楽番組内のランキングの10位に絶対希望バースデーが入っててめちゃめちゃ笑った😂😂😂 もし狛枝が出演してたらこんな感じなのかなっていう漫画です。
I laughed so hard when I saw "絶対希望バースデー" in an art of a music program on page 187 😂😂😂. It is a parody of a famous Japanese music show in which the musicians of the top 10 songs in sales rankings appear and perform in turn, and "絶対希望バースデー" is in the top 10. So this is a manga about what it would be like if Nagito were actually in the show.
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Kume: Coming in at #10 this week is Nagito Komaeda's song. Congratulations! Nagito: Thank you very much. I am honored to be invited to such a historic music program, even for a piece of trash like me. Tetsuko: So does that mean that anyone lower than 10th place is less than a piece of trash? Kume: Hey, Tetsuko!
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Shinigami: Hey, look, master. There's a person on TV who seems unlucky. Yuma: Huh, really? He's smiling and seems pretty happy. What's more, he looks like a good person... Shinigami: Damn, you're so quick to judge people by their looks! Yuma: That sounds just like you, doesn't it!?
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thesunsethour · 10 months ago
welcome back to part 3 of eve procrastinating her final exams by ranking her favourite songs by her favourite artists. today it is The Beatles' turn
(as always i must stress this is my opinion only. but i am also very nosey, so please tell me *your* opinions too)
(i'm ignoring songs in different languages, naked versions, and also any cover songs, so focusing exclusively on anything penned by lennon-mccartney or harrison or starr)
(this took me a week and a half. for context my killers' list took two days and hozier took four hours)
without further ado:
