#15ft tall maybe?
brother-genitivi · 1 year
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hazard-c-horror · 2 months
So, um, I'm currently in the process of making a couple of doodles of Hazard and there is this one issue that I have
How exactly tall are they?
I have this thing where I cannot understand/picture the height of anyone when it's said to me TvT, like you could say a number and I would just take out a ruler to measure how tall that is T^T
(Sorry for asking so many questions)
You’re fine for asking questions, sometimes it helps with the development process.
Um… Hazard like to fluctuate between the height of a child/toddler , a normal women, and a 10-15ft slender man
For the most part… maybe like 5’0-5’5?
Does this help?
They like being small
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intertexts · 18 days
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look at these incredibly Beans my brother grew btw im so delighted by them. they're pretty much the most bean per bean possible. the plants were supposed to reach around 15ft tall and got stunted to maybe three feet and still managed to produce Bean. they're so whimsical and fucking stupid shaped & cooked to this lovely purple color.garden slenderman collect my. fertilizers.....
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enbyhyena · 1 year
After witnessing multiple 70-ft tall trees getting utterly decimated across the street this morning, and being almost certain that they're replacing them with a parking lot (I live across the street from a school that's currently being rebuilt to be bigger and house more students), I've suddenly become aware of how much I despise parking lots.
You don't think about them most of the time. Because to you they've always been there; it's rare to actually witness them being put down. Even I'm guilty of this- taking parking lots and their existence and what they *mean* for granted.
But have you ever thought about what might have existed in the parking lot's place, a long time ago? Before it was all torn down and paved over? Around here, trees that get torn down get lumped into a massive pile and burned in the middle of an empty field. They don't even get their lumber repurposed for something good. Not even a woodchipper. Just releasing acres and acres worth of carbon back into the atmosphere. And for what?
A heat-trapping wasteland for people to park their cars on top of. Or in most cases around here, HOAs.
These trees—yes, there are only a few of them in this example. But you can see in my video that they're only maybe 10-15ft away from the street. It wouldn't have been hard to leave the trees intact- to build around them. Or Hell, even relocate them. But no, it's cheaper and easier to squander and utterly waste years and years of growth. It's like buying up all of the meat at the supermarket only to drive to and immediately dump it at the nearest landfill.
If you're going to tear down trees, at least make it fucking MEAN something.
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omoghouls · 4 months
hii I hope you’re doing okay!! I’m not sure if this is something you do or if it qualifies as an ask, but I read some of your fallout writing and I’m really interested to see where it goes!! ^^
I was curious if you had any fo4 sosu omo hcs or ideas? This is my first time asking smth like this, so if not that’s absolutely okay!!! Have a good day! ^^🌻✨
!!!! Eeee howdy!! I've legit been solely playing fo4 and fo76 for the past few weeks 😤💖💖💖
•Gen SoSu idea would be the cryogenic freezing- that MUST'VE done something to their body. Like certain parts of them needing extra time to warm up~ aka: their bladder takes a while before it fully "unfreezes" and it's at the absolute worst moment 😌 (Maybe when rescuing Nick from the Malone gang, or when in Ark Jet with Danse~)
•SoSu may have had some war training (or not~☆), but they aren't prepared for the ungodly weapons of the wastelands. Especially plasma and radiation rifles, so they get sick and their body ain't used to radaway. And radaway filters through thd kidneys so they're constantly needing to pee. But, maybe they're injured enough for bedrest, so they have to ask a companion (or lover~♡) to aid them in not wetting the bed
•SoSu having nightmares from watching their son get kidnapped and significant other be shot, and sometimes those nightmares leave them with soaked sheets ;0; and since it's post apocalypse, there aren't working washers or driers so....anyone can see them scrubbing their sheets in the river hehe
•FEAR WETTINGGG they're going from a simple life to witnessing 15ft tall deathclaws ripping raiders in half- you bet'cha they're vault suit got a bit wet
Vt8gvcfc5 those are what come to mind rn, hope they're okay♡♡♡
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primevein · 1 year
So, I apparently forgot how ridiculous tall Arcee is compared to Jack, and Cybertronians in general.
So, I could either rewrite everything, to the point that Arcee and Sirenia could NOT stand up in the garage, or just make Arcee shorter.  Still ridiculously tall compared to Humans, but small enough to exist in a garage.  Maybe 15ft?
