#104th learns sign language because they love armin!!! and he loves them!!
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imthepointe · 10 months ago
personal headcanon that armin can’t hear for 6~ ish hours after coming out of his titan since his colossal doesn’t have ears
and the 104th all learn sign language together to communicate w him (and after the battle of heaven and earth will still sometimes speak in sign language to piss reiner off. annie learns it to support her bf and to communicate nonverbally and pieck simply does not gaf)
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iamnightduchess · 4 years ago
Reiner & Mikasa: A Retrospective Pt.2
“The Shield of Marley & The Blade of Paradis”
Why ReiKasa is a (BR)OTP ship that’s worth more than a fleeting glance
[*caution: a continuation of a long reflective post with the sole intention to share a fan’s perspective through available representation through manga, anime, exhibition & etc. This post is not to convince nor argue where is its place in canon, but only to explore the vast possibilities of these two amazing characters that I love. In the end, if the series ends with Mikasa alive & ending by herself or with X character, then it means Isayama believes that X character is the one she’ll find that eventual happiness with and I’m all for that. Same goes with Reiner :)] Special thanks to @berumika​ for sharing some of the additional points that are included in this post. Years down the line after SnK ended, I’d love to have a post I can revisit of these two amazing characters & the possibilities that could have been from time to time. I’m having absolute fun in observing how much both of these characters have grown since the series debuted in 2010.
Pt. 1 available here. Warning: Image heavy, potential spoilers.
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When I first got to know SnK/AoT, it was through the anime first before manga. Bad idea for me. My initial perspectives of Mikasa & Reiner were skewed and that was later rectified as I navigated the original source directly. Eren is the first protagonist that was introduced by the series creator but I was drawn to Mikasa & Reiner when I started the manga after Season 1 ended. 
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These top two trainees of the 104th batch are closely matched to each other in ranking. We don’t see them interact directly in the anime, but in the early panels of the manga, Reiner could be seen sitting down with Eren, Mikasa & Armin during mealtimes.
Sure, Mikasa can be expected to not converse with Reiner directly, but if her two childhood friends have their good friend sitting together for meals, at the very least we can expect them to have some brownie points in socialization.
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Apart from being total gorgeous hotties, they’re both physically strong people, with Reiner always being second to Mikasa in terms of brute strength. Total muscle pairing and I could see them being at par with each other during physical drills. Reiner & Mikasa could go all out, even beyond 100% and the other would be physically capable to take/receive the force. Shadis would’ve tasked them to lead the physical trainings from time to time. They have been sparring partners, evident from the moment Mikasa threw Reiner across the field into Eren who’s sparring with Annie. Their fitness regime would be in-sync with each other. I could see them having mad respect for each other and secretly admire the other person’s prowess and skill. 
Connection through Eren
As highlighted primarily in Pt.1, Eren has been shown to look up or aspire to be high achievers like Reiner and Mikasa both. He wanted to be as strong as the two of them. The odds of the very same people he look up to, as the two individuals who would be able to stop him, I would suspect as very high at this point.
When they were younger, Reiner has always been the one that’s pulled Eren up when he’s down, nearly giving up & at the lowest points of his life. He was also the one who convinced Eren to ‘keep on moving forward’, which we’ll learn later was one of the most ironic moments that Reiner recalled as he feels responsible for everything that begun, which also pushed his guilt inside him to his near-suicide attempt.
Survey Corps
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Reveal on Wall Rose
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Mikasa, was one of the few junior SC members who were called in for the secret meeting with the unit’s top brass the night before the reveal. She was made aware of Reiner & Bertolt’s possible identity as the enemy after she assisted with apprehending Annie in Wall Sina. While Reiner was talking to Eren, Mikasa could be seen being highly agitated, hands shaking as she waited with unease breath for Reiner & Bertolt to make their move.
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She was later seen questioning her hesitance on delivering the killing blow or at least enough to incapacitate them. Mikasa called Reiner & Bertolt “the plague of humanity” in anger and absolute disappointment. They were still her friends that she knew for three years & it had been difficult for her to kill them.