189. Wild Honey Pie (spoiler alert: i'm not a white album fanatic)
188.       Dig It (vibey but odd little song)
187.       Maggie Mae (didn't know for years this was a liverpool folk song)
186.       Only A Northern Song (not weird enough to justify itself)
185.       Revolution 9 (it achieves john's goal. still hate it though)
184.       All Together Now (worse precursor to the frog chorus)
183.       It’s All Too Much (i would like to apologise to yellow submarine)
182.       Flying (criminal that this is so far down actually. i only have myself to blame)
181.       I’ll Get You (bit samey)
180.       Savoy Truffle (i wrote down 'harrison's own muzak')
179.       Everybody’s Got Something to Hide Except for Me and My Monkey (wtf john)
178.       Thank You Girl  (harmonica has been utilised better)
177.       Every Little Thing (pretty okay)
176.       You Like Me Too Much (george still in songwriting training)
175.       I Want To Tell You (the beginning of george's 'i don't know' refrain in his songs. keep an ear out)
174.       The Inner Light (SO very george)
173.       Her Majesty (i'm irish so this had to be this low)
172.       You Can’t Do That (great john vocals here tbh)
171.       Honey Pie (you can so clearly hear the music hall inspiration. very paul)
170.       When I Get Home (bit samey but catchy enough)
169.       There’s a Place (better harmonica)
168.       I Need You (lovely harmonies)
167.       Not a Second Time (i always forget this song exists sorry to john lennon)
166.       It’s Only Love (i always think this ones on rubber soul)
165.       I’ll Cry Instead (conversely this is very beatles for sale coded i think!)
164.       Little Child (i am a sucker for the harmonica it has to be said)
163.       You Know My Name (Look Up The Number) (really campy ad-libs. a fan)
162.       I’m a Loser (john's voice is so deep in this one??)
161.       I Don’t Want to Spoil the Party (little foot tapper of a song)
160.       Piggies (george had been reading orwell! good for him)
159.       Don’t Pass Me By (ringo! hello!)
158.       I’ll Be Back (solid enough)
157.       Doctor Robert (one of the earliest examples of 'we will sing a song about a little random man')
156.       If I Needed Someone (solid george effort)
155.       Why Don’t We Do It In The Road (apparently about two monkeys fucking. okay paul)
154.       Baby’s in Black  (clever little lyrics)
153.       It Won’t Be Long (adore the coming home line)
152.       All I’ve Got to Do (sweet enough little thing)
151.       Hold Me Tight (classic paul asking for love. a staple of the genre)
150.       What Goes On (hiiiii Ringo!)
149.       Yer Blues (my notes say 'proto-morrissey-esque, but worse)
148.       Good Night (reminds me of a musical song. also originally thought this was a paul song)
147.       She’s a Woman (really dynamic paul vocals)
146.       What You’re Doing (solid paul job)
145.       No Reply (i cannot think of this song without hearing the bloopers of YOUR FACE)
144.       Happiness Is A Warm Gun (i may get killed for having this so low. reminder that this is only my opinion)
143.       Don’t Bother Me (i *think* this is the first album song that george ever wrote!)
142.       P.S. I Love You (he loves his epistolary songs does Paul)
141.       I’m Just Happy to Dance With You (another solid foot tapper)
140.       Any Time At All (love the piano in this)
139.       I’m So Tired (same)
138.       Birthday (i hate the beginning of this song with a visceral passion. rest is grand)
137.       The Night Before (very '50s)
136.       Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise) (the only bad thing about this song is that it means the album is over)
135.       Another Girl (bitchy little paul song)
134.       Tell Me What You See (song gets better as it goes on i think)
133.       The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill (hello yoko)
132.       Long, Long, Long (reminds me of my sweet lord)
131.       Ask Me Why (real jazzy like)
130.       Rocky Raccoon (i'm not mad on this song but the middle is so catchy it reels me in)
129.       Old Brown Shoe (ringo reference check!)
128.       Revolution 1 (not as good as revolution the single)
127.       Cry Baby Cry (love paul's little jaunty section)
126.       Yes It Is (sexy)
125.       Dig A Pony ("everything has got to be just like you want it toohoohoohoohoohooo"
124.       The Word (reminds me of grease)
123.       Hey Bulldog (some bits of music here remind me of 'Across the Universe')
122.       I’m Looking Through You (GREAT guitar)
121.       Sexy Sadie (can't remember which journalist said that AM's 4 out of 5 has this vibe and YEAH)
120.       I Me Mine (i will always adore the "flowing more freely than wine" lyric. thank you george"
119.       Things We Said Today (paul's so good in this one)
118.       Tell Me Why (catchy bop)
117.       Run For Your Life ("that's the end" SO good)
116.       Good Day Sunshine (nicely jaunty)
115.       Rain (love the instrumentation in this one)
114.       I Will (quintessential mccartney this)
113.       Love You To (making this list and hearing george's improvement as a songwriter was amazing actually)
112.       Octopus’s Garden (bless ringo)
111.       I Feel Fine (SO catchy)
110.       With A Little Help From My Friends (ringo's very best)
109.       Martha My Dear (i'm scared of dogs but i'll let this one go)
108.       Drive My Car (the beeps beeps always annoyed me as a kid)
107.       For You Blue (it is what it says - sweet and lovely)
106.       Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (love the laughter in it)
105.       Good Morning Good Morning (the guitar here is simply too cool for this song. elevates it greatly)
104.       You’re Going To Lose That Girl (beach boys vibes?)
103.       She Said She Said (john and george buddies and pals)
102.       Wait (john and paul's voices go SO well together do you ever get emotional)
101.       Think For Yourself (ANOTHER great foot tapper)
100.       I’m Down (well *somebody* thinks they're elvis)
99.         Misery (just. great structurally)
98.         I Should Have Known Better ("this could only happen to me" oh, john)
97.         Can’t Buy Me Love (one of the more Lennonesque mccartney songs)
96.         One After 909 (how did paul not know what this was about for over a decade)
95.         I’ve Just Seen a Face (absolutely gorgeous guitar)
94.         This Boy (thaaaasss boyyyy)
93.         You Won’t See Me (fab little chorus)
92.         Maxwell’s Silver Hammer (BANG BANG MAXWELL'S SILVER HAMMER CAME DOWN UPON HER HEAD 🔨 🔨🔨)
91.         Dear Prudence ("the clouds will be a daisy chain" is a line i've always adored)
90.         Yellow Submarine (i remember being 6 and our teacher playing this for us on her guitar)
89.         Mean Mr Mustard (love when john does a bit of narrative songwriting)
88.         Revolution (superior revolution version)
87.         Now and Then (cried on the tram on the way to college listening to this when it came out. as you were)
86.         Polythene Pam (love when their accent peaks through)
85.         Baby, You’re A Rich Man (a true lennon-mccartney collab with john not finishing something and paul adding his two cents, or rather, ten or twenty cents)
84.         Hello, Goodbye (i love the end of this song so so much)
83.         Mother Nature’s Son (soft and sweet, poignant but not sappy, one of the most underrated beatles songs of all time)
