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Par Jean-Marie Mondésir
À l’heure de l’ouverture des classes programmée sur l’ensemble du territoire par le Ministère de l’éducation nationale et de la formation professionnelle (MENFP) le mardi 1er octobre 2024, notre rédaction ne peut pas s’empêcher d’aborder la situation socio-économique des parents qui éprouvent beaucoup de difficultés à envoyer leurs enfants à l’école. Les instituteurs et les enseignants de la campagne ne sont pas épargnés à cette rentrée scolaire, car ils sont des parents à part entière qui sont touchés par la précarité économique et les préparatifs du curriculum prévus au calendrier scolaire 2024-2025.
Dans ce contexte, il est important d’analyser les problèmes récurrents confrontés par les habitants de la collectivité de Dumont pendant cette période de la rentrée des classes. Le gouvernement central a fait miroiter une subvention financière aux parents de certains départements géographiques et le grand sud n’en a pas fait partie. Quelles sont les raisons de cette exclusion?
On ne sait pas si les familles issues du milieu paysan recevront une subvention gouvernementale directe pour leurs enfants en âge scolaire. Il semble que les conditions ne sont pas encore bien établies pour permettre aux parents ayant des difficultés financières de recevoir cette subvention liée aux dépenses de la rentrée scolaire 2024-2025.
À bien remarquer, la collectivité de Dumont possède plusieurs écoles privées et trois établissements publics : école nationale de Marcabée, école nationale de Dumont et l’école nationale de Roche-Jabouin. On peut citer à titre d’exemple : Kidergarden Vanita Dena, École presbytérale de Dumont, Collège Gaston Bachelard Dumont et bien d’autres institutions privées qui offrent des services éducatifs à Dumont.
Avant de traiter la question qui nous intéresse, il est bon de souligner que la collectivité de Dumont est une entité locale qui est reliée à la commune de Port-Salut. C’est une collectivité à vocation agricole en forte expansion à cause de l’investissement de la diaspora de différentes localités de Dumont dans la construction de belles maisons qui font le charme de cette communauté. En parallèle, les habitants de ce milieu cultivent leurs champs agricoles, les racines de vétiver; pratiquent aussi l’élevage, la pêche, l’artisanat et le commerce de détail.
Cependant, la brève description de cette communauté ne veut pas sous-entendre qu’on cherche à nier l’existence de certains problèmes fondamentaux, tels que : la pauvreté de certaines familles, la carence en eau potable, la division clanique, la dépendance au transfert de fonds de la diaspora, l’hypocrisie sectorielle, l’abandon des terres agricoles, l’abattage des arbres pour faire du charbon, le décrochage scolaire des jeunes, le nombre élevé des filles mères célibataires, le clivage des acteurs locaux, etc.
Selon notre constat, il n’existe pas une organisation structurée de la diaspora qui regroupe les gens issus de cette communauté. Les structures organisationnelles existantes agissent en vase clos et elles ne travaillent pas en synergie avec les gens locaux pour améliorer les conditions socio-économiques de la population locale.
Toutefois, il est utile de souligner l’aménagement et le bétonnage de Morne de Sobari est le seul projet communautaire qui a mobilisé les gens de la diaspora à se contribuer pour sa réalisation sans se préoccuper de l’assistance des autorités gouvernementales.
C’était une initiative entreprise par certains citoyens dévoués et soucieux du problème local qui utilisent la technologie WhatsApp pour regrouper la diaspora dumontienne avec les acteurs locaux afin de réaliser ce projet collectif. La réalisation de ce projet citoyen a démontré clairement que la diaspora peut contribuer au développement de cette collectivité sans se soucier de l’aide des autorités gouvernementales.
Tout simplement, il suffit de manifester sa solidarité envers les gens de son milieu en s’engageant à participer, à contribuer et à se mobiliser afin de réaliser des projets créateurs de richesse susceptibles d’améliorer les conditions socio-économiques de la population locale.
La rentrée scolaire se fera de manière timide à Dumont le mardi 1er octobre 2024 du fait que les familles ayant plusieurs enfants à envoyer à l’école n’ont pas les moyens financiers pour couvrir les frais d’uniforme et de matériels scolaires qui sont de plus en plus dispendieux pour les petites bourses. Dans un contexte socio-économique difficile, d’instabilité politique chronique et d’insécurité croissante à la capitale, les autorités du gouvernement central auront du mal à trouver du financement nécessaires pour subventionner les parents en difficultés.
Sans le support financier de la diaspora dumontienne qui a l’habitude de soutenir certaines familles lors de la rentrée des classes, il serait difficile de compter sur la présence de plusieurs élèves dans leur classe pour suivre le programme du calendrier scolaire établi par le Ministère de l’éducation nationale et de la formation professionnelle.
Avec le résultat décevant et alarmant des élèves au cours des examens officiels du MENFP, les directeurs d’école, les enseignants et les responsables du ministère doivent s’asseoir ensemble pour évaluer les différentes causes du taux élevé d’échec aux examens officiels. Donc, il est essentiel de trouver des solutions durables appropriées en adoptant des mesures jugées nécessaires visant à freiner le déclin du système éducatif haïtien. Sinon, il s’agit d’un gaspillage de fonds publics. L’organisation de ces examens officiels absorbe beaucoup de ressources des contribuables qui auraient pu utiliser ailleurs.
Notre rédaction se fait le plaisir de lancer un vibrant appel aux citoyens soucieux de la diaspora qui comprennent le rôle de l’éducation dans le développement d’une communauté de se mobiliser pour accompagner les instituteurs et les enseignants qui œuvrent dans des conditions difficiles dans milieu scolaire de cette collectivité afin de les aider à se former davantage dans les meilleurs intérêts des élèves de Dumont.
De nos jours, on ne peut plus compter sur l’assistance des autorités publiques qui ignorent le plus souvent les gens de l’arrière-pays. Les habitants de ce milieu éprouvent beaucoup de difficultés économiques à cause du manque d’encadrement dans la production agricole, l’élevage, la pêche et l’artisanat. Les familles n’arrivent même pas à nourrir leurs enfants voire les envoyer sur les bancs de l’école pour s’instruire et acquérir de nouvelles connaissances.
Il est vrai que c’est l’obligation de l’Etat de garantir le droit à l’éducation de ses citoyens. On est conscient, dans un contexte de crise socio-économique, politique et institutionnelle, les autorités du gouvernement central n’ont pas les moyens financiers adéquats pour répondre à leurs obligations constitutionnelles. Donc, il est important que la diaspora dumontienne s’organise pour repenser le modèle d’éducation dans cette communauté afin de doter les établissements publics des équipements nécessaires permettant aux élèves de classe fondamentale d’apprendre un métier valorisant afin d’assurer le développement de leur milieu de vie.
