#12 years since my nana died today and as you can see
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liberty-barnes · 1 year ago
Twelve years ago on this day, my world collapsed. You died, and a part of me died with you. So today, I grieve.
I can’t remember your laugh, or the sound of your voice. How it felt when you hugged me. If your hands were soft or rough. Can’t remember how you said my name, or if I ever laid in bed with you just because. The stories you once told me are lost in the mind of a much younger child. She feels that pain with me. All we have is a necklace and the perfume you wore. 
The hardest part of losing someone at such a young age is knowing you never had the chance to get to know them like you wanted to. Ripped away before you were old enough to understand who they were. Left with foggy images and shaky thoughts.
My biggest regret is not enjoying it more, should’ve cherished every moment, milked them for all they were worth, carved that joy into my heart, etched those memories into my very soul where time wouldn’t be able to steal them away.
The greatest injustice was not getting to say goodbye. To hold your hands– were they warm? Or perpetually cold, like mine? –and memorise the feeling of them in mine. To look into your eyes and see the love I have for you mirrored back at me. To tell you I love you one last time, and hear you say it back, tattoo the soundwaves on my chest, right over my heart, so those words would be as eternal as they feel.
I want to tell you everything, show you what I’ve made of myself. There’s only so many one-sided conversations you can have before they become more bitter than sweet. Would you be proud of me? Of who I’ve become? Would you forgive me for my mistakes? Judge me? Berate me?
The truth is, I don’t know. No one does. Only you.
The words “she would” feel hollow. They come from the mouths of those who don’t know, who can only guess and say what will make me feel better. I want to hear it from you, and that impossibility is a hard pill to swallow.
The only thing I can do is hope. Hope that you’re proud, hope that you’re by my side at every step, hope that your light can shine through me for as long as I shall live. Hope that I will mean to someone what you’ve always meant to me.
Because there’s a lot I’ve forgotten, but I will never forget the tea you made me whenever I was sick or upset, the game with the coloured pins we’d play every time we were home, or how you’d roll your eyes every time I said I wanted to sleep on the floor.
My love for you is eternal, unconditional, all-consuming.
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dirtfullofwork · 9 months ago
🌸 picnic hangout. 🌸
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Pairing: soap x ruz oc x Canon
Summery: ruz and soap have a picnic together! After ruz gives him an invite, but little did soap know that’s not the only place they’re going to visit.
Note: warning, this has some angst and fluff and crap art (click for higher quality)
“Good morning soap, are you up?”
“Yeah. Woke up 12 minutes ago.”
“Do you want to go out 4 pm today?”
“For what?”
“For brunch.”
“Sure, I’m not busy today.”
"So this is the place?" Soap asked?
"Yeah,I was told it's a good spot to have a picnic,especially in this weather, so thats why i decided to invite you, and also because I have no friends  " ruz smiles akwardly , the environment was beautiful, it was bright day, the breeze hits both of them.
Ruz goes to a stop and points to a spot, it had trimmed grass so I wouldn't get in the way.
"Look, let's go over there, it seems like a good spot."
"Alright sounda good , lead the way then." Soap responded while nodding.
The two of them sat down in unison. Ruz had a sunflower bag and she placed it down with her, she opens it and pulls out a lunch box, when she opens it, it had four sandwiches.
"Me and my aunt made these together, she made the other two for you since I told her were going out."
"How nice of her...tell her i said thanks." he let's out a soft smile.
"Oh you will..
Soap looks at her silently confused wondering what she meant by that but doesn’t question it.
Ruz was eating one of sandwiches while looking at the pretty view and daydreaming. Soap was silently wondering how he can break the silence, before he looked to the left and saw a pink flower and he turns to ruz. He turns back and rips the flower off the ground, he takes a look at it before tucking it beneath ruz hair. She turns to soap and looks at him with slight confusion.
Soaps eyes slightly widen thinking he messed up by the reaction of her face and he tries to explain
“I think it looks nice..like you…” his Scottish accent strong.
Ruz swallows her food and smiles before finally saying
“Thank you!”
Soap thinks to himself “thank god.”
She finished her sandwiches and gets up and ask
“So, your ready”
“For what?”
“To meet my aunt” she smiles
“Wait we’re meeting her aunt? You haven’t told me.”
“Don’t worry, she’s a good person!”
She chuckles before saying
“come on, she’s expecting us soon”
The two of them head towards the car with ruz taking the drivers seat and starts to drive. And starts to see the sun start to set and she sees the view she then breaks the few minutes of silence by saying
“I grew up here. I know every building in this area by memory, it’s nostalgic.”
She sighs
Soap nods and replies while also looking at they view
“I see.”
She changes the topic by saying
“want to listen to music? What’s your taste?”
“Any song is fine.”
He responded.
Ruz nods and plays pumped up kicks in the radio
Soap turns to see her long hair down..it was pretty..really pretty..it reached her shoulders her brown eyes shined in the sun but she didn’t notice his back to fourth glare due to her being focused on the road, the wind was slightly open letting out breeze in the car.
“I lived with my aunt and her boyfriend for years. Wasn’t very fun when I was alone with him.”
She weakly chuckled awkwardly
“What do you mean?” The Scottish male questioned.
She turned to him for a moment, before looking back at the road, reluctantly she responded to his question with a soft sigh.
“He was a really rude man verbally snd sometimes even physically, I didn’t feel safe when I was with him but my nana always defended me and loved and cared for me but years ago he died from skin cancer.”
Soap nods, listening to what she got to say before responding while looking at the road
“Must’ve been really unfortunate, I hope you are okay now,”
Ruz slightly smiles before responding with
“Thank you Johnny for understanding, it’s refreshing to let out my feelings to someone finally.”
Before adding either a completely different tone..a cold one.
“It was just the beginning anyways.”
She then took a left turn before finally heading to a small yellow house with flowers planted in the front of the house
She turns to soap
“Here we are? Ready soap?”
“Soap” he questions
“We don’t need to be formal, you can call me Johnny…Sal.”
Sal’s eyes light up and her hair flows with the hair and she smiles
“If you say so Johnny.”
Sal walks to the stair and rings the doorbell, she looked a bit stressed as her eyebrows were furrowed a bit. But enough to notice. The door opens and a woman in her 40’s open, she had the same eyes as Sal but she had black long curly hair, she looked flabbergasted.
“Sal,is it really you?! it’s been so long” she hugs her tightly while resting her head on her shoulders
Johnny stood there behind them
Wait a fucking minute…is this her aunt?!
Fuck..it is..
Sal pulls away from the hug, and that’s when the woman finally notices soap and she looks at ruz
“Sweetie, is this your boyfriend?” She asked
Sal was flabbergasted and she exclaimed
“No! Hes..a friend from work.”
Johnny thinks to himself
“Not yet..at least…”
Johnny extends his hand for a handshake
“the names..Johnny..Johnny mactavish, ma’am..”
The woman in the late 40’s chuckles softly, and she excepts his handshake while saying “just call me Martinez”
“Let’s go inside guys” Sal suggested
The three of them head inside in unison and as they walk in Sal says
“I’ll make some tea guys, how about you two talk about each other and know each other” she smiles and walks to the kitchen leaving the two alone
“May I sit here…Mrs. Martinez?.” Soap asked as he points to the red couch.
“Of course, make yourself comfortable young man.”
As Johnny sits down he turns to look at Mrs. Martinez with a gentle face..she looked delicate and a nice woman it was quiet for a minute or two before he broke it by thanking her
“Thank you for the sandwich..your..neice told me that you and her made two for me..I..really appreciate it.”
“Of course, when I heard she was going to hang out with you I decided it be nice to make sandwiches for the two of you, she really deserves some friends. She never got to live the childhood she really wanted..and I feel bad for her..”
Johnny looks down for a moment before looking back at her with a sympathetic face “may I ask what happened?, if your comfortable” he asked with a gruff tone..
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Martinez looks down with a sad face and she explains
“she grew up without parents..her mother died from an overdose and her father was never there in her life..and school was tough for her…honestly I never wanted her to join the army. I’m scared of the danger and risk of it or Mabee the risk of death. But she always wanted to be like her mother.. I’m glad she finally have a friend to speak to” her lips tug to a small smile and she turns to Johnny who listens intently.
Johnny lets out a nod
“You must’ve been a good parental figure..she is a..very nice woman and a strong healthy one too…”
Johnny reassured as Sal came back with hot green tea.
As she sat down and joined the two Martinez ask the two “so..how did you two yahoo’s meet?”
Ruz smiles awkwardly and chuckles “it’s a long story nana..”
Martinez was showing soap memory books of sal when she was younger while Sal was on the other side blushing in embarrassment, Martinez points to one photo that took place in 2007 where Sal lost her first teeth and her eyes were puffy from crying.
“This was her when she was seven years old, she cried alot…” she chuckles softly and she shows more pictures of Sal during her childhood and high school years Sal was really embarrassed “nana..stop..” she mutters as she sinks down the couch.