82.         Free As A Bird (cried listening to this too)
81.         Glass Onion (intertextual metanarrative: the song)
80.         Taxman (baby's first political song <3)
79.         I Wanna Be Your Man (hiiiiii again ringo)
78.         From Me To You (harmonica time again baby!)
77.         Being For The Benefit of Mr Kite! (i think of this as a spooky halloween waltz)
76.         Within You Without You (quintessential george)
75.         I’m Only Sleeping (underrated on revolver methinks)
74.         Your Mother Should Know (these songs WERE a hit before my mother was born)
73.         All My Loving (pure vintage mccartney)
72.         Do You want to Know a Secret (baby george and his fab vocals)
71.         Here Comes The Sun (okay nobody kill me. stop looking at me like that. its been winter for seventeen months george i can't fucking see the sun)
70.         Julia (so beautiful)
69.         Love Me Do (how were they pop song professionals already?)
68.         I Saw Her Standing There (paul loves a good scream in the middle of a song)
67.         A Hard Day’s Night (most iconic beginning of any song ever)
66.         Magical Mystery Tour (he loves a bus does paul)
65.         And Your Bird Can Sing (john's vocals are GREAT here)
64.         Sun King (the superior sun song on abbey road)
63.         Please Please Me (just. iconic)
62.         Eight Days a Week (for how good it is i can't believe paul didn't play it live till like 2013 or smth)
61.         Real Love (i never knew this was a beatles song when i was a kid!)
60.         The End ("the love you take is equal to the love you make"... yeah...)
59.         Back in the USSR ("my-my-my-my-" very billy joel actually)
58.         Ticket to Ride (mouth-watering guitar)
57.         For No One (the wario of 'And Your Bird Can Sing' no i won't explain further)
56.         All You Need Is Love (the she loves you yeah yeah yeahs at the end...)
55.         Blue Jay Way (so wonderfully eerie to me)
54.         She Loves You (love the long and powerful held note on the last "glad")
53.         I Want To Hold Your Hand (they were children my god)
52.         Across the Universe (some of my favourite vocals)
51.         Carry That Weight (paul going through it, writing bangers)
50.         Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da (desmond and molly jones are close friends of mine at this stage)
49.         Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds (overrated a bit imo but still simply iconic)
