electrosquash · 4 months
Cohost sucks because they only allow 5mb attachments
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marioclash · 6 months
man cds are great
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hyperdrama · 2 months
so there's a store here that still sells old ipod chargers and i managed to get one so i can't wait to hopefully charge up my ipod classic + touch and see what's on there
80gb felt huge to me back then but now i'm sort of laughing nervously a bit because i'm converting all my physical music collection (vinyl, cd, casettes etc since i have the equipment for it) and putting it on a portable hard drive. i have barely made a dent and i'm already at 32gb
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saigatatarica · 7 months
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xpander · 1 year
finally found the obscure nu-metal album i’ve been looking for on soulseek. unfortunately the only person sharing it has the username ‘minority_eradicator’
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albeckett · 2 years
also another thing im doing that im really excited about (for head) is using the remastered audio from the criterion blu-ray instead of mono. like it sounds really good
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ninthwav · 5 months
my default position on most things is that i know nothing about them which isn’t like, self-deprecating so much as deep awareness of my relative shallowness as a Media Engager. so Imagine My Surprise when i’m going thru gothic metal playlists trying to broaden me horizons and i know all these bands! many of them are on my old fucked ipod classic at a kbps rate that would make an audiophile cry
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hana-uranai · 1 year
平成維新 - Microburst
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rust-coast · 2 years
shitty mp3s from late-aughts music blogs, poorly mixed
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i just found out something awsome last night. bandcamp does not delete any of its 128kbps mp3s from its server even after the album is removed. so if there is a wayback machine archive saved of ANY bandcamp page (which will link to the mp3s) it means you can technically still listen to it and get a copy of any songs on it. this is wacky insane to me
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misoka · 3 months
坂本龍一氏に訊く、これからの音楽のかたちと価値とは - PHILE WEB
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sledbedar · 2 months
Several Brobecks W's today
The "complete" version of their first album The 4th Of JuLive has finally been obtained in way higher quality. Previously we only had 128kbps MP3s from way back in the day. And we did not have original mixes for the tracks that were cut from the album.
But now we have a rip of an original CD before the tracks were cut.
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This is pretty significant, to visualize
Previous best audio quality
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New best
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Slightly higher quality rip of the bands 2003 demo disc has been obtained too (previous best was 320 MP3, now lossless rip)
And original mixes of the bands 4-Track Tapes, instead of the 2021 remasters have been obtained (though I can't share all of those)
The wiki will be updated soon with downloads for what I can
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veetri-bitcrush · 9 months
I literally cannot imagine what society would be today if linkin_park_-_crawling[128kbps].mp3 hadn't existed.
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i used to check out as many cds as i could from the library and rip them all to my computer and then do another round the next time
wish i'd known about lossless audio back then though
not that my computer could have handled that. but i might have some music from back then that wasn't 128kbps
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tabithamoon · 1 year
pro tip: don't fall for audiophile nonsense
"Hi-Res" audio is a meme. I know this sounds like the "cinematic FPS" argument but your ears are literally incapable of hearing greater than 16-bit 48kHz audio.
breaking it down, first the 48kHz part: digital audio is stored in samples, which is a measure of the amplitude at a single point in time. the sample rate is how frequently the signal is sampled, forming our digital sound. and thanks to the Nyquist–Shannon sampling theorem, which dictates that any band-limited signal can be represented perfectly with digital samples taken at twice it's frequency, for the human limit of 20kHz, 48kHz is actually more than enough as it can encode a signal up to 24kHz
as for the 16-bit part, that dictates the dynamic range of the audio, in other words, the difference between the loudest signal a format can reproduce compared to the quietest one when it starts blending in with noise
16-bit audio, with proper dither and correct encoding, has a practical 120dB of dynamic range, which is "greater than the difference between a mosquito somewhere in the same room and a jackhammer a foot away". you don't need 24-bit audio, although it doesn't hurt, unlike >48kHz audio (see this excellent post about how ultrasonics can lead to distortion on most gear, actively hurting sound quality, by Chris Montgomery, founder of xiph.org, the foundation behind the FLAC, Vorbis and Opus audio codecs, so you can know for damn sure he knows more about digital audio than most of us combined)
don't spend extra for hi-res files and such. They're really only useful if you're a producer, as the extra data helps you keep good quality while mixing your track.
And for the love of god don't fall into the MQA snake oil rabbit hole, it's lossy and the "origami" bullshit they're peddling adds distortion and artifacts to the file, and they went bankrupt recently so that just shows how good their product is
Don't confuse this with an excuse to listen to the shittiest 128kbps mp3s straight out of Napster, lossy vs lossless codecs is a different subject altogether (hint: just get the FLACs, but beware your bluetooth buds can't do lossless)
TL;DR just get good gear, a humble 16/44 FLAC file, and enjoy mathematically perfect music
(and later watch these amazing videos by Chris from earlier going over this much better than i ever could)
and please don't take anything i've said at face value, i'm no expert, do your own research!! that is the magic the internet enables you to do
wow an actual informative post on my trash blog go me
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estradasphere · 1 month
decreasing the mp3 quality from 320kbps to 128kbps wasn't getting this file below the 10mb tumblr limit, so i got frustrated and set it to 8kbps to see if that would do anything, and, well, it did...
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