“I refuse” she teased in response
“Yahoo use to watch a lot of horror when she was younger so she use to cry to me when she thought monsters where under her bed.”
Johnny chuckles “oh really now? That’s silly”
“You know Johnny, Sal likes to talk about you.”
“Oh really now?”
The lady nods
“Yes, she likes to talk about you a lot young man, you know she never was the type to want friends at all, especially a boy, she very committed to you, you two deserve eachother you know..”
she said as she blows on her tea and takes a sip. “You should drink this now, it’s getting cool.”
Sal speaks
“ we had our ups and downs with our friendships it is us versus death itself..despite the harsh reality of this hell of a war..he shows empathy and compassion to his teammates..and me..he really is special.”
Soap looks at Sal, his face softening, finding himself vulnerable. But soap thought that he wasn’t enough for her, he was reluctant. He was worried that he would get in the way of her life, and if they do go together he knows how serious she is with relationships and is worried it might not last by their dynamics. But yet there hope. Despite them being opposite..they still fit together like a puzzle peace. There was a warm flutter feeling in his heart.
“Thank you.”
“Of course.”
“Have you two ate today besides the sandwiches?” The old lady asked
Soap and Sal look at each other
“Well I ate some fruits”
“We ate some fruits..” soap corrected.
“Do you want dinner?” She asked?
Sal responded with “can we have oven chicken with rice!” She exclaimed, she was a fan of her chicken and rice
“So tell me about yourself young man, what’s your favorite color, hobby, holiday, all the good stuff”
Soap responded with a low voice, he was shy but did not want to admit it, he grew sweat behind his neck
“Hm me?”
“Well I can’t really think of a favorite color I never really thought of that…hmmmmmm….. Mabee the same color as the blue shirt I’m wearing, and for hobbies, I like to journal and draw in my free time and for holidays..I’ll go for Christmas because I like the atmosphere, I enjoy the decoration, lights, and the jolly atmosphere and the generosity and giving. I also like winter activities like Christmas marketing and ice skating…and also just because I like winter.” He responded while taking a bite of the white rice.
Sal spoke aswell
“I also like winter better…I don’t prefer summer unlike most people I know in my social circle, it’s just the humidity brings me discomfort and same goes for the heat brings me heat exhaustion and thirst, and the insects. I’m not scared of them there just bothersome and when I was younger it was hard to sleep in my bedroom from the irritating heat. But I had fans.” She bites into the last meat of the chicken.
“Thanks for the chicken” both Sal and soap says
“It’s no problem, I’m great full you ate good. When u was younger I was poor and sometimes skipped dinner, I don’t want you two to suffer the same as I did when I was a kid”
Sal checks the time and it was 10 PM
“Oh my it’s getting late.” She points out.
Soap sat there in the chair.
It’s been a while since he ate dinner with someone and end up with a full stomach…he’s..great-full..? It was a warm scene.. despite it only being the two of them he felt welcomed.
Soap and Sal where on top of a balcony. The view was pretty as the lights shined against the night sky the moon was also crystal bright. As the wind gently breezed Sal grabs a hair tie about to put on her iconic bun before soap said “your hair is beautiful down..in my opinion.” He mummers as his blue eyes gazing at hers with a small spark. Sal smiles ear to ear “if you say so” she responds, changing her mind as she lets her hair flow, she wraps her arms around her legs and a few minutes later of silent pass. The woman glances up at the moon high in the dark sky in front of her. “Thanks for everything today..it’s been forever since I had a day like this…so thank you for today..Sal.”
“It’s no problem at all…I should thank you for expecting my text message.”
He nods
Sal ask “what would you do if you weren’t in the military?”
“Sleep all day.”
“Understandable” she agreed.
“How about you? What would you do if you weren’t in the military?”
“I’d like to be a florist..or Mabee a barber..oooh, Mabee a vet..animals are better than people, or Mabee a librarian”
Soap glares at her and nods
Ruz confesses “soap your a nice..man….your loyal…brave..your courage is inspiring and you’d be willing to take on a dangerous mission..and your resourceful..and just your sense of humor too, despite the intense scenarios of what’s going on right now you maintain humor in you. And that’s what I like about you.”
“I really appreciate these words..”
“It’s no problem at all…” sal cheeks starts to blush.
“Your pretty when you blush”
Her face starts to burn up
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“You think I’m pretty?..”
Yayyyy! I’m finally done! It’s been eight days working on this so it be appreciated if you reblog I can’t bare watching this flop 🥲
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myblueeyedbuggers · 4 years ago
My Boys
Chapter 12
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11  Chapter 13 Chapter 14
Pairings: Steve Rogers X Reader (Best Friend) Bucky Barnes X Reader
Word Count: 2420
Warnings: Slight bit of swearing
Summary: After being abandoned by her parents in Brooklyn in 1929, y/n makes a living for herself by working for the Црни лабуд gang until she meets two boys in a back alley and her life slowing begins to change.
Eyup My loves! Soo How’s your week been? Good I hope, so a bit of news for you all, there’s only  two/three more chapters left till this book is finished and then we’ll be moving onto (Drum roll) The First Avenger! Woooo! I hope you’re all as excited as I am. Anyways without anymore rambling, I give you chapter 12, enjoy!
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So I can safely say that the rest of the week passed pretty quickly, with only a few ‘minor’ incidents, one of em being a massive food fight caused by yours truly and Steve getting himself stuck in the basement for 2 hours after seeing, and I quote ‘a possessed girl dressed as undead batman’.
I still haven’t told him that was me….oops
Apart from that it was pretty normal, cut to today where I’ve been blessed with the task of lookin’ after my best girl for Buck’s parents anniversary whilst they go into the city to celebrate, I mean it’s the least I could do for em. Plus, the last time the lads were trusted with lookin’ after Becca, Buck’s parents came home to the entire house covered in flour with Becca laughin’ at em cause they managed to lock themselves in a cupboard. We had to call the fire department to get em outta there.
Anyways, we kicked the boys outta the house so Becca and I could have a girls day in, now don’t get me wrong I absolutely adore this girl and I would practically do anything for her.
“Y/n can we play princesses please?! Mama got some dresses from our cousin we can wear!”
I can literally feel my soul burning right now. I honestly tried to say no, there’s nothing more I hate more that being forced into them things but one look into her bright little eyes made all my resistance die away and so I uttered the words that sealed my doom. “Of course, Becs only if we can have a tea party in em”. So here we are, me in a navy style party dress, lace covered my arms and the hem of the sweetheart neckline resting just on my collarbone,  the knee length satin skirt covered my legs.
Honestly, I wasn’t as bad I thought it were gonna be, I even let my hair outta the classic ponytail it’s always in so Becca could style it a tiny bit, to her credit she did a decent job. My h/c locks fell in small waves across my back, with the longer strands near my face tucked behind my ears and Becs even convinced me to pop on some of her mama’s makeup. Now I ain’t a fool, I know makeup’s pretty expensive and only let her pop on a shimmery light gold eyeshadow and some tinted lip balm, much to her disappointment I confiscated the mascara, I refused to let that death stick near my eyeballs.
Becca looked absolutely adorable, we’d managed to find her dance dress from last year and it suited her down to the ground. Baby pink lace covered her arms up to her wrist, the middle part had little gems dotted here and there with a pink satin ribbon separating the skirt from the top, from the looks of it the skirt was made outta some layered netting that poofed outwards when she span around. Don’t ask me how but I managed to wrap some ribbons in her braids and added a lil tiara on the top of her head and if you’d asked me, she looked like a real-life princess to me.
“So, your highness, what would one prefer to do? Would one like to have tea in the parlour or waltz in the ballroom?” my attempt at the British accent was apparently appalling, judging by the level of giggles coming outs Becca’s mouth. Eventually she calmed down enough to give me an answer “I think a waltz would be most fun lady y/n” she said in an equally bad accent. Slowly a smile spread across my face as I moved over to the record payer, I didn’t even pay attention to which one I put on before I turned back to Becca and offered her my hand, lowering myself into a bow that looked like a squid tryin’ to tap dance. Very elegant I know.  
You’d think after the past few weeks I’d been with the Barnes family, I’da got used to being tackled by the siblings, but alas I am surprised every-time, hence why I’m on the floor with a hyperactive 4 year old sat on top of me. Becca’s giggles filled the entire room, she quickly got off me and started jumping around to the sound of the jumpin’ jive and leaving me to slowly die on the floor, for all of 5 seconds before she yanked my arm outta my socket to get me dancing with her. I swear this girl isn’t even human, one second she’s sweet and delicate the next she’s bulldozing people to the ground and pullin’ em to the next life, I mean she’s 4 she shouldn’t be that strong!
Thank the lord she’s adorable. Quickly the music took over my mind, my feet moving along to the music, Becca was doin’ some twirls around me with the biggest smile on her face, I don’t know what made me do it but I grabbed her gently by the waist and spun us around in time to the music, her little arms reached into the air as we both laughed our heads off. Of course, me being me, I lost my balance and my butt suddenly met the sofa, with Becca landing next to me with a small yelp, it was quiet for all of 2 seconds before we burst out laughin’. Think it took us about 3 minutes before we calmed down, a comfortable silence fell between us, the music slowly faded to a stop as the record reached its end, and we stayed like this for a while before Becca broke the silence.
