#100th Anniversary of the Provisional Government of Korea
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lovelyz-diary · 8 months ago
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190411 Lovelyz Yoo Jiae at 100th Anniversary of The Provisional Government of Korea‬ © 시작하는사랑 do not edit, crop, or remove the watermark
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ultrakdramamama · 6 years ago
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So proud 😊😊😊
cr: @jinkination
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romanceboys · 5 years ago
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happy birthday onew! © past present future 🌙 do not modify.
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jojal-jojalkorean · 5 years ago
🇰🇷 March 1st Movement Day (3.1절 Samiljul) 🇰🇷
Today is the 3.1절(삼일절, Samiljul) March 1st Movement Day(Independence Movement Day) in Korea! Samilijul is the day to commemorate the 3.1 운동(March 1st Movement), the major revolt against Japanese colonialism. Today's post will be about the March 1st Movement, on how it started, spread, and influenced the society.
◾ 3.1운동의 배경
What led to the break out of the March 1st Movement?
#일본의 식민 통치
#Japanese colonialism
Japanese Empire had colonized Korea since 1910 when the Japan-Korea Annexation Treaty was signed. Under Japanese forced occupation, Koreans had to suffer greatly. Military police system(헌병 제도) deprived Koreans of their freedom. Through land ownership investigation(토지 조사 사업) and Oriental Development Company(동양 척식 주식회사), Koreans lost the ownership of the land that had been possessed by their family for generations unfairly and had to become tenant farmers. Koreans also lost the freedom of assembly and association. The newspapers published in Hangul were banned.
#민족자결주의와 2.8 독립 선언
#Right of “self-determination” and 2.8 Declaration of Independence
After the end of World War I, President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed the right of national “self-determination”(민족 자결주의) at the Paris Peace Conference. Self-determination, highlighting the right to freely choose their sovereignty and international political status without any interference, aroused the independence activists. Influenced by Wilson’s speech, Korean students studying in Japan published a statement demanding freedom from colonial rule on February 8th 1919(2.8 선언). Although the 2.8 Declaration of Independence was restrained by Japanese police, it encouraged 3.1 Declaration of Independence. Meanwhile, Lenin of Russia proclaimed to support independence movements of colonies.
#고종의 죽음
#Death of Emperor Gojong
On January 21st 1919, the former emperor of Korea, Emperor Gojong died. Along with grief, a rumor that the emperor had been poisoned to death became pervasive. Koreans suspected Japan of the murder. It was rather a plausible suspicion since Japan's previous attempts to kill the Emperor were well known and Japan had already killed the queen of Korea. The national funeral of Gojong were to be held on early March. Having expected a massive crowd to gather on the day of the funeral, some activists began to prepare for the independence declaration.
◾ 3.1운동의 전개
How did the Movement start and spread?
#독립 선언
#Declaration of Independence
On March 1 1919, the 33 National Representatives(민족 대표 33인) were supposed to deliver the Korean Declaration of Independence(독립선언서) out loud and start the Man-se demonstration at the Tap-gol Park(탑골 공원). However, worrying that the Man-se demonstration might turn into a violent riot, they decided to meet at the nearby restaurant instead. After reading the Korean Declaration of Independence by themselves, they called the Chosun Government-General(조선총독부) to inform them of their actions. The Representatives were soon publicly arrested. Baffled by the unexpected change of location, the students decided to deliver the Korean Declaration of Independence to the public on their own. Students received the Korean Declaration of Independence from the representatives and a student of Gyeongshin School(경신학교) 정재용 read aloud the Declaration of Independence to the people. This was the first line of the Declaration:
“오등은 자에 아 조선의 독립국임과 조선인의 자주민임을 선언하노라.” (Original)
“우리는 이에 우리 조선이 독립한 나라임과 조선 사람이 자주적인 민족임을 선언한다.” (Modern interpretation)
“We herewith proclaim the independence of Korea and the liberty of the Korean people.”
After the speech, the students started the Man-se demonstration on the streets. People who came to participate in the demonstration along with the crowd that came from all around Korean peninsula to attend the national funeral of Gojong joined the Man-se demonstration. Soon millions were participating. Sound of "Man-se!" echoed in the streets.
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#대한 독립 만세!
#Korea Independence Man-se!
The slogan of the demonstration was “대한 독립 만세!” It can be translated into “Long live the Korean Independence!” People waved the Korean national flag(태극기), their hats or piece of cloths as they shouted the slogan.
