#181106 blue
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dailyexo · 6 years ago
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D.O - 181106 39th Blue Dragon Film Awards Handprinting Event
Credit: Doh90. (제39회 청룡영화상 핸드프린팅 행사)
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d6official · 4 years ago
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© DEAR BLUE | do not edit
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fy-jungkook · 6 years ago
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Blue Rose | Do not edit.
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fypjm · 6 years ago
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© Prussian Blue | Do not edit.
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fyeahpjm · 6 years ago
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© prussian blue | Do not edit.
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fyexo · 6 years ago
181106 Blue Dragon Awards Hand Printing - D.O.
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zhu-yilong-shrine · 6 years ago
Herman Law Weibo Updates of ZYL
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181105: What actually happened behind the scenes, I think it is the production process. Piano or English Look is just a look, more important is to achieve an elegant connotation, which must start from the hair and his heart. From the first meeting, the shooting theme, the styling suggestions to the real creation, YiLong participated together and made a difference. He is actually one of our behind-the-scenes team. I really like the photos of these 2 'misty hair'. Happy Monday!
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181106: His interpretation and cooperation is the soul of this project. Hair is the key to expressing individuality. Shooting was only in one day, and all designs were created on the very same day. The newly released video was a cool blue color, light brown stack, showing a seamless softness, the left and right colors are not exactly the same, I appreciate the fashion of asymmetry, which is more beautiful than perfect, but also brings out the British cold tune popular culture. YiLong was very cooperative, this color was what he likes. Happy Tuesday.
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181109: The fallen cut is the first step in this styling. The air and the straight hair create a sense of flow, permeating a soft texture, so that he can sit in front of the piano and expressed the effect of being in a natural seclusion. YiLong let all the people present feel that he is enjoying a light life and the sight is unforgettable. Have a great Friday.
Source: Hermanlaw羅建基
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ncts-nightnight · 6 years ago
181101 시간, 참 빠르다. 올해도 얼마 안 남았네. 이런 아쉬움이 든다면, 넌 아직 하고싶은 게 많은거야. 움직이자! 아직 시간은 많아. Time passes really fast. There isn't much of this year left. If you feel this sense of regret, it means that you still have a lot of things that you want to do. Let's get moving! There is still a lot of time. 181102 아무리 어두웠던 세상��, 비구름이 지나간 자리도, 밝은 해가 뜨면 온기가 돌고, 물기도 마르잖아. 좋은 생각은 밝은 해같아. 지금 마음 속에 좋은 생각 하나 띄워볼래? No matter how dark the world was, even at place where the rain cloud passed by, when the sun rises, warmth goes around and moisture dries up. Positive thoughts are like the bright sun. Should we bring up a positive thought in our mind right now? 181103 퍼즐판의 중간 조각이 더 중요하고, 가장자리의 조각이 가치없는 건 아냐. 하나라도 없으면 완성되지 않으니까. 우리는 퍼즐의 조각 같을지도 몰라. 어떤 모습이든, 어디에 있든 모두가 의미있으니까. It's not that the middle piece of the puzzle board is more important and that the piece along the border is worthless. Bcs without any one of them, it is not complete. We may be like the puzzle pieces, regardless of our appearance and where we are, we are all significant. 181104 사람들은 밤 11시가 되면 하루가 다 끝났다고 생각해. 근데 그건 고정관념일 뿐이야. 