“Y/n, can you sing like mama? She don’t do it often cause it reminds her of my nana….” My eyes drifted over to Becs, her lil eyes dulled a little when she said it and now they were filled with a small glimmer of hope, and I really didn’t wanna be the reason for that light goin’ out. If I were being completely honest singin’ wasn’t something I ever wanted to do again, during my time with the Црни лабуд, singing was the only thing that made me feel like….well me I guess. It was the only sliver of light in so many years of darkness and once I was free from them I made myself a silent vow that I’d never do it again, that I was a new person. But one look in her little eyes was enough to make me break it. “I ain’t too bad, only know a couple of songs on the piano but I can try if you wanna”
Apparently Becca didn’t need to be told twice, in a flash of pink she was off to the other room, bellowing for me to follow her, I mean it ain’t like I gotta choice in the matter is it ? the sound of something hitting the floor in the room opposite me made me move even quicker (if that were even possible). Becca was stood in front of a oldish looking piano, a small bench was tuned over in front of her, and a white sheet was discarded on the floor next to her as she bounced up and down excitedly, I couldn’t help the smile on my face as I turned the bench over on it’s feet. Not even 2 seconds later Becca clambered up on it and looked at me with a bright smile, I swear she gets cuter every second like how does this happen ? I try it and I end up put away in a mental asylum.
“You got any requests princess ?” my legs carried me across the room and towards the seat, cracking my knuckles together and stretching out my fingers before turning to look at the younger lass, a look of concentration covered her face in response and it took her a few seconds to answer. “Dream a little dream of me ? think that’s what mama calls it” I swear I tried to stop the soft smile, but I really couldn’t help it this time. “sure sweetheart” and with that I hit the opening notes, the feeling of the keys under my fingertips were so familiar it was like no time had passed since I last played, I kept my voice soft and quiet as I sang. I think I was halfway through my second verse when I felt Becca cuddle into my side, she ducked her head under my arm and put her head in my lap, a soft yawn left her mouth as her eyes started to close to the sound of the music. It was at the end of the song that I looked at her again, soft snores escaped her mouth and her hand was grasping gently at the top of my skirt, I felt my heart melt even more that I thought possible, completely unaware of the small audience I’d gathered until a small cough came from behind me.
Aw shit…..
Bucky’s POV
If you’d told me a year ago, that after spending a couple of hours at Coney island with my best mate I’d come home to what must be an angels voice singing my sister to sleep. I’da never of believed ya, think you coulda imagined our confusion when me and Steve heard piano coming from the dining room. Steve shot me a look of pure bewilderment, and I couldn’t blame the guy to be honest, “thought you’d said your mama gave up piano couple a years ago”. I’m guessing my face mirrored his, cause I ain’t the slightest clue either, mama stopped playin’ years ago so who the heck could it be? “yeah she did bud, swore she’d never set her hands on it again…..”. I’m completely and utterly baffled at this point, where’s Y/n when ya need her ? she’d figure this out.
We both took a step towards the closed door, eager to know what the hell was going on when something stopped me, the sweetest sound I’d ever heard in my life sang along with the melody, I coulda sworn it sounded like the lullaby mama sang to us when we were kids. I guess I spent too long listening cause Stevie boy pushed past me and walked in, the sounds were so much clearer and more vibrant it felt like I’d died and gone to heaven right then and there. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I realised just who was creating this beautiful sound, there she was, sat in front of the piano as her fingers danced gracefully across the keys. Her voice, oh god her voice sounded like that of an angel, the weak afternoon sun shone over her hair and made her look even more angelic than humanly possible. I barely even noticed Becca asleep in her lap before Y/n finished her song and the ever-living pain in my ass decided to reveal that we were there. I mean he coulda chosen any other way of revealing our presence but no he had to let out the tiniest little cough, coulda got her back for the eyebrow incident….
Y/n literally went stiff as a board before she turned to look at us, her cheeks were red as a rose and a sheepish smile covered her face, it was only a couple of seconds after that both Steve and I noticed what she was wearing, he burst out laughin at her but me, I for once in my life couldn’t say a damn thing. She looked absolutely breath taking, her hair fell down in soft waves and framed her face, the shade of blue in her dress brought out the small flecks of green in her e/c eyes and brought out her hourglass figure. Her lips were drawn into a natural pout and it was that second it dawned on me she asked me somethin’….shit.  
“whaaaa…….” Nice one Bucky.
Steve, the lil punk, could barely stop himself laughin’, at some point he’d moved to take Becca off Y/n and stood behind y/n with his fist in his mouth to smother his laughter. My best friend ladies and gentlemen. If looks could kill he’d be 10 feet under right now.
“Buck ? I was askin’ if you were okay ?” Y/n’s face showed a tiny bit of confusion and much to my horror amusement, “YeAh I’m okay….” And just at the moment puberty strikes in the form of a voice crack, as if this weren’t embarrassing enough. At this point Steve was barely keeping it together, he had actual tears coming outta his eyes and went bright red in the face tryin’ to stop himsen laughing, in front of me y/n furrowed her eyebrows and did look genuinely concerned for my mental state. She didn’t say anything for a few seconds, just looked at me before she lifted her hand to my forehead and held it here for a minute, thank god Steve chose to leave the room before this or I’da never heard the end of it.
“You sure you’re okay, feelin’ a bit warm and ya actin weirder than usual Buck” okay quick say something before this gets even more embarrassing, first thing that pops into ya head in 3,2,1…
“Yeah I’m sure, think I ate somethin’ funky down at the pier, makin’ me real gassy”……why am I like this? Normally I can charm any girl of their feet but with y/n, I’ma bumbling mess.  She didn’t say a damn word, she just raised her eyebrows whilst a small smirk covered her face, before she turned and left me to have a very small breakdown underneath the dining table.
Meaning I let out a noise that sounded like a bear stubbing it’s toe in the middle of winter.
I thought my luck couldn’t get any worse, but nooo old lady luck decided today I needed a second helping, cause the second I did that Y/n walked back into the room. Brilliant. I was too busy stumbling over my words to processes what she was doin’, before I knew it she’d walked back to me and stood on her tip toes….then planted a small kiss on my cheek.
“You’re cute when you’re flustered Barnes”
And just like that, she left me with my jaw on the ground and heart beatin’ outta my chest, cause I’m starting to think that she was right. I’m sure as hell coming down with something, and I’m pretty sure it ain’t a regular ol’ bug…..
SOOO, if you got this far hope you enjoyed it, as always any feed back or constructive criticism is welcome, thank so much for reading and hope you have a great day/night/week.
lots of love
Rose xxx
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moro-nokimi · 4 years ago
Journey’s End
Summary: Naomi lives and is recruited by the SPK. Bisexuality ensues.
TW: Death of a loved one, alcohol (very end). 
Chapter 1: December 31, 2009
Naomi paced around the room. Raye would’ve been 33. When did we get this old? she thought. Happy birthday, I guess. She tried not to imagine what it would have been like if he hadn't been called to Japan.
She picked up her ringing phone. “Hi, Nana. It’s nice to hear from you.”
“And you too, dear. How are you holding up?”
“Same as always. I’m sorry I can’t call as often as I’d like to. My job and all.”
“I understand. My son, when he was alive, was the same way.”
Her mouth twisted. “Yeah. How are you and Chris doing?”
“We’re all right. Missing him as usual. Chris' job’s going well, though. As for his brothers, they're over as an annual thing. I’d tell you more, but I don’t really think it’s my news to tell.”
“That’s all right. Either way, they know where I am and have my number. They can tell me on their own time.”
“You hear that, boys?” In the background, there was a cacophony of groaning from Raye's brothers.
She smiled. “I should be going.”
“Of course. Don’t let us hold you back.”
“You’re not. Either way, I’ll see—hear you, I guess—on my birthday.”
“Mhm. Goodbye, Naomi. We’ll be thinking of you.”
She shut her phone with a sigh, then emerged from her hotel room. “Sorry I’m late, Katie.”
“Don’t let it happen too often,” Sheridan replied. “What even was it about?”
“Family stuff. You know how it gets. Anything on Kira?”
“The Bureau is still digging its heels in. All we’ve got is that Kira is in Japan—obviously, that’s why we’re here. No dice on anything else. It’s a wonder that Mason’s still ordering us to do these things, since the amount of stuff we have is nil.”
“Kira’s bound to slip up. He plays a long game.”
“Gee, ya think? Either way, I’m hungry.”
“Breakfast hours finished over two hours ago,” Naomi chided. “You can wait.”
“The human body digests food over a period of two hours, and at the end of that time period, then you’re hungry again.”
“Sure. Whatever, go get something from the vending machine.”
“Don’t wait up.”
Kids, Naomi thought.
