yugonoashiato · 1 year
Footprints #1220 - Damn iitt
August 25th Sunny ☀️
Good morning♪
This is Yugo Kochi, who didn't realise the time had flown until it was this late.
I updated late. Lol
Damn it…
At this time of the day I have a slight case of a stye ( ; ; )
Damn iiitt…
It hurts 😓
Also, I have a live today!!?
Ughhh…. 。゚(゚'Д`゚)゚。
It's not that swollen, so it's fine 🙆🏻 lol
I won't say if it's right or left eye. Lol
Just watch the live to confirm. Lol
M-Sute is tonight ✌️
I'm happy to have so many new experiences lately.
There's the Achi Kochi Audrey, then the CM press conference, and then the Downtown DX 🥹.
It's really very stimulating. ( ; ; )
And then at the end of this month is the Birdman Contest ^^
I'm happy to be able to enjoy my youth, so I'm looking forward to it (T . T)
I want to live by challenging myself in everything ^ - ^
I’ll do my beessstt!
Thank you for all your hard work and schoolwork today. It's hot today, isn't it? I think it's around 34 degrees? It's terrible… And I hear there's another typhoon coming 🌀 ( ; ; ) Let's all be careful… sobs
It's that time of year again.
Don't forget to wash your hands, gargle and stay hydrated!
I'm grateful every day.
I just had a thought.
As expected, am I a weirdo? Lol
See you tomorrow!
Keep smiling ☺️
(Kochi shared a selfie with his eyes wide open. The caption read: "I wonder which eye!")
E/N: My dear Yugo, I couldn't see which eyes, but whichever it was, please use antibacterial eye drops with washed hands. Anyway, your performance at M-Sute was amazing as always. You've been busy, but you've done it flawlessly. I'm really looking forward to the Birdman Contest! Those windnauts are amazing!
To answer, are you a weirdo? Yes, only because you don't use a sponge to clean the bathtub and sink, but it shows your passion and belief, so it's a bit tolerable. As long as you wash your hands afterwards!
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