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cloudninetonine · 2 years
This is how I see an interaction involving Player reader meeting Fierce Deity Link in person.
Player: Hello sexy!
Fierce Deity: *instant confusion*
I'm pretty sure no normal person in the LoZverse reacted positively to seeing FD cause of how intimidating he is. Time is just dying inside as Player constantly flirts with Deity. Also someone might be off their rocker cause apparently on the Zelda Wiki, FD is around 15 ft.
Player looking FD in the eyes and just "Me. You. Picnic in Hyrule field- you in handsome?"
Time is screaming and FD has indeed encountered an error screen because what the fuck is happening?
Also 15FT TALL!?? FUCKING HELL I'm sorry but he's got to be like 7ft maybe 8ft being the tallest there's no way he's 15ft.
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noro-noro-noro · 1 year
long dream vaguely space-related
- starts in space? but the spaceship is alslike my mom's house. instead of the stairs there's a small room that leads to a basement and 3 doors around it
- cast of characters - me. my sister . my dad. a small girl I'd been looking after. her dad who we found/rescued! but he was acting weird. his wife who was kind of scene & Asian & played dumb but she was secretly a highly trained security agebt. several other crew members. some kengan characters : furumi heihachi , kaneda , ohma, hanafusa. an older lady. several other people. 2 dogs .
- firstthe ship was iust like riding the bus in HS. there was a little girl who had no friends & then a tall girl who saat in front of us trying to make conversation. who's us? me & ....? whoever it was I kept sitting on them & rubber banding their fingers together.
- then the ship may have been on a small planet. we were investigating something & also running from something else. the thing we were running from kind of just seemed like the joker but idk. there was something about conneting things with a rubber band chain, but we didn't have enough forbthe last one & the girl's dad was like threatening me & screaming. I thought that we should kill his wife since we'd all lost smth already & she had lots of rubber bands on her.
- something happened & time passed. the adults were all outside in the cold having a quiet meeting, except for a few who'd gone to scout out the area more. maybe we were actually on a planet investigating an abandoned facility. i wanted to lock everyone out until I got answers to MY QUESTIONS since I was really upset, but I wasn't fast enough. the angry dad had mellowed out.
- they caught me up on info - they'd explored everything & then found the rooms/remains of those who were supposed to start buildong a s climate dome + inner contents - they found a secret room full of darkness in every direction except for the hatch (now set to be between the 3 doors under the stairs)& the ladder in & out.
- I checked it out with them at first - there was a hard ground you could stand on despite the everlasting darkness, & there was a lot of dirt on the ground about 20 feet in. the person who had been supposed to be taking the dirt and shaping the new dome and city of the soon to be colony looked like the base driller drg & they hsd left a scribbled and hasty note - unsafe. turned into sand to hide.
- I did not like that so I turned back for the ladder, but they'd got some spotlights & equipment set up so the visibility was way better. the was more dirt & stuff on the ground due to people tracking stuff in, & now were almost walls in the darkness - not defined but the dirt that was spreading to show the location of the floor would run up against s surface and stop. the room was about 15ft wide leading up towards the patch of mysterious dirt and then it fell off into infinite darkness after that. on the way out I stumbled over some small blue clay (?) pots that had a very neatly printed note in small letters inside. i don't remember it but was close to something like "came to replace first guy weird things started happening". after this I left & was told to close the hatch & open it again after 5 min.
- I did so. the dogs tried to come in but I had suspicious about that space so I tried to lock them out. wily little things though. If we needed a sudden evacuation I don't want them underfoot. one dog was mostly brown & beagle-like, and the othernone was more shiba-shapes but black & white. pointy ears.
- 5 minutes passed. I opened the hatch. violently different scenery than before. the older lady in her white jacket now bloody was at the top reachign out - I grabbed her hand and pulled her out. everyone was scrambling up the ladder. the walls were now white and streaked with blood and some other meatylooking things yhat MOVED PULSED HUNGERED etc. tore my eyes away. helped the next few people out.
- the ladder itself ecame slippery and warped - the people screamed as they fell. one guy landed wrong, crunch . didn't think about him. hanafusa was missing an arm & had a somewhat shocked expression on his face - people were now bounxing on like a softer patch of ground to gain enough momentum to come to the top. the ground was now mostly red. I grabbed him and he weighed qlmost nothing and folded up in my hands and I was like if you die here your frirnd thr super sexy nurse will never forgive me .& he was like hm. as random people took him away on a stretcher.