“Come on, she’s only a couple years younger than you,” Ian Smirnov chided. He filled in, at her blank look, “Your expressions can be really obvious sometimes. Lemme guess, you were thinking, ‘kids’.”
Either way, inexperienced people can be liabilities. Especially those who are too worried about other things than their job.” She raised her eyebrows. "And I'll try to ignore you bringing up my age. Women age better with some mystery, you know."
He rolled his eyes. “You can be so anal sometimes. It’s times like these where I’m not shocked your nickname is ‘Misora Massacre’.”
“Well, either way. Mason says to keep analysing the patterns of Kira’s killings, besides the obvious.” There was a two week stop in the murders in '04, and then a slew of murders of white collar people. It was all traceable to the Yotsuba Group, but then they all died the same year. Nothing since, just the same old regular murder of incarcerated people.
(As far as "same old" can stretch when talking about the murder of people in prison.)
“Of course he does. He’s a good boss, but he doesn’t know what to look for,” Sheridan said. “So, Massacre, what’s your prediction?”
“Don’t call me that. Probably nothing as usual. We’ve still got six more months left for the scouting, so I guess we wait for something major.”
Sheridan sighed through her nose. “Also probably nothing. Either way, I’ll check it out. Anyone on drink duty tonight?”
“That’s Churchill’s job as of…” Smirnov checked his watch, “12:01 in the morning today. Then, it’s Misora’s job next week.”
“Didn’t I tell you guys that I don’t partake in that?” Naomi replied. “Besides, I thought the Russians would’ve been perfectly happy to buy the alcohol.”
Smirnov snickered. This had been their running joke as of late.
“Jokes about Smirnov aside, I’ll get started,” Sheridan said.
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king-artoria · 8 years ago
100 Truths
Tagged by @propertyofaminus​ thank you <3
1. Real name : Saber
2. Nickname(s) : Nana
3. Fav. color: Warm tones
4. Male or female : neither and both
5. Nursery/Kindergarten : Don’t remember;
6. Primary School : RQ
7. Secondary :OLOM
8. College : MCC and then I’m gonna go onto another
9. Hair Color : Blonde
10. Tall or Short : Medium (5′6)
11. Sweats or Jeans : Jeans
12. Phone or Camera : Don’t phones almost always have cameras now? So, phone
13. Health freak : With my diet, more so. Otherwise I trust my immune system
14. Orange or Apple : both pls :’(
15. Do you have a crush on someone : its kinda past that point
16. Eat or Drink : eat
17. Piercings : Yes, earlobes
18. Pepsi or Coke: Coke I guess
19. Been in an airplane : Many many times
20. Been in a relationship : A few exes, yeah
21. Been in a car accident : A very small one
22. Been in a fist fight : No, though I taunted for one
23. First piercing : Earlobes at, like, 3 years old
24. Best friend(s): I don’t really know what constitutes a BFF anymore, but I have a few people who I feel close to more than others that came to mind
25. First award : Probably some swimming ribbon
26. First crush : Um... A kid named Max, I think, in 3rd grade
27. First word : I should ask
28. Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius 
29. Last person you texted : Dad
30. Last person you talked to: In call with @heartoverblade​ right now!
31. Last person you watched a movie with : @heartoverblade​ <3
32. Last food you ate : Some dried dates, carrots, slice of toast, and other small things for breakfast
33. Last movie you watched : Lord of the Rings The Two Towers
34. Last song you listened to : I think “song of waiting love” by aqours
35. Last thing you bought : Some groceries including a moon fest red bean bun
37. Fav Food : I love sweets...................
38. Fav Drink : I love waterbut cranberry juice is so nice
39. Fav Bottoms : What does this mean.........? Clothes? I like skirts’ appearance, but jeans are tight in a comforting way and I feel like I can get things done in them
40. Fav Flower : I like tiger lilies, star lilies, sunflowers, and hibiscus
41. Fav Animal : Elephants;;; I really love so many though
42. Color/s : This is above, isn’t it? I’m wearing red atm. Favorites are warm tones from red to yellow
43. Fav Movie : Castle in the Sky
44. Fav Subject : Living and natural sciences
(Put an X in the brackets if yes)
45. [x] fallen in love with someone.
46. [x]celebrated Halloween.
47. [x] had your heart broken
48. [ ] went over the data on your cell phone.
49. [x] had someone like you
51. [ ] got pregnant. 
52. [ ] had an abortion. 
53. [x] did something I regret.
54. [x] broke a promise.
55. [x] hid a secret.
56. [x] pretended to be happy.
57. [x] met someone who changed your life.
58. [x] pretended to be sick.
59. [X] left the country.
60. [ ] tried something you normally wouldn’t try and liked it
61. [X] cried over the silliest thing.
62. [X] ran a mile.
63. [x] went to the beach with your best friend.
64. [x] got into an argument with your friends.
65. [x] disliked someone.
66. [ ] stayed single for 2 years since the first time you had a boyfriend/girlfriend.
67. Eating : just finished breakfast
68. Drinking : water
69. Listening : To a Youtube vid with Assassin - playthrough of Heavy Rain
70. Sitting/Laying : Sitting at the desk
71. Plans for today: Watching Heavy Rain and then Princess Tutu with friends
73. Want kids : I’m adverse but adopting is a good option
74. Want to get married : Yes
75. Career : Language - related
76. Lips or eyes : Lips...;;;;;;;;;
77. Shorter or Taller : Me? I think I’m done growing, but I don’t prefer short or tall people. 
78. Romantic or spontaneous : Romantic..
81. Hook-up or relationship : Relationship
82. Looks or personality: Both are imporant.
83. Lost glasses/contacts : I have lost my glasses;
84. Snuck out of a house : Sorta? Left home without permission when parents were away
85. Held a gun/knife for self defense : No, I don’t trust myself
86. Killed somebody : Not directly, but we are all connected, so I may have been a mental factor without knowing. I’ve been involved in some scary things, so I... Can’t be sure, but I’ve never tried or encouraged death
87. Broken someone’s heart : Yes, several
88. Been in love : Yes, several poisonous ones, but I have a very healthy one now
89. Cried when someone died : ... mm, I don’t for natural deaths
90. Yourself : I must
91. Miracles : It’s called luck. Yes
92. Love at first sight : It’s called infatuation, which is in the category of love for many people
93. Heaven : Don’t have a clue but I’ll accept what comes
94. Santa Claus: Spirit of giving so yes
95. Aliens: Likely, also likely we will never ever see them
96. Ghosts : we decay into other things that can grow into others so, in a way, yes
97. Is there one person you really want to be with right now : Yes *^^*
98. Do you know who your real friends are : Yes *^^*
100. Post as 100 truths : All are honest and true
TAGGING:  @tohsaka-rin​ @ransa @knightclassarcher @caren-ortensia @foxbitch <3 Do if you want to, please!
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killjoytoxicberry · 8 years ago
In yet another tag, this time by your friendly internet avian @dead-nightingale I answer a hella ton of questions that I’m not going to tag a whole 25 people in because I don’t know that many people, the people I would normally tag have been tagged already, and I think alot of people don’t like these! Rules: Once you have been tagged you are supposed to write 92 truths about yourself. At the end, choose 25 people to tag!
1. Drink: apple juice
2. Phone call: my dad
3. Text message: my friend Ian
4. Song you listened to: Castle On The Hill (I could have sworn the lyrics where ‘cars along the hill’ not ‘castle on the hill’)
5. Time you cried: I teared up in the car earlier does that count
HAVE YOU EVER… 6. Dated someone twice: nope
7. Been cheated on: thankfully no
8. Kissed someone and regretted it: never been kissed
9. Lost someone special: yes
10. Been depressed: I mean, I’ve never been medically diagnosed but sometimes I really wonder but if you mean have I ever felt then yeah I would say so
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: no and I hope I will never
12. Blue(s)
13. Green(s)
14. Black and White
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU… 15. Made new friends: probably not? I mean I’ve talked to people and been friendly but I don't know if it would classify as friendship?
16. Fallen out of love:  probably, with fictional characters/shows.
17. Laughed until you cried: Yeah definitely, it’s the best feeling late at night on the internet when you should be asleep but you get a feeling of summer freedom where you can do whatever you want and god its such a nice feeling.
18. Found out someone was talking about you: I don’t think so, its definitely happened but I haven’t found out about it.
19. Met someone who changed you: We haven’t met within a year but we’re gotten to know each other better and then yeah.
20. Found out who your true friends are: No, I don’t think that’ll ever be clear
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: I do not do the facebook
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: see 21.
23. Do you have any pets: my mom’s fish just dies, so no.
24. Do you want to change your name: Sometimes, but I think I’ll be fine as long as nicknames exist.
25. What did you do for your last birthday: Not sure, I think my parents just forced me out of the house and took me to my favorite sushi place and then the mall (didn’t get anything though, just went into shops) and then I helped make my birthday dinner which we ate along with my cake that I made the night before (I’ve made it a tradition to make myself a cheesecake for my cake since middle school I think)
26. What time did you wake up: surprisingly early today, 8 AM. I was on a couch mattress at my nana’s and it wasn’t that comfortable.