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#전국적 확산
#Nationwide Spread
After the Declaration of Independence at the Tap-gol Park, the students and citizens started a peaceful Man-se demonstration in Seoul. At the same time, the peaceful demonstration also took place in major cities including Pyeongyang(평양), Jinnampo(진남포), Wonsan(원산). Despite the violent suppression of Chosun Government-General and the Japanese police, the demonstration didn’t stop. Rather, they developed immensely. Along the railways and trunk roads, the demonstration spread rapidly to nearby cities and to rural areas. Students like 유관순 played the key roles in the spread, gathering people in the areas and drawing Korean national flag for the demonstration. As the demonstration prevailed nationally, the participation of laborers and farmers skyrocketed. Late March and early April was the peak of the Movement. Over 1.2 million Koreans participated in around two thousand demonstrations.
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To commemorate the 100th anniversary, KBS(a Korean broadcast station) created a site named the Man-se Map(만세 지도) where they displayed a map of Korean peninsula marked with the locations of Man-se demonstration day by day from March 1st. It is astonishing to see how many demonstrations took place all around Korea. Click here to check it out!
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Japan tried to suppress the movement harshly. They subdued demonstrations with guns and swords. Many Koreans died of the severe repression. Massacres like Jaeamri Massacre(제암리 학살), where Japanese locked villagers in a church and burned them into ashes, were done. Several thousands were recorded to be massacred by the Japanese police force and army.
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◾ 3.1 운동의 영향
What were the impacts of the Movement?
#대한민국 임시정부
#Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea
The movement was the catalyst for the establishment of the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea. After the Movement, Koreans grew increasingly aware of the need for an integrated Korean government. During this period a lot of Korean governments were established but many of them didn't have much power. Three of the most influential governments united to create the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea(대한민국 임시정부) in Shanghai in April 1919. The Government, though it struggled with internal disagreement as the time passed, led many other independence movements. #국외 영향
#Impacts abroad
Not only did March 1st Movement affect Korea and Japan, but it also influenced other independence movements internationally. The 5.4 Movement of China was triggered by the March 1st Movement. It is assumed that the March 1st Movement had influence on the independence movements of India. Some American newspapers published articles of the Movement, criticizing Japan for their cruel repression and massacres.
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The Movement was truly the manifestation of Koreans’ undying will for freedom from Japan. Last year, 2019 was the 100th anniversary of the March 1st Movement and this year is the 101st. No matter how much time pass, the spirit of independence activists will lie within our heart. 
< Vocab List >
독립 independence
만세 "hurray" "long live~"
시위 demonstration, protest
독립 운동 independence movement
독립 운동가 independence activist
일제 강점기 Japanese forced occupation period
식민지 colony
희생 sacrifice
민중 people
정부 government
선언 declaration
선언하다 to declare
기념하다 to commemorate
기억하다 to remember
-Written and edited by Admin Yu
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taemincult · 6 years ago
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100th Anniversary of the Provisional Government of Korea- Onew
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shineemoon · 6 years ago
190411 100th Anniversary of Korea’s Provisional Government Shinheung Military Academy Musical (Full Performance)
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haydee-gd · 6 years ago
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[041119 - PRESS] Daesung & Taeyang @ the 100th Anniversary of the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea
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fy0new · 6 years ago
^▽^  190409 KST Musical | Shinheung Military Academy
"Shinheung Military Academy musical with Jinki, Haneul and Eunsung will be performing at Yeouido Park to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Provisional Government of Korea on 4/11 at 7:15PM KST (will be broadcasted by KBS, MBC & SBS)
The musical cast will perform two songs (Stolen Spring (Jinki’s solo) & Battle of Qingshanli) Jinki is included in both [ㅠㅠ] also they’ll perform in front of 10000 attendees + ministry of patriots and veterans affairs officials, veterans and their families & more [SO PROUD ㅠㅠ]"
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Source. iloveviewsh
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rillensora · 6 years ago
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I was tagged by @ice-creamforbreakfast to:
Post your lock screen, home screen and most recent song you’ve listened to. Then tag others.
My home screen is just one of the default backgrounds that shipped with my iPhone. In general, I don’t like to have a personalized image for my home screen, because I feel the app icons just cover it up anyway. The last song I listened to is “Green Bird”, from Cowboy Bebop.
