#12 year old me is QUAKING
mossingvines · 9 months
The Wonka movie is my adult version of my creepy pasta phase
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steddie-island · 21 days
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I can’t get a good picture but I need everyone to know this is my outfit today. I wore this to ask my boss and her boss whether I got my raise or not. Her boss asked what was on my earrings. I still can’t decide if it was disappointment I saw on his face when I told him.
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abstractredd · 1 year
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spooky spaghetti anyone?
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pamesjatterson · 1 year
me when I remember the last thing I did before deleting my wattpad account was leave a request on a fucking. jeffmads fic.
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a-boy-called-micah · 2 years
one of my friends wished me happy birthday today by informing me that i'm "one year closer to the 55 and up breakfast special" and i'm losing my mind over that
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You Call It Madness But I Call It Love
Series Masterlist
Pairing: Pairing: Soldier Boy x f!reader, Reader POV
Summary: When the reader left Payback 40 years ago after a falling out with her childhood best friend she never looked back, but when two men show up to her apartment and start asking her questions about the past, the reader begins to think those things can’t stay hidden and starts to question what’s real and what’s fantasy.  This is a re-telling of The Boys Season 3, where the reader is a supe who's known Soldier Boy since 1927. The chapters fluctuate between past and present, beginning in 1934. SPOILERS FOR THE BOYS S3
Chapter 1: You Shouldn't Have Answered the Door
Chapter 2: Late Night Visitor
Chapter 3: Summer Has to End Someday
Chapter 4: It's My Party and I'll Eat Cake If I Want To
Chapter 5: The Man, The Myth, The Legend
Chapter 6: Batter Up
Chapter 7: Are We Old Friends Or Old Enemies?
Chapter 8: Jealousy Doesn't Look Good On Anybody Except...
Chapter 9: Wedding Bells or Gong of Destruction?
Chapter 10: How Did It End Up Like This?
Chapter 11: I Can't Think With You Yelling At Me!
Chapter 12: My Heart Is Beating For You Constantly
Chapter 13: You Made A Plaything Out of Romance
Chapter 14: You're All I'm Dreaming Of
Chapter 15: What Do You Know About Love?
Chapter 16: Please Come Back To Me
Chapter 17: How Could I Ever Forget?
Chapter 18: First Impressions Are Often Correct
Chapter 19: I Know Who You Are
Chapter 20: You Were There
Chapter 21: Try To Understand
Chapter 22: I May Be Right Or I May Be Crazy
Chapter 23: Extreme Makeover Backyard Edition
Chapter 24: What The Past Held
Chapter 25: Are Family Reunions Always This Awkward?
Chapter 26: COMING SOON!
Last Updated: 09/07/2024
Chapter 7.5: The Only Escape
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 @babyinatrench-coat1 @the-gentle-spirit @valryomen @cassieriddle713 @shaggzthatsnottheworm
 @lil-soup @ej13928 @topstory21 @boywivlove
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@octoazzy @modiddys-blog @marmie-noir @practicallylivesonline @impala67stellawinchester
@everlove @dangerousgardenchild
(Photos on mood board from Pinterest)
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scalefeathers · 26 days
Thinking once again about how Nobuo Uematsu and Masayoshi Soken are both completely amazing composers but in completely opposite directions let me explain
Disclaimer I am not a music theorist; most of music theory is black fucking magic to me. I barely know what a chord is and the circle of fifths makes me quake as though before an Elder God. I just really like both of their works and sometimes I have thoughts about things. Also this is all just my opinion, it's fine if you don't agree, etc.
So: Uematsu is first and foremost, in my opinion, an absolute master of melody. I believe it's what makes his work so iconic and makes so many of his pieces so instantly recognizable. The Final Fantasy theme, the chocobo theme, Dancing Mad, Vamo'alla Flamenco, fucking One-Winged Angel--Just from seeing those names, you've probably got one playing in your head already. You could start humming it right now. Maybe you are already.
And it makes perfect sense when you consider the era he was working in, because back in the 8-bit and 16-bit era, the melody was all you had. When you have such a tiny amount of storage space to work with, you can really play only one, maybe two notes at a time. You can't do anything that's layered, because you only have one layer to work with. I think that's why so much video game music from that era is so memorable and iconic. It's not just because you played so much Street Fighter II when you were a kid that the music is indelibly seared into your brain (though that probably doesn't hurt); it's also because Yoko Shimomura wrote really solid melodies that had nothing else competing for your aural attention (apart from the in-game sound effects, which are probably also seared into your memory). (Yoko Shimomura, btw, also composed the music for Final Fantasy XV, the entire Kingdom Hearts series, and like 50 other games over the past 40 years, another fucking icon).
But back to Uematsu: like I said, melodic genius. Even when his work is upscaled into full orchestral arrangements, that core melody is always front and center. And his affinity for melody makes even more sense when you consider that before he got into video game composing, he was writing commercial jingles. (Younger folks may not be aware, but there was a time when practically every product had to have its own theme song, and the best ones were short, snappy, and instantly memorable--and for that, again, you need a strong, simple melody. Ba da ba ba ba, I'm lovin' it.)
Compare: Soken. Soken only started at Square 12 years after Uematsu, which isn't that long in human terms (to me at least, cos I'm old), but it is a long fuckin' time in video game years. By the time he started composing for games, there was so much more you could do with game music in terms of layering, complexity, and sound, and you can tell from his work that he takes full advantage of that. His work is complex and dense, a rich layer cake of themes and motifs, all beautifully merging and weaving together, often to extraordinary effect.
And again, if you look at his pre-music career, it makes a lot of sense that he'd have that approach to music, because he first got into the games industry as a sound designer; I believe that he is the sound director for all the FFXIV expansions, as well as being the composer. So of course he'd be very aware of not just how a sound (or piece of music) works on its own, but of how it fits into the greater whole, and of how to layer and balance lots of different sounds to create something greater than the sum of its parts. And of course it makes sense that he'd bring that approach to his compositions as well.
As a consequence of this approach, though, his music often lacks the memorable melodies that characterize Uematsu's work. Like, I ground (grinded?) Dun Scaith a lot the last time it was on the Mogstone rotation, I know all the boss themes extremely well and can recognize each of them instantly. But if you asked me right now to hum one? I don't think I could. (This isn't a deficiency, to be clear; music doesn't need a prominent core melody in order to be good.)
And that's also not to say that all his music lacks iconic melodies. His vocal tracks, pretty much by definition, have to put a single melody front and center; and then on top of that (or rather, behind it), you have all that trademark Soken richness and depth. Which is probably also why his vocal tracks go so fucking hard.
I think that's also why, out of all the expansions, I like Heavensward's music the best. Most of Heavensward's score is written by Soken, but the main theme is Uematsu's, and you may notice it's basically a tasting menu of like 5 or 6 excellent, very recognizable melodies, one right after the other. And basically every piece on the Heavensward soundtrack incorporates one or more of these melodies. So it really does give you the best of both worlds, and gives the overall score a cohesion that I don't see as much with the other expansions.
TL;DR, Uematsu and Soken are both amazing composers with very different and complimentary styles that reflect their differing backgrounds and the different eras of games in which they have worked and I just think that's neat.