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: playing mysme and reading http://archiveofourown.org/works/592629/chapters/1066944
28. Name something you cannot wait for: the moment in life when I feel actual motivation to do something
29. When was the last time you saw your mother: half an hour ago when I was being scolded about math grades that just came in
30. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: my personality? I feel like another person would deal with life in a better way than I’ve been probably.
31. What are you listening to right now: On The Spot #100 again because Jon Risinger.
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Riddle, yes, but it was very one sided. (actually we went to get subs yesterday and there was a lovely old man named Tom who was chatting my brother up while my mom was looking for chips. We wanted to get chicken tender subs but they were out so we god cold cut and he rang it up as the sandwich that was on sale at the time because we waited to see if they other employee was going to get the chicken but she just slowly continued working on whole fired chicken)
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: The fact that no employer will hire me
34. Most visited website: Youtube or AO3
35. Elementary: My dear Watson? Idk I moved halfway through second grade and spent half a year at one school before switching to a better one only a few minuted farther away.
36. High School: currently in, starting senior year in the fall. I go to a different one than my siblings because mine has a culinary academy.
37. College/university: No idea what to do with this, will burn that bridge when we come to it.
38. Hair colour: brown
39. Long or short hair: medium atm but am planning to get it cut soon hopefully.
40. Do you have a crush on someone: fictional, yeah.
41. What do you like about yourself: hair, physically, and my cosplay ability I like to take pride in.
42. Piercings: one in each ear, but they’re rarely used anymore
43. Blood type: Idk but I want to find out
44. Nickname: Several but I haven't been around any of my friends who use them in a while so I cant think of any
45. Relationship status: single
46. Zodiac sign: Leo
47. Pronouns: she/her, cis
48. Favourite TV show: atla, they still show it, so it counts.
49. Tattoos: none, but plan to, if i can ever decide on anything
50. Right or left hand: right
FIRST… 51. Surgery: none that I know of
52. Piercing: ears when I was so young
54. Sport: basketball, but only because my mom wanted me to be active.
55. Vacation: too young idk, but I remember visiting family in Maryland in the winter and there was snow any I tried to eat ice with dirt on it but my dad told me not to but I licked it when he wasn’t looking.
56. Pair of trainers: no idea
57. Eating: how are we supposed to remember any of this?
58. Drinking: My mom’s Mike’s Hard Lemonade, but only a tiny sip and I don’t remember what it tastes like.
59. I’m about to: go to bed probably
60. Listening to: OTS ended so now, ‘Lost in Thoughts All Alone’ Amalee English ver. on loop.
61. Waiting for: a will to live  motivation
62. Want: love, platonic or romantic idc just somthing special and comforting with another human being. I f not that then at least a cat that loves me.
63. Get married: maybe, it seems like a bit of a hassle? But I heard there are benefits, so if we need those, or if my partner wants to.
64. Career: none currently, and too indecisive to have a clear idea of what I want.
YOUR TYPE… 65. Hugs or kisses: I feel like I’d be too nervous to try kisses until I’m really comfortable, but I absolutely love hugs ok like a lot
66. Lips or eyes: eyes
67. Shorter or taller: taller, I like being a bit shorter
68. Older or younger: I used to only think same age was an option but I don’t have a preference.
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: nice stomach, I feel like I’d like to lay down together and use it as a pillow
71. Sensitive or loud: sensitive
72. Hook up or relationship: I would be ok with a hook up, but I want a relationship
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker, I feel like I’m too hesitant. I need someone to be able to drag me out to do things without making me hate them.
HAVE YOU EVER… 74. Kissed a stranger?: nope
75. Drank hard liquor?: does the lemonade sip count
76. Lost glasses contact/lenses: I have neither but my brothers have
77. Turned someone down: I kind of didn't give an actual answer until I felt bad enough to say yes but I ended it soon after.
78. Sex on first date: nonononono I don’t think anything I have will turn out like that anyway thankfully but no
79. Broken someone’s heart: I broke up with someone, but I’m almost certain he only asked me out because he wanted to annoy my brother and he just wanted a girlfriend and he was too chill about it so no.
80. Had your heart broken: I have never approached someone are you kidding me, conceal don’t feel don’t let it show
81. Been arrested: yeah no
82. Cried when someone died: yes
83. Fallen for a friend: I keep wondering if I have but then I think “why do you always do this you are friends and reading too much into this”
DO YOU BELIEVE IN… 84. Yourself: people actually do that?
85. Miracles: I use the phrase but I don’t believe in anything “divine’ so no
86. Love at first sight: I don’t think you can truly fall in love with someone if you don’t know them...
87. Santa Claus: yes
88. Kiss on the first date: on the cheek for goodbye
89. Angels: not in reality, but I love reading about them
OTHER… 90. Current best friend’s name: Aly
91. Eye colour: brown
92. Favourite movie: 2003 live action Peter Pan
I lied I’m gonna tag three people ok fight me
@neofox0 @paytonbriauna @littlebitofanutcase
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Some of us don't have grandparents.
So, listen to Nana as she speaks with her comfort and understanding care and love.
She speaks to us all from her heart with love.
I am quite sure she is worried about us all in this world.
If you don't know she took the throne during WWII after her father died. He had only one lung. And she was only 18.
So, she understands the complete hardship of losing a dearly loved one then having to not only keep herself reigned in emotionally but also have to care for many nations.
At the young bright age she was... Still a child in so many ways. Having to be the most wise of all as Queen.
She understands the pain and suffering the Earth will go through.
I will not speak for her and say she knows its for the best. But she does understand war. And WWII was about human trafficking. Aliens are about human trafficking. And I would say if i did speak for her as i understand she understands that many people are innocent of crimes. And she definitely understands that not all of us humans are criminals. Because she is wise. And she is kind. And she is loving.
I know she understands we are in sensitive time for our emotional well being.
I found comfort in her message.
While I do not display it often as I am a Fighter, this is difficult for me. Staying home is a breeze but watching the world around me... Its difficult... It could be So much easier. I don't want to use force except to rescue victims
But it is complex when hospitals are creating their own victims by working as they do -- to save lives. That is why I said what I did as I did. Had I not y'all wouldn't had taken it to heart So deeply. I hope y'all are listening and are stopping through ventilators. Because the longer they are used the longer we are prisoners in our own homes.
It is the hospitals that are in control of this war. If protocol to prescribe bronchitis medication for people wanting to be treated for COVID then sending them home and allowing law enforcement to take over to remove bodies or whatever protocol is set for each particular city then we will be stuck at home forever.
Places like Roswell, New Mexico. Unfortunately have a high alien body count and they were initially idealised the,families would have to remove the bodies of the dead themselves and take them to a parking lot where a freezer truck was waiting. I knew with my back it would be impossible to,carry a man on my own even putting him on a blanket to,drag him would hurt me, a human. At that time i was married to an alien from Planet long name Z not Zulululu. And so they decided "If Queen should define it a hardship for her then we must define it a hardship for the whole world. Her ruling. We will use the Military" it took 10 minutes to decide.
They wanted to yet not quite punish humans who support alien life by marriage or friendship.
So that is on my mind often. Especially with the hospital staff.
What I posted about Pakistan from ABC something similar will occur inside hospitals when the Military is directed to take over hospitals by force.
I alluded to that fact. So y'all must stop catering to alien and evil human life. You must.
I've said it at least 3 times this week. I'm warning you
I'm not asking. I'm warning you. You have to stop.
I know by the end of April if it is continuing -- the extra care for aliens. The time spent when you could be doing something Completely different -- Like taking care of you Or your family or a DNA4U friend listed personnel for your livelihood, health and well being or being happy and well rested -- the Military will take over to ensure that.
It could occur sooner.
Yes torturing evil is great. But far too many are being treated and released which means that the bronchial care should have been done, the patient sent home to activate family So the family can die together to reunite on their Home Planet within an acceptable time frame.
Plus some are not to be tortured on the respirators or ventilators.
You see the prolonging of this event Is based on healthcare actions.
All that is allowed to be prescribed is an inhaler for cough because coughing causes pain. Aspirin for migraines and other assorted pain which replaces the need for cocaine to think regularly on their own like planet Mount Zulululu.
That's it. Its low cost and in stock for high demand.
Since I'm telling you over and over. Today is April 7. I give you 13 days.
It should take no less than 4 to see a difference in hospitals and their adjustments and so the Military is then only responsible to take away full trucks of dead.
4 days. That's it. Administration has the information.
Its Tuesday. By Saturday y'all should got this down. That gives you 9 days to say "military, we're ok we got it now, we just need a hug."
I think that's fair.
Luckily I own Earth. Because the solution I heard was to blow up hospitals with everyone including nurses inside.