- last guy out didn't come close enough and fell back into the now rising sea of blood & chunks. his leg was left, severed, but moving around in an un-leg-like way regardless. we tried to slam the hatch on it but it wasn't strong enough - kept kicking the bottom and dry rubble mixed with acid-like blood kept leaking out.
- the other random people came back and told me to open it next time itsoule habe launched so they could trap it with the other meat samples they'd been collecting. did so. leg flew up & trailer crap everywhere & some kine of slick & veiny mass shot out and grabbed my ankle. it was so slippery I could slide right out of the grip with only my shoe and sock as a casualty but the acid was starting to burn and blister my skin. ignored yhat and slammed the hatch shut again, but no more kicking underneath the lid. the other sciene space people wrestled with the leg trying to wrap it up and shove it in the same case as everything else & I tried to find one of thr spare knocked over bottles to rinse my foot before thr acid got any further under my skin. the hatch started rattling again & i looked at the blood & i saw.
- i got too scaared & jumped myself floating out in space a million miles away. and i saw the planet it was on & i saw the giant eye of the thing that the room was part of. and it was looking around. it saw the facility. it was looking to our space ship in orbit above the planet the facility was built into. it would see the connection we still had back to earth. it would go there instead. so i went home to earth & stacked up huge sheets of oil shale against the sun & spun our system further & further out until earth was quietly encased in with the sun, the same distance away. & all the other planets were gone. and it looked past. it wouldn't find us. and i opened my eyes & my foot hurt.
- some time passed after that. people in the infirmary were generally doing better. they had us shift guards on the hatch to make sure nothing crawled out & while there were chaotic moments, it was fine. more rubble and meaty ooze would be coughed out every now & again.
- after some preliminary research the whole story was told to me - after the hatch closed they met a strange little shamblinf man hastily crafted from clay and blood. he had a torso and then two spindly legs & his face was 3 holes, but he also has a beanie and a jacket. he was about knee height and could only gurgle. after pleasantly interacting with him for a bit, he sank into the ground but came back better formed but smaller. lots of glowing and small clay and abd blood animals came out of the walls and they were extremely friendly! it seemed like they were making good progress in the mysterious space.
- then this one dickhead kicked the little clay man who was standing back and watching it all unfold & there was like a horrible shriek & everything became evil and white and blinding. that guy died first. many followed on their way out. it seemed like the place would create things from your mind if it had enough material - that explained why the driller had like 40 tons of dirt with which to craft the city. but he saw something else first & felt it was safer to reduce to particles and the llace granted that.
- anyway as that was being told to me, a tiny arm reached out from the most recently coughed up patch of meat and dirt and such & we were all immediately on guard. it was xia ji very small but his body just kept going and going and going - a real worm they'd made of him. and he was wearing red sneakers on every pair of legs. he was 7-8 inches long & didn't quite look right - in n kengan Omega the author got worse at side profiles and did a lot of especially bad ones of xia during kvp & koga beating him down. so his face seemed stuck like that. he did not behave like he had any intelligence qbd writhed like a centipede. I didn't trust anything from that space after witenessing the horrific sights from before so after we caught it in a jar I suggested we fill it with formaldehyde to kill and preserve. then I woke up
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also at some point in this dream my tooth chipped - a big chunk fell out of the one i chipped in the motorcycle accident & i was like OWWW DAD PAY ATTENTION TO ME
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mediocre-noodle · 2 months
the multiverse looks like a spiderweb btw
and The Eyes are GIANTS! like theyre huge!! esp w the fact that they can shapeshift.
like,, to compare,,, a planet would be anywhere from the size of a marble to a baseball in their hands (sometimes even full universes can fit in their hands <- bc shapeshifting)
theyll roam around the multiverse like we do gardens ig- idk a good way to explain
however, there is a completely separate plane of existence ONLY for the keepers. here theyre normally under 15ft tall for respect and also itd be weird to walk around as idk a mile tall and there just be another Keeper you almost step on bc theyre maybe 3ft— also bc its community. and aji is short (like 5ft)
i have a tiktok im thinking of but ofc i cant send videos 😔
YOOOOOOOO thats actually so cool
i love giant guys!!!!!!!!! i love when things are incomprehensibly massive!!!!!!!!!!!
thats pretty sweet tho
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gay-hoodie-boy · 4 months
i need to put this down somewhere because i feel like im gonna forget it otherwise
By my calculations, volga is about 6'6" in human form, and something like 20ft in his dragon form (big. Giantass dragon i am not kidding but i do not have enough resources to calculate the exact measurement)
Cori is maybe 1-2in as a small fairy, hard to measure cuz hes just a glowing ball of light with wings. Possibly temporary fox form is a little less than a foot tall.