48.         Penny Lane (sorry paul, john won the MMT round w strawberry fields but its okay this song still is a bop)
47.         Tomorrow Never Knows (fucking well done on this one lads. love it)
46.         Getting Better ("a little better all the time" v "it can't get no worse" is just. peak lennon mccartney)
45.         Got To Get You Into My Life (INSTANT banger)
44.         Michelle (i am a sucker for french as long as its not spoken by french people <3)
43.         Lovely Rita (i always loved this one because paul says "book" like how my nanny says it)
42.         Helter Skelter (loud, fast, and brilliant)
41.         Get Back (billy preston the man that you were)
40.         She Came In Through The Bathroom Window (best of the abbey road medley)
39.         I’ve Got a Feeling (i LOVE paul's deep voice)
38.         When I’m Sixty Four (i love paul's granny music. sue me)
37.         Come Together (john was so good at writing these nonsense songs)
36.         The Fool on The Hill (adore the "ohHhHhHhHhHhh")
35.         Fixing a Hole ("when i'm wrong, i'm right" is so very paul)
34.         Girl (BRILLIANT middle)
33.         Help! (vulnerable without overdoing it. just fantastic)
32.         Day Tripper (unashamedly sexy)
31.         And I Love Her (i love basically everything about this song. ranking got so hard from here)
30.         You’ve Got to Hide Your Love Away (john was ON IT for Help!)
29.         Nowhere Man (my brother thinks this will be the name of john's biopic)
28.         Lady Madonna (my favourite genre of paul songs are songs where he voyeuristically imagines someone's life. they always slap)
27.         Paperback Writer (i also write at shitty newspapers and want to be a paperback writer. this song feels too targeted)
26.         In My Life (so pretty. SO pretty)
25.         The Ballad of John and Yoko (imagine the vibes in the recording studio. john. yoko. paul. and yet they made this banger)
24.         Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown) (my first ever favourite beatles song. has since been demoted but i still adore it)
23.         I am the Walrus (john at his weirdest best)
22.         She’s Leaving Home (i love when they write narratively)
21.         If I Fell (angelic harmonies)
20.         Don’t Let Me Down (fifth beatle billy preston supremacy)
19.         Because ("love is all, love is you"
18.         I Want You (She’s So Heavy) (vocals, instruments, lyrics, vibes, all incredible)
17.         Two Of Us (and if i said this was the best album opener?)
16.         Here, There, and Everywhere (paul says this is his favourite beatles song and you know what? he's so right for that)
15.         Oh! Darling (wario of the long and winding road. no i will not elaborate either)
14.         You Never Give Me Your Money ("OUT OF COLLEGE MONEY SPENT SEE NO FUTURE PAY NOT RENT" that is... me right this actual moment)
13.         Something (george said is anyone else gonna write one of the best love songs of all time? no okay i guess i will. and he did.)
12.         Golden Slumbers (cried to this as well. must stress i am not one to cry)
11.         Eleanor Rigby (the pinnacle of the MVS - McCartney Voyeuristic Storytelling)
10.         A Day in The Life (orchestra used to scare me when i was younger)
9.           While My Guitar Gently Weeps (george's best beatles song hands down)
8.           I’ll Follow the Sun (THE MOST UNDERRATED BEATLES SONG and i will die on this hill
7.           Yesterday (my father's favourite beatles song)
6.           The Long and Winding Road (my go to song to sing in the shower for some reason?)
5.           We Can Work It Out (pure lennon-mccartney baby!)
4.           Let It Be (the first and only song i ever learnt on ukulele and i was so proud of it)
3.           Strawberry Fields Forever (do i even have to say anything?)
2.           Blackbird (everything about this song is so beautifully perfect. paul mccartney is the best songwriter of all time okay. i've spent days upon days at this list and it's now making me emotional)
1.           Hey Jude (there's a reason it tops so many best songs of all time lists. a perfect 10. no notes. iconic. the first beatles song i played on repeat. would die slash kill to experience this live)
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cinemaslife · 2 months ago
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#187 Buried in Barstow (2022)
Hazel King (Angie Harmon) fue una asesina a sueldo que tuvo que escapar de esa vida, ya que había nacido su bebé Joy (Lauren Richards), pero esa vida no se puede dejar nunca del todo atrás.
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Pero todos tenemos un límite y ahora que Joy tiene 20 años y ha empezado una relación con un joven conflictivo llamado Travis (Timothy Granaderos). Joy ha dejado la universidad de medicina por culpa del joven y ahora está trabajando en el restaurante de su madre para poder ganar dinero.
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Joy, manipulada por Travis, le pide a su madre el dinero de la universidad para empezar una vida con su novio, a lo que esta se niega, y esto hace que Travis la golpee. Pese a que su madre le advierte sobre el joven, Joy no hace caso y Hazel decide tomarse la justicia por su mano para que la deje en paz.
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Travis no sabe quién es Hazel y lo que es capaz de hacer por su hija, se lo lleva de su taller golpeándolo y lo lleva al desierto, donde le advierte por última vez que deje de ser un gilipollas y deje en paz a su hija.
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De vuelta a la cafetería y prometiéndole a su hija que no tiene ni idea de lo ocurrido con Travis, este desaparece por mucho que su Joy insiste. Al mismo tiempo aparece en su cafetería un hombre que no puede pagar la comida y lo contrata para que sea el lavaplatos de su cafetería, ayudando a su cocinero Javier (George Paez). Este desconocido llamado Elliot (Kristoffer Polaha) guarda un secreto que Hazel no tarda en descubrir.