I said "let the Military. We will clean them up first Then they will be clean enough to be suitable for hospitals and will maintain quality as they are more qualified for warfare than nurses and doctors whom don't expect to be on the front lines of WWIII"
Now the Military will come in and they will rescue all victims of WWIII front line for a 3 week paid by "me" vacation of time and a half. Including administration.
The Times for vacation do vary. And metropolitan areas will go first.
Now essential employees at stores and restaurants, hang on. We're coming for you. You'll take your turn. Same. 3 weeks. But double and a half pay. Because some of you only make $2.37 per hour.
Believe it or not y'all Sonic gets away with paying car hops only $2.37 and assistant managers make only $12 per hour. I'm not kidding. Its a dam shame. My cousins son I post with in Insta. His name is also Alex. Started working there at 17. I took him to his job on his first day. Started at $2.37 worked his way up to assistant manager. Been there 3 years. Sometimes he doesn't have a day off for weeks and that was how he earned assistant manager.
Everyone complains about money. Don't compare yourself to the person next to, in front of or behind you. Be grateful for what you have.
We aren't here to drink the alien juice of negativity.
Those of you whom are stuck at home just testing with Trees. You'll earn 50% more.
So if I give you $5 on it. Youll get half plus the amount. So that is $7.50 I'll still only say five because then if i simply say $7.50 then it's gonna be 50% on top... So no. I'm told it will start this week's test and continue for 3 weeks. So for three next 3 tests. Then stop after the 3rd test. And also any payments between this weekend's test and the 3rd will be 50%
Trees may Easter Egg surprise you with double payments for every one. Don't go hunting tho, he will just give it to Yall.
So that is 1.5 times two for stay homes and 1 times two for essential employees.
So that's a payment that is overall times 3 for stay homes and then 2x for going outers. Tree says that those who are not behaving for a stay homer will be times 2. Not 3.
Like store trips everyday or seeing aliens and not admitting to it. Stuff like that. So that's only for Easter Egg. All else is standard.
So y'all apparently know already about that -- that he works that way i mean...
That's all i have for now.
Enjoy Nana's message.
0 notes
twdeamspace · 7 years ago
Cancer sucks.
5 years ago (March 8) I was driving to work when I received a phone call I had been impatiently waiting for. A phone call from my doctor, confirming my worst fear, that I had cancer. That drive was only 23 miles, but might as well have been 1000. News like that does funny things to people. I think I laughed as much as I cried. I’m sure anyone who passed me on the freeway thought I was losing my mind. I probably was. At 26 years old, I couldn’t wrap my head around it. I was healthy. The radiologist had found a tumor a right above my heart at 10cm in size. He made sure I was aware that Hodgkin lymphoma (also called Hodgkin’s lymphoma and previously known as Hodgkin’s disease) is one of the most curable forms of cancer. Having that positive information made this giant pill easier to swallow. I was sick, but I wasn’t going to die. Telling my loved ones was incredibly hard. I’ve always said, it was easier being the sick one. Had it been someone close to me, I don’t think I would have been as strong. Once diagnosed, my team of doctors and nurses didn’t waste any time. First off was a series of tests to determine if the cancer had spread any where else in my body and to make sure I could handle the aggressive treatment. These tests included a Pulminary Function Test, CT scan, PET scan, MUGA and bone marrow sample retrieval (ouch). Once these were completed I was sent to the hospital to get my portacath. This simple surgery is where they insert a device right under the skin, which makes it easy for the chemo to be administered. My cousin Julie, lovingly helped me name that POS Portencia…which sounds like an evil step-sister from some Disney movie. Once the procedure was complete I was sent home. The following week my infusions would begin. The next day (Saturday) I was driving to my hair-dresser friend Tonya’s house. I had always wanted to try a pixie cut. With the high possibility of losing my hair, I thought, why not try it now?! I was almost to her house when I received a call from my surgeon. This is odd, I thought, when I answered the phone. He was calling me on a Saturday, from his cell phone, this isn’t good. He asked what I was doing and if I had eaten anything that morning. From there he proceeded to tell me that on reviewing the radioactive PET scan I had Friday afternoon, he saw some complications relating to the portacath. First of all, the tumor itself was very large and was encroaching on everything in my upper chest, pushing things around and out of position. The vein that the catheter was supposed to feed was being impeded by the tumor so there was no way it was going to work to carry the chemo where it needed to go. Further, the catheter had moved into the space where my right lung is and my right lung was deflating. The doctor said I needed to come in to the hospital right away. Within an hour of arriving at RVMC emergency, later that afternoon they were wheeling me down to the O.R. The doctor showed my Mom the PET scan so she could see what he was talking about. He showed her how they would try to move the catheter into a favorable position so it could serve its purpose, perhaps even trying to come from a different angle through a new incision on the other side of my chest. The surgery would take about an hour. An hour and twenty minutes later, he came out and said that the tumor size and position was just not going to allow for that catheter to work there. They had to remove it and they would plan on installing a picc-line into my upper arm where chemo could be administered. The thing that needed to happen ASAP was for us to start shrinking that tumor, and the quickest way to do that is to get the chemo going. Making matters worse, during the surgery I started bleeding into my chest cavity and once they got that under control they had to install a chest tube through my ribs and out to drain any additional blood and fluid. They kept me sedated during the night so I wouldn’t wake up and start pulling at any tubes. I spent Saturday night in CCU on a ventilator, and needed a couple of units of blood. I spent Sunday and all of the last night in considerable pain from the chest tube. I wasn’t able to sleep, and even morphine every two hours wasn’t enough to help me conquer the pain. Monday morning they removed the tube. Having the tube was bad, but trying to recover from that tube was even worse. I then had an electrocardiogram; and they installed a picc-line into my arm. While placing the picc into my arm, the nurse casually said, “I’m sorry this is happening to you. You know, you may not be able to have children after this.” What?! How could she mention such a serious matter so casually. Was this true?! I was 26, in a serious relationship, on the path to marriage, and may not be able to have kids? Would he want me any longer? Was I defective? All things I was thinking while I quietly sat there, needle in my arm, tears in my eyes. From there I was placed in a “regular” room, and released that next Wednesday. Aside from a few yucky side effects, my chemo was text book. It was double the doses each infusion because my oncologist wanted to be swift in eliminating the tumor. 12 rounds of chemo, and I would be healthy again. My first treatment, my mom sat by my side. My Nana showed up shortly after with a calendar. This calendar had pages and pages of the most beautiful places in the world. Beaches in the Maldives, deserts in the Middle East, and jungles in South America. One of the pages was of Machu Picchu. I turned to that page right away and told my Nana and Mom that this is one place I wanted to visit. My Nana quickly ripped the page right out of the calendar, folded it up neatly, and handed it to me. She told me, when I was completed with treatment, and in remission, I would have to go. I kept that picture with me everywhere I went that year, in my purse. With a firm goal in mind. Throughout my treatment I had my Mom, Nana, and husband (boyfriend at the time) to name a few, by my side. My Dad even helped me financially so I didn’t have to worry about getting my bills paid, because at the time I was in outside sales. The support from my tribe made me focused and kept me positive. Unfortunately, disease creates distance for some loved ones. Distance because sickness makes people uncomfortable. It’s not because they don’t love you, or don’t think about you, but because they don’t know HOW to be around you. Don’t know what to say. OR How to be there. I recently read about a woman who created empathy cards, she wished she had received during treatment. These are SO on point. One reads, “Please let me be the first to punch the next person who tells you everything happens for a reason. I’m sorry you’re going through this.” Another reads, “I promise to never refer to your illness as a Journey…unless someone takes you on a cruise.” One more, “When life gives you lemons, I won’t tell you a story about my cousin’s friend who died of lemons.” LOVE ALL OF THESE! She even collaborated with a compassion expert and wrote a book on how to become more emotionally intelligent and how to appropriately comfort and support someone who is ill. You can find it here. When someone you care about gets sick, don’t just offer to help. EVERYONE and THEIR NEIGHBOR does this. It’s empty. Actually say what you are going to do, and follow-through. My Nana would randomly come by with dinner. My mom, made it to EVERY SINGLE treatment. My husband, told me I was beautiful as I pulled out clumps of hair. These are the things that matter. These are the things they will remember. Fast forward… One year after I finished treatment, my love and I made it to Peru. We hiked up Machu Picchu then even higher to Huayna Picchu, he took a knee, and promised to love me the rest of my life. 4 years ago TODAY, I walked through the doors at Hematology Oncology cancer free. I can still smell the chemicals and taste the saline, feel the aches and the hot flashes. But it is over. I am forever indebted to my family and friends for holding me up, and to the nurses and doctors for helping me fight. To all the people I met along the way that didn’t make it, I think about you often. I promise, I will do my best not to squander this precious time I have been blessed with. You’re with me everyday. Since my last infusion I have become a wife and a mother, and couldn’t be happier with this life I have been given.
from WordPress http://joyandlulu.com/2017/08/22/a-day-to-remember/
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adamandbrittanyinhawaii · 7 years ago
Day 12 - May 27th
We may only have about 36 hours left in our trip but that doesn’t mean we aren’t packing it full!  Today’s adventure: a day-long bike tour around Kyoto!  This city has so many temples and shrines that it is a bit overwhelming to go and try to visit them on your own.  After all, how do you know which ones are worth seeing and which ones aren’t?  So having someone provide the highlights for you while also explaining it all in English and getting exercise is a complete win for us.  One of my favorite activities I did in Berlin was the bike tour through the city, complete with a stop at a beer garden for lunch.  I thought we may be able to recapture that magic in Kyoto.