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jhilsara · 7 months
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I Can See You
Pt. 1/ Pt. 2/ Pt. 3/ Pt. 4/ Pt. 5/pt. 6/Pt. 7/Pt. 8/Pt. 9/ Pt. 10/
Pt. 11/ Pt.12/Pt.13/Pt. 14/Pt.15/Pt.16/Pt.17/END
Mariana Jimenez-Watson or MJ works in a normal pub living life paycheck to paycheck. Nothing exciting happens to her except the occasional drunk getting thrown out. She's 24 working away and finds a wrench thrown into her very boring life. His name is Hobie and she thinks maybe, a little excitement isn't awful. In fact she might start to crave some change for once.
Small moments of Hobie meeting his world's MJ. AKA I made an MJ variant and I think she's neat.
Chapter 3
She’s standing outside the pub waiting for Hobie to pick her up. She’s bouncing on her feet in excitement as she looks down the street seeing his silhouette.
His hands are shoved in his vest pockets as a crooked smile crosses his face when he sees her.
“I take it you're ready then?” He asks looking her over with an amused expression. She's practically vibrating with joy. 
“Absolutely! I love this group, I didn’t even know they were in town.” She says smiling brightly at him.
Hobie’s eyes lazily look over her and she raises a brow. “What, is it there something on me?” She asks cocking her head.
“Nah, you just look good is all.” He says flicking a golden star on her dangling belt that’s attached to her skirt.  "Color compliments your skin." 
She gives a quick spin in her outfit, showing off her skirt and some glitter flies off of her. “Thanks, wanted an excuse to wear some fun colors!” She snickers and starts walking down the street. “C’mon I don’t wanna be late.”
Hobie just gives a chuckle as he shakes his head and walks beside her comfortably.
The small rock show is playing inside one of the shitty abandoned buildings on the streets of Old York. The place is practically falling apart but that’s half the charm of it. Many bands have played shows there for years and it’s mostly safe. Occasionally a brick will fall but it’s usually not around people. It's in a warehouse that's in some old industrial district, MJ's been there for a few other shows and has always had a great time. This show is probably the biggest crowd she's seen at this venue.
The two of them make their way in and shove through the sea of people. MJ is practically vibrating in excitement and Hobie’s just watching her joy. She can feel his stare but when she turns to look he's just giving her the softest smile. It blossoms a warmth in her chest.
When the band walks out and starts playing the crowd roars to life. The building may be cramped but it’s fun and has electricity in the air. The band had brought a fog machine and the lights were bold colors of flashing pinks, yellows, and purples and it flood her senses. It's hot and sweaty as she dances and pulls Hobie along. He’s more than happy to join her, meeting her beat for beat.
The tight crowd makes it a little muggy but she doesn't care. Her olive tan skin is coating in a thin layer of sweat and she's scream singing along to the lyrics. Her hands are on Hobie's shoulders as she jumps to the beat just enjoying the night. Hobie's hands are on her waist as he holds her in place. Making sure she doesn't slam into anyone.
The ground shakes from the crowd dancing and singing together, but that’s normal. MJ has her head thrown back in laughter and joy, just enjoying her night. The people, noises, and lights over stimulating her in the best way.
Then the building starts to wobble. In a way that’s not a part of the music. It makes MJ trip over her own feet, Hobie catches her easily and they both look at each other in concern. She turns to look around and other people seemed to be stumbling as well. Even the band had stuttered in their music. Hobie’s hands move to graze her arm when another quake shakes them. The band keeps going and the rest of the crowd seems unphased at the second tremor.
MJ’s about to suggest they leave, feeling a pit in the bottom of her stomach. She's suddenly on edge and feels a shiver run down her spine when something crashes into the old building, shaking its structure causing parts to collapse. Hobie pushes MJ away from him and before she can yell to warn him. She narrowly misses the pillar that falls between them. Screams of panic disorient her and she can’t see past the smoke and dust kicking up. More tremors shake the ground and the building comes falling down in chunks.
“Hobie!” She screams, coughing and trying to find a way around the rubble separating them.
“I’m alright! Get out of here, I can’t climb over this. I’ll find you!” He shouts back.
Her body is telling her to run but she feels dread fill her at the idea of running off, “I’m not leaving without you!” She yells back, looking up over the fallen architecture.
The loud atmosphere of screams and falling debris almost deafens her. She can hear that there’s something flying around above them. She briefly wonders if it’s Spider-Man.
“I’m not asking you Mariana, I’m telling you to get out!” He shouts back, his tone leaving no room for an argument.
MJ freezes at him using her full name and she finds herself nodding even if he can’t see it. “Fine! But if you’re not outside in less than ten minutes, I’m coming back for you!” she yells her voice firm and determined.
She can almost see him shaking his head at her, “Got it.” He shouts back.
MJ turns to find an exit, she tries to follow the small amount of people who are left scattering. There had been a few more tremors and something exploding to cause a fire to start on the edge of the building. The fire licks at the feet of the brick walls tempting to trap the remaining people inside.
She’s trying to follow the crowd but upon turning the corner she’s come face to face with the culprit of the damage. She almost trips over her own feet as she back peddles to hide behind a piece of fallen wall.
The Vulture stands before her, hunching in on himself as he looks around. His movements are shaky and sporadic. He looks like a creature from a horror film with the way he moves his body. Her heart is racing as she realizes she’s stuck where she is until he moves. His body blocking the only exit she can make out, the fire blazing behind her.
“Arson I can handle, ruining a good show, that’s a real criminal offense.” She hears jokingly from above.
She looks up to see Spider-Man landing behind the Vulture, shooting his webs out and pulls the massive bird closer to him for a punch. She looks on in awe for a moment. She’s never been so close to an actual event like this and she’s frozen just watching him.
“Ugh, course it’s you.” The Vulture groans swatting his claws and cutting the webs.  He flies up and shouts, “That wasn’t music, that was a public nuisance! Like you.”
The Vulture shakes his metal wings, shooting some of the sharp fake feathers at Spider-Man. Spider-Man easily dodges them, dancing around the projectiles. “Trying to kill people for the sake of your own personal music tastes feels a little…bitter? Petty? Dontcha think.” He says in a mocking tone. 
MJ sees Spider-Man look down at her. She knows she needs to move, but she’s just watching the two of them fight. Her eyes watch them and she looks to the exit, it’s still dangerous if she tries to run for it. The Vulture is blocking the only good exit near her and the last thing she wants to do is get caught and used as a hostage against Spider-Man. 
Spider-Man had been staring at her, he even nudges his head to the exit, but she shakes her head no. While he’s distracted the Vulture is able to attack knocking the spider down and rolling into the rubble.
Her eyes widen and she tries to not gasp. She knows he was begging her to run but she couldn’t. Now he’s laying on a broken wall unmoving.
She shuffles, trying to run so she can just find Hobie and get out. The Vulture encroaching on Spider-Man.
His body doesn’t move and it worries her. She sighs and curses under her breath, she doesn't debate for long before she’s looking for a heavy piece of debris. She tosses a few in her hand before she lands on one she’s comfortable with and looks over at the Vulture. His arm is raised toward the spider on the ground and she doesn’t think twice about chucking the heavy brick in her hand hitting the metal bird man directly in the head.
She ducks quickly and hides, holding her breath.
“Who’s there?!” the voice roars and echoes around her.
A shiver runs down her back but she tries to silently escape, hoping the smoke and dust will hide her. She just needs to give Spider-Man enough time. He had to be fine. He’s handled worse before.
“Who are you calling for, falling rocks? It’s almost like you knocked down a whole building.” A voice chuckles lightly from the distance.