우리의 시간은, 이제 시작인걸? People think that the day has all ended when it is 11pm. However, that is only a stereotype. The time for us starts now. 181105 기록하고 싶은 날들이야. 아름다운 단풍, 파란 하늘을 보면 나도 모르게 사진을 찍게 돼. 내일 너의 하루도 오래도록 기억하고 싶을만큼 아름다웠으면 좋겠다. They are the days that you want to record down. When I see the beautiful autumn foliage and blue sky, I unknowingly start to take photos. I hope that your day tomorrow will be so beautiful that you will want to record and remember for a long time. 181106 오늘 너만을 위한 시간, 얼마나 있었어? 오직 니가 좋아하는 것들, 너에게만 필요한 것들과 함께하는 시간. 남은 오늘의 모든 시간은 오직 너만을 위한 시간이었으면 좋겠어. 안녕~ The time only for yourself today, how much was there? Time solely for what you like and what you need. I hope that the remaining time of today will be time solely for yourself. Hi~ 181107 길을 잘 아는 방법은 많이 돌아다녀보는거지. 질러가는 길, 막다른 길, 풍경이 아름다운 길, 다 다녀봐야 제대로 아는거잖아. 내일도 ���가자. 니가 잘 알고싶은 길이 있다면. The method to know your way well is to travel around a lot. You have to go through shortcuts, dead-ends and routes with beautiful scenery so that you'll know completely. Let's go out tomorrow, if there's a route that you want to know well. 181108 비가 와서 좋다.(좋다 야?) 먼지두 다 사라지고. 오늘 너의 마음 속은 어때? 답답하게 쌓인 것들 다 털어놔봐. 내가 매일 오늘의 비 같은 사람이 돼 줄게. It's nice that it rained. All the dusts disappeared. How is it inside your heart today? Pour out everything that has accumulated suffocatingly. Everyday, I'll become a person that's like today's rain for you. 181109 몸에 좋은 음식을 매일 챙기는 습관은 너를 튼튼하게 해. 이렇게 마음에 힘이 될 말을 매일 챙겨보는 건 어때? 매일 이 시간엔 널 칭찬해줘. 그럼 니가 더 튼튼��질거야. The habit of eating food that is good for your body makes you strong. How about looking at words that will give your heart strength everyday? Praise yourself at this time everyday and you'll become even stronger. 181110 너무 지칠 때, 힘이 필요할 땐 주위를 한번 둘러봐. 묵묵히 계절의 변화를 따르고 있는 나무들, 각자의 자리에서 오늘을 보내고 있는 사람들. 우리 곁엔 최선을 다하고 있는 것들이 너무 많거든. When you're too tired and in need of strength, have a look around you. The trees which are silently following the change of seasons and the people who are spending today at their respective places. There are lots of things around us that are putting in their best. 181111 마음에 후회, 아쉬움, 이런 감정을 남기지 않으려면, 늘 모든 일에는 끝이 있다-는 걸 기억하면 돼. 곧 어떤 일에 끝을 앞두고 있다면, 남은 시간 정말 최선을 다해보자. In order to not leave any feelings of regret or disappointment in our heart, just remember that there is always an end to everything. When the end of something is soon approaching, let's do our very best in the remaining time. 181112 원래 제일 대단한 건, 마지막에 나오는거 아니야? 맛있는건 아껴뒀다가 마지막에 먹는거고, 주인공도 마지막에 등장하는거고. 그러니까 오늘의 마지막, 바로 지금이 최고의 시간, 맞지? Doesn't the greatest thing usually come out at the end? We save the delicious food and eat it at the end and the main character also appears at the end. Hence, today's end right now is the best time right? 181113 오늘, 달 봤어? 초승달 예쁘더라. 달은 빛을 더 받고 있을때도 조금만 받고 있을때도 모두 예뻐. 우리도 그래. 다 빛나고 있을때도 조금만 빛나고 있을때도, 똑같이, 예뻐. Have you seen the moon today? The new moon is pretty. The moon is pretty whether it's receiving more light or only a bit of it. It's also the same for us. When we are shining fully and when we are shining just a little, we are just as pretty. 181114 오늘도 진짜 많은 사람이랑 마주치고 왔지? 그런데 그중에 눈을 마주친 사람은 별로 없을거야. 우리의 눈빛, 마음은 그냥 스치지 않고 오래오래 닿아 있으면 좋겠다. Today you've also encounter lots of people right? But amongst them, there aren't many you had eye contact with. I hope that our gaze and feelings will not just pass by like this and stay in contact for a long long time. 181115 공들인 일이 끝난 후엔, 어떤 결과를 받았든 너에게 격려와 보상만 줘. 니가 얼마나 노력했는지 제일 잘 아는 사람, 너잖아. After the work that you put a lot of effort into has ended, no matter what result you have received, it only gives you encouragement and reward. You're the person who best knows how hard you've worked. 181116 나무들이 봄 여름엔 똑같은 초록색인데 지금은 각자의 색깔로 쏟아져내리고 있어. 빨간색, 노란색, 갈색, 모두 달라. 