However, what I really wanted to talk about (since it’s timely at the moment) is my lock screen, which I’ve had since last April. As you may be able to tell even without the benefit of any context, it’s quite a politically charged piece of art, and I have selected it as my home screen for precisely this reason.
I don’t often talk about politics on Tumblr, and still less about specifically Korean politics. But since today is an important national holiday, and since recent developments have been bringing these issues to the fore for a lot of Koreans including myself, I thought talking about this image would be a good chance to shine a light on the political history behind our current situation that people from other countries are often not aware of.
I know the prompt asks that I tag people, but as the rest of this post gets rather political, and I don’t want to risk dragging people unwillingly into that, I’ll skip that part of the exercise this time.
(Like I ever really tag anyone in these things.)
Lengthier explanation below the jump for those who actually want the politics:
For the past four months, my phone home screen has been a piece of art commissioned by the South Korean government to commemorate the 100th-year anniversary of the March 1st Movements. At the center top of the composition is depicted Ryu Gwansun, who was one of the main organizers of the protests that day. She was martyred by the Japanese colonial government, and subsequently, both she and the date of the events that led to her capture and execution became an ongoing symbol of resistance and Korean identity.
Due to the significance of her role, she is given a focal position in this painting, but she is not the only figure shown. Behind her are ranged the common people who joined her in the protests on that day in 1919 (many of whom shared her fate or worse).
Before her, the foreground is mainly occupied by figures who are instantly recognizable from major Korean leftist / grassroots resistance movements that established themselves during the years after independence, all the way up to the present day:
The April revolution was spearheaded by students (who are recognizable by their retro school uniforms and rather unflattering haircuts.) The movement arose in protest of the elections by which Syngman Rhee ⁠— an autocrat who was “president” only in name ⁠— attempted to illegally consolidate his power, and ended with his removal from power and the installation of a democratically elected president (who sadly did not last long in that position).
The resistance against Park Chung-Hee’s dictatorship in the 1970s was also driven in part by university students, many of whom were imprisoned, kidnapped, tortured, and killed for their “dissident” beliefs. However, for the first time, the leftist movement incorporated vast numbers of laborers and factory workers, most of whom had had few opportunities for education, and who were becoming increasingly exploited and marginalized under Park’s economic policies. The young man depicted holding the book reading “Labor Law” (Hangul: 노동법, Hanja: 勞動法) is most likely a homage to Jeon Tae-il, a young labor rights activist (who himself was a laborer coming from an impoverished background) who self-immolated as an act of protest against the government’s failure to enforce even the labor rights laws that were already on the books.
Resistance expanded among an increasingly more educated social class during the 80s, incorporating urban professionals, intellectuals, and during the final days of the resistance, ordinary citizens from all walks of life, including housewives, shopkeepers, and the elderly. Growing unrest and particularly anger over new revelations of the imprisonment, torture, and murder of dissidents and vulnerable groups, culminated in the June Democratic Uprisings that directly led to the fall of Chun Doo-hwan, our last military dictator, and transition into a liberal democratic government in 1988.
This is not to say that Korean politics after 1988 has been free from turmoil: transition into a democracy was only the beginning of a very long and arduous process that continues to this day, and indeed Korean leftists have always been very aware that the fight against inequality and injustice is an ongoing one. This is why the figure of the young girl, in a modern school uniform, is placed at the very front and center of the composition: the struggle will one day be hers.
Today is another important day commemorating a key event in modern Korean history August 15th, the armistice of World War II. (Most Western sources have the date as August 14th, but because of time zones, it’s the 15th for us.) Since it was the moment that marked the end of a brutal colonial regime, and the moment at which freedom and the possibility of self-determination was most tantalizingly within the grasp of ordinary Koreans, it’s obviously a date of high significance, and a national holiday here in Korea.
But here’s the thing: most Korean historians do not count the beginning of Korean nationhood from this date, nor from the same date in 1948 that marks the founding of the modern Korean government. Instead, it is the 1st of March 1919 that we count as the date of the founding of the Korean nation, that day when the Korean Resistance made its first stand against colonial rule, and the day when the people stood with them.
On the other hand, Korean right wingers vastly prefer the 1945 or 1948 date, because it places the foundation of Korean statehood within the framework of liberation by an external foreign power, and therefore is a convenient line of rhetoric by which they may erase the actions of the wartime provisional Korean government, the resistance forces that fought for Korean independence, and most importantly, the Korean people who supported these movements.