Dans le contexte actuel, on ne peut plus former des jeunes uniquement sur une base théorique, on doit penser à allier leurs connaissances théoriques aux compétences techniques et aux expériences pratiques afin de freiner le désespoir des jeunes et réduire l’attente à un emploi dans l’administration publique ou partir à l’étranger vers l’inconnu à la recherche d’un mieux-être économique.
Notre rédaction préconise un modèle d’éducation pour les élèves de Dumont qui doit se concentrer sur l’entrepreneuriat et l’apprentissage d’un métier technique répondant aux besoins des attentes de la population locale. Ensemble, on peut redonner l’espoir aux jeunes qui sont désabusés par la lutte intestine des entrepreneurs politiques assoiffés de pouvoir sans légitimité populaire.
Ann chache fe konbit pou kanpe nivo edikasyon nan kominote lakay pou n fome yon nouvel jenerasyon responsab kap kontribye nan devlopman Dimon.
Jean-Marie Mondésir
Citoyen engagé de Dumont
Éditeur de portsalutmagazine.ca|La voix de Dumont | Solidarité paysanne
PDG de Dumont Inter 103.1 FM
#dumont inter 103.1 fm#lavoixdumont#port-salut magazine#dumont inter#solidarité paysanne#la voix de dumont | radio dumont.com#solidarite paysanne#collectivité dumont
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Les funérailles du regretté Joseph Celessene Muscadin seront chantées à l’église Saint Nicolas de la Paroisse de Dumont le jeudi 25 juillet 2024 à 9h AM.
Par Jean-Marie Mondésir
La voix de Dumont se fait le devoir d’adresser ses sincères condoléances à la famille de Joseph Célessene Muscadin qui pleure son départ vers l’au-delà survenu le 12 juillet 2024 à l’âge de 87 ans. En cette pénible circonstance, notre rédaction juge nécessaire de rendre un vibrant hommage à ce paroissien cultivateur, agent communautaire, vétérinaire et instituteur de l’école presbytérale de Dumont.
On profite de cette profonde tristesse pour interpeller tous les paroissiens de la collectivité de Dumont pour qu’ils assistent aux funérailles d’un rude travailleur agricole, d’un éducateur hors pair, d’un citoyen engagé dans le développement de son milieu et le renforcement de la foi chrétienne de ses élèves.
Joseph Célessène Muscadin est né le 15 mai 1937 à Port-Salut. Il était engagé comme instituteur à l’école presbytérale de l’église Saint Nicolas de Dumont. Pour certains, M. Muscadin était très connu pour sa rigueur dans son enseignement. Il visait la réussite de ses élèves en appliquant la même rigueur avec ses enfants. Par la suite, il prêtait ses services comme professeur de catechese afin de préparer les enfants à leur première communion et confirmation. Pour d’autres, il était aussi un conseiller pour les habitants de son milieu. Il prodiguait toujours des conseils salutaires à chaque personne rencontrée sur son parcours.
Joseph Célessène Muscadin était connu pour être un citoyen engagé dans le développement de son environnement. Il était président du regroupement de citoyens qui creusait le tronçon de route de Dumont en passant par l’habitation Fabre à carrefour Masson. Il faisait partie du conseil administration de la coopérative de Port-Salut et membre de différents groupements citoyens visant le développement de la collectivité de Dumont.
Il était un rude travailleur agricole qui investissait non seulement dans la production agricole, mais aussi dans les racines de vétiver et les plantations des cocotiers. Il est important de signaler que les differentes tempêtes tropicales et de cyclones ont porté un coup dur à ses plantations agricoles. M. Muscadin offrait ses services comme vétérinaire dans son milieu et Agent sanitaire du groupe SNEM -Action familiale qui contribuait à éradiquer l’épidémie de la malaria.
Il était un passionné de la production agricole, ses deux fils ont hérité de sa passion en devenant Ingénieurs-Agronomes. Ses deux filles sont diplômées dans le domaine de l’Education. Il apportait une très grande contribution au choix des acteurs politiques qui sont appelés à diriger la collectivité de Dumont et la commune de Port-Salut.
Joseph Célessène Muscadin était un chretien d’une très grande piété et il ne manquait jamais le service religieux de Dimanche. C’était un homme de prière qui demandait à toute la famille de prier constamment. C’est cette habitude qui conduisait un de ses fils au sacerdoce en devenant prêtre dans la Congrégation des Missionnaires Oblats de Marie Immaculée.
M. Muscadin était un homme de foi, de conciliation et de prière. Tous les 1er janvier, il s’est réuni avec tous ses enfants pour prier en louant la gloire de Dieu. Après cette prière traditionnelle, il prenait une trentaine de minutes pour adresser ses recommandations à ses enfants pour le nouvel an. Il était toujours prêt à demander pardon lorsqu’il commettait une erreur.
La rédaction du journal a appris pendant qu’il s’apprêtait à passer de la vie à trépas, il faisait appeler les gens qu’il offensait pour leur demander pardon. Ensuite, il demandait au Seigneur de l’accueillir dans son paradis.
Le citoyen engagé de Dumont se mêle à la voix de tous les paroissiens de Dumont pour rendre un hommage public à cet homme engagé au développement de son environnement et du coup transmettre ses profondes sympathies à la famille éprouvée par ce deuil. On souhaite que la chorale « Union des jeunes chrétiens de Dumont » ainsi de celle de « La bonté du Christ » offrent une très belle prestation au cours des funérailles de M. Joseph Célessène Muscadin qui seront chantées à l’église Saint Nicolas de Dumont le jeudi 25 juillet 2024.
Jean-Marie Mondésir
Citoyen engagé de Dumont
Éditeur de La voix de Dumont
PDG de Dumont Inter 103.1 FM
#paroissededumont#dumont inter 103.1 fm#solidarité paysanne#port salut magazine#radiodumontinter#rdi103.1 FM
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Radio, Live Transmission: A 28th Anniversary Retrospective on 103.1 The Buzz And It's Lasting Legacy On South Florida
(Pictured Above: 2008 Logo for the Buzz Bake Sale, WPBZ’s annual music festival)
While the station signed off the FM airwaves in 2011, its impact, disappearance and legacy remains prominent to this day.
There is one constant to which you cannot deny; in some facet, in some way, FM radio is heard at least once a day.