Thunder Spears Training
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Mikasa could be seen reflecting in a combination of unease, sadness & regret as she recalled back the moment she was unable to break Reiner’s armor with her blades.
Return to Shinganshina
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Mikasa was the one who crippled the Armored’s legs. She wasn’t as emotional as Connie, Jean & Sasha but there was a deep, painful rumination on her part the moment they assumed that Reiner was dead dead. She was also the one who noticed the sudden move from Reiner’s Armored Titan. In the anime, she could be seen angry & frustrated at Reiner’s refusal to confess that she pulled too hard on the bandage in her hands while she was helping Jean with his injuries.
Time-Skip (Current)
Reiner’s reminiscence & nightmares
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Reiner’s reminiscence of Mikasa was indirect, but he highlighted her (and Armin’s) fierce, unwavering loyalty towards Eren. He had recurring nightmares of her & Levi that are the symptoms of his PTSD. The anime specifically used her shot to highlight the last image of her that he saw: anger.
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Assault in Liberio
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You could see the existing disappointment on her face when Reiner’s partially transformed Titan appeared, having to cross paths again in such a way after four years. She could’ve intervened the way she did with Galliard’s Jaw but she didn’t. Eren said Reiner’s out of any energy left to retaliate and Mikasa didn’t disagree. At this point, Mikasa is already affected by Eren’s actions in murdering the women & children inside the building that he shifted in and the destruction they all left behind.
Connection through Gabi
Reiner’s young cousin reminded Armin & Mikasa of a young Eren. The difference is that, Gabi had an early opportunity to be saved through the compassion showed by Mikasa and Sasha’s beloved family. The very same people who had every right to be sad, grieving and taking out their anger on the child who gunned down their beloved friend & daughter.
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Mikasa doesn’t verbally express her emotions but it can be shown through her body language & facial expressions. I love seeing the tender way she pressed Gabi’s head onto her shoulder as protection and a symbolism of safety. It was a bit sad that this ‘bond’ was short-lived but what an amazing connection it would’ve been if Mikasa & Gabi had been given more space to develop their bond in canon.
Concern for Reiner & Annie
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Usually when Mikasa verbally expresses something, it is usually important/significant to her. In ch.124, she could be seen asking Gabi about Reiner’s location. Why? It’s because she is concerned for Reiner’s safety. If his Armors were undone, he was vulnerable and with pure Titans and the Colossal Titans walking around, he would be in danger.
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“We need to help Reiner & Annie.” She was heavily concerned with Reiner and Annie’s lives at the docks. But this moment is more important for Connie as a callback to the moment when Annie & Reiner both had saved Connie when they were trainees.
Adjacent Manga/Official Art Paneling(s)
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In the current final arc of the manga, (several panels have been highlighted in Pt.1) it’s quite interesting to note that Mikasa & Reiner’s characters/panelings have been drawn adjacent to each other. I could also see the way Armin, Reiner & Mikasa (ARM) are getting primary focus by Isayama in this final arc.
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Others (Misc./Semi-canon)
Cool-faced Cookie (Attack on Titan Game)
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When Reiner suggested the player to do a melee practice with two other sparring partners, he immediately spotted Mikasa & Historia. It’s very interesting to note that Reiner’s nickname for Mikasa is “Cool-faced cookie” as he hinted the player to ask Mikasa for an impromptu practice.
The blink and miss furtive glance(s)
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In Lost Girls OVA’s ED by WIT, a screenshot of the primary 104th walking together could be seen. Mikasa could be seen sneaking a glance at Reiner.
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In a scene during the fresh SC recruits discussing intensely about Eren’s role as humanity’s hope, Reiner could be seen glancing silently with concern for Mikasa, as Jean questions her vouch of confidence in Eren’s abilities.