She lets out a breath of relief and watches Spider-Man shoot webs and flinging the Vulture across the building. She uses her chance to escape sprinting toward the open air.
Once she’s outside, she’s panting and hacking up a lung. She looks around the street seeing everyone from the show has either scattered or stayed to watch what they can only hope to see through the layers of smoke. She’s covered in dust and she tries to take deep breathes, not realizing how much smoke she had inhaled.
MJ is frantically looking around, trying to find Hobie. She can’t see him in the sparse crowd, and he was someone who stood out. If it wasn't his height as a dead give away it would be his wicks. She knows Hobie wouldn’t have left without her and she whips back around looking at the collapsing building in fear.  She bites her tongue making a collective decision to go back into the fire.
She takes a step forward but stops when she sees a silhouette walking toward her. She hopes and prays that it’s Hobie, but she just sees Spider-Man. She starts to feel her breathe quicken as panic sets in. Her body moves on its own as she rushes to go back into the thick smoke.
Spider-Man’s masked eyes widen and he reaches out quickly and grabs her shoulders stopping her from going back. “Hey, hey! It’s dangerous in there! Ya bonkers or what?” He shouts like she’s insane, which she probably is.
Her eyes are wild as she looks at him, tears brimming her eyes, “Please, I think my friend is still in there! I- I can’t find him.” She tells him, her voice is hitching and she starts to hyperventilate.
His grip tightens on her and he ducks his head to look her in the eyes. “I’ll find him if he’s in there okay? Promise.” He says softly.
Her eyes are trying to search for the truth but all she finds is the stark white of his masked eyes and she has to chose to trust him. It’s her only option.
“Please," her voice breaks  "you have to find him.” She whispers, begging him.
He releases her and gently pushes her back toward the edge of the street where it’s safe. She just watches his back as he goes back into the destroyed building. She watches until she physically can't see him past the smoke and fire.
She’s clenching her hands tightly, leaving marks in her palm as all she can do is wait.
She sees another silhouette make its way towards her and the outline of his wicks has her releasing a shaky breath from her lips.
She sprints towards him and wraps her arms tightly around, hugging him close. She shoves her face into his shoulder, “I thought you fucking died in there!” She chokes out gripping onto him.
She feels him tense up for a moment, but it lasts for a split second before he’s exhaling and holding her too.
“Sorry, sorry, I got trapped for a moment.” He says, voice hoarse from the smoke.
She finally let’s go and pulls away and squints looking back toward the building. “Where did Spider-Man go?” She asks.
“He’s looking for others, in case they’re stuck.” He quickly tells her, moving himself to stand in front of her line of sight. His own face is concerned as he looks her over, “Are you okay?” he asks.
“I, uh,” She blinks for a moment trying to collect her thoughts. “Yeah, yeah, I’m good. Just smoke in my lungs, but that’s nothing new.” She jokes with a light laugh.
He nods giving her a smile, “C’mon let’s get out of here. Place is falling apart.” He says as a joke and plants his hand firmly on her lower back guiding her away from the wreckage.
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p-receh · 8 months
Since my previous posts talked about elementals. I want to write an essay about them from my perspective and possible theories and headcanon I gathered so far. It might not be accurate so fill me in if you want to add or correct some of it. I love open discussion ^^
I've seen some people thought that in the early season, all elementals had not have characteristics but changed after Halilintar's incident.
Boboiboy's emotions under circumstances not only triggered the true self of available elementals, but it also awakened the other elemental powers as well(hence how the rest 4 were born) like what anon said here.
This is gonna be looooong ted talk so I have to spilt this in two parts!
What I want to talk about is how interesting their character development throughout the series. Starting with the original trio!
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(That 3rd picture lasted for a few minutes... I didn't even notice their communication at first. :'()
Their development was that drastic in the youth era. The unstoppable "the fun, the serious and the tough one"(edit: more like, "The Striker, Tacklerer, and The Goal Keeper in soccer terms. Don't ask why I thought about this a lot) which sparks Boboiboy as the hero of Pulau Rintis. But, it's starting to decrease during Galaxy onwards.
I know I know they need to blend with the others as well. (They got most of the screen time in every series after all). I already talked about it here.
(People say this year indirectly the reunion of this trio I guess? Windara and Gentaraju animated arc? ...
but... aaah well... my head's spinning right now >_<)
What more to say about this person? haha, I've already talked about it from anon in the first link I put on before and this one.
But still, from the very first moment he arrived till today, I am almost certain my hypothesis then and now is coming true. Being just created as "the cool, serious" side of Boboiboy, This 'talk less, do slash more' guy unknowingly becomes the tsundere eldest due to his tragic incident.
He is such a supportive person behind that murder mask. Seeing rare moments that he actually cares for others whenever he can is an absolute miracle. God, the season 2 comic and Sori continuingly showed his soft side from youth era. wtf my 12-year-old me is screaming right now! aaarghh! :3
(But that face in ep 5 when he's strangled lmaooooo X'D)
One of my favorite things that I know about him is he enjoys whenever he's out. He truly loves all the thrilling fights, if not get the vibe, he instantly goes into a bad mood. Every poster I saw about him, always with his smile and never faded. That's why I was shocked when I saw his decision in Windara's arc. Finally, the man he always wanted to be, bravely giving it all in one v one fight. I'm so proud of him! T^T
His easygoing attitude reminds me of a certain hedgehog I knew hehe...both resemble the wind itself right? :] (I need to draw them in June)
Leading the Troublemaker trio is always fun to watch. And the fact that he looks at Hali as his role model is really cute! Despite him and Hali being the first two elements who had civil fights before, a bit sad these two are independent on their own from Galaxy onwards :'(
Gempa got me confirmation that he is the leader of the elementals from the very first fight till now. I can see why he has the closest resemblance to Boboiboy himself (hence the hat position :] ).
To be fair, Gempa is the only elemental that I see no difference with Boboiboy. And with being one of the strongest elementals(with embedded two giant stone hands), he sure is a low-profile person and easily blends with other elementals. Now I know why he gets the title "Mama Gempa". He is unknowingly taking too much care of every elementals like a family ^^)' .
Even tho he's the last power to be introduced(in this trio) and sometimes people see him as a lone wolf in the group, he's natural at giving orders. The others actually listen to him and get scolded if they messed up! Like how parents do! X'D
How about the Temper Duo?
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(Why monsta didn't put this dialog to Sori? :''(( )
How fitting the theme song of movie 2 titled Fire and water as well? Hehe.
Being the first two powers to be fused(the coolest name, "Frostfire" :} ), these two are what most people like to call "The polar opposites". The ones that used two hoodies in the youth era(except now only Ice wears it), the ones that had back-to-back introductions (exactly after Fire arrived, water showed up in the next episode, Galaxy season 1 also showcased the exact same pattern), the only two powers survived in movie 2, and even their own original masters lived in the same planet.
I'd say if these elementals do be brothers, these two were most likely born twins. (I know I may be late to this headcanon but hey why not? :/)
The gremlin boi who got more screentime in sori than his partner. I absolutely adore this boy in Galaxy onwards. His wild and reckless traits are always the main attraction whenever I watch his combat style. I still think since season 3 and movie 1 He should've gotten a brass knuckle type as a weapon than the fire disc. He's a close combat brawler, right?