비슷하게 살아가는 우리들, 하지만 각자의 속엔 어떤 색이 들어있을까? Trees are green in spring and summer but right now, their respective colours are pouring out. Red, yellow and brown, they are all different. Although we live in a similar way, what are the colours that are within the each of us? 181117 누군가에겐 평범한 주말, 또 누군가에겐 아주 오랜만의 자유로운 토요일, 누군가에겐 특별한 추억으로 기억될 날, 누군가에겐 아무일도 없었던 하루. 너에겐 오늘이 어떤 토요일이었어? To someone, it's an ordinary weekend, to someone else, it's a relaxing Saturday after a long time. To someone it's becomes a special day to remember, to someone else it's an unhappening day. What kind of Saturday was it for you today? 181118 선을 그을 때, 자신감있게, 힘차게, 한번에 그으면 비뚤어지지 않아. 하지만 자신감 없이 그은 선은 흔들려버리지. 자신감을 가져. 그럼 니가 하는 어떤 일도 흔들리지 않아. When drawing a line, draw it at once with confidence and strength and it will not be crooked. However, a line drawn without confidence will be crooked. Have confidence so that no matter what you do, you won't falter. 181119 진짜 간절한 마음은 숨겨지지 않아. 뭔가를 정말 이루고 싶은 마음, 너무 좋아하는 마음은 티가 나거든. 하지만 그 덕분에 모두가 너를 도와줄 수도 있잖아. 그러니까, 숨기지 마. A truly earnest heart can't be hidden. A heart which really wants to achieve something, a heart which really likes something is obvious. However, thanks to that, everyone can help you. So, don't hide. 181120 어쩌면 내일 첫눈이 내릴지도 모른대. 내일 하루는 좀 더 즐겁게, 행복하게 보내보자. 어쩌면 2018년의 첫눈 내린 날로 오래오래 기억될지도 모르니까. Perhaps first snow may fall tomorrow. Let's spend tomorrow more happily. You may remember it for a long long time as the day of 2018's first snow. 181121 행복한 꿈, 포근한 꿈은 밤마다 손님처럼 우리를 찾아와. 오늘 밤 내 마음에 장애물이 많으면 그냥 다른 곳으로 떠나버릴지도 몰라. 좋은 꿈이 머무를 수 있도록 지금 마음을 비워줘. Happy and cozy dreams look for us every night like visitors. Tonight, if there are a lot of obstacles in my mind, they may just leave for another place. Empty your mind right now so that good dreams can stay. 181122 옷에 얼룩이 졌을 때, 빨리 지우지 않으면 흔적이 오래 남게 돼. 마음에 얼룩질만한 일이 있었다면 지금 당장 잊어버리자. 어떤 말이든, 어떤 기억이든 흔적을 남기지 말자. When your clothes are stained and if you don't erase it quickly, a mark will remain for a long time. If there's something in your heart that's like a stain, forget about it right now. Regardless of words or memories, let's not leave any marks. 181123 지나가다 마음에 드는 물건을 발견하면 바로 사야해. 그 기회를 놓치면, 다신 그런걸 못 찾아서 후회하게 되잖아. 지금 뭔가가 니 마음에 들어왔다면 당장 시작해. 바로 니걸로 만들어봐. If you walked past and discovered an item that you like, you have to buy it immediately. If you miss that chance, you will regret because you can't find that item again. If there's anything that you like, start right now and make that yours. 181124 꼭 곁에 가까이 있는 사람이랑만 친구가 될 수 있는 건 아니야. 나랑 마음이 잘 맞는 노래를 하는 가수, 나랑 같은 생각을 쓰는 작가랑도 친구가 될 수 있지. 그리고 곁에 있는 친구들보다 더 많은 위로를 받기도 해. We can become friends not only with the people that are close by our side. We can be friends with a singer who sings songs that we connect with and a writer who writes about the same thoughts that we have. We may receive more consolation from them than the friends beside us. 181125 내일은 다른날보다 힘이 필요한 월요일! 내일을 위해서 지금 즐거운 것들을 준비해두자. 마음에 드는 옷도 골라놓고 신나는 음악도 골라놓고. 그럼 내일 아침 기분도, 발걸음도 가벼울거야. Tomorrow it's Monday that requires more strength than any other days. For tomorrow, let's prepare enjoyable things right now. Pick out the clothes that you like and some exciting music. So tomorrow morning, your mood and footsteps will be light. 181126 이제 정말 가을이 가려나 봐. 다시 가을을 만날때까지 우린 어떤 날들을 지나야할���? 어떤 날이 펼쳐지든, 매일을 즐기자. 우리에겐 소중하지 않은 날이 없으니까. Seems like autumn is really leaving now. Until we meet autumn day again, what kind of days do we have pass? Regardless of the kind of days that will unfold, let's enjoy everyday bcs there isn't a day that is not precious to us. 181127 잿빛 하늘 때문에 더 지쳐버린 날. 이런 날은 어디론가 훌쩍 떠나고 싶어. 꼭 몸이 떠나지 않아도 괜찮잖아. 마음만이라도 편안하고 즐거운 상상의 장소로 떠나보내자. It's a more weary day because of the grey sky. On a day like this, you want to leave for somewhere else. it's alright even if your body doesn't go. Let's try to set off to a comfortable and fun imaginative place, even if it's just your heart. 181128 빨강에 노랑을 섞으면 주황, 파랑에 흰색을 섞으면 하늘색. 여러가지 색을 섞으면 새로운 색이 생겨나. 