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After dropping our bags off (again!) at the train station we headed to the bike tour shop.  Our tour group was relatively compact with an older couple from the Netherlands, a family of 4 from Florida and us.  It was an interesting dynamic because of course the Europeans knew what they were doing on a bike since everyone in that country is a daily biker and we’ve gotten comfortable with biking in Hawaii.  Juxtaposed to that was the family from Florida who flat out seemed lost on bikes because we would cruise at 6-7 mph and they would still fall behind. It was boggling.  
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Anyways, our first stop on the tour was the West Pagoda gate.  Interesting fact is that Tokyo and Kyoto are anagrams, but there is a reason.  When translating to English Kyo-To is just 2 symbols meaning “Imperial Capital”.  To-Kyo then means Capital East.  It was established as the modern capital a few hundred years ago, hence the name.  Another interesting fact is that the West Pagoda Gate used to be the Eastern Pagoda Gate, but the other one got taken down and the city ended up developing farther east than anticipated, making this gate the Western side of the city by relative position.
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Japan was actually a very insulated culture until the mid 1800’s when they decided to open up to the rest of the world.  Once they moved away from the Imperial system slowly western influences began to move in which is why Tokyo was more or less created so that it would enable more shipping and prompt contact with foreign countries.
When one visits Europe you are overwhelmed by the influence of Christianity and Catholicism.  However in Japan you are overwhelmed by the unique mixture of 2 religions: Shinto and Buddhism.  Buddhism needs no introduction since it is one of the largest religions in the world but what is strange as that the most common practice in Japan is to combine it with Shinto, not choose “either/or”.  So holidays get conflated and people can actively practice rituals of one faith and be doing the other 24 hours later.  It would strike me as strange to come across someone doing this but for an entire culture, well let’s just say I don’t know if another country functions like this in the world.
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Along the route of our journey we made many stops, obviously so many that I’m not even bothering detailing them here for you, rather just sharing history and stories.  With all these stops we have the chance to fill our brains with all sorts of info.  Our guide decided to teach us how to count to ten.  Are you ready?  1 = Itchy, 2 = Knee, 3 = Son, 4 = She, 5 = Go, 6 = Roku, 7 = Nana, 8 = Hachee, 9 = Cue & 10 = Jew.  Obviously we have no clue how to write this in Japanese but we can at least say them now. Here’s the kicker: there are literally dozens of numbering systems in Japan though and it all depends upon what you are describing.  So in effect all we learned was how to count to ten in one very specific way.  This country is full of surprises!
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Our next stop was at an interesting temple. Basically this man tried to incite a coup, failed and when he was banished he died and it was believed that the bad luck that fell on the government and people in the years that followed was a curse from this man!  So naturally, they built a temple to worship this guy!  The temple has oxen everywhere because the man died with an ox.  
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Inside the Shisenen temple are a few ingenious games, er, I mean, worship rituals that people pay money for.  One is a can that you tip upside down and a stick slides out with a number.  Whatever the number is you go and share it with a guy at the desk and for 300 yen he will tell you your fortune.  Another one is for a fee you can come hang sheets of paper in the temple to cast wishes for the upcoming full moon.  If none of that strikes your fancy you can always through a few coins in the box when you go bow at the temple.  Not too shabby of a business, I mean, religion.
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The next stop was at the Golden Pavilion which is a gilded pagoda.  I guess the monk that initially painted it gold was thought a fool but now it is the most famous temple in Kyoto, or at least most popular for tourists, so perhaps they feel differently now.  The group was given free roam to take pictures, get some snacks and use the restroom so we broke away and had some fun taking way more pictures than can be considered normal.  While doing so, a group of middle school girls and their teacher approached and they asked us if it would be okay to ask us a few questions to practice their English. It was pretty cool to see them reading the English off the page they prepared while struggling through it.  I could totally relate from when I learned Spanish.  Anyways, we took some pictures afterwards with them as evidence to their teacher that they spoke with someone.  In Hawaii this happens in reverse quite often with students seeking out Japanese tourists in Waikiki to ask them questions in Japanese for practice.
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After stopping for lunch in the park we continued onto the part of town we had dressed up and did tea at a few days ago.  This area is famous for the Geisha Girls that study in the area.  Geisha Girls, contrary to popular stereotypes, are very sophisticated and knowledgeable entertainers.  They are almost like how royal families basically exist nowadays for high society, almost like something out of a movie.  There is a formal apprenticeship that occurs before becoming a Geisha and it is extremely costly, not only in terms of dollars, but it is a lifelong commitment.  It can be seen though as one of the first feminist movements as Geisha promotes self-sufficiency for women.  
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We finished the day at another famous spot: the Fushimi Inari Shrine. Marked by the path of over 5,000 orange gates (which of course are all sponsored by corporate entities) this shrine is dedicated to prosperity.  What marks prosperity in Japan? Rice (insert eye rolling here).  So the fox has rice balls in its mouth or will have a key which unlocks the cellar where you store rice and on and on it goes.  Inari is the Shinto god of rice so it all checks out but I just can’t fathom the love for rice here.  If we had more time, there is a really cool hike through this shrine and it’s orange gates that leads up a mountain.  It takes several hours to complete but is supposedly gorgeous at the top.
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As for things we learned on our ride today that I couldn’t fit in elsewhere, there are symbols for big and small in Japan.  These are the symbols that have perplexed me on the toilets for 2 weeks now and it all makes sense: it is for when you need a small flush or a bigger flush!
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Today we learned a little bit about why there are no trash cans. Apparently ~20 years ago a terrorist attack was carried out by putting bombs in trash cans which led to the country getting rid of a lot of trash cans for safety.  After 9/11 happened, that was enough for them to justify almost completely eradicating trash cans from public life.  
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One thing I still haven’t had explained to me though is why nobody wears athletic gear or even shorts.  It is almost like there is an agreed upon dress code here.  Even business men look to be in uniform  as all suits and dress shirts are essentially the exact same color.  
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One last thing that I’ll remember from the tour is our guide who was a French national living here because he knocked up his girlfriend 20 years ago who was from Kyoto and stayed to raise the kid.  That’s unremarkable, what was amazing is that Japan consistently produces the best workers and highest productivity per capita of any country and yet he, like every other Parisian I’ve ever met, had some hot takes about how the French way is superior and other people are idiots.  So he explained to us how his sons went to French schools in Kyoto because the Japanese don’t know how to school kids properly.  I’ll never understand and I’ll certainly never agree with French smugness.  It’s exhausting.
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psychotherapyconsultants · 7 years ago
Christmas with Nana: The Joys of Giving and Giving Back
We called our grandmother on my mother’s side “Nana.” Nana was a widow for most of my life. Back in 1965, my grandfather died when I was about two-years-old. Nana supported herself after that, and although she worked a full-time job, she was poor. She lived in a one-bedroom apartment overlooking Lake Erie. She enjoyed the simple pleasures: watching the boats float on the water, entertaining her family on the weekends, swimming alone at midnight in the apartment’s tiny swimming pool.
How did we know Nana was poor?
She didn’t have enough money to do her laundry at the laundromat, so she did it in her bathtub. After she washed the clothes, she’d hang them up on the shower curtain bar. She drove a very old car that had a hole in the floorboard. She often remarked that she could see the ground pass as she drove along. To compensate for this, she covered the hole with an antique oriental rug, an artifact from wealthier days. She worked 40 hours a week as a photographer at a department store in a suburb of Cleveland. Nana didn’t make much money at this.
Despite the fact that we knew she was poor, we never really understood how poor she was because she always served us Fritos, chip dip and Ginger ale when we went to visit on Friday nights. This junk food was a luxury for us because our parents didn’t splurge on extras. Nana found enough cash to cook us big spaghetti dinners. She loved to flavor the pasta with big chunks of pork; it was heavenly.
And at Christmas, she always found a way to give us each a $20.00 bill. Every Christmas, we’d open up our cards, and out would fly our 20. Since I had two brothers, a mom and a dad, this meant that she gave our family a total of $100.00 every Christmas.
This doesn’t sound like much today, but back then, it was a lot.
Pretty soon, we grew up and got our own jobs.  
I’ll never forget the Christmas my brother Tim decided to pay Nana back for some the 20s she had handed out over the years.
By this time, it was the 1980s. Tim was working as a machinist, and he was bringing in a decent wage. Quietly, without telling anyone, he bought a Christmas card and stuck ten $20 bills inside.