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In Snk OVA#3, Mikasa is grouped with Reiner for the excursion and they could be seen having good teamwork together. When Mikasa’s ‘sixth senses’ are triggered due to Eren being in danger, Reiner could be seen looking at her direction immediately as if sensing her distress. 
Characteristics & Zodiac Signs
Amazing/Compassionate with children
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Known as the Shield of Marley, Reiner’s a caring keeper, a natural leader and a provider who’s naturally amazing with children. Everyone looks up to him. Would’ve made a good family man if the circumstances were different. Based on his characteristics & physical attribute, he reminds me of Mikasa’s father below, no matter how short-lived he was. I could see her admiring that side of him even if it wasn’t mentioned directly. They are both loving, selfless, protective towards their child/ward.
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Mikasa, true to her name, an Ackerman, a genetically-enhanced super soldier/warrior of Paradis that wields their blades with the highest efficiency. Though she might not seem as natural with children, did come from a healthy & loving upbringing with her parents for nine years. Her real persona as a child pre-awakening is a curious, thoughtful and actually a warm-hearted girl. Post-awakening characteristics could also be contributed from the traumas imposed by the murder of her parents, the fall of Wall Maria, the death of Carla & having to shoulder the immediate responsibility as Eren’s new ‘guardian’/caregiver/problem-solver/mess-cleaner.
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She shown her compassion towards Gabi, which in turn had proved to the little girl how there are good-hearted, forgiving people in the Island. Mikasa could be observed as being heavily concerned with Falco as she questioned Jean about the young  boy. One could see the anger on her face when she saw Connie took off and abducted Falco to be fed to his mom. She drew the line in harming children even if they’re trained enemy soldiers.
Aquarius & Leo’s Compatibility
Reiner’s a Leo and Mikasa’s an Aquarius. Their characteristics are too coincidental to their respective astrological signs to be disregarded completely.
He’s an extrovert (Ref: younger!Reiner. Older Reiner too but his PTSD’s and maturity have taken over his more outgoing personality) that compliments her introvert personality yet they both have their inner demons to deal with and could somehow understand that about each other. He’s a ray of sunshine that could enlighten her melancholic personality. Yet their dominant personalities, although might be clashing at first, eventually would lead them to respect the other’s perspective. This would ring true when they were younger. Currently they have grown older, wiser and more understanding of the other.
At the current Final Arc, this has been highlighted in Part 1, recent chapters have shown older Reiner and Mikasa’s unspoken respect and understanding for each other. The current Reiner’s natural leadership as a born Leo is very apparent. Reiner was being very mindful of her feelings as Eren is a very sensitive subject & Mikasa took in Reiner’s words with serious consideration. 
It would be great to see more of their combined synergy as Reiner & Mikasa’s teamwork could be seen once again in ch.135. Aquarius & Leo would take turns to take a back seat while letting the other leads.
They are actually very physically and sensually compatible with each other & could potentially be an unstoppable force if they were to fight for the same side. At the moment, I’m hoping to see this potentially deadly combination once again in ch.136 onwards. They could’ve overtaken Eren’s Founding Form is it wasn’t for OG!Ymir’s one-sided overkill powers. To the real God who created the parasite worm, please take powers away frpm this uncontrollable grandma in a little girl’s body.
More of Mikasa’s Aquarius & Reiner’s Leo Compatibility Meter with description below:
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Since this is SnK and not Berserk/Tokyo Ghoul/insert other josei manga titles, no one’s having sex directly haha In an ideal world, Reiner & Mikasa’s physical attractions for each other will almost be off the charts. “When they find true emotion, Aquarius might actually end up respecting the king”. In current arc, this can be observed. She respects Reiner & his words.
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The above describes both Mikasa and Reiner respectively. Mikasa does not reach for heroism directly but it can be seen indirectly from the way she had inspired a child Louise through her bravery, protecting Gabi and rescuing/protecting the Azumabito Service crew from the Jeagerists. Reiner has always been born to be a hero, regardless of the circumstances of his conception or birth.