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Elliot era un cardio cirujano que tuvo un accidente de coche por ir bebido en el que murió su prometida y por el que había pasado algunos años en la cárcel.
Al mismo tiempo, sus antiguos compañeros van en busca de Hazel para que se reúna con su antiguo jefe, amenazándola con la vida de su hija si se niega.
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Elliot y Hazel se acuestan en el remolque que ella le alquila a él para que pueda subsistir, pero aunque él intenta ser sincero, sabe que ella no es del todo sincera con él y algo oculta.
Su ex jefe le hace un nuevo encargo a Hazel que se ve incapaz de cumplir y decide matar a sus extorsionadores, pero aunque le sale bien, todo se vuelve extraño. Alguien más ronda la cafetería, lo que Hazel no sabe es que van en busca de Javier para llevárselo.
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Hazel intenta evitarlo, pero le disparan dos veces cayendo al suelo, Elliot intenta sostenerla mientras llaman a la ambulancia...
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Así termina la primera temporada de esta TV serie.
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aricastmblr · 2 months ago
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magz · 10 months ago
Palestine related summary. April 8 to April 14, 2024 - from LetsTalkPalestine. Quote.
April 8. Day 185
•⁠ 38 Palestinians killed, 47 injured in Gaza in last 24 hours
⚖️ Nicaragua presented its case against Germany today at ICJ, Germany will conclude the hearing tomorrow — check back then for our summary
🇺🇳 UN membership committee received State of Palestine’s application for membership after Fatah-controlled PLO request for renewed consideration of its 2011 application
🚚 Israel says 322 aid trucks entered south Gaza, but still inadequate + gave no convoys access to north. Uncertainty on its delivery as Israel blocks UNRWA’s movements + raised concerns after @ wckitchen attack that killed 7
•⁠ Israeli forces raid, assault & abduct people at funeral of martyred Palestinian Walid Daqqa who was killed yesterday by Israeli medical negligence
🇯🇴 Unknown man approached Jordanian crossing to occupied Palestine & opened fire on Israeli patrol car on Saturday. He didn’t infiltrate the border & fled. No casualties
🇱🇧 Israeli air strikes on south Lebanon kill 3 incl. Hezbollah commander
"Middle East Eye", instagram stories quote of April 8, Nicaraguan representative on ICJ, questioning Germany's support of Israel.
April 9. Skipped Day.
April 10. Day 187 - Eid
• 122 Palestinians killed, 56 injured in past 24 hours
• Israel murdered Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh‘s 3 sons + 3 grandkids in targeted missile attack on their car while meeting family on Eid
🇮🇪🇪🇸🇲🇹🇸🇮 Ireland, Spain, Malta & Slovenia commit to recognizing Palestinian statehood; Ireland in the coming weeks & Spain by July
🇹🇷 Turkey’s new export restrictions to Israel can increase Israeli property & rent prices by bans on steel, cement & granite
• Israeli army to establish new border crossing to north Gaza, refusing to open previously promised Beit Hanoun crossing claiming fear of blockade from Israeli protestors, the new crossing is in more remote location
🇬🇧 UK gov’t ignores their lawyers’ advice to halt arms sales to avoid culpability. UK Foreign Sec insists they evaluated arms licenses & will continue sending to Israel
• 30+ Israeli settlers attack Ramallah (West Bank) firing live bullets & torched a barn, injuring 4 Palestinians, incl. a 15 y/o
April 11. Day 188
•⁠ 63 Palestinians killed, 45 injured in last 24 hours
•⁠ ⁠Israel bombs Nuseirat camp in central Gaza, attacking 2 mosques & 2 schools, killing 5 & injuring many
🇳🇮 Nicaragua closes its embassy in Berlin after its ICJ case vs Germany for facilitating genocide by giving Israel military & financial aid
•⁠ ⁠Israel shuts down town of Jayyus in West Bank for 5th day, blocking Palestinians from leaving their homes during Ramadan & Eid. Israeli forces are storming homes, abducting Palestinians & seizing homes as temporary army bases, even confiscating & destroying kids’ toys