Humanoid form is weird, bc Great Fairies are generally portrayed as giants. The BotW fairies have to be maybe 20-25ft, the classic 3D fairies are generally smaller at maybe 15ft, but the Fairy Queen in WW is the size of a small child and has implications that she can change her form at will. Im translating this to Great Fairies having sizeshifting abilities to some degree. Maybe they can't totally control their heights, but they can switch from their giant height to a more human height. Their shapeshifting abilities moreso affect their aesthetic appearance and other body aspects and generally they do whatever feels right to them.
Leaving all this to say in humanoid form Cori is abt 5'6 (my irl), while what i'll call his fountain form is maybe 12ft (short in comparison to his sisters and volga's dragon form, but still a literal fucking giant)
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Oh yeah this is reminding me to say the Miyavi concert was fun! Not as fun as expected due to getting held back by security for having cough drops so then for the first half I was far back enough to get stuck behind 15ft tall immovable white couples and see NOTHING but after that it was fun! Maybe I will post blurry pictures
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woochew07 · 2 years
If I ever get rich (i’m going into education, I won’t but if I ever do!) I want to add a “sensory happy cave” that is a little round room (maybe 15ft diameter) and relatively short like maybe 6ft tall walls and then a domed smooth white screen ceiling. It would have a 2 1/2ft tall 2 fr wide seating (couch style. light gray.) around the circumference of the room. and dark gray carpet and the pillows that look like stones. it would be independently temperature controlled (and kept cool!) the screen ceiling would be able to turn into a night sky all over or put TV and movies on a rectangular portion of the screen. There would also be high quality surround sound. One section of the seating would have a pull out that pulls out a Full sized bed. There would also be storage space under other parts of the seating for fidgets and blankets and the like. and of course a tunnel access for my cat. and NO WINDOWS so it can get super dark when needed. (screen ceiling acts as lighting and rainbow LEDS behind perimeter couch that is switch controlled
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monstriiss · 4 years
sb: haha yeah im pretty tall i’m like 6ft uwu 
drath: [ laughs in double digits ]
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4kadhd · 4 years
Is sirenhead a band or smth
Nah, it's a new made up creature/cryptid thing, like slenderman basically and its rising up in popularity and all that
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primevein · 1 year
The Prime of His Youth: Book II: Quest for Fire: Ch08: Endearment
Roxana shifted slightly as she came out of power down. Her vision was coming back to her, until there was a shadow sitting beside her in the stables. She wobbled until she fell over. This caused Arcee, who was parked beside her, to start snickering. Roxana took a few moments to recover from the shock, when she transformed, hitting her head on the roof above her. She screamed and winced, and struggled. Arcee stood upright on her wheels and then drove back before transforming to 10ft tall. She then reached in to help pull Roxana out. "Sorry for laughing."
"How?.. were you able to?" Roxana asked, as she held her head.
"Lots of practice." Arcee said, and then turned as she heard June running down the stairs. She was breathing heavily in her bathrobe.
"Is everyone alright?" she asked, and saw Roxana in pain, holding her head. "Is there anything I can do?"
"Unfortunately, our medic hit her head." Arcee said. They heard the doors from the back open, and a moment Jack, in his boxers, stuck his head out. A moment later a dollform Sirenia appeared as well, with Arcelia barely visible around the corner.
Roxana dropped her hands, the look on her face telling much, but not all, of the pain had passed. "Someone want to tell me how Arcee can wake up in vehicle mode without hitting her head?"
"Practice." Arcee stated, "Lots of practice." She gestured to the far wall. Roxana walked over and Arcee expanded to her full 15ft and sat beside her, "I'll tell you while they get breakfast ready."
"I'll change and be right back." June said, and turned to Roxana, "Will you be alright?" she asked.
Roxana reached up to grab her head, "I'll live."
June went upstairs, while Jack, and Sirenia went back into the back.
"When I first met Jack, I was protecting him. He, Miko, and Raf had witnessed a fight with a couple of Vehicons. This was back when we were still in disguise. We figured that they might be targeted, so we divided them up. I got Jack, Bulkhead got Miko, and Bumblebee got Raf."
