thesearchforparadise · 10 years
Write 10 facts about yourself then pass this along to 10 of your favorite followers.
I just watched “The Fall” movie, it was so good.
Baby Blue is my favourite colour.
I love chocolate.
I have a pet beagle named Pookie.
My birthday is on March 7.
I hate seafood.
I can understand short short simple texts in french. Sort of?
I have an albino parakeet, but she always bites me so i think she hates me.
I love soundtracks, indie/alternative and classical music. :D
 I'll be painting one of the walls in my room with a desert landscape, there will be Wolf's Rain references huehue, so maybe i'll post some pictures.
Thank youu
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spellboundcrown · 11 years
Rule 1. Always Post the Rules
Rule 2. Answer the questions the person who tagged you asked and write 11 new ones.
Rule 3. Tag 11 people and link them to the post.
Rule 4. Actually tell them you tagged them.
Tagged by - lightningkitsune
1. What is the weirdest way you’ve ever gotten into a fandom? Looking at a friend's computer over their shoulder. He was reading a manga and I was 12, so I was pretty nosy and thought, "Heh, what a dork. This doesn't even look that good." So I started reading it just for kicks and BAM thus began my 3-year obsession with Prince of Tennis.
2. What is your favorite type of natural environment? Uh, like an actual environment or one where I'd like to go? If it's places I've been, I really miss being in the Sonoran Desert at night--clear skies, stars are out, and that desert air lurking about with all sorts of dangerous nocturnal creatures.
Places I've never been would be a quiet, rainy place at the edge of the woods, maybe near a stream or a dormant volcano. With lots and lots of wildflowers.
3. What is one place you would like to go to someday that you’ve never been to before? I'd want to go to tons of places, especially in Europe. Most of the places I want to visit I visited when I was little, so I don't remember. But I've never been to Japan, and I'd like to go to different cities and prefectures in general, like Tokyo, Kyoto, Kanagawa, Chiba, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Osaka, Okinawa, Shinjuku, Ginza, Shibuya, Ikebukuro, etc.
If there's one place I'd REALLY like to go, it would be the Scramble Crossing directly looking at the 109 building in Shibuya (thanks to The World Ends With You).
4. Myers-Briggs personality? Quiz: (x) (sorry for those of you who don’t know that I’m making you take the test; I’m an INTJ) Way ahead of you, girl--I'm an INTJ (introverted, intuitive, thinking, judging.)
5. What is your favorite culture that’s not yours? I HAVE THREEEEE kind of
1) Regency England in the early 1800s! I love historical fiction, and most stories place here in the times of titles and balls and the ton. It was an interesting time to live in, back when the number of friends you had and your social status actually mattered (Facebook don't count). The mannerisms and etiquette always intrigued me, even if I don't completely understand it. I wish I did though, and I think it's fascinating. (Too bad it's dead.)
2) Renaissance Italy. All the arts were taking a higher rank in the world, and I would have liked to live to see them created! All the music and architecture and paintings and sculptures from this time period were revolutionary. The culture of Europe was becoming rich. And also because I like renaissance dresses--they're so elegant! I wish it were socially acceptable to wear them in public sometimes.
3) Traditional Japanese culture, based on royalty, a social hierarchy, mannerisms, and honor. It's so elaborate and ornamented and strict and orderly and UAGH it's beautiful. Not to mention the interior and exterior design and the gardens! *cries*
6. If we lived in a world where magic existed, what kind of magic would you like to specialize in? (You make this difficult.) I'd probably specialize in fire magic, or if not fire, then time manipulation. Something more for offense than defense, I guess. Maybe dark arts? In general, it'd be offensive magic, but type-wise, I'd settle for fire, or sound magic, if it exists. (I'm indecisive.)
7. Favorite kind of flower? Two: Lily of the Valley and Angel's Trumpet. Lily because the flowers are tiny and cute and look like white bells, Angel's because they're droopy and pretty sometimes have a color gradient. These flowers look like they could be a fairy's dress or something. But they're both poisonous. (haha...)
8. Cats or dogs? I'm allergic to both, but I want them so bad... Cats, I guess, since I'd like to see mine forget how to be a cat.
9. Favorite Tumblr-made fandom? The Soulmates Fandom. (At least that's what I call it.) The part of Tumblr that has all these AUs about different ways soulmates find each other, like the heart-glow one that came up recently, the wrist timer one, and the one about switching bodies at midnight on New Year's. (Sorry, I'm boring, but I like these stories.)
10. Favorite Pokemon? Espurr~ It's cute and psychic and kinda derpy. It reminds me of my sister (it's a cat) and my brother (it's weird but you like it anyway) at the same time.
11. You are given the chance to tell a story without any spoken words or dialogue; what kind of story would you tell? (give a summary, or a full-blown story if you like) She always walks the same path to school every day, and it's always the same. The old lady at the corner hoses down her flowers. The father at that house struggles with his tie as he gets into his car. The annoying 4th grade brat laughs as he throws a rock at her--and misses. Same old, same old. She sighs at the monotony of it all, eyes closed as she takes in the brisk morning air. She almost didn't see it.
At the tree she stands under when she waits for traffic to pass, someone has put a sticky note on the bark. Hi there, it reads. How are you?
A small pad of sticky notes and a pen lay at the root of the tree. Briefly, she scans the area; no one else is in the area except for the officer on bike patrol. She pockets the note and leaves another for whoever left the first one. ------ On the way home, she glances at the tree, curious to see if her note is still there. It's not. Nothing lies in its place. The pad and the pen are gone. She sighs. Perhaps it was just a prank. ------ The next day, she doesn't bother to look at the tree as she leans against it and studies the clouds. As she adjusts position, there is a tugging at her hair. She reaches up and--another sticky note.