•⁠ ⁠IOF abduct 14 y/o girl in West Bank while photographing landscapes w/ her phone
•⁠ Hundreds of Israelis rally in Jerusalem, calling for ground invasion of "safe zone" Rafah to achieve "complete victory"
🇺🇳 UN Security Council issues statement expressing "grave concern" over "horrific" Israeli attack that killed 7 @ wckitchen aid workers, calling for investigation + Israel to improve aid entry & delivery
April 12. Day 189
• 89 Palestinians killed, 120 injured in last 24 hours
• Israeli settlers raid town near Ramallah (West Bank), protected by Israeli forces; shot & killed Jihad Afif + set fire to 7 homes & 20 cars + arbitrarily shot people & ambulances, injuring 35 w/ bullets & severe beatings
🇩🇪 Germany refused entry & detained Dr. Ghassan Abu Sitta at airport, expected to speak at a German Palestine conference on surviving 43 days of genocide. German police cracked down on the event, canceling it midway
• Israel launches fierce attack on Nuseirat camp (central Gaza), killing 5 people & injuring 70+ incl. 2 journalists
🇳🇴 Norway joins Ireland & Spain, ready to recognize a Palestinian state. Ireland is close but aims to coordinate on timing w/ other like-minded states
• Barely 3 months into the year, 2024 marks record amount of Israel seizing land in West Bank, likely future settlements — so far 2,743 acres seized
• Israeli attack on home in Gaza City killed 29 people, dozens injured
[Iran specific updates for April 13, in next post]
April 13 to April 14.
Non-Iran Updates on Palestine you may have missed
• 52 Palestinians killed, 95 injured in Gaza within 24 hours yesterday
• UN warns that cases of waterborne diseases are spreading in Gaza from no access to clean water & the weather is getting warmer. WHO already recorded 345,000+ cases of diarrhea including 105,000 in children under 5 since Oct 7
• Israel has been heavily bombarding Nuseirat camp (central Gaza) since Wednesday. Yesterday they targeted 3 schools + several homes, killing 19 and injuring 200 within 24 hours, majority women & children
• Israeli settler’s expanded raids all of yesterday in the West Bank, a raid on Abu Falah near Ramallah injured 5 Palestinians + several settler attacks reported in various areas of the West Bank. Israeli army had sent in additional troops to West Bank, fortifying border checkpoints
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claudehenrion · 11 months ago
Il se passe toujours quelque chose...
Pour des raisons propres à mon âge (enfin... ''propres'', je ne sais pas. Mais pas ''sales'', non plus !) je viens de passer 3 jours dans un grand service cardiologique parisien pour remettre à niveau (ça veut dire : ''changer'') des vieux ''Stents'' semés ici et là dans les années 2000. Trois journées sans smart-phone, sans ordinateur, sans presse, sans contact avec le monde officiel, et j'ai bravement résisté à la... ''Stent-ation'' d'allumer la belle télé mise à ma disposition : car même si vous êtes malade, l'Etat se réserve le droit de vous intoxiquer autant que tout le reste du temps. Malade ou sain, vous avez un droit constitutionnel à être désinformé !
Sous forte pression d'Esculape et d'Hippocrate, je dois rester allongé 8 jours (NB : Compte là dessus !) par obligation et par prudence. J'ai donc tout le temps voulu pour rattraper un temps officiellement réputé ''perdu'' puisque passé à autre chose qu'à (se) réciter les versets ravageurs de la doxa macronienne. Je me suis donc plongé dans les bobards des journalistes, et je ne suis pas revenu de ce que j'ai lu : ce qui peut se dire et se faire comme énormes conneries en trois petites journées seulement est, exactement, incroyable ! Pourtant, en matière de ''Communication'', la France, grâce à ses célèbres Galeries Lafayette, a toujours été un précurseur. Souvenez-vous... C'est dès le début des années '70 que le slogan : ''Il se passe toujours quelque chose aux Galeries Lafayette'' est devenu un clin d’œil pour et entre tous les français, comme une partie de cette ''culture'' que leur dénie Macron !
