mifhortunach · 2 years
wrt last post (aftersun) reviews collected
“Memory is a slippery thing; details are hazy, fickle. The more you strain, the less you see. A memory of a memory endlessly corrupting itself. I’ve caught myself recently claiming that feeling is more robust, but it’s tricky. Because in recalling a point in time and how that moment made you feel, it is framed by a new feeling—the feeling of what that moment means to you now. In Turkish, a language rich in vocabulary not easily rendered into English, ‘hasret’ means some combination of longing, love, and loss. It seems particularly appropriate in this context and to this film.”
“The first time I saw Aftersun, I was struck by how upset it made me, but not entirely in the way I’d been prepared for. [...] Wells’ film is so adept at portraying how childhood memories work, plucking out incidents that feel minor, or snatched bits of dialogue that are little more than offhand remarks, and letting them linger in the mind; I can’t count how many of the sharpest memories of my past are of seemingly minor incidents that lodged in my gray matter, for whatever reason.”
We tend to think of memories as crystallized moments of time, loosely strung together along the trellises of a drooping chandelier somewhere deep within our mind. And yet, personal experience tells us that our pasts are composed from an infinite swirl of different sources — real and invented — each of them crudely sewn together with the same desperation that our sleeping brains might arrange a billion random neurons into a semi-coherent dream.
Some of those sources are soft as ghosts, and likewise change shape in the shadows. Others are much harder, as still and tactile as a rug on the floor. Both can be evocative, but neither are enough to connect all the dots; not when you’re trying to re-trace someone you loved from the vague silhouette they left behind.
Wells’ ingenious construction allows “Aftersun” to unfold from a dual perspective that seems to filter it through the eyes of an adult and a child at the same time. We look for discrepancies, scanning the screen for answers to questions that we don’t even know to ask yet until even the film’s most banal images seem rife with secrets.
[E]ven after watching “Aftersun” four times, I’m still not sure if time will help Sophie come to a better understanding of who her dad was, or if their holiday was the last age when they could possibly have been as honest with each other as they were.
Wells’ film is able to follow its characters through the strobe light of lost time because Mescal and Corio make it so tempting for us to complete their performances for them — to fill in the gaps with the same urgency that we might want to close our own. Few movies have ever ended with a more tempting invitation to do something impossible, but “Aftersun” is so unforgettable because of the agonizing beauty it finds in the futile act of trying.
I often think of the wonderful scene in which Sophie tries to interview Calum on camera, only for her dad to clam up and make her shut it off. “Fine,” she says, “I’ll just record it in my little mind camera.” She doesn’t know it at the time, but it’s a lens she’ll be looking through for the rest of her life; it’s where we look for the people we love when there’s nowhere else to find them.
https://www.indiewire.com/2022/09/aftersun-review-1234758492/ ( :( )
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re1gn404 · 7 days
lol funny man go pew pew
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sanae-kochiyas · 2 years
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dcrknesshums · 6 months
closed starter: @tooswcctx !!
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❛ — oh uh, hey, ❜ eli greeted, running fingers through damp hair as he walked out of the bathroom, freshly showered & wearing nothing but a loose fitting towel around his waist. he was currently back home visiting his mom, having needed some time away after being brutally broken up with by his long time girlfriend, and now, apparently, elijah was making a spectacle of himself after his shower without even having meant to. in front of his mom's best friend, of all people. not only that, but the very one he's been obsessed with since he was a teenager.... to make all matters that much more humiliating.
❛ — you uh, you just missed her. she ran to the liquor store or somethin'... should be back soon...❜ elijah cleared his throat, trying not to look as awkward as he felt, rubbing the back of his neck. ❛ how — how are you ?? ❜
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oathofkaslana · 2 months
ൠ for kiana
ൠ - random headcanon
when she was wandering kiana would often feed stray cats, causing them to follow her for a while. she liked it even though she always knew she'd have to leave them when she finds no trace of her father. she feels especially lonely when she sees kittens with their mother but she smiles at it anyways.
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freakova · 4 months
If you see me playing dbd no you don’t it’s a ghost
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menalez · 1 year
Radsiren was termed a little while back and I was wondering if you knew whether or not she remade? I miss her presence on here lol
i dont think so :'(((((((( i wish she would come back AAAAGH
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buscandoelparaiso · 10 months
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makedamnsvre · 8 months
thinking abt horrible disaster show (vld) and remembered how everyone hatedddd the later series hated so much but i was thinking like the other garrison pilots there in the later parts of the show and i was like 'what was that ones name. james. ? if its james im walking into the ocean' anyways. goodbye everyone i guess im walking into the ocean
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brightereyes · 1 year
Guys in the 1700s listening to a symphony when there was a 2 minute perfect cadence at the end
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trueseeright · 2 years
do not like proper co fronting :(((((
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cherryxsang · 2 years
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woopatchi · 2 months
wish me luck with svg prog lol
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itskeej · 1 year
If you're a dog does that make you our little pup? Do you wanna eat out of our hand and get little belly rubs or something? Heh.
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mymelodyisme · 2 years
My heart aches, the yearning hour is upon us
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