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“If they end up fighting for the same cause, they could turn down entire governments and use their incredible force to change anything in the world.”
Even oppressive, destructive supernatural, God-like powers? Ymir & Eren, better be prepared. 
 “To get there, these two would have to stop the battle they have with each other.” Check and Check.
“Leo -- has the ability to give clarity to any situation.” Ch.133. That was not Reiner projecting. He’s always been Eren’s counterpart. He’s telling the readers that there’s a part of Eren out there that still wants to be stopped since he has surrender his will to Ymir. She took his words into serious consideration and in Paths, voices out to Eren on his sins and burden.
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“Leo is exactly what Aquarius needs to find love. -- to liberate and shine as if they have been searching for one another for many lifetimes.” In an ideal world or in my gazillion AUs: Reiner and Mikasa could be soulmates.
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This could ring true for the younger Reiner & Mikasa.
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Reiner and Mikasa both are indeed strong, selfless individuals in each other’s eyes. This can be observed in Ch.133 & 135. Reiner feared her but respect her strength & feelings when it relates to Eren nevertheless. Even Reiner was taken aback by Pieck’s ultimatum in blowing the Founder’s neck, although Armin had suggested the same thing the night before.
“Just like the Sun and the lightning don’t go together, Aquarius should take over on a rainy day, in a depressive crowd or in places where they both feel as if they would drown. This is where Leo needs to give in and let their partner rule the sky--”  It wasn’t a rainy day or depressive crowd in ch. 135, it was a chaotic shitstorm and they were all not drowning but dying. Period. Our dear Mikasa took charge like a BAMF Queen that she is. She was putting her life on the line to protect the four injured men behind them. She aimed to buy them more time if she could as everyone expected it to be the end. As highlighted in Pt.1, you could see the helplessness on Reiner’s face when he saw Mikasa’s breaking point.
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Reference : http://www.astrology-zodiac-signs.com/compatibility/aquarius-leo/
Final Exhibition
The Final Exhibition highlights the Last Stand: the direct final confrontation between The Founding/Attack against The Armored, with Mikasa being in the middle of the confrontation, tipping the scales of the outcome. Before, she assisted Eren against Reiner. Currently, she is working with Reiner to stop Eren.
Trio(s) Parallel
An interesting panel from ch.97:
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EMA & RBA have always been lauded as the main trio of their respective sides. We have seen Armin taking over Bertolt’s powers & is potentially promised a future with the girl that Bertolt had feelings for. Recognize the probable pattern?
Guy from trio 1 ate Guy from trio 2′s Titan & is promised a potential future with the girl he cares for/have feelings for/close with from the trio.
Only one between between Eren & Reiner will remain. What if the story begins with Eren but will end with Reiner all along?
SnK HighSchool AU / Breakfast Club X-over
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In the movie, the Jock (Quarterback!Reiner) ends up with the Rebel (Goth!Mikasa). He looks past her eccentricity & see her for who she is. This is a fun crossover by Isayama but very interesting to see Armin, Mikasa & Reiner work together to save Eren in the fake previews.
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Whether the combined strength and perseverance of the Blade of Paradis & the Shield of Marley be enough to save the world from total annihilation? It remains to be seen very, very soon.
No matter how the series ends, whether both Reiner and Mikasa survive or not, I’ll be looking back in pride upon seeing their journey, growth & dynamics as either individual or together in this beautiful series by Hajime Isayama’s brilliant mind. Because of him, these two characters inspired his readers, myself included, to be brave and fight for what they truly believe in: humanity & its continuation. It has been an incredible ride and I will continue to enjoy writing for this OTP/BROTP, that I’ve fell so deeply in love with and their vast possibilities.
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starshine-effendy · 4 years ago
Disclaimer: I do not own any characters of Attack on Titan they belong to  Hajime Isayama!
A/N: I needed more mute! reader so I made one. 
Summary: You’re mute and you grew up with Levi.