J'étais alors directeur général des 187 grands magasins des ''Nouvelles Galeries'' et, en tant que tel, extrêmement proche du grand Monsieur qu'était Etienne Moulin, président des unes (GL) et actionnaire de référence des autres (NG). La France vivait encore au rythme des 30 glorieuses, et recherchait l'élégance et la qualité –qui passaient alors très loin avant le critère unique à en être obsessionnel du mercantile ''prix le plus bas, quoi qu'il en coûte''. En ces temps heureux, (mais on ne le savait pas !), nos grands magasins se sont mis à organiser de belles expositions, à la place des musées qui n'en faisaient plus –pour avoir l'air ''social'' ! Se rendant compte du ridicule où ils s'étaient mis (en ce temps-là, le ridicule tuait déjà moins, mais tuait encore !), les musées se sont mis à jouer aux magasins ! Tout le monde y a perdu.
Mais là où cette tendance à l'inversion des rôles à commencé à devenir très grave, c'est lorsque, il y a quelque 7 ans, à la Pyramide du musée du Louvre, un jeune ''le plus jeune président jamais élu en France'' (qui a réussi, un très court instant, à faire croire aux français, que ''immaturité et pucelage politique'' pouvaient être un avantage compétitif) à qui le groupuscule terroriste dit ''Bildenberg / Davos'' avait déjà donné l'ordre d'assassiner notre labourage et notre pâturage au nom de l'Europe --boulot pas encore terminé, mais en bon chemin, pour ces tueurs de toute humanité--, a ratatiné la France à une scène de théâtre qui imiterait les Galeries Lafayette : ''En France, il se passe sans cesse n'importe quoi !''.
En ce moment, par exemple, la mode officielle est de se moquer, style ''ouaf, ouaf, ouaf'', des soi-disant bobards soi-disant lancés par Trump... alors que, en menaçant sans cesse la Russie de l'envahir (?) si elle gagne en Ukraine –ce qui est évidemment déjà fait, la Crimée et le Donbass, parties russes de l'Ukraine, étant revenus en russophonie, à leur place--, on erre dans une logorrhée de mots privés de sens. Gros titre, donc, barrant la ''une'' du plus grand quotidien du matin, hier : ''Macron et Scholtz proclament d'une seule voix qu'ils ne laisseront pas la Russie gagner en Ukraine''... en oubliant, soigneusement, de préciser ce que veut dire ''gagner'' dans ces rodomontades... qui cachent plus de désaccords et d'opposition(s) qu'on ne peut en imaginer, les allemands (rarement faciles, dans toute négociation) refusant ET l'envoi d'hommes ET le grand emprunt demandés par Paris. Traduction en clair : qu'il ait tort ou raison (chacun ayant son opinion qui est donc la bonne, pour lui !), Poutine peut continuer à faire ce qu'il veut, ce n'est pas de là que viendra la menace, pour lui ! ''La voix de la France, c'est Parole, parole, parole...''.
Et notre ''le plus jeune président jamais etc'' de se pavaner en affirmant qu'il ''assume'' (sic ! En l'écoutant, on se dit qu'il est possible, après tout, que certaines couches de la jeune population française actuelle n'aient, effectivement, pas la moindre ''culture française''. Mais de là à généraliser...). ''Il assume ?'', mais quoi ? Eh ! Bien... ''La décision d'envoyer à la mort des jeunes hommes et quelques jeunes femmes qui ont eu le tort de ne pas voir qu'on les menait en bateau''... (Nous parlerons très vite du vrai faux / faux vrai danger que représente Poutine, c'est promis). Mais un nouveau sujet d'inquiétude surgit : 34 % des répondants à un sondage ''Figaro'' diraient avoir été convaincus par la lamentable prestation de Macron sur ses terreurs puériles d'un envahisseur russe qui, dans le monde réel, est exsangue et KO debout pour une bonne décennie ! Devant tant de ''suivistes impénitents'', il y a de quoi trembler pour les élections à venir !