Be it in your local coffee shop while you wait for the frother to cease its hissing, inside of a Lyft or your own car, in a retail store (RIP to almost all K-Mart’s) or even perhaps in your own workplace, the medium itself is the oldest driver and receptor of auditory media consumption.
And while there are some television events that will forever be integrated into the ever growing, and increasingly strange fabric of reality, it can arguably be stated that none are as special as radio transmissions.
Think on your childhood. How many of those memories are associated with one of your parents driving in their car, blaring some of their favorite songs with the windows down?
What songs were playing in the background of your first kiss, the volume turned down just enough to hear and feel those first precarious breaths as you both leaned into the unknown?
What songs did your family member have on in the kitchen as they began dinner prep, and you took in the scents and sounds of what would influence you later?
Or maybe your own experience is similar to this particular writers: anxiously waiting to press record as you counted down the minutes to 7pm on a Thursday night. Because this night, tonight on an evening in late September of 2006, when The Killers “When You Were Young” is going to be premiered on The Buzz during Dropping Trou with Ross Mahoney. Finger hovering right over the record button of an old (but reliable) ocean blue boom box. You’ve checked the tape inside about a dozen times, and now you’re just waiting for this Green Day song to finish so you can click it.
Finally, you hear the queue come on for the segment and you mash the button. It’s the World Premiere of the first single from the follow-up of the Las Vegas act and though it’s more than likely being premiered across the country, it somehow feels special. It feels like this is the debut of it on your home station, and the rest of the country can wait.
The special thing about radio, is that every experience is unique. And while every community may or may not have their own rallying call, 103.1 The Buzz, call sign WPBZ, made it somehow feel like this community was the best damn one.
“I was working with a radio consultant at my current station at the time, who was also going to be the consultant for The Buzz. “ says Jason Davis, one of the original DJ’s at the station and host of the weekly Buzz Light show every Sunday morning. “I had expressed my desire to work at a startup modern rock station in a cool market to that consultant before. So when this station was being formed, he had me in mind and recommended I send in an audition. I did, and the program director, Amy Doyle, heard it and thought it was awful. She called me and told me so, but said I came highly recommended by the consultant so she wanted to give me another chance. I sent in another audition tape and she liked it, flew me down for an in-person audition, and made me a job offer before I flew back home.”
WPBZ operated in West Palm Beach from 1995 to 2011, being not only a stalwart beacon for alternative music as the sole provider for newer alternative and rock music in West Palm Beach, but provided a rallying point for the entirety of Palm Beach County.
“Everyone who worked there was young and trying to figure out life.” said Dan Stone, who also worked as a DJ on the station and now works as a voice actor and audio producer. “The music and city kinda felt the same. It was where I started to learn production on a DAW which gave me a career as an imaging director and eventually voice actor.”
In addition to the myriad of radio personalities, the station also held the accolade of the Buzz Bake Sale, starting in 1996, with the tagline being 13 bands for $13. The first ever line-up cultivated artists Evan Dando, The Mighty Mighty Bosstones, Primitive Radio Gods, Butthole Surfers and more onto Coral Sky Amphitheater’s stage.
During its 16 year run, the lineups grew to include Green Day, Reel Big Fish, Foo Fighters, Drowning Pool, Our Lady Peace, Muse, My Chemical Romance, Chevelle and AWOLNATION, to just name a small few of the headliners that graced the bill throughout the years.
“A memorable moment with an artist (there were many) was at the after-party of the '97 Bake Sale and we were standing around having drinks with Green Day.” replied Davis, who is now based in Atlanta as the News Producer for WSB-TV. “I (or someone) asked the singer, Billie Joe Armstrong, if we could snap a photo. When it came time for the pic, he unexpectedly leapt into my arms. So in the pic, I'm cradling him with a shocked look on my face. Good thing he's a wee little fella and I didn't drop him. Unfortunately that was back in the olden days before digital cameras and the hard copy of the photograph is long lost.”
(Pictured above: The logo for the 10th Year of Buzz Bake Sale in 2006)
“Probably my proudest moment was staying on the air for 36 or 32 hours straight to raise 10k for Forgotten Soldiers. It still upsets me that the only thing people remember was the Handlebars bit.”, said former Buzz DJ Tre Nation, who now works with SiriusXM as an Imaging Producer. “Also, this may not be my proudest but it's one of the things that affected me the most. Standing on stage at Bake Sale and listening to John O’ Connell (Program Director for the station) thank the listeners and say good bye. I still pull up that video on YouTube every now and then and it still chokes me up to this day. I think we all knew what was going to happen, but we didn’t dare say it to each other. I remember walking back stage with Ross (Mahoney, former Buzz DJ and current Regional Vice President of Audacy Alternative) and out of nowhere he told me he loved me. Most would have thought that to be weird but, I knew why he did.”
The station also held sessions such as Buzz Lounge, a special in-studio acoustic performance by an artist. While the performances were broadcasted on air, a select number of listeners would also be allowed in studio to watch the performance, as well as a short interview between the band and one of the DJ’s.
The below performance, uploaded to YouTube of Yellowcard’s “Ocean Avenue” was one such example.
“Working with the other DJ’s & managers, we were truly a TEAM. A band of brothers. And we got to do basically what we wanted.” said Metal Mick McCabe, who was the Production Director for 16 years with the station, and is still involved with the radio industry today. “With the Alternative format, the weirder the better! John (O’Connell) and I really pushed the boundaries of poor taste and humor with the station imaging. ‘Why is it 103.1 The Buzz always sounds better to the hooker tied up in your trunk?' comes to mind…."
Some of the station’s hijinks and various other clips, including the earlier mentioned Buzz Lounge are still available to watch on the station’s archived YouTube page, buzz103 .
“What made the Buzz great was the freedom it gave its staff to say and do what they thought in the moment to entertain and connect with an audience. The world has become so politically correct that those freedoms have all but been taken away from broadcasters and instead lives in the world of un-regulated podcasts.” answered Mark Rider, former Buzz morning show host who now works as a VA and whose credits also include narration for National Geographic and various commercial campaigns such as “Into The Spiderverse”.
“I’m not sure it would work in WPB.” Nation responded, when asked if he felt a station could operate such as WPBZ did in the current market. “The Buzz came on the air before WPB and Treasure Coast grew into what they are now. That hometown audience has been diluted. Too many people have moved away or just outgrew the music. They have also been replaced by new residents that aren’t necessarily going to support a rock station. A lot like Miami and Ft. Lauderdale. Now it would probably work in a market that’s a bit isolated like a Buffalo or Rochester NY. No one is moving to those places and no one really leaves.”