To whom I say: Never again.
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lovelyzglobal · 6 years ago
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190411 100th anniversary of the Provisional Government of Korea © 짓뚜킹 Do Not Crop or Edit The Logo
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lovelyz-diary · 1 year ago
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190411 Lovelyz Yoo Jiae at 100th Anniversary of The Provisional Government of Korea © 시작하는사랑 do not edit, crop, or remove the watermark
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ultrakdramamama · 6 years ago
Onew Focus ~ 100th Anniversary of the Provisional Government of Korea 190411
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romanceboys · 5 years ago
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happy birthday onew! © past present future 🌙 do not modify.
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bodashiri · 6 years ago
Different Dreams (2019)
2019 Korean historical drama / movie #04
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█ Different Dreams (working title) (2019 MBC) 
Official English Title : Not confirmed
Korean Title : 이몽 異夢
Period : Japanese occupation period (1910~1945)
Director : Yoon Sang-Ho 윤상호 (The Legend 태왕사신기 太王四神記,  Saimdang, Memoir of Colors 사임당 빛의 일기)
Writer : Jo Gyu-Won 조규원 (Iris 아이리스, Iris 2 아이리스 2)
Cast : Yoo Ji-Tae 유지태, Yi Yo-Won 이요원, Yim Ju-Hwan 임주환, Nam Gyu-Ri 남규리
Genre : Espionage, Thriller
Air date : May 2019 (MBC, Every Saturday 9:05~11:05 PM)
The biggest Sageuk drama match seems to be happening in May 2019. The three major TV broadcasters plan to air their big budget sageuk dramas almost at the same time every Friday/Saturday night : The Chronicles of Asdal 아스달 연대기 (tvN), Mung bean flower 녹두꽃 (SBS), and Different Dreams 이몽 (MBC).
The Chronicles of Asdal (tvN) is written by Six Flying Dragons writers, Mung bean flower (SBS) is directed by Six Flying Dragons director, and Different Dreams (MBC) cast Actress Yi Yo-Won (Queen Seondeok). OMG, What shall I do? Why should they compete with one another? I love them all. (Sigh)
It seems that Different Dreams 이몽 (MBC) is the front-runner in promoting teaser trailer and highlight video. This TV series has been pre-produced to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Korean government-in-exile in Shanghai, China.
Set in Seoul, Manchuria, and Shanghai during the Japanese colonial rule of Korea (1910~1945), it revolves around Kim Won-Bong 김원봉 金元鳳 (1898~1958) who led Korean independence fighters called "Uiyeoldan 의열단 義烈團" (played by Yoo Ji-Tae). He meets a fictional character named Lee Young-Jin 이영진 (played by Lee Yo-Won) who is a Korean surgeon adopted by a Japanese couple. Both of them become undercover operatives for the Korean provisional government based in Shanghai, China, and get involved in the events leading up to the Asia-Pacific War (1941~1945).
The drama will be very controversial because real Kim Won-Bong defected to North Korea for political reasons and became the founding father of North Korea's communist regime even if he had contributed to Korea's independence movement.  (Later, He was purged by the communist regime in 1958.)
The current South Korean government led by left-wing president Moon Jae-In wants to give recognition to the communist independence fighters like Kim Won-bong who have been removed from South Korea’s list of national merit for the past 70 years. However, for most South Korean public, it is unacceptable to beautify North Korean communists who killed hundreds of thousands of South Koreans during the Korean War (1950~1953) even if they are credited for fighting against Japanese imperialists. 
So, it is really difficult to resolve the big difference of the opinions. I'm wondering if the inevitable controversy would affect the ratings positively or negatively. Would the public ignore this drama? Or would they change their mind and enjoy this drama as a fictional story? It remains to be seen.  
p.s. KBS announced that they will also make Kim Won-Bong drama. Sigh.
Teaser Trailer
Related post
2019 Sageuk drama / movie list
The full list of Korean Sageuks (Since 2000~)
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crayfishpd-blog · 6 years ago
source: starnews
translation by crayfishpd
Kim Sung PD (35), who became the new main PD of KBS 2TV 'Happy Sunday - 1 night 2 days Season 3' ('1 night and 2 days') after Yoo Hojin and Yoo Ilyong PD. So, how the 'one night and two days' that he leads turn out ?