Anyway, he might be the one who hasn't changed much since his youth until now. In fact, I'd say he is a pretty consistent character from the start. Only gets wilder and cheekier to his fellow elementals tehee~. But that's the beauty of having a friend like Blaze. If done right, Blaze could shock you with his kindness and care deeply for others. Just like how he did with Duri once he accidentally broke Duri's plant in one of Boboiboy's official posts. (Sori ep 3 and comic made my day lmao)
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If I can relate to one elemental, I choose Ice. He likes to eat yet is frightened to get fat like he did in his youth era; a very sleepy person; also an introverted person but he is confident when surrounded by his closest circle. And most of my friends are usually the Blaze type. So I can understand how to handle that person ^^)'
Ehem. Ice's first tier, Air/Water, got me confused at first. Mainly how he summons his power. Somehow Ice fixed that issue. Making his right arm purely made of ice is genius. My headcanon is every weapon or power he uses comes from his right arm. His cannon comes from his right arm, the same as the bow & arrow one. Even so, many scenes contradict that(Boboiboy is an ambidextrous guy).
Can I say I'm glad from Galaxy onwards he's a bit more open than in his youth era or just me? This doesn't count during the transition mode. All I see now is that he showed more emotions than Hali. (Also whoever decided Ice's tears become snowflakes, I salute you sir)
Last but not least! The Photosynthesis duo!
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(I talk about this scene before but holy shit this scene is always mesmerizing to watch)
Duri and Solar were also made me adore them if not because of season 2 & Sori. Okay, I have to confess first to avoid misconception:
I was disappointed when Duri and Solar showed up in movie 1.
My selfish youth still took some time to get used to with Fire and Water in season 3. And all I think was negative reactions when Duri and Solar showed up. That's... also the reason why I went on hiatus.
Luckily, hence the word "was" I put it there.
I'm very grateful that they reset his watch back to start, so then they can at least make a proper debut with both Duri and Solar in Galaxy series. I much prefer that method. (That last episode was truly huge, I'm shocked they went that grand)
Therefore, Sori could continue to make the audience know better about these two! Pretty creative I'd say! I can see why the last three episodes are fan favorites. Me personally love eps 5 & 6.
The most unique symbol to draw to, Duri truly shines in galaxy 2 comic and Sori. His debut in galaxy 1--oh wait, in Eid Fitri's short video after movie 1 made me confused with Taufan at first. Even though he's got more screen time than Solar, Duri still surprised people with the recent series. Who knew his childish and clumsy features could do unverbal damage to enemies by his words? Count me in! He might not do that to his friends and families, but he will delightedly do so with Solar :D
And thanks to Sori, I can now differentiate between Taufan and Duri more clearly. His design in Sori especially the last three is my fav. I love what Monsta did the effects on his arms. Since he doesn't has a signature weapon, they create a 2D flash-winded green leaf around his arm like a coil. That is a very cute detail for Duri.
A bit surprised when every elemental went to serious mode in Windara's arc, only Duri still managed to find fun in the battle. Heck even Taufan dropped his smile during that.
Being the trump card of the group, I can see why he is the last elemental to be introduced, both in movie 1 and galaxy series. The hardest one to obtain his 2nd tier that requires proper research and pure luck, Solar's traits are also what makes him interesting. To be honest I didn't expect his characteristic to be like this, at all. And somehow very matched with his design and attack as well. Every aspect is strangely in synch I'm astonished. (Adding a visor to his 2nd tier is uhh *chef's kiss B=) )
Also, I love that his attacks use his finger that's also kinda easter egg of the famous "Ray Gun!" shot attack from Yu Yu Hakusho(look it up, there's a live-action ver if you want to know the short ver of the series. The anime itself is legendary to all weebs out there).
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Regardless of his limited screentime in every series. I'm very much grateful Monsta treats him equally. His timing in Sori is exceptional and his popularization bursting successfully. My only hope he didn't get cut in Windara and let all elementals showed up. When was the last time Boboiboy did that without splitting to 7?....
... Well if you count heptasplit part, the last time he did that was in Movie 1. That's 9 years ago.
Now we're done here? Nice! Onto the theory part in reblog!
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dairy-farmer · 9 months
No thoughts head empty just Tim who goes to summer camp when he's 11-soon-to-be-12 years old and discovering the wonders of sex
It starts with some of the older camp boys, who get everyone together to measure their dicks, only to find out Tim has a sweet little pussy. They make fun of him for it at first but Tim isn't shy in showing it off, and so they all decide to start mutually masterbation in front of each other. It's going great until one of the boys asks Tim if he can taste him, and then it's all downhill for him
The preteen isn't particularly good at eating him out, but the few times he manages to make Tim's legs and hips quake in pleasure are enough to get the younger boy hooked
He desperately wants more of something, tho he isn't sure what at first until a different boy offers him a few fingers to stuff in his pussy. Once those are in, Tim is a mess. He cums eventually but still wants more, and this is when one of the older boys, 15/16 years old, steps up with his cock wrapped in a condom and proceeds to fuck into Tim, who is a sobbing mess. He's cock hungry from that moment on, nearly insatiable. He takes all of his fellow campers that night, and when they run out of condoms with only two kids left, he doesn't care
He rides them without protection and let's them cum inside, and wow was that ever a mistake, bc now Tim can't imagine EVER using condoms, not when being cum inside of felt so much better!
Over the next couple of weeks tho he manages to wipe his fellow campers out, so he seeks out some of the counselors, finds 3 of the 8 there at camp to fuck him, tho one insisted on - and followed through with - pulling out. He's only able to get a weekend of that before the counselors all decide to deny Tim bc they don't want to risk their jobs for a little slut who can't close his legs
Tim pouts and stomps into the woods, getting mildly lost. But it's fine, bc he stumbles upon a group of campers, 10 or so men in total, and after blinking himself back into awareness when he realized what opportunity has arisen, he spends the rest of the day and night and most of the next morning getting railed by this group of strangers, all of them cumming deep inside of Tim, who begs for it every time
He does ofc leave camp in early August with everyone else, and when his parents go back to Gotham to visit him, he is clearly pregnant. His parents are livid and Tim pretends to be meek and shy, so sorry for getting pregnant but not knowing any better! He tells them that he stayed inside the entire time, so no one has seen his frankly obscene baby bump, and his parents are glad. They make arrangements immediately to find a discreet way to spirit the baby away once they're born, and while Tim is saddened by this, he's also relieved he got away with being a slut
(and he does, until in his seventh month his mother tells him that if he gets pregnant again, he will have to deal with the consequences of being a mother and raising his baby. They won't get him a nanny or a wet nurse or anything, all the responsibility will fall on Tim. She thinks this will be sufficient birth control for him but it has the opposite effect on Tim, who is desperate to get pregnant again after he gives birth. He had so many wet dreams about being heavily pregnant and surrounded by a gaggle of small children, and he is determined for that to be his reality)
(he doesn't expect his dad to have caught on and proposition him with something akin to "if you let me be the one to fuck you pregnant, we can hide the pregnancy and pass the baby off as your little sibling to the public. Ofc you'll still be raising them, but we're less likely to get looked at twice by anyone" and Tim immediately agrees bc 1. He wants to be pregnant again right now immediately, four weeks postpartum be damned, and 2. The idea of making himself a mommy again AND a big brother all in one go sounds amazing to him. He gets pregnant with his sibling v quickly)
They end up passing all of Tim's first few babies off as his younger siblings until they can't anymore, and by then Tim is older and it's much less taboo for him to be publicly pregnant, so when his sixth baby is born and impossible to pass off as a Drake for whatever reason, they let the public catch on to the fact that Tim Drake is a single teen mother at only 18 years old (with no idea that this is his sixth pregnancy and he's technically been a teen mom since before he was even a teen at all). It gets a little harder when he just /keeps getting knocked up/ and there's never a baby daddy around, so word gets out that he's a slut and, well... Considering he has six babies and he only knows who fathered them for sure bc his dad insisted on knocking him up once, calling him a slut isn't too far off
But it's fine. Tim LOVES this life, and all of his babies, and fucking as many strangers as his little pussy can take, and getting knocked up with all the cum his womb can hold
(maybe Bruce Wayne figures out what his slutty little neighbor is up to, but instead of doing anything to intervene, he just offers to help watch Tim's many, many "siblings" and children, and when he finally has a shot to fuck the slut himself, he's determined to give Tim his next baby bump)
😍😍😍😍😍😍 yesssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tim going to summercamp and coming back knocked up because he found out how good it feels to have boys put their boy parts into his little hole. his dad striking a deal to exclusive and unrestricted access to his slut son's hole because him and janet haven't fucked in ages and tim is sweet, tight, and desperate for any cock to fill his starved baby making hole. maybe jack isn't the best or most attentive father to all of the children tim gives birth to. fatherhood was never really his thing but tim's a good enough parent to more than makeup for it so he decides to stick to the part he really likes about it all. the babymaking.