Since WPBZ’s sign off on December 5th 2011, the city and county remains without a true local alternative or rock station which incorporates newer acts into its rotation.
Currently, the only locally based station within the city range and county remains 98.7 The Gator (WKGR), and while a more modern song does occasionally grace the airwaves, it's playlist caters mostly to classic rock for both this generation and its predecessor.
“I was there for the sign-off. I was the DJ tasked with telling the audience that 'this is it'. I got to thank them and speak from the heart for a little bit. It was very emotional. I played the last song on the air before it switched to the pop station.” elaborates Davis. “The last song was a sweet full-circle moment, Midnight Oil "Beds Are Burning." I smile every time I hear that song since then. The people who were going to launch the new pop station were gracious and allowed me to be in the studio alone for my last break. And I started the song and remained in the studio with it nice and loud for about half the song as I choked back tears. I left the studio, went down the hall, closed an office door and let those tears go. It was like mourning a loved one.”
Since the hole left by the station, there have been an occasional few music festivals to take up the place of an annual local alternative music festival, but none have truly lasted.
Rock venues itself have come down to only perhaps half a handful of major players for smaller acts, which include Respectable Street in Downtown West Palm Beach, and both Propaganda and Bamboo Room in Lake Worth. The lack of a rock radio station in the county has resulted in a ripple effect which has reduced the live music market for Southern Florida to arena shows with exorbitant prices (resell tickets for My Chemical Romance’s sold out show in Fort Lauderdale were upwards of $400 for nosebleed seats, and near double the amount for other closer areas), and a lack of attention, desire and traction for local acts in the area.
A trend which Broward publication New Times noted in their tributary article following WPBZ’s sign-off. “Concertgoers will soon start to notice that fewer and fewer tours will come our way. After all, why should agents book tours to an area where there is apparently no rock market and no avenue to help in promoting? Not everyone uses the internet to find out what concerts are coming to their area; radio has a hand in that one, as well as bringing the sounds of new music to our ears we otherwise would not have known about. A lot of smaller alternative artists may not have had a fan base in South Florida if not for the Buzz giving them the necessary spins for listeners to discover them and venture out to experience them live.”
This may also attribute to why the stations fans remain loyally dedicated to this day, almost 12 years since its last transmission. The Facebook group, REMEMBER Buzz 103.1, currently has nearly 900 active members, with past personalities of the station often active on the group as well.
(Pictured above: Logo for the station from its inception to it’s final sign off)
“What a unique time. Maybe the last time in American history will a format of music be so powerful in uniting an entire generation of listeners. The music was like a drug that we all couldn't get enough of. We lived it, thrived off of it and needed it to be complete human beings learning how to grow up in such a strange time.” Rider continued, when asked of the experience working with the station.
“It was a thrill for me. I love the fact that I got introduced to, and introduced so many others to, bands that were unheard of at the time and ended up being some of our lifelong favorites. I waved the 311 flag proudly since The Buzz first started. Those guys are still chugging along with a loyal fan base 30 years later.” Davis stated.
There are still glimmering beacons of hope around the country for flagship alternative stations.
In the San Francisco Bay Area, Live 105 (KITS) returned to the airwaves on June 5th of this year, two years after going off air, when it was changed to Dave FM. And former Buzz DJ Ross Mahoney, as Davis states, “has been the King of Las Vegas radio for years now, and rightfully so.”
Davis continues. “These days I listen to a public radio station out of southern California, KCSN. They aren't 90's alternative rock like The Buzz was (hardly any station is these days, which makes sense). But they aren't beholden to ratings, so they can play what they want. It's very eclectic and they have lots of great specialty shows. You're not going to hear hard rock like Tool or Rage or anything. But you might hear some obscure Talking Heads, into Marley, into Garbage, into Jack White, into brand new Depeche Mode, into some new band you've probably never heard of, etc. You never really know what you're going to hear.”
Stone adds “I wish people demanded more from radio instead of letting corporations and hedge funds call the shots. It’s a public trust and citizens could put pressure on the government to demand more live local content.”
Nation elaborates further. “Terrestrial radio is still the dominant platform. The reason people seek out other platforms is because of commercials and the fact that terrestrial radio lacks personality and won’t take real risks with new music and artists.”
“Radio as an industry destroyed itself when it decided that it was more important to focus on websites and apps than it did the connection between itself as a product and the consumer.” says Rider. “The clock is ticking like it has been for a long time now. Radio as we knew it doesn't even exist anymore except for a few big major markets that still employ real people that actually live in that town. Even though I am the station voice for over 30 radio stations around the country, I would be shocked if real personality radio is ever really a thing again."
The legacy that WPBZ instituted into the hot concrete of Florida remains a timeless and irrefutable staple. And it’s a token that the former personalities are thankful for.
(Pictured Above: Buzz Bake Sale 2006 Staff Photo, courtesy of Jason Davis)
“I’m incredibly grateful to have been a part of that station and its staff and to have experienced the leadership of John O. I'm also insanely thankful for the support and loyalty of the Buzz listeners. If my career would have ended with the station like it did for some, I would have considered my career incredibly successful. I deeply miss each and every one of you”, says Nation.
Davis adds, “I had so much fun hosting Buzz Light for all those years. Sure, it sucked to get up early most every Sunday (sometimes still "buzzed" from Saturday night) and drive in. But it was a true open format. I could play what I want, play any request I wanted. Add any new music I wanted. It was a blast.”
While it may be a more personal opinion, and perhaps even biased, it is an undeniable fact: South Florida has some of the most passionately driven music fans, and fanbases, of anywhere in the country.
It may not be the small-town hotspot that Washington is, or the underground chic that New York has always carried, but Florida is one of the most powerful markets.
Take out the tourism, strange animals, Florida Man and mounting news headlines against the state and look at its demographic.
Here are the young and in-between generation: a group which stands on a sinking piece of land that may very well be the next Venice, Italy. But we stand on its soggy, mosquito infested and sandy shores, supporting all our friends' bands.
We go to shows, even if our backs hurt and we have work the next morning. We mosh, sing our hearts out under a humid veranda of stars and then drive through the traffic the next day.
We wear band tees in the summer despite the fact that Gildan shirt brand clearly wants to kill us, because who else will rep these bands? Where else can we broadcast our love for new music, acts and show our passion for those acts which shaped our youth, along with the Buzz?