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Kim Sung PD officially appeared in front of viewers when 1 night and 2 days won the 'Best Program Award' from KBS Entertainment Awards in December 2018, last year.
After that, in January, he appeared and made his official broadcast with the members.
Kim PD was so passionate but also, he was so embarassed by unexpected things made by the members, but that made viewers laugh.
Before Kim Sung PD, there were 2 PDs on season 3, and those PDs significantly showed the different colors when they directed that program.
KBS Entertainment PD 2019 that you waited, Kim Sung PD met the starnews to talk about this year's plan, aspiration, etc.
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Kim Sung PD, who became the main PD of Real Wild Variety - 2 Days 1 Night said "i'm still groggy and afraid" He said it was unbelievable to realize his vague dream of taking KBS's famous variety show. "I wanted to do a real variety show, so i applied for entertainment
program PD. one day, i wanted to do 2 days 1 night, but now it became my first major.
According to Kim PD, although being afraid, it was the program that he wanted to do and outdoor shooting fits his aptitude well.
He said that '1 night 2 days' holds a special place in his heart because he worked for the variety show since season 2.
Kim Sung PD became an assistant director for 2D1N from November 2012 to April 2015, and then he moved to Immortal Song from May 2015 to
March 2016. In April 2016, he came back to 2 days 1 night season 3. The new main producer "Kim Sung" had great passion and desire. It is
natural to give joy to the viewers but he had his own philosophy regarding tv show and the reason was special "actually i was a graduate of the theater department and majored in filmmaking. In 2007, there was an opportunity for me to do an
entertainment program. There was an event held by a new agency to travel by city bus from the plaza in front of Seoul City Hall to
Haenam. At that time, i was selected as the first from the five finalist teams to arrive. afterwards, i participated in a race held in Europe and i won that race.
at the time, in the process of making UCC promotional videos, i asked the locals about what their dreams were. various answer came
out.They didn't just talk about their jobs. after meeting them and listening their stories, i thought i should broadcast it rather than
made a film about it. Just then, there was a real variety boom, so i decided to make it be an entertainment. beside made the viewers
laugh, i also wanted to made them felt moved by watching that." he said.
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Kim Sung PD, who has a strong desire for do entertainment, is planning a special feature to make you feel moved by (something related with your emotions). It is related to Independence Movement Day in March 1 (Sam-il Jeol) and also 100th Anniversary of the Mar. 1 Movement and the Establishment of the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea.
He said "i want to make a content related to Independence Movement Day in this year, especially the story of independence movement's fighters. This year Sam-il is so meaningful, because this year also 100th Anniversary of the Mar. 1 Movement and the Establishment of the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea. Thanks to the independence fighters, because of them, we live in a good condition right now and of course i think we should do somethin to remember them."
at first , this project sounds so boring for entertainment program, but Kim Sung PD explained "Real Variety can also deal with a serious topic, so you should make it fun (interesting) to make it easier and faster to understand."
for historical contents, it's not just about laughter but also laughter for the sake of emotion. he make us curious what will the 2 days 1 night Independence Movement special turn out.
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Also, Kim PD is planning for some other specials, such as special feature for viewers. Viewers feature is like a trademark for 2 days 1 night since season 1 to season 3. The combination between viewers and members have the biggest response for this.
he said "this special needs a long preparation. and i'm still adjusting to 2 days 1 night. and i'm thinking to go ahead. but I plan to have a team battle. There would be a maximum level of viewer participation in this special."
Kim Sung PD said, "we are not only focusing on special features, but also our weekly broadcast and our shoots every 2 weeks." he said that they are wondering about how to make the viewers laugh and also sharing various information from their destination location. also, their biggest worry is how to make the viewers laugh every week, because 2 days 1 night is #1 entertainment program in the same time period (slot).
He added "i don't think we are competing with other programs in the same time (slot), but i think we are competing with ourselves from
our last week episode, and we are hoping 2 days 1 night is getting funnier and getting better. the production team are working hard
with all they have. also, sometimes i want to hear "it's not like 2 days 1 night", in positive meaning of course. i hope it will be accepted as something that's not obvious plan or picture.. so, the viewers can watch the show in a new mood"
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shineemoon · 6 years ago
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190411 Jinki at 100th Anniversary of Korea's Provisional Government ✨ © _1989_1214
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