janet was disgruntled at first, disgusted at jack even for being so weak that he's easily seduced by their underaged child. she forces jack to stay in gotham and maintain the ruse of both of them being in the city while she continues on their travels. turns out janet LOVES traveling alone and jack is more than okay to stay in gotham so long as he's able to have regular sex with tim. of course that means that MANY drakes are born and jack will admit that when a business partner or colleague points out his rather large family and comments on him being a family man well...it makes him puff up in pride. people look at him with a different kind of respect and reverence when they talk about how...prolific he is in children. even wayne points it out with an odd look and that makes jack a little cockier because they've all heard the rumors about wayne's...virility given that he has only adopted children but not one born child despite his philandering.
turns out jack likes being a "family man". then tim is 18 and freshly pregnant with another of jack's children because jack stopped pretending he wasn't fucking tim with the intent of getting him pregnant around the time the second compliment rolled in.
tim's reputation takes a bit of a hit for being a 'teen mother'. janet ends up passing away of a stroke while on a dig and so jack has to quietly deal with that and return to working full time because his business partner has passed away. tim has been in charge of nearly all the childrearing since jack first got him pregnant but wrestling five children with a sixth on the way in a penthouse is...difficult. he and janet had agreed to the deal that they wouldn't hire help for tim because he couldn't keep his slutty legs closed but...well jack's not heartless and he doesn't want to be needlessly cruel to the mother of his children after all. (and perhaps if the drakes were a more less known and low key family maybe jack would've even married tim and made all their children a smidge more legitimate). jack finds a house in a quieter neighborhood one with a nice big yard, plenty of trees, a babbling little brook, and a little lake with nippy fish. he moves out his little family and tells tim about the changes and how he won't be as available to plug his little hole for him but to rest assured that jack would continue giving him what he needed while he dealt with everyone treating him like a widow.
tim takes to the neighborhood well. he even befriends the neighbor which turns out to be wayne who is apparently experiencing empty nest syndrome given that his latest child has just gone off to college.
jack figures it isn't a big deal if wayne wants to play nanny to his children and hangout with his eldest who has been more or less ostracized by high society for his unfortunate teen pregnancy (the "first" of many many more). jack must've taken janet for granted because all of a sudden he's swamped with an overwhelmingly large amount of work. most nights he returns to his home too exhausted to fuck his eager son. more than once jack wakes up in the middle of the night to tim bouncing and rutting on his cock, desperate to satiate his hungry little cunt. tim's tits are already milk swollen and his abdomen has begun to show with the latest of jack's brood.
but jack is so tired that he grouches and tells tim to get off, that he's too tired for this and tim just whimpers and whispers about how he'll be really quick-
and jack lays there, unenthusiastic as tim bounces harder and faster.
jack's craving for sleep overcomes his lust and he ends up pushing tim away and making him go sleep in one of the children's rooms.
tim is upset with him the next morning but unlike his mother he still serves jack breakfast and kisses him goodbye at the door. jack sips a freshly brewed coffee in the car and smacks his lips with a bit of surprise that he doesn't taste rat-poison. a part of jack feels bad and resolves to try and finish his work early. he'll drive home and call tim to the car to fuck him, just like they did when he was a teenager and the house was getting redecorated and janet had told them both to leave and find something to do for a few hours.
but jack doesn't. he finished late as always and only has enough energy to eat and collapse into bed again. he wakes up once to tim sucking his cock, trying to get him aroused, but jack shoos him away.
tim stops trying after awhile and jack keeps making promises. occasionally tim comes to visit him at work once the school year starts and their children are away at daycare or school. jack fucks him in his office and caresses the rounded bump holding his child. but that's all for the extent of their sex life. tim gets too far along for the commute.
the baby is born and jack is satisfied to see its another boy. tim is always the horniest post partum, jack is certain he'll wake up any day to tim roughly riding him and more than willing to pin down his wrists until he gets his fill. only it doesn't happen.
jack gets a few days off and tries to start up with tim only to get sidelined in favor of tim taking their children to play at the wayne's. apparently wayne had a playground installed on his grounds when his children were younger and now regularly invites tim and his children over.
a few times jack gets a chance to fuck tim. while he's doing laundry, early in the morning when he's not running late and can bend tim over the kitchen counter.
before long tim is pregnant again much to his happiness. but this also means tim's insatiable spirit is satisfied for a little while longer.
jack is back to being a corporate slave and nine months later a sweet baby is born but with...oddly bluer eyes than his sibling and jet black hair. jack and tim's children are a mix of hazel and blue eyed children with chestnut to black hair- a healthy mix of their parent's. tim's latest baby though is...different and jack can't tell what it is about them.
their eyes are blue but...a slightly off shade, and the dark hair is deeper than any one in the family's but...that's genetics for you.
tim is nursing their newborn when wayne sheepishly knocks on the hospital room door. he's holding a large gift basket packed to the brim with all sorts of baby needs. toys, nappies, binkies, fancy baby bottles, clothing, and blankets. tim seems excited to see wayne, happily inviting him in and shifting to show him the baby quietly suckling on his tit.
wayne looks fascinated, eyes wide and so still that he hardly looked like he was breathing.
when the baby is finished, pulling off with a quiet, gummy mewl tim lovingly cradled them, completely uncaring of his exposed tits as wayne quietly placed the gift basket on the hospital floor and settled into a nearby chair to stare at the newborn.
for some reason jack feels like he's...intruding. like he's witnessing a private moment even though wayne is the intruder.
the feeling doesn't last long because jack gets another call and holds back a groan when he realizes the company wants him to start up on business trips again. that overseas negotiations aren't going as well and they need him to show up and do some strong-arming.
jack's limited time is about to get even more limited.
at the very least jack knows that tim will be kept out of trouble and occupied by their children. but just to be sure he'll have to knock tim up again so his legs stay shut for nine more months. he can't have any bastards running about.
but with jack away...well wayne has been looking for something to occupy his time so maybe he wont be too opposed to keep an eye on jack's wayward teenager.
just until he gets back of course.