That Christmas, my mother cooked the holiday dinner, as usual — ham, turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, sweet potatoes, coleslaw and cranberries. Not to mention cookies, bars and pecan pie for dessert. Mom did go all out at Christmas. We gorged ourselves, and then, it came time to open presents.
We took turns opening the gifts, oohing and ahhing over each one. I remember I got a leather bomber jacket, which was in style back then.
And then, it came time for Nana to open her gift from Tim. 
Of course, Nana thought that Tim had simply given her a card that year. She was very unassuming.
Before she opened the greeting card, she read the outside.
“You’ve been very nice this year, little girl.” She chuckled. Then, she opened the card. Out flew the 10 $20.00 bills onto her lap.
“Oh, Timmy,” she said. She looked him straight in the eye and said, “You didn’t.”
“All those years, you gave us each $20.00, and it was a sacrifice. I wanted to return the favor.”
Nana started to cry. “You are really something,” she said through her tears.  
“Read the inside of the card,” Tim said.
“That’s why I went out and splurged on this beautiful Christmas card. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,” Nana read. She beamed at all of us.  
Then, Nana opened my present — a humble bottle of Oil of Olay, which, of course, she fussed over.
Nana passed away shortly after this unforgettable Christmas when my brother upstaged us all in the gift giving department. She died of throat cancer, after having endured weeks of radiation treatment that didn’t work.
What I wouldn’t give to sit down with Nana and have a beer and talk about current events, something she loved to do. She could tell me all the people in the news that day, and I could pretend that I hadn’t heard the gossip and the stories of the moment.
Christmas 2017 is nearing. Today, I’m raising my own child. I know a little about sacrifice, but nothing like Nana, who also lived during the Depression, knew.
I can only hope to be as bright of a beacon of light for my family that she was for hers during the holidays and throughout the year.
Merry Christmas, Nana. And thank you for showing us how to give.
from World of Psychology https://psychcentral.com/blog/archives/2017/12/03/christmas-with-nana-the-joys-of-giving-and-giving-back/
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askyfullofcolour-blog · 8 years ago
I'm lost
It's been awhile and I think everything is catching up. I had 12 deaths last year, a breakup, lost my mental health support system, had a car accident, 3 friend break downs and absolutely lost who I was. I decided to distance myself from a whole heap of people and realised that Katie and Mylie were the only friends that I really had time for, apart from work and the ones on the Sunshine Coast and Brisbane who I would see when I go down. This year I thought would be different, my support worker business for kids with special needs was booming and so many parents wanted me to look after their kids. I couldn't keep up. I had dreams of starting an organisation and I had dreams of being someone. Someone to make a difference. That's all I wanted. January I got news another friend took his life, my client lost her battle with cancer and I started working for a very stressful client. February came, I was attacked in a dv situation at work and spiralled down hill. The attack took me back to my relationship with Mia and I couldn't remember everything that happened in the attack. I packed up the mother and 4 kids and brought them to my house. I couldn't take my uniform off, I couldn't stop being in work mode because I literally bought work home. The next week my favourite teacher died. The teacher who believed in me, gave me straight A's even if I didn't do the work, offered to help me to buy a car, learn to drive, anything I needed. One who believed in me. Between him, Gabby and Margaret I graduated. I don't know what I would have done with out him. He didn't deserve what happened. He deserves so much more, but to hear him say 'ohana' in his eulogy, I knew he was talking to me. Kim moved up from nsw and moved in with me for a few weeks before venturing off into her own place. Now she doesn't speak to me. Awfully fun. March was the funeral for Glassock, my 23rd and being fired from difficult dv client. I ended up in hospital a few times, I got really sick and lost 11kg in a matter of days. I was accused of child abuse and my name was spread to clients and future clients causing me to lose $1200 per fortnight in wages. I was given a letter of eviction from my real estate to move after I breached them for neglect. 6 days to move just wasn't fair. But between my partner at the time, great friends and great clients I did it. Still waiting for the $5000 reimbursement to come soon. Thank god. I started seeing Kris and from day dot knew it wasn't right but I so desperately needed something to keep me together because I knew death anniversaries were coming up, I refused to grieve over Glassock, Rhys or Patricia. Kris smoked a lot of pot, was unemployed, 36, emotionally unstable, was known by police and had had no care of stealing. Everything that should have deterred me but didn't. What's new? Kris was a Dom, taught me a lot about being a sub and a lot that I, looking back in now know I shouldn't have had to deal with. I swore I'd never be in another abusive relationship and I was. I swore I would never be with someone who cheated on me and I was. I did it all over again. Forgave, put up with and even helped her get her 'fix' which was something I never thought I'd do. I had to have her leave my apartment after I had her in recording that she would bash me and then rape me. I had to leave as I was scared of what would happen if I stayed. Good work cass, you can pick them. Not dealing of everything that happened in the last month I cried over her leaving and even tried getting back with her. Drove down to see her and realised I could leave and detach myself. She was still in love with her ex and I was drowning myself, let alone have someone pushing me down further. April came and I'd been with 3 new clients now for some time. We took on the contract for the pub and Katie and I soon started doing it 3 times a week. I like it. I took on a new client with a non verbal non hearing almost 3 year old and absolutely fell in love with the parents. The father works away from home, mother part time work but both an amazing sense of humour. Little one has seizures and I really wasn't ready when the first one happened. No first aid, no cpr prepares you for that. In march going into April I made a friend in Canada. I professional Dom, someone who was incredibly funny, understanding and had a degree in psychology. We talked for hours every day. Lost sleep so I could stay up and talk. Anyone who knows me knows I struggle with bpd and one thing that comes with that is I can't figure out feelings when I make a new friend. Is it just friendship or is it more than that. I've had it with every single person I get close to. We both discovered we had feelings for each other, both planned visits, had goals. Crystal was another image of me who understood and loved everything I did. Too good to be true? Correct. Yep found out yesterday she's engaged to be married to someone she told me she had ended things with a while before. Who did she blame? Me. I didn't understand, I don't listen, I don't care. Yep no worries mate. I've been the other woman before and I won't do that. Middle of April I decided to message Jane and call off my law suit. I decided that I was hurting too much and that law suit was causing a lot of that pain. I needed to let that go and explain that the memories I had were great and I couldn't continue. I received a message I in a million years didn't expect. 2 days after I was booked into see my psychologist, I hadn't seen her in 2 years, I had so many things that I needed to see her about. Medical, deaths, personal. I saw my doctor, had 4 needles, blood tests, booked for ct, ultra sounds, biopsies and was referred to a neurologist and neurosurgeon and booked in to see a specialist to talk about options for a hysterectomy. I drove down to my psychologist mentally preparing myself, I hadn't slept the night before and I was exhausted. Kris was begging me to stay and that day just was shit. I walked into my psychologists office and had a frog in my throat. I wanted to run, I needed this though. I told the receptionist that I was here to see Jen. To which she replied 'I'm so sorry, she's sick today' 3.5 hours driving down to see her, making sure I had the $180 to see her. She wasn't available. I didn't think. I got in my car with tears streaming down my face. I drove to pc. 8% on my phone, that didn't matter. I climbed over the fence and sat on the edge. The edge of the cliff face hoping the wind would be enough to make me fall. My legs were jelly and wouldn't move. I sat there with my eyes closed just hearing the waves crash against the rocks below. I so wanted to be off that ledge, I wanted to go home. I don't know how I got off that ledge. I don't know how I got back in my car. I don't know how I got back in my apartment. Because I so badly wanted to be in the arms of everyone who had left. I had rebooked my doctors, psychologist and specialist appointment and I just needed to get through until then. May came around. I hate this month, everything about it. 19th was Daniels anniversary, 20th would have been a year for Mia and I being together, 26th is peters anniversary, 30th is Kendall's birthday. Then going into June 6th is 12 months since Maddie died, 7th is mums bitthday, 9th nanas, 11th, 2.5 years since hope died and 13th kirsti's birthday. So many important dates and so much I just don't wanna deal with. I managed to fracture my coccyx with no idea how. My work slipped and I just wasn't able to bring in as much as I need to. Mother's Day I came down with the death flu that with my period the worst it's ever been, nerve pain and a fractured coccyx was the worst timing. I'm still sick. I continued to work through but I was always exhausted but lucky I had understanding clients and pushed through. I'm lost. I don't understand death, I don't understand how I thought finding my family would mean my whole life would change, I thought that I would fix everything. I know that I have to see my psychologist and grasp this but I'm lost. I literally sat crying on Daniels anniversary saying to Katie I only want to talk to Jane. Crystal spat chips. It's not because I'm In love with Jane but she went through a lot with me. Her and Kyron understood how my brain worked. I'm sick of the nightmares, the flashbacks, the pain. I never thought I'd self harm as hard as I have again. Burning my legs with acid, pouring acid on cuts. They're not deep but enough to hurt when acid is poured on an open wound. When did this all go so wrong?. When did this get this bad? I need to get back on top of things. Really really need to get back. Otherwise I will end up dead and I haven't made up my mind of if that's what I want. Hoping I can get some sleep with no nightmares with trunks. I'm out.
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