Local and national acts, once they come to the state and most especially West Palm Beach, seem to make a valiant effort to try and come on back once they do. Because they see a crazy, tired and passionately diverse group of people, who just want to sing the words we had etched in our hearts, right back to the people who gave us the words to begin with.
As Dio once said “The world is full of kings and queens, they’ll blind your eyes and steal your dreams, it’s heaven and hell”. And strangely, it encapsulates Florida pretty well.
Whether the FM radio will ever blast alternative once more, we carry that little piece with us.
The FM radio, playing softly in the background, narrating some of our favorite moments. In the car, in our room, and kitchens.
And where there’s a kid, getting excited to hear their favorite song on the radio, is hope for the next wave of possibility.
“The love and honest to God passion for this station is undeniably one of the most timeless things I have ever been a small part of and I am wicked proud to have been a part of such an amazing time in radio in West Palm Beach.” Rider stated. “There will NEVER be a tighter group of people who respected and understood each other more.”
-Jenelle DeGuzman
Additional Links:
The archive Buzz YouTube Page can be viewed here: https://www.youtube.com/@buzz103/videos
New Times full article, “RIP The Buzz 103.1 -- Goodbye South Florida Rock Shows?” written by the New Times Staff can be read in it’s entirety here: https://www.browardpalmbeach.com/music/rip-the-buzz-1031-goodbye-south-florida-rock-shows-6426023
The Wikipedia page for KITS, which has a partial and condensed history of the station can be viewed here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KITS
The REMEMBER Buzz 103.1 Facebook Group Page can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/242324635833984/
#103.1 the buzz#wpbz#the buzz#fm radio#alternative radio#west palm beach#palm beach county#music#local music#buzz bake sale#jason davis#dan stone#tre nation#metal mick mccabe#mark rider#kits#readable noise#Youtube
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Artist: @asterite100
Author & Letterer: @the-suit
Transcript Below
Connie: Hi mom. No I didn’t make it to- No I- Mom! I need your help. Steven is in real trouble...
Moments later
Connie: Yes the wet wash cloth is cold and clean... 103.1 degrees... Pale, slightly responsive but unintelligible. Yea I’ll keep him as cool as I can until you get here. Peridot thinks she has an idea, but she needs your help. Ok. Thank you mom.
#sumac#sumac comic#SUMAC-Comic#Connie#connie su#connie maheswaran#steven#steven su#steven universe#steven universe au#steven universe comic
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"Bless the LORD, O my soul; and all my being, bless His Holy Name. Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits.
He pardons all your iniquities, He heals all your ills. He redeems your life from destruction, He crowns you with kindness and compassion.
He will not always chide, nor does he keep His wrath forever. Not according to our sins does He deal with us, nor does He requite us according to our crimes.
For as the heavens are high above the earth, so surpassing is His kindness toward those who fear him. As far as the east is from the west, so far has He put our transgressions from us."
~ Psalm 103.1-4, 9-12
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All Saints Streets Season Announcements
The first picture is the very first-time work on the web animation was revealed, the second image is the more well known first season announcement. Third and fourth images are the season 2 and season 3 announcements. Fifth image was the renewal for the new season and the last image is the fourth season announcement.
First one is announcing that the first two seasons would be free on bilibili video (no longer the case) and second one celebrates 200/103.1 million views on tencent video. Last two images are for the Japanese dub announcement and for the Japanese release 'Season 1'.
High Res:
Adaptation Reveal | Season 1 | Season 2 | Season 3 | Renewal | Season 4
Bilibili Video | 1030+ views | Japanese dub | Japanese Season 1
Official Weibo
Japanese Official Twitter
Jarvis Dean Instagram
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Day 18: My body is one big ache
1,307 words for @sicktember. TW very detailed description of a tonic clonic seizure. I have witnessed seizures and try to do my research, but please note everyone is different so this won’t be accurate in all cases.
If Cliff could magically exchange one issue for anything else, it would be the seizures. The focal ones and the absence seizures weren’t as horrible, although they still bothered him and were far from pleasant. But when they developed into full, tonic clonic seizures was when life truly felt like it couldn’t get worse.
Thankfully they were rare, largely contained by medication. His brain scans weren’t getting any worse, Cliff’s doctors told them, and that was good news. The bad news was that after his coma, even with all the recovery he had done, he would likely always have some lingering issues. Migraines and muscle cramps were two things that would never go away. The third, although nobody could really say whether it would be forever, was the seizures.
Cliff took his antiepileptic medication religiously each day before bed and a smaller dose each morning. And usually, this kept him under control. It was when he was sick that they tended to come, especially when combined with stress or a migraine. Today he checked off two out of the three if those prerequisites: Cliff was sick, and stressed out because for the past two days he hadn't been able to see Elliot.
A virus had hit the city hard that winter, and Cliff and Elliot weren't able to avoid it. Especially not after Alex and Ryo went down with it the day after they'd spent several hours as a group of four in the studio. Ryo had called that morning, clearly panicking as he apologized profusely that he and Alex had both woken up with fevers. After that it was pretty much just a waiting game.
It hit Elliot first, and he tried to quarantine himself in his studio where they kept a spare bed. This worked for two days, during which Cliff left plates of food and drinks outside the door for Elliot and texted him like they were lovers separated by tragedy. By the time it hit Cliff, though, Elliot was already feeling better other than a lingering cough. As soon as Cliff texted him, ‘It got me,’ Elliot abandoned the guest room and went straight to Cliff.
Predictably, it hit Cliff harder than it had anyone else. Right away he spiked a fever higher than Elliot ever did, the flashing 103.1 on the small thermometer screen as alarming as the fact that Cliff’s oxygen kept dipping low. Elliot wondered aloud if they needed to go to the ER, but naturally Cliff rejected that idea. So Elliot just stayed close, monitoring Cliff for worsening symptoms and trying to keep him on track with medications.
The morning after Cliff went down, he woke up just knowing he was going to have a seizure that day. Knowing didn’t make it any easier - in some ways, it made things worse because he was so terrified of what was to happen. “I don’t want to do this, not now,” Cliff groaned tearfully. Elliot tried to comfort him and administered his pre-ictal dose of rescue medication, but it wasn’t going to stop the inevitable.
“I’m scared,” Cliff whimpered, “Don’t leave me.”
“I’m right here,” Elliot told him, keeping a hand on Cliff’s back where Cliff could feel him. “I’m not going anywhere.”
When it started, Elliot started a timer on his phone. He kept Cliff on his side the best he could and caught the drool that ran down Cliff’s jaw with a towel. “It’s okay,” Elliot kept saying, his voice gentle but firm as he repeated this over and over. “It’s okay, it’ll be over soon. Remember to breathe, Cliff. I’m right here. Breathe. I’m here.” He had seen this many times before, but still, it never got any less terrifying.