Warning: Death mentions... 
You grew up in the underground with Levi. Levi knew you were mute so he learned how to communicate with you by your body language and facial expressions. You couldn’t learn sign language because it’s the underground. You weren’t as strong as Levi but you were more of a medic. You watched Levi defeat Farlan in a fight and became close friends with him. The first time you met Farlan, he tried to get you to talk but Levi informed him that you couldn’t. Now if you didn’t have a paper and pen/pencil Farlan would ask Levi what you were saying. 
Soon, Isabel came into your lives and you took care of the little bird that Isabel was trying to save whilst Levi was taking care of the thug that hurt her. Isabel thanked you and you gave her a smile in a way of saying “Your welcome, I’m glad I could help” She didn’t mind your lack of response.... Which made you happy.
Isabel became your close friend and she learned that you were mute. You’d always see her like a little sister that you’ve got to protect. So one day, when she came home bleeding you quickly panicked and worked on her wound while giving Levi and Farlan scolding looks. You cared about her so much, you couldn’t stand to see her hurt. 
The 4 of you were caught by the Scouts and... Erwin. You trembled when Levi’s face was pushed to the mud. You wished you could yell, scream, cry anything to get them to stop but it was no use. You could only silently cry while one of them restrained you. 
Levi was given the choice to join the Scouts and his crimes would go unpunished or they would hand all of us to the military police and they won’t be as nice. Levi agreed for the sake of you and his friends and you were assigned as a medic in the field. If someone needed tending they’d come to you in the wagon near by and you’d tend to their wounds as quickly as possible. You will never forget about how frightened their faces were when they got painfully injured.
You were assigned to be with another team while Levi, Farlan and Isabel went in their position. You don’t know what happened but when you returned back to the walls you could only find Levi. Levi didn’t say a word about what happened but you saw his face and you understood. You silently cried your eyes out that night wishing Isabel and Farlan was there giving you hugs, telling you everything was alright but they weren’t. You could only silently cry hugging your pillow tightly wishing you could’ve done more for them but you couldn’t. Their deaths were the most painful to get over. You and Levi were always looking out for one another after. You both became inseparable. 
104th squad. You met Eren, Armin, Mikasa, Jean, Connie and Sasha. They were all so young and they were already in the scouts. You and Levi watched them grow up. When Levi lost his squad you could only bring him tea and comfort him by patting him gently. He could cry when you’re around... He always looked... So...Fragile... Maybe that’s why you love him. 
When Eren and Historia were captured Levi met Kenny again. You weren’t sure if Kenny spared you or he had his eyes on Levi because he never made an attempt to shoot you. You still question it to this day but you’re never going to get the answer because you watched him die and give Levi a titan injection. 
Reiner, Bertolt were titans... And there was... Zeke... So much happened... You were with the kids when that part happened. Levi took down Zeke and...
He saved Armin with the injection. You remembered how you couldn’t save Erwin... He was too far gone... Only the injection could save him but Levi gave it to Armin... And Erwin slapped his hand away... We went to the basement and found out what’s beyond the walls and we headed towards an ocean. You remember how salty the water is... You wish you could go there again. 
104th squad grew up and started a war and became an Yeagerist with Zeke. Sasha died by the hands of children.... You wished you could save those poor kids from this stupid war... But... You can’t. 
You went with Levi to guard Zeke... Titans... And the thunder spear happened... And... 
‘I guess my life’s flashing before my eyes’ You thought. 
You could feel your breathing getting slower... 
‘I wonder if Levi knows I love him...’ You thought, ‘I wish I told him sooner’ 
‘Heh... He must be alive... Somewhere... He’s so strong... I wish... I could’ve said I love you to him... But... I can’t’ 
Your vision was fading... You feel your eyes closing... You feel the end coming. You made a last wish towards the stars...
‘I wish... I could’ve seen him... One last... Time...’ You thought. With your last thoughts... You left him Forever. 
(This is Bad... sorry)
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