"And?.." Roxana asked, "What does this have to do with?.." and then trailed off.
"June didn't know." Arcee stated, "As far as she was concerned, I was just a motorcycle."
"And you stayed here, every night, as a motorcycle?"
"Unless they needed me, in which case I Ground Bridged out." Arcee stated.
"You didn't have any problems?" she asked.
"We called it curbside duty." Arcee stated, "Everyone had to do it. We'd go somewhere, and park."
"All night?" Roxana asked.
"Sentry duty is something soldiers have to do." Arcee stated.
"Then when did you learn to power down?" Roxana asked.
"In Jack's garage." Arcee stated.
"And how did you avoid falling over?" Roxana asked.
Arcee flashed back to a handful of time she did fall over when she woke up.
"The honest answer is I didn't." Arcee replied, "The difference is I had enough room to transform. Maybe you want to practice some place else. Or just wait for me to come and help you. Or learn to transform in closed environments. I've been fighting for so long that I forgot most Cybertronians never learn that."
"But, that is where bikes are kept?" Roxana asked.
Arcee rolled her eyes, "That's where Jack keeps the bikes he's working on. He buys old bikes, rebuilds them, and sells them. Until now, the only Fembots we've had here have been sleeping with him. Believe it or not, he didn't think this would actually work. Nevermind adding another so quickly. He went there to hear a vote, and ended up on a quest."
"Is this an imposition for him?" Roxana asked, and Arcee shook her head.
"Don't worry, Jack's tough. Maybe that's not the right word, as much as he hates that people have to fight, he's never been one to stay out of it if he thinks he can make a difference."
* * *
Jack and June, along with dollform Arcee, Sirenia, and Arcelia sat around the table.
"Is this normal?" Roxana asked.
"Human families eat their meals together." June stated.
"Even when crowding around a table?" Roxana asked.
"Yes, well," she said, and looked at Jack, "If your... family... grows any bigger, we're going to need a bigger house."
"You forget." Arcee said to June, and June looked at her, "It's your family, too."
June sighed and dropped her head. She then looked up at Arcee and then Sirenia, "Well, you and Sirenia did a good job. I'll be happy to leave Jack in your hands."
"Mom?" a lost Jack asked her.
She reached her hands over and took his hand in hers. "You're a big boy. You don't need your mother living with you any more."
"Need?" Jack asked, and shrugged, "Doesn't mean I don't want to."
Arcee reached over to June. June let go of Jack's hand and moved her hands over to Arcee, "June," Arcee said to her, "You know how much you like taking care of Jack."
"I'm just trying to..." June tried to plead.
"Uh-huh?" Arcee asked, and the two simply looked into each other's eyes. June eventually dropped her head.
"We can kind of understand why she might not be comfortable." Jack said, and looked between the three femmes sitting at the table. Something unspoken was being said, that Roxana noticed she was missing.
"Care to share?" Roxana asked.
"Humans are semi-monogamous." Sirenia said to her.
"Do you have to keep saying that?" Jack asked.
"It's true." Arcelia stated, and Jack scowled at her.
"Don't mind him." Arcee said, "He's always like this."
"Coming from you?" June asked her. Arcee looked at her, and June tried to frown, but the frown quickly fell away and turned into a smile.
"Point taken." Arcee stated. "Maybe that's why I took him as a sparkmate. It's a match made in... what's your equivalent?"
"Heaven." June said with a smile.
"And are Humans really not monogamous?" Jack asked.
"It depends on the amount of leftover women." Sirenia stated.
"Leftover women?" June asked.
"Oh, this is fascinating." Arcelia interjected, "Humans are born 51% male, but women are 51% of the population."
"I suppose men to die more..." June voiced.
"Of everything." Arcelia stated.
"Well..." June said.
"The only cause men don't die more of is childbirth, for obvious reasons."
"And breast cancer." June stated.
"While men do die of breast cancer," Arcelia stated, "it's a rounding error, but they have prostate cancer, which kills them about the same rate."
"That makes sense." June stated.
"One is more prevalent, the other more malignant." Arcelia stated, "I'll have to look up..."
"You were saying?.." June said to her.
"Oh, yes, well, this is the safest society Humans have ever known."
"Okay?" June asked, nodding her head.