그리고 우리에겐 여러가지 경험을 섞으면 새로운 모습이 생겨. When red is mixed with yellow, it becomes orange and when blue is mixed with white, it becomes sky blue. A new colour appears when several different colours are mixed. And for us, when various different experiences are mixed, a new side of us appears. 181129 누군가랑 널 비교하면서 좌절하고 마음 상하기엔, 세상엔 너무나 다양한 사람들이 많지 않아? 아주 일부의 사람들이랑 널 비교하면서 네가 가진 소중한 것들을 잊지는 마. While you compare yourself with someone else and feel discouraged and hurt your feelings, isn't there a large variety of people in the world? As you compare yourself to a very small part of people, don't forget the precious things that you have. 181130 이제 12월이네. 뭔가 마무리해야 할 것 같고 다 끝난 기분이 들어? 아니야, 끝내는 게 아니야. 화려하고 신나는 12월이 이제 시작되는 거야. Now it's December. It feels like we have to wrap it up and everything has ended. No, it's not ending. The fancy and exciting December is now starting.
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thelittleeri · 6 years ago
181106 D.O at 39th Blue Dragon Film Awards Handprinting Event
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arohacentral · 6 years ago
181106 ver.
Genie is one of South Korea’s main music streaming sites, and streaming from this site and others contributes to a large percentage of points on most music shows. The following tutorial is a walk through of how to register for an account.
1. Go to the Genie home page here.
2. Select 로그인/화원가입 to the right.
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3. Select to log in with KakaoTalk (or whichever method you prefer). If you do not have a KakaoTalk account, you can create one using this tutorial.
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4. This will open a new window, prompting you to log in. Enter your information, click log in. It will load to a new screen, at the bottom of which you should click Accept.
5. Click the box at the top, which will automatically fill in the two boxes highlighted in the photo below in purple. Then click the blue button that says 다음.
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6. The first field is for your nickname. Enter your choice, then click the blue button beside it. If you receive a green check, you can use that nickname. If not, you need to pick another nickname. Enter your email address, and you should also get a green check there. When you’ve gotten a check on both, click the blue button at the bottom that says 입력 완료. 
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7. You’re done! You now have a Genie account and can return to the main page to log in.
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fy-varsity-blog · 6 years ago
VARSITY via Instagram | 181106:
#varsity's cutie maknae Dawon~ raise the blue flag~! Lower the white flag~!!
- Trans. by FY! VARSITY
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dailyexo · 6 years ago
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D.O - 181106 39th Blue Dragon Film Awards Handprinting Event - [1, 2]
Credit: 시우됴. (제39회 청룡영화상 핸드프린팅 행사)
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dumbandumber · 6 years ago
181106 MGA
blue forest bf_osw
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dailyexo · 6 years ago
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D.O - 181106 39th Blue Dragon Film Awards Handprinting Event
Credit: Doh Heart. (제39회 청룡영화상 핸드프린팅 행사)
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dailyexo · 6 years ago
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D.O - 181106 39th Blue Dragon Film Awards Handprinting Event - [1, 2]
Credit: DDU BOO. (제39회 청룡영화상 핸드프린팅 행사)
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dailyexo · 6 years ago
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D.O - 181106 39th Blue Dragon Film Awards Handprinting Event
Credit: 도경수닷컴. (제39회 청룡영화상 핸드프린팅 행사)
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