That's good. My favorite color is gray. What's yours?
Whoever leaves these notes is weird, she thinks. The pad and pen are underfoot (oops) and she scribbles a response as the traffic dies down. ------ The third day, the note doesn't say anything. Rather, there is a small circle in the center of the paper and a tiny number 3 in the corner. She's confused, but keeps the note nonetheless. She draws a question mark and goes on her way. ------ The subsequent days, weeks, months produce notes with a single line, curve, unfinished shape. She doesn't know what they mean, but she keeps all of them. One day, they stop coming. Three, four days pass.
What happened to her mystery pen pal? Had something stopped their correspondence? She thinks back to the notes and the details.
The numbers meant something.
Instead of going ahead, she turns back home with a spring in her step. ------ The next day, she turns up at the tree with no sticky notes, but a piece of lined paper. She's written her answer beforehand and only stops to tape the page to the tree before rushing across the street.
The numbers were what order to put the notes. Couldn't you have given me a hint? But thanks for the picture--it was pretty.
Of course I'll be your friend. I thought we already were. ------ She looks to the tree on her way home to find her note gone and another note in its place. She dashes over to check what it says.
Look up.
She wasn't exactly sure what to expect--a teenager? A kidnapper? Some girl from school? But she checks and sees the 4th grade brat who throws rocks at her, grinning a toothy smile. He clambers down from the branches and digs through his backpack for something, a piece of lined paper like hers with a tiny jade-colored pebble attached.
I'm sorry for throwing rocks at you every morning. I didn't know how else to get your attention since I can't talk. Do you want to go to class together?
She beams back at him and takes his hand as they race to school together.
Next time, she thinks, I should give my classmates a chance to be heard.
Okay, that's enough of me. And I'm not confident enough to ask 11 people, so I'll just tag these people: shatodile, foreveracomiclover, meowbananariot, 13darkapprectices, furrette
1. If you were the opposite gender for the day, what is the first thing you would do?
2. What is your favorite song?
3. What do you like to do on Satrudays?
4. DC or Marvel?
5. Is there a fictional character you feel like crying over and stabbing in the eyes at the same time? If so, who and where are they from?
6. Everyone has had to read plays/novels in English class. Which one did you hate the most?
7. Is green a creative color?
8. Do you like drawing? (Not asking if you think your drawing skills are awesome--because they are.) Do you ENJOY drawing?
9. Any odd celebrity crushes?
10. Do you know anyone who has rage quit Flappy Bird? (I hate that game.)
11. If you were a fruit, what would you be and why?
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to-find-paradise · 12 years
KIBA I LOVE YOU YOUR SO AMAZING!!! One day, you'll find Paradise ^u^
It was odd to him that someone he had no memory of speaking with would know his name and what he was trying to accomplish. All that left his bewildered mouth was "Thanks..."
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a-sirens-charm · 12 years
13darkapprentices reblogged your photo: I drew this wolfs eye yesterday & I think it...
Thats awesome! You are such a good artist. I wish i was that good haha
lskdjfl thank you so much O_O :* tho I don't really think myself as a good artist, I'm just beginning to learn
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isabella-jameston · 11 years
Once you get this, you have to say 5 nice things about yourself and send to ten of your favourite followers!
(I’ll send it to the ten people later, I promise.)
I’m awesome at putting my lipstick on.
I’m adorable.
I give good hugs.
I’m a good singer.  (Too narcissistic?  No?  Okay.)
I look pretty badass when I wear my sunglasses.
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isabella-jameston · 11 years
Hi !
Hey there you lovely girl.
1. First impression: I don’t even remember, I just know we are friends.2. Truth is: You are amazing and I hope I never lose you and I love you with all my heart.3. How old do you look: 17.4. Have you ever made me laugh: Multiple times.5. Have you ever made me mad: No, I don’t think so.  It’s hard to make me mad.  It’s easy to tick me off, but then it’s easy to cheer me up again.  Making me mad is difficult.6. Best feature: Your confused face.7. Have I ever had a crush on you: No.8. You’re my: Friend who lives very close so we should hang out more than we do.  We need to make some sort of ritual or something.9. Name in my phone: Ruby *insert last name here*.10. Should you post this too?: Sure.  Why not?
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isabella-jameston · 12 years
Tag a quality blog, You’re it! Quality doesn’t mean that you have a lot of followers, or a lot of messages. It means that you’re nice to other people, and you deserve to be happy. If you get this message, someone is telling you that they love you as you are, and they don’t care how much followers you have. Send this to 15 blogs who deserve it. If you break the chain, nothing will happen. But it’s just good to let someone know that you love them! ♥ -Kiba 13
Awww thanks!
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isabella-jameston · 12 years
Awww thank you!  I’ve got another one of these to do, lol.  That makes…. 25 messages.  I’ll have to space them out, lol.
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to-find-paradise · 12 years
13darkapprentices started following you
Tumblr media
Kiba had been taking a bit of a rest when he thought he heard someone or something nearby. "Who's there?" he asked, ready to be on the defensive if need be.
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isabella-jameston · 12 years
This is the tumblr bear hug ⊂( ̄(エ) ̄)⊃. Pass it to 15 of your favourite tumblrs to let them know that you love them (◕‿◕✿)
AWWW thanks Ruby!  ^_^
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isabella-jameston · 12 years
I think you're a badass
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isabella-jameston · 12 years
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isabella-jameston · 12 years
Are you in love with Anon? :3
Shut your face Ruby.  Lol.
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