Thinking wasn’t a good description of what was going on in Cliff’s head when he had a seizure. He couldn’t really form any coherent thoughts, but general feelings were overwhelming - of terror, of not being able to breathe, of every single muscle in his body cramping uncontrollably. The feeling that it would never end, especially.
It was a very, very long four minutes for both Cliff and Elliot both before Cliff’s body stilled and he went limp, although sharp tremors still went through his muscles like shock waves. It took another two minutes for him to come to, at which he gasped loudly and grabbed at Elliot blindly, groaning. Cliff’s lungs burned from his body forcing all the air out of them, which made him choke and splutter as he tried to take huge desperate breaths between cries. It was scary to see someone who was usually so guarded make those loud, upset noises.
“I’m right here,” Elliot said, used to the way Cliff woke up being almost as hard to watch as the seizure itself. Cliff was confused, always fearful and sometimes combative when he woke up. This time there was no hitting, but there was a lot of gagging as Cliff sucked down huge mouthfuls of oxygen. One silver lining was that Cliff hadn’t lost control of his bladder this time, so Elliot didn’t need to coax Cliff to allow him to change the sheets too. That was always difficult when Cliff was already so distressed.
Cliff whimpered, making meaningless, scared noises akin to a wounded animal. Clover was at the end of the bed, watching seriously. She never seemed to know what to do when Cliff had a seizure. “It’s alright, girl,” Elliot told her. “It’s all over.” He gently rubbed Cliff’s back. “It’s over, baby.”
Slowly, Cliff opened his eyes. “Hot,” he groaned loudly. “M’really hot.” About half of the time, this time included, Cliff’s body would completely lose its ability to regulate its own temperature after a seizure. He’d run an absurd fever, although it would quickly right itself. During these minutes, though, Cliff felt like his body was actually on fire between the heat and the pain of all of his muscles contracting and cramping over and over. His heart felt like it was beating out of his chest. Elliot was already prepared with wet rags, which he placed on Cliff’s body to cool him down. Cliff looked at him, eyes struggling to stay open but full of distress even so. “I’m not gonna have another one, am I?” He said in a slurred but desperate voice.
“I don’t think so,” Elliot said. He had no way of knowing this, but it was better to lie. Cliff continued to take heaving breaths that caught in his throat, causing short coughing fits that brought up a lot of saliva. Elliot helped him contain it onto the towel, murmuring, “That's it, keep taking good deep breaths.” Cliff had given himself an asthma attack from panicking in the aftermath of his seizures before, something that was absolute hell when he was already in so much pain and so confused. They knew Elliot consoling Cliff, reassuring him even if he said the same thing fifty times, helped avoid that. He cradled Cliff’s head in his lap and continued to wet the damp cloths to cool him down.
Eventually Cliff’s body grew more relaxed and he stopped struggling to breath so much. He was impossibly exhausted, every tonic clonic seizure beating his body worse than running a marathon he hadn’t trained for would. “Rest, baby,” Elliot said gently. He wiped the tears from Cliff’s face and leaned forward to kiss his hot forehead. “It’s over. You did so well.” Usually, Cliff would sleep for an entire day after a grand mal seizure. As much as Elliot could, he wouldn’t leave Cliff’s side during this time in case there was a follow up seizure, or Cliff woke up confused as he often did.
“Hurts everywhere. Don’t go, E,” Cliff mumbled.
“I know. I’m not going anywhere,” Elliot reassured him. He’d reassure Cliff over and over, all day.
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sorry for all the complaining about covid but im so fucking pissed. had a video appointment with a doctor at the practice I go to yesterday and she was like mmmm well I think ur fine its basically just a cold :] meanwhile I have a fever of 103.1 DEGREES can barely move without feeling like I'm going to pass out and my throat hurts so bad I want to cry like tf do you think a cold is?????
#i want to curl up in a hole and never come out but ive got assignments to do so no time for that#genuinely miserable
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Praise the Lord, my soul;all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the Lord, my soul,and forget not all his benefits— who forgives all your sinsand heals all your diseases,
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A fictive/headcanon radio station fit for Cyberpunk 2077 presenting German ebm artists. It is Ryder's overall favorite station he likes to listen to every day.
The first of two spotify playlists with a collection of songs I imagine to be one of Ryder's favorite radio stations (in my headcanon) he listens to when he e.g. drives around in the city or got it running in the background in his apartment. Had a hard time chosing the word 'Technoise" for one of them, yet I went with this one for the more ebm, industrial and dark wave focused tracks. I think it does fit better to the overall 'Technoise lore' (see further below) than the hard tech stuff on the second playlist. Some of the artists are already in business since the 80s/90s and especially Faderhead I would have loved to have in the game as he did a whole EP named '2077' dedicated to Cyberpunk when it came out. Overall these songs sound very 'tech'-like and each of them has this base of a repeating beat or melody and even words that stick to your ears. Some of them have actually lyrics, too, some are English, most in German.
Mostly a hard techno playlist Ryder listens to, especially when he's working out. Most of these songs get played at 'Chrome Chamber Rave' a fictive/headcanon event occuring every 1st Saturday per month at the 'Hell Bunker', located in the underground of the Dark Matter Bld. Japantown.
This one is for the more hardcore ravers. When you listened to the other one first then for this one you may understand my decision why I've splitted it up. The beats are harder, there is much less to non lyrics and singing – all is focused on beats, repetition and other sounds. Wanna work out? Take this list if you like it. However, I've placed a few more 'melodic' ones in between so you can take a little break from the harder tracks. These are mostly by the artist 'Klanglos'. Also placed some with opera singing (Venezia, Hardtechno Anthem, Bella Ciao, Fortuna and Ameno) as it is the kind of techno Thyjs surprisingly will find good (because Ry will definitely listen to his music at home and even drag soldier boy to CCR).
All cover artwork done by me.
⚠️ READ: Please do not repost/reupload any of my art (the cover pics) here or to any other platform, or I will be forced to do anything to get it annihilated.
Why two?