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asaltyrat · 1 month
Doom 1993 | Why does it play good?
I played the original DOOM when I was 10 or 12 in my Aunt's Dusty Ol' Office with her Dusty Ol' Computer running Windows 95.
I probably shouldn't have been playing it.
But I did, got to plow through hundreds of angry demons through space bases and huge pits of hell. I learned to understand pain-states and got so excited when I finally beat the first chapter in one sitting. Then something strange happened. I kept playing DOOM.
It wasn't like I had a habit of not revisiting my old favorite games. Legend of Zelda, Starcraft, Quake. These games are burned in my brain and I love picking them up for a few days and enjoying a good ol' fashioned adventure, despite that the games themselves havn't aged well with the times. But DOOM is something I would happily actively stream again. Play through again, dive into the dedicated modding community again. Over and over, and I have absolutely no idea WHY it's like this.
Doom is an OLD game. Not exactly old as dirt, old as the land itself, but it celebrated its 30th anniversary not too long ago and it slaps me in the face that this game is nearly as old as I am. And yet it still keeps offering gameplay I'm dedicated to. That I want to keep enjoying and toying with. I've even considered trying to Speedrun the game a few times.
What is it with DOOM that keeps it's fan base positively frothing for new releases? Not just the overhauled, high intensity action that was 2016's DOOM or DOOM Eternal, but even the older fan .wads and, even still. SIGIL from John Romero, and now Legacy of Rust from the folks at Nightdive and a few extremely dedicated veteran .wad makers.
The Ultimate Doom Steam Port is stellar (sans a few strange sound issues) and people are still remixing E1M1 with some very exciting results. I had a variable amount of whiplash when I found out that OCRemix's "Dark Side of Phobos" started back in 2004, 11 years after the game's release.
I don't need to review the game or give a solid opinion. This is more just me absolutely out of my mind because the DOOM Train hasn't stopped, and I don't understand why.
It's no wonder I'm hitting up the full Vanilla release for the next few upcoming streams while making Crass commentary through it.
Stay Salty~
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alertarchitect · 3 months
So! A new Doom game got announced!
Here's the trailer for those interested, it will help with what I'm about to go into:
As a bit of a Retro Throwback Shooter Shitter myself, I have some Thoughts. Read on if you're interested.
So, first of all I like the premise of exploring the time the Doom Slayer spent fighting demons alongside the warriors of Argent D'Nur. It's a time period that was purposefully left pretty damn vague in Doom Eternal, and the Slayer's lore before waking up again wasn't even really talked about much - if at all - in Doom 2016 from what I remember, since they were trying to play it a little safe due to Doom 2016 being a soft reboot of a series that hadn't gotten a new game in 12 years at that point, with the last title (Doom 3 and its various editions that attempted to improve it a bit) being a pretty big departure that had a wealth of issues, such as it being a Doom game with one of the worst shotguns ever put into a shooter. So it's a cool idea to explore this time frame of the Doom Slayer's history, and possibly show the events leading to the Slayer's imprisonment in Hell before he was rediscovered and subsequently awoken by Samuel Hayden in Doom 2016, including the Makyrs' fall from grace.
Second, I'm actually kinda hyped to see id Software still working on making retro throwback shooters. I was worried they'd get shuttered and their IP sold off after Rage was such a flop back in 2011, and they didn't make anything after it for 5 years until Doom 2016 came out, so it's nice to see they've found their groove again - making some of the best examples of the retro throwback shooter subgenre. Doom 2016 started the BoomShoot Renaissance, and Doom Eternal is still one of the best examples of the genre, mechanically. They are masterclasses in using an old formula while keeping the level design and visuals fresh with modern game design principles that have improved a lot since the 90s, along with new game mechanics to keep the moment-to-moment gameplay feeling fresh as well (such as the weapon / stat upgrade systems, the movement abilities you get in Doom Eternal, etc.). Seeing them pushing that even further is a treat to behold, and I'm confident it's going to be a pretty damn fun game, as long as it doesn't get forced into being $70.
Final point, though, is a bit of a downer for me personally. Why in the fuck are they making a game in the Doom series that's going for a more medieval-ish feel, when the Quake franchise is right fucking there and begging for a better modern entry than goddamn Quake Champions?? Seriously, making a Quake game calling back to the first game in the franchise - with the Lovecraftian inspirations, the more medieval-ish setting, the unique monsters like the Shambler you didn't see much of past Quake 1 - would be a fucking money printer. But no, Microsoft wants them to play it safe so they can get a guaranteed blockbuster because Quake Champions hasn't done very well since it came out of early access in 2022, which is definitely a fault of the Quake franchise not having any consumer interest and 100% for sure not because Quake Champions pivoted into being a fucking hero shooter trying to emulate the feel of old arena shooter deathmatching!! It's not like a soft reboot wouldn't be sorely needed after the goddamn disaster of a story that was the Quake 4 campaign! It's not like a modern Quake game that actually relies on having a fun weapon sandbox instead of relying on taking your opponents off guard with fucking superpowers on cooldowns is something the fanbase they're trying to pander to would nut in our fucking pants over or anything!!!!
TL;DR: This game looks really good and fun, and I like to see id is still making banger games, but I'm actually kinda angry that they'd rather make a Doom game with medieval vibes rather than using that other fantastic retro shooter IP they own to make something that kind of vibe would actually fit into better.
#doom#doom 2016#doom eternal#quake#retro shooters#boomer shooter#id software#fps#retro fps#Seriously I hope it was a decision from Bethesda or Microsoft management to do this shit instead of a Quake game#and not the devs' choice#because if even the *devs* don't want to make Quake games#especially ones that follow more in the footsteps of the first game instead of Quake 2 and beyond#where they went from “Lovecraftian medieval-ish game” to just another “Shoot the aliens Mr. Space Marine!!" series#that'd actually make me kinda sad tbh#Quake Champions#would be a horrible note to end such a good series of games on for the foreseeable future#Seriously the reason I have trouble enjoying the PvP in games like Destiny#or even just hero shooters in general like with Overwatch (ignoring the other problems involved with anything made by fucking Blizzard)#is because it feels like you're actively discouraged from relying on a well-made and fun weapon sandbox#instead you just use your Superpower Buttons as much as possible bc they just matter *more* than any weapon#other than maybe D2's heavy weapons#possibly CAN matter in a match#I know I sound like a nostalgia lord here but seriously just give me more games like Splitgate. Halo. or Unreal Tournament#hell even fucking COUNTER STRIKE is more fun to me bc it's your gunplay that matters#Team Fortress 2 as well#since despite it arguably being the progenitor of the hero shooter subgenre it still maintains its roots as a Quake / Half-Life mod#where the classes don't have Magic Superpowers but instead weapons and items that are part of a large and mostly healthy toolbox#Hell I even prefer Titanfall 2 bc even though it KINDA has superpowers it's more about the movement and shooting#than your 1-2 use killstreaks n shit
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saltygilmores · 1 year
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls, Season 2, Episode 17, "Dead Uncles and Vegetables", Part 2
Read part 1 and all other episodes in my pinned post. Luke is giving Lorelai the run down on the Life and Death of Uncle Louie, which is terribly un important. Think it's funny that he doesn't tell Lorelai about the existence of his family members until there's a crisis like his uncle croaking. Lorelai didn't know he had a sister or nephew until Jess was practically on his doorstep. Frankly, the life story of Liz Danes is infinitely more fascinating than Dead Louie's. I have to make a small correction: in the previous post, I stated that Teach Me Tonight was the next episode, but there's actually another wonderful, glorious, absolutely pointless filler episode next. That one where Richard helps Rory with a project for the Chilton business fair and Madelyn invents the Amazon Alexa a full 12 years before Amazon does but Rory sidelines her invention because no one at Chilton knows how to build a robot.