Autre chapitre d'étonnement permanent : en panthéonisant l'assassinat de bébés sans défense, on a pris un risque que la gauche dit historique alors qu'il n'est qu'hystérique (cf les danses de joie des partisans d'écraser le crâne de bébés parfaitement viables dans le ventre de leur mère d'où on pourra les sortir ensuite par petits morceaux ensanglantés) : c'est, qu'on le veuille ou non –car les mots ont un sens-- choisir la mort contre la vie, en une rupture totale avec toute l'histoire de l'humanité... tout en faisant croire qu'on voudrait repeupler la France... Mais quels menteurs !
En restant deux secondes encore sur les mots, on peut –on doit !-- se demander si ceux qui circulent (ex. : tuer en osant parler de fraternité... ou ouvrir la porte en grande pompe à des évolutions dont il ne se peut pas qu'elles n'aillent pas que dans le pire sens possible) ne marquent pas un terrible effondrement du vocabulaire dont nos meneurs ont pris l'habitude de ne se servir que pour obscurcir la vision de leurs semblables. Du vocabulaire, mais aussi de la civilisation, de nos mœurs, et de nous-mêmes. Comme le dit le Sénateur Léonetti, ''La France a choisi de s'aligner sur les moins-disants éthiques''... et ça, c'est un drame, historique. Nos bardes chantent Badinter et Simone Weil, et –''en même temps'', bien entendu-- ils ''panthéon-constitutionnalisent'' tout ce contre quoi ces deux personnalités se sont battues toute leur existence... Pauvre France !
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denimbex1986 · 1 year ago
'...Christopher Nolan’s epic biopic, Oppenheimer is now close to kissing its $1 billion mark at the box office, outpacing his timeless masterpiece Inception and becoming the third-highest-grossing flick from the prolific director.
Oppenheimer surpasses Inception, tops third-grossing movie
Christopher Nolan’s historical drama Oppenheimer has now crossed another remarkable box office milestone with $850 million in global ticket sales. With more than six weeks in theaters, the Cillian Murphy opus has now surpassed Leonardo DiCaprio’s action sci-fi Inception to become the third most-earned movie by him. It now proudly stands behind the Batman movies, Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises, both of which managed to make $1 billion. Following Interstellar reining the 4th with $ 677 million. Oppenheimer has already beaten its domestic profit of Inception by $292 million.
Oppenheimer, the director’s highest-grossing movie of all time, starring Cillian Murphy as J. Robert Oppenheimer, lifted its prominence in overseas markets, gaining $542.7 in 59 countries, including Germany, France, the Netherlands, India, Brazil, Spain, Italy, and Saudi Arabia. Similarly, the movie alone made $310.2 million in North America after grossing over $7542.7 million during Labor Day weekend.
Being an R-rated movie that predominantly talks about intricate and complex concerns in a less flashy setting of laboratories, offices, and political meetings, it has now become the most collected movie, solely owing to the craftsmanship of cinematic wizard Nolan along with intricating performance from Cillian Murphy. Towards, moving to 50 days of release, will probably reach the $900 million mark sometime in the next week, following the successful target of $1 billion.
Oppenheimer nabs remarkable IMAX success globally
Nolan’s IMAX creation, Oppenheimer, has now earned $170 globally alone in Imax screenings. Raking in the fifth highest-grossing IMAX release in Hollywood, including $2 billion from major blockbusters like Avatar, Avatar: The Way of Water, Avengers: Endgame, and Star Wars: The Last Jedi. In China, Oppenheimer has collected $30.8 million alone for IMAX screens.
The Oppenheimer now stands as the third richest movie, alongside the $1 billion glow of Greta Gerwig’s Barbie and The Super Mario Bros. Movie. Following Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3” with $845 million and Vin Diesel’s Fast X with $704 million, leading the fifth position.
Additionally, from the R-rated section, Oppenheimer became Universal’s first highest-grossing R-rated film with $300 million as well as the biggest R-rated film, surpassing action flick, John Wick: Chapter 4 ($187). Thus it was a huge feat from the American Prometheus to tackle all the summer smashes and secure its spot at the top.'
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