There's two of them as I wanted to separate the (hard) techno beats from the more ebm (electro body music), dark wave and industrial ones which I also minimized to German (and one Austrian) artists only. I like the idea it is a station that plays only German as I've read in one of the many lore books that 'Technoise' is a German music genre:
"Technoise and its various derivations dominate much of the German scene. If you're hip, you already know about Technoise. If not, listen up. Technoise is quite popular with the discerning young punk; it was popularized by Germany's own NetWerk actually, you've got your Overlay style from London, Jazznetic from Rotterdam and Echo from Frankfurt. In addition, there are people producing Frock (Fractal Rock) all over the place. The good thing is, Technoise is quite easy to produce. You only need a small computer, some software and you're ready to buzz. Those of you with a message might miss the political attitude, but you're missing the point. Technoise is strictly for partying, tripping and dancing. People meet and dance up to the runner's point. Maybe that's a political statement in itself, oder?" — Eurosource Plus The New Eurotheater Sourcebook for Cyberpunk
Now I do not know how exactly the 'Lore Technoise' does sound as I can imagine it very well having more rock elements (as they speak of 'overlay style from london' (like punk back then swapping over to Germany in the mid or was it late? 70s -> German punk bands formed but also the New Wave came to exist, spread into the goth genre and so on, also Industrial so both ways; rock and electronic elements etc.) so I may have my own headcanon for it, while others maybe interpret it differently?
I definitely see some political messages in some ebm and industrial songs as well but a lot also are focused on something else less political. And if we go pure (hard) techno, it's definitely just for 'partying, tripping and dancing'. I can't say if it will stay like this, if I delete some songs or add new but for now I think it's good. If you want you can follow one or even both playlists. I would be happy about it though I know it's not everyone's music taste. ;)
And yeah ofc I placed Ryder into the covers, it's playlists for him, so yeah. If I ever do it with my other boys I'll do that the same way.
I'm also working on a list for Chrome Chamber Rave that will be even longer and have more songs by the artists that are already on Hell Bunker, but it's more for personal reasons as I started to dive so deeo into it I also searched pics that help me imgine how the location looks etc. Maybe I'll make another post for it, maybe not.
#cyberpunk 2077#about: ryder von scharfenberg#aesthetics: ryder#Ryder's favorite radio stations#been tweaking and fine-tuning this for a few months now and think it's ready to be posted#had a lot of fun working on this#I love music and I love to give my boys certain music tastes#overworked the covers as I didn't like the old ones anymore#because I made ccr cover look cooler than hb and tn#never content with my stuff brudi
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its so serious
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Par Jean-Marie Mondésir
Depuis quelques temps, la collectivité de Dumont est devenue pour les vacanciers de la côte sud-ouest d’Haïti un milieu de référence estivale sans précédent à cause des activités sportives initiée par l’organisation réunion sportive d’Haïti depuis plus d’une dizaine d’années.
La grande ouverture de la 14e édition du championnat de football d’été avec 16 équipes participantes qui est prévue le 21 juillet 2024 au parc sportif de Dumont est l’événement phare qui attire l’attention de tous les fans du football après les tournois de la Copa et de l’Euro 2024. On ne doit pas oublier aussi l’installation du prêtre Sland Michel, nouveau curé responsable de la paroisse de Dumont par les autorités ecclésiales du diocèse des Cayes qui est prévue le 28 juillet 2024 à 9h AM.
Ces deux événements (sportif et religieux) constituent un atout majeur pour les habitants et les petits détaillants de la collectivité de Dumont. On doit savoir que l’ouverture de la 14e édition de ce championnat d’été qui devient une tradition attirera des gens de différentes communautés de la côte sud-ouest pour venir découvrir le charme idyllique des localités de la collectivité de Dumont.
Le comité organisateur de cette 14e édition de cet événement sportif a mis des bouchées doubles pour finaliser la planification de la grande ouverture du dimanche 21 juillet 2024. Selon, notre correspondant sur place, il y aura comme d’habitude des activités culturelles suivies d’un match opposant la Roma, l’équipe championne de la 13e édition au Club de football d’Haïti.
L’équipe chargée d’assurer la sécurité du public au parc sportif de Dumont a entrepris des démarches auprès de la police départementale des Cayes afin de prévenir les incidents de certains fanatiques zélés du ballon rond et les supporters des équipes participantes. On souhaite un championnat d’été où le fair-play et l’esprit d’équipe règnent dans les meilleurs intérêts des vacanciers, des visiteurs et des partisans des matchs de football.
La rédaction de La voix de Dumont tient à féliciter le comité organisateur de la 14e édition de cet événement sportif d’avoir pris des mesures jugées nécessaires pour prévenir des cas de dérapage des fanatiques extrêmes. On encourage le président de l’organisation Réunion sportive d’Haiti à perpétuer cette tradition sportive à Dumont surtout dans un contexte socio-économique et politique difficile où les commanditaires ne sont pas intéressés à supporter financièrement un tel événement qui attire des milliers de vacanciers.
De ce fait, il est important de comprendre l’organisation d’un championnat de football d’une telle envergure nécessite des investissements énormes pour le comité organisateur. Sans vouloir être exhaustif, la rédaction du journal citoyen estime que le budget de planification de cet événement exige des salaires pour le personnel de sécurité, animation de disc jocker pour chaque match, promotion et marketing sur les réseaux sociaux, bail et préparation du terrain de jeu et les salaires des arbitres/ juges de ligne sans compter les primes pour les équipes gagnantes. Donc, il est utile que les fanatiques du ballon rond et les partisans des équipes participantes puissent contribuer à cet événement sportif pour pouvoir amortir certains coûts financiers et maintenir cette tradition au parc sportif de Dumont.
L’installation du nouveau prêtre Sland Michel, curé chargé de l’administration des 4 autres communautés chrétiennes de la paroisse de Dumont le 28 juillet 2024 constitue un événement majeur pour les chrétiens de la congrégation catholique. Ils auront à investir l’église de Saint Nicolas où les travaux de rénovation sont inachevés pour souhaiter la bienvenue au nouveau curé remplaçant et remercier du coup le prêtre Jean Elicio Clément pour ses précieux services aux 5 communautés chrétiennes.
On invite tous les chrétiens de Saint François Sales situé à Marcabée, de Bienheureux Joseph Gérard situé à Roche-Jabouin, de Sainte Marie Madeleine située à Debouchette et de Notre-Dame du Mont Carmel de Chiendent à se revêtir de leurs plus costumes et de jolies robes pour se joindre aux fidèles catholiques de Saint Nicolas afin de souhaiter la cordiale bienvenue au nouveau prêtre Sland Michel le dimanche 28 juillet 2024 à 9h AM.