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I can't think of a more gruesome place to spend the afterlife. If I happened to die in The Hollow, I would come back and haunt you. I'm gonna haunt you so hard, Lorelai Gilmore. You, Dean. Boom, haunted.
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A little healthy competition for Taylor Doose. Just a warmup before Walmart eventually moves in and flattens both markets.
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Love Miss Patty. Back at the Inn, Michel notices the 9 rooms that Lorelai reserved for Luke but there is no credit card on file to pay for said rooms. What's that sound? Could it be the sound of Lorelai Gilmore’s gross financial irresponsibility? Could it be that Lorelai just gifted Luke 9 free hotel rooms with no way to make that money back for the Inn?
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To bring everyone up to speed on the low stakes drama currently under way: Sookie is planning her wedding, and after a fateful soup tasting, Emily has wormed her way in to the wedding planning. Lorelai is predictably miffed. I fear that a day without a Miffed Lorelai would throw the Earth off it's axis.
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For at least the second time in so many weeks, Lorelai has just up and left work in the middle of the day to help Luke do something and no one tries to stop her, on top of that she is leaving her real job to go work another job filling in for Luke.
Lorelai Gilmore is an HR rep’s nightmare. Meanwhile at the diner: the war for small town economic dominance rages on between Taylor and the gentle farmer's market hippie, while Lorelai works behind the counter and Rory....
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WHHHAAAAA???! First Rory paid for her food, now she's working.... a job??!
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Gross. Kirk just ordered lunch, Lorelai is about to bring Luke a turkey burger, and another customer asked Lorelai if they were still serving breakfast, so are we to assume it’s like, around 11am? And Rory is not in school. My word! She pulled a Jess and skipped school to work! It's even funnier when you think about how Luke is basically nobody to Rory at this point but some dick her mom is quietly chasing and her mother pulls her out of school to wait tables at his restaurant. (before anyone says "maybe it's a weekend", Rory was in her Chilton uniform just moments ago). Taylor, observing Miss Patty across the street at the farmer's market: "Since when does Patty eat so much fruit?" This is the woman who told 15 year old Rory that plums were better than sex.
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Taylor is quaking in his cardigan, he knows deep down that at any moment his power and stranglehold over Stars Hollow could be usurped in a blink. Hippie: My market is so busy I don't have time to take a break and eat a meal. Taylor: A well groomed businessman with a good staff can afford to take a break now and again. Kirk:
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The exquisitely timed, deadpan delivery of this line delighted me #TomatosSign #KirkMayBeATouchNeurodivergent
In other Low Stakes Drama, Lorelai has gone upstairs to bring Luke his lunch. He informs Lorelai that none of his relatives are coming to Dead Louie’s funeral, and they both pretend to be sad about it. Jess is nowhere to be found, so I guess unlike Rory, he’s at school, not jerking off for once.
Luke laments the lame excuses that his no good relatives gave for skipping Dead Louie’s funeral, like “I can’t miss work.”
If only they had the generous “Leave work in the middle of a shift to go help the diner guy” PTO package that the Independence Inn provides to Lorelai.
Luke begins the ol’ “name and shame the family members who have stood me up” and to no one’s fucking surprise Liz is among the funeral skippers who isn’t answering his calls (and at the same time isn’t seizing this opportunity to visit her own son and brother).
Oh Liz Danes you are SO getting haunted.
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Now this just throws more Confusion Dressing onto the Dead Uncles and Vegetables Salad. On top of the "Rory gets pulled out school to chase her mom's Dick Goals", Jess also isn’t at school, and Luke says he’s…playing basketball. Ha ha ha. From the fantastical imagination of one Miss AmyShermanPalladino, who bought us “Dean likes/knows how to read”, comes its thrilling sequel, “Jess plays sports!"
Okay. Okay. Nothing is as creative or fantastically fictional as “Dean being literate”. And that being said, I could see Jess shooting hoops, I guess? Like maybe he spent time at the parks and playgrounds of New York City to blow off a little steam. Maybe it’s not a terribly ridiculous notion.
Anyhow, much like “I was playing football with my friends” ala the big fat lie in Swan Song, Rory just accepts this statement without question and then calls him a "little punk". Why? The hell did he do? First ya'll are mad he's causing "mischief" and now he's found a wholesome activity to keep him occupied and off the mean streets of Stars Hollow and you're still mad.
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That brown shirt looked fucking stellar on him and he had to go and ruin it with a poofy lifejacket. 2000's fashion, man. I love how there is clearly nothing for Jess to do plotwise so they made up this z-plot where Rory keeps getting mad at him for taking time off from work, as if it matters to her, and as if he doesn’t have the most solid work ethic in Stars Hollow and shouldn’t be allowed take a break and play his little basketball game if he wants.
The low stakes drama continues: Jackson shows up at the diner and is not pleased about the intrusion on his wedding…by his fiancée’s coworker’s mother, of all people. I’m sure he had a lot of questions for Sookie about that.
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Poor Jess. I'm sure he tried so hard to hold onto that fleeting moment of bliss today, a brief time when he was free, playing basketball, by himself most likely, skipping school, no one bothering him, then Rory shows up and drags him back to work/home for some reason and then Luke forces him to go to a town meeting, He never even got any time to jerk off. I don't understand why Luke goes to these things. Clearly any time there is a meeting he is there not of his own free will, so what are the terrifying consequences for staying home?
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Here sits a defeated man. Taylor: You're late Lorelai, I banged this meeting in a half hour ago. Lorelai: Ooh, dirty. Miss Patty's reaction:
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Dirty old bat. I love her.
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Das a good question.
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Tell me again why he should care about The Town? Why should anyone care about The Town? Fuck Stars Hollow.
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The many faces of Milo. What a cutiemuffin gumdrop. Ah the famous scene where many claim to see Milo mouthing "I love you" at Alexis across the seats, to me it just looks like he's chewing his lip. The way he is looking at her is incredibly precious and adoring nonetheless. Lord, I think I just popped an ovary. Ow. Camp I Love You, Camp Lip Chewer, I respect you both, now let's just meet in the middle where we can all agree Dean Forrester sucks. To be continued.
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weepinglavenders · 2 months
Staying Put, PT 3:
He woke up in a white room, padded aside from the steel door that had a small window at the top and a hatch at the bottom for food. Like he was a god damn hamster, he sat up against the wall, staring at the door, wanting to laugh as he thought about what had happened. He really was crazy, absolutely insane. He shot two people, one more human than the other, and he’d enjoyed it. The rush of power and vengeance that came with them falling to the ground, crying in pain as their bones were snapped through.
He wanted to do it again, wanted every one of these so called scientists to burn in hell. His eyes then locked on to the words above the door and had to fight the urge to break the window.
WCKD is good
“If you all are so bloody good then you shanks should really make your hostages cells a bit more homey.”