"Historically, the living gender ratio would dramatically skew to women." Arcelia stated. June and Jack's eyes opened wide at the revelation. "Hence, the semi in semi-monogamous. Most Humans would get one wife, but the wealthy ones would have to take the surplus. Well, sometimes they caused the surplus through invasion, but that's a completely different story."
"So?," June asked, "you're saying someone as great as Jack should have multiple wives?"
"Morally, I cannot say." Arcelia stated, "Especially since this is clearly not because of a surplus of women. Historically?" she asked, "Yes."
"Yes..." June said with a forced sigh, "With so many daughters-in-law, you think I would get some grand children." she joked. The eyes of all four of the femmes opened wide with surprise and horror. "That... that's a joke..." June said. The horror did not seem to dissipate. "I know you girls will be there to take care of me when I get older."
"I thought it was until death do we part." Arcee stated, and June gave a horrified look, "Not that I wouldn't..."
"Historically, it is the children and grandchildren caring for the elderly." Sirenia stated.
"Of course we'll take care of you." Arcee said to June, and June seemed to calm down.
"And I was joking." June said, "I know... I knew when... I could see it coming, and I knew what it meant. I love you, Arcee. I don't hold anything against you. I don't judge you. I don't hold anything against you. You are honestly, perfect for my son. I want to make sure there's no mistake here."
"I love you too, mom." Arcee said with a bright smile. This caused June to smile back at her.
"So, what are we going to do today?" Roxana asked.
"Oh?" Arcee asked, with sudden seriousness, "Get dirty."
"Oil wrestling?" Arcelia asked.
"Off roading." Arcee added, "Combat driving. Safely moving over rough terrain. Avoiding being shot at."
"Are... are we?.." Roxana asked.
"Yes." Arcee said with finality.
"I?.." Roxana asked, "I would actually like to learn about Human biology."
Arcee stood up from the table, "You can dollform, and we'll sign you up."
"And how am I going to?.."
"I'll teach you. At night." Arcee said.
* * *
Jack stepped out of the middle garage door and into the parking lot. He looked over at his mother's car, and then over to the layered escarpment that had motorcycles coming through. Arcee was the first, and transformed off the edge, landing on her feet. Arcelia was second, revving up before the last part. She transformed and stumbled when she landed, nearly falling over.
"And that's why you don't rev right before the drop off." Arcee said to her.
"But you told me to not let my revs drop too low?" Arcelia asked, as she struggled to regain her balance.
"You need revs to keep grounding, but if you rev too high before a drop like that when you transform, you risk falling over."
Roxana rushed over the cliff. She transformed before she landed but fell onto her face and slid. Arcee ran over and helped her up.
"Ow." Roxana stated.
"Easy." Arcee said to her, "We have a lot of training ahead of us."
"Can I treat myself first?" Roxana asked.
Arcee looked up to Sirenia orbiting above them. "She can help you."
"Of course!" Sirenia stated.
* * *
Jack stood naked by his shower with three nude 10ft femmes standing over him. He wasn't sure if it was more or less intimidating than having two 15ft femmes.
* * *
June came down the stairs in her onepiece swimsuit, and turned to Roxana laying against the far wall, small patches all over her mesh. "Are you still having problems?" June asked, as she walked over.
"Thanks for helping me with my wounds." Roxana said to her, and transformed into her vehicle mode.
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robobrainrot · 3 years
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I love Transformers Prime and have an insane amount of respect for the animators and style direction of the show but this drives me bonkers.
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Arcee is a motorcycle in alt-mode. Mass wise, it makes no sense for her to be that big when she is standing. Even if she was really curled up or compact in motorcycle form. (Also the fact that her wheels "split" so two tiny ones are in her feet and her front wheel is in her back doesn't make any sense to me)
Motorcycles are deceptively big but I don't think it justifies her being like 15ft tall when standing. Jack barely comes up to her knee when standing next to her and he's supposed to be 5'9."
I'm all for giant women, and I love how absolutely badass they made her in this iteration, but I just don't think her size makes sense mass wise. Personally, I think she should maybe be like 10ft tall. This would make her tinyyyy compared to the other Autobots, so I understand why they made her bigger but STILL. SHES HUGE!!
Tbh Everyone is HUGE compared to their alt. mode but that's another thing~
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(This post was also just an excuse for me to take a bunch of screencaps of Arcee for reference. This show came out like 10 years ago so this is all pointless but uhhhhh pretty giant robot makes brain go bbbbbrrrrrrhhhhhh)
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