Les citoyens de la collectivité de Dumont ( gens locaux et la diaspora) doivent saisir cette opportunité inouïe pour être solidaire dans un effort collectif afin de relancer le marathon visant à collecter des fonds pour achever les travaux de rénovation de l’église Saint Nicolas. Cette église inachevée qui se situe à la porte d’entrée de la rue principale du futur centre-ville constitue un patrimoine religieux et culturel auquel tous les citoyens de la collectivité de Dumont se doivent de l’approprier sans tenir compte de leur foi religieuse.
Quelles que soient les circonstances, la voix de Dumont et Dumont Inter 103.1 FM demeurent deux médias dédiés au service de tous les citoyens indistinctement. On n’exige aucune contribution ni reconnaissance de qui que ce soit lorsqu’il s’agit de mettre en valeur les activités entreprises par les citoyens de la collectivité de Dumont sur l’autoroute de l’information. Depuis les années 90, on se fait le plaisir de mettre notre expertise au service de cette communauté.
On r��ve que les habitants des différentes localités se mettent ensemble dans un esprit de solidarité et d’entraide pour travailler en synergie sans préjugés avec la diaspora pour qu’on arrive à implanter des infrastructures locales sans se soucier des maigres assistances des autorités du gouvernement central. On se fait l’obligation d’assurer la promotion de toutes les activités entreprises par les acteurs communautaires sur toutes les plateformes de Port-Salut Magazine afin de donner une visibilité à la collectivité de Dumont sur Internet.
#paroissededumont#solidarité paysanne#port salut magazine#lavoixdumont#Dumont inter 103.1 FM#paroissededumont.tumblr.com#paroisse de Dumont
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Bendizer ao SENHOR é lembrar que ELE é a fonte de todas as nossas bênçãos.
A gratidão no contexto da Palavra de DEUS consiste no reconhecimento de dádivas recebidas (Salmos 103.1-12) que foram ofertadas por Graça (Tiago 1.17), tanto da parte de Deus como da parte dos homens (Colossenses 3.15).
A Bíblia nos ensina tanto a dar como a agradecer por tudo o que recebemos.
Que hoje você seja despertado para ser agradecido pelas bênçãos recebidas da parte de DEUS.
"SENHOR, tenho muito a TE agradecer pelas bênçãos recebidas de TUAS mãos!"
Márcio Melânia
Se você é abençoado por esta mensagem, não guarde para você somente, leia, medite, ore e passe adiante.
#devocional #deus #bíblia #meditação #bomdiacomdeus #oração #palavradedeus #adoração #jesus #vidaeterna #esperança
Quer rever os devocionais já publicados? Acesse: https://shre.ink/gAWH
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Sick Sister
First Tumblr post ever, i work on wattpad but i want to also post my stuff on here. Anyways hope you enjoy
Requested: No
Warnings: Fainting, Hospitals, and one mention of ambulances
Mattie’s Pov
“Mattie” you woke up to Jay pulling your covers off.
“Jay stop, it's so cold in here, did you turn the heat down or something?”
“No, I even turned it up last night cause I swear I could hear you shivering”. Jay said while going to feel Mattie's head.
“Gosh Mattie your burning up”
“I'm going to go grab the thermometer and call will, I'll be back”. Jay said while walking out of your room.
“Alright Mattie, I'm back”.
Jay called Will six times in the past hour taking the hint that he was busy or he just didn't want to answer so he called Connor in hopes that he would answer.
“Hello? Jay?” Connors tone confused on why his co-workers brother would call him
“Matilda has a fever of 103.1. I gave her tylenol around an hour ago and doesn't seem like it's working”.
“As her doctor im saying you should bring her in, but if you think she's ok then you can keep her at home”.
“I'm going to bring her in and-”. Jay stopped mid sentence hearing a loud thump. “Mattie, Matilda?”
Connor could hear Jay running up the stairs trying to figure out what happened.
“Jay-Jay, what's going on? Talk to me”
You felt a familiar feeling in your stomach, either it's because you're hungry or you need to throw up the crackers you ate.
As soon as you stand up get really dizzy you try to shake off the feeling but you can't, so you attempt to head down stairs but as soon as you take your next step you feel your body hit the floor and everything goes black.
According to Will and Jay you tend to faint every time you get sick but you don't remember so you just believe whatever they say and go with it.
The first time this happened Jay thought someone broke in since it was 6 in the morning. You swear you heard will yell that it was just you and not a criminal but your brushed it off thinking it was just a dream”
“It's Mattie, she fainted aging” .
“Make sure you put her feet up i'll let will know”
Before connor could finish jay hung up to call an ambulance”
“What've we got, Maggie”? Will asked as the paramedic handed over the young girl to the hospital.
“Matilda Halstead, 15 years old, found unconscious by her brother… Will you can't handle her, you the hospital protocols, I swear i didn't know”
Will was just left standing there as he watched his little sister being taken care of by other doctors.
Wills/No Ones POV
“At this point i think we should just put in the hospital with 24/7 surveillance everytime she gets sick” Will trying to make a joke
“First of all she hates hospitals and needles so that's a no, and i just realized that i forgot to tell voight i wouldn't be there. Haileys probably thought i've gone missing from not answering anyone's phone calls”.
Just then Connor walks in “Ok so she's ok now and you can see her now, she's dealurios but that will wear off soon. I wanted to run a few tests and it looks like she suffered from heat syncope. It looks like it's what causes the fainting every time she gets a high fever” .
“Thank you Connor”. Will replied
“Anytime guys, anytime”.
Mattie’s POV
Just then you saw your brothers come in and will told you to stop playing with your iv
“Ha you two look alike for some reason”
“That's because we're brother mattie” Jay said while coming sit down next to you
“Mattie? But the doctors told me i was matilda am i impersonating someone” You whined
“No Matilda, we call you Mattie for short so you're not impersonating anyone, '' Jay said, trying to contain his laughter.
“Hey, stop laughing at me. Your so mean” You said almost crying
“Oh mattie jay just a 3 year old in an old man's body” Will sighed trying to calm down mattie
The rest of the night was filled with mattie making everyone laugh then connor discharged her
“Is she asleep?” Jay says when will comes down stairs
“Yep she finally let herself relax and sleep”
“She's just like you jay”
“And how she's more like you” Jay gasped
“She loves to be babied when she sick just like you” Will chuckled
“Since you wanna keep coming at me like that you're in charge of waking her tomorrow morning”. Jay commented
“See you tomorrow night will”
Will sat there thinking about how he's raising two children instead of 1 little sister.
#x reader#will halstead#jay halstead#chicago#chicago pd#halstead sister#halstead brothers#one chicago#sick#fainting#hospital mention tw#hospitals
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