#1200 x-1r
radracer · 7 years
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Datsun 120A Cherry Coupe 1200 X-1R
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Monday 13 November 1837
12 5
fine frosty morning F34° at 8 50 very bilious this morning as last night – could not sleep at all till near 3 this morning – John Booth has just sent for me to say the old bay horse bought of Traverllers Inn Holt is dying – told him to take the other horses away – and bury the poor horse as he is (shoes and hide on) as near the spot where he lies as possible – breakfast now at 9 in ½ hour – then till 12 packing for York – all ready and went down to A- at 12 when Holt (James) came no doubt of Airgate pit being out of water and of no steam engine being wanted – coal enough will be loosed to keep ten colliers employed many years – A.P. airgate pit = 47 yards deep let at 24/. per yard (the Manns finding everything) but ten pounds extra to be allowed for pulling (no gin .:. will be wanted) – the mine from Listerwick Engine pit to Listerwick pit (i.e. Listerwick Low mine) 180 yards long let at 8/. per yard driving – the 140 yards length from L.P. to A.P. not let – (vid. Thursday 2 November p. 396 margin)
A.P. 47 yards sinking at 24/. =  £56.8.0
Pulling =  10.0.0.
Listerwick low mine 180 yards at 8/. = 72.0.0.
Airgate pit or A.P. mine 140 yards at 15/.? = 105.0.0.
Tools for 10 colliers and extra for carrying on the colliery  26.12.0
10 colliers x 20 loads x 6 days = 1200 loads per week at 4d. per load profit 10 colliers to het 20 laods for 300 days per annum there will 5 loads or rather more per yard –
1200 yards at 4d. profit = £20 per week! suppose £16 per week .:. 16 x 52 = 828 per anum
suppose £15 per week or 30/. per collier per week = £780 per annum
5 loads per yard at 4d. per load profit = 4840 yards x 20d. = £367.6.8 per acre
300 days x 10 x 20 loads = 60000 loads per annum and 60000/5 = 12000 yards = 2a.1r.30p. 324/484 per annum
H- calculated that 1 ¼d. per load will pay himself 1/2d. JM. (who as bottom will have lad and candles to find 1/d. and Robert M- ¼ who as banksman will be always at the top, and have nothing to find – H- calculates getting at 3d.per load and ropes and tools 3/4d. .:. total expense per load = 5d. to sell at 9d. leaves 4d. per load profit to me –
on H-‘s going had Ibberston (John) who paid his last ½ years rent due the 1st instant of Breakneck cottage then out (about after 1) in the outbuildings and with Robert Mann at the Bur walling against the road for above ½ hour – in the stables – found the poor old bay (bought of Holt) had slept out, and died of starvation for the excessive cold – had told John Booth 2 or 3 days ago the horses were to sleep in the stable and the bay bought of my father to be in the front stable – the horses came at 1 by Halifax – (1 ¾ by our clock) – had Messrs. Thomas Pearson and Parkinson late of the Travellers Inn Hipperholme Lane ends, to take the Stump X Inn – P- had bid £100 a year at the public letting – thought it worth more then than now in consequence of Mr. Stocks’ beer shop  - said I thought the
Inn might be let – should have an answer on Wednesday or when I came back there I could say nothing but that if P- thought the Inn worth more at the public letting than now after all the new building he was not likely to be tenant – Mawson had told P- the rent he paid £120 – then said I there is the new building on which I was to have  5p.c. and it has cost £400 or more = rent £140 however I could say nothing at present – but if I found any difficulty about the rent I should probably try another public letting – omitted to note that on mentioning the Stump X Inn being to let to Holt, he said his mistress wanted to leave the town – it would suit him very well for the colliery – his sister wanted High royde farm to herself – H- would not let it go out of the name he would stand between her and Miss Marian L- but he would let me know about the Stump X on Wednesday – it seemed to me 2 or 1 in favour of his taking the Inn – then went into the cellar –changed my dress A- and I off to York at 3 by the day – at Leeds in 2 5 hour – 10 minutes changing horses – at Tadcaster in 1 55 hour 5 minutes changing horses and alighted at the George Inn at 8 ¼ - a great concert – the George Inn quite full – sat in the great room and had tea – obliged to come over the way to Shackletons’ (late Parsons) Lodgings to sleep and breakfast – left the Inn at 10 ¼ - very nice Lodging – in bed at 12 – fine morning – but small drizzling from between 2 and 3 pm for all the rest of the day till after 7 pm and then quite fair? and finish moonlight night
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