He called out, staring pointedly at a corner in the ceiling, something telling him that there was at least a camera there. The sound of a buzzer came through the room and the door opened, a women with blonde hair and a mask stepped in, her eyes squinted like she was smiling.
“Hello Newt. It’s been awhile. I’m Chancellor Paige and you are not a hostage, you’re our guest.”
Her voice was calm and for some reason it made him angry, made him want to scream. He stood and looked at her.
“A guest? I thought we were past the whole trials, lying test thing.”
“We are, this is not a trial or a variable, this is an invitation.”
“An invitation?”
“To help us.”
“Then I decline.”
He crossed his arms and Paige sighed, pulling out a gun and pointing it at his chest.
“Then this is a threat. You are going to help us. You and Thomas.”
Newt did start laughing then, despite the weapon pointed at him, he laughed. The Chancellor lowered her arm slightly in surprise, eyebrows furrowing.
“You’re threatening me with that? God you people are so fucking stupid!”
He grins at her.
“Do it. Shoot me. It would be a bloody blessing and a better outcome then helping you cowards.”
“Your answer truly saddens me Newt.”
Paige sighed, shooting the gun and Newt didn’t have the time to even curse as the jet of electricity hit him in the chest and wrapped around him like a giant spider, forcing him to the ground as his body quaked. Newt would’ve said it was the worst pain he’d ever felt but he had thrown himself off of the maze walls and also watched his best friend and lover kill himself so being electrocuted was more like being given a shot of straight vodka.
He was taken to a room after the bolt of electricity stopped trying to kiss his heart and then set on a medical bed, staring up at the familiar mask with sharp objects hanging off it.
The swipe. They were going to fuck with his memories again. He went to move and quickly realized they had temporarily numbed him, particularly paralyzed.
“Relax Newton, we’re just starting where we had to leave off last time you were here. Your friends already removed their own Swipes in Denver and you won’t be much use to any of us if you still can’t remember your past.”
Paige smiled at him and then he was put under anesthesia and the mask was placed on him.
He woke up in the same room, a bandage wrapped around his head which was pounding. Newt groaned, sitting up again and flipping off the tray of food that was left by the door. His tongue felt like a lead weight, not even able to curse at WCKD for their shitty looking food. He leaned against the wall and gasped, a rush of images hitting him.
He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to focus on one of them, landing on a memory of him, Ably, Minho, Thomas and Teresa in a closet, a maintenance closet. They had stolen some food during dinner and brought it with them, the five of them talking. They were all about 11 to 12 years old, making useless plans for when a cure is made, Newt listening intently as Thomas talked about living in a house by the beach near all of them.
It filled Newt with hope that was slowly crushed as he looked at Teresa and her love filled eyes. She always looked at Thomas like that and he never noticed, or at least he didn’t seem to notice. Ably never seemed to notice how Newt looked at him too and he felt pity for Teresa.
Newt snapped out of the memory, shaking slightly. Tears brimmed his eyes and he stared at the door. He needed to get out of here.
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lyriquette · 16 days
Old RWBY AU description from Frosen Steel chat server - 3/31/2021
lilac — 03/31/2021 12:43 AM
--- After an hour or so of tossing and turning in bed to no avail, I suddenly have an idea for an AU. 8)
Searching through Atlas's archives, a young impressionable Penny discovers a digital scan of an ancient translated version of the Tale of Two Brothers within. The previous owner of the book had written notes.... well, rants....in the margins about how the God of Darkness deserved to have no worshippers and that both gods were pieces of shit.
Still, the tale fascinated her about how the gods had actually created Remnant and humanity, sorta like how her dad created her from nothing. And it was also kinda sad cause it sounded like the God of Light got all the credit for making humanity if the lack of worshippers for the God of Darkness meant anything.
He kinda reminded her of her dad. Because before Dad made her, people was always taking credit for his work, even though he did 99% of it. But her dad was too nice to make a fuss.
You know what. I'm gonna worship the God of Darkness now and no one can stop me!
Her dad had been pretty cool about the entire thing after she explained it, even bought some books about prayer rituals and worship. (He assumed Penny was just going through a phase.)
And so one day, Penny got all the stuff she needed and began praying to the God of Darkness every day.
lilac — 03/31/2021 1:44 AM
In a galaxy far far away, the God of Darkness just stared in dismay as another bunch of his worshipers got exterminated again. By the Church of Light no less.
He really wanted to toss an energy beam down there, just to let the stupid ants know that 'hey these are my worshippers', but that'd break the rules he and his brother made.
To be honest, if he actually liked them, he might even done so anyway.. but really, he knew they had it coming. He liked destruction and mayhem as much as the next God, but there's a line between destruction and intentionally torturing and making people suffer - a line his worshippers regularly crossed with the whole skinning and dismemberment alive thing. The sad thing was they literally were all he had.
eriously, why did he get stuck with all the crazy cultists? He wasn't like that. Sure, he had a bit of a temper problem like most gods did when it came to pride, but he hadn't genocided anything since he left that stupid planet wi-
Oh. That human. That Salem. It still made his horns quake just remembering it. He thought he was going to get his very first genuine worshipper, intelligent and sane and wishing for favor. And he granted her the favor, even paid the horrendous price of pulling a soul from the world and encasing it into a mortal shell. And for what? She was just using him.. only came to him cause his older brother wouldn't give her what she wanted,, and he got played like a fool.
And when she got all those greedy humans to rise up against them - to try and demand immortality from them - okay yeah, genocide probably wasn't the brightest solution, but he was what- like a million years old at the time and going through a phase- he's easily ten times that by now.
"Oh, and there goes your worshippers again," said a very unwelcome voice in a tone that didn't seem smug but really was meant to be smug.
"I have a moon and I'm not afraid to drop it," the God of Darkness sourly replied to his brother as he turned his attention back on the last of worshippers getting cleaned up by his brother's.
Wait, that'd probably kill everything in the planet - damn it.
Did they miss a spot? Why was he still receiving faith?
"That's the last of them," the God of Light remarked, "Hopefully it won't take another dozen millenia for people to discover your existence again."
...Ignoring his brother's gloating, he directed his attention towards the source of the thin stream of faith.
...Was that Remnant?
He glanced at his brother. He was going to ask if his brother had sensed something from the world they abandoned. But you know what? Fuck him.
"Ugh. Shut up. I'm going to destroy a couple uninhabited planets. See you in a couple millennia or something." he pretended to grumble as he transformed into his dragon form and flew off.
"Sure, brother. Come back soon," the God of Light replied before directing the entirety of his attention back on the world they currently lived in.
The God of Darkness could only roll his eyes as he flew off towards the world they abandoned: Remnant.
lilac — 03/31/2021 2:42 AM
Creates an avatar of himself as a Grimm squirrel... human girls like cute things right. This should be an acceptable disguise, right?
It takes him months to create a squirrel that didnt look monstrous enough to get shot on sight by Atlasian security. And since he didn't actually know if his worshipper actually cared about these humans, he can't just go on a murder spree to get through.
Penny gets to learn that though gods, though very powerful and already born fairly intelligent, gain insight and learn very very slowly. Even GoD will admit humans are incredibly fast in that regard.
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teacheslounge · 8 months
AI Generated Sparrangelica Art #1 ✨
12 year old me would be quaking if this was possible when I was trying to make manips etc (not my strong suit). It would be rude of me not to share. Hope this makes some of you as happy as it made me. 